Southeast Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme Third Call for Proposals Strategic Project Development – TOR Priority 4 Demographic Change in SEE: Migration and Human Capital as key for sustainable economic growth Belgrade 07th April 2011

Demographic Change in SEE: Migration and Human Capital as ...€¦ · January 2012 2 days MC meeting: project approvals Introducing the 3rd CfP. Demographic Change Migration Human

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Page 1: Demographic Change in SEE: Migration and Human Capital as ...€¦ · January 2012 2 days MC meeting: project approvals Introducing the 3rd CfP. Demographic Change Migration Human

Southeast Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme

Third Call for Proposals

Strategic Project Development – TOR Priority 4

Demographic Change in SEE:

Migration and Human Capital as key for sustainable economic growth

Belgrade 07th April 2011

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Page 3: Demographic Change in SEE: Migration and Human Capital as ...€¦ · January 2012 2 days MC meeting: project approvals Introducing the 3rd CfP. Demographic Change Migration Human

First discussion on strategic calls at SEE program level (after

approval of the programme)

Starting point for an innovative exercise….

– Operational Program: general concept (7.2 sub-chapter)

– Program Manuals: (strategic project, stakeholders, procedure)

– Preliminary MC agreement (MC Vienna)

– Questionnaire submitted by the Partner States, the outcomes of the

1st SEE strategic workshop (understanding needs and expectations at

national level for strategic projects)

Introducing the 3rd CfP

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05.05.2010 Decision on 3rd call at MC committee in Pula

08.07.2010 1st strategic seminar in Dubrovnik

22.09.2010 2nd strategic seminar in Thessaloniki

Start End Duration Task

11.01.2011 25.02.11 2 months WP for approving ToRs + Application Package

25.02.2011 08.04.11 1 month Territorial marketing

Mid April End May 6-7 weeks Call is open for EoIs

End July 2 days Proposal pre-selection by MC

October November 8 weeks Call is open for AF

January 2012 2 days MC meeting: project approvals

Introducing the 3rd CfP

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Demographic Change


Human Capital

1. Background – Narrowed Topic

LanduseInfrastructure /



Spatial focus


FamiliesSpatial focus


Focus on vulnerable

GroupsPublic Finances Labour Market

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CEC (2008): Demography Report

1. Background – Policy Frame

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CEC (2009): Ageing Report

1. Background – Policy Frame

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1. Background – Core Components

Demographic Change� Ageing, shrinking work force, productivity, (public) services, public finances, ....

Migration Human Capital

(Regional) Labour Market(s)

Competitiveness of SEE regions and cities

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Evidence Base

1. Background – Logical Frame

Transnational Policy Dialogue

(Regional) Policies

& Strategies

Capacity Building

Reg. Administrations


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2. TOR 4 - Overall Objectives

The overall objective is to design new ways of addressing migration-related

demographic changes and its effects on human capital and labour

markets, with the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable economic

competitiveness of SEE countries, regions and cities. To do so, the project

aims at improving and harmonizing the statistical evidence base across

the programme area, promoting transnational policy dialogue and

strengthening public administrations’ ability to develop and implement

innovative policies and strategies.

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2. TOR 4 - Specific Objectives

1. To improve the evidence base with regard to migration-related

demographic changes by facilitating the common understanding and SEE-

wide usability of existing data, information and statistical tools.

2. To promote transnational policy dialogue and mutual policy learning

among SEE key-stakeholders of the policy-areas concerned.

3. To develop effective demographic / migratory forecast models and derive

regional policy scenarios with regard to labour market, human capital and

related public services.

4. To increase the policy coherence by updating regional strategies and

mainstreaming integrative approaches into sectoral policies.

5. To strengthen the capacity of regional administrations to undertake

evidence-based strategic planning and programming as well as to

implement related policies and strategies.

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2. TOR 4 - Compulsory activities

1. Mapping the data and information (as well as related statistical tools)

available in SEE on migratory flows and demographic changes in relation to

labour market needs, human capital and local social and economic services.

2. Elaborating a concrete action plan for knowledge transfer and capacity

building where such data, information and/or tools are not available.

3. Developing and implementing transnational policy learning and dialogue

mechanisms as well as setting up a common platform for launching

transnational policy initiatives.

4. Joint development of a flexible methodological framework for forecast

models and policy scenarios to be applied at regional level.

5. Making available policy tools for streamlining sectoral policies and the

regional programming of existing funding instruments in a strategic way.

6. Enhancing the capacity of regional administrations to use policy scenarios,

results of forecasts as well as statistical outcomes for strategic policy

planning and for programming resources and services accordingly.

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2. TOR 4 - Indicative activities

– ...

– Develop adjusted Migration Profiles including data on demography, human

capital, labour market as well as information about related policies and

institutional frameworks.

– Identification and coordination of existing networks in the policy-areas

concerned and/or initiating new network structures.

– ...

– Promoting policy learning on how to better use existing research data for

evidence-based policy making.

– Elaborating a methodology to compare regional scenarios and identify

common/ complementary needs among regions.

– Joint development of a methodology or other guidance materials to assist

administrations to integrate forecasts and scenarios into their spatial,

economic and sectoral plans and programs.

– Design and implementation of training-programms and -measures.

– Pilot measures in the fields concerned ...

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2. TOR 4 - Outputs

– SEE-wide Inventory of data, information, statistical tools and data analysis

systems in use in the fields of dem. change, migration and human capital.

– Needs analysis and action plans for those territories and administrative levels,

where the mentioned data or tools are not available.

– Map of forecast models in use to anticipate the impacts of migration-related

demographic change.

– New, updated or adjusted forecast models.

– Transnational platform/network ... for continuous dialogue and policy learning.

– Improved frameworks for multilevel governance of complex policy challenges.

– Comparative methodology for the identification of common needs and

challenges deriving from the forecast scenarios.

– Evidence-based tools for policy planning and programming ...

– Improved policies and (pilot-) strategies

– Training programmes, course-concepts and curricula

– Trained administrative staff with improved skills and competences

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2. TOR 4 – Type of Project Partners

– Regional and local authorities of territories most affected by

demographic and migratory flows.

– Relevant national ministries with a direct competence on demographic

change, migration or human capital and its respective policy effects.

– Statistics offices/bureaus, population registries, employment agencies.

– Regional (SEE) networks active in relevant fields.

Further partners, such as chambers of commerce, labour unions,

international organisations, universities or research institutes or relevant

NGOs might be added in order to ensure the technical expertise, sectoral

spread and horizontal linkages needed for achieving the specific goals of a


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2. TOR 4 – Eligible Partnership


– Minimum of eight countries (financing PP or ASP)

– Not more than three (financing) partners per country

– At least six of the financing partners shall be regional (local) authorities

of territories facing significant effects from demographic/migratory flows.

– 1 institution can be financing partner in max 2 (two) project proposals

– 1 institution can be Lead Applicant in max 1 (one) project proposal


– The ideal partnership will consist of approx. 15 financing partners.

–The inclusion of further actors as ASP or Observers can be considered an asset

if their value added is clearly demonstrated.

– There must be a demonstrated balance between partners who have

experience and expertise to share and partners looking to gain capacity.

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3. Practical info for applying

Available Budget

– Aprox. 30M€ ERDF for 5 TOR

– Project duration (30 months max)

* ERDF & IPA co-funding rate is 85% of eligible costs; ENPI is 90%.

** IPA & ENPI funds are subject to signature of the financing agreement between EC

and the beneficiary countries

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2-Step application procedure

– 1st Step: online submission of Expression of Interest on SEE website

– 2nd Step (if EoI approved by the MC): coached submission of full

proposals on SEE website (high-quality projects are needed)

IPA integration is under finalisation

– Integrated administrative and financial management with ERDF

– No pre-financing!

– Public co-financing only

– No budget thresholds

ENPI available

– Minimum threshold 100.000 EURO

3. Practical info for applying

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Eligible Partnership

– Minimum of eight countries (financing PP or ASP)

– Not more than three (financing) partners per country

– At least six of the financing partners shall be regional (local)

authorities of territories facing significant effects from

demographic/migratory flows.

– 1 institution can be financing partner in max 2 (two) project


– 1 institution can be Lead Applicant in max 1 (one) project


3. Practical info for applying

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Reference Documents (pls. read carefully!!)

– SEE Operational Programme

– Programme Manual 3rd call - 1st step

– Call announcement

– Relevant Terms of Reference (ToR)

– Applicants’ Guidelines

Application documents

– Expression of Interest

– Statement on Pre-financing and Co-financing to be signed by all PPs

All documents to be soon available on the SEE Programme website!

3. Practical info for applying

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3. Practical info for applying

Info and tools provided by the Programme Manual 3rd call - 1st step

Final version not approved yet - soon available on the SEE Programme website

– General Programme’s information

� ..., programme bodies, area, financing, legal framework, ...

– Strategic project generation

� Eligibility of ERDF and IPA PPs

� Sort and role of PPs, Composition of Partnership

� National Cofinancing

� Eligibility of project activities

– Eligibility of expenditures

– Info for ENPI participation

– Development and application procedure

– Assessment and selection criteria

� Tool for self-assessment of your project proposal

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4. Expectations

General expectations (all TOR)

– Further development of the concepts of the ToR

– Relevance/suitability of the partnership:

• geographical balance (financing partners and ASPs)

• territorial representation by public authorities

• clear roles consistent with competences

• balanced involvement of partners

– Clear transnational value added

– Balanced budget distribution (per PP, per WP)

– Clear, transparent and coherent set of activities (workplan)

– Avoid re-inventing the wheel! Check what’s going on around you!

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Expectations (TOR 4)

– TOR are not a final project proposal – it is a narrowed and clearly

defined topic, but there is still room for maneuver …

– Design your project - don't copy-paste!

– Integrated approach - no projects addressing isolated

aspects/sectors (e.g. education or health) are expected

– Avoid overlaps with other funding instruments (e.g. ESF)

4. Expectations

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Expectations (TOR 4)

– Where to start – partnership or project idea?

� It should be a iterative process

– Don't forget the „big picture”: Clear links to the mission of the

Programme and Priority 4!

� Territorial, economic and social cohesion in SEE

� Transnational synergies for sustainable growth areas

4. Expectations