Differences Between SEE,,Danny

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  • 8/17/2019 Differences Between SEE,,Danny


    Differences between SEE, WATCH and


    1. See: stative use, the action is involuntary .

    "to see" --> ver (percibir alg pr el

    sentid de la vista!

     I see very well without glasses

    2. Watc": when it is an action that continues

    over a period of time and we do it

    deliberately .You can watch or look at a

    moving obect. !atch is always related

    to #ve$ent%

    "to watch" --> bservar&vigilar (pner

    n'estra atencin vis'al en alg d'rante

    'n tie$p para t$ar nta de s'

    evl'cin ca$bi seg)n pasa dic"


     Do you have to watch me eating my supper?

    . L*  deliberately and with attention . You

    can look at a stationary obect but you can#t

    watch it."to look" --> $irar (dirigir

    vl'ntaria$ente n'estra atencin!% Look at this card that John's just sent.

    +W"en tal*ing ab't fil$s, plas,

    televisin etc% watc" and see are al$st


    +'ss idi$-tic .watc". se 'sa cn la

    tele  .see. cn el cine%