“Digitizing Yourself into the Internet Community”

“Digitizing Yourself into the Internet Community”

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“Digitizing Yourself into the Internet Community”



Established the “Digitizing Yourself into the Internet Community” program

Classes Offered

Web Document SharingWeb Photo and Video SharingWeb PublishingWeb Social Networking


Web Document Sharing: 95% demonstrated the ability to share web documents using Google’s docs 95% reported the classes useful

Web Photo and Video Sharing: 100% of participants created and uploaded a photo album on Picasa

Outcomes (cont.)

Web Publishing:90% created a free website either using Wordpress or Blogger.

Web Social Networking: 98% created an account with either Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn

What’s next?

Continue offering computer classes on a weekly basis

Establish a Tech Desk

Provide one-on-one computer assistance