design strategy presentation ppp

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Page 2: design strategy presentation ppp

BEFORE LCA Papercutting Summer Alphabet

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Before I came onto the course I was really interested in papercutting, and that’s what I based my summer alphabet on. I thought I was going to do a lot of that while I was here, but I haven’t done it at all and it isn’t something that I’m really bothered about now I know what else there is to do.
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BEFORE LCA Loved typography

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I was also interested in creating type, and used to do it in my spare time, but I haven’t done anything like this since I’ve been on the course either. I now know a lot more about typography though, so might start doing it again over Summer.
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BEFORE LCA Loved packaging design

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I was also obsessed with packaging design, and in particular sustainable packaging. I collected a lot of books about it, and collected a lot of images on pinterest. It is something I always thought I was going to go into.
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discovered Is packaging for me? A Brief History Of…

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Although I haven’t done a lot of packaging on the course, when I have done it I have hated the production of it and found doing the maths and prototypes uninteresting and hard, which isn’t something I thought I would find.
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discovered Realised editorial design wasn’t boring

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I also realised I really like editorial design, something I had previously thought would be quite boring. I’ve designed a few books since being here and enjoyed each one, and for now this is definitely the area of design that I want to focus on.
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Learnt Are my design decisions appropriate? Readability, legibility, stock, font etc

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I think the thing I’ve learnt which has helped me the most when designing is thinking ‘are the design decisions I’m making appropriate?’ For example, I chose red and blue for the banner of the British Wartime Recipes book as they are the same colour as the British flag, and chose antique white stock to give it an older look.
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Learnt Think crits are important Enjoy getting feedback and criticism as I want to improve

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I really like having crits as I like having another person’s perspective and seeing how I can improve or what else I can do.
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Strengths Stick to own deadlines Blog as I go Prioritise work

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One of my strengths while being on the course is being organised with my work and time management. I always write my own deadlines to stick to and a checklist so I don’t forget anything and have contingency time if something goes wrong. I think that has been really important this year as I haven’t had to rush a project.
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Strengths Like to produce things myself Photography, binding, creating bodycopy, screenprinting etc

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I think another strength I have is that I like to produce things myself, for example bookbinding, photography and trying different methods such as screenprinting. I like to do this so that I can understand how things work and can say everything is my own work.
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Weaknesses Need to improve on drawing and use of Photoshop

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When it comes to my weaknesses I am not a very good drawer and I feel like this limits me in my work because I try and stay away from it when I’m thinking of ideas for a project, so everything I do is mainly digital. I’m also not very good with Photoshop so need to practice using that a bit more.
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Weaknesses Production: Double sided printing, transition from net to product, finish

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When it comes to the production side of things I really need to improve as it has an impact on how my work looks. For example, on the Brief History brief, when I printed it double sided it wasn’t aligned properly, and when I cropped it some pages had too much taken off. The box I made for the same brief was also quite poor and I wasn’t happy with how that looked. On the most recent PPP project I screenprinted the whole book and unfortunately printed the front cover upside down, so I need to concentrate on the production aspect a lot more to get things right.
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I Enjoyed Designing books These projects made me realise how much I like editorial

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These are some of the briefs that I’ve enjoyed the most. The 10 Things and Research Collect Communicate briefs are the ones which made me realise that I really like editorial design and wanted to take it further.
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I Enjoyed Get more people to read Group achieved a lot Enjoyed audience

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I also liked the Get More People To Read brief, as I was working in a group and everyone produced a lot of really good work, it was consistent and it all came together well I think. I also liked designing for children and think I’d like to do that again.
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I Enjoyed Message and Delivery Subject matter Illustration

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I enjoyed this brief as I learnt a lot more about gender equality when researching for it and I like learning about the topic and I also think it’s interesting how different design is when aimed at males or females. It is a theme I would like to address again.
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I Enjoyed It’s Up To You Screenprinting Editorial Challenging

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I also enjoyed the latest brief, Its Up To You. I learnt a lot about screenprinting as I screenprinted the book, cv and business cards. I also used the lasercutter and I just really enjoyed doing these processes and learning about them. I found it quite challenging as screenprinting was very time consuming especially as I had never done it before, and I also found it hard at first to think of the content, but now I’ve done it I think it reflects me well and I am very happy with the outcome.
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I disliked Secret 7” Got stressed as I didn’t like final resolution

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The one project I disliked was the Secret 7” brief. This was because I tried lots of different ideas and variations and I really wanted to do the song I chose justice, but I just couldn’t create something that I was happy with. I was getting quite stressed with it because I wanted to produce something worthwhile, but just couldn’t seem to. I ended up getting the highest grade so far on this module, so I think I just need to not worry about it as much in future.
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In Future I want to learn Coding How to be more sustainable Production of packaging Experiment with layout more Improve drawing

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Over Summer I really want to learn about web design and how to code, how to be a more sustainable designer and improve my drawing. Next year I want to learn more about the production of packaging to see if I like it any more, and experiment more with layout and editorial.