Descriptif des Fonctions de skeinforge T.Monnot 03-2011 1

Descriptif des Fonctions de skeinforge - Freetmonnot.free.fr/Fraisage/Ninos_Repstrap/Images... · Extension du fichier Gcode ( txt pour Ninos )??? Operation Also Send Output To: Default:

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  • Descriptif des Fonctions de




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  • 3

  • Ouvre un visualiseur de trajectoire sur pièce compléte.

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  • 5

  • Ouvre un visualiseur de trajectoire couche à couches

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  • 7

  • Active la fonction statistiques dans la fenêtre de travail deRéplicatorg

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  • Operation

    The default 'Activate Bottom' checkbox is on. When it is on, the functions described below will work, when it is off, the functions will not be called.



    Default is zero.

    Defines the altitude of the bottom of the model. The bottom slice have a z of the altitude plus half the layer thickness.

    SVG Viewer

    Default is webbrowser.

    If the 'SVG Viewer' is set to the default 'webbrowser', the scalable vector graphics file will be sent to the default browser to be opened. If the 'SVG Viewer' is set to a program name, the scalable vector graphics file will be sent to that program to be opened.

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  • CarveBridge Thickness Multiplier (ratio)

    Default: 1.0

    Extra Decimal Places (integer)

    Default: 1

    Import Coarseness (ratio)

    Default: 1

    Infill in Direction of Bridges

    Default: ON

    Layer Thickness (mm)

    Default: 0.4 or 0.45

    The thickness of the layer your printer will deposit. This defines:

    1. the thickness of layer Skeinforge will cut your object in

    2. Z step in generated G-Code

    For 0.5mm nozzle usable values are 0.3-0.5. Note that if you are using thinner layer make sure to adjust the extrusion speed too.

    Layers From (index)

    Default: 0

    From what layer to start generating the G-Code. For example if your object is 5mm tall and your layer thicknes is 1mm if if you put layers from=3 you will ignore first 3mm and start from 4th.

    Layers To (index)

    Default: 999999999

    Same as layers from, only when to end the generation of G-Code

    Mesh Type

    Default: Correct Mesh

    No idea what this does

    Perimeter Width over Thickness (ratio)

    Default: 1.8

    This parameter tells skeinforge how thick the perimeter wall is expected to be in relation to the layer thickness. Default value of 1.8 for the default layer thickness of 0.4 states that single filament perimeter wall should be 0.4*1.8=0.72mm thick. This is an important calibration value as if you are calibrating your machine you need to be sure that speed of the head and extrusion rate in combination produce a wall that is "layer thickness" * "perimeter width over thickness" thick. To start with "Perimeter Width over Thickness" is probably best left at the default of 1.8 and the extrusion rate adjusted to give the correct calculated wall thickness. Adjustment is in the "Speed" section with "Feed Rate" controlling speed of the head in X & Y and "Flow Rate Setting" controlling the extrusion rate. Initially it is probably easier to start adjusting the flow rate only a little at a time until you get a single filament of the correct width. If you change too many parameters at once you can get in a right mess.

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    Détermine les températures de :

    Bed : plateau chauffant

    Chamber : enceinte chauffante

    Holding force : NA

  • Chamber

    The default 'Activate Chamber' checkbox is on. When it is on, chamber will add the temperature commands, when it is off nothing will be done.


    Bed Temperature

    Default is 60C.

    Defines the print_bed temperature in Celcius by adding an M140 command.

    Chamber Temperature

    Default is 30C.

    Defines the chamber temperature in Celcius by adding an M141 command.

    Holding Force

    Default is zero.

    Defines the holding pressure of a mechanism, like a vacuum table or electromagnet, to hold the bed surface or object, by adding an M142 command. The holding pressure is in bar. For hardware which only has on/off holding, when the holding pressure is zero, turn off holding, when the holding pressure is greater than zero, turn on holding.

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    Clip Over perimeter with :

    Paramètre qui défini la distance à laquelle on s’arrête en fin de périmètre par rapport au point de départ. Exprimé en ratio de la largeur :

    = à 0 : pas de trou, mais risque de surépaisseur.

    Trop élevé : risque de trou.

    Maximum connection distance… :

    Connecte les périmètres successifs, en évitant l’arrêt de l’extrudeuse

  • Clip Over Extrusion Width (ratio)

    Default: 0.15

    Ratio of the amount each end of the loop is clipped over the extrusion width. The total gap will therefore be twice the clip. If the ratio is too high loops will have a gap, if the ratio is too low there will be a bulge at the loop ends.

    Clip Over Extrusion Width = 0.01 Clip Over Extrusion Width = 1

    Clip Over Extrusion Width = 0.01 zoomed

    Clip Over Extrusion Width = 1 zoomed

    As one can see in the pictures, there is a visible gap when clip is set too large

    Maximum Connection Distance Over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    This plug-in will attempt to connect loops that end close to each other so that the extruder does not need to be stopped and started. This option sets the maximum gap size to connect. This option can reduce the amount of extra material or gaps formed at the loop end. Setting this to 0 will prevent loops from being connected.

    Maximum Connection Distance Over Perimeter Width = 0

    Maximum Connection Distance Over Perimeter Width = 10

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    Evite les fils à l’intérieur des trous en contournant les diamètres

  • Comb:

    Comb moves the extruder around inside holes to prevent stringers in those holes.

    NOTE: It has been observed in very rare occasions that the eratic movement that the extruder makes when moving rapidly around holes can make your RapMans belt skip.

    with and without Comb

    Here you see Comb at work, left you see many stringers in the round hole with Comb turned off, on the right you see no stringers in the round hole with Comb turned on.


    Minimum Departure Distance over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    Default: 30.0

    Running Jump Space over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    Default: 20.0

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    Fonction refroidissement de couche

    Pour toute couche de durée supérieure à «minimum layer time », la tête va orbiter sans extruder (pour ne pas rester au même endroit) pendant «minimum layer time » moins « temps réel de réalisation de la couche »

    Au final, toutes les couches dureront au mini le même temps de «minimum layer time ». Ceci permet au toute petites couches d’avoir le temps de refroidir autant que les grandes, afin d’éviter de repasser sur une matière molle.

    « Maximum orbital radius » défini le carré de balayage (pour éviter de rester sur place à chauffer la pièce avec la buse) :C’est le demi coté du carré centré sur le 0 MachinePas terrible quand on met une pièce volontairement en X+Y+

  • Cool

    If enabled, before each layer that takes less then "Minimum Layer Time" to print, head will orbit around the printed area for "Minimum Layer Time" - "time that takes to really print the layer" before it start printing the layer. This is great way to let layers with smaller area cool before you start printing on top of them (so you do not overheat the area).

    The Minimum Orbital Radius (available in versions after 2009-08-12) allows you to tweak the minimum orbiting radius so if head does not stay too close the the small areas.

    If there is a file cool_start.txt, cool will add that to the start of the orbits. After it has added the orbits, it will add the file cool_end.txt if it exists.

    Turn fan on/off will use G-Code M106 and M107 to turn fan on/off.

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    Fonction d’extrusion évoluée pour Rapman

    Inutile pour Ninos repstrap…

  • Operation

    Add support for rapman This adds 5D E values to the G-Code. E is "distance" so firmware does not have to calculate it on it's own and can set the extruder speed in relation to the distance that needs to be extruded. E values are not supported in RapMan Firmware.


    Absolute Extrusion Distance

    When selected, the extrusion distance output will be the total extrusion distance to that gcode line.

    Relative Extrusion Distance

    When selected, the extrusion distance output will be the extrusion distance from the last gcode line.

    Extruder Retraction Speed

    If Retraction distance and restart are not zero this is the speed that retraction and restart occur.

    A high value will allow the retraction operation to complete before much material oozes out. If your extruder can handle it, this value should be much larger than your Feed Rate.

    As an example, I have a Feed Rate of 48 mm/s and a Extruder Retraction Speed of 150 mm/s.

    Retraction Distance

    The amount the extruder retracts (sucks back) the extruded filament whenever an extruder stop is commanded. Using this seems to help prevent stringing. e.g. If set to 10 the extruder reverses the distance required to pull back 10mm of filament. In fact this does not actually happen but if you set this distance by trial and error you can get to a point where there is very little ooze from the extruder when it stops which is not normally the case.

    Restart Extra Distance

    If this is greater than zero when the extruder starts this distance is added to the retract value giving extra filament. It can be a negative value in which case it is subtracted from the retraction distance. On some Repstrap machines a negative value can stop the build up of plastic that can occur at the start of perimeters.

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    A cocher???Annule les commentaires ds le Gcode

    Format d’export GcodeLaisser « Do not change output »

    Extension du fichier Gcode ( txt pour Ninos )???

  • Operation

    Also Send Output To:


    No idea what this does

    Delete Comments

    Default: true

    Removes the comments from the final output. Note that on some printers having comments in the file will slow down printing and potentially generate lower quality print. Some printers do not support comments at all so the safest way is to turn this on to remove comments.

    Export Operations

    Default: Do Not Change Output

    No idea what this does

    File Extension

    Default: gcode

    The skeinforge will name output file as originalname_export.extension so if you are processing XYZ.stl the output will by default be XYZ_export.gcode

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  • Grid :

    Circular Hexagonal

    Rectangular Line


    Fill plugin defines the way inside of your object will be filled. If Fill is not activated your object will not be filled and only perimeter will be printed.



    Diaphragm Period (layers)

    Default: 999999


  • Force creation of diaphragm every ## layers. Normally inside of the object is filled usng infill pattern but you can force every ## layers to be a diaphragm (a fully filled layer).

    Diaphragm Thickness (layers)

    Default: 0

    How many layers the diaphragm will be thick. Value 0 means "do not make diaphragms".

    Extra Shells

    Extra Shells on Alternating Solid Layer (layers)

    Default: 1

    Shell is the "outline" extrusion. You can set different number for this outlines on alternating layers. The solid layers are layers on the outside of the object.

    Extra Shells on Base (layers)

    Default: 1

    Base layer is the "first" layer of the object.

    Extra Shells on Sparse Layer (layers)

    Default: 1

    Sparse layers are the layers of the object that are not base nor solid :) .. so "all other layers".


    These settings affect how the infill grid will be created.

    Grid Extra Overlap (ratio)

    Default: 0.12

    The fill of the solid layer is done by parallel lines. The higher this number is, the more close to each other this lines will be.

    Grid Junction Separation Band Height (layers)

    Default: 10

    No idea what this does

    Grid Junction Separation over Octogon Radius At End (ratio)

    Default: 0.0

    No idea what this does

    Grid Junction Separation over Octogon Radius At Middle (ratio)

    Default: 0.0

    No idea what this does


  • Infill

    Infill Begin Rotation (degrees)

    Default 45.0

    The parallel lines that are used to fill the layer - this defines the initial angle of this lines (from the X axis)

    Infill Begin Rotation Repeat (layers)

    Default: 1

    Not sure

    Infill Interior Density over Exterior Density (ratio)

    Default: 0.9

    The ratio between inside 100% and outside 100% fill. Values 0.9 - 1 are usable, using lower values is not recommended.

    Infill Odd Layer Extra Rotation (degrees)

    Default: 90.0

    Every second layer will have infill pattern rotated by this many degrees.

    Infill Pattern

    Possible patterns to use to fill the "not solid" layers. I recommend hexagonal pattern as it gives more strength for same percentage of fill then other two.

    • Grid Hexagonal • Grid Rectangular • Line

    Infill Perimeter Overlap (ratio)

    Defines how much overlap there is between the infill pattern and perimeter loops. 0 means that the infill barely touches the perimeter, 1 gives an overlap of one complete extrusion width. A value of slightly more then 0 is recommended for a good bonding of the two. The default is 0.05. Usable values are "up to 0.7", anything larger then 0.7 can have "undesired effect". The more "springy" the filament you are using is, the higher the value you need. I for example use 0.2 for ABS and 0.7 for PP.

    ratio -1 ratio 0 ratio +1

    Infill Solidity (ratio)

    Default: 0.2

    The percent of "fill" of the inside of the object. Having this as 1, the object will be 100% full of plastic, with this set to 0.2 only 20% of the inside will be plastic - rest will be empty space. This is great as you do not have to fill the object with plastic, all the outsides are 100% covered so inside it can be hollow. Note that higher infill solidity gives more strength to the object.



  • Infill Width over Thickness (ratio)

    Default: 1.5

    Solid Surface Thickness (layers)

    Default: 3

    How many layers to use for "external" layer. For example if you are printing a cube, the bottom ## and top ## layers that will be 100% filled is decided by this parameter. All other layers will be filled using "Infill Pattern" with density defined by "Infill Solidity (ratio)"

    Thread Sequence Choice

    Default: perimeter->Loops->Infill

    The order each layer will be printed

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  • Operation

    If enabled fillet rounds the corners slightly in a variety of ways. This is to reduce corner blobbing and sudden extruder acceleration.


    Fillet Procedure Choice

    Default: Bevel

    The 'Arc Point' method fillets the corners with an arc using the gcode point form. The 'Arc Radius' method fillets with an arc using the gcode radius form. The 'Arc Segment' method fillets corners with an arc composed of several segments. The 'Bevel' method bevels each corner.

    Cornder FeedRate over Operating Feed Rate (ratio)

    Default: 1.0

    Fillet Radius over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    Default: 0.35

    Reversal Slowdown Distance over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    Default: 0.5

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    Si coché, l'extrudeuse fait un parcours rectangulaire autours de la pièce à la distance de « outline margin »

    ceci permet une purge et une stabilisation du flux de l'extrudeuse avant de démarrer la pièce a proprement parler.

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  • Operation

    At the beginning of a layer, depending on the settings, wipe will move the nozzle with the extruder off to the arrival point, then to the wipe point, then to the departure point, then back to the layer.

    NOTE: The wipe path is machine specific, so you'll probably have to change all the default locations.


    Location Arrival

    Location Arrival X

    Default is minus seventy millimeters.

    Defines the x coordinate of the arrival location.

    Location Arrival Y

    Default is minus fifty millimeters.

    Defines the y coordinate of the arrival location.

    Location Arrival Z

    Default is fifty millimeters.

    Defines the z coordinate of the arrival location.

    Location Departure

    Location Departure X

    Default is minus seventy millimeters.

    Defines the x coordinate of the departure location.

    Location Departure Y

    Default is minus forty millimeters.

    Defines the y coordinate of the departure location.

    Location Departure Z

    Default is fifty millimeters.

    Defines the z coordinate of the departure location.

    Location Wipe

    Location Wipe X

    Default is minus seventy millimeters.

    Defines the x coordinate of the wipe location.


  • Location Wipe Y

    Default is minus seventy millimeters.

    Defines the y coordinate of the wipe location.

    Location Wipe Z

    Default is fifty millimeters.

    Defines the z coordinate of the wipe location.

    Wipe Period

    Default is three.

    Defines the number of layers between wipes. Wipe will always wipe just before layer zero, afterwards it will wipe every "Wipe Period" layers. With the default of three, wipe will wipe just before layer zero, layer three, layer six and so on.

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    OperationSettingsAltitudeSVG ViewerCarveBridge Thickness Multiplier (ratio)Extra Decimal Places (integer) Import Coarseness (ratio) Infill in Direction of Bridges Layer Thickness (mm) Layers From (index) Layers To (index) Mesh Type Perimeter Width over Thickness (ratio)

    ChamberSettingsBed TemperatureChamber TemperatureHolding ForceClip Over Extrusion Width (ratio) Maximum Connection Distance Over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    Comb:SettingsMinimum Departure Distance over Perimeter Width (ratio) Running Jump Space over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    OperationSettingsAbsolute Extrusion DistanceRelative Extrusion DistanceExtruder Retraction SpeedRetraction DistanceRestart Extra Distance

    OperationAlso Send Output To: Delete Comments Export Operations File Extension

    Operation Settings Diaphragm Diaphragm Period (layers) Diaphragm Thickness (layers)

    Extra Shells Extra Shells on Alternating Solid Layer (layers) Extra Shells on Base (layers) Extra Shells on Sparse Layer (layers)

    Grid Grid Extra Overlap (ratio) Grid Junction Separation Band Height (layers) Grid Junction Separation over Octogon Radius At End (ratio) Grid Junction Separation over Octogon Radius At Middle (ratio)

    Infill Infill Begin Rotation (degrees) Infill Begin Rotation Repeat (layers) Infill Interior Density over Exterior Density (ratio) Infill Odd Layer Extra Rotation (degrees) Infill Pattern Infill Perimeter Overlap (ratio) Infill Solidity (ratio) Infill Width over Thickness (ratio) Solid Surface Thickness (layers) Thread Sequence Choice

    Operation SettingsFillet Procedure Choice Cornder FeedRate over Operating Feed Rate (ratio) Fillet Radius over Perimeter Width (ratio) Reversal Slowdown Distance over Perimeter Width (ratio)

    OperationSettingsLocation ArrivalLocation Arrival XLocation Arrival YLocation Arrival Z

    Location DepartureLocation Departure XLocation Departure YLocation Departure Z

    Location WipeLocation Wipe XLocation Wipe YLocation Wipe Z

    Wipe Period