Device Stage Marketing Guide For partners that pass Device Stage requirements Confidential: For use by authorized Microsoft partners only.

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Device Stage™ Marketing GuideFor partners that pass Device Stage requirements

Confidential: For use by authorized Microsoft partners only.

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Table of Contents3 Introduction3 TheDeviceStage™AdditionalQualification4 Usage guidelines4 Promoting Device Stage4 Product packaging4 Web pages4 Other product marketing collateral5 Messaging guidelines5 Describing products6 Devicespecificmessaging6 Cell phones6 Digital Still Camerass6 Portable Media Players6 Printers and Multi-function Printers7 Input Devices: Keyboards & Mice7 PCs7 Mobile Broadband Devices8 Resources8 Need help?

– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide

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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide

IntroductionSince Windows Vista was released, there has been an amazing amount of change in the devices that users connect to their PCs. Devices have evolved from a single type of connection—such as USB—to multi-transport devices that support USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi. Finally, many of today’s devices are aware of—and are often integrated and sold with—services that are delivered over the Internet. These fundamental changes have led the Windows 7 engineering team to rethink how Windows works with devices to make it easier for you to recognize and use your devices, and the unique features, applications, and services that come with them.

Device Stage is a new feature in Windows 7 that allows users to interact with any compatible device connected to their PC. From Device Stage, users can see the device status and run common tasks from a single window, simplifying the device management experience.

For supported device classes, a generic Device Stage experience is already built into Windows 7. The “baseline” experience shows the class of the connected device with agenericiconandprovidesasetofpredefinedtasksforthatdeviceclass.

TheDeviceStageAdditionalQualification(AQ)identifiesproductsforwhichmanufacturershave created custom Device Stage experiences optimized for a particular device. These custom experiences will include branding of the Device Stage screen and the use of a photorealisticiconforthedevice,aswellascustomizedtasksspecifictothecapabilitiesof the device, such as importing photos from a camera or synching contacts on a mobile phone.

Products that qualify for the Device Stage AQ present a customized experience created by the device manufacturer. This guide is designed to help your company use the proper DeviceStagemessagingtoconfidentlycommunicatethebenefitsofDeviceStage.Ifyouhave any questions about using these assets, please send an e-mail message to: [email protected]


Your product photo here Your logo/brand

here in the branding bar

Your task herein the task window

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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide

Usage GuidelinesPromoting Device Stage

Microsoft recommends that Device Stage messaging be displayed in the following places that customers will encounter in the product evaluation and presales process. TohelpcustomersunderstandthefeaturesandbenefitsofyourproductonDeviceStage, messaging on page 9 can be used where appropriate.

Product packaging

Microsoft recommends that Device Stage messaging be placed in the lower-right or upper-right corner on the front of the product box; or listed in the text bullets describing key features of the product. The logo also may be used on the spine and backofthebox.Inadditiontothelogo,product-specificmessagingavailableonpages 6-7 can be used.

Web pages

It is important to use the Device Stage messaging throughout your company’s Web pages. Please follow these guidelines: • DeviceStagemessagingmaybeusedthroughoutthewebsite adjacent to products that have passed testing including, but not limited to, home page, product pages, and search results.

Other product marketing collateral

Device Staging may be incorporated into all product manuals, specificationsheets,flyers,andotherprintoutreacheffortswhenusedinassociationwiththespecificproductthathasmettheprogram requirements.


Side tips and tricks: Make sure you include “Supports Device Stage.” in your system requirements

Supports Device Stage™

Supports Device


Supports Device


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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide

Messaging GuidelinesFollowing are guidelines on how to properly promote products that have earned the Device Stage additional qualification.Followingtheseguidelinesisimportanttosetappropriateexpectationsforthecustomerandtoclarify the meaning of the logo.

When describing your licensed product, do:

• Use“[InsertProductName]supportsDeviceStage™.”

• Usetheterm“DeviceStage™”inheadlinesandothercall-outsrelatedtolicensedproducts,asappropriate.

To avoid customer confusion, do not:

• DescribeproductsasDeviceStageCertified.

• DescribeproductsasDeviceStageCompatible.

• Includingorsubstitutealternatetermssuchasoptimized,powered,orreadyincommunicationaboutproductsthatqualifyfortheDeviceStageadditionalqualification..


Device Stage™ is a simple way to interact with your phone, camera, printer, or portable media player from the Windows® desktop


When describing your products

When describing Device Stage

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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide6

Messaging Guidelines (Continued)

Device-Specific Messaging Pleasetakeadvantageofthecopybelowtoclearlycommunicatethebenefitsofyourlogo-bearingproduct.

Mobile Phones

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Manageyourcontacts,calendar*,andtasks* • Personalizeyourringtones • ViewDeviceStatus • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers*Onsupportingdevices


Portable Media Players

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Viewdevicestatus • Manageandsynchronizeyourmusic/media • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers


Printers and Multi-Function Printers

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Easilymanageyourprintersettings • Ordersupplies,downloadsoftwareandgetcustomersupport • Easilyaccessthemostcommonprintertasks • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers


Digital Still Cameras

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Accesssupportonline • Manageanduploadyourphotos • ViewDeviceStatus • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers


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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide7

Messaging Guidelines (Continued)

Device-Specific Messaging Pleasetakeadvantageofthecopybelowtoclearlycommunicatethebenefitsofyourlogo-bearingproduct.

Input Devices: Keyboards & Mice

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Managekeysettings


Mobile Broadband Devices

• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers



• SupportsDeviceStage™• SupportsDeviceStage™-foracustomizedinterfacetoletyoudomorewithyour (insertproductname) • Managesystemsettingsandpoweroptions • Downloadupdatedsoftwareandgetcustomersupport • Partner–Addyourowndescriptionofwhatyourcustomizeddevicestageexperienceoffers


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– Device Stage™ Marketing Guide

ResourcesObtaining the Messaging

Toobtainandusethe“DeviceStage”messaginginyourmarketing,productsmustfirstmeetalltechnicalrequirementsoftheDeviceStageAdditionalQualificationprogramandsuccessfullycomplete the testing process. Information on getting started can be found at the following sites.

• For independent hardware vendors (IHVs) — www.microsoft.com/whdc/getstart

If you have questions about messaging or guidelines for Device Stage, please send an e-mail message to [email protected]

Need help?