All images, text and illustration(s) © Cascade Yarns ® 2019 PAGE 1 FW238 Designed by Judy Lamb Category: Knied Sweaters, Dresses & Tops for Kids Skill Level: Size: Newborn (3-6 month, 6-12 month) Finished Measurements (chest x length): 16”x12” (17”x14”, 18”x16”) Materials: Cascade Yarns® Heritage 75% Super- wash Merino Wool / 25% Nylon 100 g (3.5 oz) / 437 yds (400 m) 1 skein of color #5644 (Lemon) 1 skein of color #5625 (Purple Hyacinth) US 3 (3.25 mm) and US 4 (3.50 mm) – or size needed to obtain gauge. 16-inch (40 cm) Circu- lar Kning Needles Crochet Hook Size 1 (2.25 mm) Yarn Needle Five Stch Markers Four 5/8 inch (15mm) buons 1 yard of ¼” ribbon INTERMEDIATE

Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

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Page 1: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019

PAGE 1 FW238

Designed by Judy Lamb

Category: Knitted Sweaters, Dresses & Tops for Kids

Skill Level:

Size: Newborn (3-6 month, 6-12 month)

Finished Measurements (chest x length):

16”x12” (17”x14”, 18”x16”)


Cascade Yarns® Heritage 75% Super-wash Merino Wool / 25% Nylon 100 g (3.5 oz) / 437 yds (400 m)

1 skein of color #5644 (Lemon)

1 skein of color #5625 (Purple Hyacinth)

US 3 (3.25 mm) and US 4 (3.50 mm) – or size needed to obtain gauge.

16-inch (40 cm) Circu-lar Knitting Needles

Crochet Hook Size 1 (2.25 mm)

Yarn Needle

Five Stitch Markers

Four 5/8 inch (15mm) buttons

1 yard of ¼” ribbon


Page 2: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


Gauge: 28 sts x 40 rows = 4”(10 cm) on size 3 (3.25 mm) needles in Stockinette Stitch.

Abbreviations: Knitting:

K = Knit P = Purl Kfb = Increase by knitting into front and back

of same stitch YO = Yarn Over St(s) = Stitch(es)

K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together P2tog = Purl 2 stitches together Ssk = Slip 2 sts as if to knit, insert left hand

needle back through 2 sts and knit P2tog-b = purl two sts together through the back loops sl1-k2tog-psso = slip 1 st as if to knit, k2tog, pass slipped st over sl2-k1-p2sso = slip 2 sts as if to k2tog, k1, pass 2 slipped sts over rep = repeat rem = remaining


ch = chain sk = skip sc = single crochet sl st = slip stitch

1x1 Rib: Row 1: (k1, p1) across. Row 2: knit all k sts, and purl all p sts.

Triple Hearts Pattern: (note: graph is provided below as alternative to written pattern) Row 1(right side): k5, yo, ssk, k9, k2tog, yo, ssk, k4. Row 2 and all wrong side rows: p23 Row 3: k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k7,k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3.


by Judy Lamb

Page 3: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


by Judy Lamb


Row 5: k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2. Row 7: k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, k3tog, yo, k1, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k5, yo, ssk, k1. Row 9: k2tog, (yo, k2, k2tog) twice, yo, k3, (yo, ssk, k2) twice, yo, ssk. Row 11: k2, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, k1, yo, k3tog, yo, k5, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k1, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, k2. Row 13: k6, k2tog,yo, k7, yo, ssk, k6. Row 15: k5, k2tog, yo, k4, yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk, k5. Row 17: k6, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k6. Row 19: k7, (yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, k3) twice, k4. Directions: With Purple Hyacinth and larger needles, cast on 144(162,180) sts using Long Tail Cast On. Join into a round, making sure that sts are not twisted. Place a marker to mark beginning of round (center back). Knit 1 round. Purl 1 round. Join Lemon. (do not cut Purple Hyacinth, but carry unused color loosely on wrong side of work.) Rounds 1 and 2: With Lemon, knit. Round 3: *k1, (k2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1) 5 times, yo, (k2tog) 3 times; rep from * around. Round 4: purl. Rounds 5 and 6: repeat rounds 1 and 2. Rounds 7 and 8: With Purple Hyacinth, rep rows 3 and 4. Rep rows 1-8 for pattern 3(4,5) more times [for a total of 4(5,6) repeats]. With Lemon, repeat rows 1-6 once more. Decrease Round: Newborn Size Only: (k2, k2tog, k3, k2tog) 16 times. (112 sts) 3-6 Month Size Only: *(k2, k2tog) 5 times, (k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog) 9 times; rep from * once more. (120 sts) 6-12 month Size Only: (k2, k2tog) 3 times, (k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog) 22 times, (k2, k2tog) 3 times. (128 sts)

Page 4: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


by Judy Lamb


Change to smaller needles, and with Purple Hyacinth, proceed as follows for eyelet waistband: Note: Twist colors as you come to the marker to secure the color not in use. Round 1: knit. Round 2: purl. Round 3: knit. Round 4: purl. Round 5: knit. Round 6: (yo, k2tog) around. Rounds 7-10: repeat rounds 1-4. With Lemon, begin working stockinette stitch (knitting all rounds). Cut Purple Hyacinth, leaving a tail to be woven in later. When stockinette section above waistband measures 3 ½”(3 ¾”,4”) begin armholes: Starting at marker at center back, k28(30,32) sts. Place a marker to mark side seam. K56(60,64) sts and place another marker for other side seam, knit to center back marker. Remove center back marker, and knit to first marker. Turn. Dress Back is worked in rows from this point as follows: (Unworked sts of Dress Front may be left on the needle while the Back is worked OR place remaining sts of Dress Front on a spare needle to be worked later). Side seam markers may be removed when no longer needed. Row 1: k3, purl to last 3 sts before other side seam marker, k3. Turn. Row 2: k5, kfb, place marker for sleeve, knit to last 7 sts, place marker for sleeve, kfb, k6. Row 3: rep row 1, slipping markers as you come to them. Row 4. Knit across, slipping markers as you come to them. Row 5: rep row 3. Row 6: Knit to 1 st before marker, kfb, slip marker, knit to 1 st before marker, kfb, slip marker, knit to end. Repeat rows 3-6 until Dress Back measures 6 ¾”(8”, 9 ¼”). Bind off center 18(20,22) sts. Working each side of neck separately and continuing in pattern as set, bind off 1 st at neck edge on next two rows. Work 1 row even. Bind off remaining sts.

Page 5: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


by Judy Lamb


Dress Front: With right side facing, attach yarn to rem sts of Dress Front and knit across. Setup Row: k3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Row 1: k5, kfb, place a marker, k10(12,14) sts, place a marker; for Newborn size only, begin row 1 of Triple Heart Pattern (other two sizes k 24), place a marker, k9(11,13) sts, place marker, kfb, k6. 57(62,66) sts Row 2: k3, purl to last 3 sts, slipping all markers, k3. Row 3: knit to second marker, slip marker, for Newborn size only, work row 3 of Heart Graph (other two sizes k 24), slip marker, knit to end, slipping last marker. Row 4: rep row 2. Rows 1-4 set pattern. Continue increasing for sleeves every four rows as set at outer markers (and for Newborn size, continue following Tripe Hearts Pattern between inner markers). For larger sizes, begin Triple Heart Pattern between inner markers when stockinette section measures 4 ¾(6) inches from top of eyelet band. When stockinette section measures 6 ¼,(7 ¼, 8 ½) inches, begin neck shaping. Neck Shaping: Bind off center 11 sts. Working each side separately and keeping in pattern (i.e. sleeve increases), dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3(4,4) rows, then dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 2(2,3) times. Work even until stockinette section above waistband to shoulder measures 7 ¼, (8 ½, 9 ¾) inches. End with right side facing for next row. Right Front Buttonhole Band and Finishing: Attach Purple Hyacinth. K11(12,13)sts, weaving in Lemon yarn behind those sts. Bind off remaining sts in Lemon. With Purple Hyacinth, work 1x1 rib across remaining sts for two rows. Buttonhole row: Rib 2 sts, yo, k2tog, rib to last 3 sts, yo, k2tog, rib 1. Rib 3 rows. Bind off loosely. Left Front Buttonhole Band and Finishing: With Lemon, bind off Sleeve sts, leaving remaining 11(12,13) sts on needle. Attach Purple Hyacinth and knit to end. With Purple Hyacinth, work 1x1 rib across remaining sts for two rows. Buttonhole row: Rib 2 sts, yo, k2tog, rib to last 3 sts, yo, k2tog, rib 1. Rib 3 rows. Bind off loosely.

Page 6: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


by Judy Lamb


Back Neck Trim: With Purple Hyacinth and smaller needles, pick up 28(30,32) sts along Back neck edge. Knit 1 row. Bind off knitwise. Front Neck Trim: With Purple Hyacinth and smaller needles and right side facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31(35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front. Knit 1 row. Bind off knitwise. Sew seams at tops of sleeves, leaving back shoulders and ribbing on fronts free. Sew Buttons on Dress Back at shoulders to match buttonholes. Sleeve Edging: With crochet hook and Purple Hyacinth, attach yarn to bottom of sleeve at underarm with a sc. Ch 3, skip next garter stitch ridge on edge of sleeve, *sc in row between ridges, ch 3, sk two garter stitch ridges; rep from * around, sl st in beginning sc. Repeat around second sleeve. Thread ribbon through eyelets and tie into a bow. Trim to desired length.

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Page 7: Designed by Judy Lamb - Cascade Yarns · facing, pick up 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Left Front, 31 (35,39) sts along neck edge, and 5 sts along edge of ribbing of Right Front

All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2019


by Judy Lamb
