By R.K.Chugh Deputy Director General (Training) Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India DGE&T

DGE&T - Montgomery College€¦ · Global skilled manpower shortage of 56.5 million by 2020 while ... Qualitave dimension: All 1896 Govt. ITIs are being modernized in a

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Page 1: DGE&T - Montgomery College€¦ · Global skilled manpower shortage of 56.5 million by 2020 while ... Qualitave dimension: All 1896 Govt. ITIs are being modernized in a





Page 2: DGE&T - Montgomery College€¦ · Global skilled manpower shortage of 56.5 million by 2020 while ... Qualitave dimension: All 1896 Govt. ITIs are being modernized in a

•  Largest democracy in the world with 1.2 billion


•  “Youngest naHon” in the world with 54% populaHonundertheageof25years.

•  Medianageof24yearsascomparedto30forChina,38


• Totalworkforceof459million.

•  Globalskilledmanpowershortageof56.5millionby2020


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• FederalstructureofGovernmentwith28Statesand7UnionTerritories.• ‘Training’and‘Employment’ontheconcurrentlistofConsHtuHon.•  UnionGovernmentresponsibleforPolicyformulaHonandStatesforimplementaHon.

•  Directorate General of Employment & Training(DGE&T)responsibleforPolicyformulaHon,layingdownstandards, development and revision of coursecurriculum,affiliaHon,tradetesHng&cerHficaHon.


Page 4: DGE&T - Montgomery College€¦ · Global skilled manpower shortage of 56.5 million by 2020 while ... Qualitave dimension: All 1896 Govt. ITIs are being modernized in a

1.Cra,smenTrainingScheme(CTS)  Skills imparted through vocaHonal training schools, called

‘Industrial Training InsHtutes’ (ITIs) (Govt.) and ‘IndustrialTrainingCentres(ITCs)(Private).

  No.ofITIs/ITCs ‐ 8783


  SeaHngCapacity ‐ 1.22million

  Numberoftrades ‐ 116

  EntryQualificaHon ‐ 8thto12thstandards

  Minimumage ‐ 14years


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• Skillsimpartedthrough‘in‐plant’trainingwithbasictheoreHcaltraininginavocaHonalschool.

• NumberofEstablishmentsimparHngtraining–25,472.

• SeaHngCapacity ‐ 0.31million• Numberoftrades‐ 235

• EntryQualificaHon‐ 8‐12thstandards&ITIpassouts• Minimumage ‐ 14years


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•  Skills are imparted through short term modular courses either in avocaHonaltrainingschool,knownasVocaHonalTrainingProvider.

•  Training strictly according to skill gap survey with strong industrylinkage.

•  DecentralizedmodelofimplementaHon.

•  Flexible delivery schedule – part Hme, full Hme, weekends, onsite,offsitetosuitvarioustargetgroups.



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•  •  Trainingcapacity–1millionperannum.

•  CourseduraHon‐60to1100hours.•  Numberofcourses–1252•  6398vocaHonaltrainingproviders•  41 independent assessing bodies to assess competencies of

trainees.•  CerHficaHonbyNaHonalCouncilofVocaHonalTraining(NCVT)•  RecogniHonofpriorlearning.•  Opportunityforlifelonglearning.


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1.Quan:ta:vedimension:• Entryintolabourforce ‐12.8millionperannum

• Trainingcapacity‐4.3millionperannum

• ShortageoftraininginsHtuHons• LessnumberofInsHtutesinruralareas,hilly&difficultareas• Shortageoftrainers.

2.Qualita:vedimension:• Demand‐supplymismatch



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3.Relevance:• Lowindustryinterface

4.Systemicgaps:• LabourMarketInformaHonSystem• SectorSkillCouncils• NaHonalVocaHonalQualificaHonFramework.

• Re‐engineeringofNCVTasNaHonalVocaHonalqualificaHonandaccreditaHonauthority.


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1.FormulationofNationalSkillDevelopmentPolicyin2009whichprovides a holistic framework to address allissuessystematically.• Targettotrain500millionpersonsby2022.• Aim to enhance individual employability and increasecompetitivenessofthecountry.• It addresses issues of expansion of outreach, equity &access, quality & relevance, creation of Sector SkillCouncils, development of Labour Market InformationSystem, National Vocational Qualification Framework,etc.


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2.Na:onalSkillDevelopmentMissionsetupwith three‐Hergovernancestructure:(i)PM’sNa:onalCouncilonSkillDevelopment:

• ChairedbythePrimeMinisterhimself.•  It consists of Ministers of HRD, Finance, Industry,Rural Development, Labour & Employment, etc. asmembers.

•  It also consists of six experts in the area of skilldevelopmentasothermembers.

•  ItisthehighestbodyforpolicydirecHonandreviewunderskilldevelopment. DGE&T


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(ii)Na:onalSkillDevelopmentCoordina:onBoardhasbeenset up under the Chairmanship of Deputy Chairman,PlanningCommission.• It consists of Secretaries ofministries ofHRD, Labour &Employment,RuralDevelopment,Finance,etcasmembers

• Four State Governments and three eminent experts onskilldevelopmentarealsomembersoftheBoard.

• ItcarriesoutthedecisionstakenbythePM’sCouncilandcoordinates the efforts of skill development among 17MinistriesandallStateGovernmentsandUnionTerritoryAdministrations.



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(iii)Na:onalSkillDevelopmentCorpora:on• IthasbeensetupasaprivatesectorarmoftheGovernment.• Itisanon‐profitcompanywith51%sharebyprivatesectorand49%ofGovernmentofIndia.• Itischairedbyaneminentindustrialistfromprivatesectorwith3DirectorsfromGovt.and7fromPrivateSector.• Government’s iniHal contribuHon is US $ 222million. It isrequired tomobilize resources private, Govt., bilateral andmulHlateralsources.• Discussion are on with World Bank for funding NSDCprojects.



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 Proposed to set up 15 Advance TrainingInsHtutes (ATIs) and 12 Regional VocaHonalTraining InsHtutes (RVTIs) in PPP to traintrainersinlargenumbers

 Approvalprocesson. DGE&T

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 Recommended, all ITIs and ITCs to run in 2‐3shirstoaccommodatelargernumberoftrainees.

 Use of InformaHon and CommunicaHonTechnologytoolstoreachouttoremoteareastoenhancetrainingcapacityandimprovequality.


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 400ITIstakenupformodernisaHonwithWorldBank assistance under VocaHonal TrainingImprovementProject(VTIP) Biggest intervenHon by world Bank inVocaHonal Training by contribuHng US $ 280million.


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  ModernizaHon of tools, equipment &machinery

  Trainingoftrainers  Setachainofreforms

  MoHvated GoI to invest more into SkillTraining&development.


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Contd….5.Improverelevance: UseIndustryinabigwayinmodernisaHonandrunningoftheITIs:

• InsHtuteManagementCommisees(IMCs)setupaslocallevelmanagementinITIs.

•  A prominent Industry partner as Chairman with 4 othermembersfromindustry.

•  5membersfromGovt.•  AcademicandfinancialautonomyprovidedtoIMC.

 Training‐cum‐PlacementcellsinallITIs/ITCsarebeingsetup. IntroducHonofsixsorskillsinallITIs/ITCs:• CommunicaHonskills• Computerliteracy• Englishproficiency• Qualitymanagementtools• OccupaHonalsafety&healthand• Entrepreneurialdevelopmentskills.


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6.Systemicreforms:Contd…. Success of any skill development system depends on industrycenterednessandgetnglabourmarketinformaHononrealHmebasis.

 Developing a robust labour market informaHon system bymodernisaHonofall1000employmentexchangesinPPPanddevelopinganaHonalwebportalatacostofUS$481.5million

 SetngupSectorSkillsCouncils:•  1alreadysetupforautomobilesector•  4infinalstages.•  25underprocess.

 DevelopmentofasoundNaHonalVocaHonalqualificaHonFramework:•  3 workshops on Australian, Scotland and European Union

QualificaHonFrameworksalreadyheld.•  ANaHonalSteeringCommiseeformed.•  WorldBankassisHngwitheminentexperts. DGE&T

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• Enhancetrainingcapacitytoabout40millionperannum.

• MaketheLabourMarketSystemdynamictobridgedemandandsupplyofskillsonrealHmebasis.

• MeettotaldomesHcrequirements.

• Surplusmaybeusedbyotheraged&agingeconomiesoftheworld.


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