GLOBAL ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty Development Program on “ETHICS IN EDUCATION: FACULTY-STUDENT TRANSFORMATION” th th November 6 - 19 , 2017 Organized by Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, Karnataka Ph: 080-28603158 | Telefax: 080-28603157 | Website: www.gat.ac.in | Email: [email protected] Sponsored By ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION Ethics Effecve Communicaon Relaxing the Mind Stress Free Teaching Empathy Vs Sympathy Being Inspired & Inspiring Others Ethics in Team Work

Department of Civil Engineering - GAT€¦ · Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, ... Currently she is Founder and Chief

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Page 1: Department of Civil Engineering - GAT€¦ · Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, ... Currently she is Founder and Chief


Faculty Development Program on


th thNovember 6 - 19 , 2017

Organized by

Department of Civil Engineering

Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, KarnatakaPh: 080-28603158 | Telefax: 080-28603157 | Website: www.gat.ac.in | Email: [email protected]

Sponsored By



Effec�ve Communica�on

Relaxing the Mind

Stress Free Teaching

Empathy Vs Sympathy

Being Inspired & Inspiring Others

Ethics in Team Work

Page 2: Department of Civil Engineering - GAT€¦ · Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, ... Currently she is Founder and Chief

Faculty members from AICTE approved engineering colleges (Central / State Government owned, Autonomous, Private Colleges and Deemed Universi�es), Faculty members pursuing research.

Eminent personali�es in the field of Ethics in Educa�on are invited to share their experiences during this Faculty Development Program.



Sri. BINAY KUMAR SINGHBinay Kumar Singh is a science graduate by educa�on, and has been in IT for more than 10 years. He is also a hardcore progressive farmer by passion. He is a full �me ashram sevak since 2012 and is a Founder member of Ashram Permaculture Project. He has been invited by many pres�gious ins�tu�ons/universi�es to talk on various subjects related to Mother Nature and Agriculture. He is an expert on Renewable Energy and has delivered lectures at various IITs, IIMs and Renewable Energy Associa�ons.

Dr. SEKHAR. S. IYERHe is an Ex-Defence officer having 25 years of corporate experience and 15 years of teaching experience. He has delivered lectures on quality of work life and its impact on produc�vity. He is a member of various academic bodies. He is an ac�ve member of All India Corporate Council for Skill Development.

Dr. NISHA MANIKANTANShe is highly accomplished Ayurveda Doctor and an expert in Diabetes, Wellness and Lifestyle advisor, Ins�tu�on builder, Prolific Writer, Blogger and deeply engaged in Medical Research. Currently she is Founder and Chief Consultant for Cancer and Diabetes Care Program ini�ated in Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research, Bengaluru and advisor for standardiza�on and quality control at Sri Sri Ayurveda Pharmacy. Indian Government has appointed her as member of Expert Commi�ee cons�tuted under Ministry of Ayush for making yoga and life style protocol for Diabetes for its 'Madumeh Mukt Bharat Abiyaan'. She has travelled widely throughout the world to promote Ayurveda and has many recogni�ons and awards for her work.

Sri. RAJESH JAGASIARajesh Jagasia, a graduate in Electronic Engineering from Mumbai University served in a Canadian So�ware Company for eight years while working as a part �me faculty with the Art of Living. He has become a Youth icon across India a�er has taught the YES!+ (Youth Empowerment & Skills) workshop to thousands of youth transforming their lives and mentoring them leading to success. He has visited many pres�gious ins�tu�ons in INDIA and Abroad to address the students and corporate.

Sri. RITWIK SHETTYRitwik She�y is an Art of Living faculty with a B.Sc in Computer science from Mumbai University. He has travelled length & breath of India to host leadership programs (including the premier global youth empowerment workshop – YES!+ (Youth Empowerment Seminar). His forte has been in engaging and empowering the youth through various innova�ve ini�a�ves of music, dance, crea�ve arts, yoga, medita�on, sports and social projects. He has also reached out to a broad spectrum of the general populace including poli�cians, corporate execu�ves, and youth from the rural and urban areas through programs on good health, stress and trauma relief, life skills, ethics, and human values.

Sri. D. K. HARI and Smt. D. K. HEMAHARID. K. Hari and D. K. HemaHari are founders of BharathGyan, a Civiliza�onal Study ini�a�ve to compile and present the knowledge of India, its tradi�ons, its culture and its global �es, from an Indian perspec�ve. With factual content compiled over 17 years of dedicated research, across 108 different subjects on the knowledge, tradi�ons, social and sustainable prac�ces of India, this husband-wife duo of management and IT professionals who have turned research collators, have evolved into subject ma�er experts on the overall understanding of India across ages from over 8000 years ago to the present. They have authored 13 books, 4 films, many ar�cles and over 100 short films. They have given over 250 joint talks at na�onal and interna�onal forums and are also ac�ve on social media.

TAKE – AWAYSq Special techniques & knowledge q Opportunity to be part of the global community & eventsq Reading Material to the Par�cipants


ABOUT NATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATIONDedicated to the cause of impar�ng quality educa�on, Na�onal Educa�on Founda�on (NEF) was established in the year 2001, in Bengaluru, the IT capital of India, The primary focus of founda�on is to cater to students of all the strata of the society across the country, star�ng from primary to post graduate educa�on in all disciplines.

ABOUT GATGlobal Academy of Technology started func�oning in 2001 with the monumental objec�ve of promo�ng academic excellence and competence in students, especially in the fast-growing global domain of Engineering Technology and Management. This renowned college is managed under the Na�onal Educa�on Founda�on, a trust dedicated to the cause of impar�ng quality educa�on. Located in the picturesquely beau�ful Rajarajeshwarinagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, the college stands out for its magnificent buildings, ultra-modern infrastructure, fascina�ng blend of architectural excellence and func�onal values.

ABOUT CIVIL DEPARTMENTCV@GAT established in the year 2004 has grown by leaps & bounds. Department of Civil Engineering at GAT is currently offering Bachelors program in Civil Engineering with an annual student intake of 120 and Postgraduate program in Structural Engineering with an annual intake of 18. The department is a recognized research centre of VTU offering research programs leading to M.Sc (Engineering by research) and PhD. Well qualified and diversely experienced faculty along with modern laboratories are ensuring quality educa�on to students

ABOUT THE ART OF LIVINGFounded in 1981 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living is an educa�onal and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service ini�a�ves. The organiza�on operates globally in 155 countries and has touched the lives of over 370 million people. The programs are guided by Gurudev's philosophy of peace: "Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society, we cannot achieve world peace." To help individuals get rid of stress and experience inner peace, The Art of Living conducts stress-elimina�on programs which include breathing techniques, medita�on and yoga. These programs have helped millions around the world to overcome stress, depression and violent tendencies. The Art of Living movement has spread peace across communi�es through diverse humanitarian projects, including conflict resolu�on, disaster relief, sustainable rural development, empowerment of w ta�on, educa�on for all, omen, prisoner rehabiliand environmental sustainability.

ABOUT THE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMFaculty members are the corner stone of any educa�onal ins�tute as they are instrumental in shaping the future of students. It is very important that, from �me to �me the ins�tu�ons organize faculty reorienta�on program. This serves two purposes; Firstly, the faculty re-embodies the vision of the ins�tute and; Secondly, it helps to re-emphasize their role as educators as the beacon that imparts knowledge of great morals, ethics, and integrity of future genera�ons. In order to achieve this goal, the Global Academy of Technology and the Art of Living organiza�on are addressing the variety of issues that educa�onists face today. For example, stress of handling troublesome students, pressure from superiors, demands of parents and peer rivalries. Keeping all this in mind, the organiza�ons have developed a unique and an innova�ve program for the faculty. This program aims to combine basic life skills training, along with wonderful stress management yoga and pranayama, and all this is taught through a variety of group ac�vi�es and power point presenta�ons.

VISIONThe vision is to enhance the quality of life for the faculty members enabling them to introspect and learn techniques that imbibe ethics & morals in their teaching and help prepare students for ac�ve and successful par�cipa�on in a modern society, producing individuals of high character, probity and honor.

OBJECTIVEv To imbibe the skills and competencies required to achieve goals directed by values.

v To have a posi�ve a�tude and the ability to cope with the changing environments.

v To maintain and enhance faculty effec�veness by inculca�ng dynamism and leadership quali�es.

v To develop commitment and ethical approach towards work, and ins�ll a sense of responsibility towards the ins�tu�on.

v To enhance communica�on and so� skills of the faculty by introducing innova�ve teaching methodologies and developing an interpersonal connec�on with students.

MODULESv Life Skills Program (Module I ) v Leadership Development Program (Module II)v Ethical Teaching Program (Module III)

PROGRAM BENEFITSFair-mindedness and Pa�ence Empathe�c behavior & Op�mis�c a�tude Dynamism and Commitment Increased Efficiency and Confidence Ethical Leadership & Risk-taking ability Increased Trust and Belongingness Enhanced Produc�vity and Team work Clarity of Mind for be�er Decision making Be�er understanding of student-behavior & dealing with non-coopera�ve students

Page 3: Department of Civil Engineering - GAT€¦ · Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, ... Currently she is Founder and Chief


Sri. Sri. RAVI SHANKARFounder, The Art of Living, Bengaluru


Dr. KARISIDDAPPAVice Chancellor, VTU, Belagavi


Dr. NEETU BHAGATDeputy Director (RIFD), AICTE, New Delhi

Dr. AJEET SINGHAssistant Director (RIFD), AICTE, New Delhi

Dr. GIRIDHARI LAL GARGAssistant Director (RIFD), AICTE, New Delhi


Sri. D. K. SHIVA KUMAR Chairman, NEF, Bengaluru



Trustee, NEF, Bengaluru

Sri. GANGADHAR MURTHY Managing Trustee, NEF


Secretary, NEF

Sri. VENKATAPPA Addi�onal Secretary, NEF


Trustee, NEF


Ms. AISSHWARYA D K STrustee Secretary (Schools), NEF



Dr. RAMESH S MANOLI & Mr. SHIVA KUMAR K. S.Program Coordinators,

Civil Engineering Department, Global Academy of Technology, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru-560098,

Email: [email protected], Mob. No. +919880260473 Visit us at: www.gat.ac.in



Dr. C. V. SRINIVASA Professor & Head of the Department Mob.: 9449809918 [email protected]


Dr. RAMESH. S. MANOLIProfessor & Coordinator, PG Studies

Dr. PREMA KUMAR. W. P.Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Dr. M. PREM SWAROUP REDDY Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Dr. SHALINI. G. Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Dr. MAYAJA. N. A.Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Mr. SHIVAKUMAR. K. S.Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Mrs. REASHMA. P. S. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Mrs. DHAVALA SURESH Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

Ms. KHUSHBU K BIRAWATAssistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering

REGISTRATIONRegistra�on is open to all and it is limited to 60 Members on first come first serve basis. Par�cipa�on Includes Delegate Kit, Proceedings, Lunch/ Tea/Coffee and Cer�ficate of Par�cipa�on.

TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATIONPar�cipants will have to make their own arrangements for travel and stay.

IMPORTANT DATES: Last date for Registra�on: 2ⁿ� November 2017 Selected applicants will be informed by email, on 3�� November 2017.

Send completely lled registration form to Program Coordinator

Page 4: Department of Civil Engineering - GAT€¦ · Department of Civil Engineering Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, ... Currently she is Founder and Chief

Faculty Development Program on


November 06 - 19, 2017Global Academy of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Ideal Homes Township, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru - 560098, KarnatakaPh: 080-28603158 | Telefax: 080-28603157 | Website: www.gat.ac.in | Email: [email protected]

Organized by:

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Designation: _________________________________________________________________________

Organization: ______________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________



Phone: _____________________________________ Mobile: _______________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________


Registra�on is open to all and it is limited to 60 Members on first come first serve basis.

Par�cipa�on Includes Delegate Kit, Proceedings, Lunch/ Tea/Coffee and Cer�ficate of Par�cipa�on.

There is no registra�on fees for the par�cipants from AICTE approved engineering colleges.

Place: ________________________

Date: ________________________ Signature

Mr. SHIVA KUMAR K. S.Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Civil Engineering Department, Global Academy of Technology, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru-560098, Email: [email protected], Mob. No. +919880260473 Visit us at: www.gat.ac.in


Send completely lled registration form to Program Coordinator