Demo on How to Create Record Group using Personalization Note: We have taken the example o n the Contact Form (Enter & Maintain  Others  Contact), where in the Relation Type LOV should not display Spouse, Child, Daughter & Son when the marital status of the employee is Single and should display all values if the marital status says Married. 1) Get the Form Name  Navigate to Help  About Oracle Applications 2) Login to Putty to Get the Path where the form is actually located

Demo on How to Create Record Group Using Personalization

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Demo on How to Create Record Group Using Personalization

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  • Demo on How to Create Record Group using Personalization

    Note: We have taken the example on the Contact Form (Enter & Maintain Others Contact),

    where in the Relation Type LOV should not display Spouse, Child, Daughter & Son when the marital

    status of the employee is Single and should display all values if the marital status says Married.

    1) Get the Form Name Navigate to Help About Oracle Applications

    2) Login to Putty to Get the Path where the form is actually located

  • 3) Login to any tool which could help you download the form from the above extracted Path

    4) Login to Form Builder and Open the Form that has been downloaded

    Navigation to Record Groups Select RELATIONSHIP Right Click Open Property Palette

    Copy the Record Group Query

  • 5) Default Query used by Oracle in Record Group

    SELECT hl.lookup_code, hl.meaning FROM hr_leg_lookups hl WHERE hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT' AND hl.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND :ctl_globals.session_date BETWEEN NVL (hl.start_date_active, :ctl_globals.session_date) AND NVL (hl.end_date_active, :ctl_globals.session_date) ORDER BY hl.meaning

    6) We shall make changes in the Query as per our Requirement and use this in Personalization as

    Record Group

    SELECT hl.lookup_code, hl.meaning FROM hr_leg_lookups hl WHERE hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT' AND hl.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND :ctl_globals.session_date BETWEEN NVL (hl.start_date_active, :ctl_globals.session_date) AND NVL (hl.end_date_active, :ctl_globals.session_date) AND ( ( (SELECT marital_status FROM per_all_people_f WHERE :ctl_globals.session_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date AND business_group_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') AND person_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('PER_PERSON_ID')) = 'S' AND UPPER (hl.meaning) NOT IN ('CHILD', 'SPOUSE')) OR ( (SELECT marital_status FROM per_all_people_f WHERE :ctl_globals.session_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date AND business_group_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') AND person_id = fnd_profile.VALUE ('PER_PERSON_ID')) = 'M')) ORDER BY hl.meaning

  • 7) Navigate to the Contact form Help Diagnostics Custom Code Personalize Add New Personalization as show in the Screen Below

    Select Type as Builtin and Builtin Type as Create Record Group from Query Paste the Custom Query as Created Above and Name the Group as RELATION (One could give it any name desired)

  • Create New Sequence and Select type as Property, Object Type as LOV, Target Object RELATIONSHIP (Name of the List of Value Called in the Form), Property Name as GROUP_NAME and value as RELATION (This is the Group Name created in the above sequence)

    8) Test and Create Scenarios if the Record Group Personalization is in Order Scenario 1: Employee is Single; Contact Type should not show up Relation Type as Spouse, Child, Son and Daughter

  • Scenario 2: Employee is married; All Relation types should be displayed