1 Development Review Welcome and introduction Vic O’Brien ...so what is ‘Programme Management’? No, nothing to do with TV but probably as volatile! GreenSquare Group currently has over 40 development schemes at various stages of completion. These schemes make up ‘the development programme’ and whilst each scheme has a project manager, the job of the Programme Management team is to ensure that the programme as a whole continues to fulfil corporate strategic development objectives. This means continuous monitoring of programme performance and resource use, so that we make the very best use of our resources to deliver new homes, while keeping within an acceptable level of risk. We are also the first point of contact for the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency) who provide grant funding for affordable homes. To access this funding we have to submit detailed bids to the HCA who assess each project through stringent criteria. If approved, we can go ahead with the development; if not, it’s back to the drawing board. However, the HCA can withdraw funding at any time if they feel the programme isn’t being managed appropriately. No pressure! For 2008/2011, we have already been successful in negotiating over £25 million worth of grant which will help fund the development of 354 homes. We hope this Review is informative for GreenSquare staff. Since the formation of the Group, GreenSquare continues to raise its game in the development field. This Review explains what some of the teams do and lays out some of the detail of what has been achieved over the last year. It also has a rather exciting wall chart containing the mug shots of the (very attactive) development team. We hope this will help with other staff in the Group being able to put faces to names. In addition, detail of some of the internal staff consultation work we have carried out during the year and how we have responded to the results of this consultation are contained within this Review. Happy New Year! Major regeneration scheme in Swindon provides new homes – and new opportunities for local people The first phase of a £5million regeneration project in the Braydon Court area of Penhill, Swindon, was completed in late 2009. GreenSquare is working in partnership with Swindon Borough Council on the scheme, which will see three new retail units and 38 affordable homes built on the site, with the entire project expected to be completed by this summer. The housing will be a mixture of 31 properties for rent, and seven homes for shared ownership. This project has been some years in the making so we’re all excited that it’s now well under way. From the outset, Westlea Housing has worked alongside Swindon Borough Council – and directly with local residents – to shape and deliver a project that is about more than just new shops and homes. The regeneration work at Braydon Court and the surrounding area is about breathing new life into the neighbourhood, and we’re proud to be part of that process. An exciting part of this has been the start of our 4Ward2Work initiative; this is designed to link with each of our development schemes and set targets for the use of local labour and the offer of apprenticeships. 4Ward2Work will ensure that tackling worklessness is always prioritised as part of our construction process and result in new opportunities for local people. Already at Braydon Court, 14 local people have worked on the construction of new homes. Looking ahead, over the next three years we hope to offer 92 labour places; 24 one-day business training places; 48 one-day basic health and safety training for local communities; and 21 apprenticeships through our ongoing development programme. January 2010

Development Review

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Development Review

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Development Review

Welcome and introduction Vic O’Brien

...so what is ‘Programme Management’?No, nothing to do with TV but probably as volatile! GreenSquare Group currently has over 40 development schemes at various stages of completion. These schemes make up ‘the development programme’ and whilst each scheme has a project manager, the job of the Programme Management team is to ensure that the programme as a whole continues to fulfil corporate strategic development objectives. This means continuous monitoring of programme performance and resource use, so that we make the very best use of our resources to deliver new homes, while keeping within an acceptable level of risk.

We are also the first point of contact for the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency) who provide grant funding for affordable homes. To access this funding we have to submit detailed bids to the HCA who assess each project through stringent criteria. If approved, we can go ahead with the development; if not, it’s back to the drawing board. However, the HCA can withdraw funding at any time if they feel the programme isn’t being managed appropriately. No pressure!

For 2008/2011, we have already been successful in negotiating over £25 million worth of grant which will help fund the development of 354 homes.

We hope this Review is informative for GreenSquare staff. Since the formation of the Group, GreenSquare continues to raise its game in the development field. This Review explains what some of the teams do and lays out some of the detail of what has been achieved over the last year. It also has a rather exciting wall chart containing the mug shots of the (very attactive) development team. We hope this will help with other staff in the Group being able to put faces to names. In addition, detail of some of the internal staff consultation work we have carried out during the year and how we have responded to the results of this consultation are contained within this Review. Happy New Year!

Major regeneration scheme in Swindon provides new homes – and new opportunities for local peopleThe first phase of a £5million regeneration project in the Braydon Court area of Penhill, Swindon, was completed in late 2009.

GreenSquare is working in partnership with Swindon Borough Council on the scheme, which will see three new retail units and 38 affordable homes built on the site, with the entire project expected to be completed by this summer. The housing will be a mixture of 31 properties for rent, and seven homes for shared ownership.

This project has been some years in the making so we’re all excited that it’s now well under way. From the outset, Westlea Housing has worked alongside Swindon Borough Council – and directly with local residents – to shape and deliver a project that is about more than just new shops and homes. The regeneration work at Braydon Court and the surrounding area is about breathing new life into the neighbourhood, and we’re proud to be part of that process.

An exciting part of this has been the start of our 4Ward2Work initiative; this is designed to link with each of our development schemes and set targets for the use of local labour and the offer of apprenticeships. 4Ward2Work will ensure that

tackling worklessness is always prioritised as part of our construction process and result in new opportunities for local people. Already at Braydon Court, 14 local people have worked on the construction of new homes. Looking ahead, over the next three years we hope to offer 92 labour places; 24 one-day business training places; 48 one-day basic health and safety training for local communities; and 21 apprenticeships through our ongoing development programme.




Development Review

New homes from RiversideGreenSquare were invited earlier in the year to bid for 179 properties located mainly in West Oxfordshire. The great news is that our bid was successful and this will result, following post-tender discussions, in the acquisition of an additional 152 properties for OCHA. A further supported housing scheme of 74 bed spaces in Oxford is also under consideration. Our project team are now working towards an exchange date in mid January and completion in mid March 2010. This opportunity has arisen as a result of English Churches Housing Group (now part of The Riverside Group) carrying out a ‘stock rationalisation programme’. This is something many larger RSL Groups are doing, to improve their efficiency by reducing their geographical presence to a tighter operating area.

In February 2009 GreenSquare Group received a major investment of £28m from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). This funding will help us to build 519 homes, mainly for affordable rent or shared ownership, over the next three years. At the time, GreenSquare Development Director Vic O’Brien said: “This is fantastic news and our programme will make a real difference to those in housing need.”

Since then the Development team have been working hard to secure this funding through a bidding process involving hours of negotiation with local authorities and other key stakeholders. We are very pleased to announce that this unprecedented level of funding has finally been confirmed for all schemes in the programme.

350 of the homes in the programme will be built on land GreenSquare already owns with the remainder being built on sites that will be acquired from local authorities, private individuals, or developers. The programme of new homes will cover Swindon, Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, and Gloucestershire.

All of the homes will be built to HCA standards for design and sustainability. In addition a number of the sites will involve regenerating brownfield industrial sites which will improve the environment of the surrounding community.

GreenSquare receives new homes investment of £28 million from the HCA


The worldwide economic conditions over the past year have been incredibly challenging and have had a catastrophic impact on the housing market in the UK.

Prior to the economic collapse in 2008/09, GreenSquare had embarked on a significant programme of shared ownership schemes when the economic impact on the housing market hit heavily. Unit valuations dropped significantly and first time buyers’ aspirations of home ownership disintegrated with mortgages more difficult to obtain.

A further impact came from the change of accounting rules (SORP) in 2008/09. The rule change meant that first tranche sales were now being shown in the income and expenditure accounts of our clients (Westlea and OCHA). The rule change was designed to show surpluses arising from the sale of properties, but with the downturn in the market this would have resulted in significant losses arising if the original sale programme had continued.

Working within this environment, GreenSquare rose to the challenge and were creative in finding solutions to manage the risk now attached to its shared ownership programme.

In 2008/09 GreenSquare sold 71 shared ownership units across 15 schemes. In 2009/10 GreenSquare has sold a further 60 shared ownership units to date across 14 schemes and has 23 units currently

reserved and progressing to sale. Where there have been losses, first tranche percentage shares have been managed to minimise the impact on Westlea and OCHA’s accounts.

The Group now has just two completed shared ownership units awaiting reservation.

On schemes where values dropped significantly, GreenSquare has been creative in renegotiating with our partners to convert units to alternative social housing tenures – and have thereby delivered much needed affordable housing to people in need whilst protecting the Group’s financial standing.

In 2008/9 GreenSquare negotiated to convert 74 units from shared ownership to homes for affordable rent; four units from shared ownership to the new tenure Rent to Homebuy; eight units from shared ownership to Intermediate Rent; and two units from shared ownership to market rent. GreenSquare is continuing to negotiate on a further 21 units to minimise the financial impact on the Group and provide further affordable housing.

In the face of the global financial crisis GreenSquare have worked incredibly well to manage the situation and ensure the Group continues to be successful, effective for its clients and financially strong to move forward to the future.

Sales success in a difficult year

Development Review

Lucas & Remy PlaceIffley, OxfordDue for completion this Spring, Lucas and Remy Place is a brand new housing scheme for people aged over 55, made up of 27 one and two bedroom flats for rent in the beautiful setting of Iffley village.

The facilities in the scheme include two communal lounges, laundry, guest suite, motorised buggy and cycle store, lift, secure parking for up to 15 cars and a communal garden with large patio area for residents to relax and enjoy the peaceful setting.

Facilities in the flats include fitted kitchens with built in oven, hob and fridge freezer. All flats are carpeted and have vinyl floor

covering in the kitchen and bathroom. All flats are fitted with baths or showers and designed to be able to meet residents’ needs. Support, including personal visits, is available for those who need it. This includes linking to a 24-hour alarm system, so that help is always available in an emergency.

Phelps ParadeCalne

This ‘general needs’ development, comprising of 16 flats (12 x one-bedroom and 4 x two-bedroom) above two new retail shop premises, was developed in partnership with North Wiltshire District Council (now part of Wiltshire Council). Westlea has a long leasehold interest in the flats. The scheme was built to contribute to the broader regeneration plans for the centre of Calne.

The new homes have been built on the site of an old shop and residential parade of maisonettes which was in a poor condition and was a local eyesore. The new scheme addresses the need to enhance the shopping centre to increase revenue income, reduce future maintenance costs and improve amenities for the local community.

The cost of the construction of the retail

units was borne by the Council and Westlea provided the flats with a capital contribution provided by the Council and the Homes and Communities Agency totalling £750,000. The appointed contractor was RJ Leighfields. The scheme started on site in August 2008 and was completed in October 2009 . Following the demise of Woolworths, the Council is currently seeking tenants for the retail units.


This development of a 5-bedroom specially adapted and designed house was constructed in the garden of an existing Westlea property. The new home was designed to accommodate a family with a child with disabilities who needed larger accommodation and provided a through floor lift from ground floor to first floor. The contractor was Rigg

and total scheme costs were £229,147; we received a capital grant of £70,000 from the Homes and Communities Agency to fund the construction work and a further Disabilities Grant to fund the disabled adaptations.Construction of this

new property started in February 2009 and was completed in August 2009. As shown in the feature article in the current HOME magazine, the family are very happy with their new home.

Damascus House & Emmaus HouseSalisbury

Emmaus House is a 16–17th century property, which has Grade II Listed status, linked to an early 20th century five-storey direct access hostel (Damascus House). We will be working with the Alabaré charity to provide new supported housing facilities at these two locations in Salisbury. Emmaus House is to be converted to eight self-contained apartments, which facilitate move on from the direct access hostel.

Planning permission has been secured for the scheme which will involve the demolition of Damascus House; this will be re-built as a 30-bed hostel meeting modern care and space standards. It will also contain an IT suite, day room, activity centre and gym, as well as offices for Alabaré who will be managing the schemes. The refurbishment and redevelopment of this scheme is an important development in the future provision of supported housing in Wiltshire. Alabaré Care provides one of the few direct access hostels in the county and thus provides a vital step in preventing homelessness. Wiltshire Council is committed to the scheme and has provided capital funding to support its delivery. The scheme has also attracted a high level of grant from the HCA including £1.2m from the ‘Places for Change’ hostel fund. The scheme is due to start on site in March.

The Close Gastard

Development Review

Vic O’BrienGroup Development Director

01793 60281907825 732553

Jo CursonHead of Development

New Business & Delivery01793 60282107760 402402

Kirsty PowellNew Business &

Development Manager01249 46605907917 050679




Chippenham Oxford / Swindon




Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford



Harvey PitDevelopment Manager

01865 78255507768 567629

Judith GregoryDevelopment

Projects Manager01249 46614707917 814716

Martin StannellsSenior Development

Projects Manager01249 46614507827 081789

Julian KentDevelopment

Projects Manager01249 46612307917 814731

Becka DaveyDevelopment Officer

01249 46604107778 574037

Denise WoolfordDevelopment

Admin Assistant01249 466108

Tracy GuessDevelopment

Admin Assistant 01793 602835

Andy SumserDevelopment

Projects Manager01865 78255307880 783590

Marita FordDevelopment

Projects Manager01865 782589 07776 466544

Richard CoulstonDevelopment

Projects Manager01865 782552

Simon CorpSenior Projects

Manager 01865 782541

Frances GearyDevelopment

Projects Manager01793 60283307979 524221


Meet the team

Colin BloodworthHead of Development Services

01793 60282307964 620101

Phil BowleyHead of Regeneration

01793 60282207909 558614

Swindon Swindon

Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon


Swindon Swindon Swindon

Swindon Swindon


Swindon Swindon

Kevin MeekQuality Manager

01793 60282607739 010478

Ernie RandellConstruction Manager

01793 602839

Bryn HowellsLand Acquisition Manager

01793 60283807765 053097

Kelly ThomasMarketing, Sales

& Leasehold Service Manager

01793 60283207971 568436

Nancy SampsonProgramme Manager

(Capital Projects)01793 60282407770 310843

Jamir AliDevelopment

Projects Manager01793 60283407766 410699

David PhillipsClerk of Works01793 60282807979 406483

Paul HolmesClerk of Works01793 602827

Stephanie ShirleyCustomer Services Advisor

(Leaseholders)01793 602829

Russell ByrneConstruction Buyer

01793 60284007747 444440

Jennie HemplemanMarketing & Sales Officer

01865 78254207748 625172

Zoe HarrisMarketing & Sales Officer

01249 46610907795 256310

Hilary GertsonMarketing & Sales Officer

01793 60283007500 604704

Michael PageSite Manager

01793 60283607805 630117

Damian SpenserLeasehold Manager

01793 602831

Paula BartlamProgramme Management

Officer01793 602825


Zoe RobinsMarketing & Sales Officer

01865 782542


Frances GearyDevelopment

Projects Manager01793 60283307979 524221

Development Review

The TriangleSwindonHab Oakus, a joint venture between GreenSquare and Kevin McCloud’s development company, Hab, is soon to start on site with its first project.

The Triangle, a 42-home sustainable development, will be built on the site of a former caravan park and plant nursery just off Swindon’s Northern Road.

The design, by Glenn Howells Architects with landscape architects Studio Engleback, is informed by Hab Oakus’

fundamental principles - a strong sense of community, a belief in the importance of public space, respect for cyclists and pedestrians, and a commitment to sustainable lifestyles and outstanding contextual design. The houses will be built to the Code for Sustainable Homes level 4, with the potential to be upgraded to Code 5.

The project is due to start on site soon with completion by Christmas 2010.

Rose HillOxfordThe current redevelopment of Rose Hill is the first stage within Oxford City Council’s (OCC) long term development strategy. The total scheme comprises 254 units, and involves the clearing of old ‘Orlit’ type homes built in the 1950’s to make way for new, high quality and energy-efficient homes.

The affordable housing element of 141 homes comprises a sheltered block of 26 flats, and family housing of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, being predominately general needs. There are currently a total of 113 open market units on the estate being built by the developer Taylor Wimpey comprising houses and apartments.

Phase 1 of the Rose Hill Development has now completed, and we are well on our way through phase 2. We have to date taken handover of 72 of the 141 affordable units.

There are a total of 3 phases to be built under the estate redevelopment programme which is expected to complete at the end of 2011.

31 Blacknall RoadAbingdonIn May 2008, an Abingdon family – Mrs Bond, a single parent, two sons (8 and 17 years) and a 20 year old daughter – contacted the Vale Of White Horse Council’s Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) officer to advise that the family’s current home had become extremely unsuitable. It was highlighted that the daughter’s carers would soon be unable to attend to her daily care needs due to health and safety concerns.

The development team have since

successfully identified and purchased an existing property that – following some minor work – fully meets the needs of the Bond family. The family are absolutely thrilled now that they have settled into their new home.

Unity HouseChippenhamThis new supported housing development comprises a 15 bedspace hostel and six ‘move-on’ 1-bedroom flats. Owned by Westlea, the scheme is managed by BCHA and is designed to provide care and support to single people including complex medical, psychological and physical needs within a safe and supportive environment. The scheme is staffed 24 hours a day.

The scheme was a development on Westlea-owned land on the site of three existing homes in Wood Lane which were demolished to make way for the new-build scheme.

The scheme started on site in March 2008 and was completed in September 2009 when the new residents moved into the scheme. The contractor was EG Carter and total scheme costs were £2,958,915. The scheme received £1,650,000 capital funding from the Homes and Communities Agency. An open day is planned for Spring 2010.


Development Review


At the end of 2008, GreenSquare Development invited colleagues from across the group to ‘Meet the Team’. Events were held in Oxford and Chippenham and provided an excellent informal opportunity for us to get to know each other better. Many of you who attended these sessions felt that they were very useful and informative – the chocolate fountains were a big hit! Over the last year the Development team have been working hard to address some of the issues and comments you raised at the ‘meet the team’ days and through the staff survey. In response to the feedback you provided, a number of meetings with colleagues in both Westlea and OCHA have been held to explore these issues in more detail. Your feedback was also the focus for the Development Team Conference in June 2009.

Feedback has been grouped into three key themes: Communication, Consultation, and Handovers, and is summarised below.


What we do well• A good exhibition, very informative with good displays.

•Communication & working relationships with other departments is greatly improving.

• There is also consistency & great experience of the team.

•After a shaky start the Development Team are really starting to gel.

• The team day is an excellent example of what the Development Team are doing right, as the team can very often be seen as a separate entity and more of this should bring the team closer to the rest of the organisation.

• Encouragement is given to staff to visit new sites to see how they are being built & finished.

What we could do better – Ideas for improvementIdeally for the (development) team to get out of the office more as it would be nice for others to have face to face communication rather than emails even though it may be difficult at times due to people’s workload.

On the 6 October 2009 A ‘Working in Partnership’ event was held for the New Business and Development team and frontline staff and managers from OCHA and Westlea. This was an excellent event and the feedback from colleagues who attended the day found it informative and, at times, illuminating. Feedback from the facilitator was that he had never worked with a more collaborative group of people. It provided an opportunity for communication to be openly discussed in a supportive environment and for people to understand the pressures and constraints we all work within. The day generated lots of positive ideas and, importantly, a willingness to work in partnership. It was agreed that where possible teams would avoid emailing and use the phone and face to face meetings more.

There has been lots of interest in shared ownership in Oxford; perhaps there should be more work in this area.

The current housing market is making the development of homes for sale or shared ownership particularly difficult. As Oxford is generally a high value area shared ownership has always been a popular tenure and we are continuing to develop a small programme over the next year. Once we see an improvement in the housing market the numbers of shared ownership homes will start to increase.

To publicise Development’s success more i.e. through the intranet on schemes approved/going ahead etc, also to include projects completed i.e. pictures.

Completed development schemes are highlighted in GreenStuff and through local publicity. Where appropriate

milestone ceremonies and opening events are organised and attended by internal and external stakeholders.

Opportunities to see new sites and also regular updates on site – both on site and proposed.

As part of the development process project teams are encouraged to visit sites at a very early stage to assist in completing the DGF 1 form which is effectively the sign-off by OCHA and Westlea that the scheme should proceed. Colleagues from Asset Management and Neighbourhood Services are also invited to site meetings at key stages of the project to familiarise themselves with the scheme and identify any quality issues at snagging stage.


What we do well• Members of the Development Team are always helpful, friendly & on the ball.There is also a good working relationship within the team.

What we could do better – Ideas for improvementNot enough consultation with Housing Management when choosing sites.

Not understanding the needs of some of the internal customers & colleagues more time should be allocated for this.

Following a number of meetings with colleagues across the Group, the development procedures have been extensively revised to include a greater focus on internal consultation. Schemes are signed off at an early stage by the Heads of Neighbourhood Services and Asset Management (DGF0 and DGF 1); regular project team meetings and consultation events are held.

Not considering existing residents privacy when clearing land for development.

The Development team work very hard to consult with residents affected by any of our developments. Clearly there will occasions when essential clearing works

you said... we did... FEEDBACK FROM ‘MEET THE TEAM’

continued over the page...

Development Review


will not be welcomed. In those cases Development staff would always seek to minimise the impact of the work on our neighbours.

Seem to take all the properties which other HA’s do not want, also don’t build or buy flats with communal entrances and don’t build in distant areas unless they are managed elsewhere.

All development schemes are approved by the Group Business Meeting (GBM) which includes representatives from GreenSquare, Westlea and OCHA. Schemes are carefully considered to ensure they meet our standards and many are rejected at an early stage. We currently have an agreement with Oxbode Housing to manage Westlea stock in Gloucestershire to ensure residents receive an effective, local management service. The ability to manage new schemes is a key consideration at feasibility stages of schemes and will often be a reason some schemes are not taken forward.

To involve Housing Management and other departments throughout the process from the very first stage & not for them to rely solely on the DGF1.

A Development Practice Note has been produced in conjunction with colleagues from both OCHA and Westlea. This document clearly sets out the roles and responsibilities of all of us involved in the development process, from inception to the end of the defects period. To support this the Development team will regularly attend Westlea and OCHA internal meetings to promote collaborative working practice and obtain feedback. The Development Practice Note will be launched in January 2010.


What we do well•There are lots of new houses and the standard and finish of properties is high.

What we could do better – Ideas for improvementNeed to be told when properties are out of defects and when new properties are tenanted as it can cause more work to other departments.

Could someone in Voids be included on circulation lists for on-site developments.

Information required prior to handover has been reviewed and updated. Development procedures require colleagues involved in lettings and asset management to be issued with all property information including rents and forecast completion dates three months before completion on form DGF22 to allow adequate time for the properties to be set up and nominations secured.

To be right first time on handovers so that the impression is good.

When there is a handover could there be more communication so that information is at hand to help residents.

The Development Quality Team headed up by Kevin Meek have completely revised their inspection process and have introduced a robust quality audit check to ensure consistent inspections across the Group. Housing officers will be briefed on the operation of new homes at handover so that they can pass this information on to new residents.

Better procedures put in place for contractors/developers dealing with the defects to make them take ownership and make contact with occupants, also for them to work to the target dates.

Get the builders to work to target dates on Works orders so that the residents do not chase on overdue work order.

Completion timescales for defects are included in our Standard Employers Requirements. In the past there have been numerous issues with contractors and developers failing to achieve these targets resulting in a poor service to residents. Significant changes have been made to the defects management process including: all defects being logged on the repairs system for ease of monitoring, follow up calls to check if work has been completed, an agreement to complete the works using Westlea and OCHA contractors where agreed deadlines are not met resulting in a recharge to the developer.

To invite tradesman to look at properties to see if they can be maintained easily.

This is a great idea and could provide excellent feedback for the continuous improvement group within development. We will discuss this with Asset Management and look to involve some colleagues from the Trades team in 2010.

Communication with repairs re-stocks of replacement items (like for like)

The Standard Employers Requirements are currently being reviewed by a panel drawn from across the group including asset management. Key components will be considered to ensure that replacements are readily available and provide best value on a ‘whole life cost’ basis whilst still meeting the quality of finish we aspire to.

continued from page 7

Quality TeamThe Quality Team is managed by Kevin Meek and includes two further members Paul Holmes and Dave Phillips who are Clerks of Works.

The team are responsible for monitoring the Group’s construction activity and ensuring high levels of quality are

consistently achieved across the group.

Paul and Dave are responsible for day to day inspections of developments, monitoring works and advising of areas of non-compliance.

Kevin is also responsible for ensuring our developments are designed to meet our design objectives, ensuring our Standard Employers Requirements are up-to-date

and reflect best practice. He also manages the Residents’ Design Panel.

The team are now equipped with PDAs to make quality inspections more efficient and comprehenisive to ensure homes are built to the highest standards.They can email their reports from site and even have printers to print a copy for the site managers.