TMMOB Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odas ı E ğ itim Merkezi Bildiriler Kitab ı 877 19. Uluslararas ı Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi | IMMC 2018 Demiryolu Bağlantılarında Gergi Kıskacı Olarak Kullanılan 38Si7 Çelik Kangal Kalitesinde Isıl İşlem Prosesi Sonrası Oluşan Heterojen Sertliğin Giderilmesi Removal of Heterogeneous Hardness After Heat Treatment Process of 38Si7 Steel Wire Rod Grade for Tension Clamps in Railway Fastening Systems Serdar Günbay¹, Erhan Sakallı², Hamdi Gül¹, Ahmet Sağlam¹ ¹İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. Payas/HATAY, Türkiye ²Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş. Ereğli/ZONGULDAK, Türkiye Abstract In this study, it was aimed to removal of heterogeneous hardness after heat treatment process of 38Si7 steel wire rod for tension clamps in railway fastening systems, conforming mechanical properties, microstructure and optimum hardness values. In early studies, it was evaluated that the root cause of heterogeneous hardness problem is ferrite banding. In this context , CCT / TTT diagrams were acquired by using JMatPro software, transformation temperatures were determined and stelmor process simulations were performed with Gleeble 3500 thermo-mechanical simulator and effect of this study on the microstructure were experimentally investigated. With the obtained findings, industrial applications were made in homogeneous cooling with constant cooling rate of about ucture results were examined after trial productions. The aimed mechanical properties were provided at all laying head temperatures and also it was determined that grain sizes were inversely proportional to laying head temperature according to ASTM E112-13. It has been determined that the laying head temperature does not have ferrite banding Wire rods without ferrite banding provided homogeneous hardness in customer process, that satisfy the customer demands. olup bu belirlenmi s - . DIN EN 10089 38Si7 kalitesi mikro - yay halat olarak nitelendirilmekle . e , -

Demiryolu Bağlantılarında Gergi Kıskacı Olarak Kullanılan ... · ¹İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. Payas/HATAY, Türkiye ²Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş. Ereğli/ZONGULDAK,

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TMMOB Metalurj i ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odas ı Eğ i t im MerkeziBildir i ler Kitab ı

87719. Uluslararas ı Metalurj i ve Malzeme Kongresi | IMMC 2018

Demiryolu Bağlantılarında Gergi Kıskacı Olarak Kullanılan 38Si7 Çelik Kangal Kalitesinde Isıl İşlem Prosesi Sonrası Oluşan Heterojen Sertliğin Giderilmesi

•Removal of Heterogeneous Hardness After Heat Treatment Process of 38Si7 Steel Wire Rod Grade for

Tension Clamps in Railway Fastening SystemsSerdar Günbay¹, Erhan Sakallı², Hamdi Gül¹, Ahmet Sağlam¹

¹İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. Payas/HATAY, Türkiye²Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş. Ereğli/ZONGULDAK, Türkiye


In this study, it was aimed to removal of heterogeneous hardness after heat treatment process of 38Si7 steel wire rod for tension clamps in railway fastening systems, conforming mechanical properties, microstructure and optimum hardness values. In early studies, it was evaluated that the root cause of heterogeneous hardness problem is ferrite banding. In this context , CCT / TTT diagrams were acquired by using JMatPro software, transformation temperatures were determined and stelmor process simulations were performed with Gleeble 3500 thermo-mechanical simulator and effect of this study on the microstructure were experimentally investigated. With the obtained findings, industrial applications were made in homogeneous cooling with constant cooling rate of about

ucture results were examined after trial productions. The aimed mechanical properties were provided at all laying head temperatures and also it was determined that grain sizes were inversely proportional to laying head temperature according to ASTM E112-13. It has been determined that the laying head temperature does not have ferrite banding

Wire rods without ferrite banding provided homogeneous hardness in customer process, that satisfy the customer demands.

olup bu





DIN EN 10089 38Si7 kalitesi mikro - yay halat

olarak nitelendirilmekle


, -

UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical & Materials Engineers’s Training Center Proceedings Book

878 IMMC 2018 | 19th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress

Kangal haddehanesi9 tezgah sonr -45 mm

18 ndirilir. Finish grubunda dikey ve yatay 10 tezgah bulunmakta olup, finish grubunun ilk 3- -indirgenen kangal utma so utularak ile serme kafadan

,sebebi olarak ferrit bant

. (Ar3)

830 olan Ar3



verilen kimyasal kompozisyona uygun olarak JMatPro


Kangal haddehanesinde belirlenen parametrelerine benzer kimyasal ve hadde parametreleri


Tablo 1. Kangal Kimyasal Kompozisyonu

No Kalite C Mn S P Si Al N Cu Ni Cr Ti

-138Si7 (1.7038_00) 0,39 0,63 0,004 0,01 1,64 0,012 0,0053 0,04 0,06 0,2 0,004

Tablo 2.

Stelmor Prosesi

Serme Kafa


Serme Kafa - Kapak -

1 865 0,27 580 0,6 2 840 0,27 580 0,6 3 810 0,27 580 0,6

2. JMatPro



TMMOB Metalurj i ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odas ı Eğ i t im MerkeziBildir i ler Kitab ı

87919. Uluslararas ı Metalurj i ve Malzeme Kongresi | IMMC 2018

2.2. Gleeble 3500


prosesleri tamamlanan flow stress numunelerinin mikro


Kangal Haddehanesinde benzer kimyasal analizlere sahip


ile bu problem olarak


Tablo 3. Deneme

Serme Kafa

(No Kalite C Mn S P Si Al N Cu Ni Cr Ti

830 -2 38Si7

(1.7038_00) 0,39 0,63 0,004 0,01 1,64 0,01 0,005 0,04 0,06 0,20 0,004

840 -3 38Si7

(1.7038_00) 0,39 0,63 0,004 0,01 1,64 0,01 0,005 0,04 0,06 0,20 0,004

860 -4 38Si7

(1.7038_00) 0,39 0,66 0,002 0,01 1,66 0,01 0,004 0,08 0,05 0,20 0,028

880 -5 38Si7

(1.7038_00) 0,40 0,65 0,002 0,01 1,70 0,01 0,004 0,02 0,03 0,18 0,028

paternleri 3500

Tablo 4.Serme Kafa


Serme Kafa --

830 0,27 580 1,20

840 0,27 580 1,20

860 0,29 600 1,00

880 0,31 600 0,87


Gleeble 3500 kompozisyonlara sahip numuneler

ile kimyasal

JMatPro Advance CCT

5. JMatPro Advance TTT

6. JMatPro


UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical & Materials Engineers’s Training Center Proceedings Book

880 IMMC 2018 | 19th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress

3.1. Gleeble 3500 Terma na

edilerek elde edilen numune


kangal nu

de kangal numunelerine TS EN ISO 6892-1

Mikro yaincelemesine tabii tutulan kangal numuneleri ASTM E3 - 11


Tablo 5.Serme Kafa

(No Kalite Ebat

(mm) Mukavemet %

Uzama % Kesit

830 -238Si7

(1.7038_00) 13 770 23 39

840 -338Si7

(1.7038_00) 13 774 24 40

860 -438Si7

(1.7038_00) 13 759 22 41

880 -538Si7

(1.7038_00) 13 770 24 43


410 HV

9. Tablo 4 Kangal Haddehanesi X200- X500

8. Stelmor proseslerinde X200-


TMMOB Metalurj i ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odas ı Eğ i t im MerkeziBildir i ler Kitab ı

88119. Uluslararas ı Metalurj i ve Malzeme Kongresi | IMMC 2018

D- 406,4



Gleeble3500 ciha




m elementi


E112-13 tane boyutu 10,6

840 elementi kangallarda ASTM E112-13 tane boyutu 10,6


ASTM E112-13 tane boyutu 9,4


ASTM E112-13 tane boyutu 9,8

ferrit bant

ola, uygun mekanik