Developing Native Mobile Gis Applications With Javascript en Us

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  • 8/13/2019 Developing Native Mobile Gis Applications With Javascript en Us


    Developing Native Mobile GIS Applications

    with JavaScript

    Alper Dincer and Kemal Seyrek of State Hydraulic Works share a sample mobile GIS application.

    Video Transcription

    00:01I'm glad to be here after three years.

    00:03It's very hard to come here because almost 24 hours travel is for us.

    00:11We are from Turkey, Ankara. We are working at State Hydraulic Works.

    00:16Me, Alper Dincer, and my manager, Mr. Kemal Seyrek.

    00:22First start with who we are, DSI is the State Hydraulic Works.

    00:27It's a governmental agency.

    00:28It's responsible from all kinds of water-related activities.

    00:33And we have been using GIS since 1999 and nowadays, we are working on mobile and web


    00:43...especially...I am specialized in mobile applications nowadays.

    00:49And, who am I?

    00:50I am an ordinary geoweb developer. Lately, a mobile developer.

    00:54Works on GIS and LBS projects.

    00:57It may be some remember, I am the winner of DevSummit Mashup Challenge 2009 with

    ExtMap Framework.

    01:05Then I develop iExtMap for iPhone as a side project, which is similar to today's topic.

    01:11It's based on Google Maps API.

    01:13It's a hybrid application.

    01:16And then I develop ExtMap Touch with Sencha Touch framework.

    01:19It's a fully web application which consumes HTML files possibilities like local cache and


    01:34And why GIS? Especially this is a classic, but I am skipping this, because we are all GIS guys.
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    01:42And why mobile?

    01:43Until 2008, web is the emerging market.

    01:46Everyone is starting to get on the web.

    01:49But, in 2008, with the iPhone, Apple starts App Store and revolution started from web to app.

    01:59And now mobile is the king.

    02:03There are lots of mobile sessions through DevSummit, and some of the sessions....

    02:09...people ask that, what are you looking for.

    02:13People who have smartphones have first look at for the App Stores.

    02:17If you're on the App Store or markets, your findability is more than the web applications.

    02:27Why mobile GIS?

    02:30Your location with sensors.

    02:33Most of you guys have smartphones, tablets, and these have GPS sensors, accelerometers,

    and compass.

    02:45Those sensors are all data for the GIS.

    02:53You can easily get data or analyze data whenever and wherever you are with mobile devices.

    03:00And if the application is properly designed, it's very user-friendly.

    03:08I think sometimes we have a problem with the design because one which states mobile GIS... should be mobile.

    03:18It's not a transferring all the functionalities from desktop to mobile, because they are two

    different things.

    03:26Mobile should be focused on the job or the task.

    03:31It should be and it should be doing good.

    03:38And I think this is very important slide of my presentation.

    03:44What's development path of mobile?

    03:47I think you will hear these kind of slides in developer's conferences.

    03:53Which platforms to cover? The first question.

    03:58iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, or BlackBerry.

    04:02I think this is related to your projects.

    04:05If you are developing an enterprise application and you know that's all the audiences are
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    using iOS devices...

    04:14...iPads or iPhones.

    04:15Then you should go to the iOS spots.

    04:19If you have a public application, then you should at least cover iOS and Android...

    04:25...which has almost 80 to 90 percent of coverage.

    04:30And which type of application?

    04:33There are three types, maybe three and a half because the half part is in this presentation.

    04:42We have three parts--native, web, or hybrid.

    04:46Most of you know that native is developing with the SDKs, that's iOS, Android,


    04:55You should write in their own language.

    04:58If you want to write an Android application, you should know Java and its platform.

    05:07Or if you want to write on iOS, you should know Xcode and Objective-C.

    05:12I think they're very hard to learn, especially the Objective-C parts.

    05:19And web applications, if you come to web applications, they are just web apps working on

    devices' browsers.

    05:30They just consume some of the devices' APIs.

    05:34But in native, you have all access to all APIs of devices.

    05:39And hybrids, nowadays, there are some frameworks like PhoneGap.

    05:46Most of you heard it.

    05:48PhoneGap is some kind of wrapper that gives web developers to access device APIs... you can access the compass or phone book or other.

    06:06The native APIs, that you can't use in the web applications.

    06:12And if you come to source, of course, every project has source.

    06:17So you have to [be] really careful about money, people, and time if you cover different


    06:25And if you ask me which way is the best, I think native is the best way on all platforms, but,

    there's always buts... should have enough sources for all platforms if you go native.

    06:45You have to deal with different code bases, different coders, and more time and more money
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    needed if you have more platforms.

    06:57So what are we going to solve this problem?

    07:05Solutions are a hybrid approach, especially our solution is not fully hybrid because it's more

    than hybrid...

    07:12...because hybrid applications most of time uses just a web view inside some APIs, it accesssome APIs.

    07:25But this time we are using Appcelerator, Titanium Appcelerator, which I will explain later

    with Esri JavaScript API.

    07:37All coding can be done via JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, and output, except mapping part, is

    all native.

    07:44You will see later in the demo.

    07:47Let's look at what's Titanium Appcelerator.

    07:50It's an open source framework.

    07:52It builds native mobile applications, and it uses JavaScript.

    07:57Maybe our question that how this can be happen, possible.

    08:02It is some kind of virtual machine on all platforms, especially nowadays, just iOS, Android...

    08:10...and BlackBerry has supports for this framework.

    08:16And this virtual machine, it transfers your JavaScript code to native code.

    08:24So finally you have all the native components.

    08:27There is no such web view.

    08:30If you have something, user interface, that's all native.

    08:36And extendability, it can [be] extendable via modules.

    08:39Modules can be written in their own language.

    08:43If you want to access Bluetooth and if there is no support in Titanium Appcelerator... have to write in Objective-C and export to extend your framework.

    09:00And support there, both community and commercial support.

    09:06And how to code in Appcelerator.

    09:08Here, first, we create a window. It's there, name space--Titanium.UI.createWindow...

    09:16...with background color red.

    09:18We open it in full screen, then we create a label...
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    09:22...with text "Appcelerator," then we add label to the window.

    09:26This is just a simple one, but it's something like that.

    09:31Why Appcelerator?

    09:32Seventy percent of code works in all platforms.

    09:36I say it's 70 because, as you know, that different mobile operating systems have different UIs.

    09:47For example, Android has Back button for going back, but on iOS you have a Back button at

    the top.

    09:59So this kind of user, different user interface, differences don't work in all platforms...

    10:06...but all the logic parts, accessing databases, accessing accelerometer, accessing GPS and

    whatever is all... on all the devices with the same code.

    10:19There is no need for extra developers.

    10:21One can develop both Android and iOS and also BlackBerry applications.

    10:28And you just have one code base. It's all JavaScript, and you have just one code base to follow.

    10:37And at the end, you still have native components you will see later.

    10:42And all things have costs. And why not Appcelerator?

    10:47There are still missing platforms such as Windows Phone 7.

    10:52Maybe in the future it will come, but nowadays you have just stuck in three platforms...

    10:57...but I think it's also the three platforms are the emerging platforms.

    11:04And another con is, there is no user interface builder.

    11:09If you want to build your interface, you have to code all the things, x,y's and widths and


    11:18But you will learn indeed in later when you deal with it.

    11:26And the last con is you should wait for new APIs if you don't have deeper knowledge.

    11:33As I explained in previous slides, that if you know Java or Objective-C, you can develop your

    own modules...

    11:43...but if you don't know, you have to wait for Appcelerator to expose the APIs you need.

    11:50Okay. Now it's time for a demo. [Inaudible].

    12:02This is our development platform.

    12:04If anyone use Aptana, this is similar to Aptana because Appcelerator bought Aptana in 2010,
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    sorry, in 2011.

    12:18You have here the projects and resources, and here, you can have the coding parts...

    12:26...and the bottom one is for a console for debugging.

    12:33Let's start with iPad.

    12:48I used ArcGIS sample server services to access this data.

    12:55Here you can see satellite map.

    13:02What functionalities in this application have, such as measuring to lengths.

    13:12Sorry for the buttons and the other text are in Turkish, but I think it gives the text.

    13:20[Unintelligible]. Let's...In this application, this part is completely web view, so we used Esri

    JavaScript mapping APIs here.

    13:42All the things with Appcelerator and native site and website are communicating each other

    what's going on...

    13:52...and transfer data between them.

    13:56And we have [unintelligible], Get Location, and, for example, if you want to you can

    get the screen image...

    14:06...then you can send it to a colleague.

    14:11Also we have Favorites.

    14:20Now let's add some Favorites.

    14:23If we can touch and hold on some points, then it will identify the layer in this part, and this is

    the states layer... it's...this is Wyoming, and if you want to add these points, there is Favorites.

    14:47Also you can send these points to someone who has the same application.

    14:56And when the people got this link here, the Si map and click on it...

    15:04...then it opens the same application in their iPads or iPhones.

    15:12And here we have a curl window like Google Maps, which can be done quite easily in


    15:21We have queries here.

    15:25Let's query population 2000 bigger than 10 million in states, and we have this status as a


    15:36If we can click on table view, we just see the data within them or we can click on the icon and

    it goes to states...
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    15:54...and shows the attributes.

    15:55We can adjust the state name here, but you can add also other attributes to this point.

    16:03We can also have quick search here.

    16:15What does here...we have also some data collection, but it's not working now.

    16:25But in conceptual, it gets your GPS location and some attribute data from you then send it to


    16:35...then it shows on your iPad later.

    16:40And we have also some adds or drop some layers.

    16:48You can also add some default layers.

    16:51You can add some ArcGIS Server and we can query it.

    16:57Here you can see the exports of ArcGIS Server layers.

    17:02One, you can click on it.

    17:04It says, Do you want to add it, and click yes, and the layer is on the fly is added here.

    17:10If you click on it, done. It's not possible here, but it will open in the map.

    17:19We can also different map types here, can change it, add backgrounds.

    17:34This is the application.

    17:36I just want to show this in Android, but I have problems with my Android SDK so it doesn't


    17:44But it's the concept is the same.

    17:48If you just use the general elements, you can just transfer your iOS application to Android.

    17:59If you can look at the code here, as you can see, they are just JavaScript codes.

    18:08This is for user interface.

    18:10If you can look at the mapping part, this is also JavaScript, but this time, this works for the


    18:21And I just want to show here how they communicate with each other.

    18:28We have events here. We can send events to web view or we can get events from web view.

    18:39So they both communicate two ways.

    18:43So there is no problem with your web view and native parts in communication.

    18:51Okay. Now that's the links.
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    18:57You can access Titanium from, and all of you know Esri JavaScript API.

    19:06And one more thing, most of you know JavaScript, I think, but this is done in JavaScript


    19:16...and all the presentation here is done with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5, thanks to Kemal.

    19:24This is working in browser.

    19:27Thanks for listening.

    19:29If you have any questions, I'm glad to answer.

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