The multi-District Rotarians for Peace Sym- posium held on March 2nd was an out- standing success. It was sold out with over 350 Rotarians attending. RI President Sakuji Tanaka, Chair of the Rotary Foundation PRIP Wilf Wilkinson, and Dr. Bob Scott Chair of our International Polio Plus campaign all participated. The following is a summary of the day’s events as reported by Elizabeth Kovacs of the Rotary E-Club of SOWNY. “It was a beautiful day to travel to Toronto on Saturday, March 2, 2013 for the gather- ing of Rotarians from Districts: 7070, 7090, 7040, 6330, 7010, 7080 and 7120. Over 350 Rotarians filled the ballroom of the Fairmount Royal York Hotel in Toronto. The event was opened by Chairperson, Gordon P. Crann, member of the hosting Rotary Club of Toronto. The honoured guest speaker was Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka whose chosen theme for Rotary this year is "Peace through Service". The MC for this event was Suhanna Meharchand, the host of CBC News NOW from 9AM - Noon on the CBC News Network. There were many keynote speakers presenting the whole day. We were hon- ored to hear Dr. Bob Scott present his talk on "Pax Polio - A Paradox". He encouraged Rotarians to press on with our aim to eradicate polio and honored the cour- age of those that have recently perished in Pakistan because of their courageous work to administer the polio vaccine to children against the views of some militant Taliban sects. We next heard from Raseema Alam, MA, International Relations and Rotary World Peace Fellow who is currently working the World Bank as an advisor to develop the health system in Afghanistan. Her talk was entitled "Peace in Action" and her message to us all was that "Peace is logical ... Peace is possible ... and the way to achieve peace when working with people in areas of con- flict is to listen ... ask questions ... ob- serve ... adapt to the situation ... and create space so that people you are working with feel safe. She also asked that we check out the website: www.changemakers.com. The next speaker was Dr. Isseldin Abuelaish who gave a very passionate talk about "Peace and Conflict". Dr. Abuelaish is known by many as the "Gaza Doctor" and has authored the book "I Shall Not Hate". He is the founder of Daughters for Life Foundation and is a Palestinian who , while working in an Israeli Hospital, lost three of his six daughters in a nearby shelling in the Gaza Strip. Dr. Abuelaish is an assistant professor of Global health at the University of Toronto and has experienced the horrors of war first hand. After the loss of his girls, he has dedicated his life to "Peace through Action". He said "suffering is manmade, it is not from God; everything from God is good". He offered up this advice, "Do not accept the misery of life, challenge it!" "Hatred is a chronic disease. Success is the anecdote of hatred." This presentation was deeply moving on so many levels. Marc Kielburger, cofounder of Free the Children, spoke about this foundation which he began with his brother. Free the Children is the world's largest, youth-driven, international charity which works in eight developing coutnries and has built more than 650 schools and schoolrooms. Continued on page 2 Inside this issue: RI & District News 3—5 Club Events Calendar 6 Club News 7—12 Guiding Principles 13 District 7090 Newsletter January 2010 Feb—Mar 2013 DG Rick’s March Message Rotarians for Peace Symposium Rotarians for Peace Symposium sponsoring District Governors with President Tanaka. Left to Right: DG 7040 Rene Melchers, DG 7080 Ian Ferguson, DG 7070 Ted Koziel, RI President Tanaka, DG 6330 Thomas Robitaille, D G 7090 Rick Sterne

DG Rick’s March Messageclubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000050043/en-ca/files/... · 2014-11-24 · Polio - A Paradox". He encouraged Rotarians to press on with our aim to eradicate

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Page 1: DG Rick’s March Messageclubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000050043/en-ca/files/... · 2014-11-24 · Polio - A Paradox". He encouraged Rotarians to press on with our aim to eradicate

The multi-District Rotarians for Peace Sym-posium held on March 2nd was an out-standing success. It was sold out with over 350 Rotarians attending. RI President Sakuji Tanaka, Chair of the Rotary Foundation PRIP Wilf Wilkinson, and Dr. Bob Scott Chair of our International Polio Plus campaign all participated. The following is a summary of the day’s events as reported by Elizabeth Kovacs of the Rotary E-Club of SOWNY. “It was a beautiful day to travel to Toronto on Saturday, March 2, 2013 for the gather-ing of Rotarians from Districts: 7070, 7090, 7040, 6330, 7010, 7080 and 7120. Over 350 Rotarians filled the ballroom of the Fairmount Royal York Hotel in Toronto. The event was opened by Chairperson, Gordon P. Crann, member of the hosting Rotary Club of Toronto. The honoured guest speaker was Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka whose chosen theme for Rotary this year is "Peace through Service". The MC for this event was Suhanna Meharchand, the host of CBC News NOW from 9AM - Noon on the CBC News Network.

There were many keynote speakers presenting the whole day. We were hon-ored to hear Dr. Bob Scott present his talk on "Pax Polio - A Paradox". He encouraged Rotarians to press on with our aim to eradicate polio and honored the cour-age of those that have recently perished in Pakistan because of their courageous

work to administer the polio vaccine to children against the views of some militant Taliban sects. We next heard from Raseema Alam, MA, International Relations and Rotary World Peace Fellow who is currently working the World Bank as an advisor to develop the health system in Afghanistan. Her talk was entitled "Peace in Action" and her message to us all was that "Peace is logical ... Peace is possible ... and the way to achieve peace when working with people in areas of con-flict is to listen ... ask questions ... ob-serve ... adapt to the situation ... and create space so that people you are working with feel safe. She also asked that we check out the website: www.changemakers.com.

The next speaker was Dr. Isseldin Abuelaish who gave a very passionate talk about "Peace and Conflict". Dr. Abuelaish is known by many as the "Gaza Doctor" and has authored the book "I Shall Not Hate". He is the founder of Daughters for Life Foundation and is a Palestinian who , while working in an Israeli Hospital, lost three of his six daughters in a nearby shelling in the Gaza Strip. Dr. Abuelaish is an assistant professor of Global health at the University of Toronto and has experienced the horrors of war first hand. After the loss of his girls, he has dedicated his life to "Peace through Action". He said "suffering is manmade, it is not from God; everything from God is good". He offered up this advice, "Do not accept the misery of life, challenge it!" "Hatred is a chronic disease. Success is the anecdote of hatred." This presentation was deeply moving on so many levels. Marc Kielburger, cofounder of Free the Children, spoke about this foundation which he began with his brother. Free the Children is the world's largest, youth-driven, international charity which works in eight developing coutnries and has built more than 650 schools and schoolrooms. Continued on page 2

Inside this issue:

RI & District News 3—5

Club Events Calendar 6

Club News 7—12

Guiding Principles 13

District 7090 Newsletter January 2010

Feb—Mar 2013

DG Rick’s March Message

Rotarians for Peace Symposium

Rotarians for Peace Symposium sponsoring District Governors with President Tanaka. Left to Right: DG 7040 Rene Melchers, DG 7080 Ian Ferguson, DG 7070 Ted Koziel, RI President Tanaka, DG 6330 Thomas Robitaille, D G 7090 Rick Sterne

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Page 2 District 7090 Newsletter

RI & District News

Free the Children organizes an annual WE DAY which engages 100,000 kids from 3,000 schools and more than 5.4 million through televised broadcasts and 2 million on Facebook , making it one of the largest charitable causes around the world. Marc is a Harvard graduate in international relations, won a Rhodes scholarship and completed a law degree from Oxford University. Marc encouraged Rotarians to energize our Interact kids by listening to them and allowing them the space to be creative and express their ideas to grow in service to others. To learn more about Free the Children, visit their website, www.freethechildren.com. The day also included breakout sessions and other additional Keynote speakers. RI President, Sakuji Tanaka was able to be present during lunch and left the confer-ence thereafter to catch his afternoon flight to return to Japan. This was an inspirational day and I walked away realizing that it takes courage to rise above adversity and suffering and work for peace and we are fortunate to have many fine examples among our family of Rotarians and friends of Rotary that do just that every day. Everyone can work for Peace and should for the sake of humanity.” LITERACY MONTH March is Literacy month. I am proud of the many District Clubs that have Literacy projects. Many Clubs have adopted local schools, usually in the poorer part of their community and provide lunches to needy students and are actively involved with their school activities. Some Clubs donate dictionaries to their local schools. Many Clubs provide scholarships to needy and successful students. Telling Tales, a Hamilton area Rotary project, has again been recognized as one of Ontario’s Top 100 Festivals for 2013, a great victory for Rotary at large, and our important work for literacy. The Brantford Rotary Club has a major international literacy project in Pakistan, thanks to the hard work of Sabih Uddin. They are working with the Rotary Club of Karachi Pakistan in providing books to schools in Pakistan for teaching the basics of reading and writing to the illiterate poor, particularly young girls. If we are ever going to find Peace in the world, we have to start by conquering illiteracy. PRESIDENTIAL CITATION The end of March is the deadline for submitting the Club Presidential Citation forms. They should be mailed to: DG Rick Sterne 29-422 Powerline Road Brantford, Ontario Canada, N3R 8A1 Or they may be scanned and emailed to me at: [email protected]

LIGHTHOUSE AWARD The Lighthouse Award criteria is: Clubs will be designated as Lighthouse Clubs by the District Awards Committee. The designation will be based on information received from Assistant Governors, Club presidents through their application for a Presidential Citation, and a signed letter applying for the Lighthouse Award. Lighthouse Awards will be presented at the District Conference Awards Luncheon. The criteria for consideration for these awards will include: 1. Success in the Four Elements of Effective Clubs: - Sustaining and growing membership (at least +3% net growth) - Implementing successful service projects in the community and internationally - Supporting the Rotary Foundation (US $100 per member to the Annual Pro-grams Fund by April 30, 2013) - Developing club leaders beyond the club level 2. A minimum contribution to Polio Plus of US $1,000 per club. 3. Qualified for the 2012 -2013 Presidential Citation. 4. Certified for Rotary Foundation Future Vision. 5. Have held at least four meetings during the year to increase knowledge of Rotary and its programs.. 6. Command a high degree of respect in their community and amongst area Clubs. Please email me your letter applying for a Lighthouse Award by April 30, 2013. PEACE THROUGH SERVICE AWARDS Our Peace through Service Committee will be presenting Peace through Service Awards to the top ten Peace projects this year at our Awards Luncheon on June 9, 2013. Nomination forms will be available soon for submission by the end of May. We are also planning on presenting the ``GOVERNOR`S TROPHY`` to the most outstanding (non-fundraising) Club Project of the Year! More to come. Keep up the good work that your Club is doing! H I G H F I V E !

Rick Sterne District Governor Best of Friends District 7090

Governor’s Message continued

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Page 3 District 7090 Newsletter

RI & District News



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Page 4 District 7090 Newsletter

RI & District News

Thank you for adding your voice to Rotary’s call for world leaders to fund the final push to end polio. We are “this close” to making history by eradicating polio once and for all. We are at a true tipping point: polio case counts have never been lower, and the number of countries affected by the disease has never been fewer. The time to beat polio is now. But as you know, we currently face a funding crisis that could derail the entire program. Vac-cination campaigns are being cut, raising the risk that polio will rebound, just as we’ve reduced it to its lowest levels in history. How many campaigns were cut in 2012? • 68 campaigns in 33 countries -- canceled • 94,000,000 children unvaccinated How can you help? To achieve a polio-free world, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative need your support to spread the word. Share this message with your friends on Twitter and Facebook and ask them to add their name! We need your support and participation to make history together and create a polio-free world. Find out how your donation helps fund the fight to end polio.

Rotary resources/End Polio Now

WORLD’S BIGGEST COMMERCIAL Be a part of the World’s Biggest Commercial. Join Bill Gates, Jackie Chan, Amanda Peet, PENE HUTTON and thousands worldwide. Make history and spread the word that we are THIS CLOSE….……………….. http://www.endpolio.org/. You can Face Book it, Tweet it, and get all the most recent statistics on the eradication efforts. You can even petition our world leaders to get on board this effort by making resources available to END POLIO NOW! After adding my name to the petition, I received the email below……..

Thank you, The End Polio Now Team

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RI & District News

For more information, go to RYLA website, Youth/New Generations on District website or contact Cheryle Slattery at 905-892-1510 or [email protected]

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District 7090 Newsletter Page 6

ROTARY CLUB OF ANCASTER 9TH ANNUAL WORLD WATER DAY WALKATHON DATE: FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013; CHECK IN AT 9AM; WALKATHON BEGINS AT 10AM LOCATION: The Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology, 900 Woodward Avenue, Hamilton CONTACT: [email protected] or 905.546.2424 ROTARY CLUB OF BUFFALO SUNRISE GUEST BARTENDERS AT THE CHOCOLATE BAR DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 FROM 5:30PM TO 7:30PM COST: Your generous tip!!!! Will provide clean water for a secondary girls school in Tanzania. LOCATION: 114 Chippewa Street, Buffalo (between Delaware and Elmwood) ROTARY CLUB OF NIAGARA FALLS/NIAGARA FALLS SUNRISE, ON. 1ST ANNUAL ELIMINATION DRAW DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2013 ; 6PM CASH BAR OPENS; 6—8PM FOOD STATIONS; 7—9PM ELIMINATION DRAW COST: Tickets are $65 (every 25th tickets drawn wins a mystery prize) LOCATION: Americana Resort, 8444 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, ON CONTACT: Diane Kon at [email protected] or 905.933.3652 ROTARY CLUB OF STONEY CREEK HARLEY DAVIDSON RAFFLE DATE: DRAWING IS MAY 4, 2013 COST: Tickets are $20 (limited to 3500 tickets sold) CONTACT: Stoney Creek Rotarians ROTARY CLUB OF LEWISTON—NIAGARA ON THE LAKE SHAW FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER—SAVE THE DATE FOR—GUYS AND DOLLS! DATE: SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2013, Matinee beginning at 12:45pm LOCATION: Shaw Festival Theatre COST: $85 US/CND per person all inclusive of drinks, food and show CONTACT: US: Ron Danielwicz, 290 Glendale Rd., Youngstown, NY 14174; 716.870.1307 or [email protected] CA: John Shaver, 575 Simcoe St., Unit 15, NOTL ON LOS1J0; 905.468.7452; [email protected] ROTARY CLUB OF NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO GOLF TOURNAMENT AT HUNTER’S POINTE DATE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 2013; TEE TIMES START AT 11:30 AM COST: $150 includes round of golf, cart, lunch, plated dinner ) CONTACT: Dennis Georgieff @ [email protected] or 905.468.3046/SPONSORSHIPS ALSO AVAILABLE ROTARY CLUB OF DUNNVILLE RIB NIGHT DATE: SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 4PM TO 7PM LOCATION: Dunnville Airport, 537 Port Maitland Road, Dunnville COST: Tickets are $25 - includes a full rack of ribs and all the fixings CONTACT: Ian Durand at iandurandsympatico.ca or 905.701.8238 ROTARY CLUB OF DUNNVILLE 9TH ANNUAL INVITATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT DATE: FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2013 ; REGISTRATION AT 10AM, 11AM SHOTGUN START LOCATION: Freedom Oaks Golf Club, 612 Sandy Bay Road, Dunnville COST: $100 per Golfer or $400 per Team includes dinner, prizes & a live auction CONTACT: Linda Leslie at [email protected] or 905.961.5344 ROTARY CLUB OF LINCOLN PRESENTS “WING DING” A CHICKEN WING & BLUES FESTIVAL DATE: SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2013 & SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2012, Noon ‘til ppm LOCATION: Charles Daley Park, Jordan, Ontario CONTACT: Lincoln Rotarians for tickets or for information to be a vendor

Club Events Calendar

To submit news for the newsletter, send your photos and captions, articles to:

Pene Hutton at [email protected]

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District 7090 Newsletter Page 7

RI & District News

Haiti “Water for Life” project—Walkthon

Last year’s walkathon raised $18,500—enough to build 3 additional wells.

Come join the walk and make it 4 wells this year or more!

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Page 8 District 7090 Newsletter

Club News

Roswell Park receives check from Lancaster-Depew

Submitted by Robert Benzel John Huber (left) President of the Rotary Club of Lancaster-Depew presents a check on behalf of the club to Robert Benzel (right) for the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation. Benzel is a member of the club and will ride again this year, on June 22nd. He has participated in Ride for Roswell events since 2010. Last year 8,330 riders raised a total of over $3.8 million. The

money helps researchers and physicians better understand the causes of cancer and discover new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Submitted by Robert Allen PDG of Rotary International District 6330 and new recipient of the prestigious "Service Above Self" award from RI John Van Laar (on right) visited our club to present Waterdown Rotary Club President Michael Collette (left) with a certificate of appreciation for the clubs large donation towards the purchase of a mobile dental clinic to be used in and around the city of Cebu in the Philippines. Interesting to note, it will be operated through an agreement with the army who will also supply the dentists.

Waterdown Rotary doing good in the Philippines

Submitted by CJ Mullin In two months time, Fonthill Rotarian, Frank Adamson will pack his bags and board a plane to take a life-changing trip. Frank has travelled before — he has been to places such as Costa Rica and Panama. But instead of vacationing and relaxing on the beach, Adamson this time will be part of a humanitarian mission to help others in-need. The paramedic who teaches a course once a week at the Ontario College of Health and Technology in Stoney Creek will be travelling to Honduras with Healthy Horizons for Children and Families, an organization that provides aid to people living in poverty. His 11-day-trip starts April 18.

“It’s always something that I’ve wanted to do,” the Fonthill man says about the trip for which he is footing the bill. “I have experienced places as a tourist but I am excited to go to Honduras to see how the people learn and live. It will be a cultural experience.” The Rotary Club of Fonthill is is sending Adamson with $2,600 which it’s donating to construct one of several houses that he will help to construct. Excerpted from complete article by Sarah Ferguson of The Tribune (http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/2013/02/25/a-mission-to-heal-hondurans)

Fonthill Rotarian—Frank Adamson on the road again

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Club News

Page 9 District 7090 Newsletter

Lewiston Niagara on the Lake encourages everyone to “Shred-it”

Submitted by Tom Gerbasi The Lewiston/Niagara-on-the-Lake Rotary Club will hold an event on Saturday, April 27, that will allow residents to not only help themselves, but do something nice for the community as well. On Saturday, April 27, the Club will hold its first “Shred-It” fundraiser from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in parking lot of Mount St. Mary’s Hospital at 5300 Military Road. For a donation of $10 per Banker’s Box (15 inches by 12 inches by 10 inches) or $20 for 3 Boxes which translates to a 60% savings over retail establishments, residents can have bank statements, old insurance policies, outdated financial state-ments as well as documents pertaining to medical information, professionally shred-ded. The shredding will be conducted in the southeast corner of the hospital’s main

parking lot off Military Road. Residents only need to drive up to the location and they will be able to watch as their documents are professionally and securely shred-ded. With identity theft one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S., the Rotary Club encourages residents to take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves.

Collection and Shredding is April 27 at Mount St. Mary’s Hospital Parking Lot

Have you heard the buzz?? Excitement is starting to build about the A Century of Service gala dinner and dance being held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Hamil-ton November 2 at Liuna Station, 360 James St. N., Hamil-ton, ON. The evening promises to be spectacular. Held at the beautiful and historic Liuna Station, the gala promises a delectable menu, a host bar and awesome door prizes. And the music, well, the music is bound to keep you on your feet most of the night. The Rotary Club of Hamilton has partnered with the Hamilton All Star Jazz Band (HASJB) which has a mission of providing musical opportunities for youth in Hamil-ton. In return, HASJB is putting together a one-of-a-kind show to help celebrate the club’s 100th anniversary at this signature gala event. The music at the A Century of Service gala promises to be classic, memorable and definitely “up-tempo”. For those who love Motown and the music from the 60s and 70s, make sure you have your dancing shoes on! Music will include a jazz combo at the reception, dinner music by the Hamilton All Star 20- piece Big Band

and “party music” after dinner by a Motown Group affiliat-ed with HASJB Inc. known as Motown Can Never Say Goodbye. The Motown Singers seem to play to sold-out crowds every time they play! The Hamilton All Star Jazz Band and the Motown Group are

under the direction of Dr. Russ Weil, a former member of the Rotary Club of Hamilton and one of the best conductor / band leaders in southern Ontario. Russ has worked tirelessly for youth in the Hamilton area for many years including 30 years as founder and artistic director of the Hamilton All Star Jazz Band organiza-tion. Get your tickets early - this is an event that you won’t want to miss! Contact Lisa Legacy at [email protected] or go to the club’s website www.rotaryclubhamilton.ca to order your tickets. Tickets are $175/person.

A Century of Service for Hamilton

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Club News

3rd annual Quiz Night at East Aurora

Submitted by Linda Heckathorn On February 2nd, East Aurora Rotary Club held their 3rd annual Quiz Night fundrais-er at East Aurora Fire Hall. Participation increased to over 160 people and the 28 teams competed in a test of trivia knowledge, including Arts & Entertainment, Science & Nature, History & Geography, and Sports & Leisure.

In the end, the first place team was 50 Shades of Grey Matter, consisting of Dan & Becky Bailey, Art & Babette Aungst, Heidy Arts & Donna Almeter. Quiz participants also enjoyed door prizes, 50/50 raffle and a Chinese Auction.

Submitted by John Nash The six clubs in Area 13 of Rotary District 7090 ( East Aurora, Hamburg, Hamburg Sunrise, Orchard Park, South Shore Blasdell/Lackawanna, and West Seneca), along with the WNY Peace Center, presented “Faith Traditions: Sharing Our Stories & Visions of Peace” January 24, at Hilbert College in Ham-burg, New York. The second in a series of four forums consisted of a panel of Jews, Christians, and Muslims introduced by broadcaster Paul Peck: Rabbi Drorah Setel, Alan Feller, Rev. Stan Bratton, Sister Sharon Goodremote, Dr. Othman Shibly, and Dr. Swasan Tabbaa. Moderator Peck invited comment and questions from the other panelists after each speaker got to share her or his faith experience. Peck then drew the audience into the conversation. Personal stories of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity were told by a woman, then by a man, from each faith. Peck reached for accuracy and honesty; he discouraged preaching. In a particularly illuminating testimony the audience heard a Muslim wife talk about her experience which belied the stereotype.

Information, enlightenment, and insight were among the outcomes of the evening’s exercise, a deeper appreciation of how our culture can derive from difference and then thrive. The third forum, "Healing and Building Peaceful Communities," will take place 7 P.M., Thursday, April 25, 2013, in the Bogel Hall Auditorium at Hilbert College. The general public, especially District 7090 Rotarians, are invited to attend the free event.

Southtowns clubs present second peace forum at Hilbert College

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Club News

Page 11 District 7090 Newsletter

Lockport holds fundraiser for scholarships

Submitted by Paul Lehman Rotary Club of Lockport enjoyed a great turn out for its Annual Valentine Raffle, Febru-ary 12th. 176 $100 pairs tickets were sold with most purchasers in attendance. It was great to have District Governor Rick Sterne with us. He inspired us with good things to say about the club, the district and Polio Eradication. Thank you all who supported this fundraiser - primarily supporting high school scholarships.

Left to Right: Heather Peck, Anne McCaffrey (Committee members), Michael Norris (Chair of event) and Marie Bindeman, Club President, display a basket offered in the basket raffle as a part of the evening fundraiser.

Submitted by Tom Gerbasi The Lewiston/Niagara-on-the-Lake received recognition for their support of the Relay for Life in Lewis-ton, NY Last Year. The club sold hot dogs to raise funds and provided support for the efforts of the Cancer Society to remember Cancer sufferers, celebrate the survivors of Cancer and support cancer research. This year, the Relay will be held in Reservoir Park on August 3rd. The Club also supports the Terry Fox Run which serves a similar purpose in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON. President Leslie is a Breast Cancer Survivor, so it is personal with us!

Lewiston—NOTL thanked for helping at Relay for Life

Left to Right: Michelle Hosey from the American Cancer Society and President Leslie Scibilia

Submitted by Chrissy Casilio On Friday, February 8th the Clarence Rotary Club celebrated member Joe King's 50th year as a Clarence Rotarian (with perfect attend-ance)! The club dedicated their entire meeting to celebrate Joe's accomplishment. District Governor Rick Stern joined the meeting, and presented Joe an honorary award. In leu of a

guest speaker, club members shared stories about their memories of Joe King helping our club. Joe has served as Sergeant-at-arms for our club for the past 14 years. The Clarence Rotary Club would like to thank Joe for his year's of service, and for being such a strong role model for all Rotari-ans.

Joe King of Clarence celebrated for 50 years of Rotary

Left to Right: DG Rick Stern, Joe King, Joe's wife Suzanne King, Joe's son Joe, and Clarence President Ed Berowski.

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Club News

Area 11 - 5 clubs mix & mingle

New member at Lancaster—Depew

Submitted by Robert Benzel The Rotary Club of Lancaster-Depew was visited by District Governor Rick Stern this week and also inducted a new member. Pictured left to right are: John Huber (Club President), Bonnie Marlor (Membership Chair), Brian Williams (Newly Inducted Member), and R.W.E (Rick) Sterne (District Governor of Rotary District 7090). Governor Rick discussed Rotary International objectives and directions for the future. The club presented him a $1,000 check. Brian Williams is pastor of NorthPoint Free Will Baptist Church. Brian, his wife Emily, and their 3 children moved to the Buffalo area in 2010 to establish the NorthPoint Free Will Baptist Church. As a pastor, Brian's desire is to help meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the community and he is always pursuing ways in which to be able to do this. NorthPoint officially began September 11, 2011 and meets at 11 W. Main Street in the Village of Lancaster.

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The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and fos-ter:

FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignify-ing of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;

FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. The Four-Way Test The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions: Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned

Rotary’s Guiding Principles

District 7090 Newsletter

District 7090 Office 800 Lakeview Avenue, Jamestown, NY 14701


Page 13

Support and Strengthen Clubs Foster club innovation and flexibility Encourage clubs to participate in a variety of service activities Promote membership diversity Improve member recruitment and retention Develop leaders Start new clubs Encourage strategic planning at club and district levels

Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service Eradicate polio Increase sustainable service focused on: - New Generations Service programs - Our six areas of focus Increase collaboration and connection with other organizations Create significant projects both locally and internationally

Enhance Public Image and Awareness Unify image and brand awareness Publicize action-oriented service Promote core values Emphasize vocational service Encourage clubs to promote their networking opportunities and signature activities