Delivering Knowledge for Health Edit mode for Edit mode for administrators administrators Edit mode to enable administrators to : •Add widgets •Add pages •Set page format •Publish to the website

Delivering Knowledge for Health Edit mode to enable administrators to : Add widgets Add pages Set page format Publish to the website

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Delivering Knowledge for Health

Edit mode for administrators Edit mode for administrators

Edit mode to enable administrators to :

•Add widgets

•Add pages

•Set page format

•Publish to the website

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Select widgets from the list:-



•Quicklinks to relevant resources

•RSS newsfeeds

•Predefined search results of related topics


•Tags to browse community’s resources

•Tags of member’s subject interests

•Permission for members to view and/or edit pages

•Recent activities on the website

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Widgets can be moved around the page.

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Search results

Results from The Knowledge Network (formerly the e-Library)

Results from the community’s resource library

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Contributing: Resource LibrarySelect

Select appropriate option to –•Add a website link•Add a document from your pc•Add a resource from The Knowledge Network

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Fill in the form with the details of the record – remember to add keywords to help people find the record on a search.

If you are unsure of copyright etc check the community rules.

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Other ways to find resources

Using the links on the homepage and on the pages under the headings on the navigation bar

And using the keywords in the tag cloud

Tags – enables users of resources to add keywords to help find the resource again and to group related resources together. The tags are displayed in a ‘cloud’

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Example of Discussion

Using the discussion forum –

You can start a new topic or

contribute to a subject already under discussion

Delivering Knowledge for Health

Questions to considerQuestions to consider

• What is the purpose of the website and does this tool meet the needs?• Search The Knowledge Network in addition to the Community resource

library?• Include collaborative tools – wikis, blogs, discussions?• Main navigation options to manage your content• Additional administrators to help manage the website• KSG provide support to help set up your community and a Memorandum of

Understanding ensures joint understanding of the commitments on both sides.