Dearly beloved in Christ, - santhomeenglishchurch.org · 3 Dearly beloved in Christ, It is a joy for me to greet you in the Living Name of Jesus every month through this magazine

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Dearly beloved in Christ, It is a joy for me to greet you in the Living Name of Jesus every month through this magazine. Let us continue to rejoice because we have a living God, He who is our immortal Saviour and the Eternal King. When we step into a new month, we relish and

remember the mercies, grace, forgiveness, guidance, acceptance and above all, His spiritual benediction that we have received in the past month. The Psalmist rightly says in Psalm 7:17 – I will give to the Lord thanks due to His righteousness, and I will sing praises to the Name of the Lord, the most High. Praise the Lord. As we are in the season of Lent, I would like to share a few thoughts on SUFFERING based on Acts 14:22 – through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. Nowadays, we Christians have been led to a wrong understanding of Christianity. Knowingly or unknowingly we strongly believe that, because we have faith in Jesus, it is obligatory on His part to bless us with all material blessings according to our will and wish. Nowhere in the Bible has God Almighty promised or assured us such blessings. Rather, Jesus when He called His disciples, He made it very clear saying, if any one come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Therefore, it is very clear that Jesus never promised a bed of roses or a red carpet welcome, leading us to material benefits. If we read Acts 14:19-22, we find that Paul and Barnabas were thrown into suffering and tribulation because they stood firm in their call to preach the Gospel and to show their life as light. Because of the suffering they did not decide to turn back, but they become stronger in their commitment, and encouraged their fellow believers by saying, through many tribulations, we must enter the kingdom of God. Let us try to understand some truth from this verse. The word tribulation is routed through the Greek word thilipsis which refers to confining, squeezing and pressure. Squeezing of the grapes, as to get the concentrated juicy syrup of the fruit, brings out the essence of the vine. Jesus promised that, in this world we will have trouble, but, take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33. Therefore, it is very clear that tribulations are inevitable as we are committed to a unique, Christ-centred life. Through the word must we are called to learn or treat adversity as part of Christian living. First, because we follow Jesus, who was Himself subjected to suffering. Mark 8:31 says, He then began to teach them that

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the Son of man must suffer many things. Second, because through adversity our faith grows. 1 Peter 1:7 says, these have come to you so that your faith may be proved genuine. Again it is clear that such hard times really prepare us to face the challenges of this world in Jesus Christ‘s Name. And the third word is enter. Most of the people see trouble as a dead-end. But the Bible regards it as a way out into progress and strength. Romans 5: 3.4 says, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope. What a wonderful blessing it is! And the last word is Kingdom of God. This should be the goal of every believer – to come under the reign of God the Father, through Christ, His Son. That is the blessing kept for every believer who opts with joy to undergo such tribulations – sufferings in their Christian life. My dear friends, let us be once again reminded that without cross there is no crown. RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: In the history of the world, only one tomb is still empty and that is the tomb of Jesus! Because Jesus has conquered death… He is alive and He is risen! Hallelujah! In the history of the world, only one tomb has ever had a soldier appointed to watch it in order to prevent the dead man within, from rising and that was the tomb of Jesus! How ridiculous it would have been to see a soldier guarding a dead man! The enemies of Christ expected His resurrection but His own disciples and His followers did not! His followers demanded proof before they were convinced, whereas His enemies strongly believed the statement of Jesus, that He will rise up on the third day. How sad! Today many profess to be Christians for generations but it is sad to see that their feeble understanding and experience about the power of the resurrected Lord Jesus is far less compared to that of non-believers. People of other faith, who do not worship Jesus, know very well that He is living and more powerful than their gods. C.H. Spurgeon wrote, though you cannot like the disciples see Him visibly, yet I bid you aspire to see Christ Jesus by the eye of faith, and though like Mary Magdalene you may not touch Him, yet you may be privileged to converse with Him and to know that He is risen. May the risen Lord open our hearts and eyes to hear Him and experience His power in our everyday life. All glory and honour be to our Lord forever and ever. Amen. God bless you all.

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My family joins me in wishing you all a very happy Easter. Be assured of my prayers at all times. Promise for this month: Jeremiah 31:13,14 – „I will turn their mourning into joy; I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow. My people shall be satisfied with My goodness‟ declares the Lord. Yours in His joyful service, Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar


WHY DID GOD MAKE US? A first-grader looked up at his mother and asked, ―Mama, do you know why God made us‖? Knowing that her son had his own explanation, she asked, ―Well, Justin, do you know why‖? ―Oh, that‘s easy...because the people in the Bible were so bad, He wanted to start over‖. When you think about it, it‘s easy to see how this first-grader could come up with such a conclusion. During his Sunday School classes, he listens to the Bible stories and hears about Adam and Eve, who messed up things for all of us. He hears about Jonah, who wouldn‘t obey God and was swallowed by a big fish. He hears about Judas, who betrayed Jesus for thirty silver coins. The Bible is painfully realistic in its portrayal of people. It is no white-washed version of the history of God‘s people. In its honest presentation of its characters, the Bible proves that we all need to be forgiven of our sins. The ―bad‖ people of the Bible remind us that ―all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God‖ (Romans 3:23) But there‘s great news. God did provide a way to ―start over‖. He sent Jesus, Who died for us so that we could become a new creation. (II Corinthians 5:17) Trust Jesus and be saved from your sin.

D.I.A. Soundarapandian

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While we were waiting outside this tailoring shop called Lydia‘s the other day, my daughter suddenly turned to me and asked, ―Ma, who is Lydia here…?‖ ―I don‘t know, dear‖ I replied ―Maybe, it‘s the Lydia in the Bible‖ I added as an after-thought,

and we left it at that. But this chance observation upped my curiosity, and led me to Acts 16:14 & 15, where we find that Lydia was from the city of Thyatira, but lived in Philippi, currently a province in Greece. Lydia of Thyatira According to Bible scholars, Philippi was then a Roman colony that did not have enough Jewish residents to have a synagogue, which is probably why Jews gathered at the riverbank to worship. During Paul and Silas‘s second missionary journey, they travel to Philippi in Macedonia and evangelize to the women gathered at the riverbank. Lydia, a prosperous businesswoman dealing in purple cloth, is one of them, and she opens her heart to Paul‘s new teachings, gets baptized and invites them to her house. In Acts 16:40, we find that Paul and Silas accept her invitation and visit her before leaving Philippi. Though mentioned fleetingly, Lydia goes down in Biblical history as the first Christian convert in Europe, and one of the many strong women characters in the Bible – across the Old and New Testament. She was devout, defied all convention, came to hear what Paul had to say, with an open mind and took the bold decision of getting baptized as a sign of the change within her, at a time when Paul‘s ministry was still at a fledgling stage. Like the women at the foot of the cross at Calvary, she did not care about being branded a follower of Christ at a time when it was far from being fashionable of profitable. Like the women who visited the empty tomb and were told that He is risen, Lydia is one of the important links in the chain of events that led to the spread of the gospel. Mary of Magdala Perhaps the most dynamic and fearless of all women in the New Testament is Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus cast out seven devils – she is mentioned by name fourteen times in the gospels. She and the other women not only stayed at the cross long after the disciples had fled, but made sure where Jesus was buried so that they could come after the Sabbath to anoint the body. Mary Magdalene was also the first witness to the resurrection (Mathew 28: 1-10), and the first to be commissioned by Jesus to tell His brothers the good news! Isn‘t that the greatest honour?

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This women‘s day, when we are flooded with role models from various spheres, let‘s spare a thought for the women in the Bible, who stand taller than any popular celebrity or modern icon, and draw sustenance from the legacy they left behind. Happy Women‘s Day!

Fabiola Jacob

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Featured on the cover this month is the historic Holy Trinity (English) Church in Tuticorin, clicked by Fabiola Jacob. Built in 1750 by the Dutch, this quaint vestige of the past is described in Church annals as being ―majestically anchored off the coast of Tuticorin in the Gulf of Mannar‖, as its history is woven with the history

of maritime trade. It dates back to a time when Catholic Spain and Portugal lost their supremacy at sea and Protestant countries like Britain, Holland and later Germany emerged as the great maritime nations of the earth. In 1658, when the Dutch captured Tuticorin from the Portuguese, they expelled the Catholic Fathers from the Fishery Coast, and tried re-converting their adherents. While the Dutch turned many Roman Churches to warehouses, they built this plain but massive Church at Tuticorin, which still stands as the sole relic of an interesting though passing phase in the history of the Church in Tirunelveli. Over the porch of this solid structure is inscribed the monogram of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) with the date MDCCL (1750). This is therefore the oldest Protestant Church in Tirunelveli District. With the fluctuations of political fortune it changed hands between the Dutch and the British until it was ceded peacefully by the Dutch to the British on 1st June 1825, with one condition that it should not be named after any Christian Saint. It was named ―Church of Holy Trinity‖ as late as in 1959, and is now a Church of South India property. Located on Beach Road, opposite the Old Harbour, the Holy Trinity (English) Church has several marble and granite tablets within, commemorating Hollanders who had lived and died in and around Tuticorin. The tombstone of Henricus Volraad Von Sohnsten, the last Dutch resident from German origin on this coast, who was born in Ceylon in 1754 and passed away in Tuticorin in 1824, a few months before the transfer of Dutch possessions in India to the British, can also be seen. The Church now has a vibrant congregation and regular worship services are held here.

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The early man used fig leaves to cover, due to sin, But the Lord protected them with animal skin. Man discovered the wheel that can thread spin, Spinning and weaving overcame the era of skins. Jacob gave Joseph a garment of multi-colour, Which became the envy of his brothers. In prison Joseph wore garments like a criminal To solve the Pharaoh‘s riddle, Joseph was given royal apparel. The Lord‘s garments healed her twelve year issue, the woman felt, Her faith did heal, the Lord told her, as she came and knelt. In front of the Lord‘s mount garments were spread to be trampled, Do throw your worldly pleasures for the Lord to crumble. Lord‘s garments were stripped before He was nailed to the cross, To own His robe the soldiers cast lots. To enter Heaven you need garments of salvation, Without it your entry will be a miscalculation.

Prema Jayasundar


‗Three days ago, they buried a Man, Sister Oak, What a lot of spices they used for Him to soak, May be He was in the line of a King‘. ‗Sister Olive, I cannot make out anything‘. ‗Early this morning two angels rolled away the tomb stone, The soldiers took to their heels and are gone. One woman has come and to the angels talking, The angels are saying, ‗why search among the dead for the living?‘ ‗She has gone and brought some men for inspection, Seeing the empty tomb, they are running away in suspicion.‘ ‗Perhaps they found no body, Sister Olive‘, ‗That woman is brave and is still there, can you believe?‘ ‗She is looking into the tomb and is very depressed, One man suddenly appears near her and is well dressed. He is asking, why she is crying, She is asking for the spiced body they took trouble burying‘.

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He says, ‗Mary‘, and she runs to touch His Feet, He steps back, and says, ‗I have yet to the Father meet‘. ‗He says He is resurrected and wants His brethren to know, ‗Sister Olive, He looks the same as the body they buried three days ago‘. ‗May be, what He says is true, He has come back to life, all right, Suddenly He has disappeared from sight. He was dead, and now alive and gone to some other nation, He cannot be human, but God incarnation‘.

Prema Jayasundar

Lenten Bible Quiz

A special Lenten Bible quiz will be conducted on Sunday 6 March 2016, by Mrs. Nirmala Stephen, after morning worship service. Portions for the quiz are: St. John‘s Gospel and Acts of the Apostles.

Participate and strengthen your relationship with the Word of God!

It was Palm Sunday but because of a sore throat, five-year-old Bobby stayed home from church with a baby-sitter. When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm fronds. Bobby asked them what they were for. 'People held them over Jesus' Head as He walked by,' his father told him. 'Wouldn't you know it,' Bobby fumed, 'the one Sunday I don't go and He shows up.' Maria came home from Sunday School on Palm Sunday and told her mother that she had learned a new song about a cross-eyed bear named Gladly. It took her mother a while before she realised that the hymn Maria had been singing was really: "Gladly the Cross I'd bear."

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GOD’S GIFT Rajan the entrepreneur Rotary Governor Merchant‘s Association President Owner of an electrical unit Started twenty years ago Built an empire from scratch, covering two acres of land With his palatial house Boasted he, it was the result of His business acumen, skill and ability, not God‘s gift, But his wife disagreed, quoted from the Bible How Nebuchadnezzar was humiliated Had his dwelling with beasts of the field As he boasted Babylon was his brainchild The story had no effect. A midnight fire engulfed the factory, Spread to his house Before the fire service arrived The factory turned into ashes Rajan rushed out of his house Once more went in, came out with a wallet, Threw it at this wife Shouted none could destroy him She opened the wallet, scanned through The insurance policies it contained Informed her husband a month before The validity expired, he went through the policies Put his hands on his head Exclaimed ‗O God, You have punished me‘ She did not mince her words, told him ‗God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble‘ She knelt down and prayed He also knelt by her side Participated in daily prayers On the third day, she said Had a revelation, God asked her To start a counselling centre for entrepreneurs Their son an ME, MBA To teach how to become a good entrepreneur Many enrolled, not only from India But from foreign countries too It was a gift from Jesus Declared he, his wife Thanked God!

G Joseph

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We are in the season when the Cross becomes our main point of focus, as our Lord Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross, for the sin of the whole world. The cross was once a symbol of shame and punishment until the death and resurrection of our Saviour turned it into an enduring symbol of salvation. Many Christian cultures have adapted this symbol of sacrifice – here are a few popular types of the Cross:

Latin Cross:

Cross with a longer descending arm. Along with the Greek cross, it is the most common form. It represents the cross of Jesus' crucifixion.

Greek Cross:

With arms of equal length. one of the most common Christian forms, in common use during the 4th century

Patriarchal Cross (three-bar Cross):

Also called an archiepiscopal cross or a crux gemina. A double cross, with the two crossbars near the top. The upper one is shorter, representing the plaque nailed to Jesus' cross. The Eastern Orthodox cross adds a slanted bar near the foot.

Globus Cruciger:

Globe cross. An orb surmounted by a cross; used in royal regalia.

Papal Cross:

A cross with three bars near the top. The bars are of unequal length, each one shorter than the one below.

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Association with saints:

Monogrammatic Cross, or Staurogram or Tau-Rho Cross:

The earlier visual image of the cross, already present in New Testament manuscripts.

Stepped Cross:

A cross resting on a base with three steps, also called a graded or a Calvary cross.

Jerusalem Cross:

Also known as the Crusader's Cross. A large cross with a smaller cross in each of its angles. It was used as a symbol of the kingdom of Jerusalem.

Cross of St. Peter:

A cross with the crossbeam placed near the foot, that is associated with Saint Peter because of the tradition that he was crucified head down.

Tau Cross (Anthony's Cross):

A T-shaped cross. Also called the Saint Anthony's cross and crux commissa.

Saltire or crux decussata:

An X-shaped cross associated with St. Andrew, patron of Scotland, and so a national symbol of that country. The shape is that of the cross on which Saint Andrew is said to have been martyred. Also known as St. Andrew's Cross or Andrew Cross.

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Gilfred Sam

Quick & Easy Quiz

1. `I am a weakfish speller‘ is an anagram of

which famous literary personality?

2. Which English poet‘s epitaph reads ―Here

lies one whose name was writ in water‖?

3. Who created ‗The Muppets‘?

4. Which Nobel Prize did Sir Winston Churchill win in 1953?

5. Who wrote the song ‗White Christmas‘?

6. What is the name of the parrot in R L Stevenson‘s ‗Treasure


DIA Soundarapandian

Answers to Quick & Easy quiz are found on page 23.

Armenian cross-stone (Khachkar):

A khachkar (cross-stone) is a popular symbol of Armenians.

Canterbury Cross:

A cross with four arms of equal length which widen to a hammer shape at the outside ends. Each arm has a triangular panel inscribed in a triquetra (three-cornered knot) pattern. There is a small square panel in the center of the cross. A symbol of the Anglican and Episcopal Churches.

Celtic Cross:

Essentially a Latin cross, with a circle enclosing the intersection of the upright and crossbar, as in the standing High crosses

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After successfully completing the Diocesan Scripture examination for the year 2015-16, the Sunday School students had a refreshing session of games organized by Mrs. Anita Foulger. The students actively engaged in the activities, each emphasizing an attribute that God has bestowed us with. The promise verse for the month, ―God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind‖ II Timothy 1:7 was reiterated throughout the lively class. We thank Mrs. Anita Foulger for her enthusiastic participation.


The month of January 2016 was a time of fun with lots of games and singing. The children have grown so fond of English choruses and enjoy learning new ones every week. On 7 February 2016, we were glad to

have in our midst a dedicated team from BCM (Bible Centered Ministries), Vepery. They taught the children bubbly ‗Tanglish‘ songs. They narrated an interesting story on the theme ‗salvation‘. They conducted two innovative games using very colourful and attractive flash cards, based on the concept of freedom, which kept the kids enthralled. The puppet show stole the hearts of many who were gathered there that evening. The story emphasized the significance of obedience and prayer. It was an interactive show, thus encouraging the children to also participate and share their views. At the end of the program, the children promised not to indulge in bad habits and unacceptable behaviour. Pastor closed the session with prayer after which gifts (which were due for Christmas) were distributed to the students belatedly. We thank God for the members of the team from BCM who have dedicated their lives to full-time ministry. We pray that God would bless them richly as they go about doing His work.

Sheeba Roshan

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“MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD AND MY TEARS WERE SEEN BY LORD JESUS” To the glory of the Lord Almighty, I have great joy to stand as a witness for having received the healing by His grace and power, shown to a sinner. For the last 7 years, I had dental problems and have availed courteous treatment from Dr. John Nesan. Even implanting and supply of denture were freely provided to me, as the Lord Jesus was my helper. Recently, I developed an abscess by teeth bite under my tongue which I did not take seriously and failed to report to dentists. As a result, I was unable to take normal food as I could not chew and swallow. I was praying for a remedy, and when I consulted the doctors they warned me that it could be cancer and that I must get it checked. Due to financial reasons and fear, I delayed biopsy further. Finally I consulted a doctor at CSI Kalyani Hospital, who was known to me. With courage, belief, and fervent prayers, I went to Kalyani Hospital on 2 Feb 2016 for biopsy. I was taken to the mini operation theater and an injection was given below my tongue. They removed a portion of the abscess and sent it for biopsy. Through the pain, God‘s love embraced me and I felt the consolation and care of the Almighty. The piece cut from the tongue was sent to biopsy. The doctor treated me to stop the bleeding, but for two and half hours I was on the table, controlling the pain and bleeding. My family and the prayer team of Amazing Grace Ministries were praying for the biopsy result to be negative. On 6 Feb, I meet the doctor who congratulated me and I thanked him. But the doctor asked me to thank God instead, as this was a real miracle. The Lord heard my prayer and tears, and helped me in this grave situation. I came home glorifying God. It showed that God still takes control of situations - however great or grave it may be - and challenges ―is there anything too hard for Me?‖ I take this opportunity again, to stand as a witness of God‘s healing touch. I am reminded of the Bible verse ―I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears, I will heal you‖ – Isaiah 38:5. God has graciously blessed me to celebrate my 75

th birthday this month (18.02.2016). My

humble thanks to the Lord and the doctors who have helped me all these years: Dr. Gnanaolivu, Dr. Boaz, Dr. John Nesan, Dr. Kurian & Dr. V.D.G. Chandran (Kalyani Hospital) and Dr. Arjun.

S. Gnanaoli David

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HE PARTED THE WATERS FOR ME! I was on my way to work on 12 Feb 2016, when the old song `Part the waters‘ by Evie came up on my music system.

When I think I‟m going under, part the waters, Lord When I feel the waves around me, calm the sea When I cry for help, O hear me Lord and hold out Your Hand Touch my life, and still the raging storm in me.

I was thrilled to hear it after so many years, and kept playing it over and over again, thinking what a wonderfully uplifting song it would be during times of trial. Little did I know what was in store for me that day!

Straight from office that evening, I went to Parry‘s Corner to buy kurti material for our choir, for the upcoming Passion recital. Happy to get a parking space very close to Mangharam, I got out of my car, asking the driver to park there itself. I walked into the showroom, and within 2-3 minutes, I got a call from my driver, saying that my laptop (which was on the front passenger seat) was missing. Apparently, while he was

reversing into the parking space, someone distracted him, so he had got down to check. During those few seconds, someone had opened the door and stolen my laptop. Being an official laptop, it had valuable company data and my office work of the last four years. In addition, I had stored all family photographs, loads of sheet music, and information related to EanMe, choir, pipe organ, school and parish hall etc. And the worst part was, I had no back-ups at all….not even at office. I felt a tremendous sense of loss, as if the past 4 years of my life was wiped out. It was a seemingly hopeless case - getting the laptop back looked next to impossible. But even in the middle of this stressful situation, I saw God‘s Hand of favour - we had got a parking slot right in front of a CCTV camera, and so the police were able to get a clear picture of the thief. I pleaded with God for a miracle, and was supported with fervent prayer and untiring effort by family and friends, and encouraged by various passages from Scripture. God also gave us the grace to find favour with various police officials. `Many are they who say…`there is no help for him‟…but You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One Who lifts up my head‟. Psalm 3:2,3 God in His mercy, heard our prayer, and the breakthrough came on 25 Feb 2016, when the laptop was retrieved by the police, from a village near Trichy. I collected it the next day - the laptop was indeed mine, and

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it was in good condition…it is really a miracle! God has been so very gracious to me. The process of data recovery from the hard disk is almost complete, and I am told that almost all the data is safe and is being restored. What was considered impossible by many, has been made possible by our Almighty God! As a family, we are overwhelmed by this great miracle. All praise to our miracle-working God, Who parted the waters for me! My heartfelt thanks to each of you (too many to individually name here) who supported me in constant prayer.

Anila Manoharan


The Lenten retreat in our Church on 21 February 2016 was conducted by Mr. A.S. Chellappa and his family who are involved in a ministry to comfort and support the sick and the suffering. Uma and A.S. Chellappa are no strangers to us, as they were members of our church in the late seventies. During the retreat, they shared golden memories of their days here with us.

The Chellappa family is well known today among Christian circles, as they have formed a music team as a family called "Quiet Time Melodies". They have released many audio CDs and VCDs and have also published a song book for Sunday school children with an accompanying CD. A Tamil book "Padal Pirantha Kathai" explaining the incidents that inspired song writers to compose the words for great hymns that we love to sing, is a very interesting publication. The retreat was well-attended and the speaker Mr Chellappa shared God's Word along with thrilling real-life testimonies which provided spiritual nourishment and encouraged us. As a family they sang many melodious songs which were very uplifting. We would like to thank our revered pastor Rev. D. Richard Ambrose for organizing this retreat.

Agnes Samuel

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The book of Isaiah is appropriate for meditation during this season of Lent and the approaching days of Good Friday and Easter. If you read through chapter 53, you are sitting at the foot of the cross with Jesus.

―He was despised and rejected by men‖ – (v: 3)

―By His wounds we are healed‖ – (v: 5)

―He was led like a lamb to the slaughter‖

―He did not open His mouth‖ (v: 7)

―He was numbered with the transgressors‖

―He made intercession for the transgressors‖ – (v: 12)

Jesus Himself was talking about this when He said – ―Search the scriptures, for they bear full testimony to Me‖ – References to Jesus in other chapters may also be seen, from which a few are reproduced –

―For to us a Child is born, a Son is given, He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace‖ (9:6)

―In that day the deaf will hear… the eyes of the blind will see‖ (29:18)

Christian believers finding Isaiah‘s prophecies fulfilled in the Gospels, have called him the Evangelist of the Old Testament and the Prince of all prophets. Isaiah, son of Amos, was born during 760 B.C. Tradition says that Amos was the brother of King Amaziah of Judah. Consequently Isaiah‘s association with Kings and his sheer eloquence of language indicated that he has acquired a royal education. Isaiah was married and had at least two sons Shear Jashub (7: 3) and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Bay (8:3) referred in his book. His wife is recorded as the Prophetess and no name mentioned here because she became the wife of a Prophet?! (8:3) Isaiah was initiated by God Himself as a Prophet, with fire. In the year 740 B.C., when King Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord seated on a throne and the seraphs with six wings each, were glorifying God. We read further, how at that time Isaiah cried out – ―Woe to me! – I am of unclean lips‖ – when one seraph flew to him with a live coal from the altar and touched his mouth with the fire. Then the Lord said – ―Whom shall I send?‖ Isaiah volunteered – ―Here I am, send me‖. The Lord accepted his offer and said – ―Go and tell the people‖. Thus he became a prophet of God and prophesied from 740 to 700 B.C.

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The 66 chapters of the Book were written probably during this period and beyond up to 681 B.C. when Isaiah died. According to an unconfirmed Jewish traditional report, he was ―sawn in half‖ during the reign of King Manasseh (Heb 11:37). The ―Servant of the Lord‖, songs of Chapters 42, 49 and 53, portrays a New Moses who mediates a new covenant, suffers for God‘s people and brings them redemption. In the progress of Biblical revelation in the New Testament, this servant of the Lord is identified as Jesus Christ the Messiah. The Book also unveils the full dimensions of God‘s judgement and salvation. The awful judgement that will be proclaimed upon all nations and people that defy God is called – ―the day of the Lord‖. It is a day associated in the New Testament with the second coming of Jesus Christ (anytime now) and the final accompanying judgement. Let us be prepared now. The book of Isaiah is among the best attested and proved genuine of all the books of the O.T. It is reported that scribes were deployed during 100 B.C. to copy the books of Isaiah and Daniel. By the end of this assignment, the Romans came to destroy Jerusalem and the scribes preserved the scrolls in earthen jars and hid them in the seven caves of Qumran, where they were recently discovered by shepherds in 1948. I had the rare privilege of seeing the caves at Qumran and the Museum nearby, during my visit to the Holy Land, which has enlightened me and empowered me with more and more faith in Jesus. During this Holy season of Lent, let us – ―seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near‖ (Isaiah 55:6). Also let us assemble at the foot of the Cross and hear Jesus Christ forgiving us – ―Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing‖ (Luke 23:34) – and assuring us, sinners who repent, like the robber – ―today you will be with Me in Paradise‖- (Luke 23:43). The members of the Men‘s Fellowship wish all the readers a very happy and blessed EASTER.

Manoharan Gnanaolivu


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James Curtis Hepburn (1815-1911) was born in Milton, Pennsylvania, and educated at Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned his M. D. degree in 1836. In

1834, he joined the Presbyterian Church in the USA (North) in Milton. Hepburn married Clara M. Leete in 1840 and went to China as a medical missionary the next year. But he had to stay in Singapore for two years as the Opium War was under way and Chinese ports were closed to foreigners. While in Singapore, he acquired the oldest Japanese Bible Yohane fukuin no den (The Gospel according to St. John), translated by Karl Friedrich August Gutzlaff, and sent it to the Presbyterian Church mission headquarters. He met Samuel Robbins Brown at the Morrison Memorial School in Hong Kong, which sowed the seed for future linguistic endeavours. From 1843, he worked as a medical missionary on Amoy Island, till his wife's ill health forced him to return to the U.S in 1845. He spent the next several years practicing medicine in New York. Back to Japan In 1859 the Presbyterian Board sent the couple to Japan, where he remained until 1892, retiring at the age of 77. His great contribution was as a physician and surgeon, winning "his way into the hearts of the people by medical skill and practices." Upon arrival, he opened a clinic in the village of Kanagawa, but he was forced to shut down by the Japanese authorities in 1861. After this, he relocated to the port city of Yokohama, where he remained for most of his ministry. He then worked full-time on Japanese language research, focusing on creating an English-Japanese dictionary. In May 1863, he opened a free medical clinic at the Yokohama Settlement, and his wife opened an English academy in November. He excelled in the treatment of eye problems, but he also engaged in some internal medicine and surgery. He became widely known when he performed surgery for gangrene on the noted actor Sawamura Tanosuke. Linguist and educator Hepburn was also an educator of the first rank. In Tokyo he founded a medical school where he taught both medicine and surgery, which later developed into Meiji Gakuin University. His wife opened a school for girls, said to have been the first Western-type institution for women. She also taught young men, some of whom became prominent in public life.

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Eight years after arriving in Japan, Hepburn's Japanese language research culminated in the 1867 compilation and publication of his Japanese and English dictionary, which included an English and Japanese index. As he had come to Japan to do evangelistic work and Bible translation, early on he and Brown began working together on translating the New Testament. Beginning in March 1874, he met with the translating committee at the Brown residence and participated in almost all of the work done by this committee. In 1882, Hepburn was appointed chair of the Old Testament translating committee, working with Guido Herman Verbeck and Philip Kemball Fyson. Concentrating all their energies, they finished the translation in 1887. The $2,000 he received from the sale of the publishing rights to his third edition of the Japanese-English dictionary he donated to Meiji Gakuin, and the Hepburn Building was erected. From 1889 to 1891, he served as head of the school. In 1892 Hepburn built the Yokohama Shiro Church building and published Seisho jiten (Bible Dictionary) with Yamamoto Hideteru. On 22 Oct of the same year, he and his wife returned to the United States and resided in East Orange, New Jersey. In 1905, he received an honorary doctor of law degree from Princeton University. Hepburn joined the American Geographical Society, and later the American Bible Society. Upon his 90th birthday, the Japanese emperor decorated him with the Third Order of the Rising Sun—Hepburn was only the second foreigner to receive this honor. A legacy of service Hepburn is also remembered as a linguist, developing a system for transliterating the Japanese language into the Latin alphabet. Among his remarkable work in Japanese are: The first Japanese-English Dictionary, a Grammar of the Japanese Language, Dictionary of the Bible, translations of the Westminster Confession, the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and the Lord's Prayer. He also helped translate the Bible into Japanese. With others he "did a great service not only to Japan but to the whole world in helping Japan become an honored member of the family of nations and in building the Church of Christ in the Land of the Rising Sun." After his return to the United States, James Curtis Hepburn died in 1911 at the age of 96. “They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green” (Ps. 92:14).

Courtesy: www.disciplemagazine.com http://www.bdcconline.net/

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John Bowring (1792 – 1872) was a genius. He was one of the greatest linguists who ever lived. He could converse in a hundred different languages. He was knighted by the Queen of England. He sat in the English Parliament. He was the British Consul to China, and later he was named Governor of Hong Kong. He wrote a book on commerce, a book of Russian poetry, a book of morals for young people, and a book on travel to the Far East. But it was while he was Governor of Hong Kong that he wrote the hymn `In the Cross of Christ I glory‘. It was inspired by Galatians 6:14, which in the King James Version reads, `God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ‘. Another influence on him, according to some sources, was the sight of a huge cross on the ruins of a cathedral at Macau on the south China coast. Apparently the cathedral, built by Portugese colonists, had been leveled by a typhoon, but the wall with its bronze cross remained standing. The scene so impressed Bowring that he wrote this memorable hymn of the cross towering o‘er the wrecks of time. The first line of the hymn is on his tombstone. In the cross of Christ I glory, towering o‟er the wrecks of time All the light of sacred story gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o‟ertake me, hopes deceive and fears annoy Never shall the cross forsake me, lo! it glows with peace and joy. When the sun of bliss is beaming light and love upon my way From the cross the radiance streaming adds more lustre to the day. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, by the cross are sanctified Peace is there, that knows no measure, joys that through all time abide. In the cross of Christ I glory, towering o‟er the wrecks of time All the light of sacred story gathers round its head sublime.

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DAVID MARTYN LLOYD-JONES David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (20 December 1899 – 1 March 1981) was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical

doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century. He was the minister of Westminster Chapel in London for almost 30 years. Early life and ministry Lloyd-Jones was born in Cardiff and raised in Llangeitho, Ceredigion. His father was a grocer, and he had two brothers: Harold died during the 1918 flu pandemic, while Vincent went on to become a High Court judge. Llangeitho is associated with the Welsh Methodist revival, as it was the location of Daniel Rowland's ministry. Attending a London grammar school between 1914 and 1917 and then St Bartholomew's Hospital as a medical student, in 1921 he started work as assistant to the Royal Physician, Sir Thomas Horder. Lloyd-Jones obtained an MD from London University, and became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians. After struggling for two years over what he sensed was a calling to preach, in 1927 Lloyd-Jones returned to Wales, having married Bethan Phillips (with whom he later had two children, Elizabeth and Ann), accepting an invitation to minister at a church in Aberavon (Port Talbot). Westminster Chapel After a decade of ministering in Aberavon, in 1939 he went back to London, where he was appointed as associate pastor of Westminster Chapel, working alongside G. Campbell Morgan. The day before he was officially to be accepted into his new position, World War II broke out in Europe. During the same year, he became the president of the Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Students (known today as the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UK)). During the war he and his family moved to Haslemere, Surrey. In 1943 Morgan retired, leaving Lloyd-Jones as the sole Pastor of Westminster Chapel. Lloyd-Jones was well known for his style of expository preaching, and the Sunday morning and evening meetings at which he officiated drew crowds of several thousand, as did the Friday evening Bible studies, which were, in effect, sermons in the same style. He would take many months, even years, to expound a chapter of the Bible verse by verse. His sermons would often be around fifty minutes to an hour in length, attracting many students from universities and colleges in London. His sermons were also transcribed and printed (virtually verbatim) in the weekly Westminster Record, which was read avidly by those who enjoyed his preaching.

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Later life Lloyd-Jones retired from his ministry at Westminster Chapel in 1968, following a major operation. For the rest of his life, he concentrated on editing his sermons to be published, counselling other ministers, answering letters and attending conferences. Perhaps his most famous publication is a 14 volume series of commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, the first volume of which was published in 1970. Despite spending most of his life living and ministering in England, Lloyd-Jones was proud of his roots in Wales. He best expressed his concern for his home country through his support of the Evangelical Movement of Wales: he was a regular speaker at their conferences, preaching in both English and Welsh. Since his death, the movement has published various books, in English and Welsh, bringing together selections of his sermons and articles. Lloyd-Jones preached for the last time on 8 June 1980 at Barcombe Baptist Chapel. After a lifetime of work, he died peacefully in his sleep at Ealing on 1 March 1981, St David's Day. He was buried at Newcastle Emlyn, near Cardigan, west Wales. Though there have been various publications about Lloyd-Jones and his work, the most popular among these is a biography in two volumes by Iain Murray.

Courtesy: www.mljtrust.org

Answers to the Quick & Easy Quiz

1. William Shakespeare

2. John Keats

3. Jim Henson

4. Nobel Prize for Literature

5. Irving Berlin

6. Captain Flint

The message of Easter is not that Jesus is alive, it is so much more. The message of Easter is that Jesus has risen - Colin Smith The tomb of Christ is famous because of what it does not contain - Sam Morris We live and die; Christ died and lived! - John Stott

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BIBLE QUIZ FOR ALL The quiz is open to participants of all ages. Answers should be given by the 20

th of every month.

Late entries will not be considered. Answers should be mailed to [email protected] or given to Mrs. Sheeba Roshan in person. Names of participants with score will be mentioned in the next issue. Winners will be awarded at the end of the year. QUIZ 3 Portion: Genesis chapters 31-45

ACROSS 1 Laban overtook Jacob here ( 6 ) 2 Jacob's settlement ( 6 ) 3 May the Lord watch between you and me ( 6 ) 4 He was reminded of his short comings ( 9 ) 5 He was born at Kezib ( 6 ) 6 He was brought out to them ( 6 )

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DOWN: 7 The prisoners thought that these belonged to God ( 15 ) 8 Priest of On ( 9 ) 9 God spoke to Jacob here ( 6 ) 10 A stream on the east of River Jordan ( 6 ) Answers to Quiz 2: 1. PAHLACMEH - MACHPELAH (Gen 23:9) 2. EMLHSIA - ISHMAEL (Genesis 16:11) 3. DAMARANDAP - PADANARAM (Gen 25:20) 4. HIHLAB – BILHAH (Gen 30:3) 5. IDHJUT - JUDITH (Gen 26:34) 6. ROMAGHO - GOMORRAH (Gen 19:24) 7. HIAROM - MORIAH (Gen 22:2) 8. REKAHTU - KETURAH (Gen 25:1) 9. BETROHOH - REHOBOTH (Gen 26:22) 10. LICHEAMEB – ABIMELECH (Gen 20:2)

Points tally after Quiz 2:

Feb 2016 Aggregate

1 Adelene Mercy 10 20

2 Andrew Melvin 10 20

3 Aria Anna - 10

4 Diya Rajiv 10 20

5 Jadon Dhyriam 10 20

6 Jason Travis Daniel 10 20

7 Jasweena Paul 10 20

8 Jeremy Roopsingh 10 20

9 Jessica Moses 10 20

10 Latha Chittaranjan 10 10

11 Santosh Dhyriam 10 20

12 Sharon J. 10 18

13 Shreya Dhyriam 10 20

14 Sneha Rachel 10 20

15 Tasha Grace 10 20

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EASTER …the angel answered and said to the women, ―Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. St. Matthew 28:5,6

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We welcome your original contributions to the EanMe in the form of articles, poems, Protestant church pictures for the cover, or information relevant to the season. Please send your entries by hard/soft copy to reach the STEC church office [email protected] or [email protected] by the 20

th of every month.

You can read the current issue of EanMe online at http://www.santhomeenglishchurch.org/eanme.pdf. A few earlier issues have been archived on `CSI St. Thomas English Church, Santhome‘ facebook group. Contributions are also invited for the Sunday bulletin. If you have any interesting information to share in the form of anecdotes, short stories etc. (around 100 words) relevant to the Sunday theme, please mail it to Kavita Edward: [email protected]

Lenten Retreat & Outreach Program

On Saturday 12 March 2016, we will be visiting CSI

Mangapuram – Tiruttani pastorate, and a retreat will be

held there. We will be leaving at 8.00am and will be back

by 7.00pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to all

participants. Those interested in joining this trip are

requested to register their names in the notepad kept outside our Church

Celebrate God’s presence in worship Dr. Enoch Fernando will be ministering to us through music on Sunday 13 March 2016 during the Matins service. He is a two-time Grammy contender, Christian music artist cum speaker, and the President of `Christ for India‘. His wife Rebekah is an award-winning country music artist. Pastor Rick Warren says "Enoch's music will thrill your heart". Participate and be blessed!

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Sunday School : English: Sunday – 8:15 am

Tamil: Sunday - 4 pm

Tweens Fellowship : Sunday - 4:30 pm

Medical Centre : Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 4.30 to 6 pm

Women’s Fellowship : I and III Saturday - 5:00 pm

Men’s Fellowship : II and IV Saturday - 6:30 pm

Young Adult Fellowship : Sunday - 5:00 pm

Hospital visit : IV Sunday - 10:30 am




Mr. Bright Joseph

Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

Mr. Daniel Manickam Inbaraj

Mr. Ranjan Selvakumar

Mr. Roshan Soundarapandian

Mr. Gerald Joshua Divyaprabu

Mrs. Caroline Roopsingh

Mrs. Samantha Daniel

Mrs. Ramona Crownie Deva Anand

Mrs. Diana Prasathini Arjun

Most Rev. Dr. G. Dyvasirvadam CSI Moderator and Bishop-in-charge

The Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Rajavelu Moderator's Commissary

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter-in-charge

Mr. Milton Sigamoney Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses

Lay Readers

Mr. Benjamin Hastings Secretary

Mrs. Gemina Martin Treasurer

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Date and Time

Day Services and Preacher Theme Stewards for Bible reading and Offertory

2.3.2016 7.00 pm

Lenten mid-week devotional service

Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Message: Rev. Dr. B.J. Premiah

In Christ our life giver

St. John 15: 1 – 11

6.3.2016 7.30 am 6.00 pm

Third Sunday before Easter- Fourth in Lent

Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Even Song: Message: Mr. Milton Sigamoney

Sardis – ―wake up‖

Micah 6: 6 – 8 Revelation 3: 1 – 6 Psalm 51 St. Mathew 12: 15 – 21 Mr. & Mrs. Pradeep Kumar Daniel

9.3. 2016 7.00 pm

Lenten mid-week devotional service

Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Message: Rev. Dr. B.J. Premiah

Under Christ our Lord

Romans 12: 1 – 8

13.3.2016 7.00 am 8.15 am 6.00 pm

Second Sunday before Easter - Passion Sunday

Holy Communion:

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Message: Mrs. Lillian Richard Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose

The Cross and the church

Exodus 1: 8 – 14 I Peter 3: 8 – 22 Psalm 69: 1 – 8 St. Mark 10: 35 – 52 Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Hermes

16.3.2016 7.00 pm

Lenten mid-week devotional service

Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Message: Rev. Dr. B.J. Premiah

For Christ our leader

II Corinthians 5: 11 – 21

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20.3.2016 7.00 am 7.30 am

6.00 pm

Sunday before

Easter - Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday procession Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Passion recital by choir

The coming

Ruler of God‘s people

Zechariah 9: 9 – 12 Acts 4: 23 – 31 Psalm 24 St. Mathew 21: 1 – 11 Mr. & Mrs. G.A. Shanthakumar

21.3.2016 7.00 pm

Holy Monday

Devotional service: Mr. Milton Sigamoney

Cursing the fig tree and

cleansing of the temple

St. Mathew 21: 18, 19 St. Mark 11: 15 – 19

22.3.2016 7.00 pm

Holy Tuesday

Devotional service: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose

Questioning of Jesus‘ authority

St. Mathew 21: 23 – 27

23.3.2016 7.00 pm



Devotional service: Mrs. Lillian Richard



St Luke 7: 36 – 50


7.00 pm

Maundy Thursday

Holy Communion: Rev D. Richard Ambrose

Eucharist: the

great thanksgiving

Exodus 12: 1 – 8, 11 – 14 I Corinthians 11: 23 – 24 Psalm 63 St. Mark 14: 12 – 26


11.30 am

Good Friday

Meditations on the seven words: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose and other speakers

By Christ our


Isaiah 53: 4 – 12 Hebrew 10: 11 – 18 Psalm 22 St. Luke 23; 13 – 49

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26.3.2016 11.30 pm

27.3.2016 8.00 am 6.00 pm

Easter festival


Easter Sunday

Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Holy Communion: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Message: Mrs. Lillian Richard

Christ‘s resurrection: celebration of


Exodus 14: 5 – 30 Colossians 3: 1 – 11 Psalm 118: 14 – 29 St. Mathew 28: 1 – 10 Mr. & Mrs. Immanuel Roopsingh