Democrat or Republican?

Democrat or republican

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Page 1: Democrat or republican

Democrat or Republican?

Page 2: Democrat or republican

Or Somewhere in Between?

• List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Page 3: Democrat or republican

Emergence of the Tea Party

• Emerged in 2009 after the bailout of the US’s financial institutions(President Bush-2008), the economic stimulus package(President Obama-2009) and the new health care law(President Obama-2010).

• The name is taken from the Boston Tea Party as they protested against the British King at the time

• Tends to be very conservative and libertarian in nature

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Core Beliefs of Tea Party

• Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.

• Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

• Stronger Military Is Essential.

• Special Interests Eliminated.

• Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

• Government Must Be Downsized.

• National Budget Must Be Balanced.

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• Deficit Spending Will End.

• Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.• Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

• Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.

• Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

• Intrusive Government Stopped.

• English As Core Language Is Required.

• Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

• Common Sense Constitutional

• Conservative Self-Governance

• http://www.teaparty.org/about.php#beliefs

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• Not all Democrats or Republicans agree on all issues within their party

• Discuss media bias—Fox News vs CNN• Where you live can effect what party you belong


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2000 Election MapRed-Republican—Blue-Democrat

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2004 Election Map

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2008 Election Map

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• Republicans are conservative

– favor traditional institutions and the status quo

– favor laissez-faire system• define

– favor a limited role for government in society and believe that people should help themselves, not rely on the government

– favor lower taxes– believe in the trickle-down theory– Believe in rugged individualism

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• Democrats are liberal – favor change in society

– oppose government intervention into one’s private and social life

– support regulations on economic activity and businesses

– favor an active role for government in society

– believe that involvement – be it environmental regulations against polluting or anti-discrimination laws- can improve the quality of our lives

– willing to increase taxes to support programs

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• Democrat:– Abortion is a woman’s right and should be


• Republican:– Abortion should be illegal and restricted by


– http://law.findlaw.com/state-laws/abortion/

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Abortion Laws prior to 1973 Roe V. Wade Case Red--Illegal.

 Purple--Legal in cases of rape.   Blue-Legal in cases of danger to woman's health.

  Green-Legal in cases of danger to woman's health, rape or incest, or likely damaged fetus.   Yellow-Legal upon request.

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Pregnancy, Birth, Abortion, and Fetal Loss Rates Per 1,000 Women Aged 15--19 Years, by Race and Hispanic


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Parental Consent and Notification Laws

• http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/abortion/parental-consent-notification-laws-25268.htm

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Flag Burning

• Democrat:– Flag burning is political

speech and is protected by the Constitution

• Republican:– Protect the flag from

burning by a constitutional amendment

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Gun Control

• Democrats: – Favor/Gun control is needed

• Republicans: – Oppose/Gun control is unconstitutional

• NRA-ILA :: Gun Laws

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Natural Environment

• Democrats: – Strong regulations are needed to protect the


• Republicans: – Strong environmental laws harm the economy

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Race Relations

• Democrats: – Strong anti-discrimination laws are needed– favor affirmative action

• Republicans: – People and businesses can be trusted not to

discriminate– Many oppose affirmative action

• Affirmative Action Timeline

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Minimum Wage

• Democrats: – Favor/Increase the minimum wage to help


• Republicans: – Oppose/Do not raise the minimum wage

because it hurts businesses– http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0774473.html

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• Democrats: – Government should require universal access to


• Republicans: – Private insurers are preferable to government

controlled system

The Affordable Care Act-March 2010


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• Democrats: – Increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for

public programs

• Republicans: – Cutting taxes for everyone helps the economy

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2012 Tax Brackets

Tax rate

Single filersMarried filing jointly or qualifying widow/widower

Married filing separately

Head of household

10% Up to $8,700 Up to $17,400 Up to $8,700 Up to $12,400

15% $8,701 - $35,350 $17,401 - $70,700 $8,701- $35,350 $12,401 - $47,350

25% $35,351 - $85,650 $70,701 - $142,700 $35,351 - $71,350 $47,351 - $122,300

28% $85,651 - $178,650 $142,701 - $217,450 $71,351 - $108,725 $122,301 - $198,050

33% $178,651 - $388,350 $217,451 - $388,350 $108,726 - $194,175 $198,051 - $388,350

35% $388,351 or more $388,351 or more $194,176 or more $388,351 or more

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• Democrats: – Cut military spending; expand veteran’s

benefits; act in concert with other nations and/or with support from NATO and the UN

• Republicans: – Increase military spending; cut veteran’s

benefits; don’t be constrained by other nations or by NATO and the UN

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Death Penalty

• Democrats: – Oppose/It is not a deterrent and innocent

people are in jeopardy

• Republicans: – Favor/The death penalty is necessary and


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• Furman v. Georgia, (1972)• In this case, the court found the death

penalty to be unconstitutional on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th to the United States Constitution.

• http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/dpusa.htm

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Gay Marriage

• Democrats: – Favor-Gays rights and marriage are civil


• Republicans: – Oppose-Marriage is a sacred trust between a

man and woman

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2012 Election

• Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington all have gay marriage on the ballot for voters to decide upon

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Civil Unions

• Civil Unions provide some legal protections and responsibilities to gay and lesbian couples at the state level.

• Gay marriage supporters say civil unions have since proven to be ineffective, a separate but unequal status

• The protections and responsibilities do not extend beyond the border of the states in which the civil union was entered.

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Domestic Partnerships

• Domestic partnerships are a form of union under which gay (and sometimes non-gay) couples in some states or regions can formalize their partnerships.

• Gay marriage supporters say that, as with civil unions, the status remains a separate and unequal compromise which does not apply when a couple travels out of state, and offers no federal protections.

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Prayer in School

• Democrats: – Oppose/Violation of the separation between

church and state

• Republicans: – Favor/It is a religious right and our Christian


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War in Iraq/Afghanistan• Democrats:

– Favored at first but criticized President Bush for messing it up.– Wanted a defined exit strategy during the Bush years.– President Obama withdrew all combat troops from Iraq in August

2010– All US forces will be out of Iraq by the end of 2011– President Obama wanted to focus on Afghanistan-Sent 30,000

more troops 12-09.– Started US withdrawl from Afganistan in July 2011.– Hopes to be out by late next year(2012)

• Republicans:– President Bush stated 8-21-06 that US would not leave Iraq until

the job is done. – Admitted to mistakes in Iraq and says it will be a tough fight.– Hoped Iraq’s new gov’t and people would eventually be stable

enough for US withdrawl.– President Bush pulled 8,000 troops out in late 2008/early 2009.– Afghanistan was not focused on as much after the Iraq invasion.– Allowed Taliban and al-Qaeda to gain in power.