Dimuon arm, station 1 Mapping, AliRoot D. Guez, I. Hrivnacova, M. MacCormick IPN, Orsay ALICE Offline Meeting, CERN, 10 March 2003

Dimuon arm, station 1 Mapping, AliRoot

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Dimuon arm, station 1 Mapping, AliRoot. D. Guez, I. Hrivnacova, M. MacCormick IPN, Orsay ALICE Offline Meeting, CERN, 10 March 2003. Outline. Mapping What is mapping ? Design, Implementation File structure AliRoot MUONv2 – detailed geometry for Station 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Dimuon arm, station 1 Mapping, AliRoot

Dimuon arm, station 1Mapping, AliRoot

D. Guez, I. Hrivnacova, M. MacCormickIPN, Orsay

ALICE Offline Meeting, CERN, 10 March 2003

Page 2: Dimuon arm, station 1 Mapping, AliRoot

I. Hrivnacova ALICE Offline Meeting, CERN, 10 March 2003



Mapping – What is mapping ?– Design, Implementation– File structure

AliRoot– MUONv2 – detailed geometry for Station 1– Segmentation and Response classes– Modifications to existing MUON code

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I. Hrivnacova ALICE Offline Meeting, CERN, 10 March 2003



What is mapping ?

MUON St1 chamber– Composed of two cathode planes and anode

wires– Plane = 57344 pads– Each pad has its channel that passes the signal

to the electronics

For data analysis and detailed simulation – need the exact topology of the pads

Task of mapping:– Position (x, y) => Pad characteristics– Pad => Position in the plane

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Mapping Clients

Test-beam (TB2 – TestBeam ToolBox)– Used for online monitoring

Test-beam data analysis– Program “Offline” (Saclay)

Simulation program (AliRoot) User

– On the test bench a user can interactively interrogate the mapping program

The mapping package has been developed as an autonomous package based only on Root– Not included in AliRoot

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Stations 1 and 2


Sector Motif


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Row segment

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Class hierarchy follows the physical design of the cathode plane

Plane elements (entities): – Pad = smallest element (copper rectangle)– Motif = repeatedly placed ensemble of pads (in most

cases rectangular) with given characteristics– Row segment = a segment of a row of motifs

containing motifs of the same type– Row = row of motifs composed of row segments– Zone = region of the plane with pads of the same

dimension– Sector = plane quadrant– Plane = whole plane, composed of 4 sector positions

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Class categories

Basic – elementary and utility classes, abstract base classes– MIntPair, MArea, MPad, MVIterator, MVSegmentation,

MTransformer, MFiles Motif

– MVMotif, MMotif, MMotifSpecial, MMotifType, MMotifPosition, MMotifMap, …

Sector– MVRowSegment, MRowSegment, MRowSegmentSpecial,

MRow, MZone, MSubZone, MReader, MSector Plane

– MSectorPosition, MPlane Graphics

– MVPainter, MMotifPainter, MSectorPainter, …

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Class categories

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Segmentation classes

Front-end classes for the client code– MVSegmentation – interface– MSegmentation, MPlaneSegmentation

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Iterator classes

Iteration over pads– Over a rectangular area, in physical elements

(motif, sector, plane)– MVPadIterator - interface– MMotifTypePadIterator, MSectorPadIterator,

MPlaneAreaPlaneIterator, …

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Files structure

Mapping subdirectories:– config, doc, data, macro, source– tmp, lib – created at compilation time

Source– Structured according to class categories– Each subdirectory: makefile, include, src

Data– Input data files in two directories:

• bending_plane, non-bending_plane Config - common makefiles Macro - test Root macros Doc – history, README, DataFilesFormat

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Input Data Files

All input parameters in ASCII data files:– zones.dat

• layout of the sector– zones-special.dat

• layout of special zones– motifX.dat (where X = A, B, C, … (motif type))

• Motif type characteristics, electronics wiring– motifPosX.dat

• mapping between indices in motifX.dat to (i,j) local to motif

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Test Suite

When developing code – a test macro written for each new part of the code

15 test macros Automated testing procedure

– test_suite.pl– Perl script that runs all test macros and compares

the output with the reference output which is stored in macro/out_reference directory

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Installation Download

– From alisoft CVS server:– cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/soft/cvsroot co mapping

Environment– MINSTALL – path to mapping package– MPSYSTEM – platform + compiler (used G4 convention)– ROOTSYS – path to Root

Compilation– cd mapping/source– gmake install

Test– cd mapping/macro– root– root [0] .x testXYZ.C

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New classes *MUONSt1* New classes for MUON Station1 have been

included in AliRoot Use of the mapping package

– Makes AliRoot dependent on this external software

New classes are included in AliRoot compilation only if the MINSTALL variable is set– No need to install mapping when running with the

default MUONv1 version– In AliRoot nightly builds the new classes could be


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Detailed geometry of MUON Station1 and the frame

AliMUONv2 is derived from AliMUONv1– Geometry of the other stations is build by AliMUONv1

Verification of geometry– Visualization: Geant3 geometry GUI, GraXML– Geant4 geometry verification tests– Still going on

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MUONv2Dimuon arm

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MUONv2Dimuon arm Station1

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Dimuon arm Station1 quadrant

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Derived from AliSegmentation Use of mapping segmentation and iterator classes

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Derived from MUON response classes Use of mapping segmentation

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Utility classes– The MUONSt1Response configuration is defined via

ASCII data files using the ‘rules’ – A ‘rule’ is a relationship between electronic channels

and the parameter to be applied

Any electronics channel parameter can be individually (or collectively) controlled– Pedestals, noise levels, on/off

• Can come from DATE or be user generated– Can use ADC “sticky bits”

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Modifications to existing classes (1)

AliMUONFactory– Completely redesigned– BuildStation(AliMUON* where, Int_t stationNumber)

• New public function• Enables each station to be configured separately

– Build(AliMUON* where, const char* what) • The long function (configuring all stations) has

been split into private functions for each station– The factory can now be used for configuring selected

chambers only

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Modifications to existing classes (2)

AliMUONv1– A derived class can switch off geometry construction for

selected stations and provide its own geometry• In this approach the geometry can be overridden by

one derived class only – it is not possible to construct detailed geometry for each station in separate classes

– Separation of geometry construction for each station to a new class would be a better solution

• Proposed already by G. Martinez in dimuon offline mailing list

– Modification in StepManager()• Use of added protected function GetChamberId(volId)• To enable the definition of more than one sensitive

volume identifier per chamber

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New code for dimuon Station1 has been presented:– Mapping - as a stand-alone package– MUONv2, MUONSt1* classes in AliRoot

We would be interested to see if the mapping package can be reused also elsewhere

New code available from alisoft CVS– Thanks to Peter Hristov the mapping module has been

imported from our local CVS (keeping history/versions of all files)

Mapping installation is needed to run AliRoot with the new code– Not needed when running with the default Config.C