DAA General Policy & Procedure Manual Structure Governance and Planning A 1/8 Phipps Close, Deakin ACT 2600 | T 02 6189 1200| E [email protected] | F 02 6282 9888 | W daa.asn.au ABN 34 008 521 480 Adopted: November 2004 Revised annually to: May 2017 To be reviewed: August 2018 Delegation of Authority Policy Policy Statement Final authority for all matters in DAA rests with the elected Board of Directors. Boards are concerned with strategic priorities and direction, and oversight of compliance activities. Much of the Board’s authority is delegated to and through the CEO to ensure appropriate governance processes. This policy cannot provide an exhaustive guide which names every activity, where a specific situation is not listed the pathway applying to a similar issue can be used as a guide. Authority may be delegated by a higher level of authority to a lower one, either in specific cases or until revoked. A higher authority may over-rule the decision of a lower authority. See Appendix 1. In using this policy, certain conventions need to be understood. The Board sets overall strategic and policy framework within which these processes fit. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and staff act in line with Board approved policy and the law. Some decision- making processes are prescribed by law and no discretion is possible. There may be more than one level of approval for a process. There may be one or two recommendation points. Where an activity is new or substantially altered, and is clearly strategic in nature, the Board (or President if timeframe is short) will have final approval. Where an activity is clearly operational or part of approved strategy the final approval will be made by CEO or nominee. Some areas of decision making may vary between strategic and operational and in this case options on final approval are listed. Choice of with whom final approval will rest is based on time factors, whether it is covered by existing policy or strategic direction and upon risk assessment of each issue. Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

Delegation of Authority Policy - Dietitians Association of ...Delegation of Authority Policy Policy Statement Final authority for all matters in DAA rests with the elected Board of

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Page 1: Delegation of Authority Policy - Dietitians Association of ...Delegation of Authority Policy Policy Statement Final authority for all matters in DAA rests with the elected Board of

DAA General Policy & Procedure Manual

Structure Governance and Planning

A 1/8 Phipps Close, Deakin ACT 2600 | T 02 6189 1200| E [email protected] | F 02 6282 9888 | W daa.asn.au ABN 34 008 521 480

Adopted: November 2004 Revised annually to: May 2017 To be reviewed: August 2018

Delegation of Authority Policy

Policy Statement

Final authority for all matters in DAA rests with the elected Board of Directors. Boards are concerned with strategic priorities and direction, and oversight of compliance activities. Much of the Board’s authority is delegated to and through the CEO to ensure appropriate governance processes.

This policy cannot provide an exhaustive guide which names every activity, where a specific situation is not listed the pathway applying to a similar issue can be used as a guide.

Authority may be delegated by a higher level of authority to a lower one, either in specific cases or until revoked.

A higher authority may over-rule the decision of a lower authority. See Appendix 1.

In using this policy, certain conventions need to be understood.

The Board sets overall strategic and policy framework within which these processes fit.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and staff act in line with Board approved policy and the law.

Some decision- making processes are prescribed by law and no discretion is possible.

There may be more than one level of approval for a process. There may be one or two

recommendation points.

Where an activity is new or substantially altered, and is clearly strategic in nature, the Board (or

President if timeframe is short) will have final approval.

Where an activity is clearly operational or part of approved strategy the final approval will be

made by CEO or nominee.

Some areas of decision making may vary between strategic and operational and in this case

options on final approval are listed. Choice of with whom final approval will rest is based on time

factors, whether it is covered by existing policy or strategic direction and upon risk assessment of

each issue.

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

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ARJS – Accreditation, Recognition and Journal Services

CaPS – Credentialing and Professional Services

DC - Dietitian: Credentialing

DCC – Dietetic Credentialing Council

DSR - Dietetic Skills Recognition

EDC - Engagement and Development Committees

EM-ARJS – Executive Manager - Accreditation, Recognition and Journal Services

EM-CaPS – Executive Manager - Credentialing and Professional Services

EM-MSO Executive Manager – Member Services and Operations

ET – Executive Team (CEO and the three Executive Managers)

MPS - Manager Professional Services

OSO Operations Support Officer

PRM – Manager Public Relations

SDR – Senior Dietitian Relationships

SMMAC – Social Media and Marketing Advisory Committee

SPO Senior Policy officer

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Use of the Risk Assessment Matrix in determining level of decision making


Catastrophic Major Moderate

Minor Insignificant


Almost certain 1 1 1 2 3

Likely 1 1 2 3 4

Moderate 1 2 3 4 5

Unlikely 2 3 4 4 5

Rare 3 4 5 5 5

A risk score of (1) requires immediate attention with detailed assessment, planning and management strategies implemented at the highest levels. (Board or President’s decision depending on time frame)

A risk score of (2) requires a management plan and close monitoring at senior management level. (Board or President’s decision depending on time frame)

A risk score of (3) requires awareness and a contingency plan developed. (Operational decision by CEO in consultation with the President or relevant Director - Board informed)

A risk score of (4 to 5) is of no major concern and can be managed through routine procedures. (Operational decision by CEO - Board informed if necessary)

1 = High Risk

2 = significant risk

3 = Moderate risk

4 to 5 = Low risk

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Appendix 1

Delegations table

Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by



DAA Staff


(Working party if required)



Members at special general meeting

By-law DAA Staff

Solicitor (if required)

Executive Team (ET) member

CEO Board


Vision/Mission DAA Staff Relevant committee President Board


Association wide DAA Staff Relevant committee or ET member

Director responsible or CEO


Administrative DAA Staff Senior staff NA EM-MSO

Human Resources Corporate Administrator ET NA CEO


WHS Committee WHS Committee CEO

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by


Strategic plan Executive Staff

Relevant Committees and Working Parties if required


President (after consultation with the membership)


Annual plans - National Executive staff

CEO President Board

Annual Plans – Branches and Interest groups

Branch EDCs and IG Leaders MPS EM-CaPS Board

Structure of Association

Councils, Committees and Working Parties – Terms of Reference

DAA Staff Director responsible if appointed or executive staff member

NA Board

Councils, Committees and Working Parties – Establishment

Executive Staff CEO NA Board

Councils, Appointments DAA Staff Selection committee (if required)

Relevant Executive Staff Board (does not apply to

automatic appointments for 2nd terms)

Committees and Working Parties – Appointments

DAA Staff Selection committee (if required)

Relevant manager CEO unless contentious (does not apply to automatic appointments for 2nd terms)

PEN content developers CaPS staff NA PEN Translational Research Leader

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

Interest/Discussion Groups – Establishment and decommissioning

> 10 members for DG

> 100 members for IG


EM-CaPS NA Board

Media Spokespersons – Appointments

PRD Selection committee including chaired by PRM


Reference Groups – Appointments

DAA Staff NA Relevant Executive Manager or SPO

National/jurisdictional representatives (Permanent) – Appointments

PSU Staff Selection Panel or by invitation

Executive Manager


National/jurisdictional representatives (Ad hoc) – Appointments

PSU Staff Selection Panel or by invitation

Senior Staff CEO


Membership Fees Membership officer CEO and Finance Officer

Director responsible for Finance


Investments (routine bank accts/interest bearing deposits)

Finance Officer Finance Officer NA CEO

Investments – new directions Finance Officer CEO Director responsible for Finance


Annual Association Budgets Finance officer and Executive managers

CEO Director responsible for Finance


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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

Material Expenditure additional to budget

DAA Staff Relevant committee/Council chair or CEO

Director responsible for Finance


Individual DAA Staff Remuneration

Finance Officer Relevant Executive Manager


Authorisations of payments within approved unit budgets

Finance Officer Unit staff Relevant Executive Manager

Authorisations of payments outside approved unit budgets

Finance Officer Relevant Executive Manager


Reimbursement to Directors/Executive staff

Finance Officer Corporate administrator


Reimbursements – other Finance Officer Relevant manager/EDC or IG leader



Media Releases – strategic or controversial

Communications staff PRM/EM-MSO NA CEO or President


Decision to prepare submission DAA Staff, Interest group, reference group or committee

CEO or relevant staff member in consultation with SPO


Approval for Final Submission DAA Staff Group or staff member developing submission

relevant senior staff member

CEO or delegate

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by


Advertising in association with our Journal

Journal Publishers Journal Publishers NA EM-ARJS

Weekly member update Member Communications Manager

Executive Managers NA CEO

Special Mailing - copy MSO Administrator Marketing Manager NA EM-MSO

Trade exhibitions SDR & Conference organiser CEO NA Conference Management Committee


External Publications / Campaigns

MSO/CaPS staff

Reference group if required

EM-CaPS and/or EM-MSO


Publications - internal Relevant DAA Group and /or DAA Staff

Relevant Executive Manager


Reference to DAA (not endorsement)

DAA staff Relevant Executive manager



National MSO staff EM-MSO NA CEO

Branch / Interest Group Branch EDC/ IG convenor (SRM for advice)

SDR and EM-MSO EDC Sponsorship Coordinator/ IG convenor

EDC / IG leader/s

Corporate Partnerships

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

Formal engagement and contracts

MSO staff

Legal opinion if required


(may be referred to SMMAC for advice)


Board (for decision to proceed)

CEO - Contracts

Accreditation and Recognition

Accreditation of Dietetic Courses

Australian Dietetics Council, ARJS Staff

Australian Dietetics Council


Recognition and Examination of Overseas Qualifications

Overseas qualified dietitian - Eligibility for and outcomes of DAA Examinations / Mutual Recognition

Applicant DSR Administrator NA EM-ARJS

Appeals Level 1 Applicant DSR Administrator NA EM-ARJS

Appeals Level 2 Applicant and DSR Administrator

Appeals Panel of Australian Dietetics Council

NA Full Australian Dietetics Council

Appeals Level 3 Applicant and ARJS Independent Appeals Panel

NA Board

Membership/ Credentialing

Ratification of DAA Members and APDs


Membership Renewals and Change of Status

Membership Administrator NA NA EM-MSO

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

APD Renewals/change of status/resumption of practise

APD Admin NA EM-CaPS (and DCC panel depending on risk)

Alternate Process Credentialing Dietitian NA EM-CaPS (and DCC panel depending on risk)

Advanced APD Credentialing Dietitian and assessors

Assessors EM-CaPS CEO

Fellow DAA Credentialing Dietitian and assessors


APD audit outcomes CaPS staff EM-CaPS DCC

Awards and Prizes

Nominations (awards and prizes - all

See Hierarchy of Awards and Prizes

Member Services


location keynote speakers budget

Corporate Administrator, CEO

Conference Management Committee

Director Responsible Board


Supplements Recognition Dietitian Supplement Editor Journal Editor or Editor in Chief

EM-ARJS (or Board if extra funding required)

Content and copy Journal Administrator NA NA Journal Editor or Editor in Chief

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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

Short Courses (CAL)

Type and contents External party or DAA Group EM-CaPS CEO


Content and copy DAA Staff Relevant Unit EM-MSO CEO

Annual Report

Content and copy DAA Staff, representatives, committee chairs

Operations Coordinator


Acceptance Operations Coordinator President NA Members at AGM


Content DAA Staff, Web Manager Relevant Executive Manager


Related to Code of Professional conduct

CEO and Dietitian, Credentialing

Solicitor if necessary

DCC Chairperson, Complaints Hearing and Investigation Panel

DCC (for APD sanctions)

Board (for membership sanctions)

General CEO or relevant Executive Manager

- - Dependent on nature of complaint


Contracts or Agreements DAA Staff

Solicitor (if required)

Relevant Executive Manager


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Issue Action required from Recommendation 1 / Operational responsibility

Recommendation 2 / Operational responsibility (if req)

Final approval by

Grants DAA staff Relevant Executive Manager

NA CEO (or Board if large and impacting significantly on strategic direction).

Partnership Agreements -within guidelines

Relationships Manager EM-MSO NA CEO

Human Resources

Terms and Conditions for Employment of Staff

Corporate Administrator NA NA CEO

Appointment of CEO Corporate Administrator NA Selection Panel appointed by Board


Appointment of ExecutiveManagers

CEO NA Selection Panel appointed by Board (includes CEO and at least one director)

CEO after advising the Board.

Appointment of Dietetic Staff Executive Manager Selection Panel NA CEO

Appointment of Administrative Staff

Relevant Executive Manager Selection Panel CEO

Appointment of Consultants Senior staff Executive Manager or Selection Panel if required


Creation of New Employment and Consultant Positions outside budget

Relevant Executive Manager CEO Director responsible for finance
