Debugging Productio n SharePoin t Applicati ons Wouter van Vugt

Debugging Production SharePoint Applications

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Debugging Production SharePoint Applications. Wouter van Vugt. Agenda. How .NET and the CLR work Optimizing code and the effect on debuggers Debugging third party code. How .NET and the CLR work. .NET Applications. Written in any language Executed in a runtime called CLR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Debugging Production SharePoint Applications

Debugging Production SharePoint

ApplicationsWouter van Vugt

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• How .NET and the CLR work• Optimizing code and the effect on debuggers• Debugging third party code

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.NET Applications

• Written in any language• Executed in a runtime called CLR

– Shield code from hardware specifics• Java: One language, multi OS• .NET: Many languages, one OS (and Mono)

– Allows various types of preprocessing of codeOS



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Common Language Runtime


• Memory management• Thread synchronization• Error handling• Type Safety


• Code Access Security• Data Execution

Prevention (OS)• Address Space Layout

Randomization (OS)

Execution • Intermediate Language

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Type Safety

• Type Safety– A pointer of a specific type can never point to an

object which is not of that type!

– Checked at compile AND runtime!– Knowing the actual type enables

• Reading its data Quite useful in debugging • Calling its functions

Car c = new Person()

‘Pointer type’ Pointer Object type

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Creating .NET Applications

C#, C++, VB.NET, F#....



Compile Link Assembly


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Executing code

• Assemblies contain mostly IL code– IL is the ‘Machine code’ for .NET– Compiled to native instructions at runtime

through the JIT Compiler– Enough information remains to decompile back to


C# Machine Code

Language richness compared


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Executing code with JIT CompilationConsole.WriteLine("Hi");Console.WriteLine("There"


JIT Compiler- Lookup IL for method- Compile IL to native- Modify metadata to

point to compiled code- Jump to compiled code

Console metadata

static void WriteLine(string)

JIT Compiler Address

static void WriteLine()

JIT Compiler Address

Native CPU Instructions

Native Address

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Executing code with JIT CompilationConsole.WriteLine("Hi");Console.WriteLine("There"


Console metadata

static void WriteLine(string)

JIT Compiler- Lookup IL for method- Compile IL to native- Modify metadata to

point to compiled code- Jump to compiled code

Native Address

static void WriteLine()

JIT Compiler Address

Native CPU Instructions

Page 12: Debugging Production SharePoint Applications

Code optimization

• Compile-time– Constant value folding– Remove Branch to next

instruction and NOP instructions used to break on control flow, {, }, EndIf etc

– Overflow checking– …

• During JIT– Eliminate local variables– Range check elimination– Method inlining– Tail call optimization– Common subexpression

elimination– Dead code elimination– Loop unrolling– …

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Running non optimized code

• Breakpoints • Edit and continue

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C# Compiler – Variable Generation

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C# Compiler – Variable Generation

Debug Release

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C# Compiler – Inserting NOP

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C# Compiler – Inserting NOP

Debug Release

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C# Compiler – Branching

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C# Compiler – Branching

Debug Release

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Just In Time Compilation

• Transformation of MSIL to native x86 / x64 / ARM etc

• Can optimize code– Mathematically ensured correctness

• Takes a small performance hit during startupCompiler switch C# IL Code Quality JIT Native Code Quality

/optimize- /debug- Unoptimized Optimized

/optimize- /debug+ Unoptimized Unoptimized

/optimize+ /debug+ Optimized Optimized

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• JIT Compilation incurs a runtime cost• NGEN pre-compiles MSIL assemblies to

machine code• Runs as a service in the background• Also used by the “.NET Runtime Optimization


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JIT - Local variable eliminationUser user = GetUser(3);PrintUser(user);




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JIT – Range check eliminationstatic int[] _array = new int[10]; static volatile int _i; static void Main(string[] args) {

for (int i = 0; i < _array.Length; ++i) _i += _array[i];


static int[] _array = new int[10]; static volatile int _i; static void Main(string[] args) {

int[] localRef = _array; for (int i = 0; i < localRef.Length; ++i)

_i += localRef[i]; }



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JIT – Method Inliningpublic class Program {

public static int And(int first, int second) { return first & second;

}static void Main(string[] args) {

int i = And(5, 4); }


public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {

int i = 5 & 4; }




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JIT – Tail Call Optimizationstatic void Main(string[] args){ TestTailCallOptimization();}

public static void TestTailCallOptimization(){ string s = "Test"; TailCall1(s);}

static void TailCall1(string s){ Console.WriteLine(s); TailCall2(s);}

static void TailCall2(string s){ Console.WriteLine(s + s);}

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Loading non-precompiled assemblies

• Native NGEN images are hard to debug– Remove the NGEN image

– Or, prevent NGEN image from loadingC:\> SET COMPLUS_ZAPDISABLE=1

C:\> NGEN uninstall MyAssembly

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Preventing JIT optimization

• Creating debug builds– JIT prevented through compile time attributes

• INI file MyAssembly.ini

• In Visual Studio, on module load after attach

[.NET Framework Debugging Control]GenerateTrackingInfo=1AllowOptimize=0

[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default)]

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Debugging code

• PDB files are as essential as code!

• Breakpoints can do way more than break

• Tracing is cheaper than debugging

• IntelliTrace can run in production

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PDB Files

• Contain vital debugging information• No PDB? Severely limited debugging experience!• Minimal investment: Symbol server

• Managed PDB files contain– Source file names / line numbers– Local variable names– Alternate streams Used by TFS

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Symbol Servers

• Central repository for storing debug symbols• File system based technology• Integrated into Team Foundation and Visual


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Locating debug symbols

• PDB files are located– Same directory as module– Hardcoded path in module– Symbol server cache– Symbol server

MyAssembly.dll MyAssembly.pdb


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• Use to peek inside PE files

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Prevent loading all PDBs

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Visual Studio Source Server support

• Allows Visual Studio to download relevant source files automatically from a repository.

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Configuring Symbol Locations

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PDB alternate streams

• Used by TFS to store server path to sources

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Working with break points

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Setting breakpoints on automatic properties

• Use ‘Break at function’ and enter get_name

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Setting breakpoints on automatic properties

• Inspect callstack / locals window

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Debugging third party code

• Red Gate .NET Reflector PRO– Decompile assemblies into source code– Generate PDB file from assembly + source– Enables debugging third party code

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Enabling remote debugging

• Run Remote Debugging x86 or x64• Give permissions• Connect

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