1 By-catch in Indonesian fisheries A desk study – October 2005 Imam Musthofa Zainudin and Lida Pet- Soede WWF-Indonesia Marine Program, Bali Jeff Building Jl Raya Puputan 488, Renon Denpasar 80226, Indonesia Phone +62 361 231805; Fax 231803

Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries

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By-catch in Indonesian fisheries A desk study – October 2005

Imam Musthofa Zainudin and Lida Pet-Soede WWF-Indonesia Marine Program, Bali Jeff Building Jl Raya Puputan 488, Renon Denpasar 80226, Indonesia Phone +62 361 231805; Fax 231803

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Table of Contents I Introduction...............................................................................................................................2

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................2 1.2 Objective ...........................................................................................................................2 1.3 Methods.............................................................................................................................3

II By-catch in fisheries – a global context ..................................................................................3 III Developments in Indonesian Fisheries ..................................................................................5

3.1 History and tradition .........................................................................................................5 3.2 Developments in offshore fisheries ..................................................................................5

IV Brief description of Indonesian fishing gears, capture methods and occurrence of by-catch.....................................................................................................................................................6

4.1 Hook and Line Fishing..................................................................................................7 4.2 Trawl fishing.................................................................................................................9 4.3 Gill Net........................................................................................................................10 4.4 Lift Net ........................................................................................................................11 4.5 Seine nets ....................................................................................................................13 4.6 Other methods .............................................................................................................14

V Brief description of impacts of fisheries interaction with endangered species .....................15 5.1 Turtles .........................................................................................................................15 5.2 Cetaceans ....................................................................................................................15 5.4 Sea Birds .....................................................................................................................17 5.5 Other Species ..............................................................................................................17

VI Some cases and anecdotes ...................................................................................................17 6.1 By-catch in the Arafura Sea ........................................................................................17 6.2 By-catch in East Kalimantan.......................................................................................19

VII BY-CATCH MITIGATION EFFORTS ............................................................................20 7.1 Modification of fishing gear ...........................................................................................21 7.2 Prohibition of fishing gear ..............................................................................................22 7.3 Closed seasons and closed areas .....................................................................................22 7.4 Improve on-board management practices.......................................................................23 7.5 Capacity building for effective release of captured turtles .............................................23 7.6 WWF-Indonesia’s program for reducing by-catch .........................................................23

REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................26 Annexes .....................................................................................................................................27


By-catch in Indonesian Fisheries – a desk study. Musthofa Zainudin, I., and Pet-Soede, C., 2005. WWF-Indonesia report. 39pp.


This publication was made with grant support provided by NOAA-Fisheries and by WWF-US from a US-AID grant. The authors wish to thank Ryan Walker who conducted a lot of literature research during his field study into by-catch of Bunaken pelagic fisheries. His stud ent project was partially funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Further, we like to thank the various staff of different departments of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs who have provided reports and anecdotes used in this report. The drawings were copied from an old poster produced by the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and from Bailey et al. 1987.

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I Introduction 1.1 Background Marine turtles are recognized as being particularly vulnerable to overexploitation due to their complex life-cycles and biology. Very few offspring survive and it takes decades for them to reach maturity. Provided they reach maturity, they can be long-lived, spending different parts of their live-cycle in a wide range of habitats, from beaches, inshore coral reefs and sea- grass meadows to the open ocean. They are also highly migratory, their range often spanning the waters of several nations and the high seas. As such, every part of the lifecycle of marine turtles is critical to their conservation. Given the complexity of marine turtle niches and life cycle stages, these charismatic species are vulnerable to a wide range of impacts. Two most significant direct impacts on sea turtles in the Asia -Pacific region have been identified as the over-harvesting of eggs and adult turtles and the incidental mortality in fisheries interactions and with discarded fishing gear. In addition, destruction of vital feeding and nesting grounds as a result of increasing coastal development, tourism and destructive fishing practices are all having significant impacts on key habitats supporting these species. The Indonesian industrial marine fishery has developed over time and is comprised of a fleet that operates from fishing ports throughout the archipela go mostly with medium scale vessels. The range of industrial operation includes all of Indonesia’s waters and the Indian and Pacific oceans. Additionally, inshore coastal small to medium scale operations occur along most of Indonesia’s 81,000 KM of coastline. Preceding a field assessment on the actual occurrence of interactions between the Indonesian industrial and coastal fleet and marine turtles, this report presents a desk study into by-catch in the broadest sense and the Indonesian fishery. By-catch or incidental catch is a common problem in most fisheries around the world. Old publications indicate that between 18 and 40 million tons are discarded annually by commercial fisheries, making up 20-25% of total harvest (Alverson et al., 1994). By-catch not only reduces fish population, but also wastes a potentially valuable food source. Indications of stock depletion (steady catch levels, declining catch per unit effort CpUE) in Southern Sulawesi, Mallacca Straits, Java shelf and Sahul point to maximum susta inable yields (MSY) having been exceeded in these areas and indicate that this fishery is severely over exploited (Venema 1997). By-catch of ‘trash fish’ is estimated to account for up to 50% of the total catch, approximately 30% of which consists of juveniles of target species and so it is a significant issue for demersal fisheries management. All of the above issues have led to international efforts to reduce by-catch (FAO, 1995; Japanese Fisheries Agency, 1995). This desk study report aims to illustrate what is known about by-catch in Indonesian fisheries today. 1.2 Objective • Summarize what is known about by-catch in Indonesian fisheries. • Describe generally the issue of by-catch to allow for increased understanding of the reader. • Provide a first basis for discussions on mitigation of by-catch in Indonesia.

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1.3 Methods This report brings information gathered from published and un-published reports and internet searches. It starts with the global context of the by-catch issue and is followed with a brief overview of historic development of the Indonesian fisheries and its regulatory context. Then a more detailed description of the various gear types commonly used in Indonesia precedes the comparison of gears for their potential of interaction with marine turtles or other mega fauna. The report ends with a brief description of the joint plan for action created by the tuna long- line industry, the research department of the ministry of fisheries and WWF. II By-catch in fisheries – a global context Discards and by-catch of non-target species or undersized target species form some component of the catch of almost all fishing activities (Alverson 1999). King (1995) explains how all forms of fishing are likely to have an effect on the ecosystem, even when the gear is highly selective and a single species is targeted. When methods are less selective a large number of by-catch or ‘trash’ fish may be caught with a much greater potential for damaging effects on the ecosystem. For example when by-catch species and target species are equally susceptible to the fishing gear but by-catch species are present at lower biomass, fishing of the gear at maximum sustainable yield MSY estimated for target species may result in extinction of the by-catch species. By-catch is a very general term for every species or individual organism captured by a fishing operation that is not the intended target species. By-catch can be categorized depend ing on its fate after landing. McCaughran (1992) terms all retained catch of non-target species, of marketable or use value as Incidental catch while Discarded catch, is that portion of the catch returned to the sea as a result of economic, legal, or personal consideration. By-catch and discarding have captured the attention and scrutiny of interest groups and the public due to the perceived waste of potentially valuable fish, killing and harassment of protected species, and the inefficient use of available resources. Saila (1983) estimated annual global discards to be 6.72 ton (12% of total landings), this surprisingly large figure stimulated efforts to gather better data. Andrew & Pepperell (1992) estimated a global by-catch of 16.7 million ton per year for shrimp fisheries alone, exceeding Saila’s (1983) estimate by a factor of 2.5. Alverson et al. (1994) estimated that 27 million ton was discarded annually, based on an annual target catch of 77 million ton. By-catch is not a phenomenon that exists by itself; it is simply the result of deficiencies in fisher’s ability to select what they harvest from the ocean (Hall et al. 2000). The main determining factor of volume and composition of by-catch is the selectivity of the gear employed, fishing effort and the nature and selectivity used by fishers before and during deployment (Garcia & Hall 1996, Hall et al. 2000, Alverson et al. 1994). Much has been documented about the by-catch of the world tuna fisheries, which includes elasmobranch species (FAO 1994; Williams 1999; Francis et al. 2001), seabirds (Brothers 1991) marine mammals (Balazs & Pooley 1994; Bolton et al. 1996; Hall 1996) and other non-target fish species (Garcia & Hall 1996). One of the first fisheries to come under public pressure for its apparent disregard and high mortality of non-target species was the eastern Pacific tuna fishery. In the early years, groups of dolphins (Stenella attenuata) and (S. longirostris) would be encircled by the purse seines of the tuna fishing fleets, due to the dolphin’s association with the target species. This resulted in the mortality of millions of dolphins (Hall 1996). The introduction of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, in the USA, made the presence of observers on the boats and the use of certain gears and procedures mandatory. Fishers began to avoid pods of those species whose behavior made them more vulnerable. They also changed deployment conditions, avoiding

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areas with strong currents, or at night (Hall et al. 2000). Additional changes included net modifications, such as development of a fine mesh panel to reduce entanglements, and a highly motivated hand rescue effort based on rafts, swimmers and divers (Hall et al. 2000). This coupled with pressure form some animal protection groups convincing some sectors of the canning industry to launch a “dolphin safe” policy, caused a decline in dolphin by-catch. Hall (1996) states that dolphin mortality due to fishery declined 97%, by 1995 from its peak of about 133,000 dolphins in 1986. Average mortality per set has declined by 96%, while the fisheries effort has only declined by 20%. Garcia & Hall (1996) also describe other by-catch produced by the same fishery, including undersized tuna and other pelagic species such as rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata), mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) and sharks (Sphyrna spp. and Carcharhinus limbatus). Williams (1999) comments that blue sharks (Prionace glauca) are particularly susceptible to tuna long lines set in the Central Pacific. The capture and subsequent wasting of large quantities of undesired catch during large-scale commercial fishing operations for large pelagic fisheries impacts a number of important, threatened species including whales, turtles and sharks and results in loss of juveniles and non-target species. Legal loopholes such as the allowance of whale meat as by-catch provide means by which whale meat can be consumed in Japan and South Korea and it is possible that there are Taiwanese and South Korean commercial operations in Indonesia that are capturing whales for export as by-catch. Shrimp fisheries are known to have very high by-catch rates and shrimp trawlers are further destructive to both shallow shelf benthic habitats and near-shore water quality. Nasution (1997) reported that trawlers in the Arafura Sea have an average of 80% by-catch, including sea snakes, finfish, shellfish and sometimes dugong and turtles. Most of the by-catch dies in the net and 95% is discarded as ‘trash’ in the sea. Turtles caught as by-catch are often traded or set aside for the Bali market. Also in Indonesia, shrimp trawlers are required to fit a TED (turtle excluding device) but because this also results in lower shrimp catches, these TED are reportedly carried on the top of the boat and are only fitted to the nets before entering port. Shrimp trawling is technically confined to the Arafura Sea but shrimp fisheries using net or platform based fishing techniques exist in many other coastal and estuary areas. For by-catch of turtles, sharks, dolphins and whales, the by-catch is often more lucrative than the target fishery, providing few incentives to reduce by-catch levels. The FAO Code of Conduct for responsible fisheries does not specifically define the terms for by-catch, discards or waste, but mentions all three in various articles. The Code is voluntary, but urges states and fisheries management organizations to adopt appropriate measures to reduce by-catch, discards and waste. The Indonesian government aided by international agencies such as NOAA appropriately focuses on better managing the large- industrial scale by-catch, especially for the shrimp trawl fishery. However, the characteristics of coastal small-scale fisheries in Indonesia, and the fact that millions of coastal communities along Indonesian 81,000 km of coastline engage daily in this type of fishery, call for an assessment of the relevance and importance of addressing by-catch for small-scale fisheries as well. The Indonesian coastal fishery as a whole is multi-gear and multi-species, but also within one single gear, a variety of species are caught, while not all species are equally desirable by the fisher due to differences in edibility or value. While gear operated by mostly small- to medium scale fishers may not allow for perfect species-selective or size-selective catches, many fishers do identify only a small number of species as their target species. The by-catch can have significant value, as bait or even consumed or sold at particular markets. In Indonesia since mid-1980s,

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following the high demand for fresh tuna particularly from Japan, increased use of long-lines also enlarged the pressure on sharks as they end up as by-catch. Shark fins fetch high prices on Asian markets and were a welcome by-catch. Sometimes, new markets develop as a result of people looking to sell their by-catch. In Indonesia, the Southern Blue-Fin Tuna was caught as a by-catch of the bigeye/yellowfin fishery at first (Raymakers 1998). While thus most by-catch of Indonesian fisheries has an economic importance and is not discarded, in some reported cases this further threatens populations of already rare and endangered species. In Indonesia, little hard data exists on by-catch and discards. III Developments in Indonesian Fisheries 3.1 History and tradition Indonesia declared its 200 miles Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) on March 21, 1980 and created supportive legislation in law number UU No. 5 of 1983. With this Indonesia declared its sovereign rights on all natural resources (land, waters and air) for these territorial waters (Simorangkir 2000). As a big archipelagic country, Indonesia has about 17,500 islands, of which 5,700 adjoin and have a name. Indonesian waters span 3.1 million square kilometers of which 2.8 million are archipelagic waters and 0.3 million are territorial waters. The area of 2.7 million square kilometers is the EEZ. Indonesia has 80,791 kilometers of coastal line. The fishing tradition in Indonesia goes back a long time. History has recorded evidence that Indonesian forefathers dominate archipelagic waters, and even could walk across the sea all the way to the shores of Madagascar in South Africa. In the old days of the Sriwijaya kingdom and the Bugis-Makasar kingdoms, Indonesia was clearly a nation with large maritime communities. Later, pushed by colonial expansion for production of agricultural goods, people moved inland. President Soeharto declared in 1996 Indonesia again as maritime nation encouraging people to develop again their true maritime soul. Some capacity building and training programs were developed around late 1970s where training vessels supported by Japan aid were used by several fisheries schools throughout Indonesia. One of the first gears used at these training vessels was tuna long-line. In exchange for handing over the 345.53 ton training vessel called “Mandidihang” by Japan, on May 31, 1977 in Tanjung Priok, Indonesia gave 100 fishing permits for 1 year to the Japanese tuna long- line industry for operations in the Banda Seas (Simorangkir, 2000). 3.2 Developments in offshore fisheries Over time, Indonesian fisheries developed in three main ways (Sudirman and Mallawa, 2004): - Overall fishing effort measured in number of units increased. - Fishing grounds that were further away were increasingly fished, and - Mechanic power replaced human power. The richness of Indonesia’s 200- mile zone is not accurately estimated due to constraints in research infrastructure and funds, but based on an evaluation of natural resources for marine fisheries in Indonesian waters and the EEZ conducted by the Directorate General Fisheries and the department for Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1983, Indonesia’s

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potential harvest in the EEZ could be 2.1 million tons of fish per year. The fish resources in the 200 mile zone include small pelagic fish (Scads, Long-jawed mackerel, Blue-spotted trevally, Fringe scale sardinella ), big pelagic fish (tuna, marlin) and demersal fish. At that time, the estimated potential catch of tuna was 83 000 ton, pelagic fish 1 285 000 ton and demersal fish 647 000 ton (Simorangkir 2000). According to Simorangkir (2000), in 1977, only one company operated in the 200-mile zone of Indonesia. This Bali-based company, “Perikanan Samodra Besar Ltd. (PSB)” had 18 vessels operating in West Sumatra, South Java, south of Christmas island, South West Australia, Flores Sea, Banda Sea, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, and even in 1974 it operated in east and west Nicobar Islands at 170 miles from Sabang. In those days the furthest away that PSB operated was 1222 km from Indonesia’s coast, at the southern latitude 19 and eastern longitude 113. PSB especially caught tuna with long- line and has operated since July 1973 until September 1975 with Japanese experts but after that with Indonesian crew. The first success of PSB in exporting fresh tuna was followed by Sari Segara Utama Ltd. that had 5 tuna vessels in 1987 and was taken over by Bali Raya Ltd.Co. reducing to 3 tuna vessels in 1988. In 1989 more tuna companies started using Muara Baru in Jakarta as an operational base for tuna fishing. Those companies are Indomina Ltd.Co., Mina Sanega Pertiwi Ltd.Co., Mulya Muara Samudera Ltd.Co., Rumpun Air Mas Ltd.Co., Kusuma Mina Nusa Ltd.Co., Mina Asih Ltd.Co., Catos Marina Ltd.Co., and Banyu Sewu Bahtera Ltd.Co. (Simorangkir 2000) (Figure 1).

Vessel Amount of Tuna Longlines in Indonesia (1986-1990)

49 71




1986 1987 1988 1989 1990



sel A




Source: Simorangkir, 2000. Notes: in 1990, 27 % or 155 that use Indonesian flag and the others (341) are foreign vessels. IV Brief description of Indonesian fishing gears, capture methods and occurrence of by-catch In Indonesia, the officially recognized fishing gears include 27 types. Demersal fish are commonly found near the seabed and are generally abundant on the shallower parts of continental shelves with a depth range of 10-60 m, (concurrent with the distribution of the small pelagic fishery). Large-scale demersal fishery operations are largely confined to the Sunda and Sahul shelves, whereas the small-scale artisanal and subsistence fisheries characteristic of coastal villages is found throughout the region.

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The 27 different fishing gears fall in 7 main categories of techniques: Hook and Line, Trawl, Gill Nets, Lift Nets, Seine Nets, Traps, and other gear such as blast fishing cyanide fishing and collection of shell fish and seaweed. A brief description of the use of these techniques follows below. 4.1 Hook and Line Fishing Line fishing comprises string and hooks. Often the hooks are baited with fish or artificial bait and other commonly used additional devices include buoys and weights. Types of line fishing include Pole and Line and Long-Line. In Annex A, a table categorizing non-target species caught during a field study on by-catch in pole and line fisheries off North Sulawesi is presented. Pole and line

Pole and line fisheries in Indonesia target especially Skipjack tuna. The basic principle of this technique is to attract schooling target fish by throwing bait or chum in the water and by spraying water on the surface mimicking a baitfish bowl. Once a school of target fish surrounds the boat, the angles start fishing using mostly artificial bait and hooks with no barbs. Castro and Williams (2004) describe pole and line gear as follows: Pole and line catches are often for local market as the size of the fish is too small for export, also when the fisher is not-experienced the catch gets damaged and disqualifies for export.

Gambar dari umpan dan bagian dari Pole and line

Stick This section made from old bamboo and well elasticity. Common use is yellow bamboo. Length of stick 2-2.5 m with diameter 3-4 cm on the handle stick and 1-1.5 cm on peak stick. Main line Made from polyethylene with main line length 1.5-2 m depending on length of user, fishing technique, height boat and spraying water distance. Line diameter is 0.5 cm (no 7). Secondary Line Made from monofilament (white line) as substitution of wire leader with total length 20 cm. it’s to prevent main line lost from fish bite. Hook Hook without barb for easy removal. Hook no. 2.5-2.8. On the hook artificial bait.

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Long-line There are several types of long- line: Bo ttom long line/ set long line and drift long- line or Tuna long- line. Bottom long-line is often placed to catch demersal fish, and drift long-line for pelagic fish. Additional devices include buoys and often flags. There are differences in boat size, and number of crew. Simorangkir (2000) described commonly used long-line design as:

Table 1. S ize of long- line vessel, number of baskets, length of sets (Sudirman and Mallawa, 2000).

20 100 14 29,950 150 21 38,970 200 29 53,7

100 250 36 66,7150 350 50 92,6200 370 53 98,2300 430 62 114,8

Basket Numbers

GT (ton)

Total Length (mil)

Total Length (km)

Fish bait used on tuna long- line vessels includes squid or fish with shiny scales and strong spines and are mostly mackerel and scads. Optimum bait length is between 15-20 cm. Bait must be fresh. Normal operation sees that baskets with line previously prepared are placed at the back of the boat, crew set a float to the float line, drop it in the ocean and start putting bait to the individual hooks, dropping them over board one by one. The end of the line gets a flag strapped to it. After 4 hours, the line is hauled with a machine picking up the main line and crew picking up the branch lines. Capture of non-target fish is common.

Every hook is connected to the branch line (23 m long). Each branch line is strapped to the main line (55 m long). At each end of the main line there is a float line (22m long). One set is usually comprised of six mai n lines, five branch lines and one float line called one basket. At sea, the main line position is horizontal to the surface waters whereas branch line is vertical and depending on the number of branch lines sagging of the main line can be up to 70% .

Pole and line fishing is aimed at catching tuna and the gear is deployed only on visual confirmation of tuna schools in the area. As these tuna scho ols often feed near dolphin schools, there is the potential that a pole and line fisher catches a dolphin but in practice this does not happen, explained by the fishers as a result of the intelligence of the dolphins.

Figure of long-line

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Trolling hook and line For the live reef food fish trade, hook and line gear has been deployed as alternative to use of cyanide to capture groupers and keep them alive. The gear is trolled behind a boat mostly with artificial bait or stationary hook and line gear is deployed, mostly with bait. While the size of the bait (artificial or real) and the position of the gear allows for relatively selective fishing, fishers still relate of difficulties to catch just the right species or size. Thus, many reef fish end up as by-catch to this fishery for live groupers. The by-catch is mostly used immediately as bait (cut to pieces) or is taken home for consumption and it is hardly wasted (except for captured puffer fish that are discarded immediately). 4.2 Trawl fishing

Trawl fishing was the main reason why Indonesia’s marine production increased dramatically in the 70s. The harvest was mainly shrimp. However, conflicts arose between larger trawl boats and smaller inshore coastal fisheries and since 1980 supported by Presidential Decree no. 39/1980 fishing with trawl was prohibited. Since then trawl permits were only given for research vessels. After some modification using a pocket trawl, it is now commonly operated in several of Indonesia’s seas such as the Arafuru Seas where it is known as Shrimp Trawl. According to Presidential decree No. 85/1982 the shrimp trawl is allowed to operate in waters surrounding Kei

Trawl Figure

The size of the hooks and of the bait together with the position of the line in the water column more or less determines the type of fish caught. Many long-lines are deployed to catch just any fish, but recently especially sharks have become a major target due to their high value for the fin industry. Whales, dolphins, turtles, teleosts fish, and sharks, sea birds can also get trapped by this gear. Albatross are a group of sea-birds that end up trapped in the long-lines that are deployed near the surface with buoys. Then dolphins were also caught to serve as bait for the long-line fishery for sharks in eastern Indonesia. Dolphins would be harpooned opportunistically, mostly during bow-riding activities by the animals or during active pursuit by the long-line vessel, especially when bait supplies were low. The fishermen noted that the dolphins were used for food, but mostly for bait on the long-lines. The vessel would set 1-2 lines with 250-400 hooks each every night, targeting pelagic sharks and other elasmobranches.

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islands, Tanimbar, Aru, Papua Island and the Arafura Sea on coordinate130o EL to the north except in coastal waters of 10 m depth. These trawls are required to deploy Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) according to the DG of Fisheries Decree No. IK.010/S3.80.75/82. Recently there has been more development in opening opportunities to start using trawl gear and former fisheries Minister Dr. Dahuri said in newspaper Kompas of Mei 22, 2004 that although President Decision no 39/1980 was not canceled yet, in 2004 licenses had been given again via local fisheries offices. Fishers who want to start using trawl must fill 4 requirements:

- Trawl shall only be operated by traditional fishermen not by a fisheries company. - Trawl shall only be operated in areas that have international boundaries such as Nunukan

in East Kalimantan and North Sumatra. - It can only be operated outside 4 mile zone. - Fishers using trawl must consider conservation aspects such as closed seasons especially

during seasons of fish spawning. Trawl generally consists of a cod end in square form or conical form, 2 wing sheets, connected to the warp. This net is hauled horizontal through the water using the water pressure to open the mouth of the net. In order to keep the net open a beam is used or the net is hauled by two boats moving parallel or an otter board is used. Trawl types include surface, mid-water or bottom trawl. In Indonesia mostly bottom trawls are used targeting shrimp. The most common issue is by-catch and destruction of the bottom habitat. 4.3 Gill Net Gill nets catch fish by entangling them behind their gills or otherwise. Fish targeted include pelagic and demersal species depending on the placing of the net. The principle behind effectiveness of the gill net is to considering behavior of the target fish, and then adjust the placing of the net to the depth layer where fish moves, sometimes using scaring techniques to drive the fish towards the net. There are 4 main types of gill net: the surface gill net, the bottom drift net, the drift gill net and the encircling gill net. The surface and bottom gill nets are fixed to the substrate and the drift gill net not, it has buoys or markers to find them back after hours of fishing. The encircling gill net is attached to a boat and pulled around a school of fish, it works similar to a purse seine but it has no “purse” or bag end. Issues with all types of gill nets are that when they break off they continue to ‘ghost-fish’ which can be very damaging for endangered species. Also, when nets are so large that they can close of river mouths or even smaller sea straits, such as the famous “wall of death” or Taiwanese tiger net, they catch a lot of non-target species. Simorangkir (2000) mentioned that in 1989 at Pacific Oceans and Indian Oceans there were a total amount of floating nets with total length of 56,000 km and property of 1,200 ships. Passive gill nets involve a lot of non-selective capture of fish and animals. The mesh of the gill net usually is small one, and juvenile and immature fish are indiscriminately captured and discarded before they can mature and reproduce (Pollnac et al. 1997). The by-catch that usually occurs by using this gear includes whales, dolphins, turtles, teleosts fish, and sharks. To fish in Indonesia’s waters, the length of gillnets must be under 2.5 km based on the Minister of Agriculture Decree No.: 816/Kpts/IK.120/11/90.

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The Department of Fisheries has issued permits to the same Taiwanese company for at least ten other identical ‘experimental fish traps’ in remote areas of the Moluccas and it is highly likely that these are currently in operation. Unsubstantiated reports also indicate current daily deliveries of large volumes of whale sharks and other sharks into Benoa harbor, Bali, and it is possible that a similar trap-net is in operation in the Lombok Straits. Indiscriminate capture of minke whales and dolphin species, such as the finless porpoise, the Irrawaddy dolphin, endemic dwarf spinner dolphin, and the hump-backed dolphin, are particularly serious as these occur in relatively small, localized populations and would be highly vulnerable to depletion.

4.4 Lift Net Lift nets are usually of a square shape and unfold in the water using bamboo, wood or iron as a frame. There are surface, bottom and mid-water lift nets. Often lamps are used to attract fish and squid. Most common lift nets used in Indonesia are bagan, dip net, scoop net and bandrong. Bagan Fixed Bagan s are operated inshore at the night using lamps boat bagans are also operated in deeper water. This gear was introduced in 1950 to Indonesia (Subani, 1972). The square bag net can be as large at 45 m wide and deep.

Types of gillnet

A great threat to the whale population is their capture in Taiwanese trap nets placed in Indonesian waters. This issue of trap nets was brought to public attention by reports of two sets of trap-nets in the pelagic migratory channel at Tangkoko, Manado area, NE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sources indicate that between 27 March 1996 and 12 February 1997 the catches included some 1,424 manta rays, 18 whale sharks, 312 other sharks, 4 minke whales, 326 dolphins, 577 pilot whales, 789 marlin, 84 turtles, and 9 dugong (Kahn & Fauzi 2001). The nets were set by a Taiwanese fishing company and according to Indonesian fishermen working on Taiwanese boats, most of the by-catch is not discarded, but is stored and transported to Taiwan. Due to adverse publicity and intervention by past Minister for Environment, Sarwono, the Tangkoko nets have been dismantled.

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Dip net The design of dip nets usually mounted on a long stick depends a bit on the target species. It was originally designed to catch lizard fish or Sauridae. Similar as with bagan there are different lamps used in the process to catch fish. Lamps with a wide beam are search lights to locate nearby schools of fish. A stronger more focused beam lamp is used to lure the school closer to the net. A much focused beam lamp is used to concentrate the fish above the lift net that has been lowered in the water before, this is replaced with a red lamp when the net is lifted.

Scoopnet A scoop net is conical and the mouth of the net is kept open with a rattan or bamboo frame. This gear can be operated with or without boat. If operated from a boat the movement of the boat kept the gear open while it skims the surface. Bandrong This net also consist of a net and bamboo formation (could be rattan) that is set on the water as a sort of trap, when fish pass over the net it is hauled. It is 6*6 m large.

Bagan Figure

Figure Types of lift net

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4.5 Seine nets The most common seine nets used in Indonesia are beach seines, Danish seines and purse seines. Sudirman & Mallawa (2004) describe how the target of most seines are schooling fish, for purse seines near the water surface, and for Danish seine and beach seine in the water column or near the substrate . Danish seine Danish seine is basically a net consisting of two wings and a section to hold the catch (the bunt or bag). Most of Danish seine is concentrated in the north coast of Java and Bali Strait, while the rest are scattered to the south of Kalimantan and around, Sulawesi, Sumbawa and Lombok Islands. Especially when operated in shallow waters, catches include a large variety of fish species and other aquatic organisms such as sponges and sea urchins.

Purse seine Purse seine nets are attached to large vessels that are capable to stay at sea for 15-40 days or to smaller vessels with a trip range of 1-3 days. Most common operations occur with one boat. This method is used during night time and applies lamps to attract fish. The lamps are sometimes placed on a separate canoe, or on a raft. The size of the raft varies, with large rafts that allow for watchmen to live on it in North Sulawesi. Hauling the net occurs more and more with machines. With the same net size, a single boat operation uses larger vessels than double boat system as the boat needs to circle the net around fish schools quickly.

Catches for a Danish seine were sampled in SE Sulawesi in 1997 (Pet-Soede unpublished). Combined, the 21 sampled Danish seines caught 29 different categories of fish varying from juvenile anchovies to small-sized groupers. Target species included goatfish, lizard fish and flat fish, but often additional categories included juvenile snappers, flying fish, rays and even butterfly fish. From this catch only the Tetradontidae and sponges are discarded, all other species are sorted and sold or consumed.

Purse Seine Figure

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4.6 Other methods Traps Traps are passive fishing gear. Various forms of traps are deployed in Indonesian waters but weirs or guiding barriers and bamboo portable traps are most common. Generally, both types aim to catch any type of edible shallow water fish species. The fish weirs are not very selective other than that they catch fish that is abundant in the area where they are placed, which is usually in the tidal shallow area or in rivers. The size of the portable trap entrance determines more or less the size of the fish that can be caught, but most reef species are subjected to capture as the traps are mostly placed over coral reefs. Furthermore, there is anecdotal evidence that portable traps get saturated when not frequently hauled as the captured fish supposedly influence new captures. In the Alor area all types of reef fish qualify as useful catch even damselfish and butterfly fish. The live food fish trade, however, has caused many fishers to see traps as an alternative to cyanide fishing or hook and line fishing for the valuable grouper species. Often the traps are baited with dead fish that is mixed with cyanide so as to tranquilize the fish once they are trapped, so as to reduce skin damage from the trap. Thus by-catch from the grouper fishery includes many sizes and species of other reef fish, most of which are not taken as catch. Blast fishing Blast fishing is considered a very efficient method to catch large numbers of particularly schooling fish, but it also results in a lot of non-collected dead organisms. The practice is not size- or species selective, the organisms impacted by the method merely appeared in the destructive range of the explosion. Explosives are mostly aimed at schools of reef fish, such as fusiliers, triggerfish, unicorn fish, surgeon fish, snappers and parrotfish. The other commercially interesting single species, such as groupers and emperors are also eagerly collected after the blast. Combined catches of 15 sampled blast-fishing boats included nearly 40 different fish categories (Pet-Soede unpublished data). Unless large in size, the wrasses, damselfish and butterfly fish, are often discarded. Reef inhabiting invertebrates fall also victim to the explosion but are not considered for collection. Cyanide fishing Cyanide fishing may be considered one of the most effective ways to catch high-valued target species and target sizes of fish, but the use of it results in a lot of non-collected dead organisms. Not only deals the coral with a lot of stress, often resulting in its death, small coral inhabitants and organisms that happen to be in the vicinity of the cyanide squirt, often die in the process. Both the cyanide fishing for aquarium fish and for the live food fish trade, thus create a lot of by-catch, which is not even collected and thus not part of the catch. It could be categorized as discards, even while it is not actively thrown overboard as it never is collected.

In the Solor and Alor area, purse seine nets are also deployed around fish aggregating devices (FADs), particulary in channels between the major islands (Pet-Soede 2003). Interviews with rumpon or FADs fishermen from Menanga, the capital of Solor district and Adonara were conducted while surveying the relatively shallow straits between Solor, Adonara and west Lembata. Fishers explain that once they start their generators to ignite the attracting lamps, whales follow their prey and occasionally get inside the purse net. Apparently, once a month a whale may get entangled in the net during these activities. The fisher usually tries to harpoon and kill the whale before their net is damaged or lost altogether. Fishermen mentioned that it is not of interest to harpoon the baleen whale for consumption or profit, but they do so to protect their nets. Such net repairs or losses occurred about once a month of this particular FAD alone. The whale meat is often sold for low prices to the whale villages, or as bait for shark and tuna long-liners from Flores.

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V Brief description of impacts of fisheries interaction with endangered species The impacts of by-catch on the species survival chance can be large. Also, marine debris can cause the death of a myriad of marine species, ranging from invertebrates to fish to turtles to the great whales. For example, close to 700 waste items per km wash ashore annually at Ashmore Reef, located 140 km from Roti, Indonesia and 800 km from Darwin, Australia (Kiesling & Hamilton 2001). Research from observer data presented by Kiesling 2003 during a conference show that irresponsible use of fishing gear can cause death of endangered species as result of entangled on derelict fishing gear (annex B). Most significantly sea turtles, cetaceans, sharks and sea birds fall victim to derelict fishing gear and end up as unwanted by-catch. 5.1 Turtles

In the Eastern Pacific, the numbers of Leatherback Turtle s collapsed from more than 90,000 adult turtles in 1980 to less than 2000 female turtles in 2000. Several researches show that long- line is one of the death causes of sea turtles. The location of hooks observed in leatherback and loggerhead turtle as impact of long-line gear operation as follows (Graph 1 by Watson et. al., 2002). Graph 1. Leatherbacks were mostly hooked in their flippers or at the beak, whereas loggerheads mostly swallowed the bait full. 5.2 Cetaceans One Indonesian study (Jurnal Celebes, 2003) estimates that there are almost 1,000 whales and dolphin entangled in the world every day and that about 308,000 marine mammal die from this per year. Other research claims that incidental catch perhaps would be the second biggest threat

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Hook locations in Leatherback Turtle

Hook locations in Loggerheads Turtle

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after hunting to survival of cetaceans. In the US, due to new regulations, with th3e use of under water alarms, mortality rate can be less than 40 percent of cetaceans entangled.

5.2 Elasmobranchs As many as 100 million sharks are killed each year for their meat and fins, which are used for shark fin soup. Hunters typically catch the sharks, de-fin them while alive and throw them back into the ocean where they either drown or bleed to death (UNEP, 2004).

Fisheries statistics indicate that sharks and rays are caught throughout Indonesia. Much of this catch is a result of artisanal fishing activities, as well as commercial shrimp trawlers, in which elasmobranches are caught on an opportunistic basis or as by-catch while targeting other species. When using set gillnets, set long-line s and hand lines, sha rks and rays are caught along with other species. Although they are not the target species, elasmobranches can represent a significant proportion of the catch. Long-lines are often used to target demersals teleosts such as snappers (Family Lethrinidae) and groupers (Family Serranidae). The baits used are also attractive to sharks. One fisherman in south Sulawesi reported using long- line 100 m long with twelve size 1 or 2 hooks. He se t these in waters about 30 m deep and got catch rates of about 3 sharks per day. Bottom set gillnets are used in similar depths around coral reefs. They are about 100 m long and 3 m high with 15 cm

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stretched mesh size. Fishermen reported up to ten small sharks per day using such gear. Rays were also reported to be a common by-catch of this method (Keong, 1996). 5.4 Sea Birds

Long line vessels are blamed to kill hundreds of thousands of albatrosses and other seabirds. While the long-lines are being set behind the fishing boats, albatrosses and other seabirds grab the bait. Hooked and dragged under the surface, the birds drown (American Bird Conservancy, 2004). UNEP (2004) mentions that each year, illegal long-line fishing, which involves lines up to 80 miles long, with thousands of baited hooks, kills over 300,000 seabirds, including 100,000 albatrosses. 5.5 Other Species Besides endangered species, other non-target species that end up as by-catch need attention too. Especially when discarded as non-target by-catch in one fishery, conflicts can occur when the fish is target of another fishery. Table A in the annex shows the composition of pole and line catch and pure seine by-catch in Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi (Walker, 2002). VI Some cases a nd anecdotes For this report some papers presented by Indonesian experts were used to describe occurrence of by-catch in some particular areas. This is by no means a comprehensive overview of by-catch in Indonesian fisheries, the field assessment results which will be presented in another report, aims to add to this desk study. 6.1 By-catch in the Arafura Sea Fisheries in the Arafura Seas are focused on catching shrimp with trawls. Shrimp trawls that operate in here are supposed to install TED’s, but by-catch remains a problem. With the number of shrimp trawl vessels at more than 338 vessels in 2004 (Purbayanto et al. 2004), potential by-catch can be large . The by-catch is commonly thrown in the sea partially because they don’t want to fill the cool storage rooms with something else than shrimp and because 80-85 % of it has very low value anyway. Only a small part is taken home by crew especially the species with high

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value. This is ironic in situations where poor coastal communities can improve their daily intake of protein by eating fish of whatever kind. The government of Papua Province has initiated activities for management of by-catch in the Arafura Sea through cooperation with PT. Sucovindo and this involves research by the Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of IPB (Agriculture Institute of Bogor). The fishing effort in the shrimp industry in Papua has fluctuated over the last decade (Table 1). The highest numbers of boats were active in 2000 with 526 vessels, which was double the number of 1992 (250 vessels). National representation in the fleet is increasing but the foreign fleet still dominates the waters of the Arafura seas. Table 1: Developments of shrimp trawl vessels with permits to operate in the Arafura Seas.

Amount vessels based on Gross Tonnage Year < 50 GT 50-100 GT 100-200 GT > 200 GT All Sizes

1992 198 59 250 1996 59 280 53 431 2000 207 198 51 526 2004*) 338

Source : Data until August 2004 (Purbayanto et al. 2004) Shrimp trawl vessels that operate in the Arafura Seas harbor in 4 province areas, with Papua Province (Sorong, Timika, Merauke, Benjina, Kaimana, Fakfak dan Merauke) as the largest harbor followed by Maluku Province. Fishing grounds are mostly inshore to 12 miles (Table 2). Graphs and tables in annex C provide some detailed information on by-catch composition in shrimp trawls. Table 2: Harbors and fishing grounds used by fleets operating the Arafura Seas

Fishing Gear Fishing Ground Harbor Target Species Remarks Shrimp Trawl Category >

100 GT

Category ~ 150 GT

South Beach, Arafura, Aru

Bintuni, South Beach (< 12 mile), Deep Waters A Aru, Kai etc.

Sorong, Kendari, ku Kupang, Timika

Benjina, Dobo


Shrimp Collector boats

Fish Trawl Arafura (IEEZ) Merauke, Tual, Benjina, Kaimana, Sorong

Fish and Crustacean

Including foreign vessels

Bottom Long- Line

Arafura and IEEZ Probolinggo, Sorong, Merauke, Benjina

demersal fish and shark

size~ 30 GT

bottom gillnet Arafura Fakfak, Sorong, Merauke

demersal fish and shark

~ 30 GT

Source: Purbayanto 2004

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6.2 By-catch in East Kalimantan 1 Various coastal fishing gears are operated in East Kalimantan waters. By-catch of turtle could be an important issue here as the area known as the Derawan Archipelago provides nesting beaches to a major population of green turtles. Especially trammel net and mini trawl for shrimp used here could entangle turtles. A review paper by Zainuri (2004) indicates that often capture of non-target species exceeds catch of target species (annex C). Only trammel net gear appears to be selective enough so as not to catch turtle. However, the gear is known to catch all sizes of fish effectively, so there is a need for caution in its application due to possibility for growth over-fishing, catching under-sized juvenile fish. Other research showed that gear modifications to trammel net and changes in the time of setting or the season can reduce by-catch of fish even more (Zainuri, 2004). See figure below with an example of seasonal differences in occurrence of non-target species catch in mini-trawl caused by differences in water turbidity, wave action and currents.

1 Scientific Paper by Zainuri, M., presented at the 4th National Conference of Coastal and Marine Resources, Gran Senyiur Hotel, Balikpapan, 16th September 2004



% of bycatch


Month (2004)



Catch product of trawl in Senipah Waters







% of bycatch


Month (2004)

Catch product of trammel net in Senipah Waters



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Figure : Catch of target species versus non-target species in 4 different gears per month. VII BY-CATCH MITIGATION EFFORTS Mitigation of by-catch needs more attention in Indonesia. What follows from the extensive search into secondary information is that there are no clear data that allow for specification of management regulations. Secondly, when information is available, and management measures are designed for particular fisheries, enforcement of the regulations becomes the next weak point. Having TED in a fishing vessel is obligatory but enforcement and control of the measure is not sufficient. Finally, there is still a lot to be gained both for managers as well as for the industry when positive supportive measures are applied to reduce waste from deteriorating product quality, and the attention of subsidies in fisheries must be drawn more towards optimizing fisheries rather than maximizing them. From experience elsewhere, management measures include mostly a combination of modifications of fishing gear, prohibition of fishing gear, adjustment of fishing seasons and areas (closed season/areas) and building capacity to release in good health species such as turtles and



% of Bycatch


Month (2004)

Catch product of belat in Senipah Waters


Catch product of belat in Balikpapan Bay











Month (2004)

% o

f Byc




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cetaceans caught and entangled. Additionally, to address by-catch resulting from discarding derelict fishing gear, better management practices on-board must be promoted or regulated. 7.1 Modification of fishing gear There are Indonesian fisheries regulations that address by-catch, especially for shrimp trawl: In the Fisheries Decree No. IK.010/S3.8075/82 about shrimp trawls construction:

• Shrimp trawl must include installed fish separator 2 • Maximum wide distance each bars filter is 3 inc h • Fish separator construction adjustment based on research result with better utilization

In the Fisheries Decree No. 868/Kpts/IK.340/II/ 2000 on fish separator construction and fishing grounds of shrimp trawl:

• Fish separator is to ensure escape of turtle, big fish and marine mammals • Fish separator must be installed among body and neck trawl.

Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) can be attached to a shrimp trawl net. With this device, sea turtles will hit a grid before entering the main part of the net. Shrimp slip through the grid into the net, but turtles slide along the bars and out a webbed flap. This device is reducing the numbers of shrimps caught but can avoid turtle mortality by about 97%. “Nordmore grate” is another gear that developed in Norway. This gear was designed to eliminate by-catch of small fish, such as haddock, cod, and flounder, in shrimp net. With this gear, mesh funnels shrimp and fish to the bottom of the net. Shrimp go through the grate; almost all fish escape through an opening in the net above the grate. In Western Australia, the Department of Fisheries has been developing a by-catch reduce device called the Super Shooter. This device will exclude large animals through an escape opening in the cod-end (Eayrs et al. 1997). Since it was first introduced to US-fisheries under formal regulation in late 1980s, research has been conducted by the US National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to improve release of turtles, retain shrimp and improve techniques to handle the TED at sea. Challenges to implement this regulation for Indonesia include:

• Monitoring, control and surveillance is very low so enforcement of the law is almost not possible.

• Fishers claim the gear is difficult to operate and it decreases catch of shrimp • TEDs or JTEDs application is still in the phase of demonstration, trial and socialization.

Training and research has been conducted that included:

• BPPP-Tegal with US expert team: training on utilization and Sup er Shooter TED construction, October 1996.

• BPPL: Trawl trial that TED installed at Arafura sea, April 1997.

2 Fish Separators (BED, TED, JTEDs)

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• Directorate General of Catch Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries RI-FAO-SEAFDEC: Introducing and Demonstration of BRDs at Sorong-Papua, September-October 2002.

• Directorate General of Capture Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries RI-FAO: Introducing and Demonstration of BRDs at Tual, October 2003.

• Directorate General of Capture Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries RI-FAO-SEAFDEC: Introducing and Demonstration of BRDs at Tual, June 2003.

For other gear, mainly for long- line fisheries, research in other parts of the world indicates that changing the design of the hooks can reduce by-catch or facilitate release of hooked animals. For Indonesia there is no formal regulation for this yet. A study by Watson et.al, (2004) on results of circle hook trials and bait trials in reducing by-catch of turtles shows in the first phase of the 3-year research that there was no significant effect of blue dyed squid on turtle capture rates and that there was an increase capture rate for leatherback turtles on the hooks placed 20 fathoms from floats. A general linear model indicated that daylight hook soak time (the amount of time the hooks are in the water during daylight hours) was the only variable which effected loggerhead turtle capture rates, but there was no effect of daylight soak time for leatherback turtle captures. In 2002 the experimental design evaluated the effect of reducing daylight hook soak time, the use of 18/0 circle hooks both offset and non offset with squid bait, and the use of mackerel bait on both J hooks (control) and 18/0 circle hooks in reducing sea turtle interactions with pelagic long-line gear. It was found that daylight soak time was not a significant variable in determining turtle interactions with long-line gear. 18/0 circle hooks were found to significantly reduce both loggerhead and leatherback interactions when compared to J hooks. 18/0 circle hooks with squid bait reduced swordfish catch, but increased tuna catch. 18/0 circle hooks with mackerel bait had the highest reduction in loggerhead turtle interactions and increased swordfish catch, but decreased tuna catch. J hooks with mackerel bait significantly reduced both logger head and leatherback interactions, increased swordfish catch, and reduced tuna catch. Both loggerhead and leatherback turtle catch rates varied with the surface water temperature. There was a dramatic increase in loggerhead catch rates for water temperature over 72 degrees (F). There was also an increase in leatherback turtle catch rates for water temperatures over 68 degrees (F). This data indicates that turtle interaction rates can be reduced by fishing in cooler water temperatures. From the other data indicates that fishing at water temperatures below 68 degrees (F) can significantly reduce loggerhead turtle interactions while increasing target catch rates. 7.2 Prohibition of fishing gear So far there is no gear prohibition in Indonesia related to mitigating by-catch. The trawl ban imposed years ago was put in place following conflicts between fishers on fishing grounds. In other parts of the world however, proposals for full ban of certain fishing gears to respond to collapsing populations of already endangered marine species have been discussed 7.3 Closed seasons and closed areas

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Examples described above, both with limited data from Kalimantan about impacts on season on by-catch and about impacts of vertical setting of long-lines indicate that mitigation efforts must include regulations on seasonal and spatial (horizontal/vertical) placement of gear. To conserve areas where endangered marine species and target fish species feed, mate, or reproduce so that these biological processes are safe guarded for survival and replenishment of the populations, establishment of no-take areas or Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are the preferred management measure. Pelagic MPAs can be based on both static bathymetric features such as banks and seamounts that are oceanic features recently implicated as preferred pelagic spawning aggregations for several commercial species (Boehlert and Sasaki, 1988; Klimley, 1993), as well as persistent hydrographic features i.e. relevant fronts as identified from fisheries oceanography. Recent advances in technology could aid in the design, implementation and enforcement of pelagic MPAs for fisheries management. Innovative fisheries control measures could include remote monitoring and offence detection of vessels equipped with mandatory satellite transponders. The transponders in turn would be a prerequisite to obtain approval for national fishing permits. Such a system would not only control where fishing activities can be legally done, but when coupled with certain oceanographic features this may reduce the volume of by-catch species. Fishing fleets are routinely using commercially available analyses to locate the most productive fishing grounds and relevant fisheries management restrictions on areas could be incorporated. 7.4 Improve on-board management practices In Australia, discussions on discarding fishing gear at sea and impacts of solid waste on survival of endangered marine species such as turtles and cetaceans are advanced. However, Indonesia has not yet initiated steps to improve and regulate management practices on-board vessels that will eradicate discarding gear. Recommendations have been provided through the Arafura Timor Seas Expert Forum (ATSEF). Linking implementation of best management practices with an effective observer program will be critical to address by-catch on large vessels. 7.5 Capacity building for effective release of captured turtles Linked to training of observers in countries such as Papua New Guinea, Federal States of Micronesia and others, training is provided on proper release of captured turtles in long-line operations. For Indonesia this type of training has just been initiated and it will be proposed for formal integration into the curriculum for fisheries academy and future observer progra ms. 7.6 WWF-Indonesia’s program for reducing by-catch WWF often works with the Indonesian government to influence policy and our recommendations to transform or better implement policy and regulations must be supported by facts and good research on solutions. Law enforcement is important to implement regulations and policy but Indonesia ’s archipelago is very large and there are big gaps in infrastructure to conduct effective enforcement. Often times lack of political will, based on perceptions that stakeholders or public does not care much about certain issues, hampers improvement of investment in enforcement and regulations for responsible fisheries.

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WWF-Indonesia built a partnership with Indonesian stakeholders in fisheries (Indonesian government, Fishery industries, Tuna Associations, Fishermen, Academism, NGOs) to help change this. Industry and government will work together to conduct research for solutions and quantification of the issue. Also, communications tools such as supportive campaigns will be used to gain support for responsible fisheries. These efforts would strengthen possibly the position of Indonesian fisheries products for the international public and markets. There are 3 main components to the work in this partnership: a. Initiation of action a t local, national and regional level As by-catch is a global issue and part of fisheries in many countries, it is important to work and take action on reducing by-catch hand in hand with players at local, national and regional levels. Locally, WWF started work with Sorong stakeholders in Papua to jointly find solutions for reducing by-catch in their fisheries. The Sorong fleet is known for their big shrimp trawls and close to Sorong is the major nesting beach for leatherback turtles. In the future WWF will expand also to other areas such as East Kalimantan working with groups to mitigating turtle by-catch. The 7th of June 2005 was an important day as it initiated national action on reducing by-catch in Indonesian tuna long- line fishery. A public consultation was held in Denpasar which resulted in a joined declaration and national action plan for addressing by-catch in Indonesia tuna long- line fishery. Under the coordinator of the Research Centre for Capture Fisheries of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries with support by Indonesian stakeholders including tuna associations in Indonesia, the national action plan would be implemented (Annex D). Regionally, WWF-Indonesia and the Indonesian government are joining regional meetings to learn about ways to address by-catch.

Picture of the public consultation meeting gathering.

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b. Collecting more information on by-catch (Field assessments and trial Observer Program) Validation and up -to-date information on occurrence of by-catch in Indonesia was needed to learn about the importance of the issue and to find the best strategy for reducing by-catch. In order to get the information, field assessments included interviews with crew and captains in ports and on board student observers. The student observers collected records describing the by-catch when it occurred and also strategies applied for release or reduced chance of occurrence. WWF initiated collaboration with the fisheries academy in Sorong who became observers on several vessels in Indonesia. For more formal and structured onboard observer work in the future, WWF together with the Indonesian government and the tuna associations in Indonesia will conduct observer trials in tuna long- line vessels in 3 areas identified as major bases for tuna long- line (Benoa-Bali, Bitung-North Sulawesi and Muara Baru-Jakarta), and will also conduct observer trials in Sorong for the shrimp trawl fleet. The first stage will focus on providing information on by-catch in Indonesia, and to provide recommendations on observer protocols that should be implemented by Indonesian government. c. Build capacity for mitigation of by-catch (training, gear adjustment, and technology transfer) Capacity building for actors in fishing fleets, captains and c rew is critically important to reduce mortality from by-catch. Captains and crew need to know how to handle and avoid by-catch in their operations. For example in the Indonesian tuna long-line fishery, some crew always release turtles when caught accidentally, but knowle dge on handling of sea turtle before their release is non-existing which affects their survival after being hooked or entangled. WWF with help of an expert3 introduced to the importance of releasing turtles properly and trained captains and crew on why by-catch should be reduced, how to handle turtles caught and how to release turtles. This will enhance awareness and performance on responsible fishing.

New technologies or gear modification or adjustment in setting of fishing gear are needed to reduce by-catch. Some research conducted elsewhere starts to provide input for this. In Indonesia, similar work needs to be done for Turtle Excluder Devices in shrimp trawling, and for initiation

3 Separate report by Mike McCoy of Gillett Preston and Associates, Inc.

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of changing “J” hooks into “Circle Hooks” and setting of gear in the tuna long-line fishery. WWF plans gear trials with the government research institute and the industry. It will be critical to think from the beginning how research results will be transferred into applicable technology so it can be adopted at scale. REFERENCES - Alverson, D.L. (1999) Some observations on the science of by-catch. Marine Technology Science Journal 33: 6-12. - Alverson, D.L., Freeburg, M.H., Pope, J.G., & Murawski, S.A. (1994) A global assessment of fisheries by catch and discards. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 339, Rome FAO. - American Bird Conservancy. 2004. Seabirds and Long-lines. http://www.abcbirds.org/policy/seabirds.htm - Andrew, N.L., & Pepperell, J.G. (1992) The by-catch of shrimp trawl fisheries. Oceanography and Marine Biology. An Annual Review 30: 537-565. - Bailey, C., Dwiponggo, A., and Marahudin, F., 1987. Indonesian Marine Capture Fisheries. ICLARM Studies and Reviews 10, 196 p. Contribution 388. - Balazs, G.H., & Pooley, S.G. (1994) Research plan to assess marine turtle hooking mortality. In Results of an Expert Workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-18 November 1993, p166. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-201. - Boehlert G.W., & Sasaki T. (1988) Pelagic biogeography of the armorhead, Pseudopentaceros wheeleri, and recruitment to isolated seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean. Fishery Bulletin 86: 453–465. - Bolten, A.B., Weatherall, J., Balazs, G.H., & Pooley, S.G. (1996) Status of marine turtles in the pacific ocean relevant to incidental take in the Hawaiian based pelagic long-line fishery. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-230, 167p. - Brothers, N. (1991) Albatross mortality and associated bait loss in the Japanese long-line fishery in the Southern Ocean. Biological Conservation 55: 255-268. - Castro, K and Williams, E, 2004. By-Catch ; Fact Sheet. Rhode Island Sea Grant. http://seagrant.gso.uri.edu/factsheets/By-catch.html - FAO (1995). Overview of world elasmobranch fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 341. Rome FAO. - Francis, M.P., Griggs, L.H., & Baird, S.J. (2001) Pelagic shark by-catch in the New Zealand tuna long-line fishery. Marine and Freshwater Research 52 : 165-178. - Garcia, M.A. & Hall, A.M. (1996) Spatial and seasonal distribution of by-catch in the purses seine tuna fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. In Fisheries By-catch: Consequence and management. Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 97-02, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. - Hall, M.A. (1996) Dolphins and other by-catch in the Eastern Pacific Ocean tuna purse Seine fishery. In Fisheries By-catch: Consequence and Management. Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report No. 97-02, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. - Hall, M.A., Alverson, D.L., & Metuzals, K.I. (2000) By-catch: problems and solutions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41: 204-219. - Jurnal Celebes, 2003. Hampir Seribu Paus dan Lumba-Lumba Mati Terjerat Jaring Tiap Hari. http://jurnalcelebes.com/view.php?id=408 - Kahn, B., and Fauzi, A., (2001) Fisheries in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas. Indonesian Country Report. WWF Indonesia Marine program report, 132p. - Keong, C.H. 1996. Sharks Fisheries and Trade in Sharks and Shark Products of Southeast Asia. TRAFFIC Souteast Asia.Selangor. - Kiessling, I. & Hamilton, C. (2001) Marine Debris at Cape Arnhem, Northern Territory, Australia. Report on the Northeast Arnhem Land Marine Debris Survey 2000, World Wide Fund for Nature Australia. - King, M., (1995) Fisheries biology: assessment and management. Fishing News Books – Blackwell Science. 341 p. - Klimley, A.P. (1993) Highly directional swimming by scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini, and subsurface irradiance, temperature, bathymetry, and geomagnetic field. Marine Biology 117: 1–22.

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- Kompas, Februari 2004. Laut Jadi Perekat Pulau-pulau. http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/0402/18/bahari/861283.htm . (Edisi Cetak 18 Februari 2004) - Kompas, Mei 2004. DKP Izinkan Penggunaan Pukat Harimau Terbatas. http://www.kompas.com/utama/news/0405/22/081312.htm - McCaughran, D.A. (1992) Standardized nomenclature and methods of defining by-catch levels and implications. In: Proceedings of the National Industry By-catch Workshop, February 4-6, 1992, Newport, Oregon. - Nasution, C. (1997) Highlight of shrimp trawling in the Arafura Sea: Fleet, shrimp catch and export in 1995-1996. FAO paper in relation with the program of FAO’s cooperative research network in Asia and Indian Ocean region on selective tropical shrimp trawling. - NMFS, 2004. Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs). http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/PR3/Turtles/TEDS.html - Pet-Soede, C. (2003) The Solor and Alor Islands – Expedition results. WWF Indonesia report. 45 pp plus annexes. - Pollnac, R.B., Rotinsulu, C., & Soemodinoto, A. (1997) Rapid assessment of coastal management issues on the coast of Minahasa. Coastal Resources Center, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett USA. pp 67. - Purbayanto A., Wisudo S.H., Santoso, J., Wahyuni, M., Wahyu, R.I., dinarwan, Zulkarnain, Sarmintohadi, Nugraha, A.D., Soeboer, D.A., Pramono, B., Marpaung, A., Riyanto, M. 2004. Pedoman umum perencanaan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hasil tangkap sampingan pukat udang di laut Arafura. Dinas Perikanan dan kelatuan Provinci Papua and Sucofindo. 68 pp. - Raymakers, C. (1998) Imports of Indonesian Marine Products into the EU 1990-1995 TRAFFIC/WWF/IUCN. - Saila, S. (1983) Importance and assessment of discards in commercial fisheries. FAO Circular 765, UN/FAO, Rome, Italy. - Simorangkir, S. 2000. Perikanan Indonesia. Penerbit Bali Pos. Denpasar. 294 hlm. - Sudirman, H dan Mallawa ,A. 2004. Teknik Penangkapan Ikan. Rineka Cipta, PT. Jakarta. 168 hlm. - UNEP, 2004. Fifty Key Facts About Seas and Oceans-World Environment Day. http://www.unep.org/wed/2004/Downloads/PDFs/Key_Facts_E.pdf - Venema, S.C. (1997) Report on the Indonesia/FAO/DANIDA workshop on the assessment of the potential of the marine fishery resources of Indonesia. Jakarta 13-24 March 1995. Rome, Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. FI:GCP/INT/575/DEN. Report on Activity No. 15. - Watson, J.W., Foster, G.D., Epperly, S., Shah, A.. 2004. Experiments in the Western Atlantic Northeast Distant Waters to Evaluate Sea Turtle Mitigation Measures in the Pelagic Long Line Fishery. NOOA Fisheries-U.S. Department of Commerce. - Williams, P.G. (1999) Sharks and related species catch in tuna fisheries of the tropical western and central Pacific Ocean. FAO Technical Paper 378: p860-880. - Zainuri, M., 2004. Studi By-catch dari Berbagai Alat Tangkap di Perairan Kalimantan Timur. Konferensi Nasional IV Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perairan Umum, Pesisir Pulau-pulau kecil dan Laut Indonesia. Balikpapan.


Page 29: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


A. Non-target species caught in different gear during field study (Data Ryan Walker)

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Page 31: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


C. Graphs and tables with species composition (non-target) Composition of non-shrimp by-catch in shrimp trawl of KM. Aru in Arafura Sea, Papua Province in 40 times hauling. Composition of non-shrimp by-catch in shrimp trawl on KM. Arafura Pearl in Arafura Sea, Papua Province in 17 times hauling.

Nomei (10%)

Sotong &Cumi (2%)


Gerot-gerot(10%)Gambret (6%)

Lidah (6%)Layur (3%)

Pari (1%)

Ikan campuran(28%)


Nomei (10%)

Sotong &Cumi (2%)


Gerot-gerot(10%)Gambret (6%)

Lidah (6%)Layur (3%)

Pari (1%)

Ikan campuran(28%)


Mixed fish (28%)

Ikan campuran(41%)

Tigawaja (9%)

Sotong & Cumi(2%)

Kepiting (9%) Layur (3%)

Gambret (7%)

Nomei (8%)

Gulamah (2%)

Lidah (10%)



Mix fish (41%)

Page 32: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


Length frequency distribution of Croaker fish (Argyrosomus amoyensis) on shrimp trawl KM. Aru in Arafura Seas. Length frequency distribution of Bearded-croaker fish (Johnius dussumieri) caught as by-catch in shrimp trawl KM. Aru in Arafura Seas. Length frequency distribution of Sweet lips fish (Johnius sp.) caught as by-catch in shrimp trawl KM. Aru in Arafura Seas.

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Gulamah








102 - 118 119 - 135 136 - 152 153 - 169 170 - 186 187 - 203 204 - 220 221 - 237 238 - 255

Selang Kelas (mm)


lah Ik

an .


nt o

f Fi


Class Interval (mm)

Length frequency distribution of Croaker fish

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Tigawaja








110 - 122 123 - 135 136 - 148 149 - 161 162 - 174 175 - 187 188 - 200 201 - 213 214 - 226

Selang Kelas (mm)


lah Ikan



nt o

f Fi


Class Interval (mm)

Length frequency distribution of Bearded-croaker fish

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Gerot-gerot








110 - 129 130 - 149 150 - 169 170 - 189 190 - 209 210 - 229 230 - 249 250 - 269 270 - 290

Selang Kelas (mm)





Length frequency distribution of Sweet lips

Class Interval (mm)


nt o

f Fish

Page 33: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


Length frequency distribution of Bombay duck, Saury fish (Harpadon micropectoralis) caught as by-catch in shrimp trawl KM. Aru in Arafura Seas. Length frequency distribution of Batavia batfish fish (Platax batavianus) length on shrimp trawl by-catch dominant at KM. Aru in Arafura Seas.

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Nomei








150-183 184-217 218-251 252-285 286-319 320-353 354-387 388-421 422-455

Selang Kelas (mm)






of F


Class Interval (mm)

Length frequency distribution of Bombay duck Fish

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Gampret









102-110 111-119 120-128 129-137 138-146 147-155 156-164 165-173 174-183

Selang Kelas (mm)





Length frequency distribution of Batavia batfish fish fish

Class Interval (mm)


nt o

f Fish

Page 34: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


Lintang (LS) Bujur (BT) Lintang (LS) Bujur (BT) Setting Hauling Udang HTS Total Udang HTS1 21/08/2004 07° 35' 137° 20' 07° 33' 137° 25' 05.15 07.47 150 850 1000 1 62 21/08/2004 07° 35' 137° 28' 07° 34' 137° 23' 08.00 10.20 100 900 1000 1 93 21/08/2004 07° 34' 137° 22' 07° 32' 137° 20' 10.50 12.10 90 910 1000 1 104 21/08/2004 07° 31' 137° 20' 07° 27' 137° 19' 12.30 14.45 90 910 1000 1 105 21/08/2004 07° 26' 137° 19' 07° 29' 137° 19' 15.10 17.17 50 950 1000 1 196 21/08/2004 07° 30' 137° 27' 07° 35' 137° 18' 17.35 19.52 80 920 1000 1 127 22/08/2004 07° 25' 137° 27' 07° 35' 137° 26' 06.11 08.04 85 915 1000 1 118 22/08/2004 07° 24' 137° 23' 07° 24' 137° 19' 08.27 10.30 65 935 1000 1 149 22/08/2004 07° 24' 137° 20' 07° 26' 137° 20' 10.50 13.12 70 930 1000 1 13

10 22/08/2004 07° 25' 137° 19' 07° 25' 137° 17' 13.33 15.47 60 940 1000 1 1611 22/08/2004 07° 25' 137° 18' 07° 23' 137° 15' 16.03 18.14 70 930 1000 1 1312 22/08/2004 07° 23' 137° 19' 07° 26' 137° 21' 18.42 21.05 30 970 1000 1 3213 23/08/2004 07° 37' 137° 17' 07° 37' 137° 20' 07.20 09.35 50 950 1000 1 1914 23/08/2004 07° 37' 137° 21' 07° 35' 137° 23' 09.57 12.23 40 960 1000 1 2415 23/08/2004 07° 35' 137° 24' 07° 32' 137° 24' 12.45 14.52 75 925 1000 1 1216 23/08/2004 07° 32' 137° 25' 07° 30' 137° 27' 15.15 17.27 55 945 1000 1 1717 23/08/2004 07° 29' 137° 28' 07° 26' 137° 31' 17.51 20.24 45 955 1000 1 21

71 929 1 15

14 - 50 m

13 - 50 m

14 - 50 m

RatioPosisi Haulingd (m)

Waktu Hasil Tangkapan (kg)No. Tanggal

Posisi Setting


Length frequency distribution of tongue /sole fish (Cynoglusus sp) caught as by-catch in shrimp trawl KM. Aru in Arafura Seas. Shrimp weight ratio towards by-catch for 17 times trawling in KM. Aru in Arafura Seas.

Sebaran Frekuensi Panjang ikan Lidah









124-139 140-155 156-171 172-187 188-203 204-219 220-235 236-251 252-267

Selang Kelas (mm)






of F


Class Interval (mm)

Length frequency distribution of Long-tongue sole fish

Latitude (SL) Longitude


Latitude (SL) Longitude


Setting Hauling Shrimp bycatch Total Shrimp bycatchDateSetting Position Hauling position

N o d(m)Time Fishing Product Ratio

Page 35: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


Lintang (LS) Bujur (BT) Lintang (LS) Bujur (BT) Setting Hauling Udang HTS Total Udang HTS1 19/08/2004 06.46 137.30 06.48 137.29 30 10.00 13.00 5 600 605 1 1202 19/08/2004 06.48 137.29 06.51 137.29 27 13.05 16.00 10 690 700 1 693 19/08/2004 06.51 137.29 06.53 137.28 35 17.00 19.25 30 970 1000 1 324 19/08/2004 06.53 137.28 06.54 137.29 30 19.30 23.30 20 980 1000 1 495 20/08/2004 06.54 137.29 06.56 137.28 27 00.12 04.30 15 985 1000 1 666 20/08/2004 06.56 137.28 06.57 137.27 25 04.45 06.30 25 975 1000 1 396 20/08/2004 06.57 137.27 06.59 137.27 18 06.35 08.45 20 980 1000 1 497 20/08/2004 06.59 137.27 07.01 137.26 20 08.50 11.00 25 975 1000 1 398 20/08/2004 07.01 137.26 07.03 137.27 21 11.05 14.30 25 975 1000 1 399 20/08/2004 07.03 137.27 07.07 137.29 20 14.40 17.25 30 970 1000 1 32

10 20/08/2004 07.07 137.29 07.11 137.28 15 17.30 21.15 45 955 1000 1 2111 20/08/2004 07.11 137.28 07.13 137.28 10 21.30 02.00 85 915 1000 1 1112 21/08/2004 07.13 137.28 07.16 137.26 21 02.10 05.00 120 1880 2000 1 1613 21/08/2004 07.16 137.26 07.19 137.26 16 05.00 07.30 95 905 1000 1 1014 21/08/2004 07.19 137.26 07.21 137.29 18 07.35 09.20 45 955 1000 1 2114 21/08/2004 07.21 137.29 07.25 137.30 20 09.30 11.25 45 955 1000 1 2115 21/08/2004 07.25 137.30 07.25 137.30 18 11.30 14.00 65 935 1000 1 1416 21/08/2004 07.25 137.30 07.27 137.30 16 14.05 16.20 45 955 1000 1 2117 21/08/2004 07.27 137.30 07.29 137.28 16 16.30 17.20 85 1415 1500 1 1718 21/08/2004 07.29 137.28 07.31 137.28 17 17.30 18.30 65 935 1000 1 1419 21/08/2004 07.31 137.28 07.35 137.27 16 18.35 22.30 85 1415 1500 1 1720 21/08/2004 07.35 137.27 07.37 137.24 18 22.35 02.39 45 955 1000 1 2121 21/08/2004 07.37 137.24 07.35 137.24 20 02.45 04.09 30 970 1000 1 3222 22/08/2004 07.35 137.24 07.38 137.24 24 04.20 06.50 30 970 1000 1 3223 22/08/2004 07.38 137.24 07.29 137.22 26 06.55 08.00 45 955 1000 1 2124 22/08/2004 07.29 137.22 07.25 137.21 18 08.05 09.30 40 960 1000 1 2425 22/08/2004 07.25 137.21 07.22 137.21 16 09.35 11.30 30 970 1000 1 3226 22/08/2004 07.22 137.21 07.18 137.21 19 11.35 14.00 40 960 1000 1 2427 22/08/2004 07.18 137.21 07.16 137.21 18 14.05 15.50 40 960 1000 1 2428 22/08/2004 07.16 137.21 07.15 137.21 18 15.55 18.00 55 945 1000 1 1729 22/08/2004 07.15 137.21 07.11 137.22 16 18.05 21.00 60 940 1000 1 1630 22/08/2004 07.11 137.22 07.10 131.22 18 21.05 24.00 45 955 1000 1 2131 23/08/2004 07.10 131.22 07.06 137.20 30 00.05 03.15 50 950 1000 1 1932 23/08/2004 07.06 137.20 07.04 137.20 35 03.20 06.15 60 940 1000 1 1633 23/08/2004 07.04 137.20 07.03 137.20 28 06.20 09.25 45 955 1000 1 2134 23/08/2004 07.03 137.20 07.00 137.21 24 09.30 12.45 45 955 1000 1 2135 23/08/2004 07.00 137.21 06.58 137.20 26 12.50 15.30 110 1890 2000 1 1736 23/08/2004 06.58 137.20 06.55 137.20 24 15.35 18.20 60 940 1000 1 1637 23/08/2004 06.55 137.20 06.51 137.20 22 18.30 22.15 45 955 1000 1 2138 23/08/2004 06.51 137.20 06.43 137.22 18 22.30 02.15 50 950 1000 1 1939 24/08/2004 06.43 137.22 06.42 137.21 18 02.30 05.30 80 1420 1500 1 1840 24/08/2004 06.42 137.21 06.41 137.21 19 05.45 08.30 75 1425 1500 1 19

49 1030 1 28

Hasil Tangkapan (kg) Ratio


Posisi Haulingd (m)

WaktuNo Tanggal

Posisi setting

Ration between catch of Shrimp and by-catch for 40 times trawling with KM. Aru in Arafura Seas.

Latitude (SL) Longitude


Latitude (SL) Longitude


Setting Hauling Shrimp bycatch Total Shrimp bycatchDateSetting Position Hauling position

No d(m)Time Fishing Product Ratio

Page 36: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


Percentage of main fishing target and by-catch from various fishing gears operated along East Kalimantan coasts (Zainuri, 2004).

No. Main Target By-catch Fishing Gear Remark 1 Shrimp = 369

(77,0%) Non Shrimp = 110 kg (22,9%)

Trammel net Rahmat Taufik Location:Muara

Badak, 1998 2 Shrimp = 1809

(18,1%) Non Shrimp = 8132 (81,8%)

Minitrawl Agus Setiawan Location:Muara Badak, 1997

3 Shrimp = 307 (6,18%)

Non Shrimp = 4658 (93,8%)

Minitrawl Rubiyani Location: Penajam Pasir Utara, 2000

4 Shrimp= 210 (41,6%)

Non shrimp = 294 (58,3%)

Trammel net Wakhidin Location: Muara Badak, 2004

5 Shrimp= 401 (57,6%)

Non Shrimp = 295 ekor (42,3%)

Trammel net (Modification)

Wakhidin Location: Muara Badak, 2004

6 fish = 292 (24,2%)

Non Commercial fish = 912 fishes (75,7%)

Belat Fauzie Location: Panajam Pasir Utara, 2000

7 fish = 454 (36,8%)

Non Commercial fish = 777 fishes (63,1%)

Belat Novita Aryani Location: Teluk Balikpapan, 2000

8 Squid and tiny fish = 12 360 (3,7%)

other fish= 321 990 gr (96,3%)

Lift net Budi Utomo Location: Senipah, 2001

9 Squid and tiny fish = 381 983 gr (24,8%)

other fish = 1157395gr (75,1%)

Lift net Nurul Atikah Location: Karangtigau (Bulungan), 2004

Page 37: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries



Indonesia Tuna Longline Fishery Public Consultation

Denpasar 7 June 2005

As a concrete action to ensure and promote responsible tuna lo ngline in Indonesia, and to support the sustainable use of Indonesian tuna resources according to the national and international mandate, participants of the Indonesian Tuna Longline Fisheries Public Consultation in “Status and Effort to Minimize Impacts From Sea Turtle and Fisheries Interaction, Specifically the Tuna Long Line Fishery in Indonesia, as an Effort to Strengthen the Bargaining Position of Indonesian Fishery Products and to Implement Responsible Fishery in Indonesia” agreed to jointly and cooperatively declare the following actions: • To work for the establishment and implementation of proper conservation and management

measures according to the relevant national and regional tuna fishery management organizations, based on the most recent status of tuna resources.

• To voice the opinions and concerns of Indonesian tuna longline stakeholders on international fishery issues.

• To ensure and promote valid data production and exchange of information on landing and statistical documents so as to ensure compliance to relevant with national and international tuna conservation and management measures.

• To raise unanimous voice from Indonesia in supporting responsible tuna longline fishery in every relevant international arena, against the biased unscientific accusation to attack legitimate fishing activities.

• With respect to the incidental catch of sea turtles and other marine species protected by law (marine mammals, sea birds) due to the tuna longline practice, to work together continuously in: a. Supporting research for data and information collection to solve the problem of incidental

catch of sea turtle and marine species protected by law in tuna longline fishery which will be agreed by accepted by stakeholders.

b. Initiating and implementing observer programs as a monitoring and evaluating tool to establish a management strategy (develop a suitable method, develop a mechanism of implementation, mechanism for observation, compile and analyze data, and communicating results)

c. Studying and using various tools and techniques to minimize interaction with those species, and

d. Reporting the results of the above action to the relevant international organizations • To initiate a forum for information exchange and problem solving. • To periodically meet at least once a year to review progress of the cooperative works. • To inform other countries who have tuna longline fishery of the result of the meeting and if

necessary invite them to participate in future meetings. Facilitating Team (endorsed by all participant) : a. Dr. Subhat Nurhakim (PRPT-BRKP-DKP) b. Dr. Sam Wouthuyzen (P2O-LIPI) c. Dr. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana (PRPT-BRKP-DKP) d. Ir. Mohammad Billahmar (ASTUIN) e. Boyke Lakaseru (WWF-Indonesia) f. Imam Musthofa Zainudin (WWF-Indonesia)

Page 38: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries



Status and Effort to Minimize Impacts From Sea Turtle and Fisheries Interaction, Specifically the Tuna Long Line Fishery in Indonesia, as an Effort to Strengthen the Bargaining Position of Indonesian Fishery Products and to Implement Responsible Fishery in Indonesia

NO Background / Issues concerned Action Plan Leading agency supporting

agency timeline

Lack of Data and Information Assess the status of interaction of fisheries with sea turtles

1) Assesment on the profile of Tuna Fisheries in Indonesia

2) Field assessment on potential interaction

a) International concerns on the implementation of code of conduct on responsible fiesheries in Indonesia


3) Studies on spatial and temporal distribution of Tuna fishing grounds and Tuna Migration patterns and potential overlapped with migration patterns of sea turtles

PRPT-BRKP DKP Semua Peserta June 2005-June 2006

b) Contraversion of anecdotal information from longline industries regarding interaction of turtle and fisheries and the current fact findings from field assessments.


c) A need of scientific and liable information on the fisheries interaction with turtles

B. To initiate an implementation of formal observer program a tool to monitor and evaluate management and mitigation measures ( development of appropriate method, worki ng mechanisms, on-board observer implementation, data compilation, analysis as well as dissemination and distribution of information. compilation and result analyses, result socialization)

PRPT-BRKP/ SDI DJPT Semua Peserta June 2005-June


Potential Interaction of Sea Turtle and Fisheries a) High number of tuna longliners operating in Indonesia

A. Training on on-board mitigation handling to reduce mortality.

SDI-DITJEN TANGKAP DKP Semua Peserta Jun--September


b) Indonesian waters serves migration corridors for marine endangered and protected species. B. study on the effectiveness of gear modification (e.g. circle

hooks trial) PRPT-BRKP DKP Semua Peserta January -June

2006 c) Potential overlapping of migration routes of marine endangered speies and fishing grounds


d) Information existence of sea turtle caught by tuna longline

C. Develop campaign materials

PRPT-BRKP DKP Semua Peserta June 2005 - June 2006

III Strengthening the bargaining position of Tuna A. Initiate multi stakeholder forum for information exchange Direktorat KTNL -Ditjen Semua peserta June 2005 -

Page 39: Deskstudy2005 Bycatch in Indonesian fisheries


products at international market and consultations KP3K- DKP/ SDI DJPT June 2006 a) Lack of communication and coordination among fisheries

related stakeholders B. Conduct Regular meeting (e.g. annual meeting) to review progress. Direktorat KTNL -Ditjen

KP3K- DKP/ SDI DJPT Semua peserta June 2005 - June 2006

b) Recognition on the importance of proving industry concerns towards global issues related to fisheries

c) International concerns on the implementation of code of conduct on responsible fiesheries in Indonesia

d) Lack of knowledge on turtle conservation efforts in Indonesia

C. compose joint declaration to express commitment and concerns of tuna longline industries towards international fisheries related issues.

Direktorat KTNL -Ditjen KP3K- DKP/ SDI DJPT Semua peserta

June 2005 - June 2006

Note: detailed plan will be done by leading agency/ coordinator