Digital Forensics in Fraud Investigations

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  • 8/4/2019 Digital Forensics in Fraud Investigations


  • 8/4/2019 Digital Forensics in Fraud Investigations



    Computer crime statistics

    Case studies

    Internal attacks Introduction to computer forensics

    w w w . n i i c o n s u l t i n g . c o mConfidential

    e o o ogy Tools

    Proactive measures


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    CSI/FBI Survey Crime Statistics

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    Selected Costs

    Sasser: Clean-up: $1billion+ and growing

    SirCam: 2.3 million computers affected Clean-up: $460 million

    Lost productivity: $757 million

    Code Red: 1 million com uters affected

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    Clean-up: $1.1 billion Lost productivity: $1.5 billion

    Love Bug: 50 variants, 40 million computers

    affected $8.7 billion for clean-up and lost productivity

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    Attack Trends Overview

    Automation: increasing speed of attacks

    Increasingly sophisticated attack tools

    Faster discovery of vulnerabilities

    Increasing permeability of firewalls

    Increasingly asymmetric threats

    w w w . n i i c o n s u l t i n g . c o mConfidential

    vcustomized software

    Due to lack of standard forensicsmethodology in India, evidence collection isfaulty

    Time gap between a vendor patch, and thevirus/worm is now only 17 days!

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    Case Studies


    w w w . n i i co n s u l t I n g . c o m

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    Investigating email header

    SamSpade Demo

    All emails carry the senders IP address

    This is used to find out his ISP (InternetService Provider)

    The ISPs maintain logs about everyone,

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    and are able to pin-point to the sourcePC

    But it could be in a cyber-caf, or an

    unsuspecting user whos PC the hackercompromised, or some PC in Russia!

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    Case study 1

    Presented information to Cyber Crime Cell

    They sent formal letters to the concerned ISPand the Mail Service Provider (Indiatimes,Yahoo, Hotmail, Rediffmail, etc.)

    ISP replied back within 72 hours

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    Mail Service Provider gave access to thesenders account

    ISP information showed the source IP

    address was of the Internet connection givento a competing telecom company

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    Case study 1

    We collected a list of all separations from theclient for the period covering the emails

    Took the list to the competitor along with theCyber Crime Cells Sub-inspector

    They told us one name matched that list the

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    y y That person was the actual sender

    Called in for gentle persuasion a confession

    Client chose not to pursue a legal case, butlet her off with a stern warning

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    Case study 2

    Cyber Crime Cell site itself was hacked

    Site was hosted by a third-party web

    hosting company The logs of the server showed a

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    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service

    Then a successful login attempt

    Then a file transfer of the mainindex.htm file

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    Case study 2

    The IP address was similarly traced to theInternet Service Provider

    From the ISP to a cyber caf

    Seemed like a dead-end The cyber caf owner and engineer were

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    There was no record of who had come to thecyber caf on that day

    Hacker calls up Sub-Inspectors and taunts

    him Reveals his name as Dr. Neukar

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    Case study 2

    Internet search reveals the home pageof Dr. Neukar with his picture on it!!

    Police take that, and he is immediatelyrecognized as someone in the vicinity

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    Case pending in court

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    Case Study 3 Phishing

    The act of sending an e-mail to a user falselyclaiming to be an established legitimateenterprise in an attempt to scam the user into

    surrendering private information that will beused for identity theft.

    The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site

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    w ere ey are as e o up a e personainformation, such as passwords and creditcard, social security, and bank accountnumbers, that the legitimate organization

    already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up

    only to steal the users information.

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    Case Study 3 - Phishing

    It is easy to make the bogus site looklike the original site by copying and

    replicating the HTML code of the page These scams have affected:

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    Citibank Phishing attack

    Users sent email, informing that theircredit card will expire due to various

    reasons, and they need to re-authenticate, by clicking on:

    htt :// iU 3027 c

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    The user would actually see something

    like this:

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    w w w . n i i c o n s u l t i n g . c o mConfidential

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    Citibank Phishing

    The site in the background is

    The window in the front belongs to a Russianhacker group.

    When some user actually enters those

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    , y

    Message is shown, saying Informationentered correctly, credit card will NOT be

    expired But it will surely be heavily misused!

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    Cyber Crime Investigation


    w w w . n i i co n s u l t I n g . c o m

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    Attack Trends Overview

    Automation: increasing speed of attacks

    Increasingly sophisticated attack tools

    Faster discovery of vulnerabilities Increasing permeability of firewalls

    w w w . n i i c o n s u l t i n g . c o mConfidential

    ncreas ng y asymme r c rea Increasing threat from infrastructure


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    What is computer forensics?

    Computer forensics involves the preservation,identification, extraction, documentation, andinterpretation of computer media forevidentiary and/or root cause analysis.

    Arose as a result of the growing problem of

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    Forensics experts follow clear, well-definedmythologies and procedures

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    Computer forensics when?

    A year or more after an individual leftthe company

    After the hard drive has been formatted To recover critical emails off of a hard

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    Data Hiding

    There are several techniques that intrudersmay hide data. Obfuscating data through encryption and


    Hiding through codes, steganoraphy, name

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    embedding, obscurity and nonames on files Blinding investigators through changing behaviorof system commands and modifying operatingsystems.

    Use commonly known tools to overcome

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    The practice of hiding a message within alarger one in such a way that others cannotdiscern the presence or contents of the

    hidden message. Can be used for legitimate purpose like

    copyright protection

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    However used mostly for illegitimate reasons- To steal data by concealing it in another fileand send it out as email attachment

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    Tools are freely available for steganographyF5 hides messages in JPEG files

    SecureEngine hides text files in larger text

    filesMP3Stego hides files in MP3 files

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    There is no spicific answer. A preventive step- A corporate security policy

    restricting installation of unauthorized


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    Alternate Data Streams - ADS

    Based on the concept of file-fork Contains link to resources

    Can be used to hide data, as ads files are

    hidden Example

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    text files, movies, sound files, executables,etc

    Detection using tools like ScanADS, etc

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    What can Disk Forensics do?

    Recovers: Deleted files


    Cryptographic keys

    Analyzes file access, modification andcreation times.

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    Views/analyzes: System logs

    Application logs

    May determine users or applications systemactivity.

    Analyze e-mails for source information and


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    Basic Methodology

    Without altering or damaging originalsource, acquire evidence

    Authenticate that recovered evidence isthe same as the original.

    Establish audit trail of all processes

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    app e o compu er ase ev ence. Must be third party repeatable

    Analyze the data without modifying it.

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    Failure to utilize appropriate methodologiesmay prevent successful prosecution

    May cost your organization $4.3 Million!

    Failure to maintain evidence integrity mayinvalidate the evidence.

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    without your evidence, you may not be able toprove it in court.

    For further information, consult the ACPO GoodPractices Guide.

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    Computer Forensics Development

    Disk Forensics Well developed

    System Forensics O/S Dependent

    Network Forensics

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    Includes ID systems Internet Forensics

    Includes ISP logs etc.

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    Disk Forensics

    Requires (bit-stream) Image copies Include slack, unallocated space, and

    deleted file fragments.

    Investigating officers must be able todemonstrate com liance with evidence

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    rules Integrity can be demonstrated with a

    message digest.

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    Network Forensics

    Evidence collected from normal operation Logs Intrusion Detection Systems

    Evidence collected in specific surveillance Extended logs Sniffers

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    addresses DataLink headers contain source and

    destination MAC addresses

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    Sniffer output - Ethreal

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    Computer Addresses

    Logical or IP addresses Public IP addresses are assigned by ARIN

    Physical or MAC addresses MAC addresses are burned in and have

    been used to identif a articular com uter

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    Melissa and the Love Bug Viruses wereidentified this way

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    Investigating email header

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    Di i l E id lif l

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    Digital Evidence life cycle

    Evidence Life Cycle

    Discovery and recognition


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    Recording Collection


    Preservation Transportation

    Presentation in court

    Return to owner

    Di it l id

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    Digital evidence

    Digital evidence must be authentic and mustbe able to be proven that it has not beenmodified

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    R l f E id

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    Rules of Evidence

    Distinguish between hearsay and directevidence

    Require proof of authenticity and integrity

    Chain of custody requires that: No information has been added or changed A complete copy was made A reliable copying process was used

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    All media was secured. A Message Digest can demonstrationIntegrity

    A digital signature can demonstrate

    Authentication and Non Repudiation

    C P bl

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    Common Problems

    No established incident response team. Evidence compromised while it was gathered

    No established incident response policies

    Evidence may be compromised prior to gathering Inappropriate methodology

    Peer review

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    Broken chain of custody Appropriate evidence was gathered but can not be

    presented in court

    C i l F i T l

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    Commercial Forensics Tools

    Tools and Vendors include: EnCase

    Guidance Software Pasadena, CA SafeBack

    New Technolo ies Inc. NTI

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    Gresham, Oregon

    Other Forensic Tools

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    Other Forensic Tools

    Linux DD

    Used by FBI, among other tools, in Zacarias Moussaouis Case

    Coroners Tool Kit (CTK) By Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema

    w w w . n i i c o n s u l t i n g . c o mConfidential

    Used for investigating Unix systems

    Winhex State-of-the-Art Software Inexpensive hex, disk, and RAM editor.

    Data analysis features include identification of certain file types(such as images) in unknown data, like that of recovered files.

    Includes drive imaging and deleted data recovery capabilities.

    MD5Sum, 128 bit Message Digest generator

    Internet Data Incident Response

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    Restore service safely Estimate extent and cost of incident

    Identify source of attack and their motivation

    Deter future crime Recover loss

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    Conduct due diligence

    Assume corporate responsibility

    Increase understanding of securitylandscape.

    Roles and Responsibilities

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    Roles and Responsibilities

    To facilitate teamwork the organizations roles

    must be assigned as fallows: Corporate security and incident team

    Security investigator

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    Emergency response core team

    Application owner

    Application developer

    System owner/administrator

    Network administrator Firewall administrator

    Security consultants

    What needs to be a forensics expert

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    ? Operating systems (Windows, Linux,

    Unix, Sun, etc)

    Database Servers (Oracle, MS SQLserver, Sybase, etc)

    Web Servers (Apache, IIS, etc)

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    Firewalls, IDS, Routers, etc Forensics Tools

    Jack of all trades

    What needs to be a forensics expert

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    Patience to sit in front of the computerand analyze data that could take aconsiderable amount of time

    Nothing like & finishforensics.

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    With the new attack vectors beingintroduced every days.

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    Internal Attackers


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    The Rogue Internal User

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    The Rogue Internal User

    Internal users are most dangerous They have much higher knowledge

    levels about the system than anoutsider

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    is They sometimes have much more

    motivation to cause damage than anoutsider does

    Types of rogue users

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    Types of rogue users

    The Malicious user About to quit his job, or be fired, isnt too happy

    with the company, and wants to leave his mark

    The Curious user Has some free time, wants to explore around and

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    The Ignorant user Has less ideas about how the systems work, might

    accidentally delete a critical file, or enter wrong


    Tracking the rogue internal user

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    Tracking the rogue internal user

    Places to look at: Browser history, such as that of Internet

    Explorer Demo

    Cookies folder shows which sites he hasvisited - Demo

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    Documents and Settings folder Demo Recent file lists of Office applications, such

    as Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. Demo

    Nethood folder shows recent networkshares accessed by the user Demo

    Tools to track the rogue user

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    Tools to track the rogue user

    Keylogger Tracks all the keystrokes typed by the user

    Emails them to a pre-determined email address

    Captures everything, including passwords Can be detected by an anti-virus software

    Network servers

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    See the Internet web sites visited from that usersIP address

    See the files downloaded or accessed from centralservers by that user

    Watch out for multiple failed login attempts fromthat users PC

    Surveillance Software

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    Surveillance Software

    Most effective tools to monitor asuspicious user

    These software run transparently in the

    background, and capture: Users keystrokes

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    creen snaps ots

    Emails sent

    Attachments sent via email

    Instant messenger conversations Send this information to a remote server

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    Fooling the internal user

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    Social Engineering One of the most prevalent attack techniques

    The attacker will use flattery, persuasion, show of

    authority, or build a rapport to extract criticalinformation from the user

    Could also be used to fool users into revealing or

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    changing their passwords attacker impersonatessystem administrator

    Could be done via a faked email asking all usersto set their passwords to password. At least 5%

    users will fall victim to such pranks (see phishing)