Welcome shane! |Home | FeedBack | Logoff October 15, 2003 PROJECT SURVEY (Design-Build) State: Alaska Agency: Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Project Whittier Tunnel Contact and Respondent Information Primary Team Contact First Name Last Name Email Job Title Organization Phone 1 Design-Build Project Survey http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (1 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:13 PM]

Design-Build Project Survey - Transportation · finance (i.e., design-build-maintain, design-build-operate-maintain, and design-build-finance). Franchise and concession agreements

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  • Welcome shane! |Home | FeedBack | Logoff

    October 15, 2003

    PROJECT SURVEY (Design-Build)

    State: AlaskaAgency: Alaska Department of Transportation & Public FacilitiesProject Whittier Tunnel

    Contact and Respondent Information

    Primary Team Contact

    First Name

    Last Name


    Job Title


    Phone 1

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (1 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:13 PM]


  • Phone 2



    Address (Cont.)



    Zip Code

    Respondent Information ( Edit your personal information)

    First Name

    Last Name Jennifer

    Email [email protected]

    Job Title


    Phone 1

    Phone 2





    Zip Code

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (2 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]


  • Definition of Key Terms Used in the SurveyDesign-Bid-Build (D-B-B): The traditional project delivery method in which design and construction are distinct, sequential stepsin the project development process, subject to separate procurement approaches and processes.

    Design-Build (D-B): A project delivery method in which the design and construction phases are contractually-integrated activitiesof the project development process. As used in this study, design-build includes the design and construction development stages.The term can also be used to encompass services in addition to design and construction, such as maintenance, operations, andfinance (i.e., design-build-maintain, design-build-operate-maintain, and design-build-finance). Franchise and concessionagreements are included in the term if they provide for the franchisee or concessionaire to develop the project that is the subject ofthe agreement.

    Design-Builder: The entity contractually responsible for delivering the project design and construction that holds the design-buildcontract with the owner.

    Designer: The lead professional design firm for the project.● Builder: The lead general construction contractor for the project.● Subconsultant: A designer that has a design subcontract with the lead design firm.● Subcontractor: A construction firm that has a subcontract with the lead general contractor.● Contracting Agency: Public agency awarding and administering a design-build contract. The contracting agency may be the StateTransportation Agency or another state or local public agency.

    ITS: Intelligent Transportation Systems.●

    Project Specific Information

    1. Project Specific Information

    Project Name

    Project Location

    Project Team or Contractor

    Respondent Role in this project

    Role of Jennifer

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (3 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 2. Project Description

    a. Facility Type (Estimatepercentage of total project cost thatfalls into each category)

    (%) Road



    (%)HOV Lanes



    b. Project Type (Estimatepercentage of total project cost thatfalls into each category)

    New Construction/Expansion %

    Rehabilitation/Reconstruction %

    Resurfacing/Renewal % Other:


    c. Highway Type (Estimatepercentage of project cost that fallsinto each category)

    Rural Interstate %

    Urban Interstate %

    Rural Primary %

    Urban Primary %

    Rural Secondary %

    Urban Secondary %

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (4 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • d. Project Size (Indicatedimensions) Total Cost ($000s)

    Road Length Lane-Miles

    Square Feet of Bridge Deck Square Feet

    Maximum Bridge Height Feet

    Number of Bridge Columns (#) Other (ITS, etc.):


    3. Project Delivery Approach (Indicate approach used for this project)


    Design-Bid-Build w/Warranty


    Design-Build w/Warranty

    Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM)

    Design-Build-Operate-Maintain-Finance (DBOM-F)

    Performance-Based Total Asset Management

    Job Order Contract (Indefinite Delivery/ Indefine Quantity)

    In-House Agency Staff (i.e. force account)Additional Commensts:

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (5 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 4. Procurement Approach (Indicate approach used for this project)

    Low Bid - no technical evaluation

    Bid Averaging Method (BAM)

    Request for Proposals w/Design Alternatives

    Multi-Parameter Bidding


    Lane Rental

    Cost Plus Time (A+B)

    Traffic Control


    Warranty Credit

    Quality Parameter Measures within Percent Limits

    Quality Parameter Measures within Performance Indicators

    Best-Value, please review this link for definitions of the following terms

    Low Bid - Meets Technical Criteria

    Adjusted Bid

    Adjusted Score

    Weighted Criteria

    Cost-Technical Tradeoff

    Fixed Price - Best Design

    5. Award Basis

    Competitive bidNegotiated award

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (6 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]


  • 6. Contract Type

    Fixed Price - Lump Sum

    Unit Price

    Cost Plus Fixed Fee

    Cost Plus Fixed Fee with Guarantee Maximum Price


    7. Use of Incentives or Disincentives

    7a. Were incentive clauses used for this project?

    No Yes

    If "yes", indicate the kind of incentives used:

    7b. Were disincentive or penalty clauses used for this project?

    No Yes

    If "yes", indicate the kind of disincentives or penalty clauses were used:

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (7 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 8. Extended Warranty Beyond Specified Minimum

    a. Was any kind of warranty associated with the contract for this project?

    No Yes

    If "No", skip to question 9.

    b. Type of warranty included in the project contract:Material & workmanshipPerformance or ConditionOther (indicate below):

    c. Duration of warranty - after project completion, in years:

    d. Escape clause criteria (specify which type(s) used in the contract):Time limitCumulative axle loadingOther (indicate below):

    e. Was the extended warranty a competitive factor in the selection process?No Yes

    f. Did the extended warranty increase or decress any of the following project attributes?

    Project Duration No Yes; if "Yes", by what % (+ or -)

    Project Quality No Yes; if "Yes", by what % (+ or -)

    Project Cost No Yes; if "Yes", by what % (+ or -)

    Additional Comments:

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (8 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 9. Project Team Organization

    Builder as prime

    Designer as prime

    Joint Venture

    Multi Prime/Multiple Prime Contracts

    Integrated design-builder


    10. Project Characteristics:

    a. Primary project purpose:

    b. Characterize the project according to the following criteria

    Project Characteristics RatingLow: 1 High: 6

    Degree of technical/engineering complexity 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Degree of schedule urgency 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Flexibility of project scope 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (9 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • c. What percentage of the following activities were complete when the design-build contract or the construction contract wasissued for this project?

    Activity % Completed

    Design: %

    NEPA Clearance: %

    Permit Clearance: %

    Right-of-way Acquisition: %

    d. Describe any unique feature about this project that significantly influenced any of the following project attributes:




    e. Was lifecycle costing taken into account during project conceptualization?No Yes

    If so, was it a factor in your agency's bid evaluation process? No Yes


    11. Specification Type

    Specification Type % of Total Specifications

    Prescriptive %

    Performance %

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (10 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 12. Prevailing Labor Environment (Complete all applicable portions - percentage refers to portion of total project costs):

    Union State: No Yes

    Percent union involvement (%):

    13. Contract Work Split (Complete as appropriate - percentage refers to portion of total project costs):

    Direct hire:Design (%):

    Construction (%):

    or, Combined (%):

    Subcontracted:Design (%):

    Construction (%):

    or, Combined (%):

    14. Competition (Complete as appropriate):

    Number of responsive proposers/bidders:




    Additional Comments:

    15. Duration Performance Metrics. Indicate the dates or characteristics for the following project delivery activities:

    Activity Dates Units

    Start RFP development (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Date project advertised (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Date RFPs submitted (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Date of Project Award (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Design initiation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Construction initiation date (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (11 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • Planned project acceptance date (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Actual project acceptance date (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Number of liquidated damages days days

    Project Velocity - average per month:

    Lane-miles completed Lane mile/month

    Square feet of bridge deck completed sq ft deck/month

    Project cost spent $000s/month

    16. Cost Performance Metrics. Indicate the planned and actual costs (in thousands of dollars) for the following project delivery activities:


    AgencyPE Cost/ RFP Cost

    Design-Builder DesignCosts

    Design-BuilderConstruction Costs

    Agency ContractAdministration and

    Inspections CostsTotal Project Costs

    At Budget(Engineer'sestimate)

    At ContractAward

    At Final Cost

    b. Indicate the reasons for major changes in project costs:

    RatingNone: 1 Major: 6

    Owner required additions or subtractions 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Design-Builder or Contractor suggested additions or subtractions 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Events not controllable by sponsor or contractor (weather, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Poor design 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Differing site conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Unit price adjustment clauses 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Sponsor delays (environmental clearance, land acquisition) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/AContractor delays (design, environmental clearance, land acquisition, construction,inspection approval)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (12 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • Third party additions or subtractions 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Third party delays 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/AOther: 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    c. Indicate the number and total cumulative value of all change orders/extra work orders for this project:

    Number of approved change/extra work orders Number

    Cumulative net value of approved change/extra work orders ($000s)

    d. Indicate the number and total cumulative value of all claims for this projects:

    Number of approved claims Number

    Cumulative net value of approved claims ($000s)

    e. Indicate the amount (value) of any re-work required after the project was accepted by the owner (re-work means additional work required tocorrect deficiencies that appear after the project is put into service as a result of design or construction errors):

    Within 1 year ($000s)

    Beyond 1 year ($000s)

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (13 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 17. Quality Performance Metrics

    a. List the success criteria used for this project by the agency and the relative performance acheived:

    b. Indicate the overall quality results for this project:

    Quality Criteria RatingPoor: 1 Superior: 6Conformance with standards/specifications 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Compliance with warranty provisions 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Overall sponsor satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    c. Characterize the prior experience/expertise of the key stakeholders of this project with the project development approach used(check whichever boxes apply, with one box checked per row):

    Stakeholder Group Prior ExperienceNone: 1 Excellent: 6

    Agency/Owner 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Design-Builder 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Designer 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Builder/Constructor 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Subconsultant(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Subcontractor(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Finance (bond underwriter) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Insurance (surety vendor) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (14 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • 18. Lessons Learned from this project:

    a. Did the project fulfill its intended purpose?No Yes

    If "No", in what way(s)

    b. Did the project delivery approach significantly impact the outcome of the project in fulfilling its intended purpose?No Yes

    If "Yes", in what way(s)

    c. For design-build projects only, how did the following performance criteria change because of using the design-build deliveryapproach? (Indicate positive (+) percentage for increase, negative (-) percentage for decrease, zero (0) percent for no change)

    Project Performance Criteria Value (+% or -%)

    Duration %

    Cost %

    Quality %

    d. Lessons learned from the project regarding the delivery approach used?

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (15 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

  • e. Could this project have been delivered more successfully, based on what you now know about the delivery approach used?No Yes Unclear

    If "Yes", explain how:

    19. Additional Comments:

    Design-Build Project Survey

    http://construction.colorado.edu/Design-Build/survey/SurveyProject.aspx?PJ_ID=1 (16 of 16) [10/15/2003 1:54:14 PM]

    colorado.eduDesign-Build Project Survey

    LGEMHIOLNEDLJNFBCGHFBLJPIBPHLKED: form1: x: f1: 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f3: f4: f5: f6: f7: f8: f9: f10: f11: f12: f13: f14: f15: Whittier Tunnelf16: f17: f18: f19: f20: f21: f22: f23: f24: f25: f26: f27: f28: f29: f30: f31: f32: f33: f34: f35: f36: f37: f38: f39: f40: f41: f42: f43: f44: f45: Offf46: f47: Offf48: Offf49: Offf50: Offf51: Offf52: Offf53: Offf54: Offf55: Offf56: Offf57: Offf58: Offf59: f60: Offf61: f62: Offf63: f64: Offf65: Offf66: Offf67: Offf68: f69: f70: Offf71: Offf72: Offf73: f74: Offf75: Offf76: f77: Offf78: f79: Offf80: f81: f82: Offf83: f84: f85: Offf86: Offf87: Offf88: f89: f90: f91: f92: f93: f94: f95: Offf96: Offf97: f98: f99: f100: Offf101: f102: f103: f104: f105: f106: f107: f108: f109: f110: f111: f112: f113: f114: f115: f116: f117: f118: f119: f120: f121: f122: f123: f124: f125: f126: f127: f128: f129: f130: f131: f132: f133: f134: f135: f136: f137: f138: f139: Offf140: Offf141: Offf142: Offf143: Offf144: Offf145: Offf146: Offf147: Offf148: Offf149: f150: Offf151: f152: f153: f154: f155: f156: f157: f158: Offf159: Offf160: Offf161: Offf162: Offf163: Offf164: Offf165: Offf166: Offf167: Offf168: Offf169: Offf170: f171: Offf172: f173: f174: f175: f176: f177: Offf178: f179: f180: Back
