Digital Elevation Analysis to Characterize Surface Mining in West Virginia Michael Shank

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Digital Elevation Analysis to Characterize Surface Mining in West Virginia Michael Shank West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. 1. Visibility Estimation Using IFSAR DSM. 2. DEM Change Detection to Identify Valley Fills. 3. Extracting Mining Highwalls from LIDAR. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Digital Elevation Analysis to Characterize Surface Mining in West Virginia

    Michael Shank

    West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

  • Visibility Estimation Using IFSAR DSM

  • DEM Change Detection to Identify Valley Fills

  • Final fill inventory included over 1,300 valley fills, refuse fills, and slurry impoundments.

    The study identified over 500 fills that were not present in the DEPs fill inventory compiled from available permit maps.

  • Extracting Mining Highwalls from LIDAR

  • The analysis identified over 150 miles of highwalls not currently in the inventory, effectively doubling the current amount.

  • Project to evaluate the visibility of a proposed surface mine near the new river gorge national river (a unit of the national park service)

    WVDEP uses X-band RADAR is for visualization because it models tree canopy.

    WVDEP has 10 counties of IFSAR data for southern West Virginia, and has used it several times to access visibility of mining operations.

    Data was acquired by intermap, who files a modified lear jet at high altitudes to capture a 10km wide swath of data in a single pass.The data products is a 5-meter grid exhibiting 1-2m RMSE vertical accuracy, varying by slope

    *Proposed mine permit is outlined in yellow.

    The inset shows the rough texture of the X-Band RADAR, modeling the tree canopy. Inside the permit boundary, the SAMB elevation dataset was used to model the surface of the disturbed areaAfter trees were removed. The area of mineral removal was modeled as a flat plane at the approximate base of the coal seam. This maximized the potential visibility of the mineral removal area

    ESRI Viewshed command calculates how many points in the input file are visible at each grid cell in the study area

    If the input file is a regular grid of points overlaid on the proposed mine site, the output willrepresent how much of the mine will be visible at each point in the study area

    If each input point is assumed to represent the center of a cell of a constant size, the total numberof points visible can be multiplied by the sell area to obtain a rough estimate of the number ofacres that are visible at a particular point.

    *Initial difference grid. Red indicates elevation loss, blue indicates elevation gain*Results following the application of the forest mask and an error threshold, Which isolated cut/fill areas, but included a significant number of error artifacts*Potential fills, with cut areas removed*Vectorized fill candidates.

    Numerous metrics were associated with each vector polygon to separate actual fills from error artifacts,Including proximity a cut area, variance in depth, minimum and maximum depth, and percentage of a fill that drained to a single point.

    The metrics assisted in eliminating obvious errors and identifying obvious fills, but no foolproof rule set was found that separated the two automatically. Processing was conducted to eliminate errors of omission as much as possible, with the last error artifacts removed by manual inspection.*

    Final fill inventory, comprising over 1,300 valley fills, refuse fills, and slurry impoundments. The study identified over 500 fills that were not present in the DEPs fill inventory compiled from available permit maps.

    Represents the first application I am aware of that applies change detection principles to multi-date elevation data.

    **Cross section of highwalls created from contour auger mining.*Hillshade representation of highwalls created from mining two approximately horizontal coal seams.*Slope map of the same area.*Slopes over 45 degrees, which effectively isolate highwall features.*Result after running ESRIs THIN command and converting to vector lines. This command greatly simplified the process of creating a vector-based highwall inventory.

    A series of metrics was used to significantly reduce the initial candidate set and isolate actual highwalls. These included, average change in elevation, and average distance to an area of less than 10 percent slope.

    *After removing error artifacts, estimates of height and slope were calculated for each highwall segment, a program created perpendicular line segments that were clipped to areas greater than 45-degrees slope.The height of the highwall, and the slope, was calculated by sampling elevation at the endpoints of the clipped line, and these values were assigned to the associated segment.

    *Final highwall database, showing the estimated height of individual highwall segments.*Comparison with the existing highwall inventory. Lower left shows new highwall segments not currently in the highwall inventoryUpper right shows the refined detail that the analysis provided over the generalized representations in the current inventory.The analysis identified over 150 miles of highwalls not currently in the inventory, effectively doubling the current amount.
