Digivu User Instructions Page - 2 Digivu User Instructions

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Page 1: Digivu User Instructions Page - 2 Digivu User Instructions
Page 2: Digivu User Instructions Page - 2 Digivu User Instructions

Digivu User Instructions Page - 2

Digivu Quick Start Guide

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Digivu User Instructions Page - 5

Digivu Functions 6

Connecting to a Vehicle Unit 6

Digivu Internal Memory 7

Installing DigiConnect Windows® software 8

Connecting the digivu to your PC 9

Accessing the Functions Menu on Your PC 10

Viewing ,les on the digivu using DigiConnect 10

Management of digivu ,les via your PC 10-11

View Archive Folder on PC 11

Digivu con,guration via DigiConnect Software 12-13

Information on TREPS 13

DigiConnect Software Options 14-15

Upgrading your digivu – Firmware updates 15

Resetting your digivu after an upgrade problem 15

PC Connectivity Troubleshooting 18-19

Assigning a COM Port using Windows® 19

Vehicle Unit connectivity issues 19

Quick Start Guide 2

Digivu+ overview 16

Digivu+ battery replacement 16

Download a Driver Card using digivu+ 17

Table of contents

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digivu - Device Instructions

Digivu User Instructions Page - 6


• digivu

• USB Docking Station

• USB Cable

• DigiConnect software CD

digivu controls





VU Connection


digivu Functions

Connecting digivu to the Vehicle Tachograph Unit

Insert a valid Company Card into Slot 1 or Slot 2 of the Vehicle Tachograph.

Insert the digivu into the appropriate

download socket of your speci,c

Tachograph unit as indicated.

The digivu is powered by the


Digivu User Instructions Page - 7

Activity and Memory LEDs

digivu internal memory

digivu has 16MB of internal memory which on average will store 120+ VU data

,les. The indicator shows a green LED for su<cient memory, an orange LED for

75% used memory and a red light indicates that there is insu<cient space for

the current download.

Your DigiConnect con,guration software allows you to set the digivu to

automatically overwrite its oldest ,les (see Page 12, Fig 6). In this mode the

digivu no longer needs to indicate that there is insu<cient space. Only use this

setting if you are regularly archiving and managing your data e<ciently.

digivu activity LED

When your digivu is connected to a VU the Download Activity LED will indicate

the current stage of the download process. A Aashing orange LED indicates

that the digivu and the Vehicle Unit are communicating. A red LED indicates an

error in the download process see page 19 ‘Vehicle Unit Connectivity Issues’ for

more information. A green LED indicates your download has been successful.

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DigiConnect Windows® Software

Digivu User Instructions Page - 8

Minimum Recommended PC Speci,cation

Processor: Intel P4 1.4GHz, AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz

Memory: 512Mbytes

Hard disk: 40 Gbytes

Video Resolution: 1024 x 768

Operating Systems: Windows XP SP2 / Vista SP1/ Windows 7

In order to load the supplied software you must have a CD or DVD

Drive. In order to connect the digivu to your PC you must have an

available USB connection.

Installing the DigiConnect Windows® Software

1. Insert the CD provided into your optical disk drive. It will run automati-

cally and a dialog box will appear. If the auto-run feature is disabled on

your system the program will fail to load automatically. Please browse to

the disk using Windows® Explorer and double-click Setup.exe.

2. If you have a multilingual version of digiconnect you will now be

prompted for your language. Please select from the list and then click


3. You will receive a welcome message, simply click ‘next’.

4. Read the terms of the Licence Agreement then click on the ’I accept the

terms in the Licence agreement’ option and then click ‘next’. If you

choose to not accept the terms the installation will be terminated.

5. Choose the folder in which you wish the software program ,les to be

installed. The default folder is the standard location for Windows® pro-

grams. Click ‘next’.

6. Click ‘Install’ to begin the actual installation. This may take several


7. Finally leave the box labelled ‘Launch DigiConnect’ ticked and click


8. Now follow the instructions for ’Connecting the digivu to your PC’ on

page 9.

Important: do not connect any of the cabling provided with the digivu before com-

mencing the software installation.

DigiConnect Windows® Software v2.22

Digivu User Instructions Page - 9

Connecting the digivu to your PC

1. Connect the standard USB cable supplied, to a free USB socket on your

PC. The end of the USB cable as shown in Fig 1. should be connected to

the socket on the back of the USB digidock shown in Fig 2.

2. Insert your digivu into the docking station as indicated in Fig 3. If you

are connecting for the ,rst time a Red LED will display in the Activity

Window of the digivu.

3. Wait until a RED LED appears in the activity window of the digivu. You

may now click Next in the ‘Get Connected’ wizard. Your digivu will be

automatically detected. Click Finish and you will be presented with the

digiconnect Options screen. Refer to page 14 ‘digiconnect options’ to

apply your preferred settings.

4. Once you have applied your preferred options, successful connection to

the digivu will be indicated by a Green LED in the activity window of the

digivu. An Icon of a wheel with a green tick in it should appear in the

system tray of your PC. An icon of a wheel with a red cross indicates a

connection problem.

If you are having problems connecting to your digivu then refer to ‘PC Connec-

tivity Troubleshooting’ on page 18.

Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

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DigiConnect Windows® Software

Digivu User Instructions Page - 10

Fig 4.

DigiConnect - Accessing the functions menu on your PC

To access all of the functions within your DigiConnect PC software Right Click

the DigiConnect icon visible in the right lower corner of your screen (system

tray) on the Task Bar. The icon may be hidden and will be revealed by clicking

on the left pointing arrow head on the Task Bar, bottom right of your screen.

Please bear in mind that if you have moved your Task Bar these instructions will

need modifying accordingly. The digivu must be connected to your PC for the

functions menu to be activated (see ‘Connecting the digivu to your PC’ on page


DigiConnect – View Files on Device: digivu comes with its own ,le browser

software to enable you to manage the ,les that are held on the digivu via your

PC. This is particularly useful for where you have opted for Manual Download

within the Archive Settings. Select the ‘View Files on Device’ option and you

will be presented with the ,le browser screen as shown in Fig 4.

File Types: A summary of the quantity of ,les by type is shown in the

File Types section. You can click on ‘Driver Card’ or ‘Vehicle Unit’ to

restrict the ,le list to a particular type.

File Management:

1. Upload: allows you to upload ,les from your PC’s hard drive to

the digivu’s internal memory. Please bear in mind that the

digivu is designed for the storage of Driver Card and Vehicle

Unit ,les. It is not an appropriate medium for the mass storage

of other types of ,le.

Digivu User Instructions Page - 11

2. Download: you can highlight any ,le in the ,le window and click

‘Download’. This will prompt you for a location and ,le name in

which to save the ,le.

3. Download New: when a ,le is downloaded from the digivu it is

updated on the digivu with a status of ’Archived’ . This feature

allows the system to identify which ,les have been downloaded

(archived) and which have not. The ‘Download New’ feature will

only be active when Automatic Downloading is turned oL.

4. Delete: allows you to highlight a ,le in the main window and

click ‘Delete’. This will permanently remove the ,le from the

digivu. This option must be used with care as the ,le will be

deleted permanently.

5. Delete All: this option will permanently delete all ,les from the

digivu. Clearly this option should be used with caution.

6. Properties: will show the properties of any highlighted ,le. Here

you can change the ‘Archive’ properties of a ,le. If you deselect

‘Archived’ and ‘Archived Remotely’ next time you connect the

digivu to your PC this ,le will be automatically downloaded

provided that Archiving is set to Automatic (see DigiConnect –

Options... page 14). This is particularly useful when ,les have

been lost on your PC or a download is interrupted part way


If you right click a ,le in the ,le browser main window you will see three

options; Download, Delete and Properties. These options are exactly as de,ned


DigiConnect -View Archive


This option within the

DigiConnect PC software

allows you to navigate

quickly to the Driver Card

and Vehicle Unit ,le archive

directory on your PC.

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DigiConnect Windows® Software

Digivu User Instructions Page - 12

DigiConnect - Con,gure Device

This option allows you to con,gure all attributes on the digivu (see Fig 5.). Un-

der ‘Device’ you can view the units; Version, Serial and Build Date. Here you

can also set your time zone by picking the most appropriate option from the

drop down list provided.

Click on the appropriate options listed below ’VU Download-Custom’ (see Fig

6.). Set your required TREPs (see ‘Information on TREPS’ page 13). If you

choose ‘Last’ just de,ne the number of days of activity you require. Choose

‘Since Last Download’ and if the digivu has downloaded the vehicle before it

will accurately know how many days to download or choose ‘All Activities’. The

default is ‘Since last downloading time as recorded by the VU’.

Fig 5.

Fig 6.

The File Storage

option allows

you to decide

on a strategy for

when the digivu

becomes too

full to store any

more ,les.

Choose the best

option for your


Digivu User Instructions Page - 13

Information on TREPS

Whenever you reference Vehicle Unit ,le data on the digivu we refer to the

term TREPS (transfer response parameters). A de,nition of each of the TREPS is

listed in the table below.

TREP 1 Overview: includes data such as vehicle ID, Last VU

download and by which type of card.

TREP 2 Activities: all tachograph recordable actions per-

formed in the use of the truck by a driver or other

card holder. Does not include faults.

TREP 3 Events and faults: all faults recorded on the tacho-

graph including; overspeeds, power interruptions

and time adjustments.

TREP 4 Detailed speed: truck speed is recorded every se-

cond the truck is moving. There is a limit of 24

hours of data.

TREP 5 Technical data: details relating to the vehicle unit

identity, software version and calibration.

Driver Card download

By ticking the Driver Card selection in Con,gure Device (see Fig 6.) if a Driver

Card is present in the Vehicle Unit at time of download a Driver Card ,le will be

created on the digivu.

VDO Additional Data

By ticking the VDO Additional Data in Con,gure Device (see Fig 6.) a separate

‘S’ pre,xed ,le will be created on the digivu. This ,le is only created from a

VDO Tachograph and contains 4hz speed data which can be analysed with ap-

propriate software.

Options - View digivu download log

If you have a problem with a download you can view a log under the Options

area (right click - Options). The digivu stores a record of all vehicles it has

downloaded and the date of download. The Clear History button allows you to

remove all of this history. The information is useful for ,nding VU problems.

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DigiConnect Windows® Software

Digivu User Instructions Page - 14

You may change the Driver Card and Vehicle Unit ,le naming conventions to

suit your country or analysis software. Simply select the most appropriate op-

tion from the drop down menu in software Options (see Fig 7.).

Archive Settings:

1. Select the Archive tab at the top of the pop up window (see Fig 7.).

2. Choose whether you want ‘Automatic’ download of ,les from your

digivu or whether you wish to be noti,ed of new ,les when the unit is

connected to your PC. By selecting Automatic each time your digivu is

connected to your PC, any ,les that are not already on your PC, which

exist on the unit, will be downloaded automatically. A small window at

the bottom right of your screen will indicate the progress when automat-

ic transfer occurs.

3. Choose the location in which you wish to store your Driver Card and Ve-

hicle Unit ,les when they are downloaded from digivu.

4. If you tick the ‘Place downloaded ,les into the sub-folder of the Driver or

Vehicle’ option, whenever Driver Card ,les or Vehicle Unit ,les are down-

loaded from digivu , they will automatically be sorted into separate di-

rectories by driver name or vehicle registration number.

DigiConnect – Options

This option allows you to de,ne ,le locations , archive settings and download

preferences. It also gives you access to the Serial Port con,guration to allow

connection between the PC and the digivu (see ‘PC Connectivity Troubleshoot-

ing’ page 18).

Fig 7.

Digivu User Instructions Page - 15

5. By choosing the ‘Manual’ option you will have total control over what it

is you download from the digivu. In this mode you will have to browse

to the digivu and copy ,les manually using the supplied software.

DigiConnect - Upload Firmware File

This option allows you to apply the latest updates for your digivu.

Select the ‘Upload Firmware File’ option and the Windows® explorer window

will open. Select the ,rmware upgrade ,le that you will have downloaded from

the Internet or been supplied by your retailer.

Once you select a ,le it will be automatically uploaded to the digivu using the

steps shown in Fig 8. The ,rmware is actively installed and the digivu restarted.

You must not interrupt the process at any point until it is complete or your

digivu will no longer function.

Fig 8.

If a digivu ,rmware upgrade is unsuccessful it is possible to return to the previ-

ous ,rmware stored on the device. Remove the rubber band closest to the ac-

tivity lights on the digivu. You will ,nd a hole large enough for a paper clip or

other pointed device. You must have the concealed button pressed before and

during entry to the digidock or the process will not work. Release the button

once the digivu has been in the digidock for a few seconds. Alternating orange

lights will indicate the unit is returning to its previous ,rmware. A green LED

indicates that the previous ,rmware restore is now complete. This option

should only be used as a last resort.

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digivu+ - Device Instructions

Digivu+ User Instructions Page - 16

Digivu+ overview

If you purchased digivu+ then you have extended the functionality of the

digivu so that your digivu can store Driver Card ,les. To provide total

portability the digivu+ is a battery powered only device and is supplied with

four AAA batteries. The device draws a very low current so that the batteries

will last for hundreds of card reads.

Battery replacement

Place your thumb on the three concentric marks on the underside of the device.

Slide the battery door away from the device by approximately 1cm and then lift

the battery door away. Replacement of the battery door is simply the reverse

operation. See Fig. 9 below for details of the required battery orientation.

Fig 9.

Battery cover slides 1cm this way

Digivu+ User Instructions Page - 17

Downloading a Driver Card ,le

Digivu+ is totally integrated with the digivu download device. Insert your

digivu into the digivu+ with the label outermost. There is only one way the

digivu can be inserted. The digivu is correctly inserted when it lines up with the

case of the digivu+.

You are now ready to accept Driver Card data. Hold the digivu+ so that the

battery compartment is underneath. Now insert the Driver Card so that the

gold connector enters the unit ,rst and it is orientated so that it is on the top

when you look at it. A red light on the digivu after approximately 3 seconds will

indicate that the operation has been unsuccessful. Try correcting the

orientation of the Driver Card.

When the Driver Card is being successfully read the digivu activity light will

Aash orange and when the operation is complete it will change to green. The

operation takes approximately 30-60 seconds depending on the card type.

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PC Connectivity Troubleshooting

The connection between your PC and digivu relies on their being an available

Com (serial) port within your system. This is not a physical port it is merely set

within the Windows® environment. Under certain circumstances DigiConnect

may not be able to obtain a free Com port. Follow the steps to troubleshoot

any Com port issues;

1. Right Click the DigiConnect icon visible in the right lower corner of

your screen (system tray) on the Task Bar. The icon may be hidden and

will be revealed by clicking on the left pointing arrow head on the Task

Bar, bottom right of your screen. Please bear in mind that if you have

moved your Task Bar these instructions will need modifying accordingly.

2. Select ‘Options’.

3. There are two troubleshooting options; Auto Detect and Test Connec-

tion. First select Auto Detect. The connection wizard will guide you

through the process.

4. If the Auto Detect fails then try the Test Connection option. If successful

you will see a green LED within the Activity window on the digivu.

5. If you are still having a problem connecting then you can try selecting a

diLerent com port as shown in Fig 10.

6. If this is still unsuccessful you will need to free up a system Com port or

choose an available port via Windows®. See ‘Assigning a Com Port using

Windows®’ on page 19.

Fig 10.

Digivu User Instructions Page - 19

Troubleshooting - Continued

Assigning a Com Port using Windows®

Operating systems vary slightly however you can generally ,nd the Com Port

settings under the following Windows® menu headings;

Control Panel – System – Device Manager – Ports (Com and LPT) .

Double click the ‘Ports (Com and LPT)’ entry in the list and this will list your de-


You should be able to identify one of the devices as being your ‘USB Serial Port

(Com #)’ .

RIGHT- CLICK the appropriate device and choose PROPERTIES. Select the PORT

SETTINGS tab at the top of the pop up window. Now click on the ADVANCED

settings button.

You should ,nd a drop down box identifying the current port assigned to your

‘USB Serial Port’. You need to change this to an available port.

Once you have changed the port click OK – OK – and ,nally close the Device

Manager window and the Control Panel window. Repeat each of the steps in

‘PC Connectivity Troubleshooting’ on page 18.

Vehicle Unit Connectivity Issues

If a Red LED displays in the Activity Window during a Vehicle download; check

the presence of a Company Card, ensure the vehicle is stationary and the vehi-

cles ignition is on and try again by removing and reinserting your digivu.

Error Code 12

Some VU units will report an error code 12 on the head unit display and the

unit will indicate a download failure. This amongst other things can be caused

by a vehicle registration number change within the period being downloaded.

To work around this problem download from the date of the last calibration

change or upgrade to the latest ,rmware.

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