Department of Defence Annual Environmental Compliance Report 2018 EPBC reference 2014/7123 Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland

Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

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Page 1: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

Department of Defence

Annual Environmental Compliance Report 2018

EPBC reference 2014/7123

Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberleynear Ipswich, Queensland

Page 2: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

Table of contents

Declaration of accuracy........ ......... ........ ........... ....... ...........31. Description of activities.........................................................................................^2. Compliance table .................................................................................................... 53. Correcting non-compliances................................................................................. 124. New environmental risks ...................................................................................... 12


Table 1 - Compliance table

Document Version Control

Version Date Approved by

1 28 Se 2017 TimMcKa

Details / Reason for Change

Final version for 2018

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018

Page 3: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

Declaration of accuracy

In making this declaration, I am aware that sections 490 and 491 of the EnvironmentProtection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) make it anoffence in certain circumstances to knowingly provide false or misleading informationor documents. The offence is punishable on conviction by imprisonment or a fine, orboth. I declare that all the information and documentation supporting this compliancereport is true and correct in every particular. I am authorised to bind the approvalholder to this declaration and that I have no knowledge of that authorisation beingrevoked at the time of making this declaration.


Full name (please print)

Position (please print)

Tim McKay

Assistant Director

Environmental Protection and Assessment

Organisation (please print including Department of Defence

ABN/ACN if applicable) ^g^: 68 706 814 312

Date 28 September 2018

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberiey near Ipswich. QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018

Page 4: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

1. Description of activities

On 29 January 2014, the Department of Defence (Defence) referred the removal of 38structures mentioned in the Commonwealth Heritage List (CHL) for RAAF Base Amberley(near Ipswich in southern Queensland) for consideration under the Environment Protectionand Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) (EPBC reference: 2014/7123).

It was determined that the action required assessment and approval by the Minister for theEnvironment under section 28 of the EPBC Act (protection of the environment fromCommonwealth actions). A Preliminary Documentation assessment method was conductedand the action was approved, subject to conditions, on 9 June 2015.

Condition 9 of the EPBC Act approval requires publication of an annual compliance report by1 October of each year after the commencement of the action. The purpose of an annualcompliance report is to identify whether compliance with the conditions of approval hasoccurred over the previous 12 month period.

The action commenced on 14 October 2016. The first annual compliance report for theapproved action was published in late September 2017. This is the second annual compliancereport.

This report is published on the Defence website at:htt ://www.defence. ov. au/id/Environmental.as

Page 5: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

2. Compliance table

The following table identifies each condition of approval and evidence of compliance.

Table 1 - Compliance against EPBC Act conditions of approval

Condition Condition


The approval holder must not demolish any heritagebuildings, or parts thereof, except as indicated in the projectarea.

To ensure that information on the heritage-listed buildingson the Amberley RAAF Base Group Commonwealthheritage listed site is retained, prior to commencement ofthe action the approval holder must undertake archivalrecording of all heritage buildings in the project area. Thisrecording must:

a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in theQueensland Department of Environment and HeritageArchival Recording of Heritage Places (2013);

b. Include an archival photographic record of the heritagebuildings within the project area. This must beundertaken by a photographer with experience incompilation of archival records and include satelliteimagery or photography from an aircraft to caphireaerial images of the base;

c. Include a technical description of the precincts,buildings and operations, as well as oral accounts withpeople associated with the airbase;

Compliant /

Non-compliant /

Not triggered /

Not applicable



Evidence / comments

No CHL-cited buildings located outside of the project area have beendemolished.

An archival record of all CHL-cited buildings and structures in the projectarea was completed in February 2016. The Archival Report was preparedby Defence's consultants, RPS Project Management, to address allrequirements set out in condition 2.

Copies of the Archival Rq)ort were lodged with the State Library ofQueensland's John Oxley Library and the Ipswich Central Library on26 February 2016. Both institutions have confirmed receipt.

On 13 May 2016, Defence advised the Department of the Environment andEnergy (DoEE) that lodging the Archival Report with the NationalArchives of Australia is subject to Australian Government archiving policywhich requires that documents be held by departments and agencies for aminimum period of 7 years before they are eligible for transfer to theNational Archives.

Defence has made the Archival Report available for download from itswebsite at: htt ://www.defence. ov. au/id/Environmental. as

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 Septanber 2018

Page 6: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

d. Include a description of the equipment and techniquesemployed in compilation of the record;

e. Include a catalogue of all images, referenced tolocation plans;

f. Include measured drawings, comprising floor plans,elevations of each building element and roof plans.These must include a description of the measurementtechniques employed to produce the drawings;

g. Include 3D digital recording of the assets in theircurrent context in order to generate virtual models ofthe place;

h. Be lodged with the National Archives of Australia, theState Library of Queensland's John Oxley Library andthe Ipswich Central Library; and

i. Be available to view online at no monetary cost, in aneasily accessible form, from the State Library ofQueensland's John Oxley Library or similar website,for at least the life of the approval.

Prior to the commencement of the action, the approvalholder must submit for the Minister's approval a HeritageInterpretation Plan for RAAF Base Amberley with a focuson the phases of historic development of the airbase.

The Heritage Interpretation Plan must:

a. Be prepared in consultation with the Department;

b. Identify opportunities to utilise media produced by thearchival recording process outlined in Condition 2;

c. Identify opportunities to utilise material or moveableitems salvaged from the project area where this ispractical;

d. Include a timeline for the implementation of theinterpretation works;

e. Include the necessary content and specifications for apublic display or exhibition of material thatcommunicates the history ofRAAF Base Amberley;

Compliant The RAAF Base Amberley Heritage Interpretation Plan (2016) (HIP) wasapproved by DoEE on 13 May 2016.

a. Defence provided draft versions of the HIP to DoEE for review andcomment on 24 November 2015, 30 March 2016 and 9 May 2016.

b. The HIP includes options and recommendations for how therecorded archival media will be used and presented.

c. Recommendations are included in the HIP with regard to how thematerials/moveable items salvaged from the project area can be used.

d. The HIP includes a proposed timeline for the implementation of theinterpretation works.

e. Recommendations are included in the HIP for the necessary contentand specifications for a public display or exhibition of material thatcommunicates the history ofRAAF Base Amberley.

f. Specifications listed in condition 3f (i)-(v. ), to enable publication ofa book capturing the heritage values ofRAAF Amberley, and further

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018

Page 7: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

f. Include the necessary detail and specifications toenable publication of a book that captures the heritagevalues ofRAAF Base Amberley. The book must:

i. Be available in hard copy;

ii. Be available to view online at no monetary cost, inan easily accessible form, fi-om the State Library ofQueensland's John Oxley Library or similarwebsite, for at least the life of the approval;

iii. Be identified by an International Standard BookNumber (ISBN);

iv. Be published in accordance with AustralianGovernment publishing guidelines including theStyle Manual; For Authors, Editors and Printers,6th Edition, and be publicly accessible through theCommonwealth Library Deposit and Free IssueSchemes; and

v. Be prepared with the involvement of relevantpublishing professionals for the editorial and designof the book, as well as a historian ofRAAF No. 23Squadron Association and any other relevanthistorians involved with RAAF base Amberley forthe content material.

The approval holder must not commence the action until theHeritage Interpretation Plan is approved by the Minister.The approved Heritage Interpretation Plan must beimplemented.

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018



specifications to inform a design brief for the book, have beenincluded in the HIP.

The final draft of the manuscript for the book was sent to the DefencePublishing Service in August 2018. It is expected the book will bepublished prior to the next annual compliance report (due 1 October 2019).

i. The book will be made available in hard copy. The DefencePublishing Service will design and format the book to hardcoverformat and will arrange for printing and distribution as required.

ii. Defence Publishing Service will format the book to be adownloadable PDF, and this will be made available on a Defence

website to view online at no monetary cost. Ipswich CentralLibrary has also expressed interest in hosting the online versionof the book.

The Defence Publishing Service will obtain an ISBN numberwhen they design and format the book for publishing.

The HIP includes the specification that the book will be producedin accordance with the Australian Government publishingguidelines, including the Style Manual. The book will be madepublicly accessible through the Commonwealth Library Depositand Free Issue Schemes.

v The book has been prepared in consultation with the historian ofRAAF No. 23 Squadron Association, the RAAF Museum at PointCook, the RAAF Historian and the Air Force Heritage Director.A focus group of relevant Base rq?resentatives with ample localand historical knowledge has participated in sourcing andverifying content material. The first draft manuscript of the bookwas reviewed by a select group of Defence stakeholders.Comments were collated and an updated final draft manuscripthas been produced. The RAAF Historian has been heavilyinvolved in finalising all outstanding issues with the draftmanuscript. The RAAF Historian has provided writtenacceptance of the final manuscript of book.

DoEE approved the HIP on 13 May 2016. Action to demolish CHL-citedbuildings in the project area commenced on 14 October 2016 (seecondition 9).

Page 8: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

To minimise the impacts to heritage values resulting from Compliantthe action, within three years of the commencement of theaction, the approval holder must:

a. Relocate at least one Bellman hanger, at least two P 1 -type timber huts and at least one Starter Cartridgestore/Explosives Locker to a suitable location for

adaptive re-use on the site ofRAAF Base Amberley.The approval holder must ensure that relocation ofthese buildings will not impact upon any existingheritage values at the relocation site;

b. Salvage components of demolished Bellman hangars tosupport the maintenance of other retained Bellmanhangars where this is practical; and

c. Offer surplus Bellman hangars and Pl timber huts toaviation history organisations for removal andrelocation.

To ensure the ongoing protection of heritage values Compliantfollowing the action, the approval holder must submit aHeritage Management Plan for the Minister's approvalwithin twenty-four months of the commencement of theaction. The Heritage Management Plan must:

a. Outline guidance for the management and promotion ofheritage values at RAAF Base Amberley; and

b. Include an assessment report of Commonwealthheritage values that remain at RAAF Base Amberley.The assessment report must be undertaken inaccordance with the Department's CommonwealthHeritage List Historic Heritage Assessment Guidelinesand submitted to the Department upon completion.

The approved Heritage Management Plan must beimplemented.

To avoid and mitigate impacts to any Koalas within the Compliantproject area, the approval holder must undertakemanagement measures including, but not limited to:

In progress.



Works are currently underway to relocate the structures identified inthe condition to suitable locations on the Base. This is on track to beachieved within 3 years of the commencement of the action.

The opportunity to salvage components from the first group ofBellman hangars earmarked for demolition has been undertaken witha view to supporting the relocation of a Bellman hangar elsewhere onthe Base.

Defence has received a number of enquiries from parties seekingsurplus Bellman hangars and Pl huts. Three Bellman haagars andtwo Pl huts are currently being held at RAAF Base Amberleypending decisions about gifting them to aviation historyorganisations. Defence must satisfy all relevant AustralianGovernment policies regarding the gifting of Commonwealth assets.

In progress.

An assessment of the Commonwealth historic heritage values that remainat RAAF Base Amberley has been completed. Defence submitted thatreport to DoEE on 15 August 2016. The assessment was undertaken inaccordance with DoEE's CHL Historic Heritage Assessment Guidelines.

A Heritage Management Plan (HMP) is currently being prepared toaddress the requirements of this approval condition. A draft HMP wassubmitted on 24 July 2018 to DoEE for review and comment. Defence iscurrently consulting with relevant Traditional Owners about Indigenousheritage values at RAAF Base Amberiey. Defence's intention is to finaliseand submit the HMP for approval after the results of consultation withrelevant Traditional Owners have been incorporated into the document.

In progress.

The requirements of this condition are being implemented throughDefence's Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) process.

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018

Page 9: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

a. The development and implementation of a plan forrelocation activities;

b. Engagement of a qualified fauna spotter-catcher toundertake surveys prior to commencement of theaction; and

c. If Koalas are found in the project area, any handling ofKoalas required to relocate or otherwise protect themprior to and during the action in accordance with theplan for relocation.activities.

Within 30 days after the commencement of the action, theapproval holder must advise the Department in writing ofthe actual date of commencement.

Compliant Defence notified DoEE on 20 July 2016 about the commencement ofworks to prepare a CHL-cited building (Asset number 467, AKDUbuilding) for relocation elsewhere on the Base.

The approval holder must maintain accurate records Compliantsubstantiating all activities associated with or relevant to theconditions of approval, including measures taken toimplement the plans and strategies required by thisapproval, and make them available upon request to theDepartment. Such records may be subject to audit by theDepartment or an independent auditor in accordance withsection 458 of the EPBC Act, or used to verify compliancewith the conditions of approval. Summaries of audits maybe posted on the Department's website. The results of auditsmay also be publicised through the general media.

By 1 October of each year after the commencement of the Compliantaction, approval holder must publish a report on its websiteaddressing compliance with the conditions of this approvalover the previous 12 months, including implementation ofany management plans and strategies as specified in theconditions. The Approval Holder may discontinuepublishing annual compliance reports with the writtenagreement of the Minister.

On 14 October 2016, Defence notified DoEE about the demolition of 10

CHL-cited buildings (Asset numbers 95 tol04 (Lysaght sheds}. As thisevent involved the achial demolition ofCHL-cited buildings, this date isconsidered to be the date the action commenced.

Accurate records of all activities relevant to the conditions of approval,including the implementation of plans, are maintained in Defence's officialrecordkeeping system.

The actioned commenced on 14 October 2016. The first annual

compliance report was published on 27 September 2017. This is thesecond annual compliance report. Defence publishes its EPBC Act annualcompliance reports on its website at:ht ://www.defence. ov.au/id/Environmental.as

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 20 IS

Page 10: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the






Non-compliance with any of the conditions of this approval Not triggeredmust be reported to the Department within 48 hours ofdiscovery by the approval holder.

If the approval holder wishes to carry out any activity Not triggeredotherwise than in accordance with the plans and strategiesspecified in the conditions, the approval holder must submitto the Department for the Minister's written approval arevised version of that plan or strategy. The approval holdermust not commence the varied activity until the Ministerhas approved the varied plan or strategy in writing. TheMinister will not approve a varied plan or strategy unlessthe revised plan or strategy would result in an equivalent orimproved environmental outcome over time. If the Minister

approves the revised plan or strategy, the approval holdermust implement that plan or strategy in place of the plan orstrategy previously approved.

If the Minister believes that it is necessary or convenient for Not triggeredthe protection of the environment to do so, the Minister mayrequest that the person taking the action make specifiedrevisions to the plans and strategies specified in theconditions and submit the revised plan or strategy for theMinister's written approval. The person taking the actionmust comply with any such request. The approval holdermust implement the revised approved plan or strategy.Unless the Minister has approved the revised plan orstrategy, then the revised approved plan or strategy mustcontinue to implement the plan or strategy previouslyapproved, as specified in the conditions.

If, at any time after 7 years from the date of this approval. Not applicablethe approval holder has not substantially commenced theaction, then the approval holder must not commence theaction without the written agreement of the Minister.

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Minister, the Compliantapproval holder must publish all plans and strategiesreferred to in these conditions of approval on its website.Each plan and strategy must be published on the websitewithin 1 month of being approved and must remainpublished for the life of the approval.

Defence commenced action on 14 October 2016.

All plans and strategies are published at:http ://www. defence. gov. au/id/Environmental. asp

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1. 28 September 2018


Page 11: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

15 Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Minister, theapproval holder must provide a copy of each approved planand strategy referred to in these conditions of approval tomembers of the public upon request. Copies must beprovided within a reasonable time of the request.

Not triggered No requests for plans or strategies have been made.

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018


Page 12: Department of Defence Annual Environmental …...recording of all heritage buildings in the project area. This recording must: a. Be in accordance with the guidelines set out in the

3. Correcting non-compliances

No non-compliances are identified.

4. New environmental risks

No new environmental risks are identified.

EPBC Act Approval 2014/7123Removal of heritage buildings at RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, QLDVersion 1, 28 September 2018