Dental Services 1) REPLACEMENT OF MISSING TEETH/PROSTHODONTICS A – Fixed Replacement of Missing Teeth By a) DENTAL IMPLANTS i. Dental Implants For Crowns / Bridges / Overdentures ii. Immediate Implants iii. Teeth In An Hour By Noble Guide b) CROWNS AND BRIDGES i. All Ceramic Metal Free Crowns Viz Procera Amongst Others ii. Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns (Precious / Non Precious) iii. Only Metal Crowns (Precious / Non Precious ) B – Removable replacement of missing teeth by a) COMPLETE DENTURES b) PARTIAL DENTURES c) FLEXIBLE DENTURES 2) SMILE MAKEOVER BY COSMETIC DENTISTRY A -Veneers a) CERAMIC VENEERS b) COMPOSITE VENEERS B – Bleaching a) IN OFFICE BLEACHING BY ZOOM ADVANCED b) HOME BLEACHING C – Depigmentation of Dark Gums D – Treatment of Gummy Smiles E – Tooth Diamond F – All ceramic metal free crowns 3) BRACES/ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT A – Invisallign / Clear Alligners B – Lingual Braces C – Ceramic Braces a) CERAMIC NORMAL b) CERAMIC SELF-LIGATING D – Steel/Metal Braces

Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

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Page 1: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Dental Services


A – Fixed Replacement of Missing Teeth By


• i. Dental Implants For Crowns / Bridges / Overdentures • ii. Immediate Implants • iii. Teeth In An Hour By Noble Guide


• i. All Ceramic Metal Free Crowns Viz Procera Amongst Others • ii. Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns (Precious / Non Precious) • iii. Only Metal Crowns (Precious / Non Precious )

B – Removable replacement of missing teeth by



A -Veneers


B – Bleaching


C – Depigmentation of Dark Gums D – Treatment of Gummy Smiles E – Tooth Diamond F – All ceramic metal free crowns


A – Invisallign / Clear Alligners B – Lingual Braces C – Ceramic Braces


D – Steel/Metal Braces

Page 2: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as


E – Mini Implants for Anchorage F – Removable Appliances


A – Fillings – Composite/tooth colored B – Root canal treatments (Single/Multiple sittings) C – Inlays D – Onlays E – Post and Core


A - Regular scaling and polishing / oral prophylaxis B – Deep cleaning and root planning C – Curettage D – Gingivectomy / resection of overgrown gums E – Flap surgeries F – Pocket reduction G – Crown lengthening H – Gum and bone grafts I – Reduction of tooth mobility by splinting


A – Fluorides / Sealants And Restoration Specific For Kids

B- Sealants

C- Restoration Specific For Kids

D – Habit Breakers E – Preventive And Corrective Orthodontics


A - Extraction of grossly mutilated teeth / impacted teeth B – Reduction of jaw fractures C – Enucleation of cyts


A – Bruxers/Teeth Grinders To Relieve Tension Headaches And Muscle Soreness.


Page 3: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as


Dental Implants

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root. It is a titanium screw, which is placed in the jaw bone to replace the root of a missing tooth. The process of teeth implant is quite complicated and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because

It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as the adjacent teeth are not touched, unlike in a bridge.

• It is the only replacement for a missing tooth which stabilizes the underlying bone.

• It is as good as a natural tooth in terms of efficiency of chewing, looks and ease in speech

• If maintained by the patient, the implant can last a lifetime.

Dental implants are revolutionary. They are so comfortable and natural in the way they feel and look that sometimes a patient may forget that they have lost a natural tooth. Dental implants in India, is a routine procedure now. In fact there is a regular inflow of dental patients from abroad, for treatment of dental implants in Delhi, the capital of India and other such metro cities. The dental implant costs in India, are also affordable since there is the advantage of the Asian currency for the global quality brands of dental implants.

Page 4: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

What are the advantages of Dental Implants?


Dental implants look and feel so natural that the person feels comfortable and confident with them. They integrate, beautifully in the jaw bone and stabilize it so no bone loss occurs. Also the gum adapts well with the implant and there is no recession .Thus a dental implant looks like a natural tooth.

Tooth saving/Conservative

A dental implant is the most cost effective and reliable option for a missing tooth. Since the adjacent teeth are not touched or altered in any way, this is a big advantage in maintaining the integrity of the other natural teeth present in the mouth. The implant takes no support from the adjacent natural teeth, only from the underlying bone.


A bright smile always leaves a great impression on the person you are talking to, distorted or broken tooth may reduce your confidence level. The dental implants look so natural that they are hardly distinguishable from the real teeth. They return your confidence and also you can now eat, talk, and speak fluently. The dental implants are secured well within the jaw and do not wobble.


It is evidence based that the success rate of dental implants is highly predictable.Thus (if the main factors are compatible) they are the first line of treatment for missing teeth.

Should you go for a Dental Implant Treatment?

The main criterion for selecting a patient for dental implant treatment is good oral and general health. Compromised bone and gum conditions can be treated to get implant. Age is not a factor if you wish to go for a dental implant.

Page 5: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Candidates who do not smoke, have diabetes or have a weak immune system can go for dental implants as the procedure depends on healing to give back your smile naturally. Dentists also recommend using dental implants for deeply infected or broken teeth instead of a bridge where two healthy teeth are sacrificed for a bad one.

Dental Implants for Crowns / Bridges / Over


Teeth are precious because they define your smile which in turn affects your personality doesn’t it? But, sometimes the teeth get damaged due to accidents and other mishaps and the flawless smile becomes a dream. Have you been through such situations? Well, we, at Smile ‘n’ Braces, are here to save you the embarrassment of battling such problems. We have a dedicated team of experts that provide a variety of services when it comes to treating dental problems. A part of these services also includes replacement of teeth, putting dental implants, repairing them and basically a lot more that will help in restoring your flawless smile.

Here is a brief preview of services provided at our clinic:

Tooth or teeth replacement: This is a process where our dentists will replace a portion of the tooth or teeth with an implant. Made of superior quality material, these implants look very similar to your original teeth and this ensures that wearing them does not embarrass you. Additionally, the implants are strong and don’t affect your ability to eat or talk. In fact, you don’t even need a special maintenance routine to take care of them. Regular brushing is sufficient to do the job.

Page 6: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Dentures: Usually, as a person starts to grow old, his or her teeth fall off. In such cases, repair is not a possible option. Instead, what the individual needs is a complete denture. This would act like an implant supported by a bridge replacing your original teeth entirely. All you need to do is keep these dentures clean.

Are the implants safe?

The branded titanium implants which are used at, “Smile ‘n’ Braces” are completely safe. There are cheap substandard implants also available. However since quality is never compromised for any dental services in “Smile ‘n’ Braces”, substandard dental implants are never used here just because they cost less”. The sterilization protocol followed is world class.

The complete care philosophy!

At Smile ‘n’ Braces, our doctors implement a holistic care routine wherein the patient is given complete support right till the stage he or she starts recovering. Also, the services that the patient needs are all available under one roof making it simpler. The dentists also help the patients get accustomed to the idea of using the dentures as well as maintaining it.

No pain-all gain!

We use the latest technique and technology to make the procedure as pain-free as possible. Being updated with the latest techniques, we make it a point to introduce new and innovative technology that allows our patients to get access to better treatment without actually drilling a hole into their pocket. Even the implants used at our clinic are made to undergo stringent quality tests so that there is no risk of any unwanted side effects on our patients. After all, the comfort of the patient is always top priority for us. Also the excellent support system ensures that there is no stress on our patients as they undergo the treatment.

Immediate Implants

An immediate implant is an implant, which is placed within the tooth socket as soon as the tooth is extracted.

There are a lot of advantages of this technique.

1- In the conventional two stage technique, after the extraction of the tooth, one has to wait for six months for fresh bone to form and then only one can proceed with the implant surgery. In the immediate implant technique, the six month waiting period is eliminated, as the implant is given on the same day of the extraction with a temporary tooth on it.

2- The second surgery is also eliminated in an immediate implant case. The healing process is a natural one, where the body builds fresh bone around the implant.

Page 7: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

3- In many cases the procedure is flapless, which means the surgery is conservative.

4- The size of the implant used in this procedure, is equal to or slightly more than the size of the natural root , so more conservation of bone occurs here and the contour / form of the ridge i.e. jaw bone is maintained.

5- This procedure provides a more esthetic look of the final crown, as a more natural tooth angle and emergence profile can be maintained.

6- Last but not the lease the patient gets instant gratification.

However certain factors have to be kept in mind while selecting a case for an immediate implant.

• There should be no infection. • There should be enough bone. • There should be good primary stability. • The bite should be favorable. • Commitment from the patient to be on a soft diet for 3 months. In case a upper front

single temporary crown has to be given on an implant, it should not be in contact with the opposing tooth. This further prevents the use of tooth too early.

To ensure best results a systematic approach should be adopted by the dentist.

Step 1- is the comprehensive data collection of the case i.e. photographs, study models, OPG, X-Ray and CT scan.

Step 2- is a thorough consultation with the patient. This includes getting the patient history of any medical problems like diabetes, blood pressure, bleeding disorders, radiation history etc. Also getting a history of any habits like smoking or grinding teeth. At this stage the patient expectations are discussed.

Step 3- is a hard tissue analysis, which means how much bone is there. If the bone is deficient then with the predictable techniques the bone augmentation can be done. A simultaneous bone graft with the implant can be done in many cases.

Step 4- is a soft tissue analysis. Here the gum type is assessed, so as to understand the final esthetics that can be achieved.

Once the above information is in place the dentist can decide if the case is appropriate for an immediate implant.

Teeth In An Hour By Nobel Guide


‘Teeth in an hour ‘, is a revolutionary concept for providing teeth to completely toothless patients. In one appointment these patients go from having no teeth to afull set of functional teeth on dental implants. Since these are fixed teeth, this is a popular treatment modality with

Page 8: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

patients as they canget rid of the thought of wearing dentures, which is not welcomed by anyone. We all know, the biting capacity, look and feel of fixed teeth are any day better than removable dentures.

The ‘Nobel Biocare ‘company has created this technology.

In this technique, most of the work is done in the planning stage, which is computer enabled, hence the surgery takes only an hour.

The first step is to do a CT scan of the jaws. With the progress in 3D Imaging Science, we now have CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography) which has amazing accuracy, way above the traditional Cat Scan (CT) standards. With CBCT, one can precisely locate and assess the areas of the healthiest jaw bones. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the bone is done. Evaluation of the other anatomical landmarks like the maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar nerve etc can be done accurately. This is very important for assuring the long term implant health. Any kind of guessing is eliminated by this method.

With this information, the data is provided for making a customized surgical guide/stent. This surgical guide which is made in two weeks is precise. So the best possible sites for implant placement are located. This customizedstent provides guidance of the implant position, depth and angulation during the surgical procedure.

The computer guided implant surgery is done in without raising a flap. So the advantage is a conservative surgery which involves less chair time, healing is fast with less postoperative discomfort, less swelling and less bruising. The jaw bone integrity is maintained through the implants which simulate the roots of the teeth. This is a strong constant to resorption of the jaw bones under dentures. The patient can go back to work the next day.

Crowns And Bridges

Dental Crowns and bridges are vital in case of any of the following cases.


It is mandatory for a root canal treated tooth to have a ceramic or porcelain dental cap/crown as the tooth though now healthy is brittle (because the nerve and blood supply has been removed). If not capped or crowned, the tooth may fracture on eating something hard like toast, nuts or bones, which may ultimately lead to removal or extraction of the tooth.


If the cavity in a tooth is so big that the retention of the tooth to hold the filling is compromised, then it becomes mandatory for the tooth to be capped/crowned with ceramic or porcelain dental crowns so that it gets reinforced and can last in the mouth and serve for a long time. For teeth that are badly damaged, ceramic and porcelain dental crowns can be an effective treatment option.


Page 9: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

If you have only one missing tooth, ceramic or porcelain dental bridge is your best choice. When one tooth is missing in the mouth, it is mandatory to replace it. This is because if not replaced:

• The chewing efficiency gets compromised and the stomach is strained or stressed to aid in food digestion.

• Teeth move /migrate wherever they get space. If one tooth is missing the adjacent teeth move (from either side) to occupy that space. Also the opposing tooth (i.e. in the opposite arch) tends to move into this space. As result of movement of these teeth, fresh spaces are created in between these teeth. These spaces are catch areas for food and can further aggravate into acute dental problems.

One of the most common and dependable way of replacing missing tooth/teeth is a bridge where support of teeth adjacent to the missing tooth/teeth is taken and a fixed replacement is given. So porcelain or ceramic dental caps/crowns are put on adjacent teeth to anchor the artificial teeth which fill the gaps.

Page 10: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

All Ceramic Metal Free Crowns Viz

Procera Amongst Others

All ceramic crowns like the ones from Procera are excellent in aesthetics and give a life like appearance. They have proven to sustain excellent strength too. They are precise in their fit as they are made by the cad cam technology i.e. computer aided designed and manufactured. They are of two types:

• The all ceramic zirconia crowns which are advised for the back teeth, as their strength is considered to be great for chewing.

• The alumins based all ceramic crowns usually come by the name Ipsemax. They are excellent in aesthetics and advised for the front teeth. Their strength is relatively less as compared to the zirconia crowns. The Ipsemax material is also used for ceramic veneers which are used for complete “Smile Makeovers”.These are usually used when the teeth are stained, fractured or have gaps.

Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns (Precious

/ Non Precious)

These crowns have an outer covering of porcelain and an inner coping of metal. The metal could be precious(i.e. gold) or it can be non precious(i.e. chrome cobolt).

Page 11: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

The crowns are as strong as zirconia. Aesthetically they are not as life-like as zirconia crowns because of the metal coping. They are thus not recommended for the front teeth.

Only Metal Crowns (Precious / Non

Precious )

The precious metal gold crowns are the best for the mouth as pure gold is the most biocompatible and friendly material to the human body.


Apart from the implant supported dentures there are regular dentures which rest on the jaw bones.These should be removed at night and soaked in water.

Additionally, they need to be removed and cleaned everytime a person eats anything.

Conventional dentures have been used for a long time, though the upper jaw dentures are more satisfactory compared to the lower ones (the lower jaw bone is narrow and the suction for lower denture is not that good). Therefore for lower jaws, implant supported dentures are recommended.


Flexible partial dentures are comfortable, beautiful, and affordable choice available to our patients. It was long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective but not anymore. The innovation of the Valplast Flexible Partial allows the restoration to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility of your mouth.

This is the underlying thinking behind Valplast’s innovative flexible, removable partial denture. The flexibility, combined with strength and light weight, provides total comfort and great looks!

The preparation is relatively simple because your natural teeth don’t need to be altered in any way. The Valplast partial is virtually invisible because there are no telltale metal clasps and the material itself blends with the tissue in your mouth so that the only thing that shows is your beautiful smile.

When considering a removable partial, many people find the Valplast Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option, since the final restoration can be done very quickly!. While the cost is often higher than a partial made with visible metal clasps, the results of the flexible partial are beautiful and patient satisfaction is relatively higher. The Valplast Flexible Partial involves only non-invasive procedures, and gives you confidence in your restoration while talking, eating, and most importantly: smiling!


Page 12: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as


Page 13: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Complete Dentures

Apart from the implant supported dentures there are regular dentures which rest on the jaw bones. These should be removed at night and soaked in water.

Flexible Dentures

Flexible partial dentures are a comfortable, beautiful, and affordable choice available to our patients.

It was long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective but not anymore. The innovation of the Valplast Flexible Partial allows the restoration to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility of your mouth.

This is the underlying thinking behind Valplast’s innovative, flexible, removable partial denture. The flexibility, combined with strength and light weight, provides total comfort and great looks!

The preparation is relatively simple because your natural teeth don’t need to be altered in any way. The Valplast partial is virtually invisible because there are no telltale metal clasps and the material itself blends with the tissue in your mouth so that the only thing that shows is your beautiful smile.

When considering a removable partial, many people find the Valplast Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option, since the final restoration can be done very quickly. While the cost is often higher than a partial, made with visible metal clasps, the results of the flexible partial are beautiful, and patient satisfaction is relatively higher.The Valplast Flexible Partial involves only non-invasive procedures, and gives you confidence in your restoration while talking, eating, and most importantly smiling!




Resin-based composite veneers are generally placed in one appointment. After the tooth is prepared or reshaped, the participating dentist carefully bonds and sculpts the composite material in a colour that matches your other teeth. A special light is used to harden the composite. The veneer is then smoothed and polished to look like a natural tooth.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth discolouration is a common problem faced by patients in India, the traditional food which involves the use of spices like turmeric, drinks like tea is the most common cause for teeth discolouration even among young kids. Apart from this chewing tobacco, smoking cigarette, drinking coffee, cold drinks can harm the enamel and cause discolouration. Teeth whitening products like toothpastes or home remedies can do more harm than good.They

Page 14: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

usually work by removing the layer of your enamel which can later lead to tooth sensitivity. Hence it is recommended that you should take the advice of your dentist.

Teeth whitening at Smile ‘n’ Braces is done by Dr. Namrata Sharma at her clinic, with successful results in minimal time. Bleaching being the main teeth whitening procedure if done by dentists is safe and can give your teeth the desired shade.

Bleaching can be done for improving the shade of the teeth, to make them whiter and/or brighter by :

• Home bleaching • Office bleaching

Latest Guaranteed Brigther Whiter Smile In just 1 Hour by ZOOM ADVANCED.

Dr. Namrata Sharma is an experienced and competent, Family and Cosmetic Dentist uses the latest and most scientifically advanced in office tooth whitening system available worldwide to give you a dramatically whiter smile in less than an hour.

Not only is the procedure effective and fast but also safe. It is ideal for someone looking for immediate results. The convenience of this method compared to wearing trays and strips over days makes it the perfect choice for busy individuals.

The procedure is simple. It begins with a short preparation to cover the lips and gums leaving only the teeth exposed. Then the ZOOM ADVANCED whitening gel is applied and with it is used the specially designed ZOOM ADVANCED LIGHT. The light and gel work together to gently penetrate the teeth, breaking up stains and discolouration. With proper care the sparkling smile can last for years.

Extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening your teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact many dentists consider tooth whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As is with any tooth whitening product, Zoom!. Advanced too is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.

Page 15: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

An 8- shade improvement in a recently done case, by Dr.Namrata Sharma, in just one

hour using Zoom Advanced in her clinic.


Q. What is the Zoom teeth whitening procedure?

A. Zoom is a technique for bleaching the teeth by surface oxidation the discolouration on enamel and dentine gets lightened.

Q. How is tooth discolouration caused?

A tooth discolouration can occur due to several reasons including drinking too much tea, coffee, smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco etc. These drinks or food react with the enamel of the tooth and cause discolouration if the patient does not brush properly. The internal tooth discolouration is caused by, aging, consumption of drugs like tetracyclines during pregnancy and excessive fluoride.

Page 16: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Q. Who can benefit from the Teeth whitening process?

A. Almost anyone every one will have some improvement in the shade of their teeth when they go for teeth whitening. However the dentist can assess after examining, which patient will get better results than another.

Q. Is teeth whitening a popular procedure?

A. With the increasing awareness, zoom teeth whitening is becoming a popular procedure. Every one desires a bright sparkling smile. It certainly increases the confidence of a person.

Q. Is teeth whitening a safe procedure?

A. Yes. Extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. It is evidence based, after much research and clinical studies that, teeth whitening done under the supervision of an expert dentist is safe. There is only one, short lived side effect of this procedure. In some cases there may be sensitivity to hot and cold for just 24 hours. This is countered by the use of medicated toothpaste.This procedure or any teeth whitening is not recommended in lactating/pregnant women and in children under 13 years of age.

Q. How long do the results of teeth whitening last?

A. Your teeth will always be lighter than they were before, if you follow some simple post procedure instructions i.e. brushing twice, flossing and occasional touch ups with Zoom weekender and night white gel. Your dentist can help you to keep your teeth the brightest by some special Formula products .These are only available with your dental professional.

Q. What is the mechanism of action of Zoom In office system?

A. Hydrogen Peroxide is the active ingredient in Zoom light activated gel. As the hydrogen peroxide gets broken down, nascent oxygen gets released. This penetrates the enamel and dentin and leaches the colored substances. The structure of the tooth is not affected. The zoom light helps in the activation of hydrogen peroxide.

Q. During the zoom in office procedure, what does the patient experience?

A. Patients can watch television or you tube or listen to music while going through the procedure. However if a patient has a gag reflex or anxiety they may have difficulty undergoing the procedure.

Q. How long does the zoom in office teeth whitening take?

A. The procedure takes less than an hour. There is a protocol for preparation of the teeth and isolation of soft tissues.Then three cycles of 15 minutes each are run. A cleaning prior to the zoom procedure is recommended.

Q. Are there any side effects?

A. There is only one short lived side effect i.e. sensitivity.In few patients there may be sensitivity/ mild tingling during the procedure, which diapers after the procedure, is over. In others the sensitivity may last for maximum 24 hours.It is taken care of by a medicated anti sensitivity toothpaste.


Page 17: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

There are times when teeth damaged due to accidents tend to chip off. In fact, even regularly drinking tea or coffee and not maintaining your teeth properly can lead to the development of stains. These stains make it almost impossible for you to flaunt your lovely smile, isn’t it? With the services of Smile ‘n’ Braces, Clinic, you can address this problem once and for all. Yes! The doctors at this clinic are well versed with the several types of dental problems including such hard to go stains and difficult to hide damages. Using specially developed veneers, the expert doctors hide the flaw like it never existed making you look smart as ever.

When it the treatment used?

Veneers are a popular treatment option for several types of problems. From gap in the teeth to crookedly shaped teeth, this method of treating comes across as a useful option to transform a person’s personality by giving him a perfect smile. There are times when bleaching the teeth may not help. This is particularly true in cases when the damage is extensive. Those who want to get rid of the gaps between teeth can also use this treatment as an option. Another situation when veneers are referred is when patients demand smile make overs.

How is the treatment done?

Before we proceed towards understanding how the treatment is done, you need to get the basics right. First things first, a veneer is an artificial covering for your teeth made of dental porcelain. They don’t affect the appearance of your teeth and so when you wear them, you don’t have to worry about stopping people from noticing your smile. Prior to designing the veneers for your treatment, the dentists will take measurements though x-rays and other methods as each covering is customized according to requirements of the patients. At our clinic, the doctors will also give you a choice of choosing the colour, shape and other features. The first step is to prepare the tooth by .5mm. Now an impression is done for this prepared tooth. The impression is sent to the laboratory. It takes around 4 days for the fabrication of the veneers. For those interim 4 days a temporary veneer is prepared and bonded on the patient’s tooth. Once the permanent veneer ready then the temporary is removed and the permanent ceramic/porcelain veneer is bonded.

Is it affordable?

A lot of people think that veneers are an expensive treatment option. But, this is not true. At our clinic, we offer this treatment option at a cost effective price. Therefore, a lot of people from foreign countries also come to our clinic, to get themselves treated for dental problems. Additionally, our holistic care approach ensures that the patient does not have to worry about other details when it comes to the treatment. An expert team of doctors is constantly paying attention ensuring that the problem is taken care of.

Our care is based on the theory of compassion that also helps in the speedy recovery of the patient. The end result is that our patient gets to walk out with a smile!

Ceramic Veneers

Page 18: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Ceramic veneers are thin shells made of strong dental porcelain, which are bonded on the front surface of the teeth to improve a person’s smile.

They correct imperfections in a smile, like gaps between teeth, dicolourations, cracks,chips, malalignments, size discrepancies and provide the perfect smile one wishes to have. They can also be used to cover worn out, dull or aged teeth and prevent further wear and tear of teeth.

Ceramic veneer treatment in Delhi is becoming common, ever since patients have got interested in “smile-makeovers” and cosmetic dentistry has gained popularity. Also since the ceramic veneer cost in Delhi is reasonable, a lot of patients from abroad are heading to Delhi for ceramic veneers. It is reasonable for them as the material used is the same as in Europe or America i.e. IPS Emax. Plus there is the advantage of the Asian currency.

The expertise and sterilization in a reputed dental clinic of Delhi like, “Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre” can be vouched for. Thus Delhi and “Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre”, are becoming a hub for dental tourism. Cosmetic dental treatments like ceramic veneer treatment are one of the popular dental procedures for which dental tourists are visiting Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre. With the improved dental cements and bonding agents, ceramic veneers last from 10 to 30 years.

The ceramic veneer cost in Delhi is very reasonable. As against the cost of a ceramic veneer in the United States which is anywhere from $1000 a tooth upwards to $3000 a tooth, in Smile Delhi it is around $ 200 to $ 300.

They are customized for each patient by the dentist. The patient gives his or her preference in terms of the colour, shape and size of the veneers. The entire procedure can be completed in two sittings over a week’s time. In the first sitting the dentist prepares the tooth for a veneer by removing just .5 mm of enamel from the front and sides of the tooth. Then an impression is taken and sent to the laboratory. The dental laboratory fabricates the ceramic veneers, according to the specifications of the patient along with the recommendations of the dentist in about 3-4 days.

A recently done Smile Makeover case by Veneers at Dr. Namrata’s Clinic

Pre Veneers

Page 19: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Post Veneers

Temporary veneers are given to the patient for the interim period between the two sittings. In the second sitting the ceramic veneers are bonded to the teeth and the patient has a good looking and healthy smile.

Though the dental porcelain used to make the veneers is brittle, once the veneer gets bonded to the teeth with cement it becomes very strong.

• The ceramic veneers are very conservative. • They are strong and long lasting and durable and last for 10 to 15 years. • They are stain resistant and do not get affected by cigarettes, wine, coffee or tea. • They are lifelike as they reflect light like natural teeth.

Thus ceramic veneers are a great solution for a smile makeover.



This is the latest and the most scientifically advanced in office tooth whitening systems available worldwide to give you a dramatically whiter smile in less than an hour.

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This is also an effective way of whitening teeth. Here trays are customised for the patient.

HOME BLEACHING-This is also an effective way of whitening teeth. Here trays are customised for the patient along with which the tray tubes of bleach material are also provided. The patient wears these trays with the material in it at night, for 7 to 9 nights. The results are good but it is a time consuming process.


A common dental problem is of patients is not being content with their unusually dark gums. Depigmentation is a simple procedure where the surface layer is scraped off and the result is pinker healthier gums

A case of gum depigmentation done recently at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre.


Imagine a situation when you have been invited to a prestigious event like a family gathering or wedding and just when you flash your smile, the thought of your gums being visible makes you hesitate. What follows is an embarrassing situation that you would want to erase from your memory, isn’t it? Nobody likes gummy smiles. AtSmile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, we offer an extensive variety of treatment for gummy smiles ensuring that people don’t have to battle embarrassing situations. The entire treatment is performed under expert supervision ensuring that your gummy smile is treated without leaving any disastrous side effects. Also, the implants, crowns, etc. used to repair the smile are all of best quality.

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What are the treatment options?

If you are struggling to get rid of a gummy smile, there are usually two treatment options. For those who don’t know, you can hide the gums or you make the teeth look longer to cover a bigger part of the gums. Contouring of gums is one of the most widely recommended treatments in such cases when it comes to repairing the smile. However, before prescribing the treatment method, doctors will do a detailed study of the dental structure and identify the cause of the problem. Yes! Very often the irregularity in the structure of your gums is a result of a genetic disorder. Identification of the problem will be possible only after the doctor will do a series of tests. In case, the problem is genetic, the doctor will prescribe medicines. In some cases, doctors also prescribe a combination treatment where the contouring of gums is coupled with fixing of veneers as well in order to have the required impact on the dental structure.

Is it painful?

No, gum treatment is not painful. At a reputed place like ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, the dentists take all the required precautions to minimize the risk of patient experiencing any pain or discomfort during the treatment. At Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, both the treatment modalities are followed. The first method is the conventional approach of using a scalpel. The second approach is using the laser. Since the treatment is done under local anesthesia, there is no pain. For the post-operative healing medicines are prescribed.)

Post treatment precautions

The healing of gums takes a few days , a week on the outside.The patient is not supposed to eat anything hard or hot for that period of time. However, you don’t have to spare days recovering in one room just because of the treatment. Soon, after the treatment, you will be free to resume most of your daily routine. The doctors will help you understand the precautions that need to be taken for the next few days. Also, our doctors are most likely to prescribe routine follow-ups in order to keep a check on your progress. This also helps them give you the required instructions on simple tips that you can follow in order increase the pace of recovery.

Ceramic Crowns – Dental Clinic Treatment


These are crowns made purely from porcelain or ceramic and no other material like, porcelain fused to metal or only metal like gold etc. These crowns are highly esthetic as the material of these crowns, allows the light to pass through them.It does not absorb the light like metal does, so they are lifelike and translucent, blending with the rest of the teeth.

These crowns are of superior quality and last many years.

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Most of the, “all ceramic metal free crowns” are fabricated, using the CAD/CAM technology ie Computer Aided Designed And Computer Aided Manufactured. Thus the fit is very precise .

There are two types of ceramic crowns,




These crowns are chosen by people, who value quality and a life like natural appearance of their crowns and also those who have minimal space in their mouths. These crowns are light as they are free from any heavy metal. Plus the margins with the gum are flush, as they being biocompatible allow the gum to grow alongside the crown. These crowns cause no allergic reactions and also do not cause any sensitivity to hot or cold foods.


These crowns are prone to chipping or cracking or breaking as they are less durable than other types of crowns. They are technique sensitive and require high degree of expertise for fabrication. This increases the cost.


The procedure for fitting an all ceramic crown is the same as any other crown. It requires two sittings. In the first sitting the dentist will clean and shape the tooth, to create space for the crown material. The logic is the tooth and the crown together should be the size of a normal tooth.

An impression of the prepared tooth is made with putty and wash and sent to the laboratory. Since the fabrication of the crown will take a week or two, a temporary crown is given for the interim period.

In the second sitting the dentist will remove the temporary crown and temporary cement and check the fit of the crown. Once he is satisfied the crown is fixed with a dental cement.


A zirconia crown is durable and esthetic and made of a strong crystal. Thus it has a wide usage in the medical field and is used for replacing joints e.g. knee etc.

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It is usually recommended for the back or posterior teeth. It is life like as the light passes through it. The preparation of the tooth is minimal, so more of the natural tooth material is conserved. This is an advantage if for some reason the crown needs to be removed later.

The tough durable material of Zirconia has the disadvantage of wearing off the opposing natural tooth, because it is slightly abrasive.


The Emax crown is preferred for its esthetics and is recommended for the front / anterior teeth. So these crowns are used for smile makeovers and cover stained, damaged, chipped teeth. It has an appealing translucent colour which blends with the enamel translucency.

A single block of lithium disilicate ceramic is used to fabricate this crown.This material is known to be durable and strong. Yet the crown has a delicate lifelike appearance. This emax crown is the best match for the natural teeth. The cost is a factor to be considered, though anyone valuing quality and esthetics would be ready to pay the premium. The other big advantage is that since there is no metal alloy base the ugly grey line at the margin of the crown and gum is not an issue.


As children, most of us have our bunny teeth giving us our signature smile. But, nobody likes to carry this signature smile as an adult. In fact, if you are spotted with your two teeth peeping out, your smile is ruined and it appears to be a major dent on your personality as well. At Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, we understand this problem and therefore specialize in providing orthodontic treatments that help people align their crooked teeth and get back their million dollar smile as well.

What is Orthodontic treatment?

It is a special type of treatment that focuses on reducing the gap between teeth and giving them a uniform structure so that you have the perfect smile. This treatment helps in aligning crowded teeth, overlapped teeth, crooked teeth etc. There was a time when people feared this treatment. However, now it is extremely common and children as young as 12 years are opting for it in order to repair their dental structure.

Who needs it?

Once again, people with irregular teeth will need this treatment. Additionally, the advantage of this treatment is that it is equally effective on people across age groups. Whether you are young or old, this treatment can help you get back your flawless smile. It’s not the age of the person but the bone support that is the important criteria for this treatment.

How is the treatment done?

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There are different types of Orthodontic treatments and each follows a different technique. Ideally, in the first sitting, the Orthodontist focuses on creating the gap so that the teeth can be pulled back. In some cases, the gap already exists and so the Orthodontist need not worry about removing tooth or teeth to create this space. Each tooth is then fitted with a specially designed bracket that is used to gradually pull them back in line.

How much time does it take?

Orthodontic treatments don’t give instant results. It takes time for the teeth to change their alignment and as a patient, you have to be willing to wait. Depending on the amount of alignment that your teeth need, the Orthodontist will prescribe the time of the treatment. Also, this treatment is implemented in several sittings. Your Orthodontist will guide you about the frequency of sittings as well as precautions that you need to take in order to get best possible results.

Is it painful?

We have a team of expert dentists willing to walk the extra mile just to ensure that the treatment is not painful for you. Also, the modern age tools are an added advantage when it comes to enhancing the comfort of the patients.

Do I have to hide it?

First things first, you need to understand that opting for orthodontic treatment is common and you don’t need to be embarrassed about it. Additionally, the new brackets are made of transparent material and chances of your braces being noticed are almost negligible. What’s more is that these braces are softer and more effective. Therefore, the risk of damaging your oral cavity is also very low. You can comfortably talk, eat, etc. even when you are wearing the braces. Amazing, isn’t it?

Invisalign/Clear alligners

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A perfect smile is the key to transforming your look from ordinary to extra-ordinary, isn’t it? However, not everyone is born with a perfect smile. In some cases, the alignment of the teeth is not proper and the smile is not perfect. For such people, the clear alligners therapy by Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre is extremely useful. As part of this therapy, the Orthodontist will study the existing structure of the patient’s teeth and accordingly make him or her wear clear alligners. These alligners will gradually move the teeth and re-align them to improve the bite function as well as overall aesthetic appearance.

No more ugly metal caps and painful wires!

Unlike the olden days, when the orthodontist had no other option but to insert ugly looking metal caps and wires to straighten the alignment of the teeth, the clear alligners are completely transparent and therefore does not affect your appearance. Additionally, with the Invisalign/Clear Alligners, even adults can comfortably opt for this treatment. Right from the inception to the completion of the treatment, the aesthetic appearance of the individual is not affected in any manner making it a subtle and preferred remedy for adults. In simple terms, these alligners are completely transparent and you can even remove them whenever required.

What are the advantages?

A lot of people especially adults decide against repairing the alignment of their teeth thinking that it is not at all important for the overall well-being. However, this is entirely a misconception. Apart from restoring the original beauty of your smile, straightening the alignment will also help in strengthening your teeth giving them a longer as well as healthier life.

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It’s pain-free and stress-free option!

Adults find it difficult to spare the time to pursue such straightening treatments, isn’t it? But, with the treatments like Invisalign/Clear Alligners therapy, you can get back your beautiful smile in a reasonable amount of time. Also, the disturbance to your busy schedule is as good as minimal making it easier for you to pursue the treatment. The entire procedure is pain-free so you don’t have to bother about being troubled.

Is it effective?

As far as effectiveness is concerned, the Invisalign/Clear Alligners therapy is a proven solution that has helped several patients get back their beautiful smile and add the much needed tint of confidence to their overall aesthetic appearance.

So, if you are worried about the improper alignment of your teeth, simply get in touch with the experts at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre!

Lingual Braces

The perfect smile adds the perfect glamour to your personality, doesn’t it? But, not everyone is blessed with a flawless smile. The irregularity of the teeth tends to affect the overall aesthetic appearance of your smile as well. After all, no one likes to flaunt their teeth if they are improperly spaced or crookedlyplaced. You may find it hard to believe, but this flaw

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affects your personality as well. AtSmile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, we have a team of expert Orthodontists who take care of this problem. Using the latest tools and techniques, an Orthodontiststraightens your teeth, remove the gaps and even polish them to make them look beautiful. This effort results, in the patient going back with an impressive smile that suits his or her personality and also leaves an indelible impression on others.

The treatment that we offer

Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre offers Lingual braces treatment. As part of this treatment, patients are given custom made fixed braces, that are bonded to the back of the teeth. The biggest advantage of these braces is that they remain invisible to the others. In simple terms, you don’t feel embarrassed about wearing them because no one will be able to see them! Also, our doctors are experts and will minimize the pain involved in the procedure. Before you know it, the braces will be fixed and the repair will also start.

What are the advantages?

You may want to ask that if orthodontic procedures have been existing for such a long time, what is so revolutionary about the lingual braces treatment offered by Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre? Well, first things first, these braces are made of a special material and are extremely lightweight. Wearing them will not interrupt your daily routine in any manner. You can still eat all that you want to eat without worrying about the braces falling out. Even when you talk, you don’t experience any discomfort due to the braces. On the other hand, the regular steel braces are comparatively biggerand require a lot of patience to tolerate as well.

How long does the treatment take?

Remodelling the bone in the jaws to realign the teeth is a time costuming procedure. However, the doctors will analyse the existing condition of your teeth and accordingly prescribe the number of sittings that you will require. Fitting the brace is usually done in 2 to 3 sittings. But, after the braces are put, the patients need to come to the doctor for regular follow-ups and adjustments usually once a month.

What happens at the end of the treatment?

We, at Smile ‘n’ Braces provide the patients with all the required support right till the end of the treatment so that it can have maximum impact in improving their life. In addition to getting your flawless smile, you also get more confidence. Once the treatment is over, the doctor will remove your braces.

Ceramic Braces

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A lot of people avoid getting dental braces assuming that it is painful. What’s worse is that people have this gross picture about people with braces, which shows their smile to be like that of a robot’s. However, all these are just misconceptions and this will be proven when you visit Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre. With our world class facilities, you can avail the best of orthodontic treatment under one roof. From analysing your dental (teeth and jaw) structure to fitting the braces as well as the post treatment care is provided at one place making it easy for the patient.

What are ceramic braces?

In simple terms, these are braces made of ceramic. The treatment is same even when you opt for ceramic braces. It all starts with the dentist studying your dental structure and identifying the amount of repair needed. Based on this study, the next task of the Orthodontist is to make space for your teeth to be pulled back. After all, they are not going to get into alignment if there is no space. Once the space is made, the dentist will fit the ceramic braces and pull your teeth back.

The treatment takes time!

Your teeth are in a specific alignment for several years and when you try to alter this alignment, don’t expect to see results instantly. It will take time and you have to be patient. Also, the entire treatment is not accomplished in one sitting. You will be required to visit the Orthodontist once a month in order to experience the effectiveness.

What are the advantages?

Ceramic braces look just like your teeth so when you are wearing them, nobody will be able to tell the difference. You don’t have to be embarrassed because no one will be able to spot it out. This is not the only benefit. Wearing ceramic braces ensures that the risk of damage to your oral cavity is minimal. Everything that you want to do including eating your favorite foods, talking, etc. can be done comfortably. Once you bond these braces with an ultra violet light, it will remain in place and let you enjoy your routine.

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Is it effective?

For those who understand the logic behind the use of braces, doubting their effectiveness is out of question. Indeed the treatment is effective. It works and at the end of the treatment, your teeth are sure to have a better alignment. Your radiant smile will look even more beautiful. Also, the treatment is relatively pain-free and ensures that you don’t have to interrupt your daily routine for the same.

How expensive is it?

Opting for ceramic braces as an orthodontic treatment is surely expensive as compared to the other options available in this category. But, atSmile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, we ensure that these services remain strictly affordable. You get world class treatment at a fairly reasonable rate this is the philosophy that we follow to provide patients with better care when it comes to their dental health.

Steel/metal braces

For those who can’t afford the expensive orthodontic treatment, the metal braces come across as an excellent alternative. As the name suggests, these braces are made of stainless steel. The treatment involves fitting the braces onto your teeth and establishing the required pull, to get them into alignment. In the olden days when medical science was not so advanced, these braces were bigger and the painful part was to have them wrapped around your teeth all the while, in the form of bands. People found it very difficult to talk, eat and do the other jobs

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that involve the oral cavity. But the new steel braces are more compact allowing you to treat the problem without disturbing your routine.

Additionally, when you opt for treatment at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, you are assured of the best, in world class services that will help in reducing the pain and making it a better experience. From best doctors to adequate facilities, we provide the patients with the required comfort enabling them to go through their treatment peacefully.

What are the advantages?

Like all orthodontic treatments, opting for steel braces enables you to set the alignment of your teeth in proper order. Unlike the olden days, these braces are no longer huge and painful. Instead their small size makes it easier for your mouth to get used to them. There are chances that your oral cavity may be injured in the initial phase when you have worn the braces. But, gradually the gums toughen up through regular exposure and get used to the braces.

Additionally, the biggest advantage of opting for steel braces is that it takes half the time to show results. Yes! With the help of the expert Orthodontist at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, you can get that flawless smile within a relatively lesser time. In simple terms, the treatment does pay off giving you beautifully aligned teeth on completion.

Method of treatment

When you approach the doctors at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, for any type of Orthodontic treatment, the doctors will first examine your teeth.Based on the existing dental structure, the doctor will recommend the best possible treatment.

The fitting part is not painful and our doctors take all care and use the latest techniques to reduce the pain for you as well. The treatmentrequires you, to visit the doctor in multiple sittings in order to experience the complete effectiveness. However, throughout the treatment period, our dentists provide you with all the required support making it easier for you to sail through.

A durable treatment option!

At Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, we believe that steel braces are far more durable. They will not be damaged easily, irrespective of the food that you eat. Also, the chances of staining are lesser when you are using the steel braces. You may have to take a few precautions when you are using these braces, our doctors will guide you through the same.

Self ligating braces

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Self-ligating brace is defined as “a dental brace, which utilizes a permanently installed, moveable component to entrap the arch wire.” These are available in both ceramic and the steel systems.

They have the following advantages:

• More hygienic as no rubbers/bands are used. • Less friction. • Less pressure. • Less pain. • Treatment is shorter and patients need fewer appointments.

Mini Implants for anchorage in

Orthodontic Treatment

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A recent development in Orthodontics is the use of, “mini implants”. They were introduced in the beginning of the 21st century. They are also called, “Temporary Anchorage Devices” (TAD’S). These are pins made of titanium, just about 1.5 to 2 mm wide.

They are placed in the outer surface of the bone, under local anesthesia, either between adjacent roots of teeth or in the roof of the mouth, for anchorage. Their placement is minimally invasive. It can be done under topical gel anesthetic and takes a few minutes. In some patients, there may be some discomfort for the first 24 hours and that can be countered by having an anti inflammatory painkiller like paracetamol or brufen. After they are secured in position they are attached to afixed brace to help in the tooth movement. They are placed

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strategically, such that they move the teeth which need to be moved without compromising the position of the teeth which do not need to be moved.

They provide precise tooth movements, by acting as non moveable anchorage units. The results have a predictable amount of success and they help reduce the time of the treatment. They have converted certain cases involving orthognathic/ jaw surgeries into non surgical cases; eg they have converted certain bite problems by treating them conservatively. Another example of a case where TAD’S are used is where a lot of retraction of the protruding teeth is required. The advantage is that the displacement of the back molars is prevented and maximum use of the orthodontic spaces takes place.

In some cases their use, has eliminated the need for the external headgear to be worn by children.

As the name suggests, these anchorage devices are temporary and are removed once no tooth movement is required. They remain in the mouth for a few months to a few years, till the orthodontic treatment is being conducted. Their removal is a simple process. They are removed by unwinding them, sometimes without the use of anesthesia.

The patient should be careful about keeping them clean in the mouth. These are kept clean by using an antiseptic mouthwash on the manual brush e.g. Chlorhexidine. Electric brushes are to be avoided.

These mini implants are becoming an intrinsic part of progressive specialized orthodontic practices. The expertise of the orthodontist with these mini implants is a factor which would influence the final results.

Some Orthodontic Cases Done at ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre

Case 1


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Case 2


Case 3


Case 4


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Case 5


Habit breaking appliances

These are appliances that are made by a dentist to combat unsolicited habits in children. Some of the common habits are thumb sucking, finger biting, nail biting, lip biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting etc .They can be either a fixed or a removable type.

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Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic appliances are necessary when braces alone are not adequate to fully correct your orthodontic problem. e.g.

• Bite Plate • Hawley Retainers • Herbst • Lingual Arch • Nance Holding Arch • Palatal Expander


Going to the dentist can be quite painful for even the strongest people. However, Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre, does not hesitate to take innovative endeavors that help in removing the pain associated to this experience. From using the latest equipment to putting just the right amount of effort, our dental clinic ensures that the treatment is given in a manner to maximize its effectiveness. Be it cavities, toothache or several other types of dental problems, restorative treatments are extremely helpful. Even root canal is a type of restorative treatment.

Prepping the tooth / teeth

In simple terms, restorative dental treatment is all about restoring the dental health of your teeth. Before the treatment starts, the dentists prep your tooth or teeth. This prepping face involves removal of any type of decay and also cleaning the area. After all, once the filling goes in, everything will remain as it is. Therefore, it is best advised to clean it as much as possible. The cleaning may take up one to two sittings or even more, depending on the condition of the teeth. However, it is mandatory!

Purpose of restoration

When your tooth is damaged, it ruins the aesthetic appearance of your dental structure, doesn’t it? Simple things like smiling or laughing out loud end up becoming a cause of embarrassment just because your teeth don’t look good. Given these situations, the restoration treatment comes across as a perfect solution to these problems. In addition to covering the flaws and giving back your flawless smile, this treatment also helps to restore the functionality of the tooth to quite an extent.

Symptoms to watch out for!

The need for restorative treatment does not emerge suddenly. In fact, it happens over a period of time and you get to see several symptoms as well. Our doctors at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental

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Implant Centre, always advice patients to keep their eyes open for such symptoms. When you notice things like food getting stuck in the teeth, it is a sign that the dental decay has already set in. Another symptom to watch out for is when the sensitivity in your dental cavity increases. Each time you eat something hot or cold, you feel a kind of chill go down through your teeth. This usually indicates damage to an extent where the dental nerves have been exposed. Due to the exposure of the nerves, the sensitivity of the nerves increases. You can also experience pain when you try to eat something sweet or apply a little bit of pressure while chewing. Just remember, ignoring symptoms can be fatal. Instead, address them on priority and get them treated as soon as possible through the variety of dental restoration treatments provided at our clinic.

Is the treatment affordable?

Providing world class treatment at cost effective rates, is the policy followed at our dental clinic. In fact, we are gradually emerging as the hub for dental tourism in India. Patients from all over the world are coming to us for treatment of several types of dental problems and complex surgeries as well!


Composite/Tooth colored.

If a small amount of food debris is left in your teeth, (usually happens when one misses night brushing/is careless with it) the bacteria which are present in the mouth react with the food. As a result, acid is produced. This acid starts dissolving out the tooth leading to decay/cavity/ caries or a hole in the tooth.


This comprises of a short visit to the dentist and the problem is resolved by getting a filling in the tooth which could be silver or a white tooth colored material known as cosmetic or composite filling. If ignored, the cavity becomes bigger, penetrating the top layer known as enamel and the middle layer known as dentine getting access to the nerve of the tooth rendering it unsuitable for filling.

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Root canal treatments (Single/Multiple


At Smile ‘n’ Braces, we specialize in treating several types of teeth disorders that tend to affect the overall health of your oral cavity. With our team of experts and the use of latest technology, we impart treatment procedures that eliminate the root cause of the problem in a pain-free manner. Catering to an extensive category of patients, we consider it our foremost duty to optimize the comfort levels for them even when they come in for complex therapies like root canal treatment. With the advanced treatment techniques and materials we can do 99% of the cases in one sitting.

What is root canal treatment?

Also known as endodontic therapy, root canal treatment is a procedure where the pulp/nerve of a tooth is cleaned from within in order to eliminate the infection. The procedure also involves steps that ensure the protection of the decontaminated tooth from any probable future bacterial invasion. From the description, a lot of people assume root canal treatment to be a very painful procedure. However, this is a misconception. Though there is a certain amount of discomfort involved, we, at Smile ‘n’ Braces take all the necessary precaution to prevent the intensity of the pain from growing.

When do you need root canal treatment?

Most of us don’t realize the pivotal role that oral hygiene plays in order to maintain our overall well-being. The result is forgetting to clean the teeth after we eat and what stays

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behind causes a lot of damage. Yes! Leftovers from your meal pose a major threat to your teeth’s strength as well as structure of your teeth. As the remains begin to rot, which means the bacteria reacting with the food remnants produce acid they also damage the teeth. Sometimes the damage penetrates deep into the nerve. When the damage caused is superficial, doctors will simply clean the cavity and seal it. But, if things have gone deeper, they are most likely recommend root canal therapy.

Some Symptoms you can watch out for!

Tooth problems don’t develop over a period of one night. In fact, the development is gradual and those who are alert can also spot out the symptoms before the problem escalates to the next level. For example, people experience frequent pain in their teeth especially when they apply pressure to chew something hard, need to visit a dentist soon. These are signs that your teeth need help and an infection is growing. Another common symptom is the occurrence of a pimple on the gums close to the infected tooth. This pimple may or may not be painful but it will surely keep occurring frequently.

How much time will the treatment take?

The duration of root canal treatment depends entirely on the extent to which the infection has spread. Usually, our doctors examine the condition of the teeth and accordingly prescribe the number of sittings required to cure the problem. Sometimes even one sitting is sufficient to do the job.

Is it painful?

There was a time when root canal treatments were extremely painful forcing the patient to suffer for several days even after the session was over. But, now with the use of latest tools and techniques, the pain involved is quite tolerable. In fact, it is as easy as getting a cavity filled.

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In dentistry, an inlay is an indirect restoration (filling) consisting of a solid substance (as gold or porcelain) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place.Usually done when the tooth structure damaged by decay/chipping/fracture is too big to be replaced by a filling.

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An onlay is an indirect restoration (filling) consisting of a solid substance (as gold or porcelain).

In dentistry, an onlay is an indirect restoration (filling) consisting of a solid substance (as gold or porcelain) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place.This is done when the tooth damage is extensive involving one or more of its cusps.It is conservativeand saves tooth structure.

Post and Core

Post and core essentially is a foundation restoration for a tooth.

This is used to sufficiently restore a tooth’s morphology or shape, followed by future restoration such as application of a crown. This is done when there is extensive loss of tooth structure as a result of decay, fracture or other causes.

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Gums are thesupport structure that keeps your teeth together. Your teeth are like a building; the gums and underlying bone are the foundation of the building called teeth. Though, the doctors at Smile ‘n’ Braces, Dental Implant Centre will always advice you to take necessary precautions and avoid problems in the gums, sometimes the problem just occurs and you need treatment. This is because gum problems progress silently, without pain. In such cases, ourclinic also specializes in providing a variety of world class dental treatments that treat gum related disorders. These treatments are classified under the category of Periodontics.

The Treatment Offered At Smile Delhi- The Dental Clinic

At Smile ‘n’ Braces Dental Implant Centre, we currently possess the specialization and ability to solve several types of dental problems. However, we would strongly recommend patients to get their teeth regularly examined in order to detect the problem as soon as possible. Reversal of Gum Problems is possible only if the problem is detected at an early stage. Here is a brief preview of some of the procedures performed at Smile Dental Clinic:

• Scaling of teeth: Supragingival / Subgingival-This is the first stage of removal of dental plaque i.e. the soft slimy layer of food debris and bacteria. This is usually less painful and a necessary pre requisite before making the teeth undergo any other advanced treatment.

• Curettage: A specially designed process where dentists remove the soft tissue lining of theperiodontal tissues. This process is extremely useful as it helps in cleaning the teeth from within.

Page 43: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

• Root Planing: Meticulous cleaning of the surface of the root usually done in case of bacterial infections.

• Gingivectomy: This is a process of removing the infected gum tissue in order to prevent the teeth from being damaged further.

• Flap Surgery: When the gum disease progresses to advanced stage and the regular planing option doesn’t work, the doctors will opt for this surgery in order to repair the gums.

• Mucogingival Surgery: This is a process performed to preserve attached gingiva, to remove frenum or muscle attachment in order to prevent the teeth fromgetting more mobile and falling.

• Bone / Osseous Surgery: When dental damage is extensive, doctors opt for this surgery in order to repair your jaw.

However in the advanced stages, salvaging/saving mobile natural teeth is not possible so make sure you are not ignoring the problem and seeking medical assistance wherever required.

How does Gum Disease occur?

Before you can understand how our treatment can help you, it is important to understand what causes gum disease. Gum diseases are one of the worst problems to have in the oral cavity.

Reasons that for gum disease:

Leaving your gums untreated. If you have a problem, get it cured. In simple terms, this means that ignoring the onset of gum disease is as good as increasing the risk of a deadly heart

attack with your own hands.

Infected Gums: When the gums get infected, the bacteria that is developed has direct access to the blood stream. Once you leave them untreated, this bacteria multiplies really fast and soon enters the blood stream. Gradually, it progresses to the heart as well and causes extensive damage.

Food getting stuck: When you eat food, some amount of it always stays back in the oral cavity. This could be the tiny amount stuck in between teeth, something on the tongue, etc. This food begins to rot over a period of time to form plaque that is soft and slippery gradually causing gum diseases.

Symptoms to watch out for!

Page 44: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Like all dental problems, gum diseases don’t start overnight. Their progress is slow and gradual and can be spotted through the onset of several symptoms. As a patient, keep your eyes open for any of these symptoms and approach one of our expert doctors when you face the problem.

• Food getting stuck in your teeth • Bleeding gums • Pain in the gums • Extra sensitivity when you eat hot or cold food items

Regular Scaling and Root Planning

Root planing and scaling is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease before it becomes severe. It cleans between the gums and the teeth down to the roots. A local anesthetic, however, may be needed to numb the gums and the roots of the teeth.

This procedure involves

• Ultrasonic cleaning • Cleaning the gums manually • Flossing • Polishing

After this procedure one should continue to brush and floss regularly. Without proper dental care, the gum disease may progress.

To promote healing, inclusive use of tobacco products should be stopped. Smoking or chewing spit tobacco reduces one’s ability to fight infection of the gums and delays healing.


Gingival curettage which removes the inner lining of the gums if it becomes damaged or infected.

Gingivectomy / resurrection of overgrown


Gingivectomy removes and reshapes loose, diseased gum tissue to get rid of spaces between the teeth and gums.

Gingivectomy is a surgical excision which includes the removal of infected and diseased gingival tissue to achieve more aesthetic appearance and functional contour. A gum specialist known as Periodontist often does the procedure.

Flap surgeries

Page 45: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

A flap procedure cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease.

Pocket reduction

In pocket reduction surgery, a procedure is performed in order to reduce the probable depth of the gum margin to allow for less plaque/bacteria accumulation and greater access to hygiene. Reducing the depths of the periodontal pockets mitigates an environment that is conducive for the more virulent bacteria.

Crown lengthening

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed by a dentist to expose a greater amount of tooth structure for the purpose of subsequently restoring the tooth prosthetically. This is done by removing/incising the gingival tissue around a tooth and, after temporarily displacing the soft tissue, predictably removing a given height of alveolar bone from the circumference of the tooth or teeth being operated on.

Gum and bone grafts

When gum disease destroys the hard and soft tissue that support teeth, regenerative surgery, or a bone graft may be used to restore certain areas.

Reduction of tooth mobility by splinting

Splinting is a procedure which uses wire to secure loose teeth to one another to make them more stable.



Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks.

Fluoride is a mineral that occurs abundantly in a great variety of food and the water that we consume daily. Every day, minerals are added to and lost from a tooth’s enamel layer mainly

Page 46: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

through two processes, referred to as demineralization and remineralization. Minerals are lost (demineralized) from a tooth’s enamel layer when acids — formed from plaque bacteria and the sugar in the mouth — attack the enamel. Minerals such as fluoride, calcium, and phosphate are re-deposited (remineralized) to the enamel layer from the food and the water that we consume Too much of demineralization without enough remineralization to repair the enamel layer leads to tooth decay.

Fluoride helps prevent the tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from the plaque bacteria and sugar present in the mouth. It also reverses early decay. In children under 6 years of age, fluoride gets incorporated as permanent teeth develop, making it difficult for acids to demineralize the teeth. Fluoride also helps speed remineralization as well as disrupts acid production in the already germinated teeth of both children and adults alike.


Q. In What Forms Is Fluoride Available?

As mentioned, fluoride is found in the food and water that we consume. It can also be directly applied to the teeth through fluoridated toothpastes and mouth rinses. Mouth rinses containing fluoride in lower strengths are available over-the-counter; though stronger concentrations necessarily require a doctor’s prescription.

A dentist can also apply fluoride to the teeth as a gel, foam, or varnish in the clinic. These treatments sustain a much higher level of fluoride than the amount present in toothpastes and mouth rinses. In the complete process varnishes are painted on the teeth; foams are put into a mouth guard, which is subsequently applied to the teeth for one to four minutes; gels are painted on or applied via a mouth guard.

Fluoride supplements are also available in the form liquids and tablets and must be prescribed by your dentist, paediatrician or the family doctor.


One of the methods of preventing cavities from developing in the pits and fissures is to seal them with a special varnish called a pit and fissure sealant.

The top surfaces of your teeth – where the chewing takes place – aren’t smooth and flat. They are criss-crossed with tiny hills and valleys – called pits and fissures. These are places where the plaque can build up safe from your toothbrush and dental floss. Some of the pits and fissures are so narrow that even a single bristle from your toothbrush can’t get deep enough to clean them out.

One of the methods of preventing the cavities from developing in the pits and fissures is to seal them with a special varnish known as a pit and fissure sealant.

This is specially recommended in children as they find it difficult to keep their teeth clean by the regular practices of brushing and in adults whose teeth have deep grooves and pits with an intention to prevent the start of decay.

Page 47: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

Restoration Specific For Kids

Primary teeth are vital to ensure that the permanent teeth are able to grow properly, therefore it is vital that they are in good stead.

Q. Why should milk teeth be restored?

A. Dental restoration is the procedure by which decayed or damaged teeth are carefully repaired back to a healthy state. Many refer to dental restorations as fillings as they involve synthetic material being positioned in or around the tooth to allow it to return to its normal condition.

There are a number of reasons, which would make tooth restoration of primary teeth necessary. One, if your child’s primary teeth are suffering from decay then the teeth affected should be restored in order to stop the decay from spreading to other teeth. If the decay is left to spread IN the mouth, it can subsequently lead to your child losing his or her teeth earlier than they should.

Naturally, the primary teeth should reside in the mouth until permanent, ‘adult’ teeth protrude through the gums and coerce the primary tooth out. If this primary tooth is lost before this juncture, the teeth on either side of the space can invade and cause crowding issues.

Glass Ionomer is the filling of choice in kid’s teeth. Amalgam is getting obsolete.

A more popular treatment used in tooth restoration in children is the application of plastic dental crowns. These can be placed and fixed onto the front teeth if they have undergone significant decay.

Crowns can also be used on the back teeth if they are badly decayed. Alternatively, a stainless steel cap can be applied .These treatments are readily made and are designed to prevent any further decay. One aspect of this type of tooth restoration that makes it advantageous for children is that it requires only one appointment with the dentist.

Habit Breakers

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These are appliances that are made by a dentist to combat untoward habits in children. These habits are thumb sucking, finger biting, nail biting, lip biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting etc.. These appliances can either be a fixed or removable type.

Preventive And Corrective Orthodontics

Common treatments that are included in preventive and corrective orthodontics are:

• Placing restorations to prevent premature loss of teeth. • Placing space maintainers to hold space for a missing tooth. • Recognizing any deviation from the normal. • Observing growth pattern of the teeth and bones. • Correcting bad habits affecting the oral cavity as early as possible. • Extracting teeth to prevent overcrowding. • Removing deciduous teeth to provide space for permanent teeth.


Extraction of grossly mutilated teeth /

impacted teeth

If the teeth are fractured, too severely broken or inordinately infected to be saved by root canal/nerve treatment/capping, then it becomes mandatory to extract or remove such teeth.


When wisdom teeth/third molars do not get space to erupt properly, they get stuck in the

bone. Such teeth are called impacted teeth. When they try to come out/erupt and are unable to do so, they cause inflammation and infection of the gums. This results in acute pain and swelling in the patient’s mouth. In such cases, these impacted teeth need to be removed by

surgical extraction.

Reduction of jaw fractures

Thisis a process by which the broken portions of the jaws are reduced and then stabilized.

C-Enucleation of Cyts – The cysts in the oral cavity are treated by the principle of Marsupalisation. Here a window is made in the wall of the cyst and the evacuation of the contents is done. Now the intracystic pressure is decreased and the shrinkage of the cysts happens. Once the cyst has shrunk it can be removed /excised easily.

Enucleation of Cyts

The cysts in the oral cavity are treated by the principle of Marsupalisation.


Page 49: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

In today’s day and age teeth grinders/ Bruxers and clenchers are increasing. In a lot of such patients, teeth grinding becomes a chronic problem, to an extent that that they need treatment. Teeth grinding is most common at night. If it is diagnosed early then it can be treated before permanent damage is caused to the teeth. Constant grinding can wear out the enamel of the teeth, flattening the teeth surface and exposing the dentine and eventually the nerves. Teeth can get chipped. Enamel can get cracked, fillings can get fractured and become loose, gum recession can happen and teeth can get lost. In severe cases the vertical height of the jaws is reduced and the clicking occurs in the TMJ i.e. temporo mandibular joint.

Teeth grinding/bruxing usually occurs at night while sleeping, when some of the strongest muscles get tense. This results in morning headaches, jaw soreness, stiff necks and sensitive teeth.

To give relief to teeth grinders or bruxers, a special kind of mouth guard is given to them .It is called “Night Guard”. This is custom made for people, for whom grinding teeth at night has become a habit. First the dentist takes an impression of the teeth. Then the model is poured in dental stone. On the stone model the mouth guard is adapted using a special material. These customized night guards are the best. They act as a cushion between the teeth and prevent the parafunctional muscle contraction, bringing relief.Patients who are bruxers/grinders, get relief from the tension headaches and soreness in temples, forehead and back of the skull within the first few weeks of wearing the night guard. Relief in migranes, take a little longer.

Which arch is the night guard fabricated for? Usually an upper night guard is fabricated. However if some treatment has to be carried out in the upper teeth then the lower one is fabricated.

Page 50: Dental · and should be done by a dental implant specialist. It is the best replacement for a missing tooth, because It is the most conservative replacement for a missing tooth, as

If between the upper and lower jaws, one arch has some teeth missing or mobile, then the night guard is fabricated for the arch which has the full set of teeth.

The Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Control Device (NTI Device), is an acrylic mini-splint that hugs the front two teeth, reducing the intensity of jaw-clenching during sleep and the headache that comes along with it. The acceptability of the NTI Device for patients who have a gag reflex, is better as it covers only two teeth and not the whole arch. It is smaller, less bulky so a bit more comfortable. It suppresses the parafunctional muscle contraction by almost 70percent and thus protects the teeth, joint and muscles.

Mouth guards are also worn by all people, adults or children who play contact sports to protect their teeth. They wear them while playing hockey, football, soccer or while boxing/wrestling. They are useful in non-contact sports like gymnastics where the teeth can be in danger . Recreational sports like mountain biking or skate boarding also warrant the use of mouth guards, whenever they are playing the sport.

Mouth guards are either a- custom made b- stock c- bite and boil

a-The custom made are the best, as described above, as they fit snugly on the patient’s teeth. b-The stock mouth guards are available, over the counter in a good sports store or a department store . They are bulky and donot fit too well as there is no scope of them being adjusted. Thus they are not recommended c- The “bite and boil” mouthguards are also available in a good sports or department store. They have some scope of adjustment. The patient puts it in boiling water, it gets soft.Then he bites on it and adjusts the size with the finger and tongue pressure. Thus they are slightly better than stock mouth protectors.


Are you irritated by your husband’s snoring problem? Is his habit to snore ruining your daily night’s rest? If the answer to these questions is yes, you need to get yourself an appointment forSmile ‘n’ Braces Dental Implant Centre, today! Yes! Our expert dentists have the perfect solution to put an end to this problem. With minor adjustments, our dentist can get rid of the problem even before it advances. This means that you don’t have to ruin your nights. You can enjoy a perfectly peaceful sleep in the arms of the person that you love without waking up to the nasty sounds of snoring.

What causes the problem?

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Scientifically, snoring is caused when the body is stressed. However, stress is not the only factor. Sometimes, even when you are perfectly stress-free, the snoring happens. This is because, the head is elevated or in a position that is restricting the flow of air in the passage. Due to this blockage, person experiences difficultly to breathe and tends to open his mouth bigger. As soon as the mouth becomes bigger, the snoring starts.

Is the problem gender biased?

The common assumption is that only men snore. However, there are several examples that prove this is a misconception. Even women have a tendency to snore. The only initiator to this problem is that the individual’s airway is blocked. Both men and women can treat this problem through our highly advanced snore guard option. In fact, it is a clinically proven solution to the issue. In simple terms, men and women are equally prone to experiencing the problem.

What is the treatment?

The snore guard is a simple treatment where the doctors rework the alignment of the jaw to stop the person from snoring. The changed alignment means the airway passage is clear and so the person’s chances of snoring as good as negligible.

Why should you opt for snore guard treatment?

Snoring at night can be embarrassing. Apart from irritating your spouse it creates a bad impression about your personality as well. Such people find it difficult to travel in groups or enjoy sleepovers, vacations with friends as they live under the constant fear of their problem being discovered. People can even make fun of you because of this habit. Therefore, our dentists help you avoid this embarrassment and cure the problem within. All you need to do is get an appointment today and ask for our snore guard treatment.

Why choose us?

Smile ‘n’ Braces Dental Implant Centre, is the most reputed hospital in Delhi specializing in treating a variety of dental problems. Our treatment is implemented by best doctors who are equipped with best in class facilities. This ensures the quality of treatment is always high and also guarantees the welfare of the patient. Also, the treatment is affordable. You don’t end up paying through your nose just because you have a problem. Additionally, patients get round the clock support at our dental clinic. From holistic care to medicines and attention by the best doctors, everything is available under one roof.