Diabetes Treatment - Ayurvedic & Natural Diabetes Control & Treatments Given below are some natural and ayurvedic remedies which help in effective control of Diabetes. Some of the most useful Herbs for the Treatment of Diabetes are: There are several herbs which are found to be very effective in treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar level. The greatest advantage of these herbal diabetes medicine supplements are that they have no side effects. Given below is a list of some of the most effective diabetes treatment herbs. Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Bael (Aegle marmelos) Gurmar Leaves (Gymnema sylvestrae) Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Onion (Allium cepa) Nayantatra (Vinca rosa) Neem (Azadirachtha indica) Garlic (Allium sativum) Sagar gota (Ceasalpinia crista) Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes Cure The bitter gourd is regarded as the best remedy for diabetes. Drinking at least one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice daily will reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine. Having bitter gourd cooked in ghee for a period of three months will bring the diabetes down by a significant amount. A tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will enable the pancreas to secrete insulin. Drinking a glass of water with 10 tulsi leaves, 10 neem leaves and 10 belpatras early morning on an empty stomach helps in keeping sugar levels under control. Mix and grind seeds of Fenugreek (100 gm), turmeric (50gm), white pepper. Take one teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk twice daily.


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Page 1: Diabetes

Diabetes Treatment - Ayurvedic & Natural Diabetes Control & Treatments

Given below are some natural and ayurvedic remedies which help in effective control of Diabetes.

Some of the most useful Herbs for the Treatment of Diabetes are:

There are several herbs which are found to be very effective in treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar level. The greatest advantage of these herbal diabetes medicine supplements are that they have no side effects. Given below is a list of some of the most effective diabetes treatment herbs.

Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia) Bael (Aegle marmelos) Gurmar Leaves (Gymnema sylvestrae) Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Onion (Allium cepa) Nayantatra (Vinca rosa) Neem (Azadirachtha indica) Garlic (Allium sativum) Sagar gota (Ceasalpinia crista)

Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes Cure

The bitter gourd is regarded as the best remedy for diabetes. Drinking at least one tablespoon of bitter gourd juice daily will reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine.

Having bitter gourd cooked in ghee for a period of three months will bring the diabetes down by a significant amount.

A tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will enable the pancreas to secrete insulin.

Drinking a glass of water with 10 tulsi leaves, 10 neem leaves and 10 belpatras early morning on an empty stomach helps in keeping sugar levels under control.

Mix and grind seeds of Fenugreek (100 gm), turmeric (50gm), white pepper. Take one teaspoon of this powder with a glass of milk twice daily.

Put one cup of water into a copper vessel at night, and drink the water in the morning.

Diabetes Diet Planning, Dietary Treatments for Diabetes

Diabetes is one disease which can be severely aggravated by the wrong kind of diet. Hence Diet planning is the cornerstone of managing diabetes.

Avoid sugar in any form - rice, potato, banana, cereals & fruits containing high percentage of sugar content.

Include at least one bitter dish in every meal Take plenty of green vegetables, black gram, soy, fish etc Vegetables such as Bitter Gourd, string beans, cucumber, onion and garlic, fruits such as

Indian Gooseberry, Jambul Fruit and Grapes and grains like Bengal gram and black gram should be included in the diet.

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Raw vegetables & herbs play a part in stimulating the pancreas and enhancing insulin production.

Diabetes Life style

Avoid sleeping during daytime Avoid smoking Take adequate eye care Do exercise regularly Take extra care of your foot

Here are a few of my top recommended Ayurvedic herbs: 

  1 - Gymnema Leaf - Studies of

the effects of gymnema leaf have demonstrated its ability to support healthy insulin levels. In Hinduism, gymnema is called gurmar, which means “destroyer of sugar,” and research shows that this plant contains substances which decrease the absorption of sugar in the intestine. Gymnema may also increase the amount of insulin in the body and may enhance pancreatic cell growth, further benefiting insulin production in the body, as insulin is made in the pancreas.  

  2 - Cassia or Cinnamon -

Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic health systems have used Cassia cinnamon, or Chinese cinnamon, for thousands of years. Recent research indicates that cinnamon may reduce fasting blood sugar levels, with polyphenols that help maintain insulin sensitivity. It's one of the oldest known spices that

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comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree, and is dried and commonly rolled into cinnamon sticks that may be used in tea. Cinnamon can also be ground into a powder and sprinkled on foods for added flavor and spice. 

3 - Fenugreek Seed - Several

human intervention trials have also shown that fenugreek seeds positively affect metabolic health. Fenugreek seeds have a slightly bitter taste when raw, but when they are sprouted, the flavor becomes pungently sweet, adding a unique taste to salads and other foods. Fenugreek seeds may also be lightly dry roasted to enhance their flavor and reduce their bitterness.  

  4 - Holy Basil Leaf - Holy basil,

called Tulsi in India, is also widely used for a broad range of health conditions, including blood sugar imbalances, and is an essential herb in Ayurveda. Holy basil tea, dried leaves and extracts are widely available and used to aid meditation, correct internal imbalances, and strengthen overall health and well being.  

  These various herbs have a long

tradition of use in Ayurveda, to heal the body and harmonize the mind and spirit. The numerous beneficial compounds found within these botanicals offer strong antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, adaptogenic, and immune-enhancing properties, which

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effectively promote overall health and support the body's natural defenses. These time-tested ingredients have been shown in studies to support healthy blood glucose levels, reduce inflammation and help correct imbalances in the body, among other health benefits. For more valuable health information on traditionally used herbs and botanicals, visit dreliaz.org. 

Remedies for diabetes– 1] Diet planning- is the cornerstone of managing diabetes.The diabetic diet is an otherwise normal balanced diet, with a few modifications and proper spacing between food intakes. Avoid diet increasing kapha dosha such as sugar, fats, potatoes, rice. Avoid alcohol2] Daily exercise- One of the methods to heal prameha include strenuous exercises. Regular exercise in any form is a must. In 'Yogasanas' -Forward bending asanas like 'Paschimottanasan','Halasan' etc. are effective 3]Restrict and reduce weight.4] Avoid sleeping during daytime.5] Avoid smoking.6] Try to reduce stress by implimenting 'Yoga'practice.

Useful herbs for diabetes management–1] Jambhul (Eugenia jambolana)Powder from jamun core is useful. 2] Gurmar(gymnema sylvestre).3] Bitter Gourd/bitter melon (Momordica charantia) 4] Bel (Aegle marmelos).5] Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)6] Turmeric7] Neem.8] Triphala9] Shilajit

Useful drug formulations – 1]Chandrabrabha.2]Arogyavardhini. 3]Asanad tablets4] Shilajit Vati5Trivanga bhasma.6]Vasant Kusumakar Diet – Use barly ,Varee, Mung, Kulittha, Chickpeas, old rice, bitter gourd, Dodaka, dudhee gourd in diet. Roasted rice and wheat are more useful . Include 'Tikta ras' items in diet.

        In summation, diabetes is not just a lack of insulin. Its most probable cause is plain poor maintenance of your body. It 's cure will need to include all of these things discussed. By doing all, diet, herbs, exercise and stress management, we will be able to take care of a single problem Diabetis.

Benefits of Divya Madhu Nashini vati

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Divya Madhu Nashini vati is a wonderful diabetes herbal cure that helps in the treatment of diabetes in a natural way without affecting other organs.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati also helps in preventing complications that may be produced by high blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati also helps to balance blood pressure and eliminate toxic substances from the urine for optimum functioning of the kidneys.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati also helps in preventing heart diseases and provides optimum blood supply to the heart for normal functioning.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati is a wonderful remedy to prevent infections. It helps to prevent eye complications by providing essential herbs.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati helps to rejuvenate the skin cells and give fresh looking and clean skin. Divya Madhu Nashini vati also helps to boost up the immune system and prevent recurrent

infections in people suffering from diabetes. Divya Madhu Nashini vati also helps in controlling symptoms of diabetes such as frequent

urination at night, excessive thirst, desire for eating sugar, etc. Divya Madhu Nashini vati may be taken every day for a longer period of time as it is natural and

herbal remedy for diabetes and does not produce any harmful effects.

Therapeutic usesDivya Madhu Nashini vati is a wonderful diabetes ayurvedic cure that is recommended for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati naturally helps in balancing blood sugar and prevent complications.

Divya Madhu Nashini vati is a blend of ayurvedic herbs that supports normal functioning of the pancreas and stimulates it to secrete insulin.

Mode of administrationIt is recommended to take this herbal remedy half an hour before eating breakfast and before eating dinner. Take it with Luke warm water or milk.

People suffering from diabetes who take insulin should take this remedy for 3-4 weeks and then measure the level of blood glucose. If it becomes normal then start decreasing the dose of insulin

When you start reducing insulin and completely stop taking insulin injections then start reducing dosage of this remedy as well.

DosageOne to two tablets should be taken two times in a day

Life style changesPeople suffering from diabetes should make some lifestyle changes to balance blood sugar naturally. It is mostly seen in people who lead a sedentary life. People suffering from diabetes should go for regular walk of about 2-3 km every day. Regular exercise such as simple yoga exercise and meditation also helps in balancing blood sugar.

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Dietary changesIt is very beneficial to make dietary changes for people suffering from diabetes. Diabetic people should avoid eating sugar and sugar containing products completely. It is important to eliminate sugar from the diet to balance blood sugar and for the effectiveness of the remedy.

Selected fruits that contain less natural sugar content should be eaten. Fruits such as banana, grapes, and mango should be avoided. Diabetic people may eat apple, oranges, papaya, etc. because these contain less amount of natural sugar.

Fibrous diet is recommended for people suffering from diabetes as it is easily digestible and helps to keep normal functioning of the digestive system.

Intake of proteins should be increased because diabetic people may lose proteins in the urine due to dysfunction of the kidneys.

Home remedies for diabetes

Garlic is an effective herbal and home remedy for diabetic people. It helps to prevent recurrent infection and also helps to balance blood sugar naturally. Diabetic people should eat one to two cloves of garlic early in the morning empty stomach.

Take a glass of water and add two tea spoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Add a pinch of salt to the glass of water and drink this mixture every one hour before eating meal. It is a wonderful home remedy for diabetes.

Fenugreek seeds are also important home remedy for diabetes. One tea spoon of fenugreek seeds may be taken every morning with water to balance blood sugar.

Cinnamon powder is also a good home remedy for balancing blood sugar. Take one tea spoon cinnamon powder each morning to balance blood sugar.

Ayurvedic ViewIn Ayurveda, Diabetes Mellitus is known as Madhumeha (Madhu means ‘honey’ and Meha means ‘urine’). Medhumeha is categorized as Vataj Meha (a problem caused by aggravation of Vata or Air). Vata is an Ayurvedic humor symbolizing wind and dryness. Deterioration of the body is a characteristic that indicates impairment of Vata. Maximum deterioration of dhatus (body tissues) occurs in this type of disease and this is the reason why all vital organs are affected by Diabetes. The other prime cause of Diabetes Mellitus is impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to accumulation of specific digestive impurities which accumulate in the pancreatic cells and impair the production of insulin.

Ayurveda does not regard Diabetes as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. Madhumeha is classified as a Maha Rog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and more. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda – as against modern medicine – is aimed at rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring that no further complication is caused.

The Ayurvedic treatment for this disease is based on an entire change in the lifestyle of the person. Along with medication and diet, the patient is also advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and live an active life. Dietary and lifestyle changes rejuvenate the body’s cells and tissues, allowing them to produce insulin properly. Even mental aspects of the disease are stressed upon in Ayurveda. The medicines that are administered are therefore meant to keep the brain in its right manner of functioning.

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Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Include whole grains in the diet, such as wheat bread/pasta and brown rice. Cheese and yogurt prepared with skimmed (nonfat) milk may be taken. Use garlic, onion, bitter gourd, spinach, raw banana, and black plum. Make a flour mixture of 1 part barley, 1 part black chickpeas, and 4 parts whole-wheat flour and

use this to form pancakes and bread. Avoid sweet, sour, and salty foods, potatoes, sweet potatoes, colocasia (taro), yams, fresh grains

and pulses (legumes), whole yogurt (high in fat), and heavy, oily and spicy foods. Avoid sweet fruits like pineapple, grapes, mangoes, etc. Start doing some light exercise, such as brisk walking. Build up to a brisk walk of 30-40 minutes

in the morning and again in the evening. Avoid sleeping in the daytime as it increases Kledaka Kapha.

Some Home Remedies

Take 2 teaspoons of bitter gourd (karela) juice once a day. One can also increase its use as a cooked vegetable.

Take 1 teaspoon of the powder of fenugreek seeds twice a day with water. Take 1 teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of bitter gourd juice

twice a day.