DIKTAT PHYSICS For Junior High School 1 st Semester Grade VIII THE 1 st EDISION BY : Endang Teguh Rahaju U ntuk kalangan sendiri 1

Diktat Endang Pysics

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For Junior High School

1st Semester Grade VIII


BY :

Endang Teguh Rahaju

Untuk kalangan sendiri


Page 2: Diktat Endang Pysics

Kata Pengantar

Puji dan syukur dipanjatkan ke hadirat Allah Swt, atas rahmat dan karunia yang telah dilimpahkan kepada penulis, sehingga penyusunan diktat ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik.

Adapun penulisan diktat PYSICS ini bertujuan mempermudah atau memperkaya materi berbahasa Inggris pelajaran siswa-siswi SMP N 4 RSBI Surakarta. Diktat ini berfungsi untuk menambah materi pelajaran yang dirasakan guru belum lengkap baik yang tercantum dalam buku pelajaran ataupun buku paket

Penulisan diktat ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik berkat kerja keras penulis dan partisipasi dari berbagai pihak. Berkenaan dengan itu, penulis ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada :

1. Bapak Kepala Sekolah SMP N 4 RSBI Surakarta yang telah mempercayakan penulisan materi ini.

2. Rekan-rekan SMP N 4 Surakarta atas bantuanya , sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan materi ini.

3. Semua pihak yang telah memberikan berbagai jenis bantuan.

Semoga segala bantuan dan pengorbanan yang telah diberikan menjadi amal baik dan dilimpahi rahmat oleh Allah Swt.Akhirnya, semoga diktat ini dapat memberikan manfaat pada kita,khususnya bagi siswa – siswi SMP N 4 RSBI Surakrta.

Surakrata, Nopember 2011


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Chapter 1

The Scientific Method

Standar Kompetensi :

1. Memahami prosedur ilmiah untuk mempelajari benda-benda alam dengan menggunakan peralatanKompetensi Dasar :

1.1. Menerapkan metode ilmiahIndikator Pencapaian :

1.1.1 Memahami prinsip-prinsip metode ilmiah 6, Memberikan contoh-contoh penerapan metode ilmiah yang dilakukan para peneliti bidang sains 15, Merancang penelitian sederhana dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah 5, 18

1.1.4 Melakukan penelitian sederhana dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah13, 15, 23, 24

1.1.5 Mengkomunikasikan secara ilmiah hasil penelitian sederhana 5, 13, 21,

1.1 The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a guideline for investigating scientific and technical problems.Scientists and engineer are formally trained in a scientific method but every person will modify the guidelines for their own work.When developing your science fair project keep an open mind.

If you are doing an experimental research project there is most likely a project process that you must follow.A key objective is for you to correctly apply the scientific method within your project process.method.


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The outline presented here is a common project process that incorporates the scientific method.If you are using this outline for a school project,first show it to your teacher to get approval

The Scientific Method Sample

1.Choose your Topic

2.Identify at Problem

3.Research the Problem

4.Form a Hypothesis

5.Design the Experiments

6.Test the Hypothesis

7.Analyze the Results

8.Formulate and Report Conclutions

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent Variable :

The independent, or manipulated variable, is a factor that’s intentionally varied by the

experimenter. Dependent Variable :

The dependent, or responding variable, is the factor that may change as a result of changes made in the independent variable.

WORKSHEET 1 The Science Metode


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Chapter 2

Measuremen Mistake

Standar Kompetensi :

1.Memahami prosedur ilmiah untuk mempelajari benda-benda alam dengan menggunakan peralatan

Kompetensi Dasar :

1.2 Mengenal konsep pengukuran, alat ukur, dan cara penggunaannya

Indikator Pencapaian :

1.2.1Mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kesalahan pengukuran5, 13,22

2.1 Mistake Measurement Why a measurement always lighted upon mistake ? source of mistake can be classified as


1 Existence of smallest scaleLike measuring instrument example in the face of owning scale in so many kinds of form , but

each;every scale have definition , that is smallest scale which can read.

.2 Mistake have System This Mistake coming from:Mistake calibrate, that is : adjustment give an assess its making

moment scale line.mistake Dot zero which caused shifting of indicator zero which is equal to from line zero scale mistake other Appliance like weaken used spiral spring or happened friction among indicative needle and scale area and Mistake approach direction read scale value for example if any distance among line and needle - scale line .

3 Mistake uncertain (rambang ). This mistake generated by condition of environment which uncertain bothering measuring

instrument activity, for example air molecule Brownian movement. Fluctuation high voltage and noise ( electronic noise) having the character of random and difficult to control.

4 Mistake observer .This mistake may not be assumed light because limitation the observer . among others less skillful

use appliance , more sophisticated appliance which its entangling it which component which must be arranged, or less keen it eye read smooth scale etcetera.


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2.2.1 Concep Map

2.2.2 Measurement Errors

In the previous sections we have seen that most of the survey techniques that can be used underwater rely on being able to measure distances and depths. All distance and depth measurements have errors. This section explains these errors, why some survey techniques are more accurate than others and why we take check measurements. The ideas in this section are based on statistics so if it gets a bit complicated then skip to the next section and come back here later.

2.2.3 Types of Error

There are three types of errors; mistakes, systematic errors and random errors.

1. Typical mistakes include reading the wrong numbers from a tape measure, making a measurement with the tape snagged around some ship's structure or reading the wrong values from a form when processing the measurements. Mistakes are sometimes called gross errors or blunders.


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2. Systematic errors are ones that can be repeated and can be accounted for in processing. If you calibrate a tape measure against a known standard and find that it always measures distances that are too long, the difference is a systematic error and can be removed when the measurements are processed.

3. Tape measurement made several times under the same conditions is unlikely to give exactly the same value for each measurement. Judgement of the tape reading will vary as will tension on the tape depending on how hard you pull. If you remove the mistakes and the systematic errors then some variation in the repeated measurements will still be seen, this is called random error.

The procedures we use for making measurements and then processing them to form a site plan should aim to remove mistakes and systematic errors. We cannot remove the effects of random error but we can ensure that they are kept within acceptable limits

2.4 .Recommendations

1. Expect to make mistakes2. Make check measurements3. Be aware of the effects of measurement error4. Use least squares to adjust measurements for accurate work

WORKSHEET 2 Measuremen Mistake

Chapter 3


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Standar Kompetensi :

1.Memahami prosedur ilmiah untuk mempelajari benda-benda alam dengan menggunakan peralatan

Kompetensi Dasar :

1.3Mendeskripsikan besaran pokok dan besaran turunan beserta satuannya

Indikator Pencapaian :1.3.1 Menyebutkan macam-macam besaran pokok1.3.2 Memberi contoh mendapatkan besaran turunan dari besaran pokok1.3.3 Menyatakan hasil pengukuran menggunakan penulisan ilmiah5,13,22

1.3.4 Memberi contoh besaran skalar dan besaran vektor1.3.5 Memahami perbedaan antara kelajuan dan kecepatan, jarak tempuh dan perubahan posisi sebagai

contoh besaran skalar dan vector.

3.1 Fundamental QuantitiesBased on the results of the 14th General Conference on Weight and Measurement in 1971, the

International System uses the 7 fundamental quantities .

The SI fundamental quantities and their units

Table I-1. Seven Base QuantitiesQuantity Unit Symbol DimensionLength meter m M

Mass kilogram kg L

Time second s T

Electric Current ampere A I

Thermodynamic kemperature

kelvin K

Amount of substance

mole mol N

Luminous intensity candela cd J

3.2 Derived Quantities


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Quantities which are derived from basic quatities or quantities obtained from the calculations , not the measurement.

Table 2.

Quantities SI Units (MKS) CGS US Common DimensionLength meter (m) Centimeter

(cm)Foot (ft) L

Time second (s) second (s) Second (s) TMass kilogram (kg) gram (gr) slug MVelocity m/s cm/s ft/s L/TAcceleration m/s2 cm/s2 ft/s2 L/T2

Force kg m/s2 = Newton (N)

gr m/s2 = dyne

slug ft/s2 = pound (lb)

M L/T2

Work N m = joule (j) dyne cm = erg

lb ft = ft lb M L2/T2

Energy joule erg ft lb M L2/T2

Power j/s = watt erg/s ft lb/s M L2/T3

WORKSHEET 3 Quantities

1. Bellow the data of velocity (v) respect to the time(t)

t(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7V(m/s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Draw a graph based on the data above with x-axis as a time (t) and y-axis as a velocity (v).

2. .Experimental procedures

1. Read the data on the table

2. Making the graph base on the data

3. Make the straight line that connecting two points on the graph

4. Make horizontal and vertical line from the line so that form a triangle.

5. Measure the length of horizontal and vertical line

6. Analyzing the speed base on the graph

A car travels 10 km due east and then makes a U-turn back to travels a further distance of 7 km. Calculate.


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(a) the distance traveled by the car, and

(b) the displacement of the car

(c) Drawing the graph base on the data!

Answer: 10 km

7 km

(a) Distance traveled = 10 + 7= 17 km

(b) Displacement = 10 – 7= 3 km due east

The table above shows the displacement of a car on a straight road from its point after 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, and so on. If we plot the displacement against time, we obtain a graph as shown in above. In


Time taken, (second) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Displacement, (meter) 0 50 100 200 350 550 850 1200

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each successive time interval, -10 s, 10-20 s, and so on, the car covers a greater distance than in the previous one. This means the car is going faster and faster.








Scoring scheme


Scoring aspects






a.Appararatus and materials are complete

b.Apparatus and materials used by the student are correct for achieving the experimental objectives

c.All apparatus and materials are arranged neatly

Performing experiment

a.the scale and the formed of the graph

b.Measurement of the horizontal line

c.Measurement of the vertical line

d.Working in group

Experimental results

a.Analyzing of the graph


Total Score 36

12Final mark =Score achieved36


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Rating mark:

1. If the student did nothing

2. If the student did incorrectly

3. If the student did correctly but not perfectly

4. If the student did perfectly correct

Chapter 4Measurement


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Standar Kompetensi :

1.Memahami prosedur ilmiah untuk mempelajari benda-benda alam dengan menggunakan Peralatan.

Kompetensi Dasar :

1.4 Melakukan pengukuran dasar secara teliti dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang sesuai dan sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Indikator Pencapaian :1.4.1 Menggunakan penggaris, mikrometer, dan jangka sorong untuk menentukan panjang22,23,28,30

1.4.2 Menggunakan neraca Ohaus, neraca pegas, atau alat ukur massa lainnya22,23,28,30

1.4.3 Menggunakan jam, stopwatch atau alat ukur rentang waktu, termasuk periodeayunan22,23,28,30

1.4.4 Menggunakan thermometer untuk mengukur temperatur22,23,28,30

1.4.5 Menggunakan gelas ukur untuk mengukur volume benda yang tidak beraturanbentuknya22,23,28,30

4.1 Measurement

Measuring is to compare a physical quantity of an object with standard similar quantity used as a standard unit.

4.2 Measuring SystemsIn the past, people used their body as units of mesurement such as fathoms, span, and step. But

those units are not standard and can cause difficulty in communicating them.


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You may hear people use units of measurement such as: gallon of water, yard of thread, and inch of pipe . Those units are examples of units in the British system. Since 1700 some scientists have used a measuring system called the metric system. Then, in 1960 the metric system was used and officially called the international system or SI units (La Systeme International d’Unites).In the SI, each fundamental quantity has its own unit; metre for length, second for time, and kilogram for mass.

Conversion : An equation must always be dimensionally consistent; this means that two terms may be added or equated only if they have the same units.

4.3 Scientific NotationIn calculation with very large or very small numbers, we encounter the difficulty because we have

to write a series of number. To overcome this difficulty one use the scientific notation, i.e.the scientifically methode to write the number.

Table of the scientific notation is given in Table.

Table 3. The Scientific NotationNumber Powers of ten Prefix Symbol

0.000 000 000 000 000 001 10-18 exa E

0.000 000 000 000 001 10-15 femto f

0.000 000 000 001 10-12 pico p

0.000 000 001 10-9 nano n

0.000 001 10-6 mikro

0.001 10-3 mili m

0.01 10-2 centi c

0.1 10-1 deci d

10 101 deka da

100 102 hecto h

1000 103 kilo k

1,000,000 106 mega M

1,000,000,000 109 giga G

1,000,000,000,000 1012 tera T

1,000,000,000,000,000 1015 peta P

1,000,000,000,000,000 000 1018 atto a


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4.3.1 Length

Length uses SI unit in metre (m). One standard metre is the same as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum Some tools for measuring length: a. ruler, b. vernier caliper, and c. metre tape. The smallest scale for a metre tape and ruler is 1 mm, while for a vernier caliper it is 0.1 mm.

1.Metre Rule

Figure . The correct position to read the scale is at B. The actual reading is 8.3 cm. If the eye is placed at A or C, the reading obtained is inaccurate. The type of error due to the incorrect positioning of the eye with respect to the marking of the scale is known as parallax error.

To measure lengths, we can use rulers or measuring tapes. The correct way to read the scale on a ruler is shown in Figure . Place your eye perpendicularly at the required mark on the scale to minimize parallax error. We can only measure with an accuracy up to 0.1 cm using a ruler. This means that the reading may be 0.1 cm more (+0.1 cm) than the actual reading or 0.1 cm less (- 0.1 cm) than actual reading. For smaller lengths or for greater accuracy we need special instruments like the vernier calipers or the micrometer screw gauge.





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1 2







4.3.2 MassEvery substance consists of materials. The amount of materials in the substance is called mass.The

mass of an object is measured with lever balance, while the weight is measured with spring balance. Both balances are mechanical balances. Nowadays a more accurate balance, a digital balance is widely used.

1. FigureTriple beam balance for measuring mass

2. Figure One kilogram standard is kept in Sevres, Paris, France.


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35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

ºC ºF ºR K

100ºC 212ºF 80ºR 373K

50ºC 122ºF 40ºR 323 K

0ºC 32ºF 0ºR 273 K

17,7ºC 0ºF

The upper fixed point

The upper fixed point

4.3.3 Time

The SI unit for time is second (s).One standard second is the time needed by cesium atom to vibrate 9,192,631,770 times.Time shows the duration between two occurrences or events.Some tools to measure time watch and stopwatch.

4.3.4 Temperature

Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold an object is compared to another object. Indicates that heat flows from the object with a higher temperature to the object with a lower temperature.Is measured using a thermometer.


There are faure temperature scales in use today.

For Kelvin the scale of 273 -373,For Celsius the scale of 00-1000,For Reaumur the scale of 00-1800,For Fahrenheit the scale of 320-2120

Kelvin temperature scale is the base unit of thermodynamic temperature measurement in the International System (SI) of measurement the Kelvin (Symbol K without the degree sign).The relationship of K, C, R and F scale can be seen in the following figure,


The Formula :

1. K = t0C + 2732. C : K : R : F-32 = 100 : 100 : 80 : 180.

4.3.5 Measurement of Volume Direct Measuremen Using Of Regular Volume


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The volume of an object with a regular shape can be calculated after measuring the lengths of its

sides, its diameter, or other lengths. Then the appropriate formulae (as described below) for the volumes

are used. The SI units for volume is cubic metres (m3).

Volume of a cube = length3

Volume of a rectangular block = length × width × height

Volume of a sphere = ( 4

3 )πr 3

(where r is the radius)

Volume of a cylinder = r2h (where r is the radius and h is the height)

Volume can be expressed as mm3, cm3 or m3. Sometimes you will see litres being used.

1 litre (l) is equivalent to 1000 cm3. Indirect Measurement Using Of Irregular Volume

The volume of an object with an irregular shape can be measured by using a measuring cylinder or

displacement can. Two figures below are shown methods to measure the volume of an irregular shape


Volume is the number of spaces used by a body.Similar to area, volume is also derived of basic quantities that are the product of three.

Solid which have uniform shape such as, cube, cuboids, sphere, and tube their volume can be calculated by using certain formula. For example :

Mean while solids which have no uniform (irregular form) shape such as rock, stone, its volume can be calculated directly. The measurement of its volume is done by using a measuring glass.

For example: V1 = initial volume ,V2 = final volumethe rock

The formula is


V = V2 – V1

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WORKSHEET 4 Measurement

Measuring Length Using Vernier Calipers

A. What do you need?

2. Vernier calipers3. Test tube4. A book5. Students worksheet

B. Procedure

1. Close the jaws of the vernier calipers. Record the zero error, if any, under ‘Results’ on the next page.

2. To measure the external diameter of the test tube, open the jaws and place a test tube into the space between the jaws. Then, close the jaws until they hold the test tube firmly

3. Measure the external diameter.


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Chapter 5

Element, Compoun and Mixture

Standar Kompetensi :


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3.Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

Kompetensi Dasar :

3.1 Menjelaskan pengertian unsur, senyawa dan campuran.

Indikator Pencapaian :3.1.1 Dari contoh-contoh unsur dan senyawa yang ditemukan oleh peserta didik atau diberikan oleh

guru, peserta didik dapat membedakan unsur dan senyawa berdasarkan jenis atom penyusunnya.5,


3.1.2 Berdasarkan jenis atom penyusunnya, peserta didik dapat memberikan pengertian unsur dan senyawa.22, 24

3.1.3 Melalui percobaan sederhana tentang daya hantar panas dan listrik, peserta didik dapat membandingkan perbedaan sifat unsur logam dan nonlogam. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.1.4 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat menjelaskan pengertian campuran. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22,

24, 27, 28, 31

5.1 Matter ClassificationWhat is the meaning of matter or substance?In this case, the matter is also known as substance.

Defined of matter or substance is everything having mass and ….a space?Hence, all objects created by god in this nature are mattersWater, air, rock, salt, iron, and other objects, including our bodies are matters or substancesGenerally matter can be classified into a groups. Based on the phase, matter is classified into solid, liquid, and gas. In relation to our dissention in this chapter then the classificatioClassifying Matter According to its Composition: Elements, Compounds, & Mixtures

Elemen Compound



Pure Substances

Elements Compounds


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Homogeneuos Mixture Heterogeneous Mixture

Elements can not be broken down into simpler substances, i.e. silver (Ag)

Metals and Non-metals

MetalsMetals Non-metalsNon-metals


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ShinyShiny DullDull

Usually solidsUsually solids Can be gases, liquids or solidsCan be gases, liquids or solids

Malleable, ductileMalleable, ductile BrittleBrittle

Good heat and electricity conductorsGood heat and electricity conductors Poor heat and electricity conductorsPoor heat and electricity conductors

Compounds substance composed of two or more elements in fixed proportions, i.e. H2O & CO2

1. Proust’s law

In 1794 , a French chemist, Joseph Louis Proust ( 1754 – 1826 ) proposed in his paper a law about compounds known as the fixed proportional law or Proust’s law, which prescribes “ The mass ratio of elements of a compound components is constant” .A compound is single substace which can still be dissociated into other simpler substance ( component elements ) through an ordinary chemical reaction. In other works, a compound is combination of some elements with constant ratio, and it is formed through an ordinary chemical reaction.

Example : H2O the means are consists of 2 Hydrogen element and 1 Oxygen element

And the ratio equals is 2 x mass H : 1 x mass O

H : O = 1 x 2 : 1 x 16 = 2 : 16 = 1 : 8

2.Pure Substance

Composed of one type of atom or molecule

Own set of physical and chemical properties

Mixtures composed of two or more different types of atoms or molecules.Physical and chemical properties vary with the proportions of the components of the mixture

WORKSHEET 5 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures


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SUPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS1. What is element? Explain.2. What is atom? Explain.3. How many naturally occurring elements are there?4. Berzellius symbol of elements usually use 2 letters. Write the symbols for elements hydrogen,

helium, sodium and polonium.5. Write the name of this following elements: K, Cl, Br and Fe.


a. can not be divided into two simpler substanceb. can be divided into two or more simpler substancesc. can be created by combining two or more simple substancesd. No answer is correct.

2. Element potassium chemical symbol is…a. Kb. Poc. Pd. Pu

3. Element’s particles can be in the form of…a. atomsb. moleculesc. atoms and moleculesd. compounds

4. If you heat sugar up, you’ll observe that the sugar change into black substance. This black substance is carbon, carbon is…

a. an elementb. a moleculec. a compoundd. a mixture

5. There are … naturally occurring elements.a. more than 100b. less than 100c. 100d. No answer is correct.

6. A compound…a. is a pure substance.b. contains only one type of molecule.c. is made of different atoms.d. All answers correct.

7. Water formula is H2O. if there are 100 molecule of H2O in a container, how many oxygen atoms will be in that container?

a. 100b. 200c. 300d. No answer is correct.


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8. A molecule that consists of three of more atoms is called…a. monoatomic atomb. diatomic moleculec. triatomic moleculed. polyatomic molecule

9. Which of these molecules is a compound?a. N2

b. Cl2

c. CO2

d. O3

10. The correct formula for potassium nitrate is…a. PNO3

b. PoNO3

c. NaNO3

d. KNO3

Chapter 6


Standar Kompetensi :


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3.Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

Kompetensi Dasar :

3.2Menjelaskan perbedaan antara campuran homogen dan campuran heterogen

Indikator Pencapaian :

3.2.1 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat menjelaskan perbedaan antara campuran homogen dan campuran heterogen. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.2.2 Berdasarkan contoh-contoh yang ada di lingkungannya, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan adanya 3 jenis campuran homogen, yaitu campuran homogen dalam fase gas (misalnya udara), fase cair (misalnya larutan alkohol dalam air), dan fase padat (misalnya cincin emas 18 karat). 5, 22, 24

3.2.3 Berdasarkan jenis atom-atom yang terdapat di dalam suatu unsur dan senyawa, peserta didik dapat memberikan alasan yang menunjukkan bahwa unsur dan senyawa merupakan zat murni. 5, 22

3.2.4 Berdasarkan macam zat yang ada dalam suatu campuran, peserta didik dapat memberikan alasan yang menunjukkan bahwa campuran bukan merupakan zat murni. 5, 22

6.1 Mixture

A mixture is a substance which consists of combination of some other substances which are different in kind without inconstant ratio.Mixtures consist of heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures.The heterogeneous mixture consists of suspension and colloid, whileThe homogeneous one is also called solution.Examples of suspension are the mixture between oil and water, the river water ,seawater ,whitewash, and so on .Examples of colloid are milk, smoke ,fog ,jelly , and so on

Chapter 7

Property of Mixture and Compound

Standar Kompetensi :


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3.Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

Kompetensi Dasar :

3.3Mendiskripsikan sifat senyawa dan campuran.

Indikator Pencapaian :

3.3.1 Berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisika yang teramati, peserta didik dapat mendiskripsikan sifat senyawa dan campuran. 5, 22, 24

3.3.2 Berdasarkan contoh-contoh yang ada di lingkungannya, peserta didik dapat membandingkan sifat intensif dan sifat ekstensif zat. 5, 22, 24

3.3.3 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat membandingkan sifat-sifat fisika dan sifat-sifat kimia zat. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31



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WORKSHEET 6 Property Of Mixture and Compound

Chapter 8

Physical and Chemical Properties




1. A COMPOUND IS FORMED THROUGH A CHEMICAL REACTION.Senyawa terbentuk melalui reaksi kimia

A MIXTURE IS FORMED WITHOUT A CHEMICAL REACTIONCampuran terbentuk tanpa melalui reaksi kimia

2. IN A COMPOUND THE MASS RATIO OF THE COMPONENT ELEMENTS IS CONSTANT OR DEFINITE (COMPLIES WITH THE LAW OF CONSERFATION OF MASS)Di senyawa perbandingan massa unsur-unsur penyusunya adalah tetap dan tertentu (memenuhi hukum kekekalan massa)

IN A MIXTURE THE MASS RATIO OF THE COMPONENT SUBTANCES (ELEMENTS OR COMPOUNDS)IS INCONSTANT OR UNCLEARDi campuran perbandingan massa zat pembentuknya (unsure atau senyawa) tidak tetap atau tidak jelas.

3. COMPOUND IS FORMED ONLY FROM SOME ELEMENTSSenyawa terbentuk dari beberapa unsure atau beberapa senyawa

MIXTURE IS FORMED FROM SOME ELEMENTS OR SOME COMPOUNDSCampuran terbentuk dari beberapa unsur atau beberapa senyawa


MIXTURE COMPONENTS STILL HAVE THEIR PROPERTIESKomponen-komponen masih memiliki sifat masing-masing

5. COMPOUND CAN ONLY BE DISSOCIATED INTO ITS COMPONENTS USING A CHEMICAL REACTIONSenyawa hanya dapat diuraikan menjadi komponen-komponennya menggunakan reaksi kimia.


Filtration Evaporation Destillation Crystallization Chromatography Sublimation

Campuran dapat diuraikan menjadi komponen-komponennya melalui proses fisika:

Penyaringan Penguapan (evaporasi) Penyulingan (destilasi) Pengkristalan Kromatografi Sublimasi

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Standar Kompetensi :

3.Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

Kompetensi Dasar :

3.4Mendiskripsikan sifat-sifat fisika dan sifat-sifat kimia zat.

Indikator Pencapaian :

3.4.1 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat membandingkan sifat-sifat fisika dan sifat-sifat kimia zat. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

8.1 Physical properties:

1. Appearance,2. Hardness3. Odor 4. Density5 Viscosity6. Electrical 7. Conductivity8. Boiling point9. Melting point

8.2 Chemical properties: 1.Describe reactivity, i.e. Flammabilit


Chapter 9Matter

Standar Kompetensi :


Page 31: Diktat Endang Pysics

3.Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

Kompetensi Dasar:

3.5 Melakukan pemisahan komponen-komponen campuran dengan berbagai cara berdasarkan sifat fisika dan sifat kimia.

Indikator Pencapaian

3.5.1 Melalui percobaan sederhana, peserta didik dapat memisahkan komponen-komponen suatu campuran. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.5.2 Berdasarkan pemahaman tentang konponen-komponen penyusun zat dan sifat-sifat zat, peserta didik dapat membuat peta konsep tentang zat.5, 22, 24

9.1 Separation of Mixture

1.Distillation (disambiguation).

Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A heating device 2: Still pot 3: Still head 4: Thermometer/Boiling point temperature 5: Condenser 6: Cooling water in 7: Cooling water out 8: Distillate/receiving flask 9: Vacuum/gas inlet 10: Still receiver 11: Heat control 12: Stirrer speed control 13: Stirrer/heat plate


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14: Heating (Oil/sand) bath 15: Stirring means e.g.(shown), boiling chips or mechanical stirrer 16: Cooling bath .

Distillation is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in volatilities of components in a boiling liquid mixture. Distillation is a unit operation, or a physical separation process, and not a chemical reaction

Example : Petrolium Distillation


Example : Making Salt


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9.2 State of Matter Cocept Map


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9.2 Physical changes

– change the physical form of matter without changing its chemical identity

– Melting ice

– Dissolving sugar in water


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Which of the following does not describe the gaseous state?

a. Same shape as a closed container

b. Same volume as a closed container

c. Random, independent particle movement

d. Easily compressed

e. All describe the gaseous state

f. None of the statement above

Which of the following does not describe

the liquid state?

a. Particles vibrate in fixed position

b. Same shape as the bottom of the container

c. Constant volume

d. Pour able

e. All describe the liquid state

Which of the following does not describe

the solid state?

a. Rigid, fixed, constant shape

b. Constant volume

c. Easily compressed

d. Particles vibrate in fixed position

e. All describe the solid state

Chemical changes – the chemical identity of a substance is destroyed and a new substance(s) is formed


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– Rusting of iron

– The fading of a t-shirt with exposure to sunlight

Phase Changes – require heating or cooling the substance

• Melting: solid à liquid

• Boiling: liquid à gas

• Subliming: solid à gas

• Freezing: liquid à solid

• Condensing: gas à liquid

• Deposition: gas à solid

• Some Physic Phase (solid, liquid, gas)

• Mass

• Volume

• Density

• Melting Point


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• Boiling Point

• Volatility

• Specific Heat Capacity

al Properties

• Taste

• Odor

• Color

• Texture

• Shape

• Solubility

• Electrical Conductance

• Thermal Conductance

• Magnetism

Some Chemical Properties

• Acidity

• Corrosiveness

• Reactivity

• Inertness

• (In) Flammability

• Oxidizing Ability

• Basicity (Alkalinity)

• Stability

• Explosiveness

• Combustibility

• Reducing Ability

• Classify each of the following changes as physical or chemical

a) grape juice turns to wine

b) wood burns to ashes

c) a broken leg heals itself


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d) grass grows

e) an infant gains 10 pounds

f) a rock is crushed to powder

g) baking soda fizzes in vinegar

h) vinegar and oil separate into two layers

i) helium balloon decreases in size



A. Basic Competence : To identify physical and chemical changes

B. Objective : To Classify the physical and chemical properties of matters

C. Apparatus and material :1. Sugar2. Candle3. Match4. Rice.....................rice flour5. Spoon

D. Steps1. Light the candle!2. What happens if the candle flame?

Candle ...............State of the candle...............What is state the candle, If the candle was cooled ?

3. Put a sugar in the spoon and place the spoon on the top of the candle4. Watch and explain what happens with sugar5. Take a rice and make the rice be flour, and observe

Are the rice and flour have character different ?

6. Record your result observe, to table below

E. Table

No Object change Spesific Change


Page 39: Diktat Endang Pysics

Physical Chemical

1 Candle flame

2 Ice heated

3. Nail burn

4 Paper burn

5 Sugar heated

6. Rice flour

F. Questions

Compare these characteristic of matter that is produce of change.

1. Is difference/same characteristic of matter produced in the physical change?

2. Is difference/same characteristic of matter that is produced in the chemical change?


G. ConclusionThe physical change is.............................The chemical change is................

Problems and Solutions


Page 40: Diktat Endang Pysics

1. What is the density of a mixture prepared by mixing 40 cm3 of water and 30 cm3 of alcohol if the densities are 1 g/cm3 and 0.8 g/cm3 respectively.Solution :m = ρ x Vmwater = 1 x 20 = 20 g , malcohol = 0.8 x 30 = 24 gmTotal = 20 + 24 = 44 g , VTota l = 20 + 30 = 50 cm3

ρmixture = mT / VT

ρmixture = 44 / 50ρmixture = 0.88 g/cm3

2. The volume of 48 grams of sand is 20 cm3. The final volume is observed as 38 cm3 when 20 cm3

of water is poured into the same graduated beaker. What is the density of the sand?

Solution :

mexpect= 20 - 20 = 40 cm3

mair = 40 - 38 = 2 cm3 , Vsand = 20 - 2 = 18 cm3

ρsand = m / V

ρsand = 48 / 18

ρsand = 2.66 g/cm3



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Subject : science Day/Date : ……Name : …….

Class : VII RSBI Time : Class : …….


1. Write your name, test number and class on your answer sheet. !2. Do the test on the answer sheet !3. Read first before you do the test !4. Do easier questions first !Good luck


A. Chose a, b, c, or d to complete the following sentences !

1. The quantity group that only consists of fundamental quantity is....a. Length, weight, time.b. Mass, time, temperaturec. Density, force, volumed. Force, weight, temperature

2. Agung’s temperature is 36 OC. The correct conclusion from that statement is ....a. Temperature = quantity and Celcius = unitb. Temperature = unit and 36 0C = quantityc. Temperature = unit and Agung = quantityd. 36 = quantity and Celcius = unit

3. Amir measures his desk length with a pencil and ballpoint. The result is 12 x the pencil lenght and 15 x the ballpont length. Why the measurement result is different ?a. The pencil shape is different from ballpointb. The pencil can be crash but the ballpoint can’tc. Both pencil and ballpoint aren’t measurement devicesd. pencil and ballpont as the comparison unit have different length

4. If the temperature of a body is 75 0C, the temperature of the body in Kelvin degree is....a. 348 Kb. 273 Kc. 198 Kd. 75 K


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2 cm 3 cm

0 2 10

5. Look at the diagram bellow !

What is the reading of the fernier caliper show above

a. 0,42 cmb. 1,92 cmc. 0,42 mmd. 1,92 mm

6. Consider the figur below !

The figure above shows....

a. The measurements of non uniform stone’s areab. The measurements of non uniform stone’s massc. The measurements of non uniform stone’s volumed. The measurements of non uniform stone’s weight

7. Tools for measuring weight is….a. veneer caliperb. stopwatchc. triple beam balanced. spring balance

8. Attention the result temperature measure below !Time Temperature

5 second

10 second

15 second

20 second

20 0C

30 0C

40 0C

50 0C


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Based on the data above right graph is....

9. Look at the graphic below !

Base on the graph who have bigest the mass ?

a. Anib. Abic. Bimad. Yuda

10.Look at graph below !


Page 44: Diktat Endang Pysics

5 10 15 20

t (OC)

t (menit)





Base on the graphic how long did it take for the ice to hot 400C ?

a. 10 minutesb. 20 minutesc. 30 minutesd. 40 minutes


Page 45: Diktat Endang Pysics

Tes II

Subject : science Day/Date : ……………..

Class : VII Bilingual Time : 07.00 – 08.30


5. Write your name, test number and class on your answer sheet. !6. Do the test on the answer sheet !7. Read first before you do the test !8. Do easier questions first !

Good luck


A. Chose a, b, c, or d to complete the following sentences !

1. Which of the including element is…a. air and sugar c. sugar and milk

b. iron and gold d. oil and water

2. The symbols of atom copper and gold are..a. Fe and Cl c. Cu and Au

b. Cl and Cu d. Au and Fe

3. Which of the compounds are…a. sugar and mild c. blood and ink

b. mild and blood d. rain water and air

4. Something which differentiates a compound and mixture is the ratio of the mixture which..a. is constant c. changes

b. is in constant d. is uniform

5. The difference between compound and mixture is…


Page 46: Diktat Endang Pysics

a. compound is physical change, while mixture is chemical change

b. in compound the properties of constituent matter still exist, while in mixture is not

c. compound consist of a single matter, while mixture consist of various kinds of matter

d. the composition of compound always has constant ratio, while mixture has not

6. The mixture of two or more kinds of substance in which the mixed substances cannot be differentiated is called…a. heterogeneous mixture c. compound

b. solution d. electrolyte

7. Of the following are the mixture separation methods, except…a. crystallization c. distillation

b. filtration d. identification

8. The components of substance in a mixture can be separated based on…a. size and phase of particles

b. size and shape of particles

c. the size of particles and the boiling point

d. the boiling point and phase of particles

9. The part of mixture which filtered in the filter is called…a. colloid c. filtrate

b. residue d. suspense

10. A solution has the following data:1. sour taste2. slippery3. produce hydrogen ion in water4. changes red litmus into blueThe characteristic of base are…

a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3

b. 1 and 3 d. 2 and 4

11. We can identify acid using taste and touch, but they are not save ways. The right ways to identify acid using an appropriate indicator as bellows, except…a. litmus paper c. jasmine flower


Page 47: Diktat Endang Pysics

b. pH meter d. purple cabbage

12. If HCl react with NaOH produce…a. hydrogen ion and water c. hydroxide ion and water

b. salt and water d. salt and oxygen

B. Answer the questions bellow briefly and clearly!

1. Mention three elements composing of sugar that known by you!

2. Explain of the difference between compound and mixture!

3. Mention 3 kinds and explain definition of the methods in mixture separation!

4.How do you use acid base indicator? Give your reaso



Page 48: Diktat Endang Pysics

Subject : science Day/Date :

Class : VII Bilingual Time : 07.30 – 09.30


1.Write your name, test number and class on your answer sheet.!2.Do the test on the answer sheet!3.Read first before you do the test!4.Do easier questions first!Good luck


I. Choose the best answer to give a cross (X) in letters a, b, c or d on the answer sheet is available!


Page 49: Diktat Endang Pysics

1. Consider the data below! 1.weight 2.temperature 3.time 4.length From the above data that includes the basic quantity is the number ....A. 1, 2, 3

B. 1, 2, 4

C. 1, 3, 4

D. 2, 3, 4

2. Mr Budi as the gym teacher wants to make a volleyball court that he has to measure the length and width of the field. In the international system, the most appropriate to use of unit to use is ... .A. mil

B. inci

C. meter

D. centimeter

3. In a race of moto GP, Valentino Rossi can race his motorcycle up to speed 324 km / hour. If expressed in the international system, the motor speed will be equal to ... .A. 32,4 m/s

B. 90,0 m/s

C. 324,0 m/s

D. 900,0 m/s

4. One hour lesson is 40 minutes. If expressed in units of seconds, will be equal to ... .A. 40 sekon

B. 240 sekon

C. 1200 sekon

D. 2400 sekon

5. A student makes a scale on a thermometer does not scale. After the experiment, he determines that the length of fixed point and fixed point on the thermometer is 12 cm. When used to measure the temperature of a glass of water, length of the mercury surface of fixed points under 3 cm. If measured by using the Celsius scale, temperature is a glass of water ...A. 12ºC

B. 25ºC


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1 kg

500 g200 g

C. 36ºC

D. 50ºC

6. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica is -80 º C. To measure the temperature can be done by using a thermometer that contains ... .A.water B.mercury C.alcohol D. salt water

7. When fever, Rani was examines at the polyclinic. To determine the temperature of her body, the most appropriate type of thermometer is a thermometer ... . A.clinical B.optical C.wall D. Minimum Maximum

8. Look at the picture below!

The results of measurements on the picture above is ...A. 701 gramB. 710 gramC. 800 gramD. 1700 gram

9. Long one-act for a football match is 45 minutes. To find out the old game referee must use the proper gauge. Images used measure is the referee ... .




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10. Note the picture below this measurement!

The length of a pencil in the picture above is ... .A. 2,3 cmB. 2,4 cmC. 2,8 cmD. 2,9 cm

11. Here are the properties of the acid solution, except ....A. solution including the nonelectrolyteB. can redden blue litmus colorC. may cause air pollutionD. If dissolved in water ionization reaction and OH-ions occur

12. If the skin of the mangosteen extract is used as acid base indicator, then the following symptoms are true .... A. the acid in red and yellow in alkaline B. in acid green and in red base C. in acid purple and red in alkaline D. in acid and red in a purple base

13. Urea is a chemical formula CO (NH2)2. So every molecule of urea contains ....A. 1 carbon atom, 1 oxygen atom, 1 nitrogen atom and 2 hydrogen atoms


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B. 1 carbon atom, 1 oxygen atom, 1 nitrogen atom and 4 hydrogen atoms

C. 1 carbon atom, 1 oxygen atom, 2 nitrogen atoms and 2 hydrogen atoms

D. 1 carbon atom, 1 oxygen atom, 2 nitrogen atoms and 4 hydrogen atoms

14. If the sodium metal is mixed with chlorine gas will form a salt (NaCl). Different salt nature with the nature of its constituent elements. Such material is called ....A. element

B. compounds

C. solution

D. heterogeneous mixture

15. A vessel filled with mercury related. Surface form of mercury that is shown as a picture ...A.




16. Following, which is a solid character is ... .

Location of the

motion of molecules

molecular attraction


Page 53: Diktat Endang Pysics

molecular force

A close and regular

vibrating in place

very strong

B adjacent and irregular

migratory less strong

C far apart and regular

free weak

D far apart and not regular

very free irregular

very weak

17. Consider the following data:1. rising water through pipes pralon

2. rising oil stove in the axis.

3. rising water through the plant stem

4. via a wall of water rising home.

Which is an example of Capillarity is the number .

A. 1, 2, 3

B. 1, 2, 4

C. 1, 3, 4

D. 2, 3, 4

18. The following statements are true for two objects have the same density is ....A. mass and volume the same, but different kinds

B. the same mass and volume, but his form is different

C. different mass and volume, but the same type

D. different mass and volume, but its shape is different

19. Here is who has the largest density value is ... .A. mass 20 g, 10 cm3 volume


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B. 60 g mass, volume 20 cm3

C. 150 g mass, volume 30 cm3

D. 60 g mass, volume 6 cm3

20. The density of iron has a mass of 158 kg and the volume is 0.02 m3 ....A. 7900 kg/m3

B. 790 kg/m3

C. 79 kg/m3

D. 7.9 kg/m3

21. Look at the jumbled steps of Scientific Method below.1. Determine the matter/ the problem.2. Make a hypothesis.3. Collect data from the observation.4. Draw the conclusion.5. Do the experiment.6. Analyze the result.The right order of Scientific Method is ….A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6.B. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6.C. 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 6.D. 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 4.


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1. Write your identity on the computerized answer sheet.2. Check and read the test items carefully before you answer.3. Report to the observer, if there is unclear typing, damage or incomplete test items.4. It is not permitted to use calculator, HP, mathematics table, dictionaries or other facilities.5. The way to answer the test:


6. How to correcting the wrong answer:A B C D

7. Check your answer carefully before you submit your answer sheet to the observer

Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter A, B, C and D at your answer sheet.

1. The following are some statements about matter:(1) has certain properties(2) has fixed colour(3) has fixed shape(4) occupies space and has massThe correct statement is….A. (1)B. (2)C. (3)D. (4)

2. Study the following properties of matter:(1) The particles can move freely(2) The shape does not change.(3) The volume changes.(4) The volume does not changeWhich are the characteristic of gas….A. (1), and (2)B. (1), and (3)C. (2), and (3)D. (3) , and (4)

3. Study the following table:


Page 56: Diktat Endang Pysics

Metal ala

No Characteristics of Particle Solid Liquid Gas

1 Particle movement rigid rapid very rapid

2 Particle Position dense loose very loose

3 Attractive Forces very weak weak strong

4 Free space between particles sligh spacious very spacious

Base on the table, the correct characteristics of particle are shown by the number of ….A. 1, 2, and 3B. 1, 3, and 4C. 1, 2, and 4D. 1, 3, and 4

4. There is liquid in capillary pipe. If the cohesion between liquid particles is bigger than the adhesion between the liquid and the container particles, the shape of the liquid surface is….A. ConcaveB. ConvexC. InclinedD. Flat

5. A student did experiment with tools and matter as follow :

The data is given:


Page 57: Diktat Endang Pysics


Metal Density (kg/m³)

Iron 7.900

Gold 19.300

Silver 10.500



Base on the data, the kind of metal that is measured by student is....

A. ironB. aluminumC. silverD. gold

6. Look at the figure below !

If the mass of stone is 75 gram, its density is ….

A. 2500 kg/m3

B. 2000 kg/m3

C. 2.5 kg/m3

D. 2.0 kg/m3

7. The relationship between the volume and density of objects which have equal mass is …..

A. The object with the greatest volume has greatest density

B. The object with the lowest volume has lowest density

C. The object with the greatest volume has lowest density

D. They have the same density because their mass is same


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8. Pay attention this graph

According to the mass-volume graph, which material has the lowest density?

A. KB. LC. MD. N



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46. Pay attention to these the material changes below

No A B

1 ice melts vaporized gasoline

2 frozen water Burned kerosene

3 wood is burned become ash rusty iron

4 cigarette burnt sugar is dissolved in the water

The pairs of chemical changing are shown by number … .

A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4

47. Ani conducting an experiment in the laboratory. She mix vinnegar and baking soda then observe it. The result of mixing vinnegar and baking soda are produce gas, white sediment and temperature changing. Gas produced can extinguish fires. We can conclude that the gas is ....A. CO2

B. COC. O2


48. Dirty well water which is added with Alum becomes clearer . The dirt remain at the bottom of the well. It shows the characteristic of a chemical reaction ....A. Produce gasB. Color changingC. Produce precipitationD. Temperature changing

49. A solution has the following data:1) sour taste2) slippery3) produce hydrogen ion in aqueous solution4) turn red litmus paper blue


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The characteristics of base are…

A. 1) and 2)B. 1) and 3)C. 2) and 3)D. 2) and 4)

50. Notice the table below!

No Liquid Red litmus Blue litmus

1 Mineral water red blue

2 Lemon water red red

3 Soap water blue blue

Lemon water and soap water are categorized as ….

A. acid and baseB. salt and acidC. base and saltD. acid and sugar


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KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL CADANGAN (FISIKA)1. C2. B3. D4. A5. B6. A7. C8. B9. D10. C11. B12. B13. B14. D15. C16. A17. B18. D19. B20. C21. C22. D23. A24. A25. C

26. D27. C28. C29. D30. D31. C32. A33. B34. B35. D36. D37. A38. B39. C40. C41. B42. A43. D44. D


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45. A46. C47. C48. A49. B50. A

Kunci Fisika kelas 7:

1. D2. B3. C4. B5. A6. A7. C8. D9. D10. C11. B12. B13. D14. A15. B16. C17. C18. D19. A20. B21. C22. C23. D24. A25. C26. B27. C28. C29. D30. C31. B32. B33. C34. D35. A36. B

37. A38. D39. A40. C41. B42. A43. B44. D45. A46. C47. A48. C49. D50. A


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Lampiran : 1

SMT : 1

Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian

2. Memahami prosedur ilmiah untuk mempelajari benda-benda alam dengan menggunakan peralatan

2.1. Menerapkan metode ilmiah

1.2.1 Memahami prinsip-prinsip metode ilmiah 6, 18.

1.2.2 Memberikan contoh-contoh penerapan metode ilmiah yang dilakukan para peneliti bidang sains 15, 25.

1.2.3 Merancang penelitian sederhana dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah 5, 18

1.2.4 Melakukan penelitian sederhana dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah13, 15, 23, 24

1.2.5 Mengkomunikasikan secara ilmiah hasil penelitian sederhana 5, 13, 21,

2.2. Mengenal konsep pengukuran, alat ukur, dan cara penggunaannya

1.2.1 Mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kesalahan pengukuran5, 13,22

2.3. Mendeskripsikan besaran pokok dan besaran turunan beserta satuannya

2.3.1. Menyebutkan macam-macam besaran pokok

2.3.2. Memberi contoh mendapatkan besaran turunan dari besaran pokok

2.3.3. Menyatakan hasil pengukuran menggunakan penulisan ilmiah5,13,22

2.3.4. Memberi contoh besaran skalar dan besaran vektor

2.3.5. Memahami perbedaan antara kelajuan dan kecepatan, jarak tempuh dan perubahan posisi sebagai contoh besaran skalar dan vektor.

2.4. Melakukan pengukuran dasar secara teliti dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang sesuai dan sering digunakan

2.4.1. Menggunakan penggaris, mikrometer, dan jangka sorong untuk menentukan panjang22,23,28,30

2.4.2. Menggunakan neraca Ohaus, neraca pegas, atau alat ukur massa lainnya22,23,28,30


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Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian

dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

2.4.3. Menggunakan jam, stopwatch atau alat ukur rentang waktu, termasuk periode ayunan22,23,28,30

2.4.4. Menggunakan thermometer untuk mengukur temperatur22,23,28,30

2.4.5. Menggunakan gelas ukur untuk mengukur volume benda yang tidak beraturan bentuknya22,23,28,30

3. Memahami unsur, senyawa, dan campuran

3.1. Menjelaskan pengertian unsur, senyawa dan campuran.

3.1.5 Dari contoh-contoh unsur dan senyawa yang ditemukan oleh peserta didik atau diberikan oleh guru, peserta didik dapat membedakan unsur dan senyawa berdasarkan jenis atom penyusunnya.5, 22

3.1.6 Berdasarkan jenis atom penyusunnya, peserta didik dapat memberikan pengertian unsur dan senyawa.22, 24

3.1.7 Melalui percobaan sederhana tentang daya hantar panas dan listrik, peserta didik dapat membandingkan perbedaan sifat unsur logam dan nonlogam. 5, 15, 17,

18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.1.8 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat menjelaskan pengertian campuran. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22,

24, 27, 28, 31

3.2. Menjelaskan perbedaan antara campuran homogen dan campuran heterogen

3.2.5 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat menjelaskan perbedaan antara campuran homogen dan campuran heterogen. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.2.6 Berdasarkan contoh-contoh yang ada di lingkungannya, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan adanya 3 jenis campuran homogen, yaitu campuran homogen dalam fase gas (misalnya udara), fase cair (misalnya larutan alkohol dalam air), dan fase padat (misalnya cincin emas 18 karat). 5, 22, 24

3.2.7 Berdasarkan jenis atom-atom yang terdapat di dalam suatu unsur dan senyawa, peserta didik dapat


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Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian

memberikan alasan yang menunjukkan bahwa unsur dan senyawa merupakan zat murni. 5, 22

3.2.8 Berdasarkan macam zat yang ada dalam suatu campuran, peserta didik dapat memberikan alasan yang menunjukkan bahwa campuran bukan merupakan zat murni. 5, 22

3.3. Mendiskripsikan sifat senyawa dan campuran.

3.5.1 Berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisika yang teramati, peserta didik dapat mendiskripsikan sifat senyawa dan campuran. 5, 22, 24

3.5.2 Berdasarkan contoh-contoh yang ada di lingkungannya, peserta didik dapat membandingkan sifat intensif dan sifat ekstensif zat. 5, 22,


3.4. Mendiskripsikan sifat-sifat fisika dan sifat-sifat kimia zat.

3.4.1 Melalui percobaan sederhana peserta didik dapat membandingkan sifat-sifat fisika dan sifat-sifat kimia zat. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19,

22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.5. Melakukan pemisahan komponen-komponen campuran dengan berbagai cara berdasarkan sifat fisika dan sifat kimia.

3.5.3 Melalui percobaan sederhana, peserta didik dapat memisahkan komponen-komponen suatu campuran. 5, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 31

3.5.4 Berdasarkan pemahaman tentang konponen-komponen penyusun zat dan sifat-sifat zat, peserta didik dapat membuat peta konsep tentang zat.5, 22, 24


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Lampiran : 2

Pengembangan KarakterSelain mengembangkan kompetensi, SBI juga mengembangkan karakter peserta didik. Di antara karakter yang dikembangkan adalah religius, patuh terhadap aturan, menghargai keberagaman, dan berpikir logis. Karakter minimal yang dikembangkan di SBI adalah sebagai berikut.

Tabel 1. Karakter Peserta Didik SBI

Karakter Characters

1. Religius2. Percaya diri3. Patuh pada aturan-aturan sosial4. Menghargai keberagaman

5. Berpikir logis, kritis, kreatif, dan inovatif

6. Mandiri7. Nasionalis8. Menghargai karya dan prestasi

orang lain9. Bertanggung jawab10. Bergaya hidup sehat11. Santun12. Sadar akan hak dan kewajiban diri

dan orang lain13. Jujur14. Disiplin15. Kerja keras16. Demokratis17. Peduli sosial dan lingkungan

18. Ingin tahu19. Cinta ilmu

20. Berjiwa wirausaha21. Konasi (kemauan untuk

bertindak)22. Cermat dan teliti23. Sederhana24. Objektif25. Tekun26. Skeptis

1. Religious/religiosity2. Confident/confidence3. Complying social rules/social compliance4. Appreciating diversity/appreciation of

diversity5. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and

innovatively6. Autonomous/autonomy7. Patriotic/patriotism/national pride8. Appreciative of works and achievements of

others/appreciation of …9. Responsible/responsibility10. Having healthy lifestyle/healthy lifestyle11. Courteous/courtesy12. Aware of rights and obligations of self and

others/awareness of..13. Honest/honesty14. Disciplined/discipline15. Industrious /industriousness16. Democratic/democracy17. Caring about social matters and

environment/social and environmental care18. Curious/curiosity19. Passionate about learning/passion for

learning20. Having entrepreneurial spirit/

entrepreneurship21. Willingness to act

22. Precision, accurate22. Parsimoy, simple23. Objective, factual24. Perserverence25. Scepticism


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27. Terbuka28. Mampu bekerjasama29. Empati30. Empiris31. Peduli terhadap keselamatan kerja


26. Open minded27. Cooperative29. Empathy30. Empirism31. Work safety