Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of New Orleans World Port and Sustainability Homework requested as part of evaluative method of the discipline taught by the professor Ph.D. Bhaskar Kura.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of New Orleans World Port and Sustainability New Orleans – October 12 th, 2014 Homework requested

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Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of New Orleans

World Port and Sustainability

New Orleans – October 12th, 2014

Homework requested as part of evaluative method of the discipline taught by the professor Ph.D. Bhaskar Kura.

Port of Manaus

The beginning

The Port of Manaus emerged from the economic development produced by the rubber

exploitation in the Amazon region, which already had port installations. But in the course of time and the

flow increasing of input and output of goods cargo and people, it became needed to be provided the

extension of these installations.

So in 1890, it began the new constructions and major installations of the Port of Manaus. Nine

years later, on September 5th, 1899 The Federal Government published a document, opening a

competition for construction work to improve the Port of Manaus. The deadline for submission of

proposal was established for 60 years, counting from the date of inauguration of the works until the

operation of the Port.

The firm responsible for it then had as obligations: Regularize the bank of the river, build a pier,

ramp, and floating permanent works for the mooring of any vessel at any time of year, and loading,

unloading and storage in relation to small and great navigation.

Since the period in which they met the result of competition until 1902, the company that won the rights to

work on it, B. & Rymkiewcz Cº, almost had not fulfilled the terms of the contract signed with the Federal

Government. In 1902, the firm B. Rymkiewcz and Improvement Company of Porto transfer their contracts to the

English company "Manaos Harbour Limited".

The implementation of the port by the British meant to the Amazon society of the early twentieth century, a

movement of modernity, which added to the height of the rubber, erected a powerful trading in Manaus. The

balance of economic activities in the port area punctuated the lives of manauaras (women from Manaus), making

the location point of encounters, where entire families strolled on weekends and dazzled with the arrivals and

departures of ships, celebrating the greatest event of that time.

The implementation of the port by the Britishes meant to the Amazon society of the early twentieth century, a

movement of modernity, which added to the height of the rubber, erected a powerful trading in Manaus. The balance of

economic activities in the port area punctuated the lives of manauaras (women from Manaus), making the location point of

encounters, where entire families strolled on weekends and dazzled with the arrivals and departures of ships, celebrating the

greatest event of that time.

LocalizationLocated on the left bank of the Rio Negro. 13 km away from the confluence with the Solimões River, the Port of Manaus is the main entrance to the State of Amazonas.

Port Activities

The main activity of the Port of Manaus is the same among the other ports. The transportation of cargos (a reasonable

vary of it) and people.

• Imported cargo

The most common cargos and goods are: electronics, bicycles and accessories iron, steel and alloy materials of plastic and resin construction,

food products, chemicals tape, milk powder machinery and equipment, motorcycle accessories and paper products, fabrics, glass and

glassware, and other products.

• Cargo unloaded

The most common cargos and goods are: electronics, beverages, steel and alloys, building materials, plastic and resin material, chemicals,

sugar, rice, cement, salt, wheat, glass and glassware, and other products.

• Cargo shipped

The most common cargos and goods are: electronics, beverages, bicycles and accessories, iron, alloy steel and wood, building materials,

plastic and resin material, chemicals, and other products.

Equipment used for the Port Operations

• 2 forklifts of 45t; 2 forklifts 37th; 1 forklift 25t; 1 forklift 13t; 2 forklifts 7t; 40 forklifts

with capacity of 2,5t 7t of the properties of port available to the operation of the port


• Containers of 20 'and 40'

• 1 50t crane on wheels; 1 15t crane on wheels; 1 crane on electric rail 3,2t;

• 1 derrick self-propelled and capable of 100t;

• 2 tugs 1.680H.P

The equipment is generally powered by fuels (gas and diesel) or electricity. The port

has surveillance and security system 24 hours per day. It also has a closed circuit TV,

consisting of 23 long-range cameras in all warehouses, administrative buildings and

courtyards, with monitors installed in the port guard, recording 24 hours a day.

Loading containers with cargo.

Containers being carried by the forklifts.

Port in operation during the day.

Additional Information

• Berths

Roadway: one (1) for one (1) ship

Torres: two (2) to three (3) ships

Fixed berths: (only in full) three (3) to three (3)


• Fixed

Breakwater: 289.45 m

Platform Malcher: 293.00 m

• Floating Components

Roadway: 253,00m

Torres: 360,45m

• Warehouses

Warehouse N° 23: 2.166,30m²

Warehouse N° 20: 1.476,88m²

Warehouse N° 15: 680,65m²

Waterways Station: 4.266,80m²

Warehouse N° 07: 960,00m²

Warehouses paragraphs 0, 3, and 4: 7.967,92m²

• Patios

Container Terminal (154m x 139m): 21,406 m²

Breakwater: 18747.18 m²

Floating Area: 16763.05 m²

Area of Influence


Their activities influence almost the entire state of Amazonas, except for the municipalities of the higher parts of

Madeira, Purus and Jurua, and the states of Roraima and Rondônia.

The port of Manaus is a river port, situated in a geographic area where we can find a

huge watershed. The population even before the emergence of the port were used to use

the waterways (the rivers) to move around the region.

Therefore, the rivers always were the easiest way to transport stuffs and people, too.

Nowadays, we can find since the customary simple boats and even the luxurious

transatlantic and big cargo ships. Since when the port appeared there, the city of Manaus

is used to receive people from many places coming using them.

People Transportation


Consulted Bibliography

Thank you!