"Heaven Is for Real" - the title of Michael Tymn's current blog is accurate. Heaven is a spiritual reality that consists of a variety of levels of ascent. There is a lot of activity on each level with the higher realms  possessing a glory and splendor beyond human comprehension.  The ecerpts below that confirm my statements are ta!en from The piritual #orld $ournals published by %ro &eatrice (urich wit)erland. These divine teachings were transmitted through deep-trance medium &eatrice &runner over a period of *+ years ,+/ - /01. The two spirit teachers were 2oseph and 3ene. 4nd what is eciting to !now is that in many cases these teachings agree with the spiritual communications received from earlier spirit guides such as ilver &irch 5rederic! Myers and Imperator. Here are some heavenly glimpses.  6manuel wedenborg's visits were right on the money7 His report of "many spheres planes...levels...and degrees of vibration" is confirmed by 4ngel-ister 3ene8  "#e therefore will spea! of spiritual planes...There may be mountains and hills there or valleys rivers broo!s and gardens. ome places there are very beautiful whilst others are less attractive to live in because the houses gardens and views are not 9uite beautiful."  ":enerally when we spea! of a spiritual plane we mean a great open space. However as I said before within those planes are different areas. If a spirit has incurred guilt during his incarnation he still returns to the same level which he occupied before incarnating but he will not be allowed to return to a beau tiful place. #ithin the same plane there are  plenty of unattractive areas where he can be sent." ,# - ;// p. /<1  Her description agrees with wedenborg's observation8 "#e begin at the level we have prepared ourselves for." Therefore "%urgatory" is not one  place= each level of ascent has its own "purgatory" for spirits undergoing  purification. &ut once over spirits will retur n to more beautiful areas within the same plane. 3ene continues8  "#hen a spirit has reached the highest stage of a particular plane he en$oys a splendid view and beauty all around. #hen such a spirit finally leaves that plane he will of course enter upon an even more beautiful spiritual plane."  "6very spirit must wor! his way up step by step. He can live on a beautiful  plane where he is loo!ed after by angels and where he can en$oy bliss. 4s you ascend in the spiritual world as you come closer to the house of :od you will notice that the light grows steadily more radiant art more

Deep Trance Medium Beatrice Bunner

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deeptrance medium Beatrice Brunner over a period of 34 years The two spirit teachers were Joseph and Lene.doc

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deeptrance medium Beatrice Brunner over a period of 34 years The two spirit teachers were Joseph and Lene

"Heaven Is for Real" - the title of Michael Tymn's current blog is accurate.

Heaven is a spiritual reality that consists of a variety of levels of

ascent. There is a lot of activity on each level with the higher realms

possessing a glory and splendor beyond human comprehension.

The excerpts below that confirm my statements are taken from The Spiritual

World journals published by Pro Beatrice, Zurich Switzerland. These divine

teachings were transmitted through deep-trance medium Beatrice Brunner over

a period of 34 years (1948 - 1982). The two spirit teachers were Joseph and

Lene. And what is exciting to know is that in many cases, these teachings

agree with the spiritual communications received from earlier spirit guides,

such as Silver Birch, Frederick Myers and Imperator. Here are some heavenly


Emanuel Swedenborg's visits were right on the money! His report of "many

spheres, planes...levels...and degrees of vibration" is confirmed by

Angel-Sister Lene:

"We, therefore, will speak of spiritual planes...There may be mountains and

hills there, or valleys, rivers, brooks and gardens. Some places there are

very beautiful, whilst others are less attractive to live in because the

houses, gardens and views are not quite beautiful."

"Generally, when we speak of a spiritual plane, we mean a great, open

space. However, as I said before, within those planes are different areas.

If a spirit has incurred guilt during his incarnation, he still returns to

the same level which he occupied before incarnating, but he will not be

allowed to return to a beautiful place. Within the same plane, there are

plenty of unattractive areas where he can be sent."

(SW - 11/88, p. 85)

Her description agrees with Swedenborg's observation: "We begin at the

level we have prepared ourselves for." Therefore, "Purgatory" is not one

place; each level of ascent has its own "purgatory" for spirits undergoing

purification. But once over, spirits will return to more beautiful areas

within the same plane. Lene continues:

"When a spirit has reached the highest stage of a particular plane, he

enjoys a splendid view and beauty all around. When such a spirit finally

leaves that plane, he will, of course, enter upon an even more beautiful

spiritual plane."

"Every spirit must work his way up step by step. He can live on a beautiful

plane where he is looked after by angels and where he can enjoy bliss. As

you ascend in the spiritual world, as you come closer to the house of God,

you will notice that the light grows steadily more radiant, art more

splendid and everything more beautiful...The higher a spirit ascends, the

more radiant his spiritual body becomes."

"This, then, is the world of the higher spirits. It is the world of light

which is celebrated in hymns and which we all yearn for...The glory of this

world transcends human description. The closer a spirit comes to God, the

more lustrous do the flowers become. The animals, too, are magnificent. I

suppose the most splendid animals are the horses, but there are also other

animals which the angels and the higher beings can enjoy"

"It is difficult for human beings to imagine this, but when we try to talk

of the splendors of Heaven, it is factual. The diversity of its splendor is

beyond human imagination."

(SW - 11/88, pp. 85 - 86)

The picture continues to be filled in with more details. In Heaven there

are also hospitals and sanitariums that help those souls who are in pain or

are still suffering from their earthly addictions to alcohol or drugs.

Here's Lene again:

"In all the planes of ascent there are spiritual hospitals or sanatoria.

They are generally unnecessary at the higher levels, but they are sometimes

to be found there, too. In all the many other levels, including the very

lowest, these places offer refuge to spirits who for the time being are sick

and in pain. They stay there for as long as necessary. Some require a longer

period of sleep than others, but each tormented soul needs sleep until it is

clear that all the odic force has flowed into him, merging with his own

spiritual odic force in such a way as to eliminate pain." (SW - 1/80, p.7)

And we return to school as we ascend. Return to school? Yes, there are

schools, libraries and halls of learning. Enter Joseph:

"As you know, in the spiritual world, too, one has to learn to read, to

write, and to do arithmetic along with many other things, though this may

seem strange to some people. Languages are studied, and there are also

schools for music and the other arts. Indeed, one can take advantage of a

wide variety of educational oppor-

tunities in order to attain higher and more extensive knowledge." (SW -

5/83, p. 39)

Joseph tells us more on this subject: "Now I must tell you that the

inhabitants of this town were more or less all newcomers to spirit. For all

of them, it was a new Heaven, a new world. This town had a special purpose

to fulfill, and, therefore, there were many great buildings among the

houses, such as libraries and schools and special kinds of museums. It was a

Center of Learning...These 'students' were eager to learn and study the

books in the great library - yes, we have books. They visited the history

museum where they were shown films depicting life from the beginning of

Earth." (SW - 2/77, p. 704)

Extraordinary, isn't it? Well, that's what awaits us. But what about inside

the houses that you read about? Believe it or not, exquisite furniture also

exists in a level's more beautiful areas. Peter, an ascending spirit, was

also allowed to communicate to us through Beatrice. Because Peter met an

untimely death at the age of 21, he came under the loving care of a spirit

mother, who lived in a beautiful home. Peter marvelled at what he saw:

"A door was opened for us, leading into a large room which was the living

room. It was very beautiful, and once again, I found myself marvelling at

all the various objects there. A very handsome table stood in this room,

made out of what I took to be a quite rare kind of wood...The chairs I also

thought very handsome, and they looked as though they would be most

comfortable. A magnificent candalabrum, extendng far out on all sides,

illuminated the entire room and gave it a very splendid feel."

(SW - 5/91, p. 35)

Peter's descriptions, which continue at length, can finally give us a

glimpse into the interior of one of the "many mansions" Our Lord talked


One last glimpse. Did you ever wonder what happens to a Frenchman who

passes on to spirit? Or a Japanese? Or a Latino? How will they communicate

with the angels? English is not the only language spoken in Heaven! Joseph

stated that he had to learn German (he was originally Scottish) in order to

communicate with the Community in Zurich. Lene extends our knowledge of

Heaven even further:

"In trying to visualize this scene [a social gathering in a city on one of

the higher planes], do not imagine that all the guests will have white skins

or that they will all be speaking your language. There are just as many

languages and dialects in Heaven as there are on Earth. This is because when

they leave their 'island,' human beings join with kindred spirits in a place

set apart and which is perfectly suited to them. Spiritual beings are

divided into nations as humans are, and these nations differ in appearance.

There is as great a variety of skin color in spirits as in human beings.

This may help you to imagine the diversity of spiritual beings in our

world." (SW - 9/82, p. 79)

In referring to Mr. Tymn's blog title, Heaven is real and certainly not the

"humdrum" place we were taught to believe. It is dynamic, vibrant

and ever self-renewing. Ah...if only these wonderful descriptions of Heaven

could be included in sermons given by our clergy.

I sincerely hope all the above descriptions have helped you to visualize a

realistic picture of what awaits us in our true home. To ascend is not a

free ticket, however. We will have to work and apply ourselves. Our

continued ascension is one reason why it is so important to gain as much

spiritual knowledge as possible on Earth. If we do, then we don't have to

take beginning courses; we can move onto graduate school or better still,

help those spirits who need introduction in the basics. For Heaven is also a

place of service to others. And we have to be ready to serve.