Decade Review

Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

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Page 1: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

Decade Review

Page 2: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Long hot summers• U-2 incident• Détente• Freedom Summer• Greensboro sit-ins• 1960s• What else happened?

Page 3: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Waving the Bloody Shirt• Battle of Little Big Horn• Boss Tweed• Freedmen’s Bureau• Crédit Mobilier• 1870s• What else happened?

Page 4: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Jacob Riis published "How the Other Half Lives“

• McKinley Tariff• Sherman Silver Purchase Act• Yosemite National Park • Pullman Strike• 1890s• What else happened?

Page 5: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Lost Generation• Henry Ford• Sacco and Vanzetti• Marcus Garvey• Warren G. Harding• 1920s• What else happened?

Page 6: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Phony War• Brain Trust• Huey Long• Congress of Industrial Workers• AAA• 1930s• What else happened?

Page 7: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Saturday Night Massacre• Camp David Accords• Roe v. Wade• SALT I Treaty• United States Environmental Protection

Agency.• 1970s• What else happened?

Page 8: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Alger Hiss• Henry Wallace• NATO• Tuskegee Airmen• Truman Doctrine• 1940s• What else happened?

Page 9: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• American Colonization Society• Tariff of Abomination• South Carolina Exposition• Era of Good Feelings• Missouri Compromise• 1820s• What else happened?

Page 10: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Julius and Ethel Rosenberg• Sputnik• Brown v. Board of Education• Beat Generation• Baby Boomers• 1950s• What else happened?

Page 11: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Wagner Act• Bank Holiday• Scottsboro Boys• National Recovery Administration• Destroyer Deal• 1930s• What else happened?

Page 12: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Jay Treaty• Virginia and Kentucky Resolution• Bank of the United States• XYZ Affair• Whiskey Rebellion• 1790s• What else happened?

Page 13: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Gag Rule• Bank Wars• Spoils System• Second Great Awakening• Transcendentalism• 1830s• What else happened?

Page 14: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Ralph Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed• Warren Commission• Malcom X• Bay of Pigs• War on Poverty• 1960s• What else happened?

Page 15: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Bland-Allison Act• Thomas Nast• Henry George, Progress and Poverty• Munn v. Illinois• Buffalo hunters• 1870s• What else happened?

Page 16: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Coxey’s Army• Frederick Olmstead• Wounded Knee• Teller Amendment• Ghost Dance• 1890s• What else happened?

Page 17: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Committee on Public Information• Federal Reserve System• International Workers of the World• 16th, 17th and 18th Amendments• League of Nations• 1910s• What else happened?

Page 18: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Jerry Falwell• "tear down this wall“• Strategic Defense Initiative• MTV• Summer Olympics boycott.• 1980s• What else happened?

Page 19: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Margaret Sanger• Thomas Hart Benton• Teapot Dome• Universal Negro Improvement Assc.• Spirit of St. Lewis• 1920s• What else happened?

Page 20: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Granger Laws• Crop Lien System• Klu Klux Klan• Tenure of Office Act• Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act• 1860s• What else happened?

Page 21: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Corrupt bargain• Erie Canal• Lowell System• Gibbon’s vs. Ogden• Monroe Doctrine• 1820s• What else happened?

Page 22: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Tuskegee Institute• A Century of Dishonor written by Helen Hunt

Jackson• Chinese Exclusion Act• Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act• Haymarket Riot• 1880s• What else happened?

Page 23: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Embargo Act• Second Bank of the United States• Cumberland Road • Adams–Onís Treaty• McCulloch v. Maryland• 1800s• What else happened?

Page 24: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Embargo Act• Second Bank of the United States• Cumberland Road • Adams–Onís Treaty• McCulloch v. Maryland• 1810s• What else happened?

Page 25: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Oregon Trail• The Liberator• Texas Revolution• Alexis De Tocqueville's Democracy in America • Specie Circular • 1830s• What else happened?

Page 26: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Wilmot Proviso • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • California Gold Rush• Webster-Ashburton Treaty• Tippecanoe and Tyler Too• 1840s• What else happened?

Page 27: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Matthew Perry • Pottawatomie Massacre• Comstock Lode• Dred Scott v. Sandford• Kansas-Nebraska Act• 1850s• What else happened?

Page 28: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Homestead Act .• Wade–Davis Bill.• Sand Creek Massacre• Alaska Purchase • First Transcontinental Railroad.• 1860s• What else happened?

Page 29: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Roosevelt Corollary• Hepburn Act • Pure Food and Drug Act • Gentlemen's Agreement• NAACP was founded• 1900s• What else happened?

Page 30: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Standard Oil Company v. United States• The Birth of a Nation• Jeannette Rankin• Zimmermann telegram• Espionage Act• 1910s• What else happened?

Page 31: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Stonewall riots• Clean Air Act• Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique• Tonkin Gulf incident.• Watts Riot • 1960s• What else happened?

Page 32: Decade Review. Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

• Turner Thesis• Populists Party• Joseph Pulitzer• Plessy v. Ferguson• New Immigrants• 1890s• What else happened?