Diabetes and Treatment

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Diabetes and treatment

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What is diabetes?A disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Normal sugar level in blood should be 70-100 mg/dl. Increase of sugar count above 110 mg/dl is called diabetes.Causes Genetic factors if one of your parents is a diabetic, your chances of being one by the time you turn 40, are 40%. Excessive consumption of alcohol, fats or sugar, overweight, drugs.Symptoms The commonest symptoms of diabetes are unusual thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight despite increased appetite and food intake, weakness and drowsiness, reducing vision and often itching and boils. There is not absolute cure for diabetes; but it can be almost completely controlled.Recommendations For diabetes, diet restriction and light exercise like walking is a must as this controls the sugar level. A tablespoon of amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd (karela) juice taken daily for 2 months will reduce blood sugar. Dry tender leaves of the mango tree in shade. Powder and preserve them. Half a teaspoon of this powder twice a d ay in the morning and evening proves beneficial. Coarsely powder fenugreek seeds (methi dana) and have 1-2 teaspoons in the morning everyday. (Vary dosage according to individual tolerance level). Eating 10 fresh fully grown curry leves (kari patta) every morning for 3 months is said to prevent diabetes due to hereditary factors. Chew 8-10 basil (tulsi) leaves in the morning.Guidelines of a Diabetes Diet Use the following fruits and vegetables sparingly and with caution: carrots (gajar), peas (matar), beans, sweet potato (shakarkandi), beetroot (chukandar), potatoes, jackfruit (kathal), banana, grapes (angoor), cheeku, leechi, custard apple (sharifa), dry fruits, mango, raisins (kishmish). Eat plenty of vegetables like lettuce (salaad patta), tomato and fruits. Foods rich in fibre should be preferred. Daily intake of calories should be restricted. Use proteins moderately. Milk and nuts intake to be restricted to the minimum whereas have plenty of curd and buttermilk (chhachh). Avoid all refined foods and sweets. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Three grapefruits taken 3 times a day by a diabetic (one who is not on insulin) will help him to get his sugar under control. In the juice form it is recommended that a diabetic consume a litre of grape juice a day.More suggestions to control diabetes Grind 4 tender green leaves of jamun with cup water. Strain and drink early morning for 10 days. After this have it for 10 days after every 2 months. It controls urine sugar. Take 60 gm (1/2 cup) of good, ripe jamun. Boil 1 cups water. Add the jamuns to it and keep covered for 30 minutes. Mash the fruit well after 30 minutes and strain. Divide it into 3 parts and have 1 part each time, thrice a day. Take the seeds of jamun and peel to get the kernel from the seeds (guthli ki giri). Dry the kernels in the shade and grind to a powder. Take every morning and evening, teaspoon with fresh water. Continue taking for 21 days. Dry some neem leaves in the shade for 2 or 3 days, powder them and store in a jar. Before going to bed at night, dissolve 1 teaspoonful of this powder in hot milk together with a few pinches of powdered cumin (jeera) and carom seeds (ajwain) for 30 days or more. It is good for diabetic patients if they frequently eat bitter gourd (karela). This will decidedly control diabetes and its complications. Frequently drinking the juice out of the leaves of the bitter gourd vine is also as effective. Eating dates (khajoor) helps to control diabetes. The sweetness of dates is harmless to diabetic patients.Three ways to prevent diabetes Normalize body weight in relation to age and height. Walk briskly at least 4 kms a day. Control alcohol intake, kick the smoking habit and recue dependence on drugs.

1.Asafoetida(Hing): Medicinal Properties: Diabetes: Mix 1/4 tsp hing powder in 2 tsp bitter gourd juice.Take twice a day.DiabetesThe commonest symptoms of diabetes are . Unusual thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight despite increased appetite and food intake, weakness and drowsiness, and often itching and boils.There is no absolute cure for diabetes; but. it can be almost completely contolled.An effective control for diabetes is as follows : Dry some neem leaves in the shade for 2 or 3 days, powder them and store in a jar. The diabetic patient should take one teaspoon of this powder together with a few pinches of powdered jeera (cummin) and voma (ajwain) dissolved in hot milk before going to bed in the night fo r 30 days or more.The juice of nerale fruit (jarnun) is good for giving much relief to diabetics. Diabetes can also be completely controlled by the following treatment: Take seeds ofnerale(jambulana), dry them well and heat them a little by slightly frying, and powder them fine. Boil I tsp. of this powder in a small cup of water and daily drink it early in the morning for 21 days.Grind a few leaves of the white variety of the periwinkle flower plant and prepare a chutney and give it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to the diabetic patient for 21 days and the malady will be effectively controlled.To control diabetes : . Take a few dry twigs of kiryatha (available in ayurvedic shops), powder them well, soak the powder in water over-night, strain it in the morning and let the diabetic patient drink this strained liquid first thing in the morning for 21 days.Take 10 gms by weight of the leaves of thumbe plant and grind them along with 2 peppercorns and a little water and let the patient eat it for 21 days.Daily drink decoction (kasaya) out of the slightly fried and powdered seeds of Cassia tora (thajank; thagate, thaikulo) for 21 days.It is good for diabetic patients if they frequently eat bitter gourd together with its cooked liquid as a vegetarian dish. This will decidedly control diabetes and its complications.Frequently drinking the decoction out of the leaves of the bitter gourd vine is also as effective. Take 225 gms. of whole wheat and soak it over-night in water and finely grind it in the morning along with 34 peppercorns or 15 gms. of green ginger, add the same over-night water, stir it well, strain it, and drink it first thing in the morning for 21 days to control diabetes.Diabetes can be effectively controlled if the patient daily drinks 10 gms. of the juice extracted out of the leaves of bilva patre.Diabetes can be controlled by daily drinking 20 gms. of the decoction (kasayam)- prepared by boiling in water the nelanelli plant together with its leaves, stem and roots.Take the inner middle part of the plantain tree, dry it well and pound [it to a powder, sift, and sieve it and store. Take 5 gms. of this powder and letthe diabetic patient eat it followed by a little water daily for 21 days.Diabetes can be effectively controlled by the in take of the decoction prepared by boiling neem leaves in water at the rate of 2 tbsps of it at a time early in the morning 3 4 times in a week.Drinking the sherbath (shake) made out of dates or eating date fruits (kajoor) helps to control diabetes. The sweetness of dates is harmless to diabetic patients.A tablespoon ful of the fresh juice of methi leaves taken early in the morning regularly for. 3 months cures the early stages of diabetes and control sit in later stages.Diabetic ulcers (carbuncles) can be cured more effectively than costly antibiotics by the following herbal treatment : The root of the plant called bhighna in Bengal is washed with distilled water and then crushed to prepare a paste which is applied on the carbuncle. The paste is changed every 12 hours; the acute pain and burning sensation subsides within 2 or 3 days. Discharge from the wound stops within 810 .days arid heals up within 15 to 20 days.

Home Remedies:--1. Make juice of one cucumber, one tomato and one bitter gourd. The juice should be taken in morning, empty stomach everyday. To this you can add seven leaves of NEEM and seven flowers of Sada bahar (Vinca rosea) it will reduce your sugar level.2. Chew seven flowers of sada bahar or seven leaves of neem, empty stomach in the morning with water.3. one spoon of Indian Black berry (Jamun) seed powder when taken on empty stomach every morning helps to control diabetes4. Soak 2 gm of fenugreek seed in water for overnight and drink that water early morning is very helpful to control diabetes.5. take 500 gm each of wheat, rice, pearl millet and green gram; Warm/Roast them slightly and grind them to make a porridge. Add 20 gm of ajwain (Carum copticum) and 50 gm of white til (Sesamum indicum) in it. Now boil 50 gm of this porridge in 400ml/700ml of water. To taste add some green chillies, ginger, coriander. If this porridge is taken every day for one month, it can control diabetes effectively.