Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS and its application to a pharmacokinetic study KE REN 1, TIANTIAN FENG 2, HAI SHI 1 , JIANSHE MA 2 p and YONGXI JIN 3 p 1 Department of Pharmacy, Ningbo YinZhou No.2 Hospital, Ningbo, China 2 School of Basic Medicine, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China 3 Department of Rehabilitation, Wenzhou Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wenzhou, China Received: October 12, 2020 Accepted: January 29, 2021 Published online: February 25, 2021 ABSTRACT Narciclasine is a 7-hydroxy derivative of lycorisidine. It was the first alkaloid isolated from the stem of narcissus (Amaryllidaceae) in 1967. Six mice were given narciclasine (5 mg/kg) by intravenous administration. A UPLC-MS/MS method was developed to determine narciclasine in mouse blood. Tectorigenin (internal standard, IS) and narciclasine were gradient eluted by mobile phase of methanol and 0.1% formic acid in a BEH C18 column. The multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) of m/z 308.1248.1 for narciclasine and m/z 301.1286.0 for IS with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source was used for quantitative determination. The calibration curve ranged from 1 to 6,000 ng/mL. The accuracy was from 92.5 to 107.3%, and the matrix effect was between 103.6 and 107.4%. The developed UPLC-MS/MS method was successfully applicated to a pharmacokinetic study of narciclasine in mice after intravenous administration (5 mg/kg). KEYWORDS narciclasine, mice, UPLC-MS/MS, determination, bioavailability INTRODUCTION In the history of human search for effective drugs, natural products have played a vital role. Especially in the field of cancer, more than 60% of drugs are derived from natural products. Plants in the Amaryllidaceae family are known for their medicinal effects and toxicity [14]. The role has been known for a long time. As far back as ancient Greece, narcissus extracts have been successfully used in cancer treatment. The 48 alkaloids isolated from narcissus have a carbon skeleton, but one group of these alkaloids is represented by the structure of hydroxybenzophenanthridone or isoquinolinone [5, 6]. The most representative compounds are narciclasine, lycoricidine, and pancratistatin. The most commonly used term to dene this group of alkaloids in the literature is called isoquinolone [7]. The cytotoxicity of these isoquinolone alkaloids has been conrmed in basic experiments as early as 30 years ago, and was later conrmed by NCI (International Cancer Agency) at the level of MTT colorimetric determination of human cancer cell lines[8, 9]. Narciclasine, lycorisidine (7-deoxynarcissus), squalene and its derivatives have shown effective anti-tumor cell line effects in vitro cytotoxicity experiments and in vivo experiments against mice M-5076 sarcoma and P-388 tumor activity [10, 11]. Therefore, this type of alkaloid with a new main structure is a new resource with potential and development as a future anti-cancer drug. Narciclasine does not affect the activity of proteases in vitro, but inhibits the synthesis of proteases at the ribosome level. Narciclasine is described as an Acta Chromatographica 34 (2022) 2, 115119 DOI: 10.1556/1326.2021.00865 © 2021 The Author(s) ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER y These authors contributed equally to this work. p Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected] (Jianshe Ma); [email protected] (Yongxi Jin) Unauthenticated | Downloaded 06/07/22 08:41 AM UTC

Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS

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Page 1: Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS

Determination of narciclasine in mouse bloodby UPLC-MS/MS and its applicationto a pharmacokinetic study


1 Department of Pharmacy, Ningbo YinZhou No.2 Hospital, Ningbo, China2 School of Basic Medicine, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China3 Department of Rehabilitation, Wenzhou Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wenzhou, China

Received: October 12, 2020 • Accepted: January 29, 2021Published online: February 25, 2021


Narciclasine is a 7-hydroxy derivative of lycorisidine. It was the first alkaloid isolated from the stem ofnarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) in 1967. Six mice were given narciclasine (5 mg/kg) by intravenousadministration. A UPLC-MS/MS method was developed to determine narciclasine in mouse blood.Tectorigenin (internal standard, IS) and narciclasine were gradient eluted by mobile phase of methanoland 0.1% formic acid in a BEH C18 column. The multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) of m/z308.1→248.1 for narciclasine and m/z 301.1→286.0 for IS with an electrospray ionization (ESI) sourcewas used for quantitative determination. The calibration curve ranged from 1 to 6,000 ng/mL. Theaccuracy was from 92.5 to 107.3%, and the matrix effect was between 103.6 and 107.4%. The developedUPLC-MS/MS method was successfully applicated to a pharmacokinetic study of narciclasine in miceafter intravenous administration (5 mg/kg).


narciclasine, mice, UPLC-MS/MS, determination, bioavailability


In the history of human search for effective drugs, natural products have played a vital role.Especially in the field of cancer, more than 60% of drugs are derived from natural products.Plants in the Amaryllidaceae family are known for their medicinal effects and toxicity [1–4].The role has been known for a long time. As far back as ancient Greece, narcissus extractshave been successfully used in cancer treatment. The 48 alkaloids isolated from narcissushave a carbon skeleton, but one group of these alkaloids is represented by the structure ofhydroxybenzophenanthridone or isoquinolinone [5, 6]. The most representative compoundsare narciclasine, lycoricidine, and pancratistatin. The most commonly used term to definethis group of alkaloids in the literature is called isoquinolone [7]. The cytotoxicity of theseisoquinolone alkaloids has been confirmed in basic experiments as early as 30 years ago, andwas later confirmed by NCI (International Cancer Agency) at the level of MTT colorimetricdetermination of human cancer cell lines[8, 9].

Narciclasine, lycorisidine (7-deoxynarcissus), squalene and its derivatives have showneffective anti-tumor cell line effects in vitro cytotoxicity experiments and in vivo experimentsagainst mice M-5076 sarcoma and P-388 tumor activity [10, 11]. Therefore, this type ofalkaloid with a new main structure is a new resource with potential and development as afuture anti-cancer drug. Narciclasine does not affect the activity of proteases in vitro, butinhibits the synthesis of proteases at the ribosome level. Narciclasine is described as an

Acta Chromatographica

34 (2022) 2, 115–119

DOI:10.1556/1326.2021.00865© 2021 The Author(s)


yThese authors contributed equally tothis work.

pCorresponding authors.E-mail: [email protected](Jianshe Ma); [email protected](Yongxi Jin)

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Page 2: Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS

anti-mitotic substance similar to colchicine. Narciclasine isalso an inhibitor of peptide bond formation in eukaryoticribosomes [12, 13]. It inhibits the formation of peptidebonds by combining with 60S ribosomal subunits andpeptidyl transferase centers. Unlike other anti-cancer drugs,narcissus does not interact with DNA to affect or formcomplexes.

To better understand the pharmacokinetics [14, 15], ananalytical method for the determination of narciclasine inbiological fluids is necessary. Svagrova et al. developed areversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographyfor determination of narciclasine in serum, with the reten-tion time of narciclasine was 5 min, and needed 0.5 mLblood for the sample preparation [16]. Until now, there wereno reports about the pharmacokinetics of narciclasine inbiological fluids by UPLC-MS/MS. Therefore, it was todevelop a UPLC-MS/MS method for determination of nar-ciclasine in mouse blood and used for pharmacokinetics.



Narciclasine and tectorigenin (IS) (both purity >98%) werefrom Chengdu Munster biotechnology Co. Ltd. (Chengdu,China). Milli-Q water system was from Millipore Sigma(Burlington, MA, USA). HPLC grade acetonitrile, formicacid and methanol were from Merck Company (Darmstadt,Germany).

Instrument and condition

An ACQUITY H-Class UPLC equipped with a XEVO TQS-micro triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (Waters Corp,Milford, MA, USA) with electrospray ionization (ESI), wasused for analysis.

UPLC BEH C18 (1.7 mm, 2.1 mm3 50 mm) column wasused for separation at 30 8C. The mobile phase consisted ofmethanol and water (0.1% formic acid) with the flow rate of0.4 mL/min. The gradient conditions with as follows: 0–0.2min, 10% methanol; 0.2–1.4 min, 10–85% methanol; 1.4–2.4min, 85% methanol; 2.4–2.5 min, 85–10%, methanol; 2.5–4.5min, 10% methanol.

Capillary voltage was 2 kV, the temperature of sourceionization was 150 8C, dry gas (nitrogen) was 900 L/h, andthe temperature for drying gas was 450 8C. The m/z308.1→248.1 for narciclasine (cone voltage 12 v, collisionvoltage 18 v) and m/z 301.1→286.0 for IS (cone voltage 52 v,collision voltage 26 v), was used for quantitative analysis, inan ESI positive mode and MRM, Fig. 1.

Calibration standards

The stored solutions of narciclasine (1.0 mg/mL) and tec-torigenin (1.0 mg/mL) were prepared in methanol. Workingstandard solutions were diluted by methanol, including 10,50, 200, 1,000, 5,000, 15,000, 30,000, 60,000 ng/mL fornarciclasine. The working standard solution (100 ng/mL) oftectorigenin was diluted with methanol from the storedsolution.

Fig. 1. Chemical structure and mass spectrum of narciclasine and tectorigenin (IS)

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Page 3: Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS

Calibration standards of narciclasine were spiked toblank mouse blood to concentration of 1, 5, 20, 100, 500,1,500, 3,000, 6,000 ng/mL. Three quality control (QC)samples were 2, 450 and 5,000 ng/mL.

Sample preparation

One hundred microliter acetonitrile (containing IS 100 ng/mL)was added into 20 mL blood, mixed for 1.0 min, and centri-fuged at 13,000 rpm for 10 min. The supernate (2 mL) wasinjected into UPLC-MS/MS for analysis.

Pharmacokinetic study

Six Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice (male, 20–22 g)were from Laboratory Animal Center of Wenzhou MedicalUniversity (Wenzhou, China). The blood samples (20 mL)were withdrawn from caudal vein after intravenousadministration of narciclasine (1 mg/kg) at 0.083, 0.5, 1, 1.5,2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 h, and stored at �208C until analysis. Thedata was fitted by the DSA 2.0 (China PharmaceuticalUniversity, China).


Method validation

Fig. 2 exhibited the UPLC-MS/MS of a blank blood sample,a blank blood sample spiked with narciclasine and IS, and ablood sample obtained after intravenous administration. Nointerference was found at the retention times of the narci-clasine and the IS.

The equation of the calibration curve (1–6,000 ng/mL) ofnarciclasine was: y 5 0.0012x þ 0.0012 (r 5 0.9994, n 5 6),y represented the ratio of the peak area of narciclasine tothat of IS, and x was the concentration of narciclasine. TheLLOQ was 1 ng/mL, the precision and accuracy of the LLOQwere 13.6 and 107.3%, respectively.

The accuracy ranged from 92.5 to 107.3%, the precisionwas less than 14%, and the matrix effect was between 103.6%and 107.4%, the recovery was better than 65.7%, in Table 1.

The stability of narciclasine in variations condition (3freezing and thawing cycles, �20 8C for 30 days, roomtemperature for 2 h) was acceptable, the accuracy was within86% and 114%, and precision was less than 14%.

Fig. 2. Narciclasine and IS chromatograms obtained by UPLC/MS/MS in mouse blood. (A) a blank blood sample, (B) the blank bloodsamples spiked with narciclasine (1 ng/mL) and IS, (C) a blood samples after intravenous administration

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Page 4: Determination of narciclasine in mouse blood by UPLC-MS/MS

Pharmacokinetic study

The main pharmacokinetic parameters of narciclasine werefiited by the non-compartment model, Table 2. The bloodconcentration of narciclasine was showed in Fig. 3.


We chose the positive mode for the response of the narci-clasine was stronger than that in the negative ion mode.Then fragment peaks with relatively high fragments wereselected as quantitative ion pairs, m/z308.1→248.1 for nar-ciclasine (cone voltage 12 v, collision voltage 18 v) and m/z301.1→286.0 for IS (cone voltage 52 v, collision voltage 26v), were shown in Fig. 1.

The different mobile phase was tested, such as acetoni-trile, 0.1% formic acid in water, 10 mmol/L ammoniumacetate and methanol. The methanol and 0.1% formic acidin water was used as the mobile phase, it achieved thesuitable retention time (1.7 min) and better peak.

Choosing sample treatment method was very importantin methodology [17–21]. The extraction efficiencies of ethylacetate, acetonitrile, and methanol were compared. Theextraction efficiencies of acetonitrile (around 70%) werebetter than ethyl acetate (around 50%) and methanol(around 50%). And the matrix effects of acetonitrile wereacceptable (around 105%).

To select the internal standard during the methodestablishment process was very important [22–26]. Severalcompounds including astragalin, tectorigenin, rubiadin andnarciclasine were compared. It was comprehensively shownthat tectorigenin had a structure, and the peak time wassimilar to that of narciclasine.

UPLC-MS/MS was applied to the quantitative analysis ofnarciclasine in mouse blood, which was much faster thantraditional HPLC (retention time of narciclasine was 5.0min), and needed less blood (20 mL) [16]. No literature hasbeen reported on the pharmacokinetics of narciclasine inrats or mice.


A simple UPLC-MS/MS method was developed for deter-mination of narciclasine in mouse with the LLOQ of 1 ng/mL. The developed UPLC-MS/MS method was successfullyapplied to the pharmacokinetics in mice.


This work was supported by Wenzhou science and Tech-nology Bureau (Y2020882), the second batch of agriculturalcooperatives in Yinzhou District in 2018 (NO. 23).


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