TEACHING REPORTED SPEECH USING COMBINATION OF DIRECT METHOD AND GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHOD ( A Case Study on The First Year of SMU Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara ) A Paper Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 By: Decli Daryanto NIM.100014017972 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIY AH AND TEACHERS' TRAINING SY ARIF HIDAY A TULLAH ST ATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2004 MI 1425 H

Decli Daryanto - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakartarepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/9661/1...Decli Daryanto NIM.100014017972 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIY AH

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( A Case Study on The First Year of SMU Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara )

A Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1


Decli Daryanto NIM.100014017972





2004 MI 1425 H

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( A Case Study on The First Year Of SMU Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara )

A Paper

Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers' Training

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1


Dedi Daryanto NIM. I 00014017972

Approved by Advisor:

Mas'ud Mada, MA NIP. 150 012 951





2004 MI 1425 H

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A paper titled, " Teaching Reported Speech using Combination of Direct

Method and Grammar-Translation Method" ( A Study Case on the First Year of

SMU Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara ) was examined at the examination session of

the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

in February, 1411' 2005. This paper has fulfilled the requirement for Sarjana

Degree (SI) at English Department.

Jakarta, 14'h February 2005

Examination Committee

The Secretary of committee

Examiner I

:Ji· Ors. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd

NIP. 150 04 I 070

Examiner II

Mas'ud Mada, M.A. NIP. 150 012 95!

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In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

Praise to be Allah almighty, The Lord of universe who has given

chance to the writer to complete this paper. Peace and blessing be upon our

Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and his followers.

The writer realizes that he would never finish writing this paper

without the help of some people around him, therefore, he would like to

give special thanks to:

l. Prof. Dr. Salman Harun, the dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences


2. Mr, Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd~ (the Chief of English Department), and

Mr. Syauki, M.Pd. (the Secretary of English Department).

3. Mr. Mas'ud Mada, M.A., as the writer's advisor for his time, guidance,

kindness, and patience in correcting and helping him in finishing this


4. Mr. Mudi Rahayu, B.A. (the Headmaster of SMU Wijaya Kusuma

Jakarta Utara), and Mrs. Saidah (the English Teacher at SMU Wijaya

Kusuma Jakarta Utara).

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5. His Beloved Parents; Mama Munaji and Mimi Robiah, and his beloved

sisters; Y ayu Ani Susana and Lia Amalia tun Hikmah, and then his

beloved brother; Adi Ferdiansyah. He loves you ve1y much. His

Beloved Uncle and Aunt; Wawa Tajudin and Wawa Ayu, for their

supports, and his beloved cousins; Amer and Ana.

6. All Lecturers of VIN, especially English lecturers, for teaching,

sharing, and giving their experiences.

7. All of his friends at UIN and all friends in his boarding house. The

staffs and officers of library of UIN, British Council and UNJ who

helped him to b01Tow and read some books that relate to his paper.

May Allah Almighty bless them all. Amien.

Jakarta, December 2004.

The Writer.

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'Iliere is no victory witliout sacrifice

'Iliere is no liappiness 0witficut suffering

" The Life is Struggle "

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Table of Contents


Acknowledgements .............................................................. i

Table of Contents ................................................................. iv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .............................. ................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1

n. Scope of' the Study ............................................................. ·f

C. Statement of the Problern .................................................... 4

D. Objective of the Study ....................................................... .4

lo. Method of the Research ...................................................... .+

F. Organil'.atinn n f' the Writing ................................................ 5

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL ANALYSIS .............. .............................. 7

A. The Kinds of' Methods ..................................................... 7

I. The Direct Method ..................................................... 7

a. The Understanding of Direct Method ............... 7

b. The I'rinciplcs and Characteristics of Direct

Method .............................................................. 8 .

' The Gran11nar-Translation Method ............................ I 0

a. The Understanding of CJ ram mar -Translation

M ethocl .............................................................. I O

b. The Principal Characteristics of Grammar-

Translation Method ........................................... I 0

B. Reported Speech .............................................................. I I

1. The Meaning of Reported Speech .............................. 11

2. The Kinds of Speech ................................................... 12

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a. Direct Speech .................................................... I 2

b. Indirect Speech ................................................. 13

3. The Changes from Direct into Indirect Speech .......... 14

C. Teaching Reported Speech using Combination of Di reel

Method and Grammar-Translation Method ..................... I <J

D. Teaching Reported Speech through Clra111111ar-Transla1ion

Method ............................................................................. 24


J\. Research Methodology .................................................... 26

I. Object of Rcsearch ..................................................... 2(1

' Place and 'J'i111c ...................... " ................................... 2()

3. l'opulation and Smnplc .............................................. 27

4. Research Instrument .................................................. 27

B. Research Finding ............................................................. 29

I. Data Collection .......................................................... 2'l

~ Data Description\., ..................................................... 2'l

3. D'11a /\nalysis ............................................................. 311

4. Data Interpretation ..................................................... 3)

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................ 37

J\. Conclusion ....................................................................... 37

B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 37

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 38


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A. Background of the Study



English has become the most widely used in many countries. It is occurred

because England is a colonial country. English undoubtedly occupies an

important position in some sphere of activities, whether it is related to social,

economic, or political development In terms of politic for instance, English is

used in any occasion of International meetings or conferences. And especially in

educational settings, in which the most scientific books are in English and

essentially people use this language.

English has an important role m our nation, so it is included in the

curriculum of education of Department of Education and Culture. lndonesian's

government takes it as subject taught at the state schools and pays more attention

to the teaching of this language at Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior

High School, and University level.

In our nation, to leam as well as lo teach English to Indonesia people is

not as easy as to learn and to teach Bahasa Indonesia. English has systems those

are different from Bahasa Indonesia. This fact often becomes a serious problem

for us in the teaching of English in our school.

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In sphere of education, the quality of education depends on the teacher

who is able to direct the students to achieve the aim of education. Especially for

the English teachers, they must be able to control learning-teaching activities.

They have to give the materials with a suitable method and also master in the

subject matter. A good method makes students understand the lesson. One of the

teaching failures is caused by unsuitable method. As said by William F. Mackey,

"The method used has ofien been said to be the cause «l success or failure in

language learning, for it is ultimately the method /hat determines 'the what' and

'the how· t?f' language instructions. "1 So, from this explaining, the material must

be taught with an appropriate method.

It is not easy for teaching language without using suitable method because

each method has advantages and disadvantages. Teaching English is like teaching

other social science which needs te,.:hnique and suitable method. There are many

methods of language teaehing that may be selected for teaching English grammar.

The methods which are usually used for teaching grammar are: Direct Method,

Grammar Method, Translation Method, and Grammar-Translation Method. And

on this thesis, the writer would like to use the combination of Direct Method and

Grammar-Translation Method in teaching Reported Speech.

By using Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation

Method, the teacher in teaching Reported Speech can give motivation to student

1 William F. Mackey, language 71•aching Ana~vsis, London: Longman, Green and Co Ltd 1966, p 138.

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for developing their potential ability, and the teacher can be a facilitator. In this

condition, it is easy to reach the goals of teaching because between teacher and

students can have dialogue to practice and to improve their motivation. Besides

that, the teacher will be easy to teach Reported Speech with comparing to

Indonesian language. So the writer has a hypothesis that the result of teaching

using Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method is more

effective than Grammar-Translation Method only in teaching Reported Speech.

The objective of this method is to make the students active in learning

process. The procedures of activities as said by Mulyanto Sumardi in the book

Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, Sebuah Tilyauan dari Segi Metode : "Mastering in the

language is taught by these orders: iqJeaking and conversation, writing, reading,

and comprehension. Other learning processes in the class are oral practice,

reading aloud and dialog, and translation practice. Structure material is taught

deductively and it uses audio visual aids. "2

By using Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method, the teacher in teaching English can give students motivation .fi>r developing their inner potential ability, and the teacher can be the ji1cilitator. In this condition, it is emy to reach the goals of teaching because between teacher and students can have the dialogues to tackle task practice in improving motivation, to encourage natural learning, and to create a context that supports learning. 3

2 Mulyanto Sumardi, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, Sebuah Tinjauan dari Segi Metode (Translation from Indonesian), Bulan Bintang, Jakarata, 1975, p 37.

' Keith Maurica, The Communicative Approach and EST: Methodological Problem and Potential, English Teaching Fornm, Vol XXV Number 2 April 1987.

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B. Scope of the Study

The writer limits the subject matter in teaching Reported Speech at the

First Year Student of Senior High S•:hool, the form as well as Direct Speech and

Indirect Speech Questions. These materials are presented through experiment by

using combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method.

C. Statement of the Problem

In this paper, the writer want to know how effective teaching Reported

Speech using Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method

on the First Year Student of SMU \Vijaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara.

D. Objective of the Study

In this study, the writer would like to confine the Combination of Direct

Method and Grammar-Translation Method in Teaching Reported Speech. And

the object of this study is the First Year Student of SMU Wijaya Kusuma.

E. Method of Research

In writing this paper, the writer does library research; reading books, and

field research; comparing Combination of Direct Method and Grammar­

Translation Method to Grammar-Translation Method in teaching Reported


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In Library Research, the writer uses many books that be related to the title this

paper as reforences. And in Field Research, the writer does research at two

classes, class 1-1 and class 1-2, lo compare between Combination of Direct

Method - Grammar-Translation Method and Grammar-Translation Method only

in teaching Reported Speech.

F. Organization of Writing

This paper is systematically divided into four chapters with the following


Chapter One is Introduction In this chapter, the writer explains the main

problem, including the Background of the Study, Scope of the Study, Statement

of the Problem, Objective of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of

Writing. This chapter is a fran1ework which will be developed in the other


Chapter Two explains Theoretical Analysis. It includes The Kinds of

Methods; Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method, Reported Speech; the

meaning of Reported Speech, the Kinds of Speech, and the Changes from Direct

Speech into Indirect Speech. It also describes the teaching Reported Speech using

Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method and teaching

Reported Speech through Grammar-Translation Method only.

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In Chapter Three, the writer discusses Research Methodology and

Finding. They are: Object of Research, Place and Time, Population and Sample,

Research Instrument, Data Collection, Data Description, Data Analysis, and Data


The Last Chapter is Chapter Four. Eventually the writer attempts to

conclude the main problem about method of teaching and learning applied in

Reported Speech subject and that has been discussed in detail in the previous

chapter, and useful suggestions related to teaching by effective and efficient.

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A. The Kinds of Methods

As stated in Chapter One, there are many methods of language teaching

that may be selected for teaching English grammar. The methods which are

usually used for teaching grammar are: Direct Method, Grammar Method,

Translation Method, and Grammar-Translation Method. But in this paper, the

writer will only explain the Direct Method and the Grammar-Translation Method

as on the title of this thesis.

1. The Direct Method

a. The Understanding of Direct Method

Direct Method is most widely known as the Natural Method. Enthusiastic

supporters of the Direct Method introduced it in Fnmce and Germany, and it

became widely known in the United States through its use by Sauveur and

Maximilian Berlitz in successful commercial language schools.4

The Direct Method has one very basic rule; No translation is allowed. In

fact, the Direct Method receives its nan1e from the fact that meaning is to be

4 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge New York Port Chester, Melbourne Sydney. 1990, p 9.

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connected directly with the target lailguage, without going through the process of

translating into the students' native language.5

b. The Principles and Characteristics of Direct Method

In Direct Method, the teacher intends that students learn how to

communicate in the target language. The teacher and the students are more like be

partners in teaching-learning process. The students need to associate meaning and

the target language directly. In order to do this, when the teacher introduces a new

target language word or phrase, he demonstrates its meaning through the use of

realia, pictures, or pantomime; he never translate· it into the students' native

language. Students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate as

if they were in real situations. In fact, the syllabus used in the Direct Method is

based upon situations (for example, one unit would consist of language that

people would use at the bank, another of the language that they use when going

shopping) or topics (such as geography, money, or the weather). Grammar is

taught inductively that is the students are presented with examples and they figure

out the rnle or generalization from the examples. An explicit grammar rule may

never be given. Students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete


5 Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford Universi7 Press, J 986, p 18.

'Ibid, p 25.

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Language is primarily spoken not written. Therefore, students study

common, everyday speech in the target language. Vocabulary is emphasized over

grammar. Oral communication is seen as basic. Pronunciation also receives

attention right from the beginning of a course. 7

So, we can conclude the explanation above that there are some principles

and characteristics of Direct Method, they are :

I. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusive in the target language.

2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.

3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression •

organized around question and answer exchanges between teachers and

students in small, intensive class.

4. Grammar was taught inductively.

5. New teaching points were introduced orally.

6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, o~jects, and pictures;

abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.

7. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.

8. C01Tect pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.8

7 Ibid, p 25. 8 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge New York Port Chester, Melbourne Sydney, 1990,p 10.

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2. The Grammar-Translation Method

a. The Understanding of Grammar-Translation Method

The Grammar-Translation Method is not new. It has had different names,

but, it has been used by language teachers for many years. At one time, it was

called Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical

languages, Latin and Greek.9 But in The United States, Gran1mar-Translation

Method was in fact first known as the Prussian Method. 10

Earlier in this century, this method was used or the purpose of helping

students read and appreciate foreign. language litcraturt'. It was also hoped that,

through the study of the grammar of the target language, students would become

more familiar with the grammar of their native language better.

b. The Principal Characteristics of Grammar-Translation Method

The principal characteristics of Grammar-Translation Method were these :

1. The goal of foreign language study is lo learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to hen~fit fi'om the mental discipline and intellectual development that result fiwn .fi •reign-language st1H{V. Grammar-Translation Method is a way i?l studying a language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis ()fits grammar rules, .fiJ/lowed by application of this Tmowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language. The first language is maintained as the reference system in the acquisition <!l the second language.

9 Diane Larsen-Freeman, TeclmiqMes and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford University Press, 1986, p 4.

'°Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge New York Pmi Chester, Melbourne Sydney. 1990, p 3.

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2. Reading and writing are the major focus; lillle or no systematic al/en/ion is paid to speaking or listening.

3. Vocabulmy selection is based on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual word list, dictionmy study, and memorization. In a typical Grammar-Translation text, the grammar rules are presented and illustrated, a list of vocabulmy items are presented with their translation equivalents, and translation exercises are prescribed.

4. The sentence is the basic unit o,lteaching and language practice. Much of the lesson is devoted lo translating sentences into and out <!f'ihe target language, and it is thisfiJcus on the sentence that is a distinctive.feature o.lthe method. Earlier approaches to fiJreign language study used grammar as an aid to the study of texts in a foreign language. But this what thought to be too difficult for students in secondary schools, and the focus on the sentence was an attempts to make language learning easier (.1·ee Howatt 1984: 13 I)

5. Accuracy is emphasized. Students are expected to a/lain high standards in translation, because of "the high priority attached to meticulous standard5 <!f' accuracy which, as well as havin& an intrinsic moral value, was a prerequisite for passing the increasing number a/formal writ/en examinations that grew up during the centwy" (Howa/11984: 132)

6. Grammar is taught deductively - that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules, which are the11 practiced through translation exercises. In most Grammar-Translation texts, a syllabus was followed for the sequencing of grammar points throughout a text, and there was an attempt to teach grammar in an organized and systematic way.

7. The student's native language is the medium o.l instruction. ft is used to explain new items and to enable comparisons lo be made between the foreign language and the native student's native language. 11

B. Reported Speech

1. The Meaning of Reported Speech

As we know Reported Speech is the way of reporting or relating what a

person said. Accordingly, it is very important for us to know the meaning of

II Ibid, p 4.

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Repmied Speech. Michael Swan in his book, "Practical English Usage", said:

"Reported Speech is to quote somebody's words or thoughts". 12

The quotation above brings us to the conclusion that Reported Speech is

used to relate or to repeat somebody's words or thoughts, and not always to

reproduce his sentences exactly.

2. The Kinds of Speech

We all see grammarians have put forward their opinions that there are two

kinds of Reported Speech, they are Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.

a. Direct Speech

Direct Speech is to talk about the original speaker's exact words that were

said or that we imagine were thought, such as stated by Michael Swan, "Direct

Speech is lo give the exact words that were said or that we imagine were

thought". 13 Drs. Fuad Mas'ud in his book Essentials of English Grammar said

that Direct Speech is the words that are directly said by the speaker. 14 Michael

Swan also gave further information that usually the words quoted are introduced

by one of the words "say" or "think", put before the quotation. In writing, the

12 Michael Swan, Practice English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1980, p 533. 13 Ibid.

14 Drs. Fuad Mas'ud, Essentials o_(English Grammar, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1996, p 229.

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quotation marks ( '. ... ' or " .... ")are used. And it does not use any grammatical

changes in what a person said.

Example: He said, ' I am going home'. Or

He said, "I am going home".

On the Direct Speech, there are Reporting Verb and Reported Words. The

Reporting Verb is the verb that is used to report the words have been said or

thought by somebody. The Reported Words is the words that is said or thought by

somebody. 15

Delia said, "l am going home". Reporting verb Reported words

b. Indirect Speech

Drs. Fuad Mas'ud said that Direct Speech can be told without changes the

meaning and without repeated, bu1 tell back what the speaker have said. It is

Indirect Speech. 16 According to A.J. Thompson and A.V. Martinet in their book

A Practical English Grammar, " Indirect Speech is to give exact meaning of a

remark. without necessarily using the speaker's exact words. 17

After having read the definiHon above, the writer comes to the conclusion

that Indirect Speech is to talk about the idea that was expressed without using or

15 Imam D. Djauhari, Mastery on English Grammar, Penerbit lndah, Surabaya, 1986, p 162.

16 Ors. Fuad Mas'ud, Essentials ofEnglish Grammar, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1996, p 229. 17 A.J. Thompson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University

Press, 1980, p 258.

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quoting the speaker's exact words. In Indirect Speech, the tense, word-order,

pronoun, and the other words may different from the original sentence.

Example: Direct Speech : He s'tid, "! illJl writing a letter now".

Indirect Speech: He said that he was writing a letter then.

From the example above, we can ;;ee there are some changes. They are tense,

pronoun, and adverb. In Indirect Speech there is no comma.

3. The Changes from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

There are some changes in Reported Speech like tenses, pronouns,

possessive adjective, adverb, and ad~erbial phrases of time. And normally, these

changes are in the statements, imperative/request, and question. As stated at

Chapter One, in this case, the writer will only discuss those changes separately in

the Reported Speech Question.

1. If the Reporting Verb of Direct Speech is in the present tense, present perfect,

and future tense, direct statemei11s (Reported words) can be reported without

any change of the change, or the tense used are usually the same as those in

h. k ' · · I d 18 t e spea er s orrgma wor s.

1. Present Tense

Exan1ple: a. DS Ali says, "I am a student."

IS Ali says that he is a student.

" Imam D. Djauhari, Mastery on English Grammar, Penerbit lndah, Surabaya, 1986, p 162.

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b. DS Umar says, "Yusuf likes Fishing."

JS Umar says that Yusuf likes Fishing.

2. Perfect Tense

Example: a. DS Lia has said, "I have taken a bath."

IS Lia has 1;aid that she has taken a bath.

b. DS : Adi has 1:aid to me, "Ani and Ina write a letter."

IS : Adi has said to me that Ani and Ina write a Jetter.

3. Future Tense

Example: a. DS She will tell me, "I am ready to come with you." '

IS She will tell me that she is ready to come with me.

b. DS The teacher will say, "Nobody is late."

JS The teacher will say that nobody is late.

2. If the Reporting Verb of Direct Speech is in the past, there some changes in Indirect Speech. So, we do not normally use the same tenses as the ones original speech. Because we are not talking al the same time as the speaker was. There are some changes in tense, adverb, and adverbial phrase of time at Reported Verb. 19 The changes at Reported Speech are shown in the following table:


Changes of Tenses



19 Ibid, p 163.

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-I Present Tense Past Tense

2 Present Continuous Tens,~ Past Continuous Tense

3 Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

4 Present Future Tense Past Future Tense

5 Present Perfect Continuous Tense ·. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

.. 6 Past Tense . Past Perfect Tense

7 Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense

-· Past Future Perfect Tense

8 Past Future Tense

. (Conditional Past Perfect)

9 Future Continuous Tense Condi lional Continuous'"


Common Changes of Adverb and Adverbial Phrase of Time


Now then

-Yesterday the day before

·-- - ·-two days ago two days before

five year ago five years before

last night the night before

20 Drs. Fuad Mas'ud, Essentials ~!'English Grammar, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1996, p 231.

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last week the week before

last Sunday the Sunday before

-today that day

tomorrow the following day/the next day

next month the following month

--next week the following week

--next year the following year

the day after tomorrow in two days time

-·----· here . there

·-e---· this that


these those

·--------can could

--will would

-... shall should

may mightLI


1. Question-Words Question

a. Question words is used in Indirect Speech Question.

b. The structure of Indirect Speech is used structure of statement, not question.

21 ibid

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c. Change of tense is like in Indirect Speech statement.22


I. DS Ratna said to Ari, "What are you doing?"

IS Ratna asked Ari what she was doing.

2. DS Amir said to Rudi, "Where are you going?"

IS Amir asked Rudi where he was going.

3. DS Edi said to me, "Where is your bike?"

IS Edi asked me where my bike was.

4. DS He wanted to know, :'How did you do this?"

IS He wanted to know how I had done that.

5. DS Hasan said to me, "Why do you want a new bag?"

IS Hasan asked me why I wanted a new bag.

2. Yes-No Question

a. Using if or whether as sub ordinater on Indirect Speech.

b. The structure of Indirect Speech is used structure of statement, not

. ,, quest1011.··


I. DS Y andi asked me, "Can you help me?"

IS Yandi asked me if(whethe1~ I could help him.

22 Drs. Fuad Mas'ud, Essentials of English Grammar (Translation from Indonesian}, BPFE Yopaka1ta, 1996, p 234.

2 Ibid, p 234.

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2. DS She asked me, "Do you love me?"

IS She asked me if (whether) I love:lher.

3. DS He asked me, "Are you busy?"

IS He asked me !fl was busy.

4. DS Rina asked Dedi, "Do you like my new dress?"

IS Rina asked Dedi whether he liked her new dress.

E. Teaching Reported Speech using Combination of Direct Method and

Grammar-Translation Method

Teaching Reported Speech using Combination of Direct Method and

Grammar-Translation Method will he done at class l-1 ( Experiment Class ). In

teaching Reported Speech Question by using Combination of Direct Method and

Grammar-Translation Method, there are some steps or technique that should be

applied by a teacher. There are Explanation, Drilling, Question and Answer, and

Writing Exercise.

1. Explanation

The first step, the material should be explained by a teacher to the students

in teaching Reported Speech, includes the meaning of Reported Speech, the kinds

of Reported Speech, and the changes from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, as

stated at the explanation about Reported Speech Question above.

Two points to be certain of in Reported Speech are:

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I. Who is being reported speech,

2. The time of the reporting.


These two points will detem1ine any necessary changes in tenses, adverbs, and


It will be seen from the chart that tenses do not change after a Presenl,

Present Pe1ject or Future reporting verb.

Example: He says to me, "Does she often buys books?"

He asks me if she often buys books.


After a reporting verb in a Past Tense, the tense of the actual statement

also goes into the past, usually one tense back.

Example: She said to me, "Are you tired?"

She asked me if I was tired.

If 'was/were' forms part of the actual words, either 'was' or 'had been'

can J;ie used:

She said to me," Were you tired?"

She asked me if I was (had been) tired.


Adverbs of time and place change after a past reporting verb. They stay

the same in immediate time.

Example: He wanted to know, "·Where did you go yesterday?"

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He wanted to know where I had gone the day before.


She sai.d to me, "Are you tired?"

She asked me if I was tired.


The pronoun changes here because this is the standard repmting use. A - the

reporter - retells what B has said. If however A is the speaker throughout, the

sentence will read :

I ask if I was tired.

Third person pronouns must show cl~arly who they refer to.

Example: " Are you late?", Rina said to Dedi.

Rina asked Dedi if he (Dedi) was late.

For explaining about pronoun change is really necessary to use Grammar­

Translation Method. Because it will make easy to explain the changes.

For the explanation completely, look al explanation Reported Speech above.

2. Drilling

Drills or oral exercises can help the students practice the new grammatical

patterns that have been presented. But the success of classroom language drills

depends on the teacher implementation.

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In teaching Reported Speech, the students should be drilled more on the

sentence patterns. The teacher reads some sentences and the students repeat after

the teacher.










Ina asked me," Do you really love me?"

Ina asked me, " Do you really love me ?"

Ina asked me if (whether) I really loved her.

Ina asked me if (whether) I really loved her.

Tina asked me, " Who are you ?"

Tina asked me, " Who are you ?"

Tina asked me who I was.

Tina asked me who I was.

3. Question and Answer

Question and Answer technique enables the students to practice point of

grammar and structure by using question. 1 n other words, this technique is said to

be communicative activities, because the teacher asks some questions and the

students answer his questions, or the student asks some questions and other

students answer the questions.


Teacher Ratna said to Anis," What are you doing?"

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Student 1

Student 2

Student 1

Student 2

Student 1




Student 1

Student 2

Ratna asked Anis what she was doing.

Rahmat said to me," Where is your bike?"

Rahmat asked me where my bike was.

He wanted to know, " How did you do this ?"

He wanted to know how I had done that.

Hasan said to me, " Why do you want a new bag ?"

Hasan asked me why I wanted .a new bag.

Amir said to Rudi," Where arc you going?"

Amir asked Rudi where he was going.

Y ani asked me, " Can you help me ?"

Yani asked me if! could help him.

She asked me, " Do you love me '?"

She asked me whether I loved her.

He asked me, " A re you very busy ?"

He asked me whether I was very busy.


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4. Written Exercise

Writing is very important for students, therefore they must be given the

opportunity to practice new structures in written fonn as well as oral. These

exercises are given to the students as homework, because writing is primarily an

individual activity. The homework is collected in the following day. And the

writer corrects their homework and gives them back to students. But some types

of written exercises can be given in the classroom effectively and efficiently out

come, by means of:

Drills ; the teacher reads the simple sentence or story than the students •


Completion exercises ; the students complete a written phrase by filling in

the blanks or adding a new word to the sentence.

Another way to develop writing ability is a teacher instructs the students for

writing their experience which have occurred then teH it in front of the class.

F. Teaching Reported Speech through Grammar-Translation Method

Teaching Reported Speech through Grammar-Translation Method will be

done at class 1-2 ( Control Class ). In teaching Reported Speech through

Gran1mar-Translation Method, the writer just explains the material Reported

Speech as the Explanation at teaching Reported Speech using Combination of

Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method ; the h1eaning of Reported

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Speech, the kinds of Speech, and the changes from Direct into Indirect speech.

After explained the material, the writer gives exercises in the class, and also gives

homework. The homework is collected in the following day. And the writer

corrects their homework and gives them back to students. In teaching Reported

Speech through Grammar-Translation Method is without drilling, and answer and

question as by using Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation

Method. But the writer deems that it not necessary to explain about teaching

Reported Speech through Grammar-Translation Method, because it have been

explained above. So, the writer will not explain it again . •

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A. Research l\'.lethodology

1. Object of the Research

SMU Wijaya Kusuma students are divided into three grades, the

first grade students, the Second Grade students, and the Third Grade

students. And then the writer took the First Grade students as the object of

the research.

2. Place and Time

The writer did his research at SMU Wijaya Kusuma that is located

on jalan Bandengan Utara nomor 80 Penjaringan Jakarta Utara. SMU

Wijaya Kusuma has 14 rooins; 9 rooms for classes, 1 room for teacher's

room, 1 room for Headmaster's room, I room for laboratory, 1 room for

computer laboratory, and the last room is library.

The writer conducted this research five days from 2 up to 6 of

November 2004. This research is begun and finished by giving test about

Reported Speech. It was begun by giving Pre-Test at two classes. And

then, in November 6, he gave Post-Test on the last meeting.

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3. Popufation and Sample

The number of students of SMU Wijaya Kusuma is 266 students. and

they are divided into three classes; the First Grade is 103 students, the

Second Grade is 84 students. and the Third Grade is 72 students. The First

Grade is divided into three classes; class 1-1 is 35 students, class 1-2 is 35

students, and class l-3 is 33 students. The Second Grade is divided into

three classes; class 2-1 is 29 students, class 2-2 is 29 students, and class 2-3

is 26 students. And the Third Grade is divided into two classes; 3 IPA is

38 students, and 3 JPS is 34 s~udents.

The writer didn't take total population as smnple, he only took two

classes of the First Grade, they are class 1-1 and class 1-2. Class 1-1 is the

Experiment Class (Teachillg Reported Speech using Combination of

Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method), and class 1-2 is the

Control Cl.ass (Teaching Reported Speech through Grmnmar-Translation


4. Research Instrument

a. Observation

Before doing reseai'ch, the writer observes the location and

population were carried out.

b. Teaching- Leaming

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Teaching-leaning is done at two classes. They are class 1-1 as the

Experiment Class, and class 1-2 as the Control Class.

c. Test

The test was given two times to both class, they are Pre-Test and

Post Test. The Pre-Test is done before teaching-learning, and the Post­

Test is done after teaching-leaming. Pre-test is done to know the

students' mastery of Reported Speech Question, because it influences

at next research. While, Post-Test is done to know how effective

teaching Reported SpeeclJ using Combination of Direct Method and

Grammar-Translation Method is.

The writer gave the l;est to 70 students of the first year of SMU

Wijaya Kusuma. But, for sample of this research, he took 60 students.

The test consists 20 items. It is divided in two test forms, they are

Multiple Choice and Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

The test items of Pre-Test and Post-Test is same.

Multiple Choice test consists 10 items, from number I to number

10. Its score per item is 3 (three). It means, if the student can choose

the answer of I item correctly, he will get 3 score. And if he can

choose the answer of 10 items correctly, he will get 30 scores.

Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech test consists I 0

items, from number 11 to munber 20. Its score per item is 7 (seven). It

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means, if the student can answer I item correctly, he will get 7 scores.

And if he can answer 20 items correctly, he will get 70 scores.

From the description of each test form above, we can see that the

high score of this test is 1 00 scores.

B. Research Finding

1. Data Collecting

The experiment is done at two classes, they are class 1-1 and class 1-2.

But only 30 students were t~ken from each class through random as a


In this research, both classes are given the same materials but different

method. At class 1-1 as Experiment Class, teaching Reported Speech used

Combination of Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method, but at

class 1-2 as Control Class, teaching Reported Speech used Grammar­

Translation Method.

2. Data Description

As stated in Research Method, the writer did field research. He got the

data from the application test, they are pre-test and post-test.

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To know the result of tests (Pre-Test and Post-Test), the writer makes

the table of the students' score of each class. The following table is the

classification of each item and score based on test form.


Reported Speech Question items test and Its Distribution



I Multiple Choice 1 - I 0 3

Changing Direct Spctch into 2 11 - 20 7

Indirect Speech

TOTAL :zo 100

3. Data Analysis

To know the result of tests (pre-test and post-test), the writer makes

the table of the students' score of each class.


The Result of Tests

"' CLASS 1-1 CLASS 1-2


Student Result

Student Result

Pre~Test Post-Test Pre-Test Post-Test 1 37.5 75 1 25 42.5 2 32.5 75 2 45 62.5

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3 42.5 85 3 32.5 50 4 37.5 87.5 4 45 50 5 25 62.5 5 57.5 87.5 6 50 87.5 6 45 57.5 7 37.5 67.5 7 45 47.5 8 45 75 8 40 47.5 9 45 87.5 9 37.5 50

10 50 77.5 10 45 50 11 55 75 11 45 62.5 12 45 82.5 12 37.5 55 13 37.5 40 13 50 72.5 14 45 72.5 14 25 42.5 15 32.5 57.5 15 45 40 16 50 95 16 50 80 17 37.5 67.5 17 40 52.5 18 25 47.5' 18 45 75 19 35 62.5 19 37.5 42.5 20 62.5 100 20 50 45 21 40 70 21 35 55 22 45 75 22 40 55 23 45 75 23 52.5 80 24 37.5 92.5 24 45 47.5 25 45 80 25 50 62.5 26 50 100 26 45 72.5 27 37.5 72.5 27 60 100 28 37.5 57.!5 28 37.5 62.5 29 40 80 29 45 50 30 37.5 87.fi 30 37.5 40 -) 1242.5 2271.> ) 1290 1737.5

Averaae 41.42 75.67 Average 43 57.92

From the data above, we can see that the total 0] of Pre-test of each class

does not has much differences, they are 1242.5 (its average is 41.42) and

1290 (its average is 43). It means that the students of both class 1-1 and class

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1-2 have mastery of Reported Speech Question that is almost same. So, it will

not too influence at the next research.

To analyze the data, the writer uses statistic calculation that is described in

the following table, using formula Hest.

Xl - X2

t -

t t-Test

, I _§:_ V Nt

XJ Average of 2: Experiment Class •

X2 : Average of 2: Control Class

+ S' ""'\ N2

N1 : Number of Student of Experiment Class

N2 : Number of Student of Control Class

S2 : Varian


L: x1 2 - ( L: x1 ~= + 2: x22 - ( 2: xz >2

S2 - NI N2 .

.__ _____ .;;.N.;.;;1_+_ N2 - 2

XI : The sample of Experiment Class

X2 : The sample of Control Cla:is


" Santosa, Budi, Ballan Kuliah Statistik Pendidikan, Handout Book of teaching-learning statistic of education in English Department Faculty ofTarbiyah UIN SyarifHidayatullahJakarta, 2002, p 37.

" 25 Ibid.

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Sample of Comparison Test of Reported Speech Question


( X1 ) ( X2 ) 1 75 42.5 5625 1806.25 2 75 62.5 5625 3906.25 3 85 50 7225 2500 4 87.5 50 7656.25 2500 5 62.5 87.5 3906.25 7656.25 6 87.5 57.5 7656.25 3306.25 7 67.5 47.5 4556.25 2256.25 8 75 47.5 5625 2256.25 9 87.5 • 50 7656.25 2500 10 77.5 50 6006.25 2500 . 11 75 62.5 5625 3906.25 12 82.5 55 6806.25 3025 13 40 72.5 1600 5256.25 14 72.5 42.5 5256.25 1806.25 -15 57.5 40 3306.25 1600 -16 95 80 9025 6400 17 67.5 52.5 4556.25 2756.25 18 47.5 75 2256.25 5625 19 62.5 42.5 3906.25 1806.25 20 100 45 10000 2025 21 70 55 4900 3025 22 75 55 5625 3025. 23 75 80 5625 6400 .. 24 92.5 47.5 8556.25 2256.25 -25 80 62.5 6400 3906.25 26 100 72.5 10000 5256.25 .,.

27 72.5 100 5256.25 10000 28 57.5 62.5 3306.25 3906.25 . 29 80 50 6400 2500 -30 87.5 40 7656.25 1600

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I Ave~age I 2270 1737.5 1'77600 1107268.751 75.67 57.92

I x1 2 - ( I x1 ~:' + I x22

- (2:X2)2 s2 - NI N2

NI + N2 - 2

177600 - (2270 )2 + 107268.75 - (1737.5 )2 s2 - 30 30 ...

30 + 30 - 2

177600 - 5152900 + 107268.75 - 3018906.3 s2 - 30 30

liO - 2

s2 - 177600 - 171763.33 + 107268.75 -100630.21 58

s2 - 12476.21 58

s2 - 215.11

XI - X2

t - v s2 + s2 °" Ni N2

75.67 - 57.92

t y21s.11 + 21s.i.t "-

30 30


t - v 7.170 + 7.170 "-

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t - v \ 14.34


t -3.79

t - 4.68 ~ to ( t - calculation [I

df - Nl + N2 2

df - 30 + 30 - t df - 58

df - 58 ~ 00 0.05 = 2.00

I oo 0.05 = 2.00 ~_!t ( t - table ) J

4. Data Interpretation

After doing t-Test, the writer will explain the result of statistic

calculation based on the statistic hypothesis states bellow:

If to > tt 7 Significance ; there is difference between two variables

- HI is accepted - and HO is not accepted.

If to < tt 7 Non Significance ; there is no difference between two

variables ··- HI is not accepted - and HO is accepted.

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to = The t-value of statistic calculation

tt = The t-value of Critical values fort-table

HI = The hypothesis that there is difference between two variable.

HO = The hypothesis that there is not difference between two variable. 26

From the result of statistic calculation above, it shows to > tt at

Significance Degree 0.05, that is 4.68 > 2.00. So, HO is not accepted. It

. means that there is significm1t difference between Experiment Class and

Control Class.

26 Ibid.

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A. Conclusion



Based on the Data Analysis and the Data Interpretation at Chapter Three,

it states that Teaching Reported Speech using Combination of Direct Method

and Grammar-Translation Method is more effective than one using Grammar-

Translation Method only to the result of teaching-learning process, since to >

tt, that is 4.68. > 2.00. •

B. Suggestion

In teaching Reported Speech, the teacher had better use Combination of

Direct Method and Grammar-Translation Method. More often doing Drill and

Answer-Question is better, because it makes the students practice not only in

the grammatical rules but also in oral or speaking.

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Freeman, Diane Larsen, Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, New York, Oxford University Pres::, Inc, 1986.

Mas'ud, Ors. Fuad, Essential of English Grammar, BPFE Yogyakarta, 1996.

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I. Teacher : Have you done the homework. Students : Yes, I have. What did the teacher say? a. Teacher asked if we have done the homework. b. Teacher asked if we had done the homework. c. Teacher asked if we would do the homework. d. Teacher asked if we would have done the homework.

2. Dedi : How are you, Astri? Astri : I am fine. What did Dedi say to Astri? a. Dedi asked her how she was. b. Dedi asked her what she was. c. Dedi asked her whether she was. d. Dedi asked her where she was.

3. ~reacher asks us every clay." ls there ho1nc\vork?" Teacher asks us everyday ..... a. if there was homework. b. if there will be homework. c. if there is homework. d. if there had been homework.

4. Lia : Whom does Rojali fall in love with? Lela : J ulaiha. a. Lia asked Lela whom Rojali fell in love with. b. Lia asked Lela whom Rojali falls in love with. c. Lia asked Lela whether Rojali falls in love with .lulaiha. cl. Lia asked Lela whether Rojali fell in love with .lulaiha.

5. Ananda : Why are they absent? Andi : They said that they were sick. Anancla has asked Andi why .... absent. a. are they b. were they

c. they are cl. they were

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6. Arif asked me whether I .... sick then. a. an1 b. was

c. had been cl. will

For number 7 to I 0, choose the word or phrase that is incorrect.

7. Yani Dini Yani

Yesterday, I met Rina. And she asked something to me. What did she ask about? She ask me whether I had met Mr. Decli.


8. Rita Where do you go every morning? Adi I go to school. Rita asked Adi where he fill every morning.


9. Ire wanted to know when Ali would gone to lndrnmayu. A B C D

I 0. This morning, when I made job interview. the interviewer asked me when I am born. A B C D


Example : - "Who is that at the door?"'. he wants to know.

He wants to know H•ho that is at the door.

1. I wanted to know, "Astri, are you angry with me?"

2. We asked him. "Why did the train stop just now?"

3. Adi wondered, "Who left cigarette lighter here?"

4. I asked her. "Have you seen my book?"

5. She said to me. ''What is the matter with you?"

6. Lia asks me, "Will you help me?"

7. Rahman said to her, "Can you lend me your book?"

8. Shinta wanted to know. "Where does your friend live?"

9. Rina said to me, "Do you want to come to my wedding party next month?"

10. They asked me. "Do you want to stay at our home?"

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Tclp. : (62·21) 7443328, 7401925, Fax. (62·21) 7402982

Non1or 95, Ciputat 15412, Indonesia Email : [email protected] -\fomor: ET/TL.02.2/ X /2004 "amp. : !11stru11ien Riset

Jakarta, 25 Oktober 2004


Kepada Yth.

Kepala Sekolah

SMU Wijaya Kusuma Jak - Ut



Assa/am11'alaik11111 wr. wh.

Dengan hormat kami sampaikan bahwa,

Nam a

Ala mat

: Dedi Daryanto ·' . : JI. K.H. Dewantara No.42 Rt.03/05 Ciputat Tangerang

adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,

NIM I 00011017972

Jurusan : l)endidikan Bahasa Inggris

Semester : JX

Schubungan clcngan lugas pcnyclcsaian skripsi yang bcrjudul frachi11g lle11tiri<'d .\j;eech Using ( 'omhi11atio11of1 Ji rec/ /'v!ethod and <Jra111111ur fra11slatio11 A·fetlwd

kami mohon kescdiaan Saudara untuk mcncrirna dan mcmbantu mahasiswa/i tersebut.

Atas perhatian clan bantuan Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu 'alaikum \ff. wb.


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TK - SD - SLTP - SMU - SMK JI. Bandengan Utara No. 80 Telp. 6684739 Jakarta Utara

JI. Pnlo Harapan Indah Komp. KFT Blok A/4 No. 97 Telp. 5550748 Jakarta Barat


Nomor : 02/SMU WK/IX/2004

·Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini adalah kepala sekolah SMU \Vijaya Kusmna Jakarta

Utara, menerangkan bahwa :




Ala mat

: Dedi Daryanto

: Mahash;wa VIN 1>'yarifHidayatullah Jakarta

Fakultas Ilnm Tnrbiyah dnn Kegururan

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

: 100014017972

: JI. KH. Dewantara RtJRw: 63/05 No. 42

Clputat Tnngerang

Telah melakukan penelitian di sekolah yang kami pimpin sehubungan dengan

penyelesaian skripsinya dengan judul " Teacl1ing Reported Speech Using Combination

of Direct Method and Grammar-Translafwn Method (Research on the First year

Student of SMU Wljaya Kusuma Jakarta Utara)". selan1a lima hari, tllnggal 02 - 06

Nopember 2004.

Demikian Surat Keterangan ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benamya.

Jakarta, 06 Nopember 2004

-~ -Mudi Rahavu BA

NIP. 130893140

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omor 95, Ciputat 15412. Indonesia.

)mor: ET/PP.02.2/.</i'b.'. I 200 .. mp. : Abstraksi I Outline J : J3IMBINGAJ\' SKRJPSI

... 1ssala1nu'alai/..7un rvr. wb.

T<llp. ; (62·21) 7443328, 7401925. fax.(62-21) 7402982

Email : uinjktrti)cabi.nct.id

Jakarta, ...... ~?. ... ~1>!1!'.t ~!' .... ?~9.~ ......

Kepada Yth.

l. ...... MN?.'.\JP. .. l:l!!P.I,. .. 1"1'.-.............. .

?· ············································· Dosen Fak. Ilnm Tarbiyah & Kegurnan DIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta .

Dengan ini diliarapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi Pembimbing !III (rnateri/teknis) penulisan slaipsi mahasiswa,


NIM 100014017972 ...............................

Jurusan I Semester : .... !.!'~.~.· .. !l!':~.~~.': .. ~.1'1\lli?:~.!' . ./ .. ~J:l ..........

Judul Skripsi : ..... r.li'.J\CJ!:LRG .. ll~.OR'l'~. l?l'Ji:J;;CJ! .. V.!lJ.ll!l .. GQ".l);r.t!A'.r.:IQN .. P.f ...... ..

. . . . . . . . J?!.~!'!?.~ .. ~.~~~.~~. f':~P .. a.R~~A,R::~.~~:'.i:'. !~'. .. !. ;'.; .. '.~ ~1'.1~~ .. \R.~!!:~.~~~ .. ?.'! ... .. the Firf't y.,,.r of 81h Wijav:. Ht18u'!l:;. J ait>U•ta Ut'ir'i)

Judul terse but telah disetujui oleh .Turusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal ......... .

. . . ?.! .... ~.~'~.t:'~~ .... ?r:!?!7 ........ , deng;1n abstraksi J outline se:bagain1ana lertarnpir.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan sclesai dalam waktu 6 ( enam) bulan,. yakni smnpai

dengan tlmggal .... ?.? .... ~'~b.~~ ... 2.C'.o.~ ..

Atzs pe1hatian dan kesedfa;m Saudara, kami ucapkan tcrima lrnsih. 1f''assalan1u 1a!ailann ivr. -Vvb.
