All images, text and illustration(s) © Cascade Yarns ® 2021 updated 02/22/2021 PAGE 1 Designed by Kelly Forster W814 Category: Knied Sweaters and Tops\ Knied Cardigans Skill Level: Size: S(M, L, XL, XXL) With 2-4” posive / negave ease Finished Measurements: 35.5(39.5, 41, 42, 45.5) Bust Circumference x 13 (13.5, 14, 14.5, 15)" long Materials: Cascade Yarns® Cascade 220®; 100% Peruvian Highland Wool; 100 g (3.5 oz)/ 220 yds (200 m) Color A: 4(4, 5, 5, 6) skeins color #1037 (Denim Heather) Color B: 1(2, 2, 2, 3, 3) skein color #8393 (Navy) US 7 (4.50 mm) kning needles or size to obtain gauge US 6 (4.00 mm) kning needles Yarn needle 8 Unique stch markers (MA, MB, MC, and BOR marker plus M1, M2, M3 & M4 for sleeves) 2 Stch holders or waste yarn INTERMEDIATE

Designed by Kelly Forster - cascadeyarns.com

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All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


Designed by Kelly Forster


Category: Knitted Sweaters and Tops\ Knitted Cardigans Skill Level:

Size: S(M, L, XL, XXL) With 2-4” positive / negative ease

Finished Measurements: 35.5(39.5, 41, 42, 45.5) Bust Circumference x 13 (13.5, 14, 14.5, 15)" long


• Cascade Yarns® Cascade 220®; 100% Peruvian Highland Wool; 100 g (3.5 oz)/ 220 yds (200 m)

• Color A: 4(4, 5, 5, 6) skeins color #1037 (Denim Heather)

• Color B: 1(2, 2, 2, 3, 3) skein color #8393 (Navy)

• US 7 (4.50 mm) knitting needles or size to obtain gauge

• US 6 (4.00 mm) knitting needles

• Yarn needle

• 8 Unique stitch markers (MA, MB, MC, and BOR marker plus M1, M2, M3 & M4 for sleeves)

• 2 Stitch holders or waste yarn


All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


Gauge: 22 sts x 26 rows = 4” (10 cm) Blocked, in stockinette stitch on larger needles Abbreviations: BO = Bind off CO = Cast on Inc 1 = Increase 1 st by knitting into the st below K = Knit K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together P = Purl RS = Right side Ssk = Slip, slip, knit St(s) = Stitch(es) WS = Wrong side W/T = Wrap and Turn YO = Yarn over 1 X 1 Rib =*K1, p1; repeat from *. Notes: Sweater is designed with 2-4” positive ease. S izes listed are finished sweater measurements. Choose the sweater size based on your actual bust measurement plus desired ease. Instructions for larger sizes are listed in parenthesis. When instructions apply to all sizes, only one number will be given. This sweater can easily be lengthened if desired. Keep in mind that more yarn may be required depending on how much extra length you wish to add. Begin Pattern: With CB and US 6 needles, loosely CO 84(88, 92, 96, 100) sts using the Long Tail CO method. Place BOR marker and join for working in the round, being careful not to twist your sts. Neckline Work 4 rounds in 1 X 1 rib. Switch to US Size 7 needles.

by Kelly Forster


All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


by Kelly Forster

Shape Neckline (to bring the back of the neck up higher than the front) Row 1 (RS): K 37(39, 41, 43, 45) sts, W/T. Row 2 (WS): P to 5 sts from BOR m, W/T. Row 3 (RS): K 27(29, 31, 33, 35) sts, W/T. Row 4 (WS): P to 10 sts from BOR m, W/T. Row 5 (RS): K to BOR picking up wrapped sts as you come to them. Next: K 1 round picking up all remaining wrapped sts as you come to them. Increase Round: *K2, inc 1; rep from * around. 126(132, 138, 144, 150) sts. K 4 rounds. Work Increase Round once more. 189(198, 207, 216, 225) sts. K 1 round increasing 0(5, 3, 1, 6) sts evenly spaced around. 189(203, 210, 217, 231) sts. Yoke Work rounds 1-32 of Yoke Chart one time. 351(377, 390, 403, 429) sts. Break CB. Sizes S (M, XL, XXL) Only: With CA: K1, inc 1, k to the end of the round 352(378, 390, 404, 430) sts. All Sizes: K evenly until piece measures 7.75(7.75, 7.75, 7.5, 8.25) “ from CO edge. Lengthen the Back Set-Up Round: K35(37, 39, 41, 43) sleeve sts, place sleeve st M1, k10 sts, pMA, k86(95, 97, 100, 119) back sts, pMB, k10 sts, place sleeve st M2, K 70(74, 78, 82, 86) sts, place sleeve st M3, k106(115, 117, 120, 129) front sts, place sleeve st M4, k the remaining 35(37, 39, 41, 43) sleeve sts. Short Row Shaping Row 1 (RS): K to 1 st before MB, W/T. Row 2 (WS): P to 1 st before MA, W/T. Row 3 (RS): K to 8 sts before MB, W/T. Row 4 (WS): P to 8 sts before MA, W/T. Row 5 (RS): K to BOR picking up wrapped sts as you come to them. Next: K 1 round picking up all remaining wrapped sts as you come to them. Remove MA & MB.


All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


by Kelly Forster

Separate Sleeves from the Body K to sleeve st M2, remove M2. Place the next 70(74, 78, 82, 86) sleeve sts onto a holder or waste yarn. Slip sleeve st M3, k to sleeve st M4, remove M4. Place the next 35(37, 39, 41, 43) sts onto a holder or waste yarn, remove BOR m and place the next 35(37, 39, 41, 43) sts onto the same holder. Remove sleeve st M1. Each holder contains 70(74, 78, 82, 86) sts for the sleeves. Replace BOR m. 212(230, 234, 240, 258) sts for the body. Body K 1 round. Decrease Round: *K1, k2tog, k to 3 sts before m, ssk, k1, sm; rep from * once more. 4 sts decreased. K 5 rounds. Repeat Decrease Round every 6th Round 3(2, 1, 1, 1) more time(s). 196(218, 226, 232, 250) sts. K evenly until piece measures 8(8.5, 9, 9.5, 10) “ from underarm. *Note: This is a good place to add length if desired. Hi-Low Hem Shaping Set-up Round: K 6(6, 7, 7, 8) sts, pMA, k to 6(6, 7, 7, 8) sts before next m, pMB, k to the end of the round. Row 1 (RS): K to 1 st before MB, W/T. Row 2 (WS): P to 1 st before MA, W/T. Row 3 (RS): K to 6 sts before MB, W/T. Row 4 (WS): P to 6 sts before MA, W/T. Row 5 (RS): K to 12 sts before MB, W/T. Row 6 (WS): P to 12 sts before MA, W/T. Row 7 (RS): K to 18 sts before MB, W/T. Row 8 (WS): P to 18 sts before MA, W/T. Row 9 (RS): K to BOR picking up wrapped sts as you come to them. Next: K 1 round picking up all remaining wrapped sts as you come to them. Hem Switch to US 6 needles. Work 6 rounds in 1 X 1 rib. Break CA. K 1 round in CB. Work 4 rounds in 1 X 1 rib. BO all sts in pattern. Sleeves (Make 2) Place held sts onto US 7 needles. With CA, in the space at the underarm, pick up and knit 1(1, 2, 2, 2) sts, place BOR m, pick up and knit 1(1, 2, 2, 2) sts more k to the end of the round. 72(76, 82, 86, 90) sts.


All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


by Kelly Forster

K evenly until sleeve measures 3” from underarm. Decrease Round: K1, k2tog, k to 3 sts before the end of the round, ssk, k1. (2 sts decreased). K 8 rounds. Repeat Decrease Round every 9th round 6 more times. 58(62, 68, 72, 76) sts. K evenly until sleeve measures 14.5(14.5, 15, 15, 15.5)”, or 1.5” less than your desired finished length. Cuffs (Make 2) Switch to US 6 needles and work 6 rounds in 1 X 1 rib. Break CA. K 1 round in CB. Work 4 rounds in 1 X 1 rib. BO all sts in pattern. Finishing Weave in all ends and block to finished measurements.


A: Bust Circumference: 35.5(39.5, 41, 42, 45.5)"

B: Neck Circumference: 16(16.5, 17, 17.5, 18)"

C: Length from Underarm-Back Hem: 13(13.5, 14, 14.5, 15)"

D: Length from Underarm-Front Hem: 12(12.5, 13, 13.5, 14)”

E: Length of Sleeve from Underarm to Cuff: 16(16, 16.5, 16.5, 17)"

F: Cuff Circumference: 10.75(11, 11.75, 12.5, 13.25)"

G: Hem Circumference: 35(39, 40.5, 41.5, 44)


All images, text and illustration(s)© Cascade Yarns® 2021 updated 02/22/2021


by Kelly Forster

Yoke Chart


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