www.sparc.org.nz Manipulative Skills On 1 Feb 2012, SPARC changed its name to Sport NZ. www.sportnz.org.nz

Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Manual€¦ · Throwing a ball at a moving target, dodging evading and space awareness. 4-5 Hard or grass area 216 Three Court Ball Throwing

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Page 1: Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Manual€¦ · Throwing a ball at a moving target, dodging evading and space awareness. 4-5 Hard or grass area 216 Three Court Ball Throwing


Manipulative Skills

On 1 Feb 2012, SPARC changed its name to Sport NZ.


Page 2: Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Manual€¦ · Throwing a ball at a moving target, dodging evading and space awareness. 4-5 Hard or grass area 216 Three Court Ball Throwing


Section contentsThrowing and Catching 187

Striking with the Hands 230

Striking with the Feet 251

Striking with an Implement 292

Additional Manipulative Skills to Try 329

References 341

Websites 342

Page 3: Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Manual€¦ · Throwing a ball at a moving target, dodging evading and space awareness. 4-5 Hard or grass area 216 Three Court Ball Throwing



Throwing and CatchingDescriptionThrowing and catching are complementary skills, yet are quite different in terms of their movement focus. In catching or receiving, the body controls a ball or object, relying on the ability of the eyes to track the ball into the receiving part of the body. Throwing involves propelling a ball away from the body and is a target skill. These skills are diffi cult to practise in isolation from each other, and both require specifi c attention in practice activities.


Throwing and catching actions for small balls differ from those for large balls. Throwing and catching skills in this resource include: overarm throw, underarm throw and roll, as seen in cricket and softball games; and a variety of two-handed passes, like the chest, bounce, spiral pass that are prevalent in netball, basketball and rugby.

Applying movement principlesMomentum: If you bring your throwing arm as far back as possible and transfer your weight to your back foot, more force will be transferred to the ball as it leaves your hand while you smoothly bring the arm forward and transfer your weight to your front foot in a swinging action (i.e. when throwing, transfer your weight from your back to front foot).

Speed: The straighter your arm in the forward swinging motion, the greater the force and therefore the faster the ball. The longer your arm is in the overarm throw, the faster it will swing and the further the ball will go.

Absorption of force: To absorb the force of an incoming object, spread the force over a large surface area and for as long as possible. In catching a ball, reach for the ball

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with your hands, spread your fi ngers or cup your hands together and ‘give’ with the ball, (i.e. bring the ball into your body).

Balance: To catch or receive a ball, your body should be behind the line of the ball, with your legs or body presenting a wide, fi rm base of support. To establish a more secure base of support lower your centre of gravity. For example, to fi eld a ground ball in cricket, you kneel to one side, which provides a fi rm, low and wide base of support.

Learning cues

ThrowingThese learning cues are for the overarm throw, some of which could be applied to other throwing skills included in this resource.

grasp the ball in one hand

position yourself side on to target

take your arm way back so that momentum builds for the throw

step forwards with opposite foot towards target

swing through – long arm at release

follow through with your throwing arm – in the direction of the target

Catching/receivingmove your body directly in the path of the ball

secure a wide base of support

adjust your hand position (for catching) for the height of the ball:

thumbs in for balls above the waist

thumbs out for balls below the waist

present a large surface area for catch or fi eld, (e.g. fi ngers spread, hands in cup formation, body presents a low, stable surface when fi elding a grounded ball)

keep eyes on the ball until contact is made

pull the ball/object into your body – body ‘gives’ with the catch

Learning phases

Discovering phase

Activities in this phase focus on exploration of a variety of throwing and catching experiences involving a variety of balls. Characteristics of the throwing and catching performance include the following.

Throwingbody faces the target

swing back with the arm and the weight transfer to back foot are limited

body rotates very little during the throw

no transfer of weight forwards

follow-through is forwards and downwards

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Catching/receivingbody may turn away to avoid catch

arms held straight out in front of the body

body movement is passive until the point of contact

the body, rather than the hands, is used to catch the ball

palms of the hands are face up and the catch is more like a scoop

Developing phase

Areas of focus in this phase are practising a variety of throwing and catching actions in different and relatively static contexts, varying the distance of the throw and throwing at a stationary target. The characteristics of throwing and catching at this phase are listed below.

Throwingarm is swung back and then forwards, high over the shoulder

the body, including trunk and shoulders, turns towards the throwing side

defi nite weight transfer from back foot to front foot

children tend to step forward on the same foot as their throwing arm

Catching/receivingeyes may close at contact with the ball

arms tend to trap the ball – ‘crocodile’ catch

children tend to hold out their hands in opposition to each other, with thumbs up

hands attempt to squeeze the ball

catching is poorly timed and uneven

Consolidating phase

Applying different throwing actions to changing environments, like throwing to a moving target, is the focus of learning in this phase. Characteristics of this phase are listed below.

Throwingthrowing arm is swung far back in preparation for forward swinging action

opposite arm is raised for balance/direction

there is a defi nite turning of the body through legs, hips and shoulders

weight transfers from back foot to front foot, with a step with the opposite foot to the throwing arm

Catching/receivingbody positioned directly in path of the ball

eyes follow the fl ight path of the ball into the hands

arms ‘give’ on contact to absorb the force of the ball

hands and fi ngers spread to receive the ball, with thumbs in opposition to each other

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Learning phase

Activity name

Movement skills/concept Suggested group size

Suggested space


Discovering Catching Solo

Catching a variety of objects, catching while moving around in different pathways and at different levels and speeds.


Hard fl at area


The Wonderful World of Passing and Throwing

Exploring passing, throwing, catching and rolling, time and energy, and body awareness. 1-2

Hard or grass area


Let’s Roll the Ball

Rolling a ball along the ground, at a target, in different pathways and directions, and relationships (with others).

2, 3 or 5

Smooth fl at surface


How to Throw Underarm

Exploring underarm throwing, space awareness (direction) and relationships (with others).

2 Hard or grass area


Exploring Overarm Throwing

Throwing overarm, time and energy, and relationships (with others).

1 or 2 Indoor or outdoor area with a wall


Catching with a Partner

Catching a ball rolled or thrown from different angles and levels and at different speeds.

2 Hard fl at area


Passing Pathways

Two-handed pass to stationary target, space awareness (pathways and patterns) and relationships (with others).

5-6 Grass or hard area


Developing Circle Catch Catching a ball approaching from different levels, angles and at different speeds, passing and throwing.

6-7 Grass or hard area


Ten Pin Rolling a ball to a stationary target, accuracy.

2-4 Smooth hard surface


Spider Ball Rolling to a target, space awareness and relationships (with others).

6-8 Smooth hard surface


Unders Throwing underarm for accuracy.

2-3 Grass or hard area


Wall Guard Catching a high ball, throwing a lob/high ball, running and dodging.

5-7 Grass or hard area


Wall Passing

Passing to a stationary target, passing and catching a ball on the rebound, judging the fl ight path of the ball.

2-3 Indoor or outdoor area with a wall


Corner Spry Quick passing, running and reaction time, relationships (with others).

4 Grass or hard area


Shuttle Passes

Passing and catching, carrying a ball, throwing and relationships (with others).

3 Grass or hard area


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Learning phase

Activity name

Movement skills/concept Suggested group size

Suggested space


Developing Tap and Pass

Passing to a moving target, receiving a pass while moving.

4 Grass or hard area


Passing in Circles

Passing to a moving target, receiving a pass while moving.

4-7 Grass or hard area


Diagonal Running and Passing

Running with the ball, passing and running into space.

8 Grass or hard area


Force Back Overarm throwing for distance, and catching.

2 Large grass area


All Against One

Throwing a ball at a moving target, dodging evading and space awareness.

4-5 Hard or grass area


Three Court Ball

Throwing a ball for accuracy and distance, and fi elding a thrown ball.

6-8 Hard or grass area


Long Chase Ball

Passing and receiving the pass, running and dodging to evade a throw.

10+ Hard or grass area


Consolidating Catch It Catching a ball approaching at different angles, levels and speeds, and throwing a high ball.

3 Hard or grass area


Five Catches

Throwing and catching, fi elding a ball and running.

12+ Hard or grass area


Moving Target

Throwing at a moving target. 16+ Hard fl at area


Rolling Rounders

Rolling a ball into space, running as a team and fi elding a ground ball.

12+ Smooth surface area


Noughts and Crosses

Underarm throw at a target, judging distance and strategy.

4-6 Hard area 223

Corner Ball Throwing at a stationary target, passing and receiving while moving, running, dodging, moving into space.

12+ Marked hard surface area


Scatter Ball Overarm throwing, running, fi elding or catching a small ball.

10+ Hard or grass area


Two vs Two Passing a large ball to a moving target, passing into space, defending a pass, evading, intercepting and relationships (with others).

4 Hard or grass area


Skittle Ball Passing a large ball, moving into space, defending, evading and relationships (with others).

16+ Hard surface area


Aranga Touch

Passing and catching, moving into space, defending, passing for accuracy.

10+ Hard or grass area


Touch Tag Passing and catching, running with the ball, passing and moving into space, faking and dodging.

10 Hard or grass area


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Discovering Throwing and Catching

Catching Solo

Movement skills/concepts

Catching a variety of objects, catching while moving in different pathways and at different levels and speeds.

<photo/illustration of child catching ball>


A variety of balls (small, large, soft, hard, spiky) and objects (beanbags, quoits).

Children, with a ball/object each, are spread out in a defi ned hard fl at area.


Can you …?describe how the ball/object feels – think of the texture/hardness

roll the ball/object over your body – up and down, round and round, down a leg or arm

roll it along the ground slowly, run round in front of it and pick it up

holding the ball/object in a two-hand ‘nest’, drop it and catch it while standing/kneeling/walking along

drop the ball/object from one hand and catch it in the two-hand ‘nest’

throw the ball/object up, a little higher each time, and catch it – how high can you go?

throw the ball/object up with one hand and catch it in the two-hand ‘nest’

bounce or throw the ball/object and clap your hands then catch it

see which ways you can catch as you move around (e.g. one hand and then the other)

Children learn by discovering for themselves

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Can you see …?

relaxed fi ngers forming a ‘nest’ about the size of the ball/object

eyes on the ball/object

reaching for the ball/object

You could ask …

Which way of catching was easy? Why was this?

Which way of catching was diffi cult? Why was this?

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The Wonderful World of Passing and Throwing

Movement skills/concepts

Exploring passing, throwing, catching and rolling, time and energy, and body awareness.


A wide variety of balls to throw and pass (small balls, large round balls, oval balls, foam balls, sea urchin balls).

The children and balls are spread out in a defi ned hard or grass area.


Children select one or more balls. They begin to practise the following tasks with the ball, before changing to a different type of ball for the later tasks.

Can you throw/pass …?in the air with one hand, two hands, the other hand, from hand to hand

forwards, backwards, to the side, at an angle

as far/near as you can, moving your throwing arm(s) as fast as you can, twisting your body as fast as you can

up high, down low, bouncing off the ground, at a target

sitting down, kneeling, lying down

along the ground, on a line, along the ground to a target/line, to stop between two lines or in hoop

overarm/underarm with one hand

with two hands at chest level, making the ball bounce to the ground and catching it

along the ground to a partner, bouncing high/low to a partner

to a partner who is a long way away, to a partner who is very close

using/without using your legs/trunk

smoothly, using as little movement as possible

using as much movement as possible or as jerkily as you can

using a bounce-catch action, on the spot, while moving, turning around

Can you see …?

children enjoying themselves

trying out different types of balls

keeping eyes on the ball

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You could ask …

Which was your favourite throw? Show me.

Which throw went the furthest?

Which types of throw made it easy for your partner to catch?

Which was the easiest ball to throw?

How did you throw the larger balls? Did you use different throws with the small balls?


Vary equipment: Complete the tasks with other objects like beanbags, frisbees, quoits, plastic containers, juggling balls and scarves.

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Let’s Roll that Ball!

Movement skills/concepts

Rolling a ball along the ground, at a target, in different pathways and directions, and relationships (with others).


Small and large balls, cones, hoops, skittles, ropes and chairs.

Children work in pairs, threes and fi ves, with one ball per pair or group, in a smooth, hard area.



In pairs

Can you …?roll the ball to your partner through a target or obstacle, (e.g. between two cones, through a hoop, at a skittle, at another ball, along a line, under a chain, between ropes)

take turns at rolling the ball to a wall target

roll the ball to your partner, varying the distance between 3 and 10 metres

roll it to your partner, then change places

roll it as many times as you can in 30 seconds

In threes

Can you …?roll the ball for the middle child to jump over

play ‘piggy in the middle’, in which the middle player attempts to intercept the rolled ball

In fi ves

Can you …?roll the ball around/across a circle towards your partner or other players

roll it to hit a skittle in the centre of a circle

have one player in the centre who rolls the ball to others in turn

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Can you see ….?

holding a small ball in the fi ngers, holding beneath a large ball with fi ngers spread

stepping with opposite foot into roll

long arm action, following through

You could ask …

What did you like about rolling a ball?

How could you use the action of rolling a ball in a playground game?

Is rolling a ball for distance different from rolling a ball for accuracy?

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How to Throw Underarm

Movement skills/concepts

Exploring underarm throwing, space awareness (direction) and relationships (with others).


A variety of small balls or beanbags, net/rope and hoops.

Children in pairs, with one ball per pair, are spread out in a defi ned hard or grass area that includes a wall for throwing against.


Using an underarm throw, who can …?bounce the ball to your partner

bounce the ball in a hoop/on a line

bounce the ball to your partner and move to a new place

throw the ball to your partner and move to a new place

throw the ball to your partner on the full

throw non-stop for 1 minute

Still using an underarm throw, can you …?use your other hand to do all the tasks you’ve just done

throw high, medium and low

throw against a wall

throw over a net/rope

throw through a hoop

Can you see …?

holding ball in fi ngers

eyes on target

swinging back with straight arm

stepping forward on opposite foot to throwing arm

swinging arm forward and towards target

following through

You could ask …

What is different about throwing underarm compared to other throws you have tried?

What are some of the similarities with other throws or passes?

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Exploring Overarm Throwing

Movement skills/concepts

Throwing overarm, space awareness (levels and direction), time and energy, and relationships (with others).


Small balls, cones/markers, targets (containers, hoops, bins, lines, skittles, gutter board).

Targets and pairs of cones are set out in a defi ned area that includes a wall.

Children, working individually and in pairs, are spread out with a ball each.



Can you throw the ball overarm…?as far as possible

as hard as possible

up high

at a ground target (hoop/circle/line/bin)

at a wall/wall target

over a rugby post

between cones/markers

In pairs

Can you throw the ball overarm…?and bounce to your partner

so that your partner can catch it without moving

over an ever-increasing distance

at a wall and catch it on the rebound

with right/left hand

at a target (hoop/skittle/line/gutter board)

from different levels – high/low/shoulder height

as high as you can

Can you see …?

ball in fi ngers

eyes on target

side on – weight on the rear foot

stepping forward on opposite foot to throwing arm

following through

You could ask …

How do you throw the ball a long way? How do you throw it very high?

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Catching with a Partner

Movement skills/concepts

Catching a ball rolled or thrown from different angles and levels and at different speeds.


A variety of balls.

Children in pairs are spread out in a hard fl at area.


Can you …?pick up a ball rolled by your partner with two hands/one hand/the other hand

step across and pick up a ball rolled a little to one side, then on the other side

catch a ball bounced to you down low/up high

catch a ball thrown to you down low/up high

move around, bouncing and catching with your partner

move around, throwing and catching

make 5–10 catches without dropping the ball

catch as many times as possible in 30 seconds

move further apart and still catch the ball

throw the ball over a net/goalpost and catch it

Can you see …?

relaxed fi ngers pointing up for catches above the waist and down for catches below the waist

moving to the path of the ball

relaxed reach for the ball

‘giving’ with arms

eyes on the ball

Are children working


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You could ask …

What should your arms do when they catch a ball?

How did you have your hands when you caught a high ball? Were your hands different when catching a low or bounced ball along the ground?

Why do your hands ‘give’ when you catch a ball?


Vary equipment: Try the throwing and catching activities with different types of ball/objects.

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Passing Pathways

Movement skills/concepts

Two-handed pass to stationary target, space awareness (pathways and patterns) and relationships (with others).


Large balls.

Grass or hard area.

Groups of fi ve–six.

Activity 1: Circles

In a circle of fi ve–six with two balls.

Can you …?throw/pass a ball around the circle, then reverse the direction on a signal

throw/pass two balls in the same direction – play Dog and Rabbit: can one ball catch the other?

throw/pass to anyone – one ball then two balls

throw/pass to every second person

face outwards and pass back overhead

pass to anyone except an adjacent player. How many passes can you make in 30 seconds?

surround a leader in the centre, who throws/passes to each player in turn, to anyone, passes a ball out as the other is passed in (In and Out)

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Activity 2: Zigzag

Groups of fi ve or six in two lines facing each other.

Can you …?pass a ball and zigzag up and down

pass it up one line and pass it down the other line

pass one ball, then, when it reaches the end, pass the next, then the next ,etc

pass one ball, then the next, then the next, etc

pass one ball as many times as possible in … seconds

using two balls, throw to anyone on the other line who doesn’t have a ball

Can you see …?

fi ngers spread

stepping in the direction of the pass

following through

You could ask …

How do you change the way you pass when you are passing quickly? Why?

What do you do to be ready to receive a pass?


Vary skill: Use a push pass (soccer, hockey), chest pass, two-handed overhead pass.

Vary equipment: Use different balls, (e.g. rugby ball for spiral pass).

Vary distance: Increase or decrease the distance required for the pass.