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Digital Document Presentation

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Classroom Community

Initial Perspective

When it comes to classroom community I believe that the structure and overall attitude of the classroom can either hinder or help your students. I believe that teachers should construct a classroom where everyone feels welcome and that each person feels appreciated. Unfortunately, I feel that society as well as the curriculum does not allow teachers to create this community because they are so focused on testing and have to pull kids aside because they are on different levels. There is no unity and no respect among students and teachers

Same Perspective

I maintain my belief that classroom structure plays a big role in a students education and that presently, it is very difficult for teachers to create this tight knit community with the stress of testing and strict curriculum.

I feel this way based on my observations in my classroom. A classroom that has no respect for one another and no unity.

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Classroom Community

Why I think this?

Reading the text reinforced my opinions on the importance of respect and a positive atmosphere.

On page 189 it says: “Make respect central to your classroom culture. Make it clear that you care about tour students and that your class will lead to real learning that will benefit them.”

How will this influence my

teaching career?

I believe this insight into the importance of classroom community will help me as a future teacher create a strong classroom community.

I will take the tips I learned in this class as well as in the reading to ensure I create a welcoming and beneficial environment for my students.

To build a sense of community, develop rules collaboratively with your students and be very clear about these.” pg 189

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At Risk Students

When it comes to at risk students I feel that teachers as well as society do not help them as much as they need. We understand that yes some students are at a higher risk of not completing a grade but what do we actually do about it? We are so focused on the curriculum and getting ready for testingt that sometimes these kids get lost in the shuffle. Teachers I feel may not always have the patience with these students because it takes more work to help them grasp a concept.

I have a changed perspective on at risk students because I realized that all students need and want the same things. We may label them “at risk” but when it comes down to it they all need Maslows Hierarchy of needs. It is up to the teacher to figure out how to give each student what they need possibly in different ways.

Changed Perspective

Initial Perspective

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At Risk Students

Why I think this?

After this lecture on Maslows Hierarchy, I reflected back onto my field experience and realized that my teacher differentiates students based on academic standing but doesn’t fulfill their emotional or psychological needs. I believe a way to meet a students common needs is to get to know them and discover what motivates them and what they enjoy.

How will this influence my

teaching career?

Learning Maslows Hierarchy has opened my mind to each students needs and will make me very wary of how I fulfill those needs of my students.

As a future teacher I will get to know my students and connect with them on a deeper level. And will be able to understand the different ways their needs can be met.

“learn as much as you can about your students and make connections to their lived experiences” pg. 189

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Initial Perspective

When it comes to Technology I believe that it is under used in the school system. I think teachers could make much more interesting and engaging lessons if they used more technology whether it is smart boards or computers or something as simple as Google earth. Any thing that sparks kids interest I believe would be beneficial.

New Perspective

After watching the Social Media video I realize that every aspect of the internet and technology can be used to reflect and enrich education. It all doesn’t have to be purely for research. Students can use technology to understand cultures and teachers can use technology to help students develop their own view points and creativity. Additionally, I realized standardized testing is stalling the use of individual and creative thinking that technology embraces

technology video we watched in class

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Types of Technology used in the classroom

Assistive technology

Blended learning

Flipped classroom

Hybrid teaching

Podcast, Pinterest, tiwtter

Virtual learning

How will this influence my

teaching career?

I now strongly believe that incorporating technology into the classroom will benefit the students and as a future teacher I will try my best to incorporate it into the curriculum and make it relevant to the students. That means I also will have to become tech savy and stay updated on new technology trends in education.

“Build students confidence in their own intelligence and creativity.” page 189

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Initial Perspective

When it comes to Professionalism, I originally thought it meant treating people with respect and acting like a professional. I didn’t realize it was talking about whether society perceives them as professionals.

Teachers Contract from 1920

After discussing the topic in class and looking at the teacher’s contract from 1920’s I realized the enormous pressure placed on teachers.

The contract made women seem flawless and perfect. They could only be a teacher and could not do anything else.

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Conflicting Roles

We also discussed how teachers are currently portrayed in the media and television and the conflicting roles that are presented.

Teachers are either a saint or a sinner. Boring or inspirational. Mean or Heroic.


My question is how are teachers suppose to meet the enormous expectations placed on the?

How are we suppose to make society see teaching as a credible profession when there are so many stereotypes and conflicting roles

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How to find the Answers?

I believe a way to answer my questions is to portray great teachers in the media so that society sees teachers in a real light instead of what they see in the movies.

Additionally, I believe that the pursuit of higher excellence and knowledge among teachers will help change the way people view the profession.

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