Page 1 Design Review Checklist For Road Projects Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L FOREWORD Proper road design and construction require inti- mate knowledge in many specialized fields of civil engineering. Basic requirements of road design are: - Technically practical and cost effective - Environmental and instituitional accept- ability - Social and political acceptability Good engineered road design should comply with the above basic requirements so that the design can be Implemented without encum- brance and road users including pedestrians can use roads with ease, comfort, safety and no unexpectations. In order to achieve the objective of producing good engineered designs, 28 Arahan Teknik, manuals and guidelines for various road design aspects have been published by Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, to assist road designers. To ensure the deliverables of road design le drawings, works specifications and bills of quantities for road projects are properly pro- duced by suitably qualified engineers and com- piled with all the Arahan Teknik and departmen- tal policies, a comprehensive Road Design Review Checklist is very imperative. It Is hoped that this Road Design Review Checklist will be useful to those engaged upon the design review for road projects. It is also necessary to emphasize that this Checklist is a current guidance document and, as such, its recommendations should be adopted with cautions and good engineering judgement as the the departmental policies and require- ments may change from time to time. Users of this checklist are encouraged to give feedback and to comment at any time to Cawangan Jalan on the aantents of the Checklist, so that improve- ments can be made to the future editions. ( DATO' Ir Dr. WAHID B. OMAR ) Pengarah Cawangan Jalan Ibu Pejabat )KR Malaysia Sept. 1998. (42)dlm.PKR(J)Rb.1/1/3/Jld.3 19 Januari 1998 Semua Pengrah JKR Negeri Semua Pengarah Unit JKR Dato’/Tuan. Penggunaan Bahan/Barangan Dan Perkhidmatan Tempatan Dalam Projek Pembinaan Jalan. Dengan hormatnya perkara tersebut di atas adalah dirujuk. Sepertimana yang Dato’/Tuan sedia maklum semua bahan /barangan dan perkhidmatan yang digunakan dalam kerja-kerja pembinaan jalan mestilah menggunakan bahan/barangan dan perkhidmatan tempatan. Ini adalah selaras den- gan Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bilangn 5 tahun 1997 yang satu salinan disertakan untuk makluman dan rujukan. Bahan/Barangan yang selalunya digunakan dalam pembinaan jalan seperti ‘bridge joints/bearings, woven and non woven geotex- tile, prefabricated vertical drains, steel piles, guardrail, roada marking material, traffic con- trol device, slope erosion/protection material, street lighting and associated parts, pavement enhancement chemical works and additives, etc.’ mestilah menggunakan bahan/barangan keluaran tempatan. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR ROAD PROJECTS

Design Review Checklist for Road Projects(1)

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Page 1: Design Review Checklist for Road Projects(1)

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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L


Proper road design and construction require inti-mate knowledge in many specialized fields ofcivil engineering. Basic requirements of roaddesign are:

- Technically practical and cost effective- Environmental and instituitional accept-

ability- Social and political acceptability

Good engineered road design should complywith the above basic requirements so that thedesign can be Implemented without encum-brance and road users including pedestrians canuse roads with ease, comfort, safety and nounexpectations.

In order to achieve the objective of producinggood engineered designs, 28 Arahan Teknik,manuals and guidelines for various road designaspects have been published by CawanganJalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, to assist road designers.

To ensure the deliverables of road design ledrawings, works specifications and bills ofquantities for road projects are properly pro-duced by suitably qualified engineers and com-piled with all the Arahan Teknik and departmen-tal policies, a comprehensive Road DesignReview Checklist is very imperative.

It Is hoped that this Road Design ReviewChecklist will be useful to those engaged uponthe design review for road projects.

It is also necessary to emphasize that thisChecklist is a current guidance document and, assuch, its recommendations should be adoptedwith cautions and good engineering judgementas the the departmental policies and require-ments may change from time to time. Users ofthis checklist are encouraged to give feedbackand to comment at any time to Cawangan Jalanon the aantents of the Checklist, so that improve-

ments can be made to the future editions.

( DATO' Ir Dr. WAHID B. OMAR )Pengarah Cawangan JalanIbu Pejabat )KR Malaysia Sept. 1998.


19 Januari 1998

Semua Pengrah JKR Negeri

Semua Pengarah Unit JKR


Penggunaan Bahan/Barangan DanPerkhidmatan Tempatan DalamProjek Pembinaan Jalan.

Dengan hormatnya perkara tersebut di atasadalah dirujuk.

Sepertimana yang Dato’/Tuan sedia maklumsemua bahan /barangan dan perkhidmatan yangdigunakan dalam kerja-kerja pembinaan jalanmestilah menggunakan bahan/barangan danperkhidmatan tempatan. Ini adalah selaras den-gan Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bilangn 5tahun 1997 yang satu salinan disertakan untukmakluman dan rujukan.

Bahan/Barangan yang selalunya digunakandalam pembinaan jalan seperti ‘bridgejoints/bearings, woven and non woven geotex-tile, prefabricated vertical drains, steel piles,guardrail, roada marking material, traffic con-trol device, slope erosion/protection material,street lighting and associated parts, pavementenhancement chemical works and additives,etc.’ mestilah menggunakan bahan/barangankeluaran tempatan.



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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L

Sial pihak tuan maklumkan ke pejabat ini den-gan segera sekiranya pihak tuan telah menggu-nakan atau akan menggunakan bahan/baranganyang diimpot supaya justifikasi penggunaantersebut dapat disediakan dan kelulusan bertulisdari perbrndaharaan Malaysia diperolehi.

Kerjasama serta tindakan segera Dato’/Tuandalam menjayakan arahan Kerajaan ini amatlahdiperlukan.

Sekian, terima kasih,


Saya yang menurut perintah,

( DATO’ Ir. Dr. WAHID B. OMAR )PengarahCawangan Jalanb.p. Ketua Pengarah Kerja RayaJKR MalaysiaKuala Lumpur.













The main purpose of design review is to checkand to ensure the design deliverables consistingof drawings, BQ L Specifri;:ation are satisfacto-ry with particular reference to the following gen-eral aspects :

Safety : Complying with all relevant JKR ArahanTeknik and codes of practice with respect toadequate FOS against all modes of failure anddurability requirements.

Functional : Adequate road and junction capacity for thedesigned life; road profile above designed floodlevel etc.

Cost effectiveness : Optimum cost and within budget

Aesthetic : All structures and road side furniture should bepleasing and aesthetic in appearance.

Constructibility : Ease of construction; minimum temporary /abortive works; skills and machines / plantseasily, available.

Maintainability : No problem to access for maintenance; minmaintenance.


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Environmental : Minimum inconvenience and hazard to roadusers during construction and operation; mincommunity severance.

Legal/statutory : Comply with all local bylaws and regulationsset by authorities

Government and departmental policy: Comply with the latest government 8t depart-ment policy.

l . Design Report

Designer and checker should have adequateexperience and qualification to carry out the spe-cific design activity. Qualification and experi-ence of all Designers, Checkers and approval formajor design activities should be checked byUR) Zon Head. Any unqualified personnelshould be rejected and replaced. Major workitems, basis of the estimated quantities, locationsetc should be included. All Designers should beP. Eng with adequate experience for the designworks Involved. If the designer for a designactivity Is not a P.Eng, the checker must be aP.Eng with at least 10 years of relevant experi-ences and a letter to )KR with the followingdetails: "I, xxxx, l/C nnnn have checked thedesign criteria/calculations, Drgs xxx, B.Q(items ........) and relevant spec and have foundthe design is in good order and comply withgood engineering practice MS? BS? and JKRArahan Teknik. Comments on the design calcu-lations, drawings, RQ, specifications should beincluded". Other design details especially thebasis of design and estimated quantities shouldbe checked and clocumented according to URJ's"Garispanduan Penyediaan LaporanRekabentuk untuk Projek jalan".

2. Earthwork

2.1 Removal of unsuitable material under road embankments or culverts should be based on design and on SI results. Statement suchas "Depth of removal of soft or unsuitable will be decided at site by the SO" is not

acceptable. Table showing location (chainages), height of embankment, depth of removal with design cross sections should be included on Drg. Criteria of removal based on technical need should beclearly stated on drawings (for cases wheredetailed SI is not available or feasible).

2.2 Piled embankment as ground treatment for road embankment on soft and swampy ground should be avoided and replaced by more cost effective measures wherever posslible. Design and cost comparion for various ground treatments and slope stabilization should be carried out to justify the recommendation. Unit cost should be based on quotations from several specialist contractors. When the cost and scope of ground treatment and slope stabilization works are significant, say RM5juta or more, alternative design may be allowed; but the acceptance criteria shall be clearly specified on Drg and specifications. Generally the design criteria should be the post construction settlement should be less than 100mrn in 5 years or less. (Refer to Geotechnical Design Criteria for Road Works).

2.3. Earthwork design

(a) The following notes should be specified in the earthworks design drawing/specification :

"The Contractor shall submit detailed weekly programme, timelocation chart and construction sequences with details of constructional plants deployment for SO's prior written approval before commencement of aerthworks for each location/hill/valley. Intercepted drain and other drains if specified or directed by the SO should be constructed first with proper permanent or temporary outlet before bulk excavation for roadway or filling is allowed to proceed. Slope protection such as hydroseeding or turfing or as specified or directed by the SO shall be carried out immediately within


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14 days after the bulk excavation or filling is initiated. All cut slopes shall be graded smooth by suitable grader. For cut slopes to be hydroseeded, suitable horizontal grooves (Not vertical grooves) should be constructed. The necessary bench/berm drains shall be completed with proper temporary or permanent outlet before it is allowed to proceed the earthworks to the next berm/bench. If the Contractor fails to comply with any of these requirements, the SO reserves the right to order stop work and the contractor shall be held responsible to rectify at his own cost for all the defects/failures due to whatever factors/causes within the defect liability period".

(b) Quantities for common excavation, rockexcavation and imported material fill should be clearly justified. Basis of estimation should be made known to ]KR in writing especially for projects with excavation exceeding l x 101m3.

(c) Estimation of rock quantities should be based on some geological evaluation, rock profile based on SI or seismic survey and site inspection. Generally for hilly/mountainous terrain, rock excavation may be around 10% of the total cut volume while for rolling terrain it may have 2% to 5% rock excavation.

(d) The volumes of cut and fill should as faras possible balance one another.

(e) Generally the slopes for cut and fill sections should be 1:1 and 1:1.5 respectively. Slope for rock section should be 1:4 to 1:8. The designer shall check the stability of slopes based on technical analysis. FOS required should be at least 1.2 (Refer to Geotechnical Design Criteria for Road 'Works).

(f) In addition to typical cut and fill cross sections, designed cross sections with specific typical details and specific need

for certain chainages should be prepared. All cross sections should be categorised and designed accordingly.

3. Drainage

3.1 The designs of surface drains, subsurface drains, culverts and slope protection etc should comply with ]KR guidelines (KT41/86, KT42/86, KT46/86 & KT47/86). The schedule of culverts including culvert no, location, type ez size, estimated length, invert levels for outlet 8t inlet, etc. should be shown on Drg.Similarly, schedule of surface drains including type of drains, locations, estimated gradient, length etc. should also be shown on Drg.

3.2 No CMP is allowed except when the following 3 condit ions are fully complied :

a) Culvert size exceeds 2.5m diam or equivalent 3

b) Cast insitu box culvert is not possible or practical because the waterway cannot be diverted or too costly to divert the waterway.

c) Access is very difficult or no proper access is available.

4. Pavement Surface Everiness/lrrgularities & Design

Class of surface evenness should be shown on Drawing and BQ. (Refer Table 4.14 JKR Standard Road Spec).

Class SRI should be adopted for all R4, R5, R6 new Roads. Class SR2 should be for urban road and the design speed is less than 60 km/hr. SR3 should be for R1 Road.

It is suggested that each traffic lane has to betested longitudinally. Transverse direction should be tested at 100m spacing. The full extent of the area which does not comply with the spec shall be made good based on


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acceptable method of rectification approved by the SO. A BQ item "To carry out all necessary Quality control tests for pavement works including surface evenness test - L.Sum" should be Included. (See Para 9.4).

Design life of pavement should be 10 years as recommended in Arahan Teknlk 5/85, but for major road where the projected ADT up to 10 years exceeding 10,000 per lane, the design life should be 20 years. Basis of design parameters such as ADT, % of commercial vehicles, annual growth rate, equivalence factor, subgrade CBR shall be, elaborated and justified.

5. Concrete/Structures

5.1. Piling Works

Bakau piles are riot allowed in JKR project(arahan KPKR).

Local product (`Y/T rebars or H piles etc) should be used as reinforcement for micropiles. All precast concrete piles (spun/RC/prestressed) should comply with MS151314 Part 1. Environmental problems of piling works should be adequately addressed especially in built-up areas eg. No diesel hammers in City areas; only non-displacement piles near railway lines or built-up areas etc.

Pile schedule including locations of piles, types 8t no. of piles, estimated pile lengths,design load, test load etc. should be shown on Drg. Criteria of determining founding levels of piles should also be specified on Drg.

5.2 All bridge designs especially the flood level, free board and hydraulic capacity should be cleared from JKR. Demolition ofexisting bridge or major culvert should be justified. Structural and hydraulic capacity, foundation condition etc should be assessed before making recommendations. Adequate and appropriate deck drainage

should not be overlooked. Artist's impres-sion of the bridge should be prepared to check the aes thetic aspect. All bridge structures hould be checked by bridge engineers of at least 5 years bridge design experience and have published some tech-nical papers. Scope of checking should at least include suitability of structural layout,max flood level, compliance of geometric requirements, structural and foundation design, drainage and bridge furniture etc.Design report including bridge proforma based on JKR guide lines for bridge/ structure should be submitted for approval.

5.3. Concrete Finishes

All concrete finishes shall be free from defects such as honeycomb, porous concrete, laitance, uneven surfaces etc. The dimensions of the finished concrete shall be within the tolerable limits specified.

The defective finishes shall be rejected or rectified with satisfactory measures recommended by specialist and approved by the SO.

All exposed concrete surfaces of the complete structure affected directly or Indirectly by the rectification works have to be painted with 2 coats of acrylic paints approved by the SO. All the costs involvedIn the rectification works have to be borne by the Contractor.

The above requirements are to deter contractor from producing shoddy works.

5.4 Bar schedule for all R.C works should be included on Drags.

6. Traffic diversion/management

The Consultant has to prepare a practical traffic diversion plan where appropriate so as to ensure minimum inconvernence to road users. eg during construction stage, noof traffic lanes and capacity should not be reduced especially during the peak hours;


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the existing profile of road, if possible, should not be reduced or raised significant-ly ( > 0.3m) unless proper diversion is arranged etc. The Contractor shall engage afull time safety officer with at least, with SPM qualification and min 5 year working experience in road construction to supervise and maintain all traffic diversion and safety matters. The Contractor has to provide and maintain the approved traffic diversion plan in good order at ,all time (no pothole, good road marking, adequate sign boards, traffic barrier/cones/New Jersey Barrier, blinker light etc). If the contractor fails to comply with these requirements within 2 hours after SO's oral or written instruction, the SO or his representatives reserve the right to order stop work under Clause xx and/or to engage any other third party to carry out any of the works deemed necessary by the SO and allthe cost incurred including at least 25% administrative cost shall be borne by the Contractor and will be deductedaccordingly from the Contractor's interim payment. These requirements should be included in Spec and Drgs to ensure satisfactory implementation of traffic diversion plan which should be prepared bar qualified traffic engineer.

7. Services relocation plan

Services relocation plan should be properlyprepared. Type, size or capacity of the buried or overhead utility/services with their respective locations should be shown on Drgs. These details should be based on information furnished by the relevant utility agency plus site inspection plus trenching or other reliable probing or testing. All necessary details and billed items should be included. The affected utility agencies should give due coorperation to help consultant to procure all the necessary details fast; otherwise all the necessary testings and cost of preparation can be passed to the utility agencies to pay. This Is in line with PM Department's circular that all costs involved in services relocation within

ROW have to be fully borne by the affected utility agencies.

If the utility agencies choose to carry out the relocation/protection works by themselves, the following points should be clearly made known; to the utility agency concerned in writting as early as possible:

- the scope, specification and plan of services relocation works should be agreed by JKR so as to reduce interface problems during construction

- the utility agency and/or his Contractor/agent will be fully responsible to pay and reimburse the full cost. toJKR or )KR Contractor if the relocation work is delayed, or the relocation works are not done according to )KR Spec orthe relocation works have damaged the complete works by the )KR contractor.

8. Land Acquisition

Land problems with particular reference to the following should be highlighted :

- No, location and type of squatters withinROW/Government land (if any)

- No of private lots, land use and area to be acquired

- No, size/area, and type of buildings eg factory, shop, hall, timber house, mosque, kull, temples, school etc.

- no, size and species of trees affected by construction

The cost and time/programme to resolve these problems should be highlighted to JKR in writing and shown on drgs (veri-fied by surveyor if possible). The cost for LA including compensation for buildings should be based on advice by-PTG and JKR district office.


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Preparation of LA plan shall comply with Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 7/85.

Check with JKR District/State as well as state OPEN and Town and Country Planning Department about roadside development plans which should be incorporated into the design.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 No imported material to be incorporatedin the design unless prior written approval from Treasury and MITI have been procured.

9.2 Road kerbs should not exceed 150mm high. New JKR kerb design should be adopted. Embankment kerb drain (shallow u drain) should be used instead of half circle drain.

9.3 Interlocking blocks for raised walkway or under the flyover should be replaced by cast insitu or precast concrete slab if found necessary.

9.4 All Consultants should be constantly reminded to take note of the following :

Use JKR Standard Spec with necessary addendum but QC tests and necessary subsequent rectification (if necessary and appropriate) for each section of works Spec should be proposed and included in Addendum Spec. BQ according to sequence of spec should bepreferred. BQ should include items for the QC tests. The requirement that all QC tests should be checked, witnessed, verified and endorsed by a P.Eng should be indicated in BQ and Specification. Requirements for QC test to ensure good quality works expressed in Spec a BQ for earthworks, drainage works, pavement, road furniture etc should be included. (See enclosure).

9.5 Estimated quantities should be justified by detail take off, and audited by inde

pendent person. Built up rate should be included. Quotations from few suppliers or specialist contractors for each major items should also beincluded as part of the basis of the estimated cost.

9.6 Sources of supply for important construction materials should be identified and assessed for, availability and quality eg. where to procure sand, stone, premix, imported fill, bricks, precast piles/culvert pipes/kerbs etc for the estimated quantities should be identified and assessed etc. Quatations for unit price for these quantities from the nearby suppliers should be assessed. The design SHOULD not be accepted if a satisfactory report about sources of supply of major materials has not been prepared.

9.7 All accepted Working Drawings for tender should be endorsed by P. Eng (Director of the Consulting firm) after the final Design Review.

9.8 Road Safety Audit Report for the detail design especially the junction design, U-turns etc should be submitted and accepted before the Design Report. Road Safety Auditor can be from the same organisation except that he/she must have all the following qualifica-tions and experience :

(i) Have at least 5 year road design experience or have published some technical papers/reports ,about road safety or have presented a technical talk about road safety/traffic management in seminar/conference (at least national level).

(ii) A P.Eng

(iii) Have attended a road safety course conducted by IEM/REAM/ university/ IKRAM or- have been accepted as a road safety auditor for several


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road projects.

9.9 In addition to road safety audit, all geotechnical 81 structural designs should be checked, audited and endorsed by experts who should have all the following qualifications 8t experience :

(i) ave at least 10 years working experience or a Ph.D holder In the relevant field of specialization.

(ii) A P.Eng

(iii) Have published some relevant technical papers in the relevant field of specialization In seminar/conference (at least national level).


1. Tujuan

Tujuan garispanduan ini ialah untuk membantuKonsultan yang dilantik oleh JKR menyedi-akan laporan Rekabentuk mengikut format ter-tentu dan mengandungi data-data penting untukrujukan kelak. JKR akan menyemaksebelum menerima clan rnendokumentasikan-nya. Ini adalah untuk mempastikan semua rek-abentuk adalah dibuat mengikut amalan keju-ruteraan yang baik dan disemak oleh juruterayang bertauliah serta berpengalaman yangmencukupi.

2. Kandungan Laporan Rekabentuk

Konsultan d:ikehendaki mengemukakan sali-nan deraf kepada Pengarah Cawangan Jalanuntuk disernak dan diluluskan sebelum menye-diakan 3 salinan laporan muktamat untuktnjuan dokumentasi dan simpanan JKR.Laporan Rekabentuk ini mestilah disediakansetelah rekabentuk telah disiapkan.

Isi kandungan laporan mestilah mengandungiperkara-perkara berikut :-a) Introduction

- Purpose of the report- Background and brief description of the

project- scope of the project (length, std, major

structures, /bridges/walls etc, estimated cost etc.)

b) Technical Froposal

- Methodology of design for major design components.

- Programme (time input and design activities)

- Main technical problems, specialists input, and conceptional solutions

- Traffic studies/analysis & findings.- EIA (problems, impact and mitigation

measures etc).- Scope of survey and site investigation.- Manual of maintenance and operation (if


c) Design Checklist / certification

The Consultant has to cover all items stat-ed in Lampiran A with full details.

d) Design Concept, Calculations and Analysis

The following important road design ele-ments should be furnished with design concept, std, design parameter, calculationsanalysis etc :-

- Cut slope stability analysis- Fill slope stability and settlement analysis- ground treatments (if any)- slope stabilization works (if any)- Bridges/viaducts/flyovers/major culverts -

Retaining walls- Pavement Design- Drainage Design- Geometric. Design- Earthworks Design and Planning

Guidelines to prepare the above are given in Lampiran B, C, D, D1 & E.


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e) Road Safety Audit

Copy of the road safety audit checklist and result should be enclosed. Auditor's name

and his/her qualification should be clearly stated. Comments on how all the issues raised by the auditors are- dealt with should be given.

f) Geotechnical Reports

Generalized. subsoil profile and important properties of the road and a geological Map showing the important geological formation traversed should be included. Locations and nature of geotechnical/geological problems should be highlighted. (see Lampiran F and G for guidelines).

g) Services utilities :Relocation

Type and scope of services/utilities relocation required should be stated. Methods and sequences of relocation and cost involved foreach type of utility should be elaborated.

h) Material Source Study Report

Study on important construction materials such as sand, laterite, suitable fill, crushed rocks etc. should be carried out in respect to the required quantities, qualities, possible sources, costing etc. Possible cost effec-tive sources along or around the alignment should identified.

i) List of Drawings

List of drawings and subject matter (drawingtitles) should be included.



(shall be filled by the consultant/designer andapproved by Pengarah Jalan/JPK before callingtender)

1. Project:

2. General Description of the Works

Briefly describe scope of works including class of road, nature of works (upgrading, improvement, new road, interchange ....... ); length of road; estimated cost for construction, land acquisition, services relocation, Professional costs and miscellaneous, implementation programme if available etc.

3. Records of Designers/checkers/approval

Designers, checkers and director who approves the design with their respective brief CV & post in the consulting firm together with their approximate man-month input for the project should be given for the following important design activities :-

a) Overall planning ,& road design

b) Road alignment selection & Geometric design

c) Highway engineering and junction or interchange design

d) Road drainage &, hydrolcgy

e) Bridge design

f) Geotechnical investigation and design (slope stability foundation etc.).

g) Pavement evaluation/design

h) Road safety designlaudit

i) Other special structures

j) BQ, Quantities estimation

k) Land Acquisition Plan preparation

l) Specification & tender documents preparation.

m) Others


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4. Design Justification for Major Works Items

Locations (chainage), justification for the design or quantities adopted to show the basis used or assumed, construction control criteria at site etc. shall be given for the following major works items :-

- Rock excavation (locations, quantities & basis of estimation)

- Common excavation (locations, method of estimation)

- Removal of unsuitable materials below embankment, culvert and cut formation (locations, quantities, basis of estimation &field control criteria).

- Bridge/retaining walls (quantities should be in Nos and surface area) and foundationtypes (quantities & basis of the design).

- Ground treatment (locations, quantities, type of treatment & basis of selection).

- Slope stabilization works (locations, quantities, type of treatment & basis of selection).

- Major culvert (>1.5 m size)

- Pavement (thickness of pavement elements& surface area).

- Other special structures

5. Confirmation/certification

This is to certify that the above mentioned road design works have been carried out with reasonable and due professional skill, care and diligence by competent engineers as stated above.

(Name : ........................................................

I/C : ..............................................................

Designation & Name of Consulting Engineer Firm P. Eng. Chop

Date :



1.0. Project :-

Mernbina dan Menyiapkan Jalan Masuk ke Pelabuhan Baru.

2.0. General Description of the Works :-

The project consists of :-

- Construction of 12 km of JKR R05 dual two highway of which 8 km is new alignment and the remaining 4 km is existing R03/RO4 2 lane road to be upgraded.

- 2 bridges i.e. bridge over Sg. ABC of 120 m long (3 spans) and Bridge over Sg. CDE of 80 m long (3 span).

- One diamond interchange

The estimated cost for the project is as follows :

a). Construction cost : RM120 juta.b). Land acquisition (40,000 m2= RM20 j

Long houses for 50 squatte.rs=RM 2 jc). Services relocation TNB =RM 2 j

TMB =RM0.5jJBA =RM1.0j

d). Professional fees (design fx supervision)=RM7.Oj

e). Miscellaneous (SI, Survey etc.)=RM1.0j

Total RM153.5j

This project is scheduled to be implemented in 1996 and completed within 2 years.


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3. Records of Designers/checks/approval

The designers/checkers/approval for various important design activities are as follows :-1. Project Director :

Ir. Othman Ali

2. Chief Road DesignerDesigner : Ir. Lim ABChecker : -Approval : -

3. Geometric designDesigner : Ir. Ali HassanChecker : Ir. Lim ABApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

4. Drainage designDesigner : Ir. Ali HassanChecker : Ir. Lim ABApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

5. Traffic designDesigner : Ir. Ali HassanChecker : Ir. Lim ABApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

6. Road safety designDesigner : Ir. Ali HassanChecker : Ir. Lim ABApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

7. Geotechnical designDesigner : Ir. Tan SVChecker : Ir. BalaApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

8. Geological designDesigner : En. RajoChecker : Ir. Wong MYApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

9. Bridge/Structure designDesigner : Ir. Lee YYChecker : Ir. Ho ABApproval : Ir. Othman Ali

10. Spec. & BaDesigner : Ir. Khoo XXChecker : Ir. Razali

Approval : -

11. Land acquisition planDesigner : Ir. Ali HassanChecker : Ir. Choo KKApproval : -

12. Services relocation 13. Street Lighting/Traffic SignalDesigner : Ir. Soo TTChecker : Ir. MazlanApproval : Ir. Tan YY

13. Street Lighting/Traffic SignalDesigner : Ir. Soo TTChecker : Ir. MazlanApproval : Ir. Tan YY

14. Landscaping designDesigner : En. Ahmad AliChecker : En. AzmanApproval : -

Brief CV of the key disigners/checkers areas follows :-

1. Ir. Lim ABBE. P. Eng, FIEM, C. Eng

35 years working experiences including 20 years of road design and supervision works.He is an associate director of the Co. Has published about 50 technical papers on road design and construction.

2. Ir Othman Ali BE, M. Eng, FIEM, P. Eng.

Director (Roads) of the Co.Has more than 35 years of working experiences. Has published several technical papers about road engineering in international conferences.

3. Ir Ali Hassan BE, M. Eng MIEM, P.Eng.

Senior road engineerHave successfully designed five road projects of more than RM100 millions. Has


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more than 10 yoars-experiences in roads.

4. Ir BalaBE, M. Eng MIEM, P.Eng.

Geotechnical Specialist More 20 years in geotechnical design. Published more than 100 technical papers about geotechnical engineering.

5. En. Wong MY B. Sc.

More than 10 years experiences in geological engineering.

6. Ir Ho ASBE, P.Eng, MIEM MISTruct E, MICE, CEng.

Senior Structural Engineer Has successfully designed more than 100 bridges/structures.Has more than 10 years experiences in structural design.

7. Ir Razali(B.Sc., MIEM MBA, P.Eng)

Senior Contract Engineer More than 15 years working experience in site supervision and contract management.

8. Ir Choo KK (B.Sc., MIEM P. Eng.)

Senior Road EngineerMore than 10 years road supervision & design experience.

9. Ir MazlanBE, MIEM, P.Eng,

Senior Electrical Engineer More than 12 years working experience.

10. En. Azman(B.Sc)

Specialist in Landscaping More than 10 years working experience.

11. Ir Tan SV(BE, M.Sc, MIEM P. Eng.)

Geotechnical Engineer 5 years working experience in Geotechnical works.

12. En. Rajo (B. Sc)

Engineering Geologist More than 5 years experiences.

13. Ir Lee YY(BE, MIEM, P.Eng)

Bridge/Structure Engineer More than 4 years experiences in bridge design.

14. En. Khoo XX (BE)

Civil Engineer 2 years experience

15. En. Soo TT BE

Electrical Engineer 2 years experience

16. En. Ahmad All

T. A 10 years experiences

4. Design Justification for Major Works

4.1 Rock Excavation

- Estimated quantity = 12,000 cu.mMainly at Ch. 2,000 rn and 8,000 m; based on boreholes, seismic survey and site inspection fx studies by geologist. Definition for rock is according to JKR Standard Spec. for Road Works.

4.2 Common Excavation

- Estimated quantity := 1,000,000 cu.mMainly near Ch. 2001), Ch. 4000, Ch. 8000 and Ch. 11000 (See longi plan).

4.3 Removal of Unsuitable Material

- Below embankment Ch. 1500 - 1800 =


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5000 cu. m- Culverts at Ch. 4000, 4800 & Ch. 10,200

= 880 cu. m

Total quantity = 5,880 cu.mEstimated based on BH3, 5 & 9 and 507 JKR probes. All very soft silty or peaty clay should be removed or strata with JKR probes less than 30 blowsift. should be removed for embankment height less than 5m. Expected thickness of soft material between Ch. 1500-1800 is about 2 m.

4.4 Bridges/walls

- 2 bridges, total area = 4,500 m2.68 Nos. bored piles of 600 mm diam & capacity 150 ton are used. Geological formation : Shale (SPT > 50) at 5 m bgl.

- RE walls = 2000 m2 for approach to flyover at diamond interchange.

4.5 Ground Treatment

Sand replacement mainly at Ch. 1500 - 1800; about 5,000 m3

This method is the most cost effective to solve stability and settlement problem.

EPS embankment (35,000 m' EPS) is used at Ch. 14,000 & 14,300 where embankment is 3 rn - 5m high and soft subsoil is more than 7m. Piled embankment is more expensive. Vertical drain] is too slow & also needs extra land for stabilizing berms. Detail report given to Cawangan Jalan and has been accepted.

4.6 Sloge Stabilization

Soil nail and gunning method are used to stabilize cut slope at Ch. 11,000 - 11,200 toavoid chasing the slope and ensure FOS > 1.5. 100 mm diam soil nails of 12 m long to 18 rn are used (850 Nos.), area = 2,500 m2.

The cut slope consists of highly weathered shale/mudstone/sandstone and is highly

unstabla from geological point of view; presence of unstable relict joint and bedding.

4.7 Major culvert

Ch. 4000, box culvert 1.8 x 2 m Ch. 4800, CMP culvert 3.5m diam. Ch. 10,200, box culvert 1.8 m x 2mAll the above major culverts are not founded on piles. All unsuitable materials are replaced with sand/laterite.

4.8 Pavement Works

40 mm ACWC = 200,000 m270 mm ACBC = 195,000 m2320 mm Base Course = 195,000 m2150 mm subbase = 195,000 m2

Design life is 20 years and design subgradeCBR = 5%

5. Certification

This is to certify that the above mentioned road design works have been carried out with reasonable and due professional skill, care and diligence by competent engineers/specialists as stated above.

(Ir Othrnan Ali)I/C No. A 5911008, P.Eng. : M19999 Date


Cut Slope

All cut slopes or hill exceeding 1 benches ormore than 10 m vertical height should bedesigned and checked by expehenced geotech-nical engineers. Design inventory for EACHcut slope should include; the following detailsfor documentation.

1. Location (chainage)


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2. Design parameters

Cu - short term analysis for cohesive soilC', 0' - long term analysis

water table where?

Give justification/basis for the above important parameters including summarised soil investigation and lab test redsults. Geological report especially identification of geological formation, presence of unstable geological features should be included. These should be shown on typical cross-sections. Decision must be made whether to assume hydrostatic or other pore water pressure distribution in the slope, justification of whitih shall be made based on sound site investigation and monitoring scheme.

3. Analysis

Method of analysis used or name of established/well known software package used in analysis should be stated. Details of print outshould not be included unless requested by JKR.

FOS obtained for each slope should be stated for each design assumption.

Prefer to present the analysis in table form (include chainage, design parameter used, FOS obtained). Justification for parameter used should be given below the Table. Typical cross-section for each designed slopeshould show W.T, geological information and subsoil profile etc. Sensitivity analysis with hydrostatic head and etc. should be carried out.

Analysis must also be made on the performance of existing cut slopes within the vicinityof the area of similar geology and topography. This helps in the evaluation of the strength parameters used in design. References should be made to techniques used in applying the resistance envelope theory and back analysis.

If geological condition is unfavourable, it is recommended that stereonets are plotted and analysis is made to identify the most probable mode of failure.

Sensitivity analysis must be carried out with regards to the changes in the shear strength parameters and pore water pressure conditions; the latter shall be checked for changes in hydrostatic head and/or R values.

Refences concerning the analysis should be indicated.

4. Slope stabilization works if wry).

As para 3 above, but stability analysis shouldbe carried for two or more types of stabilization methods. Explain why the particular option is recommended. Brief description of the system & works specification should be included.

Brief description of the cost analysis conducted shall be made to justify the stabilization scheme selected. Special attention must be given to the effect of hydrogeology, topography and geomorphology on the long term performance of the proposed scheme. Attention must also be given to ease of construction and maintenance of the chosen scherne.

5. Instrumentation/monitoring works

Types, extent and purposes of instrumentation and monitoring works during construction and operation stages should be clearly specified and justified.

Guidelines on maintenance must be clearly outlined and relevant standards shall be used and clearly specified. For example, guidelines on lift-off tests and other maintenance and monitoring works to be carried out on permanent anchors shall . refer to BS 8081 or equivalent.


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6. Other important information

a) Designer :name, acadermic qualification, P.Eng. No. of years of working experiences.

b) Checker/Approva l:name of director, acadermic qualification P.Eng No., no. of years of working experiences.

c) Engineering geplogist :name, acadermic qualification and no. ofyears of working experiences.

d) Specialist Consultant (if any)Note : One of the above should be a specialist in geotechnical engineering with not less than 10 years experiences in geotechnical works.


All fill slopes exceeding one berm or morethan 6 m should be thoroughly designed andchecked against stability and settlement. Forembankment on soft or unstable ground stabili-ty and settlement checks should be carried outirrespective of height.

Design inventory for each embankment shouldinclude the following details.

1. Location (s)

2. Design parameters

Cu - for fill body and supporting ground C' 0'

Water table?

C", C, CR - consolidation properties

Give justification/basis for the above parameters adopted. Show the typical crosssection with design data and generalised subsoil profile.

3. Analysis

Method of analysis/calculaticns OR name of soft-ware package used. Detail print out not necessary unless requested by JKR.

FOS for slip failure and bearing capacity should be given/estimated by using established methods.

Post construction settlement in respect to total settlement and differential settlement should be estimated.

Acceptance criteria should be justified.

4. Ground Treatment (if any)

As Para 3 above, but stability and settlement analysis should be carried out for few options of treatments. Explain why the particular type of treatment is adopted. Furnish with cost comparison. Furnish specification for the system and materials adopted.

5. Instrumentation/rnoil tcring works

Types and extent of instrumentation and monitoring works during construction and maintenance stages should be clearly specified and justified.

6. Other information

See para 6 Lampiran B.



Name of Structure

* River name, chainage no, stn.cc-tural no (if any).

Design Code/Practice

* Design loadings* Structural design* Foundation design


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* Bridge accessories Goint, bearing, parapet etc.)

* Hydrology and hydraulics.

Explanation of Design Concept

* Structural type/system &. material used* Span arrangement, fxity etc.* Vertical and lateral clearances* Construction method and maintenance

aspects* Aesthetics

Specific Requirements (where relevant)

* K'TM* Port Authority* DOE* JPS

Detailed Design

* Design assumptions* Design analysis

(to name softwares used for hydrology, hydraulic and structural design. However no printout to be enclosed unless requested by JKR)

Foundation Design

As per Lampiran D1.Important information should incude :

* Generalized subsoil prnfile.* Structural & geotechnical capacity of the

foundation system proposed.* Justification for the foundation system.* Analysis of working load on piles (vertical,

horizontal & bending stress/load requested by JKR. Input/assumptions used and important working loads predicted should be stated).

* Construction control.

Lampiran D1


Suggested guidelines for preparation of thereport are given below and the guidelines arenot considered to be exhaustive or intended torestrict the scope of the report in any manner.

1. Objective

2. IntroductionTypes of structure and loading.

3. Site Condition

3.1 Surface condition

- topography : hilly, rolling, flat or fill ground

- types of vegetation- any swamp or waterlogged areas?- nearby structures with particulars refer

ence to distance, height, types of structure, types of foundation and their performance.

- land drainage paterns (rivers, tidal level, flood levels etc).

3.2 Subsurface condition

- geological information . - scope of S.I. carried out- generalized subsoil properties and pro

file- ground water (undersirable salt contents,

possible fluctuation of water table etc.).- comments or evaluation of S.I. results.

3.3 Other relevant information- geophysical data, if any- aeriai photo, if any- nearby S. I. results, if any- nearby curdrop of rock, if known- nearby deep excavation, if known- buried structure (water pipes, sewer

pipes, cables etc.).- nearby quarry, railway etc.- approach road condition - etc.

4. Foundation analysis. and recommendations

4.1 Selection of tykes of foundation- state types of foundation recommended


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and reasons/criteria based.- if piles are used, analysis leading to con

clusion on that particular type of pile should be shown (use chart or table).

- also state whether the pile are frictional, end-bearing or both.

4.2 Estimation of ultimate loads- state method/forrnula, assumptions, and

correlation of soil parameters (Quote reference).

- design perimeters used should be clearly stated. Analysis to obtain design parameters should be shown in Appendix.

- for big pile group, check block failure and group efficiency with particular reference to frictional piles. Negative friction may need to be considered if in compressible subsoil where the ground is likely to settle.

- states FQS used to derive allowable loads of piles.

4.3 Settlement AnalvsIs

- estimate elastic and consolidation settlement for the pile group and assumptions should be clearly stated.

- detailed analysis to obtain. design parameters should be shown in Appendix. Possible ground settlement due to fill on soft subsoil?

4.4 Load Testing F;eq jirement- state nos. of tests required- method of test and details- criteria of acceptance of load results (it dif

ferent from JKR Standard Specification).

4.5 Associated designs

- if there are major cut and fill slopes, state stable slope inclination, slope protection, surface drainage, subsoil drainage, retaining walls etc. if necessary.

- any soil improvement?- general drainage design if geotechnical

properties are affected.- check how the above problems which may

affect loading in piles.

4.6 Constructional advice

- extent and degree of supervision- possible site problerns and how to over

come- special precautions necessary to ensure

design considerations are fulfilled.- methods of construction.- special precautions against possible dam

ages to nearby structures.

5. Conclusion

Brief summary of foundation recommendation.

6. Reference

List of references.


Pavement Design

- Design life (for major road should be ;20 years unless otherwise specified by JKR).

- ESAL & subgrade CBR - justification / basis for these values should be explained.

- Design calculation (Arahan Tekniik).

Drainage Design

Should be based on JKR's guidelines for thereturn periods. Use JKR std. drain types.Global drainage requirements should bechecked.

Geometric Design

Route locations, comparison of various alterna-tive routes and explain why the particular routeis chosen.

Junction design and traffic analysis Capacity analysisRoad safety features


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Earthworks Design and Planning

- Terrain & alignment conditions of the chosen route.

- Geology of the route chosen.- Generalized subsoil profile- Identify locations and quantities of cut, fill

and rock- Identify sources suitable fill material and

their properties- Compaction control : % of compaction

required, moisture content CBR of subgrade etc. Make; sure the proposed spec. is adequate for the purpose and also achievable frcrr; the proposed sources.

- Protection of earthrvorks : fill formation, cut and fill slopes.

- Machines requirements- Tolerances of earthvvrork- Quality control plan - etc.


JKR Guidelines for Preparation ofGeotechnicall Report for Road Proiects

These guidelines are not considered to beexhaustive or intended to restrict the scope ofthe report in any manner.

The geotechnical report snail basically consistof the following chapters/paragraphs :

a) ObjectiveTo state precisely and concisely the intents and purposes of the report.

b) IntroductionGeneral/brief description of the project with particular reference to estimated project cost, scope of works, length of road, noof traffic lanes, class of road, terrain tra

versed, major structures involved etc. Atopo plan showing the alignment and terrain, vegetation, swamp etc. should be included.

c) Subsoil ConditionsBrief description with plan showing types of geological formation traversed by the proposed alignment.

Scope of site investicfation and summarized subsoil properties.

A longitudinal secticsn showing the generalized subsoil profile with classified subsoil strata and typical properties, water table etc. Generalized subsoil profile for important structures shell also be included.

d) Geotechnical AnalysisClassification of geotechnical problems /design concepts. Justifications for each geotechnical design criteria and design policy, instrumentation works should be included. A table showing summaries of the design (enclosed) should be included. Detailed design calculations for structural foundations, slope stabilization and groundimprovernent works and cost/technical comparison analysis of various design options shall be included in Appendix.

e) List of referencesRelevant references should be listed or enclosed.

f) AppendixDetailed calculations, photos, drawings / sketches etc.

Project Name :Summary of Geotechnical Design


Chainage Fill/Cut Height (m) Type of Subsoil Geotechnical Design/Remarks

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Guidelines For Planning Scope of SiteInvestigation Works For Road Projects

by Ir Neon Cheng Aik Jurutera Penguasa Kanan, Cawangan JalanJKR Malaysia


Site investigation is an essential, part of geot-echnical design process. Intimate knowledge ofIhr,-; test techniques and possible geotechncalproblems arise from ground conditions withpart rular' reference to problems on stabilityand df:formation or displacement of slopes andfounrations are essential for planning the scopeof site investigation (SI) works. This paperintends to suggest some guidelines for planningthe scope of SI for road projects. Only generalprinciples and rationale underlying the siteinvestigation practice are presesited.


Site Investigation (SI) is the exploration or dis-covery of the ground conditions to enable engi-neers to make informed design decisions. Thiswill avoid or reduce the likely risks of unex-pected hazards being encountered during andafter construction. The main purpose of SI is todetermine within practical limits, the depth,thickness, extent & composition of each dis-tinct subsoil stratum; the depth & compositionof ground water; the strength, compressibilityproperties of soil/rock stratum and other ground features information as required by geoieahni-cal engineers to perform appropriate cost effec-tive design.

All site investigation (SI) works should complywith BS 5930, BS 1377 and JKR Standard,Specification for SI works. All deep boringshould be rotary wash boring with adequatecapacity and accessories to perform the worksspecified. The extent of site investigation main-ly depends on the character and variability ofthe subsoil and ground water, and the amount

of existing information available. However itshould be noted that subsoil conditions of aroad alignment are very sensitive to geologicalconditions, and so the spacing and location ofboreholes/test pits/types of tests should be moreclosely related to the detailed geology of theproject area and the geotechnical problem /analysis required to be carried out.

The planning of SI works should be carried outby suitably qualified geotechnical engineersafter review of the project brief/route location:desk study and a preliminary field inspection.All the quality SI works should be closelydirected, monitored, supervised and reported bygeotechnical e,igineers. Additional scope of SImay be found necessary after some preliminarySI results are made available.

Filling Areas

The purpose of SI in filling areas is mainly tocheck bearing capacity and assess settlement ofthe ground, overall slope stability and providenecessary soil data for design of ground treat-ment works (if found necessary).

For filling areas where embankment is high (>6 m) or the ground is swampy and consists ofcompressible soils, adequate number of bore-holes and other relevant field tests should becarried out to determine the subsoil conditionwith particular reference to :

- the geometry of the subsoil strata both transversely and longitudinally, (usually one or two borehoies in addition to three or more Deep Sounding (DS) or piezocones are used to determine the generalized subsoil profile for deposited formation at each stretch of soft ground. For residual soils areas, hand augering (HA) and deep boring (DB) plus JKR probes are performed instead of DS).

- the nature of these subsoil strata, their basic physical properties or index properties (moisture content, liquid limit, plastic limit, sieve analysis, SG, organic content), shear strength (Cu, C', o') and compressibility (Cc, Cv, Mv). At least two undisturbed samples


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per distinct soft strata per borehole plus field & lab testing are preferred. Stationary piston samplers should be used for taking samples from soft strata. Additional penetration vane shear and pressure meter tests are invaluable to obtain representative strength and consolidation properties of the soft ground. The extent of site investigation in embankment areas should be sufficient to produce adequate characterization of site conditions and properties to assess slope stability, to predict amount and rate of settlement and to design the necessary cost effective ground treatment.

- Regime of ground water (and seepage). and its variation (by HA/DB and piezometers) . In, the case of sizeable project on subsoil consisting of very compressible organic clay,instrumented trial embankments incorporat-ed with ground improve-ment techniques may have to be carried out to ensure the design is cost effective.

- Generally, the depth of boreholes should extend through all compressible or unsuitable soil or unstable laminated weathered rock at shallow depth (< 6 m) which is likely to encounter instability and settlement problems due to the surcharge load of the filling. A a practical guide, boreholes should only ba terminated after reaching very stiff/dense strata ('two consecutive SPT values exceeding 20) for soft ground areas suchas in coastal alluvial soils. In residual soil areas, at least one borehole should be extended until very hard/very dense strata (SPT value exceeds 50).

For filling on steep sloping ground, more boreholes should be carrie=d out to determine the presence of unstable so;f/rock horizons, i.e. the character and orientaVon of all structural discontinuities, e.g. joints, sheared zones, laminated bedding, foliation etc. Detailed geological mapping may also be required.

For low embankment in res:dual soil areas, one or two hand augering plu,: a few JKR probes are sufficient for design.

Cut Areas

The purpose of SI in cut areas is to procuregeological information (soil/rock, interface),soil properties and water table conditions 'farslope stability checking and design of ;slopestabilization works when necessary. The SI forcut areas to be pontential borrow areas is todetermine soil properties, (compaction proper-ties) and assess the suitability as constructionmaterial specified.

For cut areas, adequate soil investigationshould be carried out to determine the type ofsoils (soil classification, index and strengthproperties from on quality samples etc.) andground water level and its uariation and fluctu-ation (by Casangrande standpipe or pneumaticpiezometer). Infiltration, erosion and terraincharacteristics aspects are very important forslope design. This is for assessment of the sta-bility of slopes and drainage requirements.Exploration to a minimum depth of 2 m to 3 mbelow the proposed formation level is neces-sary for ;proper assessment of possible sub-grade strength and drainage conditions. Forsedimentary rock areas, in addition to geologi-cal mapping, at least three boreholes per majorhill should be carried out to determine thestratigraphical formation, the presence of defec-tive or unstable geological structural disconti-nuities and its strength properties. Seismic sur-vey may have to be carried out for major roadprojects passing through mountainous areasinvolving massive and deep excavation This isto ensure that more geological information aremade available for slope stability assessmentand also the quantity of rock excavation can beestimated with reasonable accuracy. Foamdrilling and Mazier sampling are only requiredfor high quality undisturbed samples in deter-mining the shear strength of the residual soils.

For generalized subsoil profile purpose of thewhole alignment (including in filling areas), thespacing of boreholes or hand augering for high-way projects should be 60 m - 600 m. For roadalignment passing through the same type ofgeological formation, less number of boreholesare required or spacing should be 500 m inter-


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val or more. For road alignment passingthrough complex, variable/different geologicalformations, more borehofes at closer spacingare necessary. JKR probes should be carriedout near the HA positions and filling areas toverify the consistency of the subsoil.At least one test pit (2 m deep or more) shouldbe carried out at each major cut area whichform major sources for filling. Bulk samplingfor classification test, CBR, dispersion andcompaction test should be carefully planned forstudy on suitability and availability of fillingmaterials.

Bridges and Structures

For major structures like bridges, major cul-verts and retaining walls, at least two DeepBoring should be carried out at each site orminimum one borehole per pier or abutment ormaximum spacing of borehole should be 60 m.Additional boreholes should be allowed forbridge approach embankments especially onsoft ground or high embankment areas. Otherbasic requirements are as follows :

- Bore DepthAll boreholes should be rotary wash boring. Boring shall only be terminated after 5 consecutive SPT exceeds 50 OA 5 consecutive SPT exceeds 30 if the bore depth also exceeds 60 m or refer to designer for advice and direction. Boring also can be terminated if rock is encountered :--

Field Test

SPT shall be carried out at 1.r rn interval unless otherwise stated by the designer. In case of soft ground, vane shear test shall toe carried out instead of SPT and interval of testing should be 'm interval.

- Undisturbed samples, (UD samples) or preferable stationary piston samples shall be taken at, soft clay strata (alternate to SPT/ vane testy for consolidation/shear test especially for boreholes at abutment/approach to abutment.

- At least 3 water samples (from river and or from UD samples) shall be taken for chemical test (pH, So4 & chloride contents).

- All soil classification test (natural moisture content, Atterberg limits, & sieve analysis etc.) shall be carried out for all typical disturbed sample at various distinct strata.

- Photographs (at least 5 nos.) shall be taken to give general site conditions, access (terrain and vegetation etc.), river/stream bank, & water flow conditions, boring machine setup, typical soil/ rock samples.

SI Report

The factual. SI report should be prepared and checked by a suitably qualified engineer. The


Rock type Min. Core LengthIgneous rocks (granite) & bon: depth < 24 m or Recovery ratio R/r < 50% 4.5 m

Igneous rocks, bore depth > 24 m 3.0 m

Shale/schist/slatelsandstone Recovery ratio Rlr < 50% 6.0 m

Shale/schist/slate/sandstone Recovery ratio R/r > 50% 3.0 m

Limestone R/r > 50% and no cavity 6.0 m

Limestone R/r <50% or with cavity 9 m - 21 m

Other rocks R/r <50% 4.5 m

Other rocks R/r >50% 6.0 m

Suitable triple tube core barrel of NMLC or NMLC sizes should be used for rotary rock coring.

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report should include but not limited to the fol-lowing :-

- Terms of Reference, purpose and scope of SI.

- Methodology, procedure & equipment ('type, model etc.) used.

- General relevant information (geological setting, topography, vegetation & other relevantsurface features).

- Record of time & date of bo, ing operation and ground water observation.

- Borelogs (field borelogs shah be corrected, checked & certified by geotechnical engineer).

- Piezometer records.

- Summary of lab testing results.

- Photographs showing general site conditions,typical soil and rock samples.

- Plan showing actual boreholes/te st locationswith coordinates or chainages & A.L.

- Generalized subsoil profile along the alignment showing soil strata, ground water, lab and field test results, rock etc.

* Logging of bore logs should be prepared by a suitably qualified technician or geologist or anCinaer Scull and rock description should be strictly according to BS 5930.

Common SI Methods

(a) JKR Probes

Results are used to determine thickness of unsuitable material to be removed and also for preliminary design of embankments. Usually carried out near HA or DB positions and filling areas to verify the consistency of subsoil of medium strength up to maximum of 12 m deep.

(b) Hand Augering (HA)

Used in soft to stiff cohesive soils or sandysoils above water table. Usual spacing is 60 m-600 m. Maximum depth is about 5m.Very extensively used for road projects because extensive samples along the alignment can be obtained at a relatively fast and cheap price for the basic and index properties; used for identification, classification and correlation of engineering properties such as permeability, strength and deformation etc.

(c) Deep Boring (DB)

Boreholes are advanced by power rotary drilling. Borehole sizes of NW or HW are preferred. Invaluable to determine stratigraphical formation and subsoil properties in cut and filling areas. Usual spacing is 60 m - 600 m. Field tests such as SPT vaneshear, (for soft to stiff strata) permeability & pressure meter tests can be carried out inthe boreholes. Disturbed and undisturbed samples can be taken for various laboratory tests to determine strength and deformation properties. Piezometers can also be installed in the borehole to monitor the ground water conditions. SPT tests are usually carried out at 1.5 m interval. For soft clay and residual soils strata, stationary piston and Mazier samplers are respectively used to take quality undisturbed samples for laboratory strength tests.Continuous soil sampling (Swedish or Delft Samplers) is specified if identification of soil fabric or depth of changes in distinct strata & properties are required. For uniform subsoil, more sampling for labtests; but for erratic subsoil more field testsshould be carried out.

(d) Deep Sound (DS) - 100 kN/200 kN capacity.

This is the static Dutch Cone PenetrometerTest. It is usually used to supplement Deep Boring results in filling areas which are fluvial or soft formation.


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Not suitable for boulder or gravel abundantsubsoil. The results can be used to correlate and ascertain strength & deformation properties etc. of the subsoils. Useful and adequate to determine subsoil profile. Piezocone tests is preferred.

(e) Test Pit & Bulk Sampling.

Usually up to 2 m deep. For visual inspection of subsoil strata, soil type and strength (by pocket penetrometer). Bulk sampling for lab tests (soil classification, CBR & compaction tents). Undisturbed block samples also Grin be obtained for strength testsin the laboratory,

Concluding Remarks

It is hoped that the above suggested briefguidelines are useful and helpful to road engi-neers to plan their scope of site, investigation. Itis vital to identify and understand adequatelythe possible associated risks and geotechnicalproblems to be encountered before planning aproper SI scheme for a road project. Purposeand scope of tests can only be determined afterthe possible geotechnical problems are known.Scope of SI works when planned by differentengineers tend to be varied because there are aninfinite number of conditions to be met and theprocess of planning also leaves many areaswhere individual engineering judgement,knowledge and experiences must be applied.Therefore it is important to realize that it isimpossible to provide an exhaustive step bystep guidelines applicable to all possible casesfor engineers who are not familiar with geot-echnical design.






Appendix ‘H’


1.0. Road Safety Audit f)bjwctive.

The objective of Road Safety Auditing is to identify road safety deficiencies at various stages in the development of road projects, so that they can be eliminated at the most opportune time to reduce cosi:.s and minimise disruption to design and construction progress.

Road Safety Audit s''iail be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines prepared by JKR and shall include audits at the following stages of the project :

Stage 1 Audit

At the Planning and Feasibility Stage of the Project Development.

The Starve 1 ,Nuclit will be carried out towards the end of the planning phase and, where a number of alternative proposals are being considered for the project, an audit is to be made of each alternative. the results of which (to the extent role,, ant) should be included in the evaluation process.

The Stage 1 Audit mado be omitted on the approval in writing of JKR*s Supervising. En ineer for minor projects involving only reconstruction or rehabilitati3n of and existing road, intersection or interchange, or otherwise where them is little or no significant planning phase in the project.

Stage 2 Audit

At the Preliminary Design Stage, when the Functional Layout has


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been prepared and land acquisi-tion requirementsare being deter-mined.

The project development shall be not proceed into the detailed design stage before resolution of each of the road safety items identified in the Stage 2 Audit.

Stage 3 Audit

At the Detailed Design Stage.

This audit trust be done: at an appropriate stage towards the end of the detailed design, or as soon as it is possible to determine the safety implications of the design anti when changes can be made at the mostopportune time to avoid costly redesign. This may necessitate separate audit checks as various elements of the project reach thedesired stage of design. The project shall not proceed to the construction stage until each of the road safety items identified in the Stage 3 ikudit have been resolved.

Stage 4 Audit

At the Construction Stage.

Audit at this stage shall include two distinct aspects as follows :

* Audit of Traffic Management through and inthe vicinity of the project durin; the construction phase. This shall include audit of traffic managernernt arrangements, both by checking the relevant plans prior to the -works commencing and by site inspections within 24 his of the star of construction of any particular `stage construction to ensure that the traffic operation through and around the works is safe and effective for all road users.

* Audit of the project itself, at appropriate times during the construction when aspects which influence the ultimate safety of road users are being finalised and when action can still be taken to correct any

identified safety deficiency. In particular the audit shall include a final detailed check of the project just prior to it being `opened to traffic'.

Stage 5 Audit

At the operational stage of the projects, generally towards the end of the prescribed ‘mainte-nance period’.

2.0 Use Of Road Safety Aludit Check Lists.

The Road Safety Audit Guidelines issued by JKR include detailed `Check Lists' for each of the above stages of Audit. These Check Lists should be used as a guide and `reminder' of the items to be considered and it needs to be recognised that they do not necessarily provide a complete list of the issues or points to be checked. It is the auditor's responsibi ity to critically exam-ine all aspects of the project which may have adverse safety implications, consider-ing carefully the needs of all road user groups.

3.0. Road Safety Auditors.

Road Safety Auditors for the project shall be nominated by the Contractor / Consultant and shall be approved by JKR, as the `Client' who will consider and make the final decisions on the audit reports. Theauditors must be independent of project planners, designers and construction companies involved in the project and have no business or other company associations with them. The names, qualifications and other background experience relative: to Road Safety Auditing, of all personnel who will be undertaking the various stages of audit must be submitted to the Client and only these people shall undertake the audit. The. client reserves the right to disallow the involvement of any person who is considered to have insufficient qualifica-tion or experience in all or part of the vari-ous audit stages.


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4.0 Reporting Of The Road Safety Audit.

Each stage of the Road Safety Audit shall be reported, in writing, generally as set out in the JKR Guidelines and shall be submitted to the Client within 2 weeks of the audit being done or otherwise as agreed in writing.

The report should sptocifically describe thesafety deficiencies, potential or real, which have been identified along with the rele-vant references to accepted standards, prac-tices and road safety principles. The points should be illustrated wherever practicable by 'marking-up' on the plans or other rele-vant drawings and / or by colour photo-graphs of the items concerned! The report may include the auditors suggestions for eliminating or otherwise treating the safety problem identified, but this is not an essential requirement.

The report should not be simplly a. copy ofthe `Check List' annotated with `ticks' or `crosses' or `yes' / 'no' answers, or in any other way submitted as the Safety Audit Report.

5.0. Response To Road Safety Audit Report

Within 2 weeks of he submis:;ion of a Road Safety Audit Report, JKR ( the Client) shall provide a written response to the audit report, indicating the action to be taken by the contractor in respect to each of the issues or items raised by the Audit.

REAM Technical Committee (TCS ) GEOTECHNICS


Ir Neoh Cheng AikCawangan JalanIbu Pejabat JKR Malaysia



1. Introduction

2. Desk Study

3. Scope of SI

3.1. Road embankment on soft / weak ground.

3.2. Road embankment on rolling & hilly terrains

3.3. Cut Areas

3.4. Pavement evaluation

3.5 SI for structures.

4. Procedures

5. Common SI methods

6. SI reports

7. Concluding remarks

8. Reference


The basic purpose or objerive of siteInvestigation Is to acquire all necessary grou,idInformation and data to enable a safe, practicaland economical geotechnlcal or foundationCesign to tie prepared.

Site Investigation Is an essential part. of thegeotechnlcal design process. Intimate knowl-edge of the test methods and possible geot-echnlcal problems that can arise from groundcondltlons with particular reference to prob-lems on stability and deformation or displace-ment of !,Iopes and foundations are essentialfor panning the scope of site Investigation (SI)works.


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This guideline is intended to assL,t engineers toplan and implement Site Investigation (SI)Works for road projects so as to ensure that theS1 results are complete, adequate, accurate andreliable according to usual good engineeringprartwce. Sound knowledge of SI methods,insitu et laboratory testing, equipment, proce-dures coupled with understanding of typicalpotential geotechnlcal problems for road workswill ensure proper Sl methods and appropriatetests for the situation are selected to achieve thetargeted purpose of 51. This guideline alsoIdentities the typical geotechnlcal Issues orproblems for road embankments, cut slopesand common road structures In typical geologi-cal formations. Scope of SI and suitable SImethods including relevant types of field tests,samples and laboratory tests to procure theappropriate design parameters for the geot-echnlcal problems identified are subsequentlydiscussed. General procedure of SI worksincluding preparation of SI report Is alsoIncluded. Decisionmaking process of SI is pre-sented by the flaw chart In Figure I whichIndicates the stages of an Investigation, theaction regr,lred, and those who should haveresponsibility for carrying out the actions.

The planning of SI works should be carried outby sultably qualified,geotechnlcal engineersafter review of the project brief/route location,desk study and fleld inspection. All the qua!ItySI works should be closely directed, monitored,supervised and reported by qualified geotechnl-cal engineers registered with Board ofEngineers Malaysla


Before planning Sl works, the following desk studies should be carried out first :

- Project brief with site ez location plan (to check overall details of structures et nature of project, loads, bearing capacity, settlementet stability requirements of slopes, walls, bridges et other superstructures). Usual geotechnlcal design criteria for road works are shown In Appendix A.

- Topo map (to assess terrain, access site/environment conditions).

- Geological map (to evaluate geological formation et characteristics)

- Aerial photo (to study site conditions, land use etc.)

- Other relevant records and information.

- An evaluation of performance of existing road or structure In the Immediate vicinity ofthe proposed alignment or site, relative to thefoundation, material and environment.

- A review of all available information on the geologic history and formation of rock, or soil or both and ground-water conditions occurring at the proposed alignment or loca-tion and In the Immediate vicinity.

These Information plus site reconnaissance orwalkover survey by designer or engineersinvolved in SI are crucial to obtain basicknowledge of site conditions and project con-cept designs. The need, purpose and the likelygeotechnlcal issues or problems can then beidentified and subsequently used to determineor design the scope and methods of SI works.Through SI, the knowledge of behaviour of theground and Its spatial variability can beobtained for the necessary geotechnlcal designand construction.


Scope of SI for a project depends on what Isknown about the site and what geotechnlcaldata are required for geotechnlcal design orevaluation of geotechnlcal issues or problems.

The following information has to be procuredbefore scope of SI can be planned :

- likely or possible or anticipated geotechnlcal issues or problems to be encountered In design et construction

- establish the purpose ez need for SI


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- what Information Is required

- extent, areas et depth of ground to be investigated

- time et site constraint

The extent of SI mainly depends on the charac-ter and variability of the subsoil and groundwater and the amount of existing Informationavailable. However, it should be noted that sub-soil conditions of a road alignment are verysensitive to geological conditions and so thespacing and location of boreholes/test pWtypesof tests should be more closely related to thedetailed geology of the project area and thegeotechnlcal problem/analysis required to becarried out.

Common SI methods and fist of relevant laband field test methods are given in Appendix B.List of abbreviations used Is given In AppendixC.

Some typical geotechnical problem and usualdesign (Cu from insitu vane shear tests orapplicable SI methods and tests for typical roadundisturbed samples, C' 81 e' fromworks are given in the following sections.triaxlal tests using quality undisturbed samples


Coastal alluvium or deposited soil formationsor swamps are typical soft/weak grounds.Trrplcal geotechnical problems in such areasare settlement and stability. Usual geotechnicaldesign and checking are bearing (short 8: longterm), slope stability (local 8t global, short 8tlong term), amount and rate of settlement (pri-mary s: secondary consolidation, elas~lc defor-mation). Geotechnical designs are usually car-ried out to check whether the design criteria asshown in Appendix A can be complied andsubsI~~cluently carry out the necessary designsof ground improvement works. Important dat.:ito be acquired through SI are :

- subsoil profile showing they thickness of

various compresslHe and ilrrn strata, Water Table (WT) etc. Deep Sounding/Deep Boring (DS/DB) plus continuous sampling are necessary If accurate profile is required. Spacing of DS/DB should be in the range of 60m to 300m. DS/DB can be supplemented by Geonor Vane tests and JIKR probes. Usually one or two boreholes plus two or more DS or plezocones are used to determine the generall2ed subsoil proille for each stretch of soft groused. Criteria to terminate depth of bore hole are :

(a) until 10 SPT exceeding 10 or until 10 Insitu vane shear nests exceeding 50 kPa ifthe height of embankment is less than 3m.

(b) until 5 SPT exceeding 20 or 5 insltu vane shear tests exceeding 75 k.Pa if the heightof embankment Is 3m to 5m. (c) until 2 SPT exceeding 50 or 2 SPT exceeding 40 (,for depth exceeding 30m) if the height of embankment Is more than 5m.

(d) at least one borehole along, the soft stretch should be extended until 2 consecutive SPT exceeds 50 or until I .5m rock coring, whichever come first.

- consolidation parameters for settlement analysts (Cc, Cv, Mv, Pc etc. from consolidationtes6 using quali/ undisturbed sampies obtained by stationary piston samplers). These consolidation properties also can be supplemented by correlation values from DSor plezocones tests.

- shear strength parameters for stablllgr and bearing analysis or ground improvementdesign (Cu from insitu vane shear tests or undisturbed samples, C' 81 e' from triaxlal tests using quality undisturbed samples ....)

- Index properties (LL, PL, PI, M/C, grada-tion, organic contents etc) for soil classifica-tion and engineering property correlations etc.

- see Appendix D for applicability of various tests for various engineering properties.


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The main geotechnical problems and relevantSI methods and tests are:

(a) Check the stability of embankment body (local slope stablity); usually unsaturated soil, and the design parameters especially the shear strengths are from compacted samples using bulk samples taken at least one or two samples at 1.5m deep from major cut areas or borrow pits; assessment on suitability of fill material from relevant major cut areas (HA, test pits 8t bulk samples for compactlon/CBR 8t classification tests w get Index properties for engineeringproperty correlations).

(b) Check global stability of embankment: bearing check of supporting ground (DB/SPT to obtain shear strength parame-ters of supporting ground based on engi-neering property correlations. JKR Probes, HA and piezometer etc are used to supple-ment DB/SPT). Spacing of boreholes for low embankment (h < 6m) and high embankment should be 300m - 600m and 100m - 300m respectively. DB should be supplemented by at least one HA plus few JKR probes. Depth of borehole should be until 5 SPT exceeding 20 if embankment height is less than 6m OR until 5 SPTexceeding 30 if the height of embankment is more than 6m. SPT should be carried out at 1.5m Interval. Classification tests forall disturbed samples especially those fromthe top bm should be carried out.

(c) Stability check of supporting ground is very Important when the embankment is on sloping ground or is very high eg 12m high or more. More DB/HA/3KR Probes plus site Inspection etc to Identify possible unstable faulted/sheared geological forma-tion, laminated bedding, foliation, colluvi-um, water seepage ground etc should be carried out. Depth of borehole should be until 3m (or more) rock coring especially for the case of sedimental rock formation.

(d) Refer Appendix D for applicable tests for relevant parameters.


Usual purposes of SI in cut areas are:

(a) to assess the slope stability and obtain soil data for the design of slope stabilization works if found necessary. LIsoaily DB Is carried out to procure information such as subsoil profile,, weathering profile, WTconditions by piezometers and shear strength parameters (from 5PT based on engineering property correlacuons or triax-ial tests from quality undisturbed samples le Mazlei samplers)., For major high cut areas and unstable geological formations (sheared/faulted zone or colluvium areas orrelict joints etc) more DB Is required. Refer Appendix D for applicable 51 meth-ods and tests.

DB is usually supplemented by geophysical surveys and/or IHA plus )KR probes etc.

(b) to determine the suitability of cut material as filling material for embankment. (HA, test pits, bulk samples plus )KR probes or DE for classification tests, ompaction/CBRtests and shear strength parameters from compacted samples etc).

(c) to determine the bedrock profile, rock condition and to determine rock type and Its quantity (by site Inspection, geologicalmapping, seismic survey or DB) Spacing DB/HA in cut areas is usually 60m to 600m depending on type of geological for-mation. For stable formation and low cut areas of less than 6m high, bigger spacing or HA only is acceptable. For sedimentary rock areas especially at cut height exceed-ing 12m, at least 2 boreholes per major hillshould be carried out to deterndne thestradgraphical formation, the presence of defective or unstable geological structural discontinuities and Its strength properties. Seismic survey to supplement DB may


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have to be carried out for project passing through moutalnous areas. DB in cut areas is usually terminated after 1.5m rock coring or at least 3m below the design formation level, whichever comes first., For highly fractured sedimentary rock of RQD less than 25% or boulder abundant formations, at least 3m coring should be speci-fied.


Tests relevant for pavement evaluation of the existing road for upgrading works are test pits plus bulk samples, water table

monitoring, Insitu plate bearing, field den-sity, DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetration) 8TCBR tests. These tests are carried out at about 200m to 1000m interval after pave-ment condition inspection/surveys/traffic count survey. Falling weight Deflectometercar 'Benklman Beam tests at 50m to 200rr Interval depending on the severity of pavement conditions may also need to be speci-fied.


Purposes of SI for structures such as bridges, walls, major culverts etc are for foundation design and construction with

particular reference to capacity, settlement and constructibility assessment.At least 2 DB should be carried out at eachsite or minimum one DB per pier/abutmentor one DB per 60m spacing especially for erratic or unstable geological formation areas (limestone, boulder abundant areas, faulted/sheared zone etc). Borehole could be terminated after 5 consecutive SPTexceeding 50 or 10 consecutive SPTexceeding 30 if the bore depth is more than60m or refer to designer for direction. If rock Is encountered coring shall be carried out and minimum core length depends on type & condition of rock. Suggested mini-mum core lengths are as follows :

* Min core size should be 52mm diam (NMLC or HMLC or equivalent

For structures on soft ground, insitu vane shear tests and undisturbed sampling for shear strength and consolidation tests should be carried out. These test results arenecessary for foundation design, stability analysis, and construction/temporary worksdesign. Pressuremeter and plate bearing tests may be specified If detail fractured rock conditions (stiffness and deformation)are required for bearing design eg rock socket design or shallow foundation design. See Para 3.4, Appendix D, D 1 & E for additional guidance. Preparation of "Summary of Scope of SI Works" and an


Rock Type Min. Core LengthIgneous rock (granite) and bore depth <24m or recovery ratioR/r<50 4.5m

Igneous rocks, bore depth >24m 3.Om

Shale/schist/slate/sand-stone, Recovery ratio R/r< 50% 6.Om

Shale/schist/slate/sand-stone, Recovery ratio R/r> 50% 3.Om

Lime stone R/r> 50% and no cavity 6.Om

Lime stone R/r < 50% or with cavity 9m - 21m

Other rocks R/r > 50% 4.5m

Other rocks R/r < 50% 6.Om

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Illustrated example are enclosed in Appendix H.


4.1. The guidance given in Para 3 above can beused to determine the locations, numbers and types of SI methods or boreholes or Insitu testing required basing on the need and purpose of SI established from the desk study. Size of boreholes depends on the size of soil & rock samples required. Size of samples depends on types of soils/rocks and types of tests required.

Common S1 methods are JKR Probes, HA, MHEI, DB, DS (IOT/20T), Piezocone, DO, Sampling, Test Pits, Geonor Vane, continuous sail sampling, SBP, seismic surveys, etc. Methods, proce-dure and equipment for SI methods,. test-ing should comply with standard )KR Sl Spec. and relevant MS/BS/ASTM standards. Standard borehole or casing sizes commonly used are 75 rnm, 100 mm, 150 mm. Usually size NW casing or borehole is specified for DB except when extensive and hlgF quality large undisturbed samplesairy. required ua determine accurate consolidation properties and shear strength for stability and settlement anarysis.

Guidance on selection of SI methods, spac-ing and depth of boreholes, types of Acid and lab tests etc have been discussed. Appendix E & D also provide some guid-ance in specifying the methods of samplingand applicability of common field tesu,.

4.2 The sequence of SI methods or boring or Insitu testing at criteria of termination of boreholes should be clearly stated In the document fcw Sl contractor, Phasing of Sl programme may be necessary for large/complicated projects (Preliminary & detall SI works).

4.3 Some guidances to determine the frequecy & types of insitu testing/sarnpling in the bureholes are :

Vane shear test- very suitable for very soft to stiff clay to

obtain undrained strengthSPT- Suitable for almost all swI types except

very soft clay and coarse gravel; disturbed samples (35 mm diameter) are procured from the test for field Identification / descilptiori of soil types and subsequent lab classification and index properties tests.SPT Is usually carried out at a change of strata or 1.5m interval except when undisturbed sampling or vane shear test or pressuremeter test is required. SPT may be: carried out at t.Om Interval If detailed Information is required eg. for shallow foundation at deep excavation works.

Pressuremeter test- Menard or self Boring type; suitable for

most soil types and soft rocks except soft organic soil 8t hard rock; useful to obtain accurate bearing capacity, stiffness and compressibility properties; costly at slow test; usually carried out only when duality undisturbed samples or disturbed samples are difficult to procure but important for the design e.g. highly fractured soft rock, sandy material etc.

Packer test- Single or double Packer test Is sometimes

carried out in rock strata to assess the amount of grout that rock will accept, to check the effectiveness of grouting, toobtain a measure of fracturing of rock, to give an approximate permeability of rock.

Undisturbed sampling- thin wall open tube sampler, 50 mm, 75

mm or 100 mm diam; area ratio is about 10%; suitable for soils having some cohe-sion unless they are too hard or too gravel-ly.

- stationary piston thin wall sampler 50mm, 75 mm or 100 mm diam; suitable for very soft to firm clay when strength and consolidation properties are required.


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- Denison sampler for stiff to very stiff cohesive soils and sandy soils (SPT - 4 To 20).

- Quality requirements of samples (Appendix G).

- Mazier sampler, 50 mm and 74mm diam; suitable for residual soil when strength tests are required; careful air foam drilling technique is preferred to ensure high sam-ple quality.

- Delft (29 mm or 66 mm diam) or Swedish (68 mm diam) continuous soil samplers forsoil fabrics & stratigraphical / profiling evaluation.

4.4. If rock is encountered or rock coring is required, determine the size, length at type of coring (or criteria of coring).

- Double tuba swivel type (30 mm, 42 mm, 54 mm diam, TNW 61 mm diam) could beused In most rocks.

- Triple tube core barrels (NMLC, 52 mm diam or HMLC, 64mm diam) should be used for weak, weathered or fractured rocks.

- wire line barrels for rock coring at great depth.

- BW or larger drill rods are preferred If bore depth exceeds 20m.

4.5 Prepare BQ, Spec., Costing 81 Works pro-gramme (Std. )KR BQ at Spec. should be used).

4.6 Determine procedure, extent of supervisionat monitoring of SI works (supervisor and drillers should have CIDB cerdflcates).

4.7 The proposed scope of SI should be checked or audited by an expert before Implementation. Ensure rellabie/reputable SI contractor registered with CIDB Is engaged. Check the proposed works programme and ensure all equipment pro

posed comply with relevant standards.

4.8 Determine scheme of laboratory testng including types of lab tests for

- disturbed samples (mainly for basic: e Index properties tests). !:ail classification tests shall be carried out: for all typical dis-turbed samples at various distinct strata.

- undisturbed samples (mainly for engineer-ing property tests)

- water samples (mainly for chemical nests). At least 3 water samples from river for bridge project shati be taken far chemical tests (pH, S04, Chloride etc).

- block samples (mainly fear engineering property tests)

- bulk samples (mainly for compacdon/CBRtests plus classification tests)

4.9 Usual Important laboratory tests are :

- Important geotechniced properties from lab. tests are :

* BASIC PROPERTIES (colour, natural moisture content, sg, porosity, void, reactivity etc.) for soil description,classification & correlations.

* INDEX PROPERTIES (I-L,, PL, PI, SL, particle size distribution, organic content etc) for soil description, classification &t correlations with engineering properties.

* CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (total dissolved salts,sulphate ex chloride contents; pH value etc) for corrosion & durability assessment of foundations.

* ENGINEERING PROPERTIES (shear strength, stiffness, compressibility,compacdon/CBR, permeability etc.) for analysis and design. Engineering properties can be obtained front insltu testing


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and laboratory tests on undisturbed sam-ples. The results from the Insitu anti laboratory testing should be viewed as complimentary and then compared with the recommended data from the published literatures before adopting as design parameters. For Iniform subsoil, more! elaborate lab tesd'ng should be done, but If the subsoil is complex. or erratic, more insitu testing is more meaningful.

- classification & index tests from disturbed & undisturbed samples are main-ly for classification, Identification 81 simple preliminary correlations for shearstrength parameters et: other engineeringproperties/behaviour.

- shear strength tests from block samples and undisturbed samples (UU, CU, CKUC, CIUC, CIUE, CD ulaxial tests, direct shear test, UCS etc.) are for analy-sis and design.

- consolidation ex permeability tests from undisturbed samples or block samples are for settlement analysis and seepage evaluation

- compaction/CBR tests from bulk sam-ples coupled with Index properties are for fill suitability evaluation and stabilityanalysis etc.


SI method and the type of equipment or sampler required. for a SI job depend on the nature of terrain, access, type of geological formation and intended use of the data.Experience plus engineering judgement are required in selection of SI method. CommonSI methods are briefly outlined as follows:

a. JKR Probes

Results can be used to determine thick-ness of unsuitable material to be removed and also for preliminary design

of embankments. Usually carried out near HA or DB positions and filling areas to verify the consistency of subsoilof medium strength up to maximum of 12m deep.

b. Hand Augering (HA)

Used In soft to stiff cohesive soils or sandy soils above water table. Usual spacing Is 60m - 600m. Maximum depth Is about Sm. Very extensively used for road projects because extensive open tube samples of 50 mm to 100 mmdiam along the alignment can be obtained at a relatively fast and low price for the basic and Index properties; used for Identification, classification andcorrelation of engineering properties such as permeability, strength and deformation etc. HA Is particularly valuable In connection with ground-water determination.

c. Deep Boring (DB)

Boreholes should be advanced by powerrotary drilling with adequate capacity forthe spefified depth of drilling Le open hole rotary drilling or casing advance -ment drilling method. To avoid distur -bance of the underlying soil stratum, only side discharge of flushing medium water from drilling rod bits is allowed; bottom, discharge from casing Should not be permitted.Borehole size cf Pd AI or HIM are preferred. For borehoes deeper than 20m, rods with a stiffness equal to or greater than BW drill rods but less than 10 kg/m should be specified. Invaluable to determine stratigraph-ical formation and subsoil properties in cut and filling areas.

Usual spacing Is 60m - 600m. Field tests such as SPT, vane shear, (for soft tostiff strata) permeability and pressure. meter tests can be carried out In the boreholes. Disturbed and undisturbed samples can be taken for various labora


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tory tests to determine strength and deformation properties. Piezometers can also be installed in the borehole to monitor the ground water conditions. SPT tests are, usually carried

Out at l .5m interval. For soft clay and residual soils strata, stationary piston and Mazler samplers are respectively used to take quality undisturbed samplesfor laboratory strength tests.

Continuous soil sampling (Swedish or Delft Samplers) is specified' If identifi-cation of soil fabric: or depth of changesin distinct strata and properties are required. For uniform subsoil, more sampling for lab tests; but for erratic subsoil more field tests should he carriedout.

(d). Deep Sound (DS) - 100 kN/200 kN capacity

This Is the static Dutch Cone Penetrometer Test. Is is usually used tosupplement Deep Boring results In fill-ing areas which are fluvial or soft for-mation. Not suitable for boulder, or gravel abundant subsoil. The results can be used to correlate and ascertain strength and deformation properties etc. of the subsoils. Useful and adequate to determine subsoil profile. Plezocone tests Is preferred.

(e). Test Pit, Bulk Samples & BlockSamples

Usually test pit can be up ro.2rn deep. Visual Inspection of subsoill .strata, soil type and strength (by pocs;et penetrometer) can be carried In test pit. Bulk sam-ples (about 50kg) for lab texts (soil classification, CBR arrd compacdon tests) can be collected. Undisturbed block samples also can be obtained for strength tests In the laboratory.

(f). Motorlstd Hand Boring (MHB)

MHB or commonly called wash boring or percussion drilling consists of a tripodwith block ez tackle or motor driven winch. The borehole is advanced bychopping while twisting rods and wash-ing with pump-circulated water. It Is simple, portable and can be used in all types of soils except those containing big boulders. Progress is slow when encountering very stiff/dense material especially when deeper than 10 m. MHB can be adopted easily at locations where access Is difficult. Normally cas-ing Is used and max. depth of boring is about 20m.

SPT, vane shear test and undisturbed sampling (only soft to medium soil) can be carried out In the borehole at the required depth.

(g). Geophysical Survey

Sometimes geophysical survey is used to supplement borehole results. The seis-mic refraction method with muldgeo-phones reception of seismic wave of sig-nals originating from explosives or ham-mer blows (for shallow investigation only) can be used to determine the approximate rock profile and geologic features eg faults etc. The electrical resistivity method for measuring the resistance of soil to a direct or alternat-ing current Is also useful In determining depth to rock, evaluating stratified for-mations where a denser stratum overttes a lesser dense stratum. Corroslvity of soil and geological features and cavities can also be determined.


The SI report submitted by the SI Contractor registered with CIDB should be checked to ensure the following items are included/complied:


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The factual SI report should be prepared, checked and certified by a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer or engineering geolo-gist.

It should include but not limited to the following details.


State for whom the SI works was done, the nature at scope of Si, purpose of SI and period on time over which SI was done.


Describe access, terrain, vegetation, landuse, geological Information etc. about the site.


Account for SI methods, testing, procedures, types and models of equipment used (quote standards used).

Problems encountered In testing er sampling; date ei time of SI.Weather condi-tion.

Photos showing site & testing process/ conditions.

Plan showing site 9 boreholes/testing locations.

(d) BORE LOGS (field borelogs should be corrected & checked)

Title of Investigation/project.

Location reference/borehole no and sheet no.

Name of Super visor/driller.

Date of boring, type of boring, make of plants/tools

GL/RL; Depth to ground water and raising or lowering of level Including: dates and times measured.

Type, size ex depth of casing; drilling fluid.Size, type and desi;n of core bits, core barrel & reaming shell used.

Types of Insitu testing, sampling and rock coring details (R/r, RQD, types of sampler).

Depth, date and time of boring disruptions and termination of boreholes. Any change to drilling fluid or drilling fluid return.

Legends er symbols for subsoil profile. Soil/rock description of each straturn 8t thickness/levels shall be made In accordance to BS 5930.

A typical engineerIng boreloll Is shown in Appendix G 1.

(e) Summary of all imi)ortant lab. test results for each borehole with reference to sample NO & RL.

(f) Generalized subsoil profile - Drg.

(g) Appendix - plan/dralnwing; photos for site conditions, plant/machine se¢ up, apical rock samples, typical soll samplesetc.


It is hoped that this guideline for Site Investigation works Is useful and helpful cc isist geotechnical and road engineers to plan and execute a proper Site Investigation works. Experience In geotechnical engineer-ing design plus sound knowledge of SI methods and procedures are crucial to ensurethat, proper SI methods and tests are selectedto achieve the targeted purpose of SI.

The scope of SI works for a project depends mainly on what is known about the site and the nature of the project ie the possible geot-


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echnical problems and issues likely to be encountered during construction at service. The scope of Si works may also need to be changed In the light of new discoveries dur-ing the process of SI.

Scope of SI works when planned by dedder-ent engineers of different background, training and experience tends to be varied because there is an infinite number of conditions to be met and the process of planning also leaves many areas where Individual engineering judgement, knowledge and experience must be applied. Therefore It Is Important to realize that It Is Impossible to provide an exhaustive step by step guidelinesapplicable to all possible cases for engineers who are not familiar with geotechnical design.


8.1 BS 5930 (1981), Site Investigation

8.2 GEO HONG KONG (1993), Guide to Site Investigation

8.3 JKR Standard Specification for Site Investigation Works (1990)

8.4 NEOH CA (1997), Guidelines For Planning Scope of Site Investigation Works For Road Projects, IEM Bulletin August 97

8.5 NEOH CA (1990), Site Investigation, IKRAM Lecture Notes

8.6 SI STEERING GROUP. Site Investigation In construction series. Thomas Telford UK, 1993.


VERTICAL LATERAL DIFFERENTIAL1. Unreinforced Slopes 1.1 Local & global sta-bility 1.20 75 yrs Analysis should beaccording to GEOTECHNICAL MANUALFOR SLOPES(cut & fill slopes) ) (1984). GEO HongKong i 1.2 Bearing (fill) 2.0IR: ,'creed ot treated 2 : LD~l & glzltai stabilty1.50 76 y;aSlopes (not on soft (cut & fill slopes)I nrn~_nri) 1 2 2 Bearing (fill) ; 1.5 t i a_3 Permanent Anchors 13.i Tensile Resistance1 2.0 75 yrs r Geo Spec 1 (19891, GFG HongIcon;3.2 Resistance at Soil BS 8081Grout Interface 3 0i4 Rigid Retaining 4 1 Overturning 1 1,875yrs 15 mm along 15 mm along ? 15G IStructures4.2 Sliding g 1.6face of wall Iface of wall along race of wall4.3 Overall Stability 1.5Geoguide 1 (1983).GEO Hong Kong I 4 4 Bearing 2.05 Reinforced fill walls/ I External Stability 1100structures BS 8006 120 yrs t5mm per metreheight 15mm from reference alignment alongface of wall Internal Stability6. Individual Foundation 6 1 ShaftResistance 2 075 yrs 12 mm along axis ofpilePiles (mainly under axial at pile head atdesign loadloads) 38 mm or 10% pile sizeat pile head at twice design load ' 6.2 BaseResistance 2.0BS 80047 Individual Foundation Ultimate lateral2.5 75 yrs 12 mm along axis of pile 12mm perpendicular to axis of pileloads (mainly under lateral & Resistance atpile head at design toad al design load bendingloads perpendicular to axist of pile) BS 80048. Pile group Block Bearing Capacity2.075 yrs12 mm at Working Load 10 mm BS 80049 Piles as retaining As for 4. 6 & 7 above Asfor 75 yrsstructures individualAs 4 above for rigid


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1. Soil Classification Tests. BS 1377: Part 2: 1990

Moisture content, Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Plasticity index, linear shrinkage, particle size distribution. (These tests are from dis-turbed samples such as split spoon samplers (SPT), bulk samples etc).

2. Chemical & Eleccro-chemical tests: 135, 1,377 Part 3: 1990

Organic matter content, Mass loss on igni-tion, Sulphate content of soil and ground water, Carbonate content, Chloride content, Total dissolved solids, pl-i value, Resistivity and Redox potential.

3. Compaction-related tests. BS 1377: Part 4(These tests are from bulk samples)

3.1 Dry density - moisture relationship (2.5 kg/4.5 kg hammer)- Soil with sorre coarse gravels- vibrating method

3.2 Moisture conditon value (MCV) 3.3CBR tests

4. *Comoressibility, Permeability and Durabiliry Tests: BS 1377: Part 5

4.1. 1-D conso test

4.2. Swelling and collapse tests

4.3. Permeability by constant head

4.4. Dispersibility

5. *Consolidation & Permeability Tests in Haydraulic Cells & with gore Rressure measurements: BS 1377: Part 6

5.1. Consolidation Properties using hydrauliccell

5.2. Permeability in hydraulic conso cell

5.3. Isotropic conso properties using triaxial cell

5.4. Permeability in a triaxial cell

6. *Shear Strength Tests (Total: Stress) B.S 1377: Part 7

6.1 Lab vane shear

6.2 Direct shear box (small)

6.3 Direct shear box (large)

6.4 Residual strength

6.5 Undrained shear strength (UU)

6.6 Undrained shear strength (multi loading)

7. *Shear Strength Tests (Effective Stress) BS 1377: Part 8

7.1 CIU with pore pressure measurement7.2 CD with pore pressure measurement

8. Insitu Tests: BS 1377: Part 9

Field Density (cone, sand replacement N balloon), CBR, SPT, Plate Bearing, Vane shear (Acker, Geonor, cylindrical), DS (Static Dutch cone), Peizocon Test, etc.

* These tests are from undisturbed samples (thin wall samplers, Mazier samplers, block samples etc).



ASTM = American Society hor Testing Arid Meterials

BS = British StandardBQ = Bills of QuantitiesCc = Compression IndexC = Coef. of Consolidation


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C' = Effective C:"ohesion Cu = Cohesion.CBR = California :Bearing RatioCIDB = Construction Industry Development

BoardCU = Consolidated Undrained Triaxial

TestCD = Consolidated Drained Triaxial TestCIUC = Consolidated Undrained

Compression Triaxial Test With PorePressure Measurement (Effective stress)

CIUE = - Ditto - extensionCk.UC = Consolidated Undrained

Compression At Ko ConditionsDB = Deep Boring (rotary drilling)DS = Deep Sounding (Static Dutch Cone

Penetrometer) GL = Ground LevelHA = Hand AugerHMLC = 65 mm Triple Tube Core Barrel

(DCMA)JKR = Jabatan Kerja RayaLL = Liquid LimitM/C = Moisture ContentMV = Coef. of CompressibilityMHB = Motorized Hand Boring (Wash

Baring/Percussion Drilling)MS = Malaysian StandardNW = N Size Casing (101,6 nun diam)NMLC = 52 min Triple Tube Core Barrel

(DCMA)pH = Acidity IndexPL = Plastic LimitPI = Plasticity IndexPC = Effective Preconsol'idated PressureRL = Reduced LevelRQD = Rock Quality DesignationR/r = Recovery RatioSI = Site InvestigationSPT = Standard Penetration TestTNW = 61 mm Double Tube Core Barrel

(Atlas Copco)UU = Unconsolidated Undrained Test

gives undrained shear strength (total stresses)

UCS = Unconfined Compression StrengthWT = Water Table I w11WAIMK KUAWA


APPENDIX DAPPLICABILITY OF COMMON FIELD0~R,."I,NSITII TESTSi I FIELD TESTS Soil Soil Rock SOILTYPE SOIL PARAMETERSI type ProfileH Rock t S. Rock GrSand Silt Clay , Peat 0 Cu My C,r t ; i I 1 1 i i IJcUU.0meteri ""ai 1 ~ i I t I t I l I1-1 )KR Probe X C X X C B B B BX B i X E X X1 11.2 SPT 1 A B I X B I B I A I A l A lA i B B I X j X j X.1.3 DS (CPT) B A X X 1 B I A 1A I A I, A C B C C a:I i !.4 Pietocone (CPT' " I A A X n AI A A A I A ` I Bi .5 Fl:t Dilatometer B A X I X C ! AA A A B B C ` C X1.6 Resistivity Probe C C X X C A AA A B C X X i Xi . y2. Vane Shear B C X X X X B A BX A X X X I,13. PB Pressuremeter B B C A B B BA B X B B C I X4. SB PressuremeterB B C B B B B AB B B B B BS. Continuous Soil Sampling A A X B BA A A A C B B B CiLeeends.A - suitable/useful O = effective frictionalangle K = coef. of permeabilityB =moderateCu = undrained strengthC doubtful My = coef. of volume com-pressibilityX =not suitable CV = coef. of consolida-tion


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Appendix E




1.1 Split-spoon for SPT1.2 Thin-wall sampler1.3 Thick wall sampler

(50mm, 75mm, 100mm, I:50mm)

REMARKS1. No piston; penetration by static thrust or

dynamic impact; suitable for almost all typesof soils except gravelly soils or hard/dense materials. .


REMARKS2. The most reliable sampler to procure

undisturbe soft to stiff cohesive soils; area ratio is usually about 10%. The inside clear-ance ratio shall be 0.5 to 1 %. Mainly for shear strength & consolidation tests.

3. DENISON SAMPLER(Double tube with this: wall tube)

REMARKS3. No piston; suitable for stiff to very stiff

cohesive soil and sandy soil (SPT = 420); open drive sampler


REMARKS4. Triple tube sampler; usual core size

74mm diam ex PW casing Is required; air foam drilling technique is preferred to procure high quality undisturbed samples from residual soils. Not suitable for gravelly soils.


5. With stationary piston; suitable for minorstratification ie sand seams because ofcontinuous samples of 5 to 8m can be procured.

Continuous samples for soil fabrics et strati-graphicai or profiling evaluation etc.


REMARKS6. Blocks of soil (200 to 350mm cubes) cut

from test pits; Need careful sealing and handling. Mainly for triaxial, shear box 8L permeability tests.


REMARKS7. Double tube core barrels for strong rock

(Grade 1 or 2): 30mm; 42mm; 54mm; TNW,61 mm; T2-76, 62mm.

Triple tube core barrels for fractured rock; HMLC, 52mm; HMLC, 64mm

Notes : 1. Std. sampler size (UK) : 50, 75, 100, 150, 250 mm diam

Std. sampler size (LIS) : 1 1 /2, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5 inches diam

2. Samples should be labelled, handled,transported and extruded carefully in accordance with BS 5930.


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* Items changed from original German classification (7th. Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Foundn. Engng. Mexico 1969).


QualityClass Properties Purpose Typical Sampling


1 - Remoulded properties- Fabric- Water content- Density and porosity- Compressibility & deformation- Effective strength parameters- Total strength parameters- Permeability*- Consolidation*

Laboratory data on in situ soils ( classificatin tests & engineering properties )

Piston thin walled sampler with water balance.

Mazier sampler with foam drilling

Block samples

2 - Remoulded properties- Fabric- Water content- Density and porosity- Compressibility and deformation*- Effective strength paranteters* - Total strength parameters*

Laboratory data on in situ insensitive soils

Pressed or driven thin or thick walled sampler with water balance

Mazier sampler

3 - Remoulded properties- Fabric A * 100 % recovery

Continuous- Fabric B * 100 % recovery.


Fabric examinationand laboratory data on remoulded soils.

Pressed or driven thin or thick walled samplers. water balance in highly permeable soils.

4 Remoulded properties Laboratory data on remoulded soils Sequence of strata

Bulk and jar samples(from AST split samplers)

5 None Aproximate sequence ofstrata only

Washings (washedsamples)

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Summary of Scope of SI Worksshould include the following details:

1. Brief Project description and objectivesof SI.

2. SI Methods & Locations (cope of SI Works)

- Types 8z methods SI 8z the quantities should be indicated

- Locations of SI sho1n,n on Drawings should be indicated

3. Criteria of 'Terminacing Boreholes

Criteria of terminating boreholes or other Sl methods should be clearly indicated eg in Cut Areas, in fill areas (in soil ground/swamp and residual soil areas) and in structure areas.

4. Field testing & sampling criteria

Types 8z frequency of various field tests 8t: sampling should be indicated.

5. Laboratory Testing

Types of lab testing & the selection criteria should be indicated.

6. Special requirements

Special requirements about S1 methods, testing 8z sampling if any should be clearly mentioned.

* Examples or case histories of Scope of SI Works for road projects are enclosed.

* Scope of SI works -.4re based on "Guidelines for planning SI works for Road Projects"




This project involves in construction of a newR5 highway of about 30km through rolling tohilly terrains with some localized swamps and5 bridges. The alignment traverses through sed-imentary shale and granitic formations.Preliminary geological and terrain evalutionstudies show that potential slope instabilityareas are at KM5, KM9 and KM 12.

The main objectives of SI are :

- To determine generalised subsoil profile for the proposed road alignment (earthwork planning 8z rock estimation)

- To identify unstable soil formation and water


Rock Type Min. Core LengthIgneous rock (granite) and bore depth <24m or recovery ratioR/r<50 4.5m

Igneous rocks, bore depth >24m 3.Om

Shale/schist/slate/sand-stone, Recovery ratio R/r< 50% 6.Om

Shale/schist/slate/sand-stone, Recovery ratio R/r> 50% 3.Om

Lime stone R/r> 50% and no cavity 6.Om

Lime stone R/r < 50% or with cavity 9m - 21m

Other rocks R/r > 50% 4.5m

Other rocks R/r < 50% 6.Om

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table (water bearing zones and free water table depth) in cut areas (colluvium, faulter or sheared zones) for stability analysis & pavement or subsoil drainage design

- To obtain subsoil propertes and water table for embankment design 81 necessary groundtreatment

- To determine suitability of fill and borrow sources

- To obtain subsoil properties; for foundation design for structures


- Rotary wash boring (NW & HW casings) - 33 Nos

- Rotary wash boring (air foam drilling technique) - 10 Nos (for Mazier samples)

- Trial pits 8z bulk samples/block samples - 10 locations (1.5mx 1.5mx2.Om deep)

- ]KR Probes -200 locations(Until 12m deep or until 400 blows/300mm)

- Hand Augers - 20 Nos

Locations of the above are shown in Drg. Nos A 100Works Spec : JKR Std. Spec., for 51 Works(1980).


3.1 Cud Areas

Boreholes should be terminated after 3 consecutive SPT exceeding 50 or after 3m rock coring or the max depth (about 3m below formation level) specified below, whichever comes first:

* BH21, 131-1213, BH35, BH40- Max depth = I 5m

* BH4, BH30, BH38- Max depth = 25m

* BH 15, BH31, BH25, BH26, BH39- Max depth = 30m

* BH 11, 131"124, BH33, BH42- Max depth = 35m

* BI-141- Max depth = 40m

* Locations of borehoies to be selected to Instal prezometers (Casangrande type') will be decided at the site by the Designer.

3.2 In Fall Areas

Boreholes In filing areas should be terminated as follows :

3.2.1 Alluvial soll or Soft or Swmav Areas :

a. until 10 SPT exceeding 10 or until 10 Insitu vane shear tests exceeding 50 kPa If the height of embankment is less than 3m.

b. until 5 SPT exceeding 20 or 5 Insitu vane shear tests exceeding 75 kPa if the height of embankment is 3m to 5m.

c. until 2 SPT exceeding 50 or 2 SPTexceeding 40 (for depth exceeding 30m) if the height of embankment is more than 5m.

* at least one borehole along the soft stretch should be extended until 3 consecutive SPT exceeds 50 or until 3m rock coring.

3.2.2. Residual Soil Areas :

a. until 5 SPT exceeding 20 If the height of embankment is loss than 6m.

b. until 5 SPT exceeding 30 If the


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height of embankment is more than 6m.

3.3 Bruges & Structures

Locations of boreholes (11115, 6, 7 8t BH 12 8r 13) are shown in the Drg A 100. Estimated depths are given in the BQ.

Boring should be terminated after 5 consecutive SPT exceeds 50, or, 5 consecutive

SPT exceeds 30 if the borehole depth also exceeds 60m. Boring should also be terminated if rock Is encountered. Rock corings shall be carried out as follows :


SPT should be carried out at 1.5m interval except when taking undisturbed samples or where soft cohesive stratum is encountered where Insitu vane shear test should be carried out (at 1.Om to 1.5m interval) instead ofSPT.

Typical undisturbed sanr,ples from soft to firm strata using thin walled stationary pistonsamplers should be taken (ruin 63.5mm diam).

Typical undisturbed sarriples from residual soils using Mazier samplers with detachable inner liner (74mm diarn) should be taken at selected boreholes shown in the Drg. or as directed by the Designer. Air foam drilling technique should be used.


Field borelogs should be sent to the Designeras soon as each borehole is completed. This is to enable the cieslgner to determine as early as possible the types of lab tests required. This is also to enable the Designer, after examination of the field borelogs, to determine the adequacy of SI (to add or to omit scope of SI).

As a general guide, typical disturbed samples from Hand Augers and SPT samplers

from each borehole should be selected for classification tests which Include natural moisture content, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, and particle size distribution(excluding sg, pipette/ hydrometer tests and other chemical tests unless otherwise speci-fied or directed by the Designer).

Typical undisturbed samples from soft to firm strata may be selected for odeometer tests/UU/CIU tests etc.

Typical undisturbed samples from residual soils may be selected for CIU/CD tests. Water samples are for hH 8t salt contents tests.

Bulk samples from trial pits are mainly for classification, compaction & CBR tests.

Block samples will be mainly for trlaxial tests (CIU/CD).

GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIAFOR ROAD WORKSGEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA FORROAD WORKSDESIGN COMPONENT MODE OF FAIL-URE MINIMUM DESIGN MAXIMUMPERMISSIBLE MOVEMENTSFACTOR OFLIFE SAFETY (durability ofmaterials)VERTICAL LATERAL DIFFERENTIAL1. Unreinforced Slopes 1.1 Local S global sta-bility 120 75 yrs Analysis should beaccording to GEOTECHNICAL MANUAL--FOR SLOPES(cut d fill slopes) (1964), GEO Hong Kong .1.2. Bearing (fill) 2.02 Reinforced or treated 2.1 Local d global sta-bility 1 50 75 yrsI slopes (not on son t bait 6 FIl sln~5~ !ground) _^ 2 bearing (fill)r r I t? Ptfnra^en: Anchors ; 1 Tensile Resistance2 0 75 yrs Geo Spec 1 (1989), GEO Hone



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1 ~ 2 Resistance at Soil ! + BS 8051I

s Grout interface 3 01 ) 3 3 Creep/corro-sion4 Ryid Retaining 1 4 1 Overturning ' 18 75 yrs 15 mm along ( 15 mm along 1 15^,Structures4 2Sliding 1 6face of wail Iface of wall I along face of wall ,4 3 Overate Stability 1.5Geoguide I (1983),CEO Hong Kong 4 4 Bearing 2 05 Reinforced fill walls/ External Stability1:100structures _ BS 8006 120 yrs t5mm permetre height I tt 5mm from reference align-ment along face of wall Internal Stability

P8. Individual Foundation 6.1 ShaftResistance 2 075 yrs 12 mm along axis ofpilePies (mainly under axial at pile head aldesign loadloads) 38 mm or 10% pile size) at pile head attwice design load.6 2 Base Resistance 2 0BS 80047 Individual Foundation Ultimate lateral 25 75 yrs 12 mm along axis of pile- 12 mmperpendicular' to axis of piletoads (mainly under lateral & Resistance atpile head al design load at design load bendingloads perpendicular to axis( of pile) BS 80048 Pile group Block Bearing Capacity2 075 yrs12 mm at Working Load 10 mm BS 80049 Piles as retaining As for 4. 6 & 7 above Asfor 75 yrsstructures individualAs 4 above for rigidretaining structuresfoundation BS 8004 piles10. Embankment on Soft 11 1 Bearing (shortterm) 1 475 yrs - Total post construction set-tlement < 4(10 mmGround 11 2 Local 8 global slope 1 2- 5years post construction settlement < loo mm(or 10% of estimated ultimate settlement)stability (long term) (For embankment within10 m from bridge abutment, the above settle-ment criteria should be reduced to t 5Y.)I ,gAOO~wO~ago urll`wrrl.uuv.+'o ~ ,.









1.1 Tujuan garis panduan ini adafah untuk memaklumkan keperluan serta syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Kereltapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) bagi projek-projek jambatan JKR yang melintasi laluan KTMB.


2.1 Di dalam melaksanaka.n projek-projek infrastruktur, sama ada pembinaan jalan baru ataupun menaikkan taraf jalan sedia ada, pihak JKR kerap mendapati ianya melibatkan lirtasan ke atas laluan keretapi.

2.2 Apabila perkara ini berlaku pihak JKR mengikut lazimnya akan merujukkan cadangan mereka kepada. KTMB untuk mendapatkan ulasan serta kelulusan. Biasanya pelan tatatur serta lukisan-lukisan kejuruteraan yang berkaitan akan dikemukakan kepada KTMB. Berdasarkan cadangan ini pihak KTMB akan memberikan ulasan serta syarat-syarat yang perlu dipenuhi oleh JKR.


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2.3 Sejak kebelakangan ini JKR mendapati banyak ketidakseragaman timbul didalam keperluan serta syarat-syarat yang diberikaan oleh KTMB. Perbezaanamat ketara diantara satu projek dengan projek yang lain dan menyebabkan JKR berada di dalam dilema untuk memenuhi keperluan-keperluan tersebut.Perkara ini menjadi lebih ketara dm kr.itikal sejak projek `KTMB Double-Tracking' dilaksanakan. JKR khuatir di dalam rnemenuhi keperluan KTMB ini, ketidakseragaman akan dikesan oleh pihak Odit dan JKR akan dipersalahkan di dalam hal ini.

2.4 Rezab Bersama i(Common Reserve)JKR mempertikaikan tindakan KTMB yang menempkan syarat yang perlu dipatuhi oleh JKR memandangkan.TKRjuga mempunyai hak keatas rezab tersebut. Pihak Kerajaan perlu memutuskan pihak mana yang berhak ke atas common reserve ini.

2.5 Oleh yang deurIika,Ir1 J7(R mendapati amat perlu supaya satu polisi dasar ditetapkan oleh kerajaan bagi keperluan-keperluan yang kritikal bagi memu-dahkan kedua-dua pihak melaksanakan tanggungjawab masing-masing. Perkara ini juga perlu ditetapkan bagi menjamin kedua-dua pihak mernperolehi kos pem-binaan yang ekonomik.

2.6 Keperluan-keltieduan yang; dianggap kritikal oleh JKR meliputi perkara-perkara seperti `Flagging charges’, `Insurance Policy', kelegaan pugak dan mendatar (Horizontal dan vertical clear-ance) serta kerja.-kerja perlindungan (protection works) yang perlu disedia -kan.


3.1 Flagging Charges

3.1.1 Tuntutan ini berlaku hanya apabila Zon keselamatan KTMB dimasuki.


Zon keselamatan KTMB adalah dite-tapkan sebagai kawasan yang berada di dalam kefnggian 6 m menegak di atas landasan dan jarak 10 m men-datar dari garis tengah landasan (within 6 m above the track and 10mfrom the centre line of the track).

3.1.2. Kakitangan KTMB perlu berada ditapak bina bagi mengawal/menghadkan hadlaju normal keretapi kepada 10km/jam.

3.1.3. Tuntutan bukan bagi keseluruhan tempoh projek tetapi hanya pada masa-masa yang digunakan adalah tetap. Kadar ini telah digunakan olehKTMB selama 10 tahun.

Kadar yang ditentukana adalah 2 (man) x RM50/hari.

3.2. Inconvenience charges

3.2.1. Penutupan sementara atau pen-gawalan halaju normal keretapi mengganggu kelanearan jaclual per-jalanan.

3.2.2. KTMB mahu mempastikan landasankeretapi sentiasa selamat. JKR perlu menjelaskan aktiviti kerja yang akan mengganggu perjalanan keretapi supaya k:os ke atas bayaran kesulitandapat ditaksirkan.

3.2.3. Kadar 'incovenience charges' akan dibayar kepada KTMB mengikut Garis Panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Keretapi Malaysia.

3.3. Insurance Coverage

Pihak KTMB menetapkan supaya satu polisi insuran untuk tujuan `damage & potential loss of income' disediakan oleh JKR bagi melindun-gi kerja-kerja melibatkan laluan mereka semasa pembinaan.

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KTMB tidak akan menetapkan 'Insurance Coverage' yang berasin -gan jika `All Risk Insurance' yatig disediakan oleh JKR di dalam kon-trak utama meliputi:

a) Kerugian yang ditanggung oleh KTMB akibat daripada kelewatanperjalanan keretapi (train delay) dise-babkan oleh akitiviti-aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan projek.

(b) Kerugian pendapatan (loss of income)

‘All risk insurance' yang disediakan dalam kontrak JKR didapati wajar dan cukup unnik tujuan in.i. Oleh itu JKR berpendapat bahawa kos tamba-han untuk satu insuran polisi yang berasingan adalah membazirkan dan tidak diperlukan.

3.4. Kelegaan Pugak: (Vertical Clearance)

3.4.1 Kelegaan P.Igak ada.lahi kelegaan yang diperlukan dari landasan keretapi ke bahagian paling bawah struk-tur jambatan yang merentangi lan-dasan keretapi.

3.4.2. JKR menghadapi rruisalah besar di dalam perkara ini di mana pihak KTMB kerapkali mengubali kelulu-san asal di atas kelegaan pugak. Penambahan kelegaan pugak ini bukan sahaja meningkatkan kos pembinaan jambatan dengar, bariyak teta.pi juga menyukarkan JKR untuk menyediakan cerun yang selarnat yang memenuhi kriteria Arahan Teknik Jalan terutama jika jambatan ini terletak. berhampiran dengan persimpangan.

3.4.3. Keperluan maksimum KTMB bagi kelegaan pugak dari sudut kejuruter-aan Elektrik adalah 6.1m bagi lan-dasan yang mempunyai sistem `cate-

nary'. Ketinggian pugak kabe adalah 4.4m. Amalan KTMB buat masa ini untuk landasan ya.ng tiada talian elektrik kelegaan pugak adalah 6.Omdari paras landasan. Bagi landasan berelektrik kelegaan pugak adalah 7.0m.

3.4.4. Kelegaan Fhigak yang telah dipersetujui untuk digunapakai adalah seperti berikut .

3.4.4. Kelegaan Pugak 7.0 m adalah diper-lukan bagi struktur jambatan yang merentangi laluan keretapi yang telah mempunyai sistem elektrifikasi iaitu di Lembah Klang (laluan Sentulke Pelabuhan Klang dan laluan Seremban - Rawang). Sekiranya Kelegaan Pugak 7.0 m yang diperlukan bagi struktur jam-batan yang merentangi laluan kere-tapi yang telah mempunyai sistem elektrifrkasi tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh pihak yang; bertanggungjawab membina jambatan tersebut kerana sebab-sebab teknikal dan sebagainya yang munasabah, pihak KTMB akanmemberi pertimbangan berdasarkan projek ke projek. Kelegaan Pugak 6.1 m adalah diper-lukan bagi struktur jambatan yang merentangi laluan keretapi yang belum mempunyai sistem elektrifrkasi.

3.5 Kelegaan Mendatar (Horizontal Clearance)

3.5.1 Kelegaan mendatar yang telah dipersetujui adalah 25m. Ini telah mengambilkira jarak antara landasan dari tengah ke tengah yang mempun-yai talian elek.trik iaitu 4.7m dan jarak zon keselamatan minima dari tengah landasan k:e rezab KTMB memberi jumlah lebih kurang 17m kelegaan mendatar bagi laluan `dou


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ble tracking'.3.5.2 Bagi laluan berhampiran stesyen, di

mana kelegaan mendatar 25m tidak mencukupi dare KTMB memerlukankelegaan mendatar yang lebih, KTMB hendaklah mengemukakan justifikasi lengkap berhubung den-gan kelegaan yang diperlukan dan ianya hendaklah diluluskan oleh Jabatan Keretapi Malaysia.

3.6 Parapet Wall

3.6.1 KTM bersetuju merlggunapakai lukisan `New Jersey Barrier' dan `Parapet Wall' yang telah disediakan oleh JKR pada jambatan merentangi laluan keretapi yang telah disediakanuntuk projek Jalan Lingkaran Dalam Johor Bahru, Johor untuk. diguna-pakai bagi lain-lain projek jambatan merentangi laluan keretapi. `New Jersey Barrier' dan `Parapet Wall' ini telah direkabentuk dengan inengambilkira faktor keselamatan pengguna jalanraya atau jimbatan dan juga keselamatan laluan keretapi di bahagian bawah jambatan tersebut.

3.6.2 `New Jersey Barrier' dan `Parapet Wall' pada jambatan merentangi lalu-an keretapi yang (Yigunapakai terse-but telah direkabentuk dengan mengambilkira perkara-perkara berikut

(a) Kenderaan ttidak rnudah jatuh ke atas landasan KTMB.

(b) Pejalan kaki - pejalan kaki tidak sewenang-wenangnya boleh melompat daripada jambatan berkenaan.

(c) Pejalan kaki-pejalan kaki tidak mudah melakukan perkara-perkara yang boleh mendatangkan bahaya kepada mereka dan kerosakan harta benda. termasuk melontar objek ke kawasan laluan keretapi.

(d) Keperluan standard rekabentuk geometri jalan seperti jaraj pandan-gan (sight distance) dan faktor keselamatan pengguna jalanraya/jambat-an dengan penggunaan New Jersey Barrier.

3.6.3 Ketinggiarl Parapet: Wall adalah 1.8 m.

3.6.4 `Approach, road' k:e j ambatan hendaklah mempunyai New Jersey Barrier bagi menghalang kenderaan daripada terjatuh kedalam kawasan laluan keretapi.

3.7 Kerja-Kerja Perlindunga,nPagar keselainatan sementam perlu disediakan 50m sebelum dan 50m selepas lokasi jambawn melintasi landasan. Ini adalah untuk keselamatan pekerja semasa kerja pembinaan dijalanlcin bagi menghalang pekerja dari memasuki landasan keretapi. Ketinggian pagan hendaklah 6m.


4.1 Permohonart kepada KTMB

4.1.1 Segala bentuk perirlohonan pembi-naan jambatan melintasi landasan keretapi perlu aialamatkan kepadaJabatan Pengurusan Hartanah Tkt. 1, Blok Annexe Selatan Bangunan Stesen Keretapi Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin 5,0621 Kuala Lumpur

4.1.2 Permohonan hendaklah dalam bentuk9 set dokumen-dokumen yang mengandungi perkara dibawah: Lukisan KejuruteraanLukisan kejuruteraan berserta reka-bentuk konsep hendaklah mengan-dungi lukisan susun atur tapak yang menunjukkan kelegaan pugak dan ufuk cadangn pembinaan jambatan itu. la haruslah menunjukkan bentuk


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peparitan yang akan disediakan bagi membolekan pihak KTMB menge-tahui cara mengeluarkan air larian permukaan, bentuk struktur jambat-an, jenis cerucuk yang digunakan. Lukisan Ukur Tanah Pelan susun atur dan keratan bujur bagi landasan keretapi 1000m sebelum dan 1000m selepas jambatan melintasi landasan keretapi. Program kerja yang menjelaskan jadual kerja pembinaan yang akan dilaksanakan dikawasan sekitaran landasan keretapi. `Method Statement' bagaimana kerja-kerja akan dijalankan dikawasan tersebut. Antara lain perkara-perkara yang perlu adalah kaedah bagaimana pembinaan jam-batan akan dijalankan, kaedah penanaman cerucuk, jenis mesin yang akan digunakan. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang ada kaitan dikawasan rezab KTMB hendaklah dinyatakan juga. Ini bagi anggaran kos kesulitan dapat ditaksirkan.

4.1.3 Salinaq surat pen;nohonan kepada KTMB hendaklah dihantar kepada Jabatan Keretapi Malaysia. Saliana surat permohonan tersebut hendaklah disertakan bersama:

a) Pelan susun atur jambatan yang merentangi laluan keretapi.

b) Pelan Keratan rentas di bahagian bawah jambatan. Salinan Surat permohonan hendaklahdialamatkan kepada

Pengarah Teknikal Jabatan Keretapi Malaysia Blok. B, Tingkat 2, Wisma Semantan Jalan Gelenggang50490 KUALA LUMPUR.

4.2 Tempoh Permohonark Dam Kelulusan.

4.2.1 Permofonan untuk melaklanakan jambatan merentangi laluan keretapi hendaklab dikemukakan kepada KTM Berhad tidak kurang dari lima (5) minggu sebelum kerja -kerja pembinaan dijalankan.

4.2.2 KTM Berhad akan Inemberikan kelulusan untuk melaklsanakan kerja-kerja pembinaan dalmn tempuhtidak lebih daripada lima (5) minggu dari tarikh permohonan dikemukakan kecuali bagi kes-kes yang luar biasa.

4.3 Koordinasi Antara Agensi Terlibat.Koordinasi antara JKJt, KTMB dan Jabatan Keretapi Malaysia akan dibuat dari masa ke masa semasa peringkat rekabentuk sehinggalah pembinaan struktur lintasan keretapi bagi melicinkan perjalanan projek dan mengurangkan gangguan kepadaperjalanan keretapi.


5.1 Peraturan yang diiteta.pkara dalam garis panduan ini adalah berkuat kuasa sertamerta.

5.2 Garis Panduan ini boleh digunapakaioleh lain-lain jabatan atau agensi Kerajaan yang berkaitan.

5.2 Sebarang persoalan b.rkai.tan denganpelaksanaan mana-mana peraturan seperti yang ditetapkrn dalarn garis panduan ini, hendaklah ditujukan kepada

Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia Cawangan. Jalan, Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja RayaJalan Sultan Salahuddin50582 Kuala Lumpur.


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JABATAN AUDIT NEGARA(National Audit Department)Jalan Cenderasari 50518 Kuala Lumpur.Tel. 03 - 26966422Fax 003 - 26930264

Ruj. TuanRul. Kami.(16)dlm.Audit/Ps:JKR

/726/4 JWJIITarikh. 24 Oktober 1998

Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya,lbu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja it aya.,Jalan Sultan Sal.ahuddin,50580 Kuala Lumpur.

U.P. Puan Ir. Nafisah bt H.j. Abd. AzizCawangan Jalan.


Garis Panduan Untuk Dasar,Terhadap Keperluan KTMB BagiProjek-projek Jambatan MelintasiLaluan Keretapi

Dengan segala hormatnya perkara tersebut diatas adalah dirujuk.

2. Pada pandangan Audit, pekara yangpenting dalam menetapkan garis panduan iniadalah penetapan prosedw.-Prresedur teknikaldan pcntadbiran yang perlu dipatuhi olehJabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) dan juga KeretapiTanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) dalarn pelak-sanaan projek Untasan keretapi. Pihak Auditkurang bersetuju terhadap bayaran FlaggingCharges dan Inconvenience Charges yang dim-inta, oleh KTMB. Berikut adalah sebab-sebab-nya :

i. Tiada sebarang peraturan atau undang-undang yang sedang berkuatkuasa

Setakat ini tidak ada sebarang peraturan atau undang-undang yang membenarkan bayaran parnpasan kepada orang awam atau mana-mana pihak lain dalam pelak-

sanaan projek-projek infrastruktur Kerajaan Persekutuan akibat dari gang-guan kepada pihak-pihak yang berke-naan ketika sesuatu kerja sedang dilak-sanakan.

ii. Tanggungjawab KTMB terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur Negara

Sebahagian besar modal :Sahara KTMBdimiliki oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan. Maka dalam usaha Kerajaan Persekutuan membangunkan infrastruk-tur negara yang mans memberi facdah kepada sernua pihak, adalah kurang menasabah bagi KTMB untuk tidak mahu memikul sedikit kos (flagging charges & inconvenience charges) bagi membuktikan bahawa KPAB jugs prihatin terhadap pembangunan infrastruk-tur negara.

iii. KTMB dapat menjimatkan kos

Pembinaan jambatan rrielintasi laluan keretapi bukan sahaja memberi faedah kepada orang, awam, tetapi juga secara langsung menjimatkan kos dan masa kepada KTMB. Ini adalah kerana KTMB tidak perlu lagi menempatkan pekerja-pekerjanya bagi mengawal lalulintas ketika keretapi melintasi lin-tasan berpagar. Gaji dan kemudahan yang perlu disediakan bagi pekerja-pekerja yang berkenaan adalah penji-matan kepada KTMB.

iv. Tuntutan KTMB akan menjadi prec-dent kepada pihak lainJika inconvenience charges dibayar kepada KTMB dalam urursan kerajaan melaksanakan projek-projek pembangu-nan kerana ado elemen gangguan kepada KTMB, maka pihak-pihak lain juga akan membuat tuntutan yang sedemikian terhadap kerajaan kerana telah mengalami gangguan. Maka bayaran kepada KTMB akan menjadi satu precedent kepada pihak-pihak lain. Mengikut amalan, di setiap lintasan


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keretapi berpagar, KTMB terpaksa menghalang lalulintas sementara waktu bagi membenarkan keretapi melintasi jalan raya. Dalam kes-kes sedemikian tidak pernah timbul permintaan inconvenience charges oleh mana-mana pihaklain terhadap KTMB.

v. Gangguan tidak dapat diukur dalam nilai wang

Kerugian yang telah dialami oleh KTMB akibat daripada kerja-kerja yang sedang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan tidak dapat ditentukan ataupun ditaksirkan. Pihak Audit hanya bersetuju KTMB menuntut kerugian dalam keadaankeadaan yang berikut:

- Sek:iranya terdapat litigasi oleh pihak swam terhadap KTMB yang berpunca dari kerja-kerja yang dijalankan oleh JKR secara langsung.

- Laluan keratapi langsung tidak dapatdigunakan.

- Bilangan. keretapi yang boleh lalu setiap hari terpaksa dikurangkal,-i akibat kerja-kerja

vi. Flagging charges pada RM50/hari bagi dua orang pada masa-masa sebenarnya diperlukan merupakan sate petty claim. Biarkanlah ini menjadi satu sumbangan. kecil oleh KTMB terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur negara oleh kerajaan..

3. Dengan sebab-schab yang tersebut diatas pada pendapat Audit, adalah tidak wajarsama sekali bagi KTMB meminta kerajaanmembayar KTMB kerana terdapat sedikitgangguan terhadap laluan keretapi. Apa yangamat penting demi menjaga keselamatan ter-hadap orang avvam don harta benda kerajaanataupun KTMB, ialah mengadakan prosedur-prosedur teknikal don pentadbiran bagi KTMBdon JKR mematuhi, supaya kerja-kerja pembi-

naan jambatan melintasi laluan keretapi dapatdilaksanakan dengan lancar, selamat don men-gakibatkan kesulitan yang paling minimumkepada mana-mana pihak.

Sekian, terima kasih.



Saya yang menurut perintah,

(P RANCES SOOZA)Ketua Cawangan Audit Kerij Raya Bahagian Audit Kerajaan Persekutuan b.p. Ketua Audit NegaraMalaysia.

1.-This kinematic envelope is based on . aspeed of 120 Kph and incorporates the follow-ing track tolerances o1.1 Track. alignment ±25 mm1.2 Vertical track tolerance +25mm 1.3 Crosslevel error =15mm2. This kinematic envelope allows for vehiclebounce of 25mm3. The clearance indicated are based on straightand level tracks ; allowdnces must be made forsuperelevation and curvature(end throws/centre throws)


by Ir Neoh Cheng Alk

1. Introduction

Reinforced flll structures mean :structures with vertical or near vertical face (B > 70°) which compresses tensile and shall include any connections and any facing ensure stability.

There has been an increasing extensive use of reinforced fill structures to replace con


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ventional R.C. Walls for road projects in Malaysia since early 80'. There are at least 5 different reinforced fill structure systems available In Malaysia market. The rehability and durability aspects of these systems with particular reference to reinforcing elements, fills, facings, connections etc are quite doubtful due to lack of acceptance criteria and approval procedure.

This paper will briefly discuss the foundamentai concept of reinforced fill structures, compare the differences between various common systems available and subsequentlypropose minimum design requirements for reinforced fill structures.

2. Foundamental Concept

Fig. l - shows effect of reinforcement on a soil element.

Fig.2 - shows typical forms of reinforcement.

Table l Checidist for investigation of reinforcement products.

Fig.3 - Definitions and types of walls and abutments.

FIg.4 - Design procedure for reinforced soil walls

Fig 5 - Minimum sizing of reinforces fill structures.

Fig.6 - Min FOS against various ultimatelimit states - external stability.

Fig.7 - shows serviceability limit states external and internal stability.

Table 2 Usually accepted tolerances for faces of reinforced fill structures/walls.

3. Types of Reinforced Fill Structure

Reinforced Fill StrucL-ure systems such as

RE Walls, Nehemiah Walls, Wetsoll Walls, Muld Anchor Wall, Keystone Walls etc

have been commonly used. A comparison with particular reference to the facings, fas-teners, connections, reinforcing elements, fills etc are given In Appendix A.

4. Proposed Design Criteria

4.1.Design life :a. For bridge abutments walls and bridge

approach walls: 120 years

b. For retaining walls: 70 years

c. For Temporary Works: 5 years or service life expected

4.2 FOS

See Pos Slim Lojing

4.3 Reinforcing element (steel)

Carbon Steel Strip to BS 1449: Part 1: 1972 either quality KHR 34/20P or KHR 54/35P. Shall be hot-dip galvanised (BS 729: 1986) and minimum zinc coating 610g/m1(85 microns). The sacrificial steel thickness allowance for each surface of galvanised steel compo-nent should be 0.75mm.

4.4 Fill

Basically sand with the following prop-erties shall be use

Max size 150mm% passing l Omm BS sieve >25% passing 600 microns > 896 passing 63 microns 0-10pH 5-10resistivity (ohm-m) >10chloride ion content <0.02%Total sulphate content <0.2%Total sulphide content <0.03%


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4.5 Facings

R.C types of various shapes

4.6 Connections

Connections between facing and reinforcing element shall be

(a) Precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts which shall be made from steel alloy Grade 8.8 to BS 3692: 1967

(b) Black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts which shall comply with BS 4190:1967. The strength grade shall not less than 4.6 for bolts and screwsand 4.0 for nuts.

(c) Plain washers shall be of either FormA or Form E to BS 4320: 1968 and shall be made from cold-rolled car-bon steel strip CS4 complying with BS 1449: Part 1: 1972

(d) Dowels and rods (BS 4449: 1984) orGrade 50B complying with BS 4360:1979

All steel shall hot-dip galvanised to BS 729:1972 and minimum zinc coating shall be 610g/mz (85 microns).

Design philosoohvLimit state design, with load factors and mate-rial factors GeneralLoad factors fts applies to weight of structureand earth pressure behind (here: fts - 1.5)fq applies to traffic load and induced earth pres-sure (fq = 1.5)Material factor fm material factor: fm =(fmss*fm12)*(fm21*fm2:) to take account of...fns 1 manufacturing variationsfm12 extrapolation of data and confidence oflong-term capacity assessment frn2t construc-tion damagefm22 rate of environmental and aging degra-dation

Ramifications of failure, fn to take account ofeconomic ramifications of failure (fo = 1.0 to1.1) Long-term base strength °l'sDesign tensile load I'D s To / (fm *fn) whereTD includes load factorsi.e. practically: (frs; fq)*Tat s To / (fm *fo)Galvanized steel strip reinforcement1 (width w)Design thicknessE< = En - Es (nominal thick-ness - sacrificed thickness)Sacrificed thickness Es = 0.9mrn for 70 yrsservice life; 1.5mm for 120yrsLong-term base strength To = wv* E: *au(au = rupture stress)Material factors (En 2 4mm)) fm=(fmss*fm12)*(fmzs*fa22)= 1.5Allowable tensile load Tassow S w*E:*au/[(fts: fq)*fm*fn]= w*Ec*au /(1.5* 1.5* 1.0)Tauow S 0.414*( %,*Ec*au)Polymeric reinforcementsLong-term base strength To = extrapolatedtensile creep rupture strength at end of servicelife TCRMaterial factors fm 11 z 1.0 depending onquality control and tolerancesfmt2 z log(ta/tt) depending on consistencyof products testedwhere to =design service life, ti = duration ofreal time creep tests fm21 to be derived fromtrials, plus assessment of long-term effectsfm22 to be assessed, depending on polymer,soil chemistry. temperature, state ofstress,design service life etc..Allowable tensile load Taw% s Tctt / [(frs:fq)*fm*fn) = TCR /[1.5*fin* 1.0) Tatsow 50.67*Tcx / [(fmst*fmr2)*(fm21*&_2)J_AASHTO (Interim 19941Design hiphilosophy iL loso_ohvWorking stresses (no load factors)Galvanized steel strip reinforce== (width w)Allowable stress 0.55 ay (sy = yield stress)Design thicknessEC = En - Es (nominal thick-ness - sacrificed thickness)Sacrificed thickness (until end of design serv-ice life)1/ galvanization (86p) laplside/yr for first 2years, 4g/side/yr for subsequent years2/ steel (Es) 12p/side/yr after zinc depletion(i.e. 1.42mm for 75 yrs service life) Allowabletensile load Tallow s w*Fu*0.55FyTassow S 0.5.5*(w*Ec*ay)


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Polymeric reinforcementsLimit state tensile load Ts highest load level atwhich no failure can occur within design serv-ice lifeFactors FC"factor of safety" with respect toconstruction damage. to be determined by tests(1.05 < FC < 3.50)FD "factor of safety" with respect to environ-mental and aging losses, to be based on productspecific data (1.1 < FD < 2.0)FS overall factor of safety to account foruncertainties in structure geometry, externallyapplied loads, fill properties, reinforcementmanufacturing ,variations (1'S == 1.78)Allowable tensile load 'Tallow s:Ti/QFC*FD*FS) 'Tallow s 0.56*Ti/(FC*FD)


Garispanduan don Arahan Teknik (Jalan) yangteiah oaerbitkan oleh Unit Rekabentuk Jalan,Cawangan Jalan, Jabatan Kerja Rays, bolehdibeli daripada :

Cawangan Pengurusan Tender dan Harta Bahagian Kewangan dan AkaunBlak A, Tingkat Bawah Kementerian Karja Raya Jalan Sultan Salahuddin 50580 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 4684316

Pembayaran hendaklah dibuat dengan kirimanwang (.Money order) atau postal order atasname Ketua Akauntan Kementerian KerjaRaya.

Harga Garlapanduan & Arahan Teknik (Jalan)

1. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 1/85 (Pindaan 1/89) Manual On Design Guidelines ofLongitudinal Traffic Barrier ...........RM2.00

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3. Arshan Teknik (Jelsn) 2B/85Manual on Traffic Control Devices:Traffic Sign Applications ............... RM5.00

4. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 2C/85Manual on Traffic Control Devices: Temporary Sign And Work Zones Control............................................ RM10.00

5. Arehan Teknik (Jalan) 213183Manual on Trat Control Devices:Road Marking And Delineation ...RM4.00

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10. Arshan..Teknik (Jalan) 8/85 (Pindaen 1/88)Guidelines for Presentation ofEngineering Drawings ........................ RM5.00

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12., Arehart Teknik (Jalan) 8/88A Guide On Geometric Design of Roads ......


13. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 9/88Guidelines for The Installation of KilometrePast... ...............................................Tidak dijual


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14. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 10/86A Guide To The Design of Cycle Track .........


15. Anahen Teknik (Jalan) 11187A Guide To The Design of At-GradeIntersections .................................. RM11.00

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17. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 13187A Guide To The Design of Traffic Signals .....................................................................RM9.00

18. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 14/87Model Terms of Reference For DetailedGround Survey And Engineering Designof Roads .......................................... RM3.00

19. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 15197Intermediate Guidelines to DrainageDesign of Roads ...............................RM30.00

20. Note Teknik (John) 19/97Intermediate Guidelines to Road ReserveLandscaping .....................................RM20.00

21. Construction Supervision Manual forContract Roadworks ........................RM50.00

22. Guidelines for Inspection A Testing ofRoad Works .....................................RM30.00

23. A Guide to the Visual Assessment ofFlexible Pavement Surface Conditions .....................................................................RM20.00

24. Interim Guide to Evaluation andRehabilitation of Flexible Road Pavement ................................................................RM20.00

25. Interim Guide on Identifyirrg. Prioritisingand Testing Hazardous Locations on Roadsin Malaysia ......................................RM30.00

26. Guidelines for the Environmental ImpactAssessment of Highway/Road Project ...........RM45.00

27. Standard Specification for Road Works..................................................... RM22.00

28. Road Safety Audit Guidelines for the So"Audit of Roads' and Road Project In Malaysia..................................................... RM200.00

Minit Mesyuarat Defination Rock,Unsuitable Material & Concrete RoadKerb Yang Diadakan Pada 17 Mac1998 Di Bilik Mesyurat, CawanganJalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, KualaLumpur.

Yang Hadir

1. Dato' Ir Dr. Wahid b. Omar - Pengarah Jalan (Pengerusi)

2. Ir Neoh Cheng Aik - JPK (R)

3. Ir Chin Wei Cheng - Tim. Pengarah (Caw. SKP)

4. Ir Rohani bt Razak - JPK (J)

5. Ir Wong Wai Cheng - JPK (Projek)

6. Ir Goh Chee Eng - PPK (HPU)

7. Ir. Abu Harith b. Hj. Shamsudin - PP(Caw. Bangunan)

8. Pn. Tan Kim Lian - Jurukur BahanKanan(Caw. Kontrak dan Ukur Bahan)

9. Cik Noriha Derin - Wakil LLM

10. Ir Kamalaldin Abd. Latif - PPK (Standard)

11. Pn. Aishah Othrnan- PPK (Pelbagai)

12. Dr. Azmi b. Hassan - PPK (Senggara)

13. Pn. Nafisah bt. Abd. Aziz - PPK (Zon Selatan)


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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L

14. Ir Baharanuddin Che Zain - PPK (Zon Utara)

15. Ir Kamil Puat b. Nil - PPK (Zon Timur)

16. Pn. Roziyah bt. Ismrail- PP (Jurukur Bahan)

17. Pn. Naelah bt. Mat Kasa - Jurutera Awam (Standard)

2. Tujuan Mesyuarat

Tujuan mesyuarat ialah :

1. Membincang definition baru untuk 'rock& excavation of rock'.

2. Membincang definition of unsuitable material and removal/replacement of unsuitable material.

3. Membincang cadangan baru concrete road kerb.

3. Definition of Rock & Excavation of Rock.

Ir Neoh explained various typical definitions of rock by geologist, engineers & QS. For works specification purpose, definition of rock should be :-

SIMPLEeasily understood by contractors & site supervisors; only simple test by equipment easily available no expert knowledge is required in interpretation.

PRECISEclear-cut, objective and specific in nature; minimum personal discretion is required in interpretation & decision.

REALISTICrealistic in reflecting cost of excavation & time (within a reasonably accurate margin).

Ir Neoh also informed that when rock is

encountered in bulk excavation, it can usuallybe loosened by:-.- drilling & blasting (use explosives or chemi-cals)- ripping (use D7, D8 or DO).- excavating by powerful hydraulic excavator(effective and practical only for soft rock)- pneumatic tools (slow, < 5m3/hr).- wedges & sledge; hammers (very slow, prac-tical only for small quantity of rock).- combination of the above.Cost effective method for rock excavationdepends on:- type of rock- degree of weathering- joints/discontinuities (spacing)- zon (intact/sheared/faulted) - quantities/vol-ume- time constraint- environmental and site constraints


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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L


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Design Review Checklist For Road Projects

Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L