` Dharmik Dharmik xaimRk xaimRk Concept Gems & Tools Concept Gems & Tools Data Information Knowledge Consciousness Data Knowledge Consciousness Information For Knowledge Workers For Knowledge Workers by j.kedarnath

Dharmik Concept Gems For Knowledge Workers

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Crystal Clear Sanskrit Concept Gems about Data, Information, Knowledge & Consciousness valid in real time any time

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Concept Gems&


Concept Gems&







For Knowledge WorkersFor Knowledge Workersby


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This is an evaluation copy of the book “Dharmik Concept Gems and Tools - Data, Information, Knowledge and Consciousness for Knowledge Workers”.

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Page 3: Dharmik Concept Gems For Knowledge Workers


samskrutham - Sanskrit Words In This Book...........................................o

Preface ......................................................................................................o

What Is A Computer? - What Is A Machine?..........................................O

"What is a Computer"? ..................................................................................o"What is a Machine"?.....................................................................................o

Meanings - Data, Information, Knowledge & Wisdom ...........................o

Dictionary Meanings......................................................................................o

Data, Information & Knowledge? A First Look ..........................................oData ................................................................................................................oInformation Is Data That Is Understood........................................................o

Knowledge - iv*a vidyaa & }an< jJNaanaM..................................................o

More About Data......................................................................................o

How is Data input into the Computer? ..........................................................oHow Is Data Represented In A Computer? ....................................................oA Brief Look At Sense Reality Truths ............................................................oA Brief Look At Sense- Reality- False - Illusions ...........................................oA Brief Look At Abstraction ...........................................................................oA Brief Look At Sense False...........................................................................o

Data Are Indeed Recordings Of Phenomena in Nature..................................oDepictions-Data .............................................................................................oDepictions-Data Sense Realities (True and False!).....................................o

Depictions-Data Abstractions ........................................................................o

Phenomena In Nature And gu[ Guna Intrinsic Qualities ........................o

Phenomena - Sense-Reality-Truths and Sense-Reality-Falsehoods...............o

Phenomena in Nature And Sense-Reality-Truths.....................................o

vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshikasuutra By DevRishi Kaanada...............................o

Tenets of Specialized Observation..................................................................o

What It Is All About - Observed Phenomenon - Generic ...............................oPhysical And Chemical Nature Of Observed Objects....................................o

Gross Qualities Of Observed Objects ............................................................oPhysics Of Objects..........................................................................................o

Classification Of Dynamic States of Observed Objects .................................oEntities That Are Observed ............................................................................o









Select Namasthe For


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Entities That Are Observable Directly ...................................................oEntities That Can Be Inferred.................................................................o

Observable Qualities Of Entities....................................................................o

Qualities Perceived By Sense Organs............................................................o

Saamkhya - The System Of Enumeration And Discernment...........................o

Inferential Knowledge.....................................................................................o

Buddhi The Thought Process Or Intellect .....................................................o

Where Is Information?.......................................................................................O

Summary Of Concept Gems And Concept Tools..............................................O

Miscellaneous Concept Gems............................................................................O




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samskrutham - Sanskrit Words In This Book

I am just a beginner with hardly any knowledge of the language samskrutham. Yet, I have dared to write this book because there is indescribable comfort and “familiarity of the home” in the language. I am a small child again and don't know fear yet. I do not understand when the elders talk among themselves. It is all right for me to yawn and fall asleep. And it is all right for me to be wide wake too. When others speak to me, indescribable bonding is the material that becomes spoken words. When I speak what I think is “adult language”, it is that bonding material through which they listen. Often they are amused. Often they pretend otherwise but they cannot hide their pride at my efforts. I am always encouraged. That is the “language of the heart and home” I find in samskrutham. And my effort in this book is that scribble on the wall.

Insufficient knowledge of my own native language was a good start. Telugu is my maatru bhaasha (mother tongue). I can pretend fluency in Hindi, speak and understand some Tamil and have some understanding of spoken Marathi, Kannada and Bangla. The words used either have origin or are samskrutham. For example the word, uuha is a common Telugu word. It has connotations for “expectation, hope and also conjecture”. I looked up Monier-Williams Dictionary and fair enough, the word has reference in the rik vedam and mahabhaaratham! In the rik vedam, it is used with meaning ‘to expect , hope for , wait for and listen for”. In mahabhaaratham, it meant “to comprehend , conceive , conjecture , guess , suppose , infer , reason and deliberate upon”. Another word, mitthya in Telugu means “illusion” and in Bangla, “mitthya kotha” is a “fabrication or a lie”. And mitthya is a samskrutham word meaning “illusion”.

I have intentionally avoided Anglicizing samskrutham words. In the beginning there was pride involved to establish a distinctive identity for the language and me. Later, I realized that samskrutham needed no so such help from me. Surprisingly, the effort was good enough and the beauties of both the languages stand separate. Words entered as parts of running text are as close to how it may be pronounced in the native languages mentioned or the little samskrutham I know. Most of them are in italic with no capitalization at the beginning of a sentence.

It was possible to put my thoughts on the subject matter of this book


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together in just a couple of month's time because of “the vision and effort of a few” and “search engines”. The dhaatha, (“providers”) and their phenomenal works that have been relied upon are given below.

Lexicon Bharathi giving equivalent words of all the languages of Bharath and English! This is by Dr..S.Kalyanaraman, famed for monumental findings on Sarasvathi River Civilization (to be printed in seven volumes), compendium of dhaathu with English translations and other scholarly works. I understand the Lexicon Bharathi took 18 years of hard work and more than 32,000 hours at the computer! His outstanding works are available at the web address given below.

The web address for his compendium of dhaathu with English translations is

The HTML version of Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary prepared by Prof. R.B.Mahoney from New Zealand is a phenomenally more than 28 MB structured documents! His few words on this work, “I am pleased that this version has been useful. I should stress that it was only possible due to the vision and effort of many others before me” conveys brimming libraries of meaning that I can never express. The details of the version are as follows.

Version: 0.1a_8 : Last updated: Thu Mar 27 17:25:54 NZST 2003 : Based on the IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon

Converted to HTML by R.B. Mahoney : [email protected]

Latest Version: Http://homepages.comnet.co.nz/~r-mahoney/mw_dict/mw_dict.html

Both the above in HTML format are easy for exploring using the feature of “Find - Files or Folders” option in Microsoft Windows and “Edit - Find” feature in the web browser. And I have “earned” hours and hours of sheer enthrallment.

Another dhaatha, are the sanyasis of Swami Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, who developed “Itranslator99” software. The devanagiri letters in this book are generated using the excellent freeware. The contact address is



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Swami Satchidananda, Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, Swami Omkarananda Road , Muni-ki-reti (Rishikesh), Distt. Tehri Garhwal. P.O. Shivanandanagar - 249 192, Uttaranchal, INDIA

Website:- http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

The English letters following the word in samskrutham in this book are those that are entered in “Itranslator99” to generate the devanagari characters. Many of the words are somewhat like how it is pronounced but they are not given as a guide to pronunciation.

The Sanskrit Documents web site http://sanskrit.gde.to/ is a gold mine of downloadable documents in devanagari and translations. It also has a dictionary. A substantial portion of the personal collection of documents I am proud to possess is from this site. Merely having the documents gives a sense of fulfillment almost for this lifetime to me. To study them and learn, of course would take many lifetimes.

Before all those behind the works mentioned above, I don't know why everything else I wanted to convey disappears and I stand blank in silence.

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For the past few months I have been looking up Bharatheeya (Indian) scriptures and also trying to learn samskrutham, (Sanskrit). I see within them innumerable star-like gems of concepts. And they seem to be extending on and on… This reminds me of my experience a long time back in the Himalayas. From a height of about 10,000 feet above sea level… I saw innumerable stars above and around. They extended on and on into an indescribable horizon in a valley far, far below my feet. There was a long period of sheer awe. And then followed a longer period of more awe to know that something within enabled me to see stars in the first place.

You must be thinking, “How are dhaarmik concepts, scriptures, samskrutham, Himalayas, stars and things in the mind of a person related”? And what do these have anything to do with “Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Consciousness” on the title page? And how are these useful for “Knowledge Workers”, whoever they are? There is a relationship and that is what this book is about.

Let us start with “Knowledge Workers”. Who exactly are they? Anyone who works with the concept, “Knowledge” is a “Knowledge Worker”. Specifically it includes designers and users of computer based or manual “Information Systems”, the multitudes of “Domain Experts” in different subject areas and “System Integrators” like me whose specialization is “generalization”. In its broader connotation, we can include those reading for "general knowledge” or students with some unspecified future use of “knowledge”. In short, this could mean any one. Now, all of us work with the concepts of “Data, Information and Knowledge” in our day to day life and many work with computers where these words take on special significance. And then we hear statements such as “We are living in an Information Age” and “We are fast proceeding towards being Knowledge Based Societies”. Can this have any meaning to most of us? We know that “Data”, “Information” and “Knowledge” are related someway but can get confounded when we look at the meanings of these words in dictionaries. We know for certain that computers process “Data”. Can they process “Information” and “Knowledge” too? And what about “Wisdom”? Where does that come from?

It may come as a total surprise to many that Bharatheeya, Indian scriptures have astounding wisdom and clarity on the concepts of

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“knowledge” per se. These concepts have relevance in real time anytime. This could be an eye opener to many with dichotomous views that there is a great chasm between “science and technology”and our traditional knowledge systems in general and dharmam in particular.

dhaarmik means “related to dharmam”. The words dharmam, dharma and dharam in many Bharatheeya languages including Hindi, and translations in English are often used to mean “religion”. Literally, it is “that which holds things together” and has broad connotations for “eternal cohesive principles in the Cosmos and applications for good living by Man”. As sanaatana dharmam, it has further connotation for “eternal all pervasive principle of origin, divergence, existence and dissolution of all Phenomena in the Cosmos”.

Bharatheeya scriptures and culture are all about dharmam and that includes sathyam meaning “truth” and karmam meaning “activity”. vedam, our scripture in the form of a long poem is the origin of iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM . These have connotations for the totality of “Knowledge” about a subject received by grace from the Cosmos. There always is a great reverence for the subject matter that iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM are about.

vedam is also called shruthi with connotation for harmonious “sound” in the vakyam or words of the vedam. Appearing as though designed to challenge the ravages of destructive forces and time, the “truth” in vedam and samskrutham the language were passed down generation after generation by word of mouth.

In their barest essence iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM meaning “knowledge” and a little more is about observable objects or phenomena in the Universe. Faculties gifted to us by forces of Nature enable us to observe these, wonder or take them for granted and reason. First among these are the jnyaanedriyam, the organs of sense such as the eyes, ears, skin, nose and tongue. Incident energy from objects or impact of objects themselves on the sense organs is the first step of iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM.

Data is a scheme for depicting and recording the incident energy or impacts on the jnyaanedriyam, the organs of sense. The sensitivity of jnyaanedriyam can and has been improved often dramatically by "sensors" or "probes" designed by Man. All these enhancements purpose none other than to perceive objects or phenomena in Nature better. And then it is all in the mind where mahad or buddhi, the intellect understands or "makes sense" of the Data and a transient entity called "Information" is formed that goes on to

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consolidating iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM, “knowledge” and perhaps even “wisdom” in the mind of the perceiver. Relevant here are satyam, the "truth", asatyam, the "false" and mitthya, the "illusion". These are about the mind making correct, incorrect or insufficient sense of what is perceived. Additionally relevant are the beautiful gifts for abstraction and creativity that we have. uuha, is conjecture and kalpitham, means imagination.

So, the start point of all things that you and I can observe are phenomena in Nature. And the manner in which they can be depicted is the Data. For the depiction to have substance they must be based on a “truth” principle, dharmam, the unifying principle. It is sheer awe to see the simple, synergistic, radiant and beautiful principle in things around us and in things within us. It is there in our scriptures, and in the stars, in “science”, in the mote of dust that could be our planet, or me. This principle, in truth has no dichotomies and it is this “truth” principle that can be the only basis for resolving dichotomies existing in the mind between “Science and Technology” and dharmam and dissolving blocks to our own progress.

There is never a doubt that the bedrock of “Science” is “truth” and “facts”. The totality of existence including foundations of our scriptural and cultural thought are “truth” and “facts”. Additionally, there is dharmam and karmam too. Thus it is that there are connotations for not only reality of what is observed by Man in Nature but also his own place as an integral part of the whole rather than as an outsider.

Bharatheeya scriptures never had the need for change, nor for that matter can they be changed to accommodate the growth or retardation of Human understanding of Nature. iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM actually have much more meaning than their translation as "Knowledge" and so has vij-jnyaanam as “Science and Technology”. The difference in the meanings I mention, can be better understood by analogy to the difference between "education" and "literacy". Actually the holistic approach to }an< jJNaanaM “knowledge” and iv}anm! VijJnaanam, "science" is very simple, In order to know a live frog, we don't need to kill it, dissect it and then do whatever else with its parts to go on and claim "scientific" comprehension of live frogs. All that maybe needed is to aware and look at it with awe. MahaRishi Susrutha described delicate surgical operations done with sophisticated instruments and herbal anesthetics in aayurveda.This system of medicine, I understand did not need cutting up cadavers to know anatomy.

satyam. And that is an integral part of

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iv*a vidyaa, }an< jJNaanaM and iv}anm! VijJnaanam, are all enshrined in our dharmik granth or literature. Concepts related to these are crystal clear and suggest a level of understanding that is much needed today. These radiant and timeless concept gems and concept tools can enable us knowing more about eternal “truths” of Nature. The timeless “truth” and serene wisdom of the ancients are cherished, used and perpetuated to a life beyond life. That was how we received them passed down with love and care generation after generation. They are part of our traditional knowledge and cultural heritage. The “truth” and dharmam in them ensure their timeless nature.

Sheer genius is to be noted in the amazing redundancies in our scriptures and literature. The “truth” in the vedam has been reiterated ever so often in all other scriptures such as upa vedam or upanishad, itihasam, historical works and purana historical works with greater antiquity and in all the different schools of Bharatheeya thought. The purpose was for the perpetuation of iv*a vidyaa , }an< jJNaanaM , iv}anm! VijJnaanam and the eternal dharmam, sathyam and karmam in them. Thus it is that it is the fabric of our culture.

One can have nothing but the greatest reverence for the sages who were blessed to know these "truths". Equal reverence and admiration is for our ancestors immediate and from antiquity that passed these on. These are still available today after waves and waves of annihilating influences and ravages of time. The objective of our ancients is obvious and simple… It is to enable "truth" to raise us in our present rather than for them to receive anything we may have to offer after they are long gone. The hope they passed on is satyam eva jayathe meaning “Truth is ever victorious”. And it is too. Bhaarath is a free country. manushyo bhava is another blessing for Man to become the emancipated Man and for that too we strive.

To put things in perspective I need to share again … In these innumerable gems of concepts and in the Himalayas… I saw innumerable stars above and around. They extended on and on into indescribable horizons… There was a long period of sheer awe. And then followed a longer period of more awe to know that something within enabled me to see the stars in the first place… And to say, "I am grateful" and whatever else are insufficient translations of “namasthe jnyaathapathaye namaha”… “Dhanyosmi aham” … “namasthe”.

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What Is A Computer? What Is A Machine?

We are reading a lot about us living in “The Information Age” and proceeding fast towards being “Knowledge Based Societies”. Well, one thing is sure. There are phenomenally increasing number of people with increased skills to use computers in different walks of life. And I have this simple question.

“What is a Computer”?

To many a reader this may appear shockingly naive, child-like or even stupid. If I asked you this face to face and you pointed a PC to me and said “That is a computer”, I have overestimated your age. In all likelihood you might condescendingly give me the technical definition: -

“A computer is an automatic, programmable machine that can process Data”.

Preemptively a part of this has answered another question, “What does a computer do?” that was to come much later. After this, I have noticed a desperate hurry in many to get down to business. They go on to explain the limbs of a computer, its innards and “How a computer processes data”, “What I can do with it” and “What others have been doing”, and so on. I appear to be listening politely. Actually I am reordering the first answer in my native language in my mind, a machine that is automatic and programmable and which can process data. Then the following questions pop up in the mind.

“What is a machine”? “What is an automatic machine”?“What is a programmable automatic machine”?“What indeed is a program”?

Only those with a thorough understanding of the subject can answer this series. Such an understanding requires considerable contemplation. Finding the right words to answer requires thought and time too. This is not something that I expect even experts to attempt when they have a train or a plane to catch.

“What is a Machine”?


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The word “machine” is similar to yÙm! yantram.h in samskrutham. It is best to leave the similarity there for the time being and explore the world of difference between the concepts the words represent.

My training was in English from early schooldays. I understand what a machine is. It is a thing made by the ingenuity of Man. It has moving parts and the whole thing can be started and it keeps running until… it runs out of “juice” or into something.

Machines are wonderful. Short though it was, I remember the wonderment and exhilaration of riding a bicycle the first time. I was 7 years young. A cousin, nearly a year younger was the guru. He could ride adult size bicycles although his feet barely reached the pedals when seated. He told me it was easy and it was fun. We hired a bicycle from money given to me as the senior by his loving mother. I walked the bicycle up a slope with his help. That was easy and no different from walking his pet dog. At the top, he helped me get on to it, ran with me a while and then… I was off on my own! I actually was riding the machine for a full minute and a half… then the position of stars changed and I was stopped by a person. He was unaware of what was coming on to him from behind and I was aware of panic and catatonia. The machine could not be stopped!

Nevertheless, wonderment and that indescribable variety of feelings always came with newer types of machines over the years. In fact getting any gadget into the house still is a family and community affair. Sweets are distributed and “chai” is poured out and smiles and good wishes pour in. I always wonder whether they know about my experience with the bicycle. Anyway, good wishes always are welcome.

Going on to yÙm! yantram.h . This is “a machine” in the Dictionary at the Sanskrit Documents web site http://sanskrit.gde.to/dict/

Located nearby are also these entries.

yÙagarm! yantraagaaram.h :- (n) factoryyÙ yantra :- a design used in meditation yNt& yantR^i :- charioteer

This dichotomous collection worried me a bit. The first two indicate relevance to a “modern” context while the latter could be associated to some kind of archaic “superstition”. This goaded me to research. I looked up a compendium including dhaathu with English translations, by the renowned

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scholar and historian, Dr.S.Kalyanaraman associated with findings on Sarasvathi River civilization, Lexicon Bhaarathi and other scholarly works. All these are maintained at the web site . dhaathu and translations are at the web page in HTML given below. This is excellent for searching and finding needed words.

I also looked up the phenomenal HTML version of Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary developed by Prof. R.B.Mahoney from New Zealand. For a person like me who is frequently lost when it comes to serious work of any nature this version of the dictionary gave directions for the way to go. This is a class in itself excellent for searching and finding English meanings for samskrutham words and vice versa too.. The details of the version are as follows.

Version: 0.1a_8 : Last updated: Thu Mar 27 17:25:54 NZST 2003 : Based on the Converted to HTML by : Latest Version:

Among these many, many megabytes I noticed the square root and equal to signs. The square root sign was for dhaathu. In English, they are called “roots”! I don't know why they are called “roots”. dhaathu has connotations for elemental substances. For example “panch dhaathu” has connotation for an alloy of five metals.

Seeds germinate. Shoots grow up seeking air and sunlight and Roots grow down and in different directions underground. They take in water and minerals. Nothing grows up from roots. They are parts of a whole plant. So, if “origin” or elemental constituents were to be conveyed it would be appropriate to called them seeds or buds. But I suppose this will cause more confusion. In short, it is difficult to find words to communicate the concept easily in English.

The square root is a beautiful primal concept for numbers and the square root sign is a wonderful representation of a mathematical concept. dhaathu is a beautiful primal concept for samskrutham. Mathematics and language are two separate radiant gifts of capabilities for abstraction. Elements of each of them are individual conceptual gems. Hence, I think there is need to let their beauty grace us individually. Perhaps, the Greek symbol for



IITS - Cologne Digital Sanskrit LexiconR.B. Mahoney [email protected]


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“Ð h”?

dhaathu are not entities for manipulation by arithmetic as they are in the “alphanumeric class” and a different conceptual set. This class is amenable to string manipulations. Concepts from the set theory in Mathematics howeve, may be applied to categorize to analyze meanings and usage of words if rules of grammar are also known. From dhaathu can be understood how an entire language takes its beautiful form. They are very, very roughly akin to “seeds” containing the life of the language within. I would not like to use even the word, “element” for this. The best I can come up with is dhaathu.

Maharishi Panini, compiled the “dhaathu patha”. This has more than 2000 dhaathu in a form that could be memorized easily. With even a beginner's knowledge of “samskrutham”, the study of dhaathu reveals unimaginable beauty and emancipated culture enshrined in the language. Highly evolved concepts can be expressed and understood in a straightforward way.

The dhaathu for yantram has this stunning revelation. yÙ! yantr: - means restrain, to bind. I always thought machines were associated with freedom and what else not. I searched for similar sounding words or parts of words and found the following.

ym! yam :- to check, to stop. y ya :- who (sounds very much like the name of a large successful web site)y< yaM :- one to whom, to check, to stop; y<tu ya.ntu :- reach usym yama :- the god of death, also the five moral commandmentsym> yamaH :- the controller of death

For a machine that is supposed to start and keep running by itself, how come the dhaathu is to check or stop. Then, I realized that embedded in the core of the concept of a yÙm! yantram.h . or “machine” are concepts such as “to restrain, to bind ”, “to check, to stop” and other moral and spiritual realities.

I am filled with awe, at the stunningly simple and fascinating wisdom. The crux of the concept of a machine is not so much to build it, get into it and start it if you do not know how to stop and control it. And I state this not because I fell off a bike when I was young. Nor, is it something to brush off as being a “non-problem” just because there are simple solutions. You may ask “What is the problem? There are in-built safety devices, excellent training is provided and users have increased skills too”. The truth is that “problems”

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exist but are not manifested because “solutions” override them (no pun intended).

And the point is that the dhaathu - to check or stop is the substance and “truth” of the yÙm! yantram.h “machine”. This “truth” was always and will be there. There is need for us to be aware of this and integrate other “Truths” to achieve harmony for using machines. This indicates a lot more contemplation at the drawing board stage rather than racking brains for solutions for problems when they come. But problems are certain to manifest again and again in different forms. These could be from uncontrolled production, lack of parking space, pollution, misuse, accidents, addiction, and “information over load”… the list can go on. Now I can understand the “truth” in Murphy's Law, “If anything can go wrong it will”.

“Information Overload” mentioned above is a very peculiar case of the manifestation of the dhaathu, yÙ! Yantr :- to restrain, to bind. for computers and the web. Web sites number in the millions and are growing every day. The subject matters covered by them too are a large number. Take the case of this “knowledge starved” person who wants to find some information on “knowledge workers” There are these remarkable “search engines” that can be used. So, you type in “knowledge worker” and within seconds the results, “579,489” with 15 web site addresses per page are displayed! I guess there be many like me who after

realize that greed is a bad thing. And also become more and more certain as the internet clock and telephone meter keeps ticking that the remaining don’t really have too much to contribute

I felt sad that I had structured my being and ambition to understand “progress” as conceptualizing, “creating”, using and making others use machine-related things as the base and starting point. And on to this base were injected control mechanisms as an after thought. That too, more or less on a “when need arose” basis. And all this was in disregard to the unforgettable experience of catatonia in face of impending crash. Furthermore, this was in disregard to knowledge of plants and that Nature is, in essence, “nurture”.

Anyway, the substance at the core of machine building and using is the dhaathu, yÙ! Yantr :- to restrain, to bind. The crux always was and will be “How to stop, check or control it”. With this start point, if we went ahead to find answers for the questions below, we ought to be on the way to know something about the quintessential computer. I am pretty sure that brilliant and talented persons around the world would give well thought out answers. And I know them too. So, there is no need to dwell on these further.

looking up a few page fulls at random


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“What is an automatic machine”?“What is a programmable automatic machine”?“What indeed is a program”?

A “primal understanding” of the dhaathu, the substance of the yÙm! yantram.h machine is needed not merely to help children to ride “bicycles” or net researchers to have good “search algorithms”. Specialists too, may have help to understand the quintessential intelligent robot! Of course, these specialists need to be quintessential emancipated Human beings that we may be and hope that our children, or theirs, or theirs will be. Otherwise, the world may become how Alduous Huxley describes, the “Brave New World” in his book by the same title. Interested readers may look into a library or a good book store for this book as I do not have a ready reference to quote.

Isaac Asimov, the famous physicist and writer of popular books including science fiction enunciated certain fundamental laws in the construction of intelligent robots. This was in his science fiction books. The general theme was that the robot (a) will not kill or harm a human being by direct action (b) will not allow a human being to be harmed or killed by inaction and c) the robot will always obey a human being. His books too would be in libraries or a good book store in the “science fiction” sections.

I don't want to stray too much into highly technical areas but concepts such as entropy, death of the robot and humans and a number of other dhaathu derived “truths” may need to be embedded in the core program for design of really intelligent robots.

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Meanings - Data, Information, Knowledge & Wisdom

The words, “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” have figured a number of times in the material written earlier. What exactly are they?

Dictionary Meanings

thThe Oxford Dictionary used by school going children of the 5 class onwards, from age about 10 in Bhaarath has the following: -

Data / plural noun (also treated as singular) known facts used for inference or reckoning; quantities or characters operated on by computer.

Information / noun what is told; knowledge; news; formal charge or accusation.

Knowledge / noun (usually + of) awareness, familiarity, person's range of information, understanding (of subject); sum of what is known.

Wisdom / noun experience, knowledge, and the power of applying them; prudence, common sense; wise sayings.

And there is this word too. “Keyboarder / noun computing”.

“Computing” is in a different font. I guess this indicates the context of computing. And among the Editorial staff are keyboarders! The edition I am referring to is 1986 circa. There is one at home that is shabby, dog-eared, obviously handed down with missing cover pages. In this alarmingly is included a section that declares “A supplement of words from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka… intended for those who live in the region or are interested…”. And then goes on with “the compiler has also taken many from…The last two books appeared nearly a century ago before… dosas, idlis, bosons and jhuggies.”

Some readers may not know what “bosons” are. I hope they are not too many. Bosons are elementary sub atomic particles that have symmetric wave functions. They are named after a great Bharatheeya physicist and mathematician, Prof. S.N.Bose. Bosons do not belong to the sets that dosas, idlis and jhuggies belong. The words, dosas, idlis are names for culinary items


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and the jhuggi is a cart. And Bosons are elementary sub atomic particles that are universal. Physicists around the world know this. And it is a wonder that this word is not an entry in the main text! Nor is “Bharath” for that matter. In the supplement though it is given as “the alternative official name for India”.

After reading all that from publisher with a name that is a Great City, and a seat of learning… I started worrying about children's education in general and what the future was going to be and I needed a cup of chai. And then I remembered Shri Krishna in The Bhagavad Gita saying “The untrue never is The True never is not The knowers of Truth know this” (Chapter 2 The Path of Yoga). I could also see the beauty of built in homeostasis of Bharath's ancient and recent wisdom too. Homeostasis is the quality of a living entity that enables it to adapt to an immediate environment and has adaptability to changing environments.

Bharath is physically a free country. It is united into a number of states formed on basis of different languages. I have always wondered why? Would it not be better for the basis to be anything other than language? I now see the wisdom in its current organization. All Bharatheeya languages have samskrutham or samskrutham derived words in some form or other. And samskruthi meaning culture is just a syllable away. Both these are blended beautifully with other equally evolved ancient languages including the Dravida bhasha (language). With such a structure, the more chaste a person is in any language the more the person would tend to look into the dhaathu. And find that the substance is wisdom and dharmam.

It is appropriate to reiterate that we can have nothing but the greatest reverence for those sages who were blessed to know these “truths”. Equal reverence and admiration is for our ancestors immediate and from antiquity that passed these on. These are still available today after waves and waves of annihilating influences. The objective of our ancients is obvious and simple… It is to enable “truth” to raise us in our present rather than to receive praise we may have to offer after they are long gone.

Let us look at the meaning of the word “Wisdom” given in the dictionary. “Wisdom” is “Power for implementing experience and knowledge”. And what is this “power”? And why is this “power” needed? The power being referred to here is not from a 12-v battery cell, nor Bhakra-Nangal or Neyvelli power plants. So, in order to understand the word “Wisdom” do we need to understand “power”?

In Physics, “Power” is the rate at which work is done. It is the work /

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time ratio. And then we need to understand “Work”? “Work” is force acting upon an object to cause a displacement of the object. So, we can go onwards to the meaning of “Force“… and on and on to a lot of confusion.

By all this I am not saying that “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” do not exist and people do not have them. I am saying that in dictionaries the meanings given for words such as “Data”, “Information”, “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” are not clear. And this is a matter of concern because these are age-old concepts and they have great relevance today. They are in fact the prime concern of Computer and Management specialists and society at large. My understanding is that dictionaries compile “commonly” understood meanings” of words. This implies a statistical majority of some sort. So, is it to be understood that there is common confusion on the concepts?

The meanings of the words given in the dictionary are still bugging me.

Data is known facts used for inference or reckoning.

Information is what is told; knowledge; news; formal charge or accusation!

Knowledge is awareness, familiarity, person's range of information, understanding (of subject); sum of what is known

“Information” was earlier given to mean “Knowledge”. But, “Knowledge” means “a person's range of Information”. This is recursion and confusing. And “Wisdom” is experience, knowledge, and the power of applying them; prudence, common sense; wise sayings. This is not clear at all.

Are appropriate words not used to express the meanings properly in the dictionary? Is there a common lack of understanding? Or, are words in the language inadequate to communicate these age-old concepts clearly?

There is need to know these because unless unambiguous relationships can be established between “Data”, “Information”, “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” there can been no “truth” in claiming relationship between computers and “Information” and “Knowledge” leave alone “Wisdom”. And it is not that computers are very recent either. They have been in existence for quite some time now.

Let me put this in a different way. If direct relationships can be established between “Data” and “Information” and “Knowledge” at least and with public relations work with compilers of dictionaries then marketing

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departments of computer related industry would need to spend less and there would be… I can feel the reader's being perking up. Thank you. So, let us go on to understanding the fundamentals.

Data, Information & Knowledge? A First Look


Different definitions for Data would be found in computer books, books on Elementary Statistics or Dictionaries. In the Oxford Dictionary, Data is “known facts used for inference or reckoning”. The first part, “Data is known facts” is relevant to understanding the primal concept of Data. What it is used for may not be needed to understand the primal concept.

“Data is facts” is qualified here with the word “known”. Technically the opposite of “known” is “unknown”. If it is “unknown” then it cannot be “fact” anyway. So what is the purpose of the qualifying word “known”? And is there a possibility of existence of the “partly known” facts.

The purpose of this detailed examination is to get a clear-cut idea of what exactly “Data” is. It is put into our computers and all of us know the famous adage with reference to computers. “Garbage in Garbage out”. Hence it is paramount that we understand what indeed Data is. For this we need to look into what a “fact” is? It is given as follows. Fact / noun thing known to exist or be true; reality

And what are the meanings of the words “thing”, “exist”, “true” and “reality” and the qualifying word “known”? All these are given below.

Thing / noun any possible object of thought or perception including people, material objects, events, qualities, ideas, utterances, and acts colloquial one's special interest; (the thing) colloquial what is proper, fashionable, needed important etc.(in plural) personal belongings, clothing or equipment; (in plural) affairs, circumstances have a thing about colloquial be obsessed by or prejudiced about

Exist / verb be, having being; occur, be found; live with no pleasure; live

True adjective (-r, -st) in accordance with fact or reality; genuine; loyal, faithful (+ to) accurately conforming to (type, standard); correctly positioned

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or balanced, level, exact, accurately with out variation

Truth noun (plural truths) quality or state of being true; what is true

Real adjective actually existing or occurring; genuine; appraised by purchasing power

Reality noun (plural ies) what is real or existent or underlies appearances(+ of ) real nature of ; likeness to original. in reality in fact.

Know / verb (past knew past participle known) (often + that, how, what etc) have in mind, have learnt, be acquainted with, recognize, identify; (often + from) be able to distinguish; (as known adjective) publicly acknowledged in the know having inside information; know-how practical knowledge or skill

Which of these is relevant to Data? Perhaps arranging the meanings in a tabular form might help.

Data isKnown factsFacts are

things known to exist Or be true; realityKnown Facts

realitything exist True;Know / verb

(past knewpast participleknown) (often+ that, how,what etc)have in mind,have learnt,be acquaintedwith,recognize,identify;

any possibleobject ofthought orperceptionincludingpeople,materialobjects,events,qualities, ideas,utterances, andacts

be in accordancewith fact or reality

(plural – ies)what is realor existent orunderliesappearances

(often + from)be able todistinguish;

colloquial one’sspecialinterest;


Genuine (+ of ) realnature of ;likeness tooriginal.

( as knownadjective)publiclyacknowledged

(the thing)colloquial whatis proper,fashionable,neededimportant etc.

occur, Loyal, faithful in reality infact.

in the knowhaving insideinformation;

(in plural)personalbelongings,clothing orequipment;

be found; (+ to) accuratelyconforming to(type, standard);

Realadjectiveactuallyexisting oroccurring;genuine;

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I don't know whether we are closer to understanding the meaning of Data and “Facts” even with all the effort put in. A heuristic or "gut feeling" approach may be needed. So, I take the plunge and state that my understanding is that

“Data is record-able measurements of observable phenomena in Nature”.

I substantiate my understanding briefly here and will elaborate in the chapters that follow. We can quantitatively or qualitatively describe any phenomenon that is observed in Nature. This could be a picture of a UFO or an erupting volcano or recordings of heights, weights, number of voters, males and females in an area, brightness of light, color of light, heart beat, sound pitch and pulse rate and whatever else.

We can observe directly or invent sensors and probes to do the job for us and describe what has been observed. These descriptions of observations are recorded on paper, audio-tape, magnetic media or any other way. Such recorded material is Data. They represent the observations of the phenomena in Nature.

What are “abstract” paintings, mathematics, fiction, “illusions” and the many things in the human mind? These too are phenomena because we ourselves are phenomena. We can observe our thoughts and ourselves and can keep records of them quantitatively or qualitatively as Data of our observations

Data needs to be stored after recording. It further may need elementary tidying up such as storing them in columns, collating related items, sorting them in some desired manner or otherwise categorizing them. There may be need to transform these using statistical techniques. These may require output or are stored to be retrieved later for analysis and transformation again. All this is “processing of Data”.

At any or all stages of processing, initial Data or transformations thereof may need to be stored, retrieved and output for inference, presentation, publication or any other reason. Ultimately, at the end of all that processing, “Processed Data” is output. Is that “Information”? No, it is not. It does not become “Information” unless you can understand it.

Information Is Data That Is Understood

Somewhere along the way during or at the end of above “processing”

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or much later the user may derive an “understanding” of the meaning of the Data. Only then does Data become "Information" to the user.

So, Data is Data to all. But “Information” is the meaning of the Data understood or derived by individuals. This is in the framework of reference to the individual's own personal experience, relevance and context.

This is best understood by analogy to understanding the meaning of words. Take the word “space”. Each and every person understands the meaning of this word in relation to an own personal reference frame of experience, relevance and context. The understanding would be different for different persons and also for the same person in different situations and even at different periods of time.

The understanding of the word “space” is far different for an astronomer peering through a telescope and an astronaut who has actually gone in a spacecraft into space. And these “understandings” would be far, far different to that of an architect designing a multi-storied complex on a B3 size sheet of paper. Further more different would it be for children jostling each other to occupy the window seat on a school bus.

Even when the word is unequivocally defined such as “space beyond the confines of earth's gravity”, the meaning of the whole sentence will be understood differently by different persons. The understanding of the astronaut will definitely be different from all of us who may have seen at the most photographs or even movies on a large screen.

Most of us are concerned with words and Data that are more down to earth with relevance for day to day life situations. Perhaps, this could be in the marketing department of a company. A draft marketing report is passed around to get consensus and comment. Here is Data, processed with every possible care to convey “Information”. But has it become “Information” yet? Some may say “Yes”, some may say “No” And many more would have “null” opinion, “It's not my business”. And who can predict what the Boss will say?

So, technically speaking, Data by itself may or may not be “Information” and “Processing Data” may or may not make it “Information”. Nevertheless, the good news is that the “ayes” for the computer have it. Almost everybody was fascinated with computers and what they could do with it that they found applications useful for themselves in different walks of life. But the point is that this success is not something intrinsic to the machine

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by itself. It is people-computer relationship that makes it possible. This is the reason why we still need to understand the fundamentals of the concepts of “understanding” and “meaning” and relationships between “Data” and “Information”. When that is known, we can talk confidently of “Knowledge” and perhaps even “Wisdom” and “Consciousness”. All these always were and are in the realm of capability..

Knowledge - iv*a vidyaa & }an< jJNaanaM

Two words iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM for practical purpose for the present have connotations for the concepts of “knowledge” and “wisdom”. The Monier Williams Dictionary gives the following meanings for the words.

iv*a vidyaa :- refers to science , learning , scholarship , philosophy in the rik vedam and also knowledge.

}an< jJNaanaM :- means knowing , becoming acquainted with , knowledge , the higher knowledge derived from meditation on the one Universal Spirit, knowledge about anything, cognizance, conscience.

The antiquity of structured and holistic understanding of concepts and components of "Knowledge", iv*a vidyaa and }an< JjNaanaM dates back to vedam. There is a subtle but major difference between the meanings of the concepts conveyed by "Knowledge" and iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM. While the word "Knowledge" has connotations for awareness, familiarity, person's range of information, understanding (of subject); sum of what is known, iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM are nouns implying the totality of the knowable attributes of a subject. There is no person centricity here.

Swami Satyam, a renowned scholar and man of great wisdom in a personal communication explains the beautiful construction of the word - The dhaathu is 'jnaa' meaning 'to know'. From that is derived jnaana. By adding 'vi' (vi visesha meaning special) we get 'vijnaanam' meaning special Knowledge equivalent to "Science". The dhaathu ivj! vij has meanings to separate, to divide, to distinguish, to discern.

So, at this stage we have had a brief look at Data, Information, Knowledge and bit of Wisdom. But frankly, this is insufficient to imply }an< jJNaanaM the totality of knowable attributes of any subject. All that has been covered in a little detail are “Data” and that “Data if and when understood becomes Information”. We need to have a second look and know more about “Data”. This is subject matter of the next chapter.


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More About Data

“Data” is the start and “Processed Data” the end point of the wonderful invention, computers. Never in history have so many people learnt something about “Data” since wide spread use of computers. However, the attention was cursory. “Data” after all was primary input and the focus was on the results. Any way it is worthwhile to recall the definition and brief description of Data from the earlier chapter and elaborate to understand it better.

“Data is record-able measurements of observable phenomena in Nature”

Any object or phenomena in Nature that is observed can be described quantitatively or qualitatively or in both manner. Observations can be made directly by a Human or with help of sensors or probes. Descriptions of phenomena are recorded on paper, audio-tape, magnetic media or any other way. Such recorded material is called Data. They represent the observations made and reported of the phenomena in Nature.

It is possible to get a better understanding if we had a brief look into the processes of computing.

How is Data input into the Computer?

Data input devices in Computer systems such as keyboard, light pen, touch screen and even microphones take care of that. Furthermore there are input-output devices such as floppy disks, hard disks, RW-CD ROMS and modems for remote data.

How Is Data Represented In A Computer?

The “way of representing data” is first order ingenuity to me. In the computer binary logic is used. The start point is the “bit” with a location logic value of “0” or “1”. This can be physically “off or “on”. This may be a magnetized or non magnetized zone, a high or low voltage zone, high or low light reflecting zone, high or low sound pitch zone and so on. From these are formed the “bytes“. If “bits” were considered to be letters then “bytes” would be “words“. And with this logic, different types of data such as numbers, letters and special characters, sounds, pictures are depicted electronically.


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With all this there are simple hierarchical depiction structures given below:-

Numerical hierarchy on or off location value, bits and bytes and depicted “numbers” The end use of the hierarchy are numbers and whatever you want to do with them. These are input, analyzed and processed in different ways and output in some desired form ultimately.

Alphanumerical hierarchy on or off location value, bits and bytes and depicted “letters words-sentences-paragraphs- so on“. The end use of this hierarchy is non-numeric characters including the alphabet of a language with which a lot can be done. These are input, analyzed and processed in different ways and output in some desired form ultimately.

Visual hierarchy on or off location value, bits and bytes, pixels picture elements, to depict pictures on the screen or other output devices. The end use of the hierarchy is pictures and whatever you may want to do with them. These are input, analyzed and processed in different ways and output in some desired form ultimately.

Sound hierarchy - on or off location value, bits and bytes and depictions of sound. The end use of the hierarchy is sound and “your listening pleasure“. These are input, analyzed and processed in different ways and output too, hopefully not too loud or weird.

Touch and feel hierarchy on or off location value, bits, bytes, and digital depictions of inputs from touch sensors, heat sensors, micro electrical sensors and whatever are components of capability to touch and feel. These are processed and output in desirable forms.

In its barest essence all the above hierarchies are ways to represent the recordings of our observations of phenomena in Nature in the computer. Barring what can be smelt and tasted all our natural faculties to observe can be represented.

Is Data really “fact” and does it really represent the “truth” and “Reality” of observed phenomena? At this stage we do not know. What we do know is that the following appears relevant to the question.

! Deriving meaning or “Information” from Data is subject to an individual's

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frame of reference of context, relevance and experience.! Consensus and “Common understanding” of derived meaning from Data implies consistent statistical majority.! Conclusions derivable from analysis of Data are subject to a statistical degree of confidence. In other words, one hundred percent surety either way is very, very rare in “scientific” analysis.

So, there is reason to briefly introduce and use the concepts of Sense-Reality-Truth and Sense-Reality-False here. The concepts are elaborated later under Phenomena in Nature in the next chapter.

Whatever is observable in Nature using our sense organs or sensors is sense-reality and that which is not observable is technically, sense-false For example, a photograph is evidence and a witness is asked, “What do you see in this photograph?” The answer may be, “I see a person” (sense-reality) or “Sorry, I can see nothing. I left my glasses at home” (sense-false). The latter answer negates the whole process of inquiry and it is no wonder it can be frustrating to many.

A Brief Look At Sense Reality Truths

Sense-Reality-Truths are observed phenomena that did occur in reality. These are verifiable or have been verified with a degree of confidence expressed as percent. In the example given above, it also possible that the witness could answer, “I see a figure that I think is a person“. The next question is bound to be, “How sure are you?” The answers could be any thing such as “I am certain” or “It looks like a person…” or “Well… Hmm… it looks vaguely like a person”. Thus observed phenomena can be anywhere between Sense-Reality “Absolute Truths” and Sense-Reality “Absolute False“.

A Brief Look At Sense- Reality- False - Illusions

These kinds of sense-realities are similar in most parts to the above but are distinct enough to be called “Illusions”.

The senses or sensors perceive “phenomena” that is reality, but the interpretations are wrong and hence the sense-reality is false. What is false here is the ascertaining or interpreted part not the perception part. Continuing with example given above, the witness answers ““I see a figure that I think is a person and I am certain”. The expert witness is called in and he may have this astounding declaration. “Rocks are subject to geological erosion or

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weathering due to natural forces over millions of years. What is seen in this photograph could actually be a boulder that has the remarkable shape of a person. Further since there is no air at all on Mars it is certain it cannot be a person”

Here too observations of the phenomena before interpretation can be somewhere between Sense-Reality “Absolute Truths” and Sense-Reality “Absolute False”. Further, the ancillary observations that are used for interpretation themselves can be somewhere between Sense-Reality “Absolute Truths” and Sense-Reality “Absolute False“.

A Brief Look At Abstraction

This is the beautiful capability of our mind for logic, conjecture, imagination and creativity. The start point of abstractive thought process is some primal building blocks. This could be innate or instinctive or learnt in various ways through experience. This also could be an axiom or primitive notion such as in mathematics. The “known” bit in the Dictionary statement “Data is known facts” may have relevance here.

If the start point for the abstraction were based on Sense-Reality of phenomena in Nature (i.e. known) then the abstraction including logic, conjecture, imagination and creativity would be between Sense-Reality “Absolute Truths” and Sense-Reality “Absolute False”. Personally, I wouldn't know how to even imagine abstraction based on Sense-Reality- “Absolute False”. I may not be that creative.

A Brief Look At Sense False

To these belong phenomena that are not observable in Nature. This is described exactly by our witness, “Sorry, I can see nothing. I left my glasses at home, (Sense-False). I too am not really equipped to venture into this area. But briefly, (Sense-False) cannot even be thought about. The very moment you tried it becomes a part of your mind and a Sense-Reality. For all theoretical and practical purposes Sense-False does not exist and that makes sense. Shri Krishna in The Bhagavad Gita says “The untrue never is The True never is not The knowers of Truth know this” (Chapter 2 The Path of Yoga)

With this background we can see that all Data are recordings of some sort of phenomena in Nature. Data can be recorded for anything that can be observed or imagined. And all of them are Sense-Realities. They could even

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be abstract paintings that may never be understood. The moot questions are, “of the phenomena that is observed, how much is reality and true, how much are illusions and how much are abstractions.

Data Indeed Are Recordings Of Phenomena in Nature

We observe a very large number of things around and within us too. Not only do we observe objects but also things happening to these objects as a dynamic flux of activity. Of all these we may be interested in some or many depending on our need or level of curiosity. We can record observations or make Data on whichever phenomena we need to know or that interests us.

So, computers and computing in essence are about the following: -

! Phenomena in Nature and! Depictions of above


As individuals we can observe but minuscule fractions of the very, very large numbers of phenomena that is Nature. This very large number is difficult to handle and understand in many lifetimes. However, categories of Depictions are very few. So, it is a good idea to understand these in the beginning.

To start, Depictions of any observed phenomena in Nature are possible. We already have done this when hierarchies were made for representing Data in the computer such as numerical, alphanumeric, visual and others described earlier. So, our observations are transformed in a way into Data and can be input in the computer. A compound word Depictions-Data can be used for greater clarity. This word shows that it is nothing other than the familiarly known “Data” and importantly reiterates that they are “Our Depictions” of phenomena, lest we forget. This reminder is important because

! We can get so involved with “Data” and what can be done with them that perspective is lost of what they were all about in the first place and that was Nature.! We can get carried away with results and forget our fallibility for observation, depiction and interpretation.

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Depictions-Data can be represented within the computer in the form of

! Numbers Numeric representation hierarchy! Characters Alphanumeric representation hierarchy! Other forms of Digital and Analog representation including graphics for

pictures and sound.

Depictions-Data can be of the following categories.

! Depictions-Data of Observed Phenomena Sense Realities - True! Depictions-Data of Observed Phenomena Sense Realities False

(Illusions)! Depictions-Data Abstractions

Depictions-Data Sense Realities (True and False!

These are Depictions-Data that can be obtained from observation of things around us and within us too. At first glance all phenomena that can be observed may appear to be Reality and True because these are obtained through our senses or highly refined sensors or probes that we make. Depictions-Data can be recorded too and so, we might think it to be a straightforward matter. But, life is not that simple. Our senses and a video camera may record Depictions-Data showing the shimmering expanse of cool water in the desert.

If we went ahead and actually washed up in the lake, the phenomenon is Real and True as ascertained from Depictions-Data. This is “sathyam” sTy< satyaM. If there were no water ahead it is Reality all right because we have observed a phenomenon that looked like water ahead. Depictions-Data of this can be recorded. But it is False because there is no water ahead. What is False here is the ascertaining or interpretation part not the seeming Reality of the phenomenon or Depictions-Data. There could be explanations of how and why the interpretation went awry.

Illusions are “mitthya” imTWy mitthya. The Monier-Williams Sanskrit English dictionary gives the following meanings for this word.

! invertedly , contrarily , incorrectly , wrongly , improperly! not in reality , only apparently! to no purpose , fruitlessly , in vain

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! False , untrue , sham

Interestingly it is mentioned that Mithyâ is the name of the wife of Adharma.

Another related word that has a variety of connotations including expressing the whole Universe to be illusion and fallibility of Human interpretation is “maaya” maya

So, many a time, it is possible that Fact with Reality and Truth in it could turn out to be something else if more Depiction-Data are obtained and analyzed. The earlier recorded phenomena are not exactly Unreal and False either. They are somewhere in between.

Illusions are based on observed Reality and Facts. We have Depiction-Data on these. Our sense organs or sensors have observed and recorded these Depiction-Data. We can process, analyze, draw inferences, “reckon”, and build up a “Knowledge” base and whatever else from the Depiction-Data too. But are they “Facts” and “Truths”?

There are ways of finding out whether they are or not. Going ahead. We could then either find the cool oasis or nothing. If it is the latter, we need to know why we are not finding anything though we have Depiction-Data. This may not be for mere satisfaction of academic curiosity or sacking persons responsible for obtaining Depiction-Data. These could be important for avoiding potentially disastrous consequences of illusions. This could for example be severe sunstroke due to wandering in deserts in search of illusory water. In order to know why it is an illusion and not reality we need a different set or sets of Depiction-Data that could assist in understanding the illusion. And when these and the misleading set are analyzed there could be explanations for why we did not find the oasis. It is also possible that we may never find explanations.

Actually, in the case of vision, incident rays of light passing through the lenses of our eyes are recorded. The picture that is formed is not only upside down, it is two dimensional and that too on the curved inner screen of the eyeball. The processes of abstraction within our mind simultaneously “corrects” the image. The right side up is perceived and also is conjecture of “depth”. So, in Reality and Truth, eyes don't “see” the object at all, it is the mind that “sees” with help of Depiction-Data obtained from the eyes and ancillary Data from elsewhere. This is similar to the TV camera and the Human. In reality, “the TV camera does not see”. It is the Human that does

Data of

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with Depiction-Data obtained from the TV camera.

Anyway, the initial Depiction-Data received by the eyes could be a grotesque “illusion” of a sort that is corrected with ancillary Depiction-Data and appropriate processing. When all this is done there is technically a “conjecture” for depth and three-dimensional objects that may really exist in Nature. The end result, however is remarkable benevolence. Not only can we see but we can also avoid the undesirable effects of bumping into things and walking into holes.

I guess this kind of processing is “True” for perceptions by other senses too. Depiction-Data is received from the sense organs and then it is the mind all the way. What kind of ancillary Depiction-Data is needed for the gauging depth? A part of this is known to be by learning and experience during growth and another part is innate and perhaps the genes. Birds have amazing capabilities to perceive objects from great distances. I don't know whether they and other animals have problems with “illusions” and delusions.

Consider another instance, where somebody had “facts” He saw water in the desert. But he had a good stock of it already and did not go to the oasis ahead of him. If he wanted to report this matter for somebody’s benefit then ancillary “Data” and geographical coordinates are vital to be of any use. This is vital “Corroborative Data”. If for some reason such Data were not available then the “truth” of the phenomenon is not ascertainable by people wandering in deserts. Nor, can all and sundry state it to be “Falsehood” either.

Depictions-Data Abstractions

This is about the capability of the creativity and abstractions of the Human mind. This could include mathematics, logic and a number of other subjects. Abstractions can be based on

! Actually observed phenomena! Not actually observed phenomena

While the first type of abstraction may clearly be either reality or illusions based on some initial Depiction-Data representing an observed phenomenon, the latter is in the realm of creativity and fiction. The words kiLpt kalpita and ^h uuha with following connotations are relevant for abstraction. (Monier Williams Dictionary)

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kiLpt kalpita

! Not actually observed phenomena! made , fabricated , artificial ! composed , invented ! performed , prepared ! assumed , supposed ! inferred ! regulated , well arranged yagnya! having a particular rank or order! kind of allegory

^h uuha

! to observe , mark , note , attend to , heed , regard! to expect , hope for , wait for , listen for ! to comprehend , conceive , conjecture , guess , suppose , infer , reason , deliberate upon, to consider , heed! to cause to suppose or infer

Despite the many slips between the cups and lips in the matter of primary Data, we are certain there is a clear relation between them and Phenomena in Nature. And we also know the relationship between Data and Information. Now, we can study Phenomena in Nature and that is joy to experience in the chapters that follow.

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Phenomena In Nature And gu[ Guna Intrinsic Qualities

Myriad different types of objects exist in Nature and our senses sight, hearing, touch and feel, smell and taste are the means by which they can be observed. We can observe that other animates or living things behave as though they too can observe these.

We observe objects that are within the arena of individual capability to observe. Space-time coordinates and sensitivity of apparatuses for observation can describe the arena. We may need to be at a particular place at a particular time to observe a particular phenomenon. Examples for this are numerous but what comes in mind immediately is observation of an eclipse. Then, a person may need a set of glasses to have the correct vision. Wearing glasses would enable a person with weak eyesight to see objects in greater detail and even objects that were not visible earlier. So, merely because an object has not been observed does not mean we can rule out its existence. The observer could have defective vision or the person could be outside the arena for observation. This is something like not seeing the glorious innings “live” in a cricket match for any reason.

Here social interactions based on trust and communicating “truth” comes into play. The King Dhritirashtra was blind. His companion Sanjaya narrated whatever transpired between Arjuna and Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita to him. Honeybees have scouts that go out in different directions. After finding flowers and “honey” they return home and present Depiction-Data including coordinates of the “truth” of the honey discovered.

Objects cannot be observed through sheer will power of the sensory apparatuses. They are “observable” because they announce their presence in a way. It is the inherent nature of all objects to do that. That it is observed by a sensor is incidental. I am not saying here that you cannot dive into the seas, search, and discover oysters and pearls within them. We are merely putting the sensory apparatus in a position to observe. Such use of the sensory apparatus is also called a “probe”.

In samskrutham, the gross qualities of objects or phenomena and intrinsic nature of the qualities are both called gu[ guNa. The gross qualities of an object or phenomena includes full and complete description such as size, shape, color, animate, inanimate, and so on. The gross qualities of phenomena


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are described and discussed thoroughly in the chapter vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshikasuutra by DevRishi Kaanada

The word gu[Çy> guNatrayaH refers to the three types of intrinsic nature of the qualities of perceivable qualities of the objects or phenomena. They are given below.

sTv> satvaH - This quality of phenomena is universal and harmoniously shared. The dhaathu is st! sat :- to be a part or portion.

rj> rajaH This evokes excitation or effects that can be best understood by the dhaathu, raj :- with meaning - to be colored, to redden, to dye, to be attached to, to be excited, to be pleased with; the mode of passion.

tm> tamaH This is associated with general lethargy and dullness as can be seen from its dhaathu - tam to desire, to be fatigued;

So we have objects or phenomena that are observable and “known”by their gross qualities as well as the intrinsic nature of the qualities. These are unique and fascinating concept gems and tools that enable us to know more about Nature. The dhaathu of gu[ guNa is given below.

gu gu:- to speak inarticulately and [ Na:- is the negation. In other words gu[ guNa has connotation for qualities speaking articulately about themselves.

By force of habit, we may be tempted to equate articulation to “understandability”. This is not always the case. The language of articulation could be different. “Comprehension”, is the business of the perceiver, us and not gu[ guNa the qualities. Gu[ guNa, also has connotation for a single strand of a string or a rope in samskrutham as well as in many Bharatheeya languages.

Our ancients went on to further iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM of gu[ guNa, per se and all phenomena in the Cosmos. Briefly, the gu[Çy> guNatrayaH is considered to be the substance that pervades the Cosmos and all objects and phenomena are made up of this! This concept is at a fundamental level where the nature of the quality of a perceived object and the object are one!

We can understand this in modern context at subtle levels of physics and areas that are in the realm of sub-atomic particles and fabric of space-time, “Grand Unification” with relevance to origins of the universe. Primal Nature

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is described as a balanced mixture of three basic strands or gu[Çy> guNatrayaH of an underlying substance from which all things are evolved. This should not raise eyebrows. An amazing number of published papers and references are available at http://www. Nature.Com the online web site for the renowned scientific journal, Nature. You could use the search string, “String Theory” within quotes in the “search box” at their web site or go to your local University Library or British Council Library and look up the journals in print form.

I do not know how many in Bhaarath are doing work on this, but the Harvard and Cambridge University have substantial work underway on Theoretical Physics that includes “string theory” being explored as an approach for the elusive “Grand Unification” of the four forces of nature and the elementary particles and evolution of the Universe.

These modern theories are so remarkably like the ones from ancient Bharath that a study of this by our scientists would be invigorating to the re-discovery of “truth” enunciated in the ancient past.

The ancient view, one ought not to forget, starts with “dharmam” and then consider “Guna as fundamental forms of matter something similar to substratum rather than perceived qualities of matter. Sattva is the finest, most radiant and highly plastic entity. Rajas is the energy and activity component and Tamas is the strand of darkness, mass, obstruction and limitation component”

The above definitions of ancient concepts are given in description of “Saamkhya” in “A History of Indian Philosophy” Das Gupta - Cambridge 1922, reprinted by Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi, 1975. The subject matter may be studied, for first exposure disregarding how skewed the English commentary is.

An article on this, “The Enumerative Viewpoint saamkhya darshana” can be seen at if you are not scared away by the “demon”portion in the web address. The Cambridge University has substantial dedicated work on Indian Philosophy. There are other renowned universities including Harvard, Utah, Stanford, Kyoto and others in Germany, New Zealand, UK and US where samskrutham, Indian philosohy, the vedam. mahabharatham and ramayana are being researched.

The word saamkhya is related to concepts of enumeration, calculation and discrimination and something more. Our ancients applied all


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concepts to understand cosmic evolution and Man's position in it as part of human understanding sanathana dharmam, the eternal cohesive principle of the Cosmos.

Phenomena - Sense-Reality-Truths and Sense-Reality-Falsehoods

This is the subject that concerns all of us. Sense-Reality-Truths are that which our faculties enable us to see, hear, touch, smell and taste. But what are Sense-Reality-False We may see, hear, touch, smell or taste. But they are false. We have dealt about these when we considered Depiction-Data in the earlier chapter. These could be Illusions

In the example of a mirage in a desert described earlier, senses that are fully aware tell that there is a lake ahead. But when we go towards it, it might either disappear or keep ever receding. "Science" has explanation for this phenomenon Air heated up by the hot sand acts like a lens and reflects / refracts things far ahead and with the associated shimmering giving the optical illusion of water. “Illusion” or Sense-Reality-False are the same. In either case, you can see water but it is not there! For that matter there are any number of scientifically created “illusions” or Sense-Reality-False all around us and within us the TV, synthetic perfumes, flavors… the list can go on.

And all those lights you see up there in the sky. The planets and stars and even the Sun. “Science” tells us and our senses tell us they are real and are there. Data can be gathered on them accurately. We all know that light travels around 186 000 miles in one second. And light that started from these distant objects took time to reach us. This could be in a scale from seconds and minutes to thousands of years and more. So, in real time, now, are they there or not?

I am pressing the keys on the keyboard and letters are appearing on the keyboard. There is background knowledge that at the microcosmic level there can be no physical contact between the atoms of the molecules of my fingers and the atoms of the molecules of the keyboard. So, am I touching and pressing the keys or not… This phenomenon needs to be explained at micro-levels of transference of energy, force and work. Can atoms actually touch other atoms or can they not? I don't know. And I also don't know whether this scientific “truth” is what our ancients chose to call maya. The next chapter is about Phenomena in Nature and Sense-Reality Truths. These are in more comfortable zones for most of us.

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Phenomena in Nature And Sense-Reality-Truths

In the earlier chapter Sense-Reality-Truths were described as the Phenomena that we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Within Sense-Reality-Truths are two broad and beautiful categories.

1. Physics based Sense- Reality-Truths These phenomena have the bases of Physics and related subjects.

1.1. "Seeing" is in the realm of perceiving incident light energy. We can depict and record the incidence as Visual hierarchy type of Data

1.2."Hearing" is in the realm of perceiving energy within sound waves. The incident energy here can be depicted and recorded as Audio hierarchy type of Data.

1.3. "Touch" is in the realm of perceiving mechanical energy in the forms of kinetic and potential (gravitational potential and / or elastic potential) or even direct electrical energy. We can depict these as Mechanical energy hierarchy, or Electrical energy type of Data.

2. Micro level Physics or Chemistry based Sense- Reality-Truths - These Realities have Physics as their basis too, but at a level that is microcosmic. The interaction of atoms and molecules are involved and that technically is in the realm of Chemistry, Biochemistry and related subjects. Here, electron and micro level energy transfers are involved.

2.1. "Smell" is in the realm of perceiving impact of different types of tiny molecules in the air. This could be a delicious aroma emanating from your kitchen, the smell of flowers in a garden, the smell of rain, or other types of odors and even stink. Theoretically, we could have “Olfactory” hierarchy type of Data. Considerable research and analysis is on for this and many marketable products have been developed. Perfumes of course have been in the market from a very long time. Recently a hitherto guarded secret in the ancient times “ big business. They are natural substances that convey airborne message to trigger response from the opposite sex. It is used for pest control largely. Human pheromones are marketed blatantly for giving an “unfair advantage” to users.

pheromones” are becoming


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2.2. Taste is in the realm of perceiving sweetness, bitterness, salty, tangy, spicy and various other tastes. Different types of tiny molecules that are in the different types of food and beverages we consume.

Universality of Sense-Reality Truths and Depictions

Perceiving incident energy of the above five types is common to living things. Difference though, could be speed, degree of refinement or accuracy of perception. The different types of incident energy have been called “stimuli” and what the living organism does as a result, the “response”. The choice of words “stimulus” and “response” ought not to convey that Nature, including ourselves have the weird purpose to keep prodding and probing living things.

When a strong beam of light is shone on a single celled living creature such as an ameba, or the eyes of a Human, there is response. The ameba moves away from the light and the human shuts his eyes. If the same type of light is shone on a dead ameba or a dead person there will be no response. Thus it is assumed that “Response” to the stimulus of “strong light”is a function of the living creature and not that of the dead.

The significant characteristic about all living things is the process of growth and slow decay and death. This is called jIvn< jiivanam. àa[< PraaNam is the principle of life and Death is mr[m! . jIvn< jiivanaM and km¡ karmaM action, or activity are the manifestations of the phenomena for àa[< PraaNam the principle of life.

All forms of life during their lifetime have the ability to measure and quantify or otherwise depict types of energy incident on their being. This is Data in some notional, represent-able and understandable form. This is used for inference or reckoning. In samskrutham, the words dÄ datta and datum! datum meaning given has connotation for the absence of person centricity. This attitude and perspective could be important for obtaining knowledge harmoniously through observation of Nature.

By observation and experiments it is known that many animals, birds and other innumerable types of creatures possess faculties to perceive energy impacts classified as the five Sense Realities. The threshold of perception or "sensitivity" may be differing vastly between species and it may be significantly different or similar to how Humans may perceive. Nevertheless the important thing is that they are not unique capabilities of Man. Unique capabilities though are present for other areas such as analysis, thought and

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conjecture and unknown areas classed as intelligence. Plant life has capability to perceive impact of “photons” in incident light energy in astounding harmony and sophistication. Their silent and joyous “response” to sunlight is to split water, release oxygen into air and store energy rich Hydrogen with Carbon-di-oxide to form of glucose, a carbohydrate. Other complex carbohydrates are then formed to store for own life processes and incidentally all life on this planet.

From ancient times our literature recognized five faculties and associated sense organs. Not only this they have identified five organs for action. This is similar to Input and Output.

}aneiNÔy< gyaanendriyaM - Organs for KnowledgekmeRiNÔy< karmendriyaM - Organs for action

}aneiNÔy< gyaanendriyaM - Organ for Knowledge are of the following types

}aneiNÔy<GyaanendriyaM Organ for Knowledge

1c]uiriNÔy< ChakSurindriyaM Organ for sight

2ïaeteiNÔy< ShrotendriyaM Organ for listening


TvaginidriyaMTvkœ tvak.h :- skin – Organ for

perception of touch


GraanendriyaM Organ for smell


RasanendriyaMEnjoyment, interest rsn<

rasanaM tongue

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KmeRiNÔy<karmendriyaM - Organ for action


Vak Speech

2 pai[PaNi Hands


PadaM The step - Feet and legs


VaayuH Breath


UpasthaaThe part which is under ' , lap ,middle or inner part of anything, a well-surrounded or shelteredplace , secure place

So, there are objects or phenomenon in Nature that have gu[ guNa with manifest gross qualities that have specific characteristics the gu[Çy> guNatrayaH. And from these is obtained iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM equivalent roughly to "Knowledge". iv*a vidyaa and }an< jJNaanaM are not isolated abstract concepts only in the mind of Man. They are intimately related to phenomena in Nature and Data that we have considered in the past many pages and something beyond.

The next chapter gives analysis of our understanding thus far in light of the vEzei;k sUÇ Vaisheshika Suutra of DevRishi Kaanada also known as DevRishi Kasyapa. Devrishi means celestial sage.

kmeRiNÔy< karmendriyaM - Organs for action are as follows.

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vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshikasuutra By DevRishi Kaanada

Tenets of Specialized Observation

This chapter is a brief description of vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshika suutra of DevRishi Kaanada. He is also known as DevRishi Kashyapa. Devarshi means celestial sage. In the vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshika suutra can be seen glimpses of conceptual gems of purest ray serene. I believe they are gifts for us to use in holistic scientific inquiry as well as individual and personal life.Much of our ancient literature and dharmik thought processes remain classified unfortunately as "philosophy" or "spirituality" and "religion". I believe they ought to be under "Science" just like modern "Modern Theoretical Physics". Quoting, Swami Satyam again, the renowned scholar and man of great wisdom, The dhaathu is 'Jnaa' meaning 'to know'. From that is derived Jnaana. By adding 'Vi' (Vi Visesha meaning special) we get 'Vijnaanam' meaning special Knowledge equivalent to "Science".

The Monier-Williams Dictionary has the following meanings for the name of the Rishi.

! [ kaNAda ]3[ kaN^ada ] m. ` atom-eater ' , N. given to the author of the Vaiúeshika branch of the Nyâya philosophy ( as teaching that the world was formed by an aggregation of atoms ! he is also called kashyapa , and considered as a Devarshi

In vEzei;k sUÇ Vaisheshika Suutra, Rishi Kaanada revealed in astounding detail the nature of all phenomena that are observable. This was summarized by Max Müller, 1899. in "The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy" and can be seen at . I don't know the reason for including the word "demon" in the address. But it may have kept many God fearing scientists from knowing "truth".

On the suutra, Max Muller writes "…. It begins with the usual promise of teaching something from which springs elevation or the summum bonum, and that something KaNaada calls Dharma or merit. From a particular kind of merit springs, according to KaNaada, true knowledge of certain Padarthas, or categories, and from this once more the summum bonum. These categories …



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embrace the whole realm of knowledge, and are: (I) substance, Dravya; (2) quality, GuNa; (3) action, Karman; (4) genus or community, Saamaanya, or what constitutes a genus; (5) species or particularity, Visheshha, or what constitutes an individual; (6) inhesion or inseparability, Samavaaya; (7) according to some, privation or negation, Abhaava. ".

Much as I would like to leave my personal opinion out, I think devrishi Kaanada knew Xam¡ dharmaM to mean a lot more than mere "merit". And I need to repeat what I wrote earlier. One can have nothing but the greatest admiration for all those that passed on so much down generation after generation… to enable "truths" to raise us in our present rather than receive praise (or ridicule) after they are long gone. And in this I include the great soul, Max Muller too who studied and left behind such a lot for posterity.

And to say, "I am grateful" and whatever else I can add are insufficient translations of "namasthe jnyaathapathaye namaha"… "dhanyosmi aham" … "namasthe shri ganesha" for opportunity to tabulate the }an< JJNaanaM of the Divine given by the DevRishi and summarized by the venerable Max Muller in English. I have done this in relation to the concepts of "Phenomena in Nature" and types of "Data-Depiction" described in this book. I think this is relevant and useful for understanding fundamental concepts of Data, Information and Knowledge. I am hoping that these will be useful to knowledge workers and those working with computers and computing.

What I have done is to tabulate the concepts of vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshika suutra of DevRishi Kaanada from the article “Six Systems of Indian Philosophy” by the venerable Max Muller. The set of concepts as given in the article can be segmented into separate areas that can help understand the concepts better in the modern context. Tables numbered A-1, A2, B-1, B-2... so on. Wherever there was opportunity, I have included my comments at the end or beginning of a table.

Words in devanagari script are included to make it easier for those who can read in that script. Some words appeared to be translated differently from my understanding as a lay native person ably assisted by Prof.Maloney’s HTML version of Monier-Williams Dictionary. These are given in the column, “appropriate translation”. Following the devanagari script is the iTrans notation. This is to enable corrections, further analysis and work using the iTrans software.

What I think the vEzei;k sUÇ vaisheshika suutra, by DevRishi Kaanada is all about is dharmam - The Grand Unification.

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Table A-1 Physical And Chemical Nature Of Observed Objects





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

1 Pdaw!R


Padartha Categories

Material ofwhich theobject ismade up of

Observedobject –physical andchemical

Object withattributesDepictions-Data Actuallyobservedrealities &Depictions-DataAbstractions

2 Ôvy


Dravya Substance

ingredients ormaterials

Observedobject–physical andchemical

Object withattributesDepictions-Data Actuallyobservedrealities &Depictions-DataAbstractions

Table-A - What It Is All About - Observed Phenomena & dharmam





Phenomenon Data –Depiction



Dharma Merit. Dhaathu – dhr - to be; to exist; to hold, tosupport, to possess, to keep, to seize, to placeDharma - the older form of the cf. RV. is [dh’arman ] , q. v. ) that which is established orfirm , steadfast decree , statute , ordinance ,law (Monier-Williams Dict.)

In summary, the following tables classify the main contents of Vaisheshika Suutra - which explains Phenomena in Nature and Dharmam

A1 - A2 -A3 -A4 -

Physical And Chemical Nature Of Observed ObjectsGross Qualities Of Observed ObjectsPhysics Of Observed ObjectsDynamic States of Observed Objects


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Table A-2 Gross Qualities Of Observed Objects





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

3 gu[


Guna Quality Observedquality ofobjectphysical andchemical

ObjectrelatedattributesObjectrelatedattributesDepictions-Data Actuallyobservedrealities &Depictions-DataAbstractions

Table A-3 Physics Of Observed Objects





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

4 SamaNy



Genus orcommunity

Observerclassificationof the object

Sets ofObjects withrelatedattributesDepictions-Data Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions

5 ivze;



Speciesorparticularity whatconstitutes anindividual

Special Observerclassificationof the object




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The subject matter given above is a no-nonsense "Scientific" classification of observed phenomena in Nature. vEzei;k sUÇ Vaisheshika Suutra, then goes further to give details.

Table A-4 Dynamic States of Observed Objects





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

6 km¡


Action Observeddynamic stateof the object– Physics

ObjectrelatedattributesDepictions-Data Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions

7 AaÉav


Abhaava Privationornegation

becoming ,being ,existing ,occurring ,appearance

Observeddynamic stateof the object– Physics

- do -

The tables A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 are all Sense-Reality-Truth. and Depictions - Data- Actually observed realities could be recorded.


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Table – B-1 Entities That Are Observable Directly





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

1 p&iWv


Prthivi; Earth, ObservedObject basedon “Sense-reality-Truth”

Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions

2 Aap>


Apah Water - do - - do -

3 tejs!


Tejas Light Energy,radiance,luminiscencealso

- do -

4 vaayu


Vayu Air - do - - do -

5 Aakaz



Ether Sky and canbe space too

- do - - do -

6 mns


Manas Mind - do - - do -


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Table – B-2 Entities That Can Be Inferred





Phenomenon Data –Depiction



Kala Time Inferred entitybased on“Sense-reality-Truth”

Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions



Disha Direction -do- -do-



Atman Self soul of theindividual

-do- -do-

Recording of Depictions-Data Actually observed realities & Depictions-Data Abstractions including mathematical and "scientific" calculations, predictions are possible for kal kaala and idza dishaa

The items in the above entire set of tables that some may view skeptically is the AaTma< aatmaaM the soul of the individual and “dharmam" . The soul of the individual, and dharmam cannot be excluded from the purview of “science”. The "truth" is that manifestations of both these can be observed when science and research include concepts of “conscience”, “honesty”, “ethics”, “humane approaches”, “eco friendliness”, “sustainability”, “equal opportunity”, recognition of “traditional knowledge”, “copyright”, “geographical indications” and “patents” in some form. Indeed there is no dichotomy between modern “scientific” approach and “dharmam”.

Nothing in the above is based on sense-falsehood and conjecture and are not part of any secular greed or expansionist policy. The start point and purpose of the vaisheshika suutra is Xam¡ dharmaM and sathyam. Whatever imparted is }an< jJNaanaM and is Xam¡ DharmaM too. All of these are in real time for our benefit.

It is reported by the venerable Max Muller that In the vaisheshika suutra it is stated that earth, water, light and air can exist both in their eternal as


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well as transient manifestations. Also, that these exist as their A[u aNu, or a basic further indivisible form as well as perceivable aggregate material forms.

As far as anybody can see this is “Science”. So, now we can go on to on to collecting more conceptual gems that can be concept tools too from the vaisheshika suutra but before that there is need to reiterate on gross qualities gu[ of objects and the nature of the qualities

Phenomena in Nature can be observed by their manifest or observable gross ualities, gu[. Our senses or the "sensors" we design perceive them. These gross qualities gu[ ought not to be confused with the nature of the qualities per se. The “nature of the qualities per se” are gu[Çy> guNatrayaH sTv> satvaH rj> rajaH and tm> tamaH. In other words each of the observed gu[ of objects have the gu[Çy> guNatrayaH in varying proportions.

Vaisheshika suutra lists observable qualities of phenomenon in Nature that can be classified as given below.

1 Qualities Perceived By Sense Organs. This is Physics and Chemistry of objects in Nature and Physics and Chemistry by which the sense organs perceive these objects.2 saamkhya - The system of enumeration and discernment of objects in Nature3 Inferential Knowledge Of Objects4 Buddhi The Thought Process Or Intellect of / In The Human Mind5 Emotional - Internal Feelings - Inner Drives Including Effort Of The Human.

Items in the above five categories are tabulated below.

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Table C1 – Qualities Perceived By Sense Organs





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

1 êp


Ruupa Color, inearth,water,and light

Actuallyshape ormanifestation

Observed orInferredquality basedon “Sense-reality-Truth”Input – Macroor Micro levelPhysics orChemistry

Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions

2 rs


Rasa Taste, inearth andwater

Technicallyjuice oressence –Can also be achemical

-do- -do-

3 gNx


Gandha Smell, inearth

Smell -do- -do-

4 SpzR


Sparsha Touch, inearth,water,lightenergy,radianceand air

Touch -do- -do-

Table C-2 Saamkhya - The System Of Enumeration And Discernment





Phenomenon Data –Depiction




Number,by whichweperceiveone ormany

System ofennumerationanddiscernment


Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions



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Table C-3 Inferential Knowledge





Phenomenon Data –Depiction




Extension orquantity

Estimate Inferencebased on“Sense-reality-Truth”Input – Macroor Micro levelPhysics orChemistry

Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractionsincludinglogical /mathematicalestimates.

2 àt®v


Prthaktva Individuality orseveralty

-do- -do-

3 s<yaeg


Samyoga Conjunction

-do- -do-AbstractionsUnion of Sets

4 ivyaeg


Viyoga Disjunction

-do- -do-AbstractionsSet relatedoperations

5 prTv


Paratva Priority (in front) -do- -do-


6 AprTv


Aparatva; Posteriority

(behind) -do- -do-

Table C-4 Buddhi – The Thought Process Or Intellect



Buddhi thought More thanmerethought, it isintellect too





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Table C-5 Emotions – Inner Drives Including Effort





Phenomenon Data –Depiction



Sukha pleasure Not limited topleasureincludes joytoo

Perception of“Sense-reality-Truth”

Actuallyobservedrealities &Abstractions(basicdefinition andrules needed)

2 Ê>o


DuHkha pain Sorrow -do- -do-

3 #CD


Icchaa desire This can bewant

-do- -do-



Dveshau aversion Mixture ofemotionsanger andresentmenttoo

-do- -do-

5 àyÆ


Prayatna will, effort Can be“trying” too

-do- -do-


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Table D Actions km¡ karmaM And Influence On Phenomena





Phenomenon Data –Depiction



or ascent Observed Based onbasicdefinition andrules

Avakshepana (orApa);


or descent -do- -do-




-do- -do-

Utsarana-or Pras-


-do- -do-

Gamana. going undergoing ,attaining(observingaction -Telugu)

-do- -do-

“In the Suutras which follow, KaNaada tries to point out certain features which the three categories of substance, quality, and action share in common, and others which are peculiar to two, or to one only. In the course of this discussion he has frequently to dwell on the effects which they produce, and he therefore proceeds in the next lesson to examine the meaning of cause and effect, and likewise of genus, species, and individuals” (Max Muller).

Causative Principles -Observed And Perceived Cause

Rishi KaNaada is reported to have remarked that “cause precedes the effect, but that, in order to be true cause, it must be a constant antecedent, and the effect must be unconditionally subsequent to it”.


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Table E Causative Principles -Observed And Perceived Cause





Phenomenon Data –Depiction

-NA- -NA- Intimate -NA- Observed Possible onlyInputs byobserverbasicdefinition andrules needed

-NA- -NA- non-intimate

-NA- -do- -do-

-NA- -NA- Instrumental

-NA- -do- -do-

An axe, for instance, is the KaaraNa, or instrument, in felling a tree, but it is not the KaaraNa, or cause. Causes, according to KaNaada, are threefold, intimate, non-intimate, and instrumental.

With these gems of concepts that can be concept tools too we can proceed towards the perspective of dharma that DevRishi Kaanada has for everybody - “yatho abhyudhaya antha sreyasa siddhi sa dharma” "That which gives happiness and prosperity here and in the hereafter is dharmam"


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Where Is Information?

When we go through all the above very critical and thorough analysis of Phenomenon in Nature and Data depictions we are bound to have the feeling that something familiar is missing. It is the concept “Information”. We have items of phenomena aplenty, Data aplenty, mind boggling “Knowledge” but where is "Information"?

Rest assured we would find it if it exists at all. And when we do that may be a revelation. If you look again at Table C Observable Qualities Of Phenomena In Nature you will see buddhi in bold. This is reproduced below.

Now this one single word encompasses the sum total of utilization of human capability with Divine grace for being Man and the Emancipated Man.

The table below summarizes the array of meanings in English given by Monier-Williams “Sanskrit-English” Dictionary downloaded, searchable HTML version by Prof.R.B.Mahoney. Reference in full text with a question mark added is that which I guessed could the abbreviation. A list of abbreviations was not available in the on line version I have. Interested readers could refer the original.

Table C-4 Buddhi – The Thought Process Or Intellect



Buddhi thought More thanmerethought, it isintellect too




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Meanings of Buddhi Reference / Comments

The power of forming and retainingconceptions and general notions , intelligence, reason , intellect , mind , discernment ,judgment

cf. Mn. Cf. MBh. &c. – Manusmrithi?Mahabharatham?

Perception ( of which 5 kinds are enumerated , orwith [ manas ] 6

Comprehension , apprehension ,understanding

cf. Sâh

cf. [ indriya ] , [ buddh^indriya ] )( in Saankhya philosophy) Intellect is [ adhy-avasaya ]

the intellectual faculty or faculty of mentalperception , the second of the 25 Tattvas

cf. [ buddhi-tattva ] ) cf. IW. 80 &c.

Presence of mind , ready witcf. Pañcat. cf. Hit.

Panchatantra and Hithopadesa?

An opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecturecf. MBh. cf. Kâv. &cMahabharatham?

Thought about or meditation on ( loc. Orcomp. ) , intention , purpose , design

cf. ib.Mahabharatham?

(Impression , belief. Notion often ifc. =considering as , taking for )

cf. Kâv. cf. Kathâs. cf. Pur. cf. Hit

Puranas and Hithopadesa?Right opinion , correct or reasonable view cf. R. cf. Ragh

Ramayanam and Raghuvansham?A kind of metre cf. L.Intelligence personified ( as a daughter ofDaksha and wife of Dharma and mother ofBodha )

cf. MBh. cf. Pur.Mahabharatham and Puranas?

That is a substantial list of abilities of BuiÏ. Interestingly there is mention of power again. The power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions, intelligence, reason, intellect, mind, discernment, judgment

The "power bit" here does not bother me at all. I know that this is reference to grace received from the Eternal one. A person who is perfect embodiment of buddhi is Buddha, the Enlightened one. Another interesting entry is Intelligence personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha from the Mahabharatham and Purana.

Besides these is the entry - a kind of a metre. I am interested to know whether it refers to chandas. In our scriptures "mantra" means a sacred text or


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a sacred formula. mantra have a chandas, rishi and devatha associated with each one of them. chandas is the metre, rishi is the knower of the "truth" and "devatha" is the deity. Primary mantras are 70 millions in number and the secondary ones innumerable.(Monier-Williams). And last but not least are the beautiful references to hitopadesha and panchatanthra. These have stories that I loved hearing when I was a child and still love to read anytime. Perhaps the original samskrutham versions have a few more stories.

It may appear to the reader, I am attempting to hedge away from the title of the chapter "Where is Information?" Well, that is what you had been receiving all the while!

BuiÏ buddhi is also called mhdœ mahad. The only language that I know that has the closest live relationship with this concept and word “Information” is in the Marathi language. maihtI mahitii is known and commonly understood to be equivalent to “Information”. The word is connected to mhdœ mahad, the phenomenal processor bestowed on all of us by grace alone. mhdœ mahad has been receiving all the input Data - "alphanumeric characters", words, sentences, paragraphs, tables arranged to the best of my ability. All this is to assist an intermediate transient product "Information" on its way to becoming “Knowledge”. The dhaathu ma> maah means to measure, and ma ma is to measure, to weigh, to limit, to compare in size.

So, concluding this chapter, dharmam is the start point. “Knowledge” is a part of dharmam. It is there in “Data” this “Knowledge” is input for more “Knowledge” and “buddhi” is the ultimate “processor”in more ways than one. It produces and converts inputs into “Information” transiently for understanding and once understood it is “Knowledge” again. The usage of the word

From this “Information Technology” workers need not fell “disheartened”. Actually they always were “Knowledge Technology” workers. Furthermore all their efforts were in addressing the ultimate processor buddhi or mahad. And they deal with Nature’s very own Data that are nothing but “Knowledge” elements. “Information” is only a transient product assisting “Knowledge” outside to unite with “Knowledge” inside. And each such accretion is further “Knowledge”. So, There is "Knowledge" out there and "Knowledge" inside and "Information" is "food for thought".

maihtI mahitii in Marathi is stunningly accurate and absolutely polite. Whenever any processed Data is given to anybody it is submitted maihtI saiQ saaThi for the mahad.

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Summary Of Concept Gems And Concept Tools

1. yÙm! yantram.h means “a machine”

1.1. dhaathu - yÙ! Yantr :- to restrain, to bind. 1.2 .Related words ym! yam :- to check, to stop. y ya :- who y< yaM :- one to whom, to check, to stop; y<tu ya.ntu :- reach us; ym yama :- the god of death, also the five moral commandments ym> yamaH :- the controller of death

2. “A computer is an automatic programmable machine that can process Data”.

3. Data is known facts - "Data is record-able measurements of observable phenomena in Nature." If Data can be obtained for any phenomenon it implies depict-ability of the phenomenon. Depictions-Data of observed phenomena in Nature can of the following categories.

3.1 Depictions-Data Actually observed realities - Facts.3.2. Depictions-Data Abstractions including creativity and imagination within the Human mind including mathematics. Abstractions can be based on Actually observed phenomena or Facts and also its opposite, Fiction. Fiction is Not Actually observed phenomena.

4. Whatever is observed in Nature can be called a sense-reality and that which is not is a sense-falsehood.

5. Among the phenomena that really occur are the Sense-Reality-Truths that are verifiable or verified with a degree of confidence expressed as percent. Among these are phenomenon that the senses or mechanical sensors can detect but may prove to be "illusions" These are Sense-Reality-False.

6. Phenomena in Nature are comprised by myriad different types of objects that exist in Nature and their dynamic states.Our senses or mechanical sensors that we devise for sight, hearing, touch, feel, smell and taste are the only means by which they can be observed

7. Any object is "observable" because it announces its presence in a


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way. This is gu[ guNa - qualities of phenomena in Nature.

8 There are two things to be considered in the matter of gu[ guNa

8.1 Gross qualities of observable phenomena 8.2 gu[Çy> guNatrayaH the innate nature of the gross qualities

8.2.1. sTv> satvaH this innate nature of the gross qualities of phenomena is universal and harmoniously shared. The dhaathu is st! sat :- to be a part or portion. 8.2.2. rj> rajaH This evokes excitation or effects that can be best understood by looking at the dhaathu - raj :- with meaning - to be colored, to redden, to dye, to be attached to, to be excited, to be pleased with; the mode of passion. 8.2.3. tm> tamaH This is associated with general lethargy, dullness as can be seen from its dhaathu - tam to desire, to be fatigued;

9. Phenomena - Sense-Reality-Truths are of two broad and beautiful categories.

9.1 "Physics basd Sense- Reality-Truths" These have the bases of Physics and related subjects.

9.1.1 Seeing This is in the "realm of perception of incident light energy. From this Visual hierarchy type of Data can be recorded. 9.1.2. Hearing - This is in the "realm of perception of energy" within sound waves. From this Audio hierarchy type of Data can be recorded.9.1.3 Touch is in the realm of perception of mechanical energy in the forms of kinetic and potential (gravitational potential and / or elastic potential) or even direct electrical energy. From this Mechanical energy sensor hierarchy or Electrical energy sensor hierarchy type of Data can be recorded.

9.2 "Micro level Physics or Chemistry based Sense- Reality-Truths" - These Realities have Physics as their basis too, but at a level that is microcosmic. The interaction of atoms and molecules are involved and that technically is in the realm of Chemistry Biochemistry and related subjects. Here, electron and micro level energy transfers are involved. Here too types of Data can be recorded.

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9.2.1 Smell This is in the realm of perception of impact and depictions in the mind for different types of tiny molecules that are in the air. Schemes for depicting the interactions involved and recording can be conceived and Depictions-Data recorded for these too.

9.2.2 Taste This is in the realm of perception of chemical interactions and depictions in the mind for different types of tiny molecules that are in the different types of food and beverages interacting with taste buds. Schemes for depicting the interactions involved and recording can be conceived and Depictions-Data recorded for these too.

10. Animate or living things have a principle or life force called àa[< PraaNam

11. The sum of the characteristics that the living thing exhibits between birth and death is a process of growth and slow decay. This is called jIvn< jiivanam, the manifested form of àa[<.

12. }aneiNÔy< GyaanendriyaM are Organs for Knowledge.

13. kmeRiNÔy< KarmendriyaM are Organs for action

14. BuiÏ buddhi also called mhdœ mahad encompasses the sum total of utilization of human capability being Man and the Emancipated Man.

15. BuiÏ buddhi has connotations for

15.1. power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgment15.2. Perception15.3. Comprehension , apprehension , understanding15.4. Intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception15.5. Presence of mind , ready wit15.6. Thought or meditation, intention , purpose , design15.7. Impression , belief, Notion15.8 .A kind of metre.15.9. Intelligence personified ( as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha )

16. .BuiÏ buddhi is the ultimate “processor” that uses ephemeral “Information” transiently toward more “Knowledge” and “Wisdom” by grace and power from the Cosmos.

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17. “Information” is meaning derived or understanding obtained from Data by individuals in the frame of reference to the individual's own personal experience, relevance and context.

18. iv*a vidyaa & }an< jJNaanaM roughly means "Knowledge". They have connotations for included reverence for subject implies more of a bestowed characteristic rather than acquisition. 19. iv}an< vijJNaanaM is Science with technology included. The dhaathu ivj! vij has meanings to separate, to divide, to distinguish, to discern.

20. Input elements for buddhi are are actually elements of iv*a vidyaa & }an< jJNaanaM “Knowledge”. These may become a transient product “Information” if the buddhi thinks it important enough and the elements go on to becoming “Knowledge” and perhaps even “Wisdom”.

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Miscellaneous Concept Gems

vedam was revealed by sound and grace to our Rishis and hence called shruthi. This grace given to perceive segments of the Cosmic Intellect is far, far more than sum total of that which can be collected mechanically. The purpose of the grace in the vedam and the scriptures is sanatana dharmam. The eternal and universal binding principle of all things in the Cosmos.The dhaathu of the word “dharmam” is “dhr” meaning to hold together, to cohesce. This cohesive principles is in the various parts and entirety of the Grand Hymns.

Our scriptures exist today despite efforts from various quarters to decimate “truth” that is in them. The manner in which they were passed down include millions of stories and allegories with in built homeostasis to adapt to immediate environments and have adaptability to changing environments. The purpose is simple for to “truth” to raise us in our present. Today Bhaarath is free and forever shall it be because we are a part of that fabric of dharmam and satyam. With reverence for these principles and the ultimate Eternal source of all, if “scientists” were to understand the concept gems and know to use the tools in our scriptures then many things of puzzlement may be resolved sooner in different areas of knowledge. Some of these are in areas of theoretical physics and mathematics. For example, absence of matter, time, wave-particle duality, quantum effects, grand unification theory, quarks and even black holes and dissolution of all things and breakdown of all knowable physical laws. Currently, the string theory and “Branes” (short for membranes) in cosmology are in a way attempting to restate what our scriptures states as the cycles of creation, preservation and destruction personified reverently by our ancients and millions of contemporary Bharatheeys as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar.

The start of it all in the universe (or part of which is knowable) in the current “kalpa” unit of cosmic time scale is described with lucidity in our puranas (these are historical works of great antiquity). Brahma given the job of creation for the current Kalpa by Siva, started off but forgot how and then prayed to Siva for the knowledge. The process was revealed in its entirety. The magnitude and splendor of the process confused Brahma and He meditated and prayed more in humility. Then the three primal "sounds" were reveale AUM. The 4 Vedas were formed with the Rik, Yajur and Atharvana from the three tones and the Sama Veda from the tones in between.


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This story was told generation after and is alive even today for countless years. It is waiting for that emancipated “scientist” to see in a flash of divine grace that what is being referred to is probably a secondary stage in evolution of the universe after the primal phenomenon of creation.

The mention of “sounds” in the Brahma creation story could be something resembling what “Solar Physicists” describe as sound in the Sun! This is due to vibrations of hot molecules of gas. Sound waves moving inside are known to cause a regular measurable oscillation in the Sun. This also results in its corona moving in and out at regular intervals. Any observed region of the Sun's hot gas moving in and out micro-cosmically affects the color or wavelength of light that reaches the observer. If the wavelength is short it tends towards hues of blue and if it is long it is towards red. The color green is slightly more than halfway through the visible part of spectrum from red to blue. In our puranas it is mentioned that “Aditya, travels in a chariot drawn by green horses !”

Parts of the “scientific” information given above is from a book "Blinded by Light The Secret Life of the Sun John Gribbin 1991 Black Swan London, England. In this book passing mention is made of work at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai and Dr.Vahia.

The famous theoretical physicist, Professor Stephen Hawkins' book “History of Time" has description of 6 types of quarks that he mentions are given funny names like up, down, charmed, etc. Surprisingly, Rishi Kaanada in Saamkhya describes six types of aNu elementary particles with peculiar combinatorial possibilities of visibility and manifestation.

In Bhagavad Gita, Sri. Krishna's fearful and awesome Vishwaroopam is similar roughly to what is described to occur at the "event horizon" of black holes. “Exploding suns” are mentioned too besides fearsome glowing teeth!

The vedam has been reiterated again and again in holistic forms from God knows, and I care little, how long. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is communicated verbatim and holistically to the blind Emperor, Dhrithrashtra by Samjaya (the name technically means equal victory or victory for all).

Dhrtirashtra has his own children and that of his brother Pandu arrayed in the field ready for war. The location for the war is both - DarmaKshetram and Kurukshetram. And the Krishna Avathar is the weaponless participator as charioteer and guide for Arjuna and the Pandavas.

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To him is revealed again what the vedam is and what Dharmam is too. And who indeed is Time and the End of Time.

Max Muller reports, “KaNaada's atoms are supposed never to assume visible dimensions till there is a combination of three double atoms (tryaNuka), neither the simple nor the double atoms being supposed to be visible by themselves.”... “As to atoms, they are supposed to form first an aggregate of two, then an aggregate of three double atoms, then of four triple atoms, and so on. While single atoms are indestructible, composite atoms are by their very nature liable to decomposition, and, in that sense, to destruction. An atom, by itself invisible, is compared to the sixth part of a mote in a sunbeam.”

Areas that can be benefitted cover all facets of Human life including, Agriculture, Food, Energy, Environment, Health, Culture and Society.. To put things in perspective, Thank you for letting me share… In these innumerable gems of concepts and in the Himalayas… I saw innumerable stars above and around. They extended on and on into indescribable horizons… There was a long period of sheer awe. And then followed a longer period of more awe to know that something within enabled me to see the stars in the first place… And to say, "I am grateful" and whatever else are insufficient translations of “namasthe jnyaathapathaye namaha”… “Dhanyosmi aham” … “namasthe”.