Decalcify Pineal Gland

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Tips on Decalcify Pineal I am no doctor so use at own risk do your research

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I have a pretty much guaranteed way of opening your third eye/ activating your pineal gland. Just know that it's NOT always fun, for real. You get new perceptions, reality synchronizations and are open to psychic attacks and various new psychic phenomenon that are difficult to control, understand or withstand. You will get new VERY strong and very noticeable sensations of pressure in your head that move around and react to your emotions, other people and lots of other things and it can also guide you. Think about what you really want to get out of it before you start. I mean being open to new psychic feelings is definitely an interesting new perception of reality, but it might not be what you would have liked it to be.However, if you want to go through with it:Get Lugol's Iodine solution (about 7%) and Ionic Boron solution. Put 2mL of Ionic Boron and 6 drops of iodine in a small glass of orange juice and drink (you can use other juice, this is a taste preference, I prefer orange juice to mask the initial taste of the iodine, when your body is no longer deficient in iodine you no longer taste it). These decalcify your pineal gland and in general are very good for you body and brain health, removing heavy metals from your body, increasing your metabolism, improving your immune system and others you can research. Start brushing with non-fluoridated toothpaste too, I use olive-leaf toothpaste.Drink a glass of this orange juice everyday. Within a few days you will notice your dreams are MASSIVELY more vivid and you will remember your dreams very easily and have more of them. Within a few weeks you should notice new sensations in your body and mind.--------------------Use 20 mules team for borax source- '20 Mule Team' brand, 1/4 teaspoon mixed with a liter of water to be sipped throughout the dayBe forewarned, when doing a fluoride cleanse the first time you may experience headaches and nausea. Drink this for no longer than 3 days at a time with a few days off in between: