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  • 7/27/2019 Definition o1


    Definition of 'AutoregressiveConditional Heteroskedasticity- ARCH'An econometric term used for observed time

    series. ARCH models are used to modelfinancial time series with time-varyingvolatility, such as stock prices. The ARCH

    concept was developed by economist Robert

    . !ngle, for which he won the "##$ %obel&emorial 'ri(e in !conomic )ciences.

    Investopedia explains

    'Autoregressive Conditional

    Heteroskedasticity - ARCH'ARCH models assume that the variance of

    the current error term is related to the si(e

    of the previous periods* error terms, giving

    rise to volatility clustering. This phenomenon

    is widely observable in financial markets,

    where periods of low volatility are followed

    by periods of high volatility and vice versa.

    or e+ample, volatility for the )' ## was

    unusually low for an e+tended period during

    the bull market from "##$ to "##, before

    spiking to record levels during the market

    correction of "##/. ARCH models have

    become mainstays of arbitrage pricing and

    portfolio theory.

    Definition of 'Generalized

    AutoRegressive Conditional

    Heteroskedasticity (GARCH'

    A statistical model used by financial

    institutions to estimate the volatility of

    stock returns. This information is used by

    banks to help determine what stocks will

    potentially provide higher returns, as well

    as to forecast the returns of current

  • 7/27/2019 Definition o1


    investments to help in the budgeting


    Investopedia explains

    'Generalized AutoRegressiveConditional Heteroskedasticity(GARCH'There are many variations of 0ARCH,

    including %0ARCH to include correlation, and

    10ARCH which restricts the volatilityparameter. !ach model can be used to

    accomodate the specific 2ualities of the stock,industry or economic state.

    In statisticsand signal processing, an autoregressive(AR) modelis a representation of a type

    of random process; as such, it describes certain time-varying processes in nature, economics,etc. Theautoregressive model specifies that the outputvariable depends linearlyon its own previous values. It is a

    special case of the more generalA!Amodel of time series.

    Definition of 'Heteroskedasticity'1n statistics, when the standard deviations of a variable,

    monitored over a specific amount of time, are non-constant.Heteroskedasticity often arises in two forms, conditional and

    unconditional. Conditional heteroskedasticity identifies non-constant volatility when future periods of high and low

    volatility cannot be identified. 3nconditionalheteroskedasticity is used when futures periods of high and

    low volatility can be identified.

    Investopediaexplains'Heteroskedasticity'1n finance, conditional

    heteroskedasticity often isseen in the prices of stocks

    and bonds. The level ofvolatility of these e2uities

    cannot be predicted overany period of time.

    3nconditionalheteroskedasticity can be

    used when discussingvariables that have

    identifiable seasonal
  • 7/27/2019 Definition o1


    variability, such as

    electricity usage.