On Thursday, October 25, 2007, more than 200 alumni, faculty, friends and family gathered from across the nation to commemorate the 80 th Anniversary of the founding of the New York University Depart- ment of Physical Therapy and to honor the Department’s own Drs. Andrew McDonough and Marilyn Moffat during a gala event held at NYU’s Rosenthal Pavilion overlook- ing Washington Square Park. “The celebration was everything we could have hoped for,” said Dr. Wen Ling, Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. “It was a thrill to see so many of my former classmates and students as well as some of the pioneers of our profes- sion. I had the opportunity to sit next to two graduates from the class of 1949, Ruth & Julian Levy, and listen to them talk about their practice and the historical names in the physical therapy profession with whom they had interacted W HAT S I NSIDE 1-3 80 th Anniversary Re- cap 3 80 th Anniversary Im- ages 4 Ling Welcome Speech 4 Goerdt Heads Disabil- ity Council 5 Donors 6 NYU PT: A Year in Pictures 6-7 Commencement ’07 Cont. on Page 2 Dr. Wen Ling (in red) poses with class of 1995 alums (from l-r) Robin Jill Gross Smith, Silvia Vaher & Annie Hwang at the 80 th Anniversary of the founding of the NYU Department of Physical Therapy and Alumni Reunion 80 th Anniversary Celebration and Alumni Reunion Edition! Department of Physical Therapy 2007 Alumni Newsletter over the years. It was a real treat!” To begin the evening, guests were treated to a cocktail hour complete with an array of hors d’oeuvres, an open wine bar and live piano music. Alumni representing nearly 60 years of NYU Physical Therapy history mingled with colleagues, rekindled friendships and swapped stories of career, family and NYU nostalgia while enjoying a stunning view of the sun setting in downtown Manhattan. “You could see just how happy people were to see each other,” said Dr. Ling. “Take two graduates from the 1954 class, Dr. Arthur Nelson and Betty Latham. Betty has been living in Virginia since she gradu- ated. She’s married with 3 daughters…all PTs…and hasn’t seen Dr. Nelson for more than 30 years. But the way they were laughing and talking…it was like they never left school!” Also during the cocktail hour, guests had the opportunity to receive signed copies of texts au- thored by Department of Physical Therapy faculty members including Dr. Marilyn Moffat (Age Defying Fitness: Making the Most of Your Body for the Rest of Your Life , amongst others), Dr. Mitchell Batavia (Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation: Doing No Harm , amongst others) and Dr. Tsega Mehreteab (Integrating Physical Agents in Rehabilitation ), and browse a table housing some extraordinary photo- graphs taken by the night’s primary honoree, Dr. Andrew McDonough. As the night darkened, immersing the room in a deep purple hue combined with the The night’s honorees, Drs. Andrew McDonough and Marilyn Moffat

Department of Physical The rapy - steinhardt.nyu.edu · A smiling Andy McDonough tells his captive audience, “This will probably be the most you’ll ever hear me ... Jaffe as well

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Page 1: Department of Physical The rapy - steinhardt.nyu.edu · A smiling Andy McDonough tells his captive audience, “This will probably be the most you’ll ever hear me ... Jaffe as well

On Thursday, October 25, 2007, more than 200 alumni, faculty, friends and family gathered from across the nation to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the founding of the New York University Depart-ment of Physical Therapy and to honor the Department’s own Drs. Andrew McDonough and Marilyn Moffat during a gala event held at NYU’s Rosenthal Pavilion overlook-ing Washington Square Park. “The celebration was everything we could have hoped for,” said Dr. Wen Ling, Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. “It was a thrill to see so many of my former classmates and students as well as some of the pioneers of our profes-sion. I had the opportunity to sit next to two graduates from the class of 1949, Ruth & Julian Levy, and listen to them talk about their practice and the historical names in the physical therapy profession with whom they had interacted

W H A T ’ S IN S I D E

1-3 80th Anniversary Re-cap

3 80th Anniversary Im-ages

4 Ling Welcome Speech

4 Goerdt Heads Disabil-ity Council

5 Donors

6 NYU PT: A Year in Pictures

6-7 Commencement ’07

Cont. on Page 2

Dr. Wen Ling (in red) poses with class of 1995 alums (from l-r) Robin Jill Gross Smith, Silvia Vaher & Annie Hwang at the 80th Anniversary of the founding of the NYU

Department of Physical Therapy and Alumni Reunion

80th Anniversary Celebration and Alumni Reunion Edition!

Department of Physical Therapy

2007 Alumni Newsletter

over the years. It was a real treat!” To begin the evening, guests were treated to a

cocktail hour complete with an array of hors d’oeuvres, an open wine bar and live piano music. Alumni representing nearly 60 years of NYU Physical Therapy history mingled with colleagues, rekindled friendships and swapped stories of career, family and NYU nostalgia while enjoying a stunning view of the sun setting in downtown Manhattan. “You could see just how happy people were to see each other,” said Dr. Ling. “Take two graduates from the 1954 class, Dr. Arthur Nelson and Betty Latham. Betty has been living in Virginia since she gradu-ated. She’s married with 3 daughters…all PTs…and hasn’t seen Dr. Nelson for more than 30 years. But the way they were laughing and talking…it was like they never left school!”

Also during the cocktail hour, guests had the opportunity to receive signed copies of texts au-thored by Department of Physical Therapy faculty members including Dr. Marilyn Moffat (Age Defying Fitness: Making the Most of Your Body for the Rest of Your Life, amongst others), Dr. Mitchell Batavia (Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation: Doing No Harm, amongst others) and Dr. Tsega Mehreteab (Integrating Physical Agents in Rehabilitation), and browse a table housing some extraordinary photo-

graphs taken by the night’s primary honoree, Dr. Andrew McDonough.

As the night darkened, immersing the room in a deep purple hue combined with the

The night’s honorees, Drs. Andrew McDonough and

Marilyn Moffat

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Department of Physical Therapy

Cont. from Page 1

twinkling city lights from outside the Pavilion’s numerous windows, guests dined on mixed greens topped with beets, goat cheese and an apple ci-der vinaigrette and an entrée of grilled salmon with beans and red cabbage apple slaw. Dr. McDonough sat at a table surrounded by his wife, Nancy, his daughter, Amanda, and his in-laws, all on hand to witness what he would later call an “astounding” night. At another table, Dr. Moffat conversed with a group including Art Nelson (class of 1954) and Steve Wirth (class of 1973) and his daugh-ter, Keri (class of 1999).

At around 8:00, Dr. Ling took to the podium to address the audience and kick off the tribute portion of the night. After a brief speech of wel-come and gratitude (see page 4 for a full transcription), Dr. Ling intro-duced Mary Brabeck, Dean of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Educa-tion, and Human Development who spoke of the importance of having such a prestigious program and such a strong and dedicated alumni body as that of the NYU Department of Physi-cal Therapy. Once Dean Brabeck had concluded, Dr. Ling returned to the podium and asked the audience to watch a short film clip highlighting the long and legendary career of Dr. Andrew McDonough.

Entitled “Andrew McDonough: The Man, The Myth, The Legend,” the 5-plus minute short delved into Dr. McDonough’s extraordinary teaching methods (such as being able to draw complete anatomical diagrams from memory), artistic approach to both work and life, and, using his daughter as a conduit of truth, the many, many rumors and myths that cropped up during his rich 30-year career at

A smiling Andy McDonough tells his captive audience, “This will probably

be the most you’ll ever hear me speak” following a video tribute to

his legendary career

NYU PT Faculty including Dr. Marilyn Moffat, Dr. Mitchell Bata-via & Dr. Tsega Mehreteab signed copies of their texts during the

cocktail hour

Amanda McDonough reveals her fa-ther’s past as a fashion model at the 80th Anniversary Celebration

NYU. Such myths ranged from the embarrassing and revealing (it was confirmed that Dr. McDonough once worked as a fashion model) to the absurd (it was exposed that Dr. McDonough was never drafted by a professional football team). As his on-screen colleagues expressed their admiration and wished him well in his post-NYU life (Dr. McDonough will be retiring in Spring 2008), the normally stoic professor dabbed tears from his eyes while radiating a smile of pure astonishment and appreciation.

At the end of the video, Dr. McDonough was introduced to a rau-cous standing ovation. He took to the podium, his words catching in his throat and spoke of how moved he was by the video tribute and the adu-lation emanating from the room. “This will probably be the most you’ll ever hear me speak,” Dr. McDonough quipped before telling the story of his hiring and discussing his post-retirement plans of further exploring his love of photography, and travel-ing and teaching overseas with his wife. After being presented with a gift from Dr. Ling and Dean Brabeck on behalf of the School, Dr. McDonough ceded the podium once more to Dr. Ling who introduced a video detailing the night’s second honoree, Dr. Marilyn Moffat.

While most expected the video to

A video investigation proves once and for all that Marilyn Moffat does indeed sleep

Cont. on page 3

of whether or not Dr. Moffat sleeps. The video included interviews with physical therapy faculty and students who put forth their own theories on the issue at hand. One faculty member went so far as to pro-vide neurological proof that Dr. Moffat’s brain works differently from that of the average American. In the end, two of Dr. Moffat’s long-time colleagues and friends, Drs. Elaine Rosen and Sandra Rusnak-Smith, confirmed that Dr. Moffat does in-deed sleep, though she tends to set up situations in which she can sleep while her friends act as “chauffeurs.” Upon the end of the video, a grinning Dr. Moffat re-ceived a standing ovation, took to the po-dium and announced, “It’s all true!” She then graciously deferred the evening’s ac-colades to Dr. McDonough, thanked every-one for their continuing support for and appreciation of the physical therapy field and the NYU Department of Physical Ther-apy, and was presented with a gift from

focus on Dr. Moffat’s many accomplish-ments, including her recent election as President of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, its actual content was an amusing investigation into the mystery

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Dr. Ling and Dean Brabeck on behalf of the School.

With the evening’s festivities winding down, guests were treated to a delectable dessert of an apple tart with cinnamon gelato as well as coffee and tea, and spent the remainder of the celebration mingling, talking of old times and the future of physical therapy, and congratulating Drs. McDonough and Moffat. "It was a lovely evening,” said 2004 graduate, Laurie Kil-martin, “with an amazing collection of brilliant & talented people and two really

Dean Mary Brabeck (l) and Dr. Wen Ling (r) present Dr.

Marilyn Moffat (c) with a gift on behalf of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education,

and Human Development

deserving guests of honor." In all, the 80th Anniversary celebration

and Alumni Reunion was a joyous and memorable evening filled with friends and family, colleagues old and new, good food, hearty laughter, and even a few surprises. A proud Dr. Ling summed it up best, “To watch graduates from the 1940s through the 2000s coming together…I felt like I was lit-erally seeing the torch pass from one gen-eration to the next…like I was seeing the Department’s legacy in action.”

Images from the 80th Anniversary Celebration

(l-r) Dr. Marilyn Moffat (’63), Dr. Ar-thur J. Nelson (’54) & Betty Latham


(l-r) Dr. Wen Ling (’80), Julian Levy (’49) & Ruth Levy (’49)

(l-r) Dr. Kevin Chui (’05), Guy Lombardo (’89) & Dr. David

Cameron (’07)

(l-r) Brian Gurney (’05), Lorne Jaffe (Admin), Wen-Yau Yen (’04) &

Elaine Borja-Jaffe (’07)

(l-r) Esterose Heyman (’67), Linda Lennox-DeVincenzo (’77) & Deborah

Eisenberg (’77)

(l-r) Kate Parkin (’94), Beverly De-

vine (’66) & C.K. Fernando (’67)

(l-r) William Susman (’78), Joel Rosenstein (’73), Andy McDonough &

Gary Krasilovsky (’73)

(l-r) Stephanie Squitieri (’03) Ben Gelfand (’88) & Gregory Thomas


Cont. from page 2

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Department of Physical Therapy

gram in the country. I would like to thank everyone

who assisted in making this celebra-tion possible and who continually helps make our department a leader in physical therapy education. Thank you to Dean Mary Brabeck, everyone at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, our faculty, our adjunct faculty, our master clinicians and guest speakers, and our students and ever-generous alumni. I would also like to particu-larly thank our administrative staff including Anne Seaton, Marie McLaughlin, Julie Chin and Lorne Jaffe as well as our graduate assis-tants Steven Yen and YenWei Chen, who all worked tirelessly in putting this event together. Our department is lucky to have such dedicated and creative people.

I wish you all a very enjoyable evening and now, it is my pleasure to introduce Dean Mary Brabeck…

Dr. Ann Goerdt Heads

Disability Council

Dr. Wen Ling’s 80th Anniversary Address

Dr. Wen Ling welcomes alumni from across the nation to the 80th

Anniversary Celebration

Good evening everyone and welcome to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the New York University Physical Therapy Pro-gram.

Our anniversary celebrations and alumni reunions are always exciting times for me. I greatly enjoy witnessing the interaction between our current faculty and their former students, between our elder, experienced alumni and our promising recent gradu-ates. I thank you all for being here, from Julian and Ruth Levy of the class of 1949 to Paul Sam-uel, Gisela Figueroa and Elaine Borja-Jaffe of the class of 2007, and all classes in between.

Being that anniversaries are times of reflection, I was inclined to research the representative gift associated with 80th anniver-saries. We all know that paper represents 1 year and that dia-monds represent 75 years. But what represents 80 years? Ap-parently, the modern symbolic gifts for 80th anniversaries are diamonds and pearls, objects that are certainly worthy of such grand occasions. But the tradi-tional gift is much more inter-esting and, in my opinion, much more representative of our NYU physical therapy family. The tra-ditional gift is oak, a tree that signifies wisdom, strength and endurance.

In the beginning, the NYU Physical Therapy program was nothing but a tiny acorn, a seed with the enormous potential to grow into something incredible, and after 80 years we have ma-tured into a mighty oak, one whose faculty branches out into all aspects of physical therapy, one that annually produces seeds that will develop into our field’s newest leaders, practitioners and educators. Our graduates prac-tice throughout the world, turn-ing our once solitary oak into a thriving forest, thus helping us sustain our distinction as the foremost physical therapy pro-

In 2005, Ann Goerdt, Director of the DPT for Practicing Physical Therapists Program at NYU, started a university-wide discus-sion of disability issues. Initially, faculty members from four schools came together, but the number grew and in May 2007, when nine schools were represented, Provost David McLaughlin designated the group the Council for the Study of Disability. The aims of the new council are to identify priorities and potential partnerships for re-search on issues that will address the concerns of people with dis-abilities in New York City, nation-ally and internationally; to apply the research in teaching within relevant programs and courses; and to also increase disability awareness at NYU. Recent events sponsored by the council indicate the variety of input that comes from its members. These include

Dr. Ann Goerdt

Dean Mary Brabeck welcomes NYU PT alumni on behalf of the

Steinhardt School of Culture, Educa-tion, and Human Development

the screening of the film, Body and Soul: Diana and Kathy, and a presentation of New Research: Disability and Sexuality. The film, a documentary by award-winning filmmaker, Alice Elliott (Tisch, NYU), follows the lives of two women with disabilities, one in the role of caretaker for the other, and both of whom are disability activists. The new research will be conducted by Don Kulick (Center for the Study of Gender and Sexu-ality/Department of Anthropology, NYU) in Sweden and Denmark and by Randolph Mowry (Applied Psy-chology, NYU) in a New York City shelter for people with disabilities who have been abused.

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Department of Physical Therapy NYU Steinhardt


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Alumni Donors

Benefactor ($10,000 and above) Georgina Moffat

Mary & Charles Rumsey The Rumsey Foundation Janet & Walter Teagle The Teagle Foundation, Inc. WCT III & JDT Family Founda- tion

Partner ($1,000-$4,999) Diane & Clyde Brownstone Barbara Stephens Detmore Stella Fischbach Dede & George W. Frank, Jr. Robert B. Gardner, Jr. Pat & Ed Giles Theodora W. Hooten Nancy B. Leeds Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mettler III Mr. & Mrs. John W. Nester Marie & Roy Neuberger David P. Pearson

Helen & Robert Pilkington John Reese Timothy B. Sawyer Nancy B. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Lucian Todaro Charles H. Wellington

Associate ($500-$999) Barbara & Peter Bernstein Anne & Peter B. Cannell Mr. & Mrs. Lucio Garcia-Mansilla Marjorie A. Matheson Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Murray, III Jacqueline F. Rae Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shapss Herbert L. Smith, III Floreine J. Winthrop

Sustainer ($250-$499) Seth B. French, Jr. Paul G. Levy David L. Luke

John Macaskill Patrick H. Mackay Thomas H. Smith Helene & Marvin Torker

Supporter ($100-$249) Robert S. Ashton Lili & G.H. Bostwick Mr. & Mrs. James C. Bostwick Jamie Bryant Arthur H. Christy Lucy & George W. Cutting, Jr. Mary Ann Ewald Joann Ferrara Clarence E. Galston Paula & Leonard Granoff Susan Justman Margaret C. Klippel Sayre MacLeod, III Florence M. Marchi Alan M. Marcum George Marshall Andrew McDonough

Tsega Mehreteab Patricia C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nieporte Susan E.J. Scheid Linda Seale Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Seaman Sue & Howard Simon Carl W. Timpson, Jr. Eugene Tunik Mr. & Mrs. H. Clifton White- man

Sara B. Wright

Friend (Under $100) Magdelaine S. Anthony Marie Aroldi Eileen M. Dana Barbara Fitzsimmons

Friend Donors

Benefactor ($10,000 and above) Victoria Kasserman Elizabeth Heuser Latham Marilyn Moffat Salant Patron ($5,000-$9,999) Geraldine H. Coles Joan Edelstein Partner ($1,000-$4,999) Ellen C. Bodner Tali A. Conine Wen K. Ling Richard E. Misiura Thomas J. Sansone Peter W. Seeley Roni & Marc Wertheimer Associate ($500-$999) Miriam J. Defay Samuel H. Esterson Adrienne Flanagan James R. Giebfried

Ellen Ring Horovitz Mary T. Moffroid Akinniran Oladehin Carolyn M. Surgent Stephen Wirth Sustainer ($250-$499) Donna J. Croce Timothy Greene Guy Lombardo William H. Phillips Karen A. Queally James Rumsey Kevin Weaver William M. Weis, Jr. Supporter ($100-$249) Elizabeth Alper Jackie Arno Mitchell Batavia Elaine Becker Linda Bernot Vikram Bhardwaj Allison Brown Philip A. Caraher

Rhea Cohn Faith D. Diskin Jo Ann Ingrao Ehlers Michael Fox Benjamin Gelfand Ann Goerdt Sharon Wu Golden Sid J. Hershkowitz Sarah Hyman Louis Iannuzzi Alexander S. Kagan Betty Jane Langer-Broas Anna Len Hen-Yu Lien Philip N. Lombardo Majorie McKnight Marcia J. Pearl Attilo Pensavalle Nancy M. Pillemer Adele I. Potter Susan M. Requejo Kie-Woong Rhee Marianne Riccaldo Sandi M. Shein Jacki Sloan Gregg Solomon William Susman

Daniel P. Tahany Eleanor Whirlow W. Gilbert Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zimmerman Friend (Under $100) Frank E. Arrigo Augustino Biondi Emily Bindo Cox Jeremy B. Crow Richard E. Darnell Deborah Eisenberg Julie Goldstein Kathryn J. Haring Denise M. Hoell Frederick W. Kaestel Kathleen Ann Kelleher Frances Kramer Gad Magdieli Ann Malek McCarthy Ester J. Perl Peter Alan Raalf Gertrude Hirsch Schwarz Londe Selmon-Givan Mary Van Hoorn Allison Zager

Corporate Donors Academy Physical Therapy Access Rehab Centers of Waterbury CT

Associated Therapies of Bayside Bruno the King of Ravioli Central Park Physical Therapy Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Forest Hills Institute for Back Pain Georgetown University Hospital Hausman Industries LearnACLS, LLC

L.I. Orthopaedic & Sports PT Manhattan Rehabilitation Group National Philanthropic Trust Novartis US Foundation NSCA Certification Commission NY League for Early Learning NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Devel-opment

NYU Student Health Center Peachtree Publishing

PhysioFitness Queensboro Physical Therapy The Rehab Documentation Com- pany, Inc.

RUSK Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine

Sensory Freeway Sports Physical Therapy of NY Sports Therapy and Rehabilita- tion

Springfield College

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NYU PT Department: A Year in Pictures

To celebrate February 2007 as National Physical Therapy Month, NYU professors and DPT students visited NBC, ABC and CBS morning shows to raise awareness for the field they love. On the left, Dr. Marilyn Moffat and NYU DPT stu-dents pose with Meredith Vieira

outside “The Today Show” studios. On the right, NYU DPT students line up outside the studios for “Good

Morning America”

NYU DPT students vol-unteer at the 2007

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer held October 6-

7, 2007 in NYC

Dr. Marilyn Moffat accepts the American Physi-cal Therapy Association’s 2007 Minority Initia-tives Award from APTA President, Scott Ward, on behalf of the NYU Department of Physical

Therapy. NYU shared the award with Alabama State University

Commencement 2007

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Department of Physical Therapy NYU Steinhardt


Page 7

2007 Physical Therapy Department

Award Recipients:

Elizabeth. C. Addoms Award For Excellence in Academic and Clinical Performance

Rose Cabornero Amarilis Y. Cardriche

Department Service Award For Outstanding Service to the

School, Department, Faculty and Student Body

Fallon S. Burns Dionnea Da Ree Manning

Arthur J. Nelson Award For Excellence in Clinical Electrotherapy

Jason E. Steigler

Congratulations to the Class of 2007!

Rose Cabornero

Amarilis Y.


Dionnea Da Ree


Fallon S. Burns

Jason E. Steigler

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For more infoFor more infoFor more infoFor more information about The Campaign for the Marilyn Moffat Chair in Physrmation about The Campaign for the Marilyn Moffat Chair in Physrmation about The Campaign for the Marilyn Moffat Chair in Physrmation about The Campaign for the Marilyn Moffat Chair in Physi-i-i-i-cal Therapy, please contact Dr. Wen Ling at 212cal Therapy, please contact Dr. Wen Ling at 212cal Therapy, please contact Dr. Wen Ling at 212cal Therapy, please contact Dr. Wen Ling at 212----998998998998----9415 or write to 9415 or write to 9415 or write to 9415 or write to

[email protected]@[email protected]@nyu.edu


NYU Steinhardt Department of Physical Therapy 380 Second Ave, 4th Floor New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212.998.9400 Fax: 212.995.4190 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/pt

Doctor of Physical Therapy for

Practicing Physical Therapists

Participate in the first DPT Program for Practicing Physical Therapists in the New York area

Are you prepared to examine and treat any patient who comes to you?

• Get ready for patients’ direct access to Physical Therapy • Update your knowledge and skills to the clinical doctorate

level • Take advanced coursework in one of the nation’s premier PT

programs • Obtain current information in pathology, pharmacology, and

radiology, and PT evaluations and interventions for all systems relevant to physical therapy practice

• Sharpen your skills in differential diagnosis, critical inquiry, education and administration

• Attend the program full- or part-time


Become a Master Clinician and

Clinical Affiliate!

We are looking for interested clinicians and sites to serve as Master Clinicians and clinical affiliates. Clinical education is an important

aspect of the Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum and we are continuously looking for experienced clinicians to serve in these capacities. As an NYU graduate, your connection with the PT

Department gives you a unique opportunity to serve as a mentor and assist current DPT students in their educational experience. By serving as a Master Clinician or clinical affiliate, you will also

earn tuition credits at NYU that can be used to further your own education free of charge.

As part of NYU’s dedication to its students, the Physical Therapy Department is continuously looking to expand its network of clinical sites nationwide. Please contact our Director of Clinical

Education, Elaine Becker, PT, DPT, PCS, at (212) 998-9407 or e-mail at [email protected] to request more information.

2007 NYU Steinhardt Department of Physical Therapy Alumni Newsletter

Writer/Editor Lorne Jaffe

Collaborator Anne Seaton

Join us for NYU’s Alumni Weekend on MJoin us for NYU’s Alumni Weekend on MJoin us for NYU’s Alumni Weekend on MJoin us for NYU’s Alumni Weekend on May 17, 2008. For further information, ay 17, 2008. For further information, ay 17, 2008. For further information, ay 17, 2008. For further information, please contact Anne Seaton at 212please contact Anne Seaton at 212please contact Anne Seaton at 212please contact Anne Seaton at 212----998998998998----9414 or write to [email protected] or write to [email protected] or write to [email protected] or write to [email protected]



Health care organizations

Health care administrators

Health care representatives

Physical therapy students

Practicing physical therapists interested in relocation or opportunities for upward mobility

A unique opportunity for health care professionals to meet with members of the health care industry!

Location: New York University Eisner & Lubin Auditorium Room 401, Kimmel Center 60 Washington Square South

Exhibitors must register. For pricing information, please contact Anne Seaton at 212-998-9414 or write to [email protected] Registration deadline: March 7, 2008. Space is limited. Registration after this date will be accepted on a space available basis.