Design Thinking for BETTER COMMUNITY in the City of Bridgeport ABSTRACT ABOUT THE CITY OF BRIDGEPORT Founded in 1821, the city of Bridgeport is not only the largest city in Conneccut, but one of the most diverse communies as well, with over 20 countries represented in a city of over 150,000 cizens. The goal for this project was to focus on revitalizaon, waste management and bringing the waterfront scene back to life. As Design Management student, we explored this problem through the lens of design thinking. Using the design thinking process, while considering profitability, sustainability and social responsibility, we developed a series of proposals which acvate the exisng key resources in order to bring more aenon which will benefit the city. INSIGHTS THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS The design thinking process combines empathy to enable deep understanding and re-framing of a problem, creavity to generate insights and soluons, and raonality to analyze and fit soluons to the context. Empathize: Through primary and secondary research, we assessed the company’s promotional strategy in order to develop specialized solutions. Define: The main problem the city of Bridgeport faces is the unsafe condions and unclean image, which in turn decreases the value of the property, as well as desire to live here. The reason being the lack of effecve communicaon about the value of the organizaon. Ideate: We produced a variety of unique soluons for each idenfied weakness. Prototype: We designed the soluons to address the client’s problem areas. Test: Through presenng these soluons to the client, we were then able to take a comparavely generalized approach, and proceed further in developing the cost and process of implementaon. THE KEY PROBLEMS By empathizing with the client through the first design thinking stage, it was evident that there were three main areas of concern: a lack of safety, an overabundance of waste and the underulizaon of pre- exisng resources. By addressing these areas of concern, we can revitalize the image of this seaside city. Empathize Ideate Prototype Define Test SHINTARO AKATSU SCHOOL OF DESIGN MPS IN DESIGN MANAGEMENT ADVISOR: Alex W. White FIRST AUTHOR: Yanjinlkham Munkhbat Brisa Barraza | Canas Jusn | Hussein Hussein | Jingwei Kang | Marsha Mao | Emmanuel Noi | Alice Scalfi | Ryan Therrien | Qiushi Zhang | Zheng Peicheng CONCLUSION IT IS ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Design Management can be described either as the business side of design or the design side of business. Either way, it is a method of creatively solving complex problems. For this project, we used our tool to revitalize our neighborhood and to create a better community through engaging activities, creating a clean and welcoming environment and reactivating more key resources where people can spend valuable time. For the City of Bridgeport, we applied this methodology to develop solutions for the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. MAIN SOLUTION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Since the start of this project, the greatest concern has been the safety of the residents. Therefore we explored various ways to promote community engagement that fosters a safe and welcoming atmosphere. SOLUTION: FOODIE FORUM The Foodie Forum is designed to bring groups of different backgrounds to share their cultures, and of course delicious nave cuisine. By recognizing the rich diversity throughout the city of Bridgeport, our objecve was to turn diversity into unity. The Foodie Forum is a celebraon of the different cultural foods that each naonality will be able to share, and bring everyone closer together. ACTIVATING EXISTING KEY RESOURCES The city of Bridgeport has many profitable resources that can be beer ulized. Numerous opportunies await to be reacvated, and with a proper cost-benefit analysis, the benefit from its potenal revenue will become evident. Using this resource, there is an opportunity for financial growth. SOLUTION: PROPOSAL FOR BOAT & PICNIC EXCURSION Therefore: Pleasure Beach is one of Bridgeport’s great aracons, however, its best days sll remain to be seen. In order to rejuvenate this asset, we designed a picnic service by connecng the exisng taxi boat service, consumers, and local restaurants. A dedicated website will make the operaon more subtle yet efficient, and it will also aract visitors to the different aracons in Bridgeport. WHAT DO YOU FEEL ABOUT BRIDGEPORT? WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT BRIDGEPORT? WHAT DOES BRIDGEPORT LACK OF? WHAT DO YOU DISLIKE ABOUT BRIDGEPORT? 58% 10% 16% 16% I do not have much feeling toward Bridgeport I am proud of being a Bridgeporter I prefer not to talk about it Others Beer Garbage Removal System Fun Place Good Reputaon (It’s a great city) Other (Good Restaurants, beer sidewalks, gym....) 15% 15% 15% 55% 47% 21% 16% 16% It is a diverse community It has beauful parks It offers various of acvies Other High Crime Rate Dirty Street Nothing Really Not Enough Business Others 30% 25% 15% 10% 20% LUNCH BASKET Food Choice from 14 different Restaurant ( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.) Pick-up: 11:00 AM Drop-off: 1:30 PM Price: $$+ SUNSET BASKET Food Choice from 14 different Restaurant ( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.) Pick-up: 7:00 PM Drop-off: 9:30 PM Price: $$+ SPECIAL BASKET Food Choice from 14 different Restaurant ( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.) Pick-up & Drop-off: Specially arranged Price: $$+ BUY TICKET BUY TICKET BUY TICKET TOP HIGHLIGHTS LOCAL ATTRACTIONS Perfect weather for Picnic THURSDAY, APRIL 29 23 O C / 13 O C Next trip to Island 11:00 AM FARES & SCHEDULES FARES & SCHEDULES TOP HIGHLIGHTS TICKETS LOCAL ATTRACTION HISTORY STORE BUY TICKET 0 DONATE WASTE MANAGEMENT Illegal dumping is one of the biggest issues of Bridgeport. According to our surveys, people from Bridgeport responded that the dirty street discourages them to keep the street clean. They responded that if there are more receptacles, they would be more motivated to dispose of trash in the trash receptacle. SOLUTION: UNDERGROUND TRASHCAN One way to solve this problem is through changing the trash disposal system. Bridgeport has narrow streets. Thus, it is difficult to set up more waste cans on the streets. By implemenng trash receptacles that have a larger, below ground storage area, Bridgeport can have a greater volume of trash disposal space on the street without having to overcrowd the sidewalks with exponenally more above ground cans. This is how numerous European countries have been dealt with trash disposal issues. SOLUTION: CLEAN UP DAY The government-owned waste management company couldn’t collect all the waste that was generated and collected aſter the clean-up event, therefore the government collaborated with private companies to help with the collecon of rubbish, in return for flexible packages and tax reducon. The government was able to acquire company partnerships to parcipate in the clean-up campaign. This is an opportunity Bridgeport can also benefit from by collaborang with local waste management companies, schools and other organizaons in the city to either help or be partners of the Bridgeport clean-up campaign.

Design Thinking for BETTER COMMUNITY · BETTER COMMUNITY in the City of Bridgeport ABSTRACT ABOUT THE CITY OF BRIDGEPORT Founded in 1821, the city of Bridgeport is not only the largest

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Page 1: Design Thinking for BETTER COMMUNITY · BETTER COMMUNITY in the City of Bridgeport ABSTRACT ABOUT THE CITY OF BRIDGEPORT Founded in 1821, the city of Bridgeport is not only the largest

Design Thinking for

BETTER COMMUNITY in the City of Bridgeport

ABSTRACTABOUT THE CITY OF BRIDGEPORT Founded in 1821, the city of Bridgeport is not only the largest

city in Connecticut, but one of the most diverse communities as

well, with over 20 countries represented in a city of over 150,000

citizens. The goal for this project was to focus on revitalization,

waste management and bringing the waterfront scene back to

life. As Design Management student, we explored this problem

through the lens of design thinking. Using the design thinking

process, while considering profitability, sustainability and social

responsibility, we developed a series of proposals which activate

the existing key resources in order to bring more attention which

will benefit the city.

INSIGHTS THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS The design thinking process combines empathy to enable deep

understanding and re-framing of a problem, creativity to generate

insights and solutions, and rationality to analyze and fit solutions

to the context.

Empathize: Through primary and secondary research, we

assessed the company’s promotional strategy in order to

develop specialized solutions.

Define: The main problem the city of Bridgeport faces is the unsafe

conditions and unclean image, which in turn decreases the value of

the property, as well as desire to live here. The reason being the lack

of effective communication about the value of the organization.

Ideate: We produced a variety of unique solutions for each

identified weakness.

Prototype: We designed the solutions to address the client’s

problem areas.

Test: Through presenting these solutions to the client, we were then

able to take a comparatively generalized approach, and proceed

further in developing the cost and process of implementation.

THE KEY PROBLEMS By empathizing with the client through the first design thinking stage,

it was evident that there were three main areas of concern: a lack of

safety, an overabundance of waste and the underutilization of pre-

existing resources. By addressing these areas of concern, we can

revitalize the image of this seaside city.

Empathize Ideate PrototypeDefine Test


Brisa Barraza | Canas Justin | Hussein Hussein | Jingwei Kang | Marsha Matto | Emmanuel Noi | Alice Scalfi | Ryan Therrien | Qiushi Zhang | Zheng Peicheng

CONCLUSIONIT IS ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY COLLABORATION Design Management can be described either as the business

side of design or the design side of business. Either way, it

is a method of creatively solving complex problems. For this

project, we used our tool to revitalize our neighborhood and to

create a better community through engaging activities, creating

a clean and welcoming environment and reactivating more

key resources where people can spend valuable time. For the

City of Bridgeport, we applied this methodology to develop

solutions for the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.

MAIN SOLUTIONCOMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTSince the start of this project, the greatest concern has been

the safety of the residents. Therefore we explored various ways

to promote community engagement that fosters a safe and

welcoming atmosphere.

SOLUTION: FOODIE FORUM The Foodie Forum is designed to bring groups of different

backgrounds to share their cultures, and of course delicious native

cuisine. By recognizing the rich diversity throughout the city of

Bridgeport, our objective was to turn diversity into unity. The Foodie

Forum is a celebration of the different cultural foods that each

nationality will be able to share, and bring everyone closer together.

ACTIVATING EXISTING KEY RESOURCESThe city of Bridgeport has many profitable resources that can be

better utilized. Numerous opportunities await to be reactivated,

and with a proper cost-benefit analysis, the benefit from its

potential revenue will become evident. Using this resource, there

is an opportunity for financial growth.

SOLUTION: PROPOSAL FOR BOAT & PICNIC EXCURSION Therefore: Pleasure Beach is one of Bridgeport’s great attractions,

however, its best days still remain to be seen. In order to rejuvenate

this asset, we designed a picnic service by connecting the existing taxi

boat service, consumers, and local restaurants. A dedicated website

will make the operation more subtle yet efficient, and it will also attract

visitors to the different attractions in Bridgeport.








16% I do not have much feeling toward Bridgeport

I am proud of being a Bridgeporter

I prefer not to talk about it


Better Garbage Removal System

Fun Place

Good Reputation (It’s a great city)

Other (Good Restaurants, better sidewalks, gym....)









It is a diverse community

It has beautiful parks

It offers various of activities


High Crime Rate

Dirty Street

Nothing Really

Not Enough Business






LUNCH BASKETFood Choice from 14 different Restaurant

( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.)

Pick-up: 11:00 amDrop-off: 1:30 pm

Price: $$+

SUNSET BASKETFood Choice from 14 different Restaurant

( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.)

Pick-up: 7:00 pmDrop-off: 9:30 pm

Price: $$+

SPECIAL BASKETFood Choice from 14 different Restaurant

( Local Bridgeport restaurants will be offered to clients as the contents of their picnic basket.)

Pick-up & Drop-off: Specially arranged

Price: $$+




Perfect weather for Picnic

THURSDAY, APRIL 29 23OC / 13OCNext trip to Island 11:00 AM






WASTE MANAGEMENT Illegal dumping is one of the biggest issues of Bridgeport.

According to our surveys, people from Bridgeport responded

that the dirty street discourages them to keep the street clean.

They responded that if there are more receptacles, they would

be more motivated to dispose of trash in the trash receptacle.

SOLUTION: UNDERGROUND TRASHCAN One way to solve this problem is through changing the trash

disposal system. Bridgeport has narrow streets. Thus, it is difficult

to set up more waste cans on the streets. By implementing

trash receptacles that have a larger, below ground storage area,

Bridgeport can have a greater volume of trash disposal space

on the street without having to overcrowd the sidewalks with

exponentially more above ground cans. This is how numerous

European countries have been dealt with trash disposal issues.

SOLUTION: CLEAN UP DAY The government-owned waste management company couldn’t

collect all the waste that was generated and collected after the

clean-up event, therefore the government collaborated with

private companies to help with the collection of rubbish, in return

for flexible packages and tax reduction. The government was able

to acquire company partnerships to participate in the clean-up

campaign. This is an opportunity Bridgeport can also benefit from

by collaborating with local waste management companies, schools

and other organizations in the city to either help or be partners of

the Bridgeport clean-up campaign.