dev ck list 4

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  • 8/8/2019 dev ck list 4


    One Year Old:

    (Some of the developmental milestones for this list come fromWhat to Expect the First Year.)

    Lifts head while lying on stomach (by age 3 months) (G)__

    __Grasps a rattle (age 4 months) (F)__Bring both hands together (age 4 months) )

    __Rolls over one way (by age five months) (G

    __Keep head level with body when pulled to a sitting position (age six months) (G)__Rolls over both ways (by age seven months) (G)__Sit without support (age 8 months) (G)

    __Feed herself a cracker (age 8 months) (F)

    __Passes an object from one hand to another (age 8 months) (F)__Get into a sitting position from stomach (8 months) (G)

    __Stands holding on to someone or something (10 months) (G)

    __Pulls up to standing position from sitting position (age 10 months) (G)__Can pick up a tiny object. (11 months) (F)

    __Can walk holding on to furniture. (12 months) (G)

    Back to ArticleTwo Years Old:

    This checklist was developed by Ziva Schapiro, OTR

    __Walks and runs on full feet (G)

    __Pulls toys with strings (G&F)

    __Climbs on furniture to look out the window and can get down (G)

    __Climbs stairs holding on with two feet on each stair (G)__Builds tower of 6 blocks (F)

    __Pretends to push a train made out of three blocks after watching an adult do so. (F)

    __Strings 1-4 large beads (F)__One hand starts to be dominant (F)

    __Holds crayon with the whole hand (fingers straight) (F)

    __Imitates an adult making circular strokes or dots (F)(The child will make a circle or dots after watching an adult do so.)

    __Copies horizontal and vertical lines (F)

    __Uses spoon well (F)

    __Assists in dressing (G)

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    Three Years Old:

    This checklist was developed by Ziva Schapiro, OTR

    __Jumps in place with both feet (G)

    __Kicks stationary ball (G)__Rides tricycle (G)

    __Stands on one foot for two seconds (G)

    __Swings on swing when stated in motion (G)__Builds tower of nine blocks (F)
  • 8/8/2019 dev ck list 4


    __Snips with scissors (F)

    __Completes 5-6 piece puzzle (F)

    __Holds crayon with three fingers(F)

    __Copies circle (can make a circle when he sees another one on a paper.) (F)__Imitates cross (can make a cross after watching an adult draw one) (F)

    __Draws person with head (F)

    __Uses spoon and fork properly (without making a "big" mess) (F)Back to Article

    Four Years Old:

    This checklist was developed by Ziva Schapiro, OTR

    __Hops on one foot 1-3 times (G)

    __Plays catch with large ball (G)

    __Good control of tricycle (curves and spins) (G)__Builds tower with 10 blocks (F)

    __Strings small beads (F)

    __Holds writing utensil with three fingers (F)

    __Copies square (F)__Draws person wit head feet and body (F)

    __30 minute attention span (5-10 minutes per activity)

    __Dress/Undress independently (except for closings, i.e. buttons, zippers) (F)__Crosses midline (F&G) (anchor to this term in the article above)

    __Does not switch hands in the middle of an activity (F)

    __Clear dominance in right handed children (F)

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    Five Years Old:

    This checklist was developed by Ziva Schapiro, OTR

    __Walks on straight line (G)

    __Can climb steps holding an object (G)__Hops on each foot three times (G)

    __Stands on one foot 8-10 seconds (G)

    __Rides two wheeler with training wheels (G)__Can swing by himself (G)

    __Bounces and catches tennis ball (G&F)

    __Builds tower 12 blocks (F)

    __Can build three steps out of six blocks (F)

    __Draws angled lines and triangle (F)__Draws a person with head, body, legs and face (F

    __Can color in lines (F)__Cuts on straight lines (F)

    __Holds knife in dominant hand (F)

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    Six Year Old:
  • 8/8/2019 dev ck list 4


    This checklist was developed by Ziva Schapiro, OTR

    __Stands on one foot with eyes closed for 3 seconds (G)

    __Walks on line in heel-toe fashion (G)

    __Skips (G)__Rides bicycle without training wheels (G)

    __Jumps rope (G)

    __Catches and bounces tennis ball (G)__Draws diamond (F)__Cuts with knife (F)

    __Holds writing utensil with three fingers with movement in the fingers.

    __Ties shoelaces (F)