Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School Yonsei University Graduate Program of Biomedical Engineering

Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

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Page 1: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor

Won Seuk Jang

The Graduate School

Yonsei University

Graduate Program of Biomedical Engineering

Page 2: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor

A DissertationSubmitted to the Graduate Program of Biomedical Engineering

and the Graduate School of Yonsei Universityin partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Won Seuk Jang

August 2010

Page 3: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

This certifies that the dissertation of Won Seuk Jang is approved.


Thesis Supervisor: Nam Hyun Kim


Thesis Committee Member: Nam Sik Chung


Thesis Committee Member: Jin Bae Park


Thesis Committee Member: Ha Suk Bae


Thesis Committee Member: Sung Min Kim

The Graduate School

Yonsei University

August 2010

Page 4: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

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Page 5: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

장인어른과 장모님, 항상 믿음과 사랑으로 대해 주신 처남내외와 처제에게 감사의

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어려운 상황임에도 불구하고 도움을 준 누님께 감사하며 조카인 성현이가 큰 꿈을

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지금까지도 헌신적인 사랑으로 걱정하여 주시고 손녀들을 챙겨주시느라 고생하시는

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넘치는 재치로 가족에게 웃음을 주는 둘째 혜원이, 가득한 애교로 가족에게 새로운

행복을 주고 있는 셋째 지민이, 항상 곁에서 기쁨과 어려움을 함께 하고 용기와

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2010년 8월

장 원 석 올림

Page 6: Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with ... · Development of a Portable Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless Patient Monitor Won Seuk Jang The Graduate School

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List of Figures --------------------------------------------- iii

List of Tables --------------------------------------------- vi

Abstract -------------------------------------------------- vii

Chapter 1. Introduction -------------------------------------- 1

Chapter 2. Portable Ultrasound Imaging Device -------------------- 5

2.1. Imaging algorithm for portable ultrasound imaging device ------------ 5

2.1.1. Periodic sparse array -------------------------------- 6

2.1.2. Extended aperture ----------------------------------- 8

2.2. System structure of the portable ultrasound imaging device --------- 10

2.3. Power supply for portable ultrasound imaging device ---------- 14

2.4. Ultrasound smart probe ---------------------------------- 16

2.4.1. Wireless smart probe --------------------------------- 17

2.4.2. Design ultrasound smart array and performance evaluation --- 19

2.4.3. Manufacturing of the ultrasound smart probe -------------- 26

2.5. Portable ultrasound imaging device based on embedded PC ---------- 27

Chapter 3. Wireless Bio-Signal Measurement Module --------------- 31

3.1. ECG design ------------------------------------------- 34

3.2. SpO2 design ------------------------------------------- 48

3.3. NIBP design ------------------------------------------ 52

3.4. Temperature design ------------------------------------ 55

3.5. Wireless interface of bio-signal measurement module ------------ 58

3.6. Integrated wireless bio-signal measurement module ----------- 62

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Chapter 4. System integration --------------------------------- 63

4.1. GUI ------------------------------------------------- 64

4.2. Integrated portable diagnosis system ----------------------- 70

Chapter 5. Result ------------------------------------------- 71

Chapter 6. Conclusion --------------------------------------- 78

References ------------------------------------------------ 81

국문요약 --------------------------------------------------- 85

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Fig. 1 Example of the sparse and combination array --------------- 6

Fig. 2 General model of the periodic sparse array ----------------- 7

Fig. 3 Images using periodic sparse array ----------------------- 7

Fig. 4 Examples of the extended array -------------------------- 9

Fig. 5 (a)General image (b)Image using extended aperture ----------- 9

Fig. 6 Block diagram of the portable ultrasound imaging device ------ 11

Fig. 7 Block diagram of the echo processor ---------------------- 12

Fig. 8 Block diagram of the digital scan-line converter ------------- 13

Fig. 9 Power circuit and battery ------------------------------- 15

Fig. 10 System structure of the smart probe --------------------- 17

Fig. 11 Developed 64 channels smart probe ---------------------- 17

Fig. 12 Block diagram for wireless smart probe ------------------ 18

Fig. 13 Wireless smart probe --------------------------------- 18

Fig 14. Basic structure of the ultrasound array ------------------- 19

Fig. 15 Finite element analysis model and field analysis ------------ 20

Fig. 16 Result of the simulation -------------------------------- 20

Fig. 17 Result of ultrasound field analysis ----------------------- 21

Fig. 18 Result of the manufactured smart array pulse-echo test ------ 23

Fig. 19 Result of the measurement for beam characteristics

in ultrasound smart array ------------------------------ 24

Fig. 20 Result of impedance measurement of the smart probe ------- 25

Fig. 21 Developed ultrasound smart probe ----------------------- 26

Fig. 22 System structure of the portable ultrasound imaging device --- 27

Fig. 23 Block diagram of Rx/Tx of the ultrasound and beamformer circuit --- 28

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Fig. 24 Connection of the smart probe, Rx/Tx and beamformer ------ 28

Fig. 25 Back-end of the ultrasound and embedded system board ----- 29

Fig. 26 Integrated portable ultrasound imaging device -------------- 30

Fig. 27 Revised portable ultrasound imaging device ---------------- 30

Fig. 28 Block diagram for wireless bio-signal measurement module --- 30

Fig. 29 Main processing diagram of the system ------------------- 32

Fig. 30 Overall structure of the main software -------------------- 33

Fig. 31 Block diagram of ECG hardware ------------------------- 35

Fig. 32 Developed ECG board --------------------------------- 36

Fig. 33 Softwate flow of the ECG ------------------------------ 37

Fig. 34 The flow of QRS complex detection algorithm -------------- 39

Fig. 35 QRS Detection of Arrhythmia --------------------------- 44

Fig. 36 QRS detection in case of not using the pacer pulse

detection at pacer pulse and QRS complex ----------------- 46

Fig. 37 QRS detection in case of using the pacer pulse detection

at pacer pulse and QRS complex ------------------------ 46

Fig. 38 System diagram of SpO2 ----------------------------- 49

Fig. 39 (a) Circuit of SpO2 (b) Board of SpO2 -------------------- 50

Fig. 40 Software flow of SpO2 -------------------------------- 51

Fig. 41 Block diagram of the non-invasive blood pressure ---------- 52

Fig. 42 (a) Circuit of the NIBP (b) Board of NIBP ---------------- 53

Fig. 43 Software flow of the non-invasive blood pressure ----------- 54

Fig. 44 System diagram of the temperature ---------------------- 55

Fig. 45 (a) Circuit of temperature (b) Board of temperature --------- 56

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Fig. 46 Software flow of the temperature ------------------------ 57

Fig. 47 BM-310 bluetooth chip -------------------------------- 58

Fig. 48 Block diagram for BM-310 module chip ------------------- 60

Fig. 49 Block diagram of UART between BM-310 module and MCU ----- 60

Fig. 50 Wireless bluetooth communication circuit ------------------ 61

Fig. 51 Wireless bluetooth communication board ------------------- 61

Fig. 52 Integrated wireless bio-signal measurement module --------- 62

Fig. 53 Basic concept of integrated portable diagnosis system ------- 63

Fig. 54 Basic design of display -------------------------------- 64

Fig. 55 Dispaly of the menu ---------------------------------- 65

Fig. 56 Display part of bio-signal ------------------------------ 67

Fig. 57 Display part of ultrasound image ------------------------ 68

Fig. 58 Display overlapped ultrasound image and bio-signal --------- 68

Fig. 59 Portable ultrasound imaging device combined with

wireless bio-signal measurement module ------------------ 70

Fig. 60. Comparison of image of developed 32-channel system

and commercialized 64-channel system ------------------ 72

Fig. 61 Image comparative evaluation of the commercialized 64-channel

system and the developed system ----------------------- 74

Fig. 62 Image comparative evaluation of the commercialized 64-channel

system and the developed system ----------------------- 74

Fig. 63 Color flow image from the developed system -------------- 76

Fig. 64 Data viewer of the server in the hospital ----------------- 77

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Table 1 Power management mode of developed system ------------ 14

Table 2 Structural variables of the ultrasound array and result of the design --- 21

Table 3 Result of the characteristic measurement about 10 yield array --- 22

Table 4 Performance improvement of the developed hardware system --- 35

Table 5 The result of detection performance according to size and

width of QRS complex ---------------------------------- 42

Table 6 The result of QRS complex detection according to

baseline change ------------------------------------- 43

Table 7 Results of QRS complex detection performance of the arrhythmia ---- 45

Table 8 The result of pacer pulse detection performance

at pacer pulse and QRS complex ----------------------- 47

Table 9 Comparison image quality between developed 32-channel

system and commercialized 64 channel system ------------ 75

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Development of a portable ultrasound

imaging system with wireless patient monitor

Won Seuk Jang

Graduate Program in

Biomedical Engineering

Yonsei University

With recent improvement on standards of living and advancement of medical

and science technology, development and manufacture of u-healthcare system for

diagnosis at remote places other than hospitals such as home, offices and

emergency areas are on the boil. U-healthcare system developed in this study will

receive bio-signals and ultrasound images of the patient from various remote sites

other than hospitals and use the data to provide high quality medical services. In

this study, we have developed ultrasound imaging based portable compact

diagnosis system which is connected with a wireless bio-signal module to be used

at various environment such as emergency medical sites, etc. For this, a compact

ultrasound imaging device, a smart probe and a wireless bio-signal module have

been developed and integrated. Small channel/high resolution ultrasound image

algorithm, such as periodic sparse array method and extended aperture method,

has been realized to make a compact ultrasound imaging device. Also the size of

the ultrasound imaging device has been minimized by integrating a beamformer

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processor and an efficient back-end processor into one FPGA. Especially the

developed beamformer can process 32 channels with one chip, including TxPG and

quadrature demodulation as well as the RxBF and also a hardware that has been

realized with extended aperture method has been inserted into a smart probe to

minimize the size of the ultrasound imaging device. And a power with battery

which is re-chargeable has also been developed with the basic premise that the

u-healthcare should be portable.

Bio-signal module that can measure and send the ECG, SpO2, blood pressure

and temperature wirelessly to the ultrasound imaging device has been developed.

And the server/client system of the hospital receiving, storing or re-sending the

data from the ultrasound imaging device has been realized. The exterior has been

designed considering the user's portability and convenience and these details have

been combined into developing u-healthcare system. Developed u-healthcare

system not only improves the bio-signal and ultrasound imaging technology for

patient-focused diagnostics but also provides opportunity to improve application

technology for emergency medical, overall improvement of ultrasound imaging

device and an innovative industrial competitiveness internationally. U-healthcare

system developed through this study is a new product combining imaging devices

and bio-signal module and will introduce a new place to the market with material

contribution to national economic growth.

Key words : u-healthcare, ultrasound imaging, bio-signal, ECG, smart probe

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With higher standards of living and advanced medical services in recent years,

more people are interested in enjoying advantages of healthcare, good environment

and social welfare. Untiring needs for high quality medical services and notable

increase of social recognition and requirement for improvement of readiness to the

emergency situations and emergency delivery system both for civilians and

militaries have been enhancing the demand for telemedicine and home-healthcare

system which would allow people to be diagnosed at home, workplace, emergency

site or outdoor as well as in hospital[1, 2, 3]. While portable diagnosis system

plays an important role in checking patient's status in emergency situations, being

recognized as a material equipment in public healthcare services, its capacity is

very limited to certain particular areas such as bio-signal measurement or in-vitro

diagnostic[4, 5]. To provide services equivalent to those of hospitals, telemedicine

or home-healthcare system should carry out multi-diagnosis device functions

which would present bio-signals and various medical image information. To

diagnose patients without any restrictions of time and place and to exchange

clinical treatment related information for patients between emergency site and

hospitals or medical experts in real time, miniaturization of portable diagnosis

device and medical information technology managing patients’ information as

coupled with hospital information system (HIS) together with the wired/wireless

communication channel are essential.

It was the Pentagon to which the portable imaging diagnosis system was first

introduced. Telemedicine had also contributed to lower the mortality rate down to

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3 percent in 1992 Gulf War. Among 5 projects carried out by Pentagon Defense

Advanced Research Project Agency to provide medical treatment to the patient

through telemedicine during the wartime, 3 were related to portable ultrasound

imaging [6]. European Commission Telematics Technologies Programme had

conducted “EU-TeleIn Vivo 3D ultrasound telemedical Workstation Project (Project

code HC4021)” to develop portable 3D ultrasound imaging device which enables

long distance telecommunication in dangerous, isolated areas or countryside [7]. 6

European countries, 13 research institutes had participated in this project, and the

project initiated continuing development of portable ultrasound imaging device for

telemedicine. Ultrasound probe, as the key technology of ultrasound imaging

diagnosis device, is composed of wire and connector arranging a great number of

ultrasound elements in a form of array and connecting such to the main body of

the ultrasound imaging device. Ultrasound smart probe locates ultrasound Rx/Tx

circuit, which is normally planted in the main body of the existing devices, inside

the probe so that it prevents possible signal losses caused by long wire. It is also

considered as a material technology for performance improvement and

commercialization of the portable ultrasound imaging device because smart probe

could lighten the main body of such device. As smart probe has not been

introduced to the market globally yet, it is essential in developing portable

ultrasound imaging device.

Bio-signal measurement module is the most basic device in monitoring patient's

status which is indispensable to portable diagnosis system. Technology for

continuous measurement of bio-signal, such as smart product, miniaturizing

technology for portability and convenience of user's, ECG(Electrocardiogram),

NIBP(Non-invasive Blood Pressure), SpO2(Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen) and

respiration has been developed with application of established bio-signal

measurement technology and bio-signal processing technology. However,

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development of miniaturization and wireless-type power saving bio-signal

measurement module is still in low level.

Thus, new concept of portable diagnosis system which consolidates ultrasound

imaging device whose need and importance is growing under the various medical

environments such as emergency care, etc. and wireless bio-signal measurement

module that monitors patient's conditions should be developed. Also, it should

provide functions which would allow patient's information including ultrasound

images and bio-signals measured through portable diagnosis system at other sites

to be delivered to the hospital at a remote place, and provide tele-communication

(audio or video) between patients or medical staff at the site and doctors at the

hospital. In addition, the basic requirement of portable diagnosis system is to have

a rechargeable battery in order to not be functionally limited by places. It is

necessary to miniaturize portable ultrasound system while maintaining ultrasound

image quality, since more number of channels of Rx/Tx makes better image but

it would make the device bigger [8, 9].

In this study, we have developed portable diagnosis system built on ultrasound

imaging basis combined with bio-signal measurement module without wire and

patient management system based on the key technologies as follows:

We developed ultrasound smart probe which plants signal processing circuit

such as ultrasound (Rx/Tx) and beam forming inside of the probe, and

implemented wireless interface using bluetooth between small and power saved

ultrasound imaging devices and measurement module for bio-signals such as ECG,

SpO2, NIBP and temperature. By using wireless communication technology, we

minimized the size of the portable ultrasound imaging device and procure

scalability to measure various bio-signals. To minimize the size of the portable

ultrasound imaging device, the number of the channels of the Rx/Tx was

minimized, and it applied algorithm which can maintain high quality image similar

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to that of the commercialized ultrasound imaging system. Portable ultrasound

imaging device developed in this study supplies B-mode and color-flow doppler

mode and sends ultrasound images to the hospital using wired/wireless LAN.

Bio-signal measurement module is able to measure ECG/respiration, SpO2, NIBP,

temperature and send bio-signal data to portable ultrasound imaging device (main

body). Ultrasound images and bio-signals acquired by portable diagnosis system

are sent to the hospital at real time with patient's basic information. User can

select the menu to display ultrasound images and bio-signals respectively or at

the same time according to graphic user interface (GUI). Chapter 2 explains

portable ultrasound imaging device including ultrasound smart probe and chapter 3

accounts for bio-signal measurement module and wireless interface describing

wireless bio-signal measurement module. In chapter 4, integrated system

combining portable ultrasound imaging device and wireless bio-signal

measurement module is introduced. The result of this study is introduced in

chapter 5 to be followed by chapter 6 which is featuring the conclusion of this


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Chapter 2

Portable Ultrasound Imaging Device

2.1 Imaging algorithm for portable ultrasound imaging device

B-mode image as the basic image of the ultrasound image shows clinical

information about cross-section of the body, and its image quality depends on the

capacity of the resolution, Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR), contrast, penetration and

frame rate. The capacity relies on the way of Rx/Tx, signal management methods

and characteristic of the circuit[10]. Ultrasound signals are converted to electrical

signals by array transducer, ultrasound imaging device sends these signals to the

display device after signal processing. The number of the element in the array

transducer is called the channel number. The distance between array elements is

decided by Rx/Tx signal's wave length and the number of transmission element

is fixed by the size of the diameter.

The resolution of the ultrasound image means minimum recognition unit that

sets up border line between tissues. The resolution is proportioned by the number

of the Rx/Tx channel. The number of the Rx/Tx channel effects to the device

directly, it needs new algorithm that uses small amount of channels but performs

as similar as the device which has many channel and good image quality[10]. To

overcome technical difficulties getting high quality resolution with less number of

channels, ultrasound imaging technology has been studied[11, 12]. In this study,

while applying limited number of channels to minimize the size of portable

ultrasound imaging device, efficient algorithm such as sparse array and extended

aperture was used for good image quality same as commercialized products. In

other words, the resolution of only 32 channel ultrasound device was similar to

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Fig. 1 Example of the sparse and combination array

that of the commercialized 64 channel ultrasound product by applying periodic

sparse array and extended aperture in this study.

2.1.1 Periodic sparse array

While general method of ultrasound imaging using array transducer uses all

array elements within diameter, periodic sparse array uses some of the array

elements distributed sparsely and reduces the number of channel[13]. The less

number of channels makes low resolution as effective aperture get smaller. To

overcome this imperfection, array can be combined as Fig. 1 below or uses

sparsely to make efficient diameter bigger. However, these ways tend to make

grating robe in image so it has been developed efficient way to reduce grating

robe[14-16]. In this study, research on applying periodic sparse array to 32

channels minimizes grating robe for the most and presents the way to get similar

resolution as 64 channels.

Fig. 2 shows the general model of any periodic sparse array. Colored squares

are the elements in use, consecutive L elements are used with P array element

period(1≤L≤P). Any case of the periodic sparse array can be defined with P and

L as (Pt, Lt) and (Pr, Lr) respectively.

Fig. 3 shows the image that Fully Sampled Array(FSA) is 64 on above of the

left and 32 on above of the right. At the bottom of the Fig 3, image is seen as

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(Pt, Lt) and (Pr, Lr) are all (2, 1) on the left, (Pt, Lt) is (3, 2) and (Pr, Lr) is (2,

1) on the right. At the right bottom of Fig. 3, it has equivalent resolution and

contrast compared with FAS(64), above of the left of Fig 3.

Fig. 2 General model of the periodic sparse array

Fig. 3 Images using periodic sparse array

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2.1.2 Extended aperture

The number of channel in ultrasound system means the number of array

elements once used for Rx/Tx. As splitting the diameter of ultrasound to N small

channel groups, N times stronger effect can be obtained by synthesizing with

small amount of channels[17, 18]. Thus, this Rx/Tx method is called extended

aperture. Diameter increases and resolution get better with increasing N, but frame

rate the images decreases due to N times Rx/Tx for one scanning line. Therefore,

ultrasound images cannot be provided at real time if the number of Rx/Tx group

increases more than they need. Extended aperture is the algorithm that is able to

procure active focused good quality images. This extended aperture is appropriate

to portable ultrasound imaging device requiring power saved on account of getting

good resolution using less number of channels.

Fig 4. shows the example of extended array. Black parts are the channels in

use while white part are not and it performs twice process of Rx/Tx for one

scanning line. At first receive, signals are sent from 32 channels at middle part,

and 32 channels located both ends receive at second time. Total 64 channels gain

signals with 32 channels system. Extended aperture need 64 channel multiplexor

from 64 channel smart probe to switch Rx conversion element combination. In this

study, we implemented Low Voltage Switch(LVSW) and chose 32 channels from

the middle or both sides by extended diameter control signal in LVSW.

General B-mode image is on the left and extended aperture image is one the

right in Fig 5. Fig 4. describes ultrasound images obtained by commercialized

portable diagnostic system to see changes in images during being subjected to

extended aperture. (a) is the case not using extended aperture, (b) is the one

using extended aperture. As known from the Fig 5, images using extended

aperture are increased efficient diameter and followed increased resolution.

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Furthermore, extended aperture images are generally good to describe the tissue

borderline of the liver, Splenic Vein(SV) and pancreas as well. Hence, more

clinical valuable information is opt to get from extended aperture.

Fig. 4 Examples of the extended array

(a) (b)

Fig. 5 (a) General image (b) Image using extended


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2.2 System structure of the portable ultrasound imaging device

Due to many required calculation in the signal process of the color-flow system,

color-flow system is only used for big devices with high specification organized

with one ASIC and several FPGA. Portable diagnosis system is a small-sized

ultrasound imaging device, whitch has been developing algorithm to process

color-flow system efficiently. Portable ultrasound imaging device is constituted by

various parts as presented in Fig. 6. To make this system, development of the

key products such as beam former or back-end is necessary. Rx beamformer,

TxPG, Rx/Tx analog real time controller and quadrature demodulation were

gathered in one chip, beamformer FPGA, to be appropriate with portable imaging

device in back-end processor. Echo Processor, digital scan converter and RTC

controller are gathered in one chip, back-end processing FPGA, to be appropriate

with portable imaging device in back-end processor. After back-end processor

performs signal processing for ultrasound image, signals are converted by digital

scan converter to output images on the screen.

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Fig. 6 Block diagram of the portable ultrasound imaging device

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Fig. 7 shows the functional diagram of the echo processor. Magnitude calculator

detects envelop from inphase and quadrature signals received from digital

receiver(DR). Square root block implements separate IP using CORDIC algorithm

to gain accurate value with small hardware. Log compressor performs nonlinear

conversion of the detected echo envelope using functional formula. Log function

used in log compressor saves log values calculated already and refers to the Look

Up Table(LUT). Edge enhancement filter emphasizes the edge of the images for

ultrasound images to be clear. Persistence block using many frames takes charge

to reduce noise and make images clear.

Fig. 7 Block diagram of the echo processor

Digital scan converter(DSC) performs to change data managed by the unit of

scanning line to the data adapted to display format. Ultrasound imaging device

based on current general PC is fast to PC manages digital scanline converter.

However, portable ultrasound imaging device should use embedded CPU which has

difficult in digital scan converter as software by its characteristic, we implemented

hardware. Fig. 8 shows digital scan converter, and efficiency of the hardware is

considered to design combining with other signal management block to processor

in the back-end board.

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FIFO &FIFO Controller &

Data alignEcho data

US 8 bit

US 16 bit

SDRAM(Echo data)

Address & CoefficientGenerator

US 16 bitData align Interpolator

32 bit

SDRAM controller( Echo data )

SDRAM0(Pixel data)

SDRAM1(Pixel data)

SDRAM controller( Pixel data )

CPU interfacecontroller

32 bit

16 bit

16 bit


8 bit

Data align & FIFO

16 bit

32 bit

12 bit

Fig. 8 Block diagram of the digital scan-line converter

In this study, it was designed the logic that calculates coordinate conversion of

the digital scan converter and calculating coefficient, and the logic was put into

the chip to reduce the number of exterior memory. Through time-sharing control

using echo data save memory with one FIFO, the number of exterior memory

saves existing echo data reduces by half. The size the circuit has been decreased

by implementation of the interface circuit to display images without video

management device for adapting to portable diagnosis system based on embedded

CPU. Designed digital scan converter runs with the clock speed of 90MHz for

real-time performance and constitutes 128 scanning line sending ultrasound Rx/Tx

process 128 times according to the characteristic that the system has small display

device. Rx/Tx process performing time per one period is under 266.6us to adjust

30Hz frame rate. And the system is designed to serve 2400 pixels on each

processes, 640*480 image size can be displayed at real-time.

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2.3 Power supply for portable ultrasound imaging device

To make portable ultrasound imaging device, it should be developed not only

new image algorithm to get good image quality as many number of channel in

spite of less number of channel but also power saved system regarding as

characteristic of portable device operated by chargeable battery. This study has

developed power supply in considering characteristics of portable system.

Both various voltages and sustained high voltage are required to use several

components for the portable diagnosis system and to obtain good quality images

of the ultrasound respectively. Furthermore, in designing the system, power

consumption should be minimized in considering battery operating. Power

consumption of the every IC elements to contrive power module is expected, and

decided voltage operation as B-mode(about 36W, available to operate 0.5~1 hour),

B-mode+Color-mode(about 72W) for power supply. Table 1 shows the power

management mode of the system. It is distinguished by each image modes and

this system implements to cut off from power supply of components except

essential based on system status. It is confirmed by this management of the

power supply that ultrasound imaging device maintains to run more than 1 hour

consequently. Power of the ultrasound imaging device needs high voltage more

than ±60V so the battery is chargeable. Fig. 9 shows the power circuit of the

portable ultrasound imaging device and lithium polymer battery.

CPU LCD Back-end Beamformer

Ultrasound imaging ON ON ON ON



Table 1 Power management mode of developed system

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Fig. 9 Power circuit and battery

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2.4 Ultrasound smart probe

In considering that portable diagnosis system is used at emergency site, it ought

to be widely used for the organ such as abdomen or heart different from general

ultrasound diagnosis device. Generally, ultrasound device observes by curved linear

array to see abdomen, organic with linear array and for cardiac with phased array.

Phased array has strong points that abdomen and cardiac are able to be diagnosed

by dynamic focusing and beam steering at the same time. Smart array for

ultrasound smart probe has been chosen to use 64 channel phased array for the

upper reason.

Mostly, probe having center frequency from 2MHz to 5MHz are used for

observation of the cardiac and abdominal region. At the point of view the

characteristic that ultrasound penetrates body, too high frequency does not have

good penetration depth, and if frequency is too low image resolution decreases. So

center frequency of the ultrasound smart probe in this study implements to be

3MHz. To make center frequency from 2MHz to 5MHz with actual 3MHz -6dB

fractional bandwidth was settled over than 57%. Factors effected to axial

resolution of the images are center frequency of the probe and length of the

ultrasound pulse in space domain. Length of the ultrasound pulse inside of the

body quantitatively match with pulse duration time in time domain. In this study,

pulse width pointing -20 dB from ultrasound peak of the impulse response defined

to use, and so does the transducer of which characteristic(≦1.2 µsec) is lower

than 1.4 µsec which is categorized as high quality probe. Focal depth is decided to

be 85mm considering widely use of the portable diagnosis system. Loop sensitivity

affects dynamic range of the system and measures to estimate how deep it can

diagnose. Loop sensitivity is more than -50dB to perform as good as

commercialized probe.[19, 20, 21]

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Fig. 11 Developed 64 channels smart probe

2.4.1 Wireless smart probe

In this study, the size of the portable ultrasound imaging device has been

reduced by low voltage switch(LVSW) for extended aperture in hardware of the

system and insertion the limiting amplitude circuit which protects high voltage

pulse from the system as Tx processing into ultrasound transducer. Fig. 10 shows

structure of the smart probe suggested in this study. Manufactured 64 channel

smart probe and board are described in Fig. 11, LVSW circuit and limiter circuit

are inserted. Developed smart probe has 64 channel array and 32 channel PCB

(80×26mm), 2 pieces inside in order to limit the size of the portable ultrasound

imaging device, 145×100×20 mm.

Fig. 10 System structure of the smart probe

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And wireless communication technology is applied for convenience and

usefulness of the portable ultrasound imaging device. Wireless USB interface

technology is implemented to use between ultrasound imaging device and smart

probe. Still image or moving image activates within near distance as 2~3m and it

is 5 frame/sec in moving image. It is shown that wireless smart probe can be

commercialized. Fig. 12 shows structure of the wireless smart probe. Fig. 13

shows experimental environment of wireless smart probe.

Fig. 12 Block diagram for wireless smart probe

(a) (b)

(a) Experimental environment (b) Image from wireless smart probe

Fig. 13 Wireless smart probe

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2.4.2 Design ultrasound smart array and performance evaluation

Fig. 14 shows general structure of the ultrasound array. The structure of the

Fig 14. Basic structure of the ultrasound array

ultrasound array is designed using finite element analysis package, PZflex to

satisfy established purpose. Fig. 15 shows finite element analysis model and field

analysis of the ultrasound. Fig. 16 shows the simulation result of the time and

frequency domain according to pulse-echo response. The simulation result directing

azimuth on radiant pattern for one element describes as well. The number of the

finite element in finite element analysis is 0.5 millions.

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Fig. 15 Finite element analysis model and ultrasound field analysis

Fig. 16 Result of the simulation (upper: characteristic of time and

frequency domain, bottom: pattern of ultrasound radiation)

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Table 2 shows the result for structure variables of the ultrasound array

according to above. Independent distance, pitch, is settled for FOV(Field of View)

to be 90 degrees not to come out grating lobe as the beam steers toward 45

degree. Elevation length of the elevation direction is decided to satisfy focal depth,

85mm based on the result of sound field analysis described in Fig. 17.

variables of the array unit design value

Element pitch µm 300

Kerf width µm 50

Elevation length mm 14

Thickness of Lens mm 0.96

Table 2 Structural variables of the ultrasound array and result

of the design

(a) (b)

(a) elevation sound field (b) 45b〫eam steering

Fig. 17 Result of ultrasound field analysis

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Table 3 indicates the result of the characteristic measurement about 10 yield

array produced in final estimation year and repeatability is very good.


1. number



2. loop



3. -6dB



4. -6dB






6. -20dB



8. bad



Proto #



3.0 +/-

0.15 MHz>57% < 1.8 dB

< 1.2


# of bad


001 64 -48.2 2.91 70.10% 0.3 0.92 0

002 64 -48.6 2.94 71.43% 0.2 0.91 0

003 64 -47.5 2.96 69.93% 0.3 0.91 0

004 64 -48.6 2.95 70.51% 0.3 0.91 0

005 64 -48.5 2.93 70.99% 0.3 0.91 0

006 64 -47.6 2.96 69.59% 0.3 0.91 0

007 64 -48.7 2.94 69.73% 0.3 0.91 0

008 64 -48.8 2.92 70.89% 0.3 0.92 0

009 64 -48 2.95 70.51% 0.2 0.91 0

010 64 -47.6 2.97 71.04% 0.2 0.91 0

Averaging 64 -48.21 2.943 70.47% 0.27 0.91 0

Table 3 Result of the characteristic measurement about 10 yield array

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Pulse-echo test device is used for evaluation of acoustic characteristic on the

ultrasound smart array and the test result is denoted in Fig. 18. As the

characteristic estimation, smart array satisfies with the purpose and proves good

quality compared with conventional probe.

Fig. 18 Result of the manufactured smart array pulse-echo test

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Fig. 19 shows the result of the measurement in ultrasound smart array. In the

beam measurement result directing elevation, developed smart array has 81mm

focal depth, and -3dB minimum beamwidth is 2.28mm. Also, -6dB acceptance

angle is 47 degree from the result of the beam field measurement directing


Fig. 19 Result of the measurement for beam characteristics

in ultrasound smart array

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Ultrasound smart probe performs the best when property of electricity between

ultrasound imaging device and smart probe are matched. Thus, property of the

electricity according to the frequency in the manufactured smart array is

measured, and Fig. 20 shows electrical property of the conventional probe being

used to compare with smart probe array. As shown in the result of the impedance

measurement, ultrasound smart array has the characteristic of resonance


(a) (b)

(a) Using probe array (b) Smart probe array

Fig. 20 Result of impedance measurement of the manufactured smart probe

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2.4.3. Manufacturing of the ultrasound smart probe

Smart probe for portable ultrasound imaging device consists of the smart array

and smart probe board, low voltage switch(LVSW) and limiter circuit. Fig. 21

describes ultrasound smart probe.



(a) Front-end of the ultrasound and block diagram

for smart probe (b) Ultrasound smart probe

Fig. 21 Developed ultrasound smart probe

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2.5 Portable ultrasound imaging device based on embedded PC

Portable diagnosis system is designed as Fig. 22 to maintain small size and be

efficient in the resolution of ultrasound image while working system stable.

System improves convenience in manufacturing, reduces the size of the board and

is divided into two boards to protect interference between the signals of the

analog and digital.

Fig. 22 System structure of the portable ultrasound imaging device

Rx/Tx of the ultrasound imaging device and beam former board implement all the analog

components for Rx/Tx and beam former using FPGA described in Fig. 23. Fig. 24 shows

the combination with switching box connecting Rx/Tx, beam former board and smart probe.

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Fig. 23 Block diagram of Rx/Tx of the ultrasound and for beamformer circuit

Fig. 24 Connection part of the smart probe(left), Rx/Tx of the ultrasound and


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Rear part of the ultrasound and embedded system board use S3C6400 of the

Samsung corporation to increase capacity of the system, Fig. 25 shows the circuit.

Fig. 25 Back-end of the ultrasound and embedded system


The performance of portable ultrasound imaging device is measured after

integrating the ultrasound smart probe, power module, front-end and back-end

part of the ultrasound board such as Fig. 26. As mentioned above, back-end part

of the board was re-designed to improve the performance of portable ultrasound

imaging device and was integrated as Fig. 27.

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Fig. 26 Integrated portable ultrasound imaging device

Fig. 27 Revised portable ultrasound imaging device

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Wireless Bio-Signal Measurement Module

It needs to provide not only image information inside the body but also various

bio-signal information including ECG, SpO2, NIPB and temperature when medical

staffs monitor the patient's status in remote site. In this paper, the purpose of the

development of bio-signal measurement module is to measure various bio-signals

mentioned above and make non-invasive/intelligent bio-signal measurement module

providing analysis results. Especially, bio-signal measurement module was

implemented to combine with portable ultrasound imaging device using wireless


Wireless bio-signal measurement module is able to measure bio-signal parameter

such as ECG, SpO2, NIBP and temperature, these four bio-signal parameters are

collected from patients, and sent to the portable ultrasound imaging device by

bluetooth. Fig. 28 shows formation of the bio-signal measurement module.

Fig. 28 Block diagram for wireless bio-signal measurement module

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Main processing part of the bio-signal measurement module applies signal

processing algorithm to original signals from sensor, and gets vital signs of the

bio-signal. In the result, vital signs and waveform data are sent to the portable

ultrasound imaging device by wireless communication, bluetooth.

Main processing part consists with ARM9 processor, CPU(S3C2440A), NAND

Flash memory use for the domain of the program, SDRAM for save data, serial

communications controller receiving original signals, power and timer as Fig 29


Fig. 29 Main processing diagram of the system

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Main software of the bio-signal measurement module can be divided into boot

loader part and application software part. Boot loader performs hardware driving

or initial setup and includes function to upgrade software, application software has

algorithm to calculate main parameter value from bio-signals and includes serial

communication controlling function to send data and driver to manage peripheral

functions of the hardware. Fig. 30 shows the block diagram which describes whole

main software.

Fig. 30 Overall structure of the main software

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3.1. ECG design

ECG is constituted 1 channel system measured from RA, LA, LL using 3-wire

cable. It is to select one of the lead I, II, III[22]. The characteristic of the signal

frequency is 0.2∼30Hz, input range is ±7㎷, amplitude range of the input signal is

±400㎷. Pacer pulse signal is not confused with QRS due to Pacer pulse detection

function. According to safety standard, ECG measurement circuit is designed to be

sustained 4000V withstand voltage, leakage current for patients to be CF grade.

ECG measurement circuit is designed to be protected from cardiac defibrillator.

Sampling of ECG signal is 1,000samples/sec, resolution of the AD converter uses


3.1.1. Design for hardware and software

Hardware of the ECG consists as describing in Fig. 31, (a) is the hardware

diagram with analog circuit used generally, (b) is the hardware diagram with full

digital circuit developed in this study and the size of hardware is reduced to 40%

compared with existing. Table 4 presents the performance of the hardware system

with analog circuit and hardware with digital circuit developed in this study. The

baseline drift of ECG signal is caused by electrode's attachment and motion

artifact. In this study, the baseline drift rejection time was improved under 0.1sec

and power consumption was minimized to 1.82W considering property of the

portable diagnostic system.

Fig 32 is the ECG circuit of the wireless bio-signal measurement module and

final implemented board. And Fig. 33 shows the flow of the software in ECG.

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Item Analog system Digital system

ECG stabilizing time 4sec 0.1sec

Power consumption 5W 1.82W

Table 4. Performance improvement of the developed hardware system



(a) Block diagram of ECG hardware with analog circuit

(b) Block diagram of developed ECG hardware with full digital circuit

Fig. 31 Block diagram of ECG hardware

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Fig. 32 Developed ECG board

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Fig. 33 Softwate flow of the ECG

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3.1.2. QRS complex detecting algorithm

At emergency site, QRS complex of ECG in the bio-signal measurement module

should be detected at real-time. In this study, to minimize delay time of the QRS

complex detection, variable threshold method was used after signal processing[23].

As detecting QRS complex at real-time, band-pass filter was used to minimize

delay time in signal processing and variable threshold value was applied to detect

QRS complex. Fig. 34 shows the flow of the QRS complex detecting algorithm.

QRS complex detection algorithm includes signal processing interval, absolute

refractory period, T wave expectation interval, expected QRS complex interval and

comparing with threshold value.

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Fig. 34 The flow of QRS complex detection algorithm

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Basically, QRS complex detection algorithm uses the method comparing with

signal power, after signals constituted QRS complex and high frequency signal

with highest signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) is filtered by band-pass filter. To detect

arrhythmia at real-time, ECG signal is filtered in the frequency range, 10~15Hz,

using 2nd-order Butter-worth filter. Variable threshold value is adjusted using the

latest eight QRS complex detected. The threshold value is set by 65% of the

average value of latest eight QRS complex's peak values. Each peak of the QRS

complex is searched in absolute refractory period after QRS complex is detected.

In case of tall T wave, the problem which can occur in changing frequency band

of the band-pass filter in signal processing is to recognize the T-wave as QRS

complex. To reduce this QRS complex detection error, the higher threshold value

is applied in the range where T wave exists. In this range, threshold value is

used 80% of the maximum value of latest eight QRS complex's peak values. QT

interval is adjusted in considering ventricular rate and formula for QTc is used

[24]. Formula follows


QT interval of normal ECG is 0.41sec, range of the T wave can be assumed

using QTc in considering ventricular rate. To detect QRS complex at real time, it

is good to detect in low energy state and low threshold value is used in expected

the range of the QRS complex. The range of QRS complex detection is set by

calculating R-R interval using ventricular rate, and considering arrhythmia of

which R-R interval varies gradually QRS complex is assumed to be occurred from

80% of the R-R interval. In this case, used threshold value is the 50% of the

average value of latest eight QRS complex's peak values. The threshold value is

getting lower while ECG signal has noise, noise of ECG signal can be detected as

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QRS complex. The threshold value is changed judging noise existence before

expected range of QRS complex. If magnitude of the signal exceeds threshold

value applied by QRS complex ranges, regards as QRS complex and calculates

heart rate(HR). And, calculated expected interval of the T wave and expected next

QRS complex range.

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3.1.3 Evaluation of QRS complex detection algorithm

(1) QRS complex Detection Performance

This experiment is subjected to QRS complex that has various sizes and widths

to evaluate the detection performance under “ Range of QRS wave amplitude

and duration” of EC13. The result of experiment is the same as table 5, and the

result was satisfied with all the items of detection.

QRS SignalBPM Acceptance

Criteria Result

30 80 120 200 250 300

0.15mV 100ms 29 79 119 199 249 299




0.15mV 40ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.15mV 70ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.15mV 80ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.15mV 120ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.5mV 100ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.5mV 40ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.5mV 70ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.5mV 80ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

0.5mV 120ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

1mV 100ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

1mV 40ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

1mV 70ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

1mV 80ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

1mV 120ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

5mV 100ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

5mV 40ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

5mV 70ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

5mV 80ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

5mV 120ms 29 79 119 199 249 299 Pass

Table 5 The result of detection performance according to size and width of QRS complex

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Only input QRS BPM

(0.5mV 100ms 80bpm)

Input Chopping wave BPM

(0.1Hz 4mV)

Acceptance Criteria

79 79 Don’t change over ±8BPM

Table 6 The result of QRS complex detection according to baseline change

If there is a baseline wandering, the experiment is conducted under “” of

EC13 and measured by triangle wave input of 0.1Hz from 4mV as an input signal

and baseline wandering signal. Table 6 is satisfied with the standard of EC13.

(2) QRS Detection Performance of ECG Signal Where Arrhythmia Exists

It is to test the “ Disclosure of performance specifications, e) Heart rate

meter accuracy and response to irregular rhythm” of EC13. This experiment is to

evaluate the QRS complex detection performance in the condition of arrhythmia of

which shape and size of QRS complex change. The waves are standardized with

respect to four types of arrhythmia waves shown to Fig. 35. The figure includes

most of the cases enough to evaluate the QRS detection. The result passed the

standard without any QRS complex detection errors of arrhythmia as being shown

in the Table 7.

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(a) Ventricular bigeminal experiment

(b) Slow alternating ventricular bigeminal experiment

(c) Rapid alternating ventricular bigeminal" experiment

(d) Bidirectional systoles experiment

Fig. 35 QRS Detection of Arrhythmia

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irregular rhythm HR(bpm)Acceptance

Criteria Result

3a Ventricular bigeminal 77∼82 80±8Bpm Pass

3b Slow alternating ventricular

bigeminal63∼68 60±6Bpm Pass

3c Rapid alternating

ventricular bigeminal118∼120 120±12Bpm Pass

3d Bidirectional systoles 82∼94 90±9Bpm Pass

Table 7 Results of QRS complex detection performance of the arrhythmia

(3) Removal Performance of Pacer Pulse

It is to carry experiment under “ Pacemaker pulse rejection without

overshoot” of EC13. The experiment evaluates QRS complex performance either

when the function of pacer pulse detection is used or when the function is not

used. The pacer pulse should not be detected as QRS complex when pacer pulse

has been used. The wave shape of pacer pulse is very big and unique like QRS

complex, so it is not easy to distinguish from QRS complex. This is evaluated

under two conditions: One is under a normal operation that QRS complex is

synchronized by pacer pulse, and the other is under an abnormal operation that

only pacer pulse occurs but not QRS complex. In Fig. 36, the pacer pulse and

QRS complex exists at the same time, but the detection of pacer pulse is not

applied. The result is that pacer pulse is detected as QRS complex. In Fig. 37, the

detection of pacer pulse is used, but QRS complex is detected correctly. Table 8

shows the evaluation result, and it is satisfied with the standard EC13.

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Fig. 36 QRS detection in case of not using the pacer pulse detection

at pacer pulse and QRS complex

Fig. 37 QRS detection in case of using the pacer pulse detection

at pacer pulse and QRS complex

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Pacer Pulse Pacer Detect Result

Interval Duration Amplitude OFF ON



+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass


+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass



+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass


+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass



+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass


+/-2 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-10 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-100 mV Pacer QRS Pass

+/-200 mV Pacer QRS Pass

Table 8 The result of pacer pulse detection performance at pacer pulse

and QRS complex

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3.2 SpO2 Design

SpO2 is a non-invasive device that monitors the amount of oxygen in the total

Hemoglobin(Hb). The pulse rate is depended on variation of the amount of

absorbed light wavelength. The red or infrared rays laminated from probe pass

the capillary vessels of the finger tips and are changed to electrical signals by a

light detector in the probe. The received electrical signals indicate the number of

pulse and display the quantity of oxygen saturation to the screen.

3.2.1 Design of Hardware and Software

The system configuration of SpO2 is shown in Fig. 38, and the function of each

block is as follows:

l RED Driver: RED LED Drive Signal

l IR Driver: IR LED Drive Signal

l Timing Circuits: Selectively controls the signals of RED and IRed

l ADC PART: Digitalize the analog signal from previous column. This data is

connected to IO PROCESSOR through SPI(Synchronous Peripheral Interface)

method. The essential input/output signal is a line number 4, and the basic

lines are SCLK, SDOUT and SDI to select AD and to deliver CS and SPI

communication. Fig. 39 is the hardware circuit of oxygen saturation. And

Fig. 40 is its software circuit.

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Fig. 38 System diagram of SpO2

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Fig. 39 (a) Circuit of SpO2 (b) Board of SpO2

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Fig. 40 Software flow of SpO2

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3.3 NIBP(Non-invasive Blood Pressure) Design

It uses an oscillometric method that measures the maximum, minimum and

mean blood pressure.

3.3.1 Hardware Design

The design of NIBP is shown to Fig. 41, and each functions are as follows:

l PRESSURE SENSOR: A sensor that detects the pressure inside the blood

pressure cuff and changes it to the electrical signals

l Solenoid Valve: Consists of two valves -- one is a valve for continuously reducing

the pressure of cuff and the other is a valve for reducing the pressure at once

l PUMP: An air pump for giving air pressure to cuff

l ARM PROCESSOR: A CPU that operates blood pressure measuring algorithm

l Safety PROCESSOR: Ensures a patient's safety if any fault occurs by

cutting the power to make motor and valve stop

Fig. 41 Block diagram of the non-invasive blood pressure

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Fig. 42 presents hardware circuit of the non-invasive blood pressure.



Fig. 42 (a) Circuit of the NIBP (b) Board of NIBP

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Fig. 43 shows non-invasive blood pressure software flow.

Fig. 43 Software flow of the non-invasive blood pressure

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3.4 Temperature Design

The temperature converts the values of resistance to the electrical signals as

the temperature changes, and it also expresses the values into quantities using the

signal processing algorithm.

3.4.1 Hardware Design

The design of temperature is shown in Fig. 44, and the function of each column

is as follows:

l R-V Converter: Converts the value of resistance measured by the

temperature sensor to electrical signal

l 16 SAR ADC: A converter that changes the analog electrical signal in regard

of temperature to the digital signal

l MCU: Conducts the control to measure a temperature

Fig. 44 System diagram of the temperature

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Fig. 45 is the hardware circuit and the board of temperature. And Fig. 46 is

the software flow chart of thermometer.



Fig. 45 (a) Circuit of temperature (b) Board of temperature

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Fig. 46 Software flow of the temperature

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3.5 Wireless interface of bio-signal measurement module

Near field wireless communication using bluetooth technology, was developed to

send the measured bio-signal data to the portable ultrasound imaging device.

Bluetooth has advantages on two counts. One is the low price with low power

(100mW) and the other is the safety in security because it separates the

frequency band to send the data with those frequencies. Also, bluetooth can send

the signal through the obstacles such as walls or bags, so the electrical wire or

connection is not necessary to be inspected physically because it can send/receive

the signals through any obstacle. And the frequency is omni-directional so it is

easy to use because of no limited angle to connect each device. And it is a

utilized bluetooth technology in the worldwide as most of countries use the

standard of bluetooth. So, bio-signal measurement module using the bluetooth can

freely exchange data with the portable diagnosis system whenever and wherever

it is.

The wireless bluetooth circuit is designed to communicate with a portable

diagnosis system in near field as using a bluetooth class 1 module, BM-310 chip,

commercialized by Insung Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd. Fig. 47 is the picture of

BM-310, and the standard of telecommunication is as below:

Fig. 47 BM-310 bluetooth chip

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l The Telecommunication Standard of Bluetooth 1.2

l Faster data transfer rate than UART or USB

l Four power saved mode: Park, Sniff, Hold and Deep Sleep Modes

l EDR(Enhanced Data Rate) Standard (satisfied 0.9 version with the

modulation modes of 2Mbps and 3Mbps)

Fig. 48 shows the block diagram of inside the BM-310 module chip. BM-310

module chip supporting UART interface is a simple mechanism to communicate

with other serial communication devices. Fig. 49 is the block diagram between

BM-310 module chip and MCU, namely for the UART interface between ARM9

CPUs. All the connections of UART is based on the CMOS technique, and the

signal level is from 0 to VDD.

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Fig. 49 Block diagram of UART interface between

BM-310 module and MCU

Fig. 48 Block diagram for BM-310 module chip

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Fig. 50 and 51 show that the developed hardware of wireless bluetooth

communication module which can send the bio-signal data obtained by the

bio-signal measuring module to portable ultrasound imaging device.

Fig. 50 Wireless bluetooth communication circuit

Fig. 51 Wireless bluetooth communication board

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3.6 Integrated wireless bio-signal measurement module

Each function of bio-signal measurement modules including ECG, SpO2, BP,

and temperature are integrated to one module in this study. Fig. 52 is the finally

developed wireless bio-signal measurement module.

Fig. 52 Integrated wireless bio-signal measurement module

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System Integration

A portable diagnosis system consists of portable ultrasound imaging device that

provide the ultrasound image shown in Fig. 53, the wireless bio-signal

measurement module that obtains the signal to send it to portable ultrasound

imaging device using wireless bluetooth communication, and the hospital's

server/client system that saves, analyzes, and re-sends those data to.

Fig. 53 Basic concept of integrated portable diagnosis system

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4.1 GUI (Graphic User Interface)

It reduces the kernel booting time to 1.5 seconds and application operating time

within 1 second by tracing the booting sequence of Linux Kernel and modulating

the part where it is useless so that can be improved. Ultimately, the real system

booting time that extracts the time for loading Kernel as well as RootFilesystem

in the boot loader and for downloading FPGA image is within 4 seconds.

The GUI was focused on the precise image discrimination and rapid diagnosis.

The basic design of screen is shown in Fig. 54. For the better image

discrimination, image area was occupied as much as possible. For the convenience

and accessibility, the most frequently used menu-buttons are located from left-top

of the screen. For the quick control, simplicity and familiarity of menu icons, the

depth of the menu has been limited no more than two levels.

Fig. 54 Basic design of display

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l Image and Information Area: 640 x 480

l Maximum 2 x 6 Menu Buttons and One Module Transfer Button

l Information of Patients and System

l Action Module Information

The information of system and module is displayed on the top or bottom of the

screen, and the display can be on/off according to the user menu set. The

information of system is shown on the screen as it is iconize depicted in Fig. 55,

and the status of the system is displayed in real time.

Fig. 55 Dispaly of the menu

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The menu consists of two parts: Common part and module part of the system.

When the system starts, basically the bio-signal measurement module is activated,

so the initial priority of selecting menu is the bio-signal measurement module.

(The initial priority of menu selection, if bio-signal measurement module or

ultrasound imaging device, can be changeable by the user's choice.) Afterwards,

the users can freely choose the menus on the bio-signals or the ultrasound

imaging device module if it is needed. The most menus are limited under 2 depth

in consideration of the user's convenience and its speed.



System On

VitalSignal UltraSound

Setup Patient

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Fig. 56 shows the display part of bio-signal screen which consists of the

common menus of bio-signals on the left and the other menus of each parameter

on the right side. The display and alarm can be set by each parameter.

Fig. 56 Display part of bio-signal

Fig. 57 is the display part of ultrasound image which consists of the dependent

menu in accordance with the scan status and the common menu parts. After

selecting Scan mode and optimizing an image to get a desiring image, send it out

using the save and transfer menu button.

When the menu, “Show VitalSignal”, is chosen the screen is converted to

overlap the display of ultrasound image and display of bio-signal shown in Fig.

58. In that event, the user can watch the two contents together at the same time.

Also, on the overlay display, the parameter menu for bio-signal can be selected.

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Fig. 57 Display part of ultrasound image

Fig. 58 Display overlapped ultrasound image

and bio-signal

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(1) Patient Menu

It is about the information of patients. Registering a new patient and

researching, modifying or deleting the information of patients is possible.

(2) Setup

It consists menus for system and user settings. The design of menus and the

displays are convenient for the users.

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Fig. 59 Portable ultrasound imaging device combined with wireless

bio-signal measurement module

4.2 Integrated portable diagnosis system

The integrating procedure for the portable diagnosis system is to confirm the

wireless interface between portable ultrasound imaging device and bio-signal

measurement module and to integrate the menus between ultrasound image and

bio-signal. Fig. 59 shows the integrated portable diagnosis system.

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Considering the purpose of this study, to maximize usefulness in emergency, the

device is made no more than 1kg with the small size as 18.5cm(width)x12cm

(length)x2.2cm(height). The resolution for 640x480 is 30 frames/sec with a built-in

battery that can operate a device more than 4 hours, and the system booting time

is a lot reduced to less than 4 seconds. It has a bluetooth chip for wireless

communication between portable ultrasound imaging device and bio-signal

measuring module. The USB helps the device not only to support basic external

memory but also to communicate with a hospital through wired/wireless LAN.

The chapter 2 above introduces the ultrasound image processing methods that

achieves high quality resolution with 32-channel Rx/Tx. The resolution of

32-channel one was close to the 64-channel Rx/Tx. (a) of Fig. 60 is a image

obtained by a simulated experiment; (b) is a image taken by a developed

32-channel portable ultrasound imaging device; and (c) is a image by a

commercialized 64-channel ultrasound imaging device.

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(a) (b)


a) Image by computer simulated experiment, b) Image by developed

32-channel ultrasound imaging device, c) Image by commercialized

64-channel ultrasound imaging device

Fig. 60. Comparison of image of developed 32-channel system

and commercialized 64-channel system

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This study performed a comparative evaluation of the image quality from

developed portable ultrasound imaging device and the image quality from

commercialized 64-channel ultrasound device according to the guideline of AIUM

(American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine). The basic factors for the

comparative evaluation are resolution, penetration, SNR and contrast, but this

study was more focused on the resolution and the penetration. To evaluate

auto-correlation between two saved images, the penetration evaluation was

conducted by fixing a probe to phantom saving the images twice in the same

environment. Fig. 61 shows the results of the auto-correlation while it gets to the

0.5 point. The penetration evaluation is not to observe the correlation of target but

to evaluate the correlation of speckle where irregular reflection occurs for the

precise result, so this study decides to evaluate the part where there are many

speckles rather than where the target exists. While the penetration rate of the

commercialized 64-channel ultrasound device that uses the probe with the same

frequency band is 26.23cm, the developed portable ultrasound imaging device is

30cm enough to support FOV (Field of View). Also, the penetration rate measured

by the auto-correlation method has the auto-correlation upto 28.14cm.

Fig. 62 shows the result of resolution evaluation of the image from developed

portable ultrasound imaging device and the image from commercialized 64-channel

ultrasound device. The criteria required by general ultrasound device in

Axial/lateral is <= 2mm / <= 3mm. However, according to the evaluation result of

the both resolutions of the 64-channel one and the developed device at the

focusing point, the resolutions are 0.86mm / 1.68mm and 0.78mm / 1.62mm

respectively. Hence, the both resolutions of Axial and Lateral are improved by

9.3% / 3.6%. Table 9 is the result of image performance between the developed

32-channel portable ultrasound imaging device and the commercialized 64-channel

ultrasound imaging device.

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(a) (b)

a) Penetration of commercialized 64-channel ultrasound imaging device

b) Penetration of developed 32-channel portable ultrasound imaging device

Fig. 61 Image comparative evaluation of the commercialized 64-channel system

and the developed system

(a) (b)

a) Resolution of of commercialized 64-channel ultrasound imaging device

b) Resolution of the developed 32-channel portable ultrasound imaging device

Fig. 62 Image comparative evaluation of the commercialized 64-channel system

and the developed system

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Commercialized 64-channel


Developed 32-channel


Penetration 26.23cm 28.14cm


(Axial/Lateral)0.86mm / 1.68mm 0.78mm / 1.62mm

Table 9. Comparison image quality between developed 32-channel system and

commercialized 64 channel system

The color flow motion of the developed portable ultrasound imaging device is

shown in the fig. 63. The very left image is the measuring result, by using a

string phantom, which displays both signals of forward and backward direction. It

is also vertical with probe, so the middle part without Doppler has been observed

a strong reflective signal as usual. Fig. 64 shows the liquid flow in the narrow

pipe using flow phantom in the both forward and backward direction. The

developed field system can control whether or not to use the extended aperture.

Fig. 63 Color flow image from the developed system

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Throughout this study, the low power consumpted wireless bio-signal

measurement module was developed to interface with the portable ultrasound

imaging device. Because the developed wireless bio-signal measurement module is

communicated with the portable ultrasound imaging device in the close distance

whenever and wherever it is. Also, since the data communication protocol between

the wireless bio-signal measurement module and the portable ultrasound imaging

device is self-developed, the internationally standardized protocol of the portable

diagnosis system is expected. The effective communication distance between the

wireless bio-signal measurement module and the portable ultrasound imaging

device is 15m, and the wireless communication sensor output is below than 50mW.

In addition, the performance of ECG, SpO2, BP and temperature that is measurable

by the bio-signal measurement module is much more improved.

The portable ultrasound imaging device has a platform using Qtopia that lays a

foundation on the embedded Linux. A device driver related to the developed

hardware, a program for the portable ultrasound imaging device and a data

program was developed. The database program delivers wired/wireless

communication to the server in the hospital to read the information of patients or

make records for them, and even the saved ultrasound image can be sent to the

hospital. Moreover, in the remote site, the software that can watch the ultrasound

images acquired from the emergent site makes people share the status of patient

at the same time. Like Fig. 64, the fact that obtained ultrasound image and the

bio-signal data is sent to the server in the hospital via the portable diagnosis

system was confirmed by a viewer.

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Fig. 64 Data viewer of the server in the hospital

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The healthcare service has been changed from the existing hospital-oriented to

patient-oriented. And the healthcare service was developed to remote or

home-based system so that people can have the professional healthcare service at

home, office, emergency site, rural area or in the field. The development of the

portable in-vitro diagnostic system using blood as well as the portable diagnosis

system using the bio-signals such as ECG and SpO2 is actively in progress. Also,

one of the image diagnostic systems, ultrasound imaging device, was developed to

portable one by the several global corporations abroad. However, the portable

system with single function has a limit to give patients the better healthcare

service on their way to go to hospital. Thus, this study's aim is to develop a

multi-function portable diagnosis system that the portable ultrasound imaging

device is combined with wireless bio-signal measurement module. So, portable

diagnosis system developed in this study consists of a portable ultrasound imaging

device that supplies ultrasound images, a wireless bio-signal measuring module

that obtains various bio-signals and wirelessly sends the signals to the portable

ultrasound imaging device which is the main body of the system, and a

server/client system of hospital that saves, analyzes and re-sends the ultrasound

image data and bio-signal data obtained by this system.

The most important points to implement the proposed system are to miniaturize

the ultrasound imaging device and keep the quality of image. To make these

possible, this study suggests few channels/high resolution imaging techniques and

implements portable ultrasound imaging device appropriate to the portable

diagnosis system. In this study, for miniaturization, the ultrasound imaging device

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has limited channels and creates the similar image quality as commercialized

products using effective algorithms such as periodic sparse arrays and extended

aperture. Applied those algorithms, periodic sparse arrays and extended aperture,

the device can obtain the similar resolution of 64 channels with the 32 channels.

Also, the study minimized the size of system by designing a beam former

integrated all the functions of receiving beam former, TxPG, real time controlling

system of receiving/transmitting parts, and quadrature demodulation function to

one FPGA. Moreover, the design of back-end processor of portable ultrasound

imaging device includes a chip in which has echo processor, digital scan converter

and real time controller appropriate to the portable diagnosis system, so the device

is appropriate to SoC(System on Chip) integrated to embedded system. The

portable diagnosis system, in regard of immediate use in the emergency case,

reduces the booting time within four seconds. The portable ultrasound imaging

device has a chargeable built-in battery with power saved system regarding its

portability. The power is designed after analyzing the characteristics of voltage

operation in the use of B-mode and color flow. When ultrasound imaging device

is operated continually, the voltage operates more than one hour.

This study develops the 64 channel phased array applied a wide band from 2MHz

to 5MHz with a main 3MHz frequency, so the ultrasound imaging device can be

practically useful for the people's organs such as a cardiac or others in the stomach

when an emergency situation occurs. To make the size of portable ultrasound

imaging device minimize, the study developed a smart probe built in LVSW (Low

Voltage Switch) to the probe for the application of extended aperture.

It was developed not only ultrasound imaging device but also bio-signal

measurement module including ECG, SpO2, NIBP and temperature. The developed

bio-signal measurement module was combined with the portable ultrasound

imaging device using wireless bluetooth. The ECG signal is a important parameter

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of various bio-signals that monitors status of a patient. Thus, the QRS detection

algorithm developed by this study is satisfied with the EC-13 international

standard of the detection performance such as the performance in accordance with

the size or width of QRS complex, the removing performance of Tall T-wave, the

detecting performance of QRS complex where arrhythmia is located, and the

detection performance of pacer pulse.

To send the each measured bio-signal data to the portable ultrasound imaging

device, it has a wireless bluetooth communication circuits that sends data with a

wireless system. It can be used anywhere in the world because lots of countries

use the bluetooth standardization. Hence, the bio-signal measurement module is

expected to freely exchange data with the portable diagnosis system wherever or

whenever it is. The bio-signal data and ultrasound image obtained from the main

body of system is sent to a hospital in real time so that medical staff in the

hospital can care patients from remote area, so called telemedicine service.

This study brought meaningful results. One is making a portable ultrasound

imaging device of which the longest width is not longer than 15cm, and the other

is achieving the similar image quality of 32-channels with 64-channel devices.

The bluetooth makes wireless communication possible between bio-signal

measurement module and portable ultrasound module and enables to send

bio-signal data and ultrasound image data from main body to a remote hospital.

To maximize the practicality of the system, the further study of the much smaller

device with high function/high quality image and the ultrasound smart probe with

various functions shall be proceed. For the much smaller device with high

function/high quality image, the further study shall be focused on how to deal

with the back-end part using DSP(Digital Signal Processor). For the wireless

ultrasound smart probe that has a menu selecting function itself considering the

user’s convenience in emergency, the further study shall be proceed on that probe.

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국 문 요 약

무선환자감시장치와 결합된 이동형 초음파진단시스템 개발

연세대학교 대학원


장 원 석

최근에 생활수준의 향상 및 의학과 과학기술의 발전에 따른 병원 중심의 의료에서

벗어나 자택, 직장, 응급 현장 등 원격에서 전문적인 의료진단을 받을 수 있는 이동형

진단시스템에 대한 기술개발 및 제품화가 활발하다. 본 연구에서 개발한 이동형 진단

시스템은 병원과 떨어진 다양한 환경에서 환자의 생체신호 및 초음파 영상을 획득하

고 이를 이용하여 고품질 의료 서비스를 제공할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 응급의료현

장을 비롯한 다양한 환경에서 사용할 수 있는 생체신호와 무선으로 결합된 초음파 영

상기반의 초소형 이동형 진단시스템을 개발하였다. 이를 위해 초소형 초음파 영상장

치, 스마트 프로브 및 무선생체신호측정모듈을 개발하고 통합하였다. 초소형 초음파

영상장치를 만들기 위하여 희박 및 결합 어레이 영상기법과 확장 구경 기법 등의 소

채널/고해상도 초음파 영상 알고리즘을 구현하였다. 또한 빔포머는 프로세서 및 초음

파 후단부 프로세서를 각각 하나의 FPGA로 구현하여 초음파 영상장치의 크기를 줄

일 수 있었다. 특히 개발된 빔포머는 하나의 칩으로 32채널을 처리할 뿐만 아니라 수

신 집속 기능 외에 송신집속 및 쿼드러쳐 디모듈레이션 기능을 포함하며, 확장 구경

기법을 구현한 하드웨어를 스마트 프로브에 내장하여 초음파 영상장치를 소형화 할

수 있게 하였다. 또한 이동형 진단시스템은 휴대가 가능해야 하는 특성을 고려하여

충전이 가능한 전원 공급 장치 개발하였다.

심전도, 산소포화도, 혈압 및 체온을 측정하고 이를 무선으로 초음파 영상장치에

전송할 수 있는 생체신호측정모듈을 개발하였으며, 초음파 영상장치로부터 데이터를

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전송받아 저장하거나 재전송할 수 있는 병원의 서버/클라이언트 시스템을 구현하였

다. 사용자의 휴대성 및 편의성을 고려한 초소형 초음파 영상장치의 외장을 디자인

하였고, 이러한 개발 내용을 통합하여 실제 이동형 진단시스템을 개발하였다. 개발된

이동형 진단시스템은 환자중심의 의료진단을 위한 생체신호 및 초음파 영상진단 기술

을 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라 관련 응급의료 분야의 응용 기술 및 초음파 영상장치의 전

반적인 기술력 향상과 국제 산업경쟁력을 획기적으로 개선할 수 있는 계기를 마련할

수 있게 하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 개발된 이동형 진단시스템은 영상장치와 생체신호

장치가 결합된 새로운 개념의 제품으로서 새로운 시장 창출이 가능할 것이며 국가 경

제 발전에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

핵심되는 말 : 초음파영상장치, 생체신호, 심전도, 스마트 프로브, 이동형진단시스템