Directive Series Prostate Evil Twin

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Natural Health Dossier

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Published by Fourth Avenue Health Group

ADDRESS: 245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Delray Beach, FL 33483 1-800-718-5638

Maria Dolgova - Associate Publisher | Ian Robinson - Managing EditorErika Laguna - Art Director | Lauren Bunker - Graphic Designer

Important: NHD is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natu-ral health research, findings and products. Because we are a for-profit publication, we include advertising copy in each issue and send our readers advertisements we approve of. When our editors like and use advertised products we talk about their features and benefits in our editorial. Readers should be assured that although we may have a financial interest in a product we talk about, we will never rec-ommend anything we don’t believe in.

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Copyright © 2011. Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC, located at 245 NE 4th Avenue, Delray Beach Florida 33483, is a subsidiary of Early to Rise. All rights reserved. Natural Health Dossier is published monthly as a paid subscription service by Fourth Avenue Health Group, LLC.

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1 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

An in-law just sent me a note saying that he’d been diagnosed with prostate cancer. His doctor spent just a few minutes with him and then recommended he have his prostate removed.

He is a smart guy and intelligently skeptical about surgery. Yet he’s scared. He wrote me, knowing that I have research resources available, asking me what he should do.

I told him that I am not qualified to give him advice but I’d have the NHD team put to-gether the latest research from the most qualified doctors and scientists for him.

So that’s what I’d like you to do: create a short report highlighting the most important scientific studies that bear on his question.

Specifically, I’d like it to explain:

• How much danger is he in? I know prostate cancer is slow growing, but I also know it kills. What do we know about how fast it grows and how dangerous it is?

• What are the roles of testosterone and estrogen in prostate disease? Does it help to take medicine or natural supplements to control these?

• What are the benefits of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation treatment? I know someone who refused surgery but took a course of radiation combined with natural supplements and had a 100% recovery. I know another person who had surgery and died.

• In providing answers to that, tell me also what he can expect in terms of unde-sirable side effects. I’ve heard that surgery and even radiation can create partial or complete impotency. Is that true? What are the facts?

• How effective are natural remedies? I have read that a macrobiotic diet can be helpful, but I’m very suspicious about that. I’ve also read that there are studies that suggest that other diets – which promote the immune system and decrease toxic stress – can be very helpful.


From: Mr. M

To: Ian Robinson, Chief Health Researcher

Cc: Maria Dolgova

Subject: Re: Defeating the "Evil Twin": The New Revolution in Prostate Cancer Treatment ________________________________________________________________

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2 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

• I also know that there are many natural nutrients that stimulate healthy prostate function. I know personally that an optimal amount of saw palmetto can be very effective in reducing natural prostate enlargement. But will that (or other natu-ral supplements) work when someone has cancer?

• Who are the world’s best experts on both conventional and alternative thera-pies? What do they say?

Please include case studies and personal accounts in addition to the scientific evidence. Please consult with all NHD panelists who are actively treating patients for cancer.

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3 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer – Naturally?

Every 13 minutes, a man dies from prostate cancer. It’s the most common cancer in American men.

The medical establishment says it’s an inevitable disease – if you live long enough. And thousands of men undergo surgery or radiation every day in hopes of curing it.

The mainstream view is to catch it early when it’s still curable with treatment – so they say. As a result, men across America undergo annual checkups and when a problem is suspected – sent for treatment.

But what if the medical establishment is wrong? What if millions of men are losing control of their urinary and sexual “functions” because modern medicine is missing one significant factor?

The established methods to tackle prostate cancer are:

• Surgery

• Radiation

• Chemotherapy

But burning – or cutting – out the cancer doesn’t always work. And can have serious side effects.

Each year 40,000 men are frightened into treatments. Often within two days of diagnosis.

Even though there are no clinical studies proving these treatments cure this disease.

The worst part? These treatments may not kill all the cancer cells. In one third of all cases, the cancer returns within five years. The percentage is even higher at the 10-year mark.

What If Mainstream Science Has It All Wrong?

Credible doctors say you can treat this frightening disease in a way that will allow you to maintain your dignity. They even say you can prevent it from ever occurring.

These doctors say the problem with the typical treatments is that you’re not treating the cause but only the result. If the cause is left behind, it’ll come back in another form. Maybe it’ll spread to your bones or your lymph nodes…


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4 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

But these doctors have good news. News you can use to be informed about your pros-tate health and future. Information you can use to protect yourself.

In the next 30 pages, we’ll review:

• The underlying cause of prostate cancer.

• The rate at which prostate cancer grows.

• The true risks of prostate cancer.

• The pros and cons of early detection.

• The benefits and dangers of surgery and drugs.

We’ll also consider the following questions:

• How effective are macrobiotics in combatting prostate cancer?

• Can natural remedies really restore prostate health?

• Do detox diets and immune-boosting vitamins protect your prostate?

We’ll reveal the big mistake that modern medicine is making. And why this secret is crucial to fighting prostate cancer.

You’ll also hear from:

• Doctors who defy the establishment and heal their patients naturally. Without surgery or drugs!

• Survivors like Dr. Larry Clapp – who defied his doctor and refused surgery. He went on to beat prostate cancer using alternative treatments like diet and natu-ral remedies. Twenty years later he’s still cancer free.

And finally we’ll give you:

• 15 natural remedies that can prevent you from ever having to face this dreaded disease.

• Foods you can eat to boost your immunity and your prostate health. It’s easier than you think.

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5 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Key Facts about Your Prostate

Your prostate is a walnut-sized gland that sits behind your bladder and in front of your rectum. As part of your reproductive system, its function is to create semen to carry your sperm. It surrounds your urethra, which is the tube that carries urine and semen out of your body.

As you get older, your prostate enlarges. It swells beyond its normal size, which can constrict your urethra. This affects your ability to urinate or get an erection. If it contin-ues to enlarge, you’ll have what’s called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – the first step toward prostate cancer.

The symptoms may start small.

You may not even notice them at first. But, over time, they’ll worsen.

Typical symptoms of BPH include:

• Interrupted urine streams – called dribbling

• Trouble getting started – called hesitancy

• More trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night

If this sounds like you, it’s time to pay atten-tion to what your body is telling you. And it’s telling you that your hormones are out of whack. This is the time to address the root cause before you get the dreaded diagnosis from your doctor.

Typically, prostate cancer is slow moving. However, it can occasionally be aggressive, especially in younger men, and it can spread to your bones and your lymph nodes.

The dangers of prostate cancer depend primarily on four things:

• your age

• your general health

• your race

• your family history

The 3 Stages of Prostate Cancer

• First you have benign prostatic hy-perplasia (BPH). This is when your prostate swells and starts pressing on your urethra. Enough pressure, and it can affect your urine stream, making it harder to urinate. You may start to have trouble in the bedroom too.

• Prostatitis. This is when urination can become painful; sex too. You may feel pain in your lower back.

• Prostate Cancer: Your prostate cells form a tumor.

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6 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Men already in good health are at lower risk. Age and health are the primary factors, followed by race. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that African American men are at the highest risk of developing the disease. White men are close behind.

You’re at greater risk if you have a father or brother who developed prostate cancer at a young age.

The disease is rampant. Two men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every five minutes.

How Fast Does It Spread?

Usually, prostate cancer is a slow moving disease. It can take years to become a prob-lem and even longer to spread. Some patients may have a prolonged survival even af-ter cancer has spread to distant areas such as the bones.

Most men over 65 are more likely to die of something other than prostate cancer.

Scary Statistics

Duval County Medical School in Florida provides some Florida-based statistics. They find that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer in men in that state.

Prostate cancer accounts for 13 percent of male cancer deaths in the state of Florida. Lung cancer accounts for 37 percent of male deaths in Florida.

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7 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

However, in men under 65, death is a greater danger. Despite the disease’s slow growth, men under 50 likely have longer to live with the disease.

And, despite its typical slow movement, prostate cancer can occasionally be very ag-gressive. That’s why – rather than taking an “active surveillance” role of monitoring the disease before taking drastic action – the medical establishment is quick to schedule surgery or radiation… just in case.

But neither of these treatments has been clinically proven to actually cure the disease. Additionally, they have serious side effects.

Surgery or radiation – which cuts or burns out the prostate – have become the “go to” reaction when faced with this disease. If there’s even an inkling of this disease (more on that later) men are often scared into adopting these radical treatments as soon as possible. A radical prostatectomy, for instance, is a serious surgery that cuts open your abdomen to remove the prostate.

Yet studies show that “skewed data overestimates the benefits of a radical prostatectomy.”

The Problem with Surgery and Radiation

Some 219,000 American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Accord-ing to the National Cancer Institute, nearly half of them have their prostate surgically removed.

Unfortunately, one in five regrets this decision according to a new study published in the medical journal European Urology.

This study shows that even the latest technological advances – such as robotic prosta-tectomy – don’t offer consistent and improved results for men. The regret is highest for men who opt for this surgery despite it being a less invasive surgery.

Why is this? Researchers think it may be because they are led to have unrealistic ex-pectations about being able to resume a life of “normalcy” quickly.

Doctors may quote a 95 percent rate of potency to their patients which lead them to assume they can maintain a sexually active life.

But that definition of potency does not meet expectations. A new definition from re-searchers at George Washington University and New York University found that fewer than half the men who’d had this surgery felt their sex lives had returned to normal within a year.

More disturbing was that men who’d recently had surgery were generally satisfied.

Very true!

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8 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

The regrets were most held by the men long past the surgery. By then they could see the long-term effects of erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

As one patient put it, “Urine is the new semen.”

Prostate Cancer Is a Worldwide Problem

About 258,000 men died from prostate cancer in 2008. Mortality rates are highest in black populations (Southern Africa) and very low in Asia.

This chart – based on figures provided by Cancer Research UK – shows that many men develop prostate cancer if they live long enough. But the number of men who actually die from it are few.

Statistics show that while most men over 75 will die with prostate cancer… very few will die from it.

Very telling...

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9 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Thousands of other men try to counter the effects of surgery. They use combinations of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction aids with poor success.

Yet despite patient dissatisfaction with long-term results, surgery and radiation are considered the standard practice in the war against prostate cancer.

Side effects can include:

urinary and fecal incontinence

erectile dysfunction


hair loss

Meet Larry Clapp, Ph.D. and J.D. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1990 and scheduled for surgery the very next day – without being consulted. Against the warnings of his doctor, Dr. Clapp refused the surgery and went for a second opinion.

He saw a radiologist. There, instead of having his questions clarified, he wound up more confused. Both doctors recommended their treatment as the best course of ac-tion. But he didn’t think either was a good option.

He’d already started doing his own research on the disease and felt the odds were with him. He didn’t have to make a decision this week or next.

Statistics show most prostate cancer is slow growing. And he felt the side effects of standard treatment were risky.

“You can find studies to prove percentages between 15 and 80 percent for impotence and incontinence,” says Dr. Clapp. “However somewhere between 60 to 80 percent seems to be accurate. Certainly nowhere near the 15 to 20 percent claimed by many medical practitioners. These are not odds that appeal to most men, if honestly stated.”

Studies Paint Dismal Story of Surgical Success

Several published studies concur. You can find them in Urology and The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

They report erectile dysfunction in “60 to 89 percent of men who follow radical prostatectomy.”

“Fewer than half the men who [have] surgery feel their sex lives return to normal within a year…”

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It’s a slightly different story with nerve-sparing surgery. In that option, “60 to 85 percent of men recover erectile function… but it could [take] up to two years.”

One study shows that five years after surgery… 30 percent of men still have “to wear pads or clamps. And more than 40 percent report incontinence.”

A Medicare study reports:

Forty one percent of patients need additional surgeries for incontinence. Or sought help for sexual dysfunction.

“When you add to these odds that the recurrence rate for cancer is 35 percent recur-rence in 5 years and 75 percent recurrence in 10 years, why would any man want to have surgery or radiation?” asks Dr. Clapp.

“Consider the recovery time for surgery of six to eight weeks. And the time… and sick feelings… and baldness for eight weeks of radiation.”

He opted for an aggressive lifestyle change. He altered his diet and started meditating and getting regular exercise. Twenty years later, he’s still cancer free.

Dr. Clapp literally wrote the book on how you can take charge of your health and rid

yourself of cancer without the suffering the pain and indignities of standard medical treatment and its side effects.

Screening for Prostate Cancer

Two standard tests are used for screening for prostate cancer.

The first test used in prostate cancer screening is the PSA test. It measures proteins produced by the prostate called prostate specific antigens, or PSAs. The PSA tests may be administered every year to men with certain risk levels. Many doctors recommend them as a matter of precaution for men over 40.

PSA shows up two ways in the blood.

1 – It attaches itself to blood proteins

2 – It circulates freely

“When you add to these odds that the recurrence rate for cancer is 35 percent recurrence in five years and 75 percent recurrence in 10 years, why would any

man want to have surgery or radiation?”

- Dr. Larry Clapp, prostate cancer survivor

ThatÍ ssort o




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11 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Studies show the percentage of freely circulating PSA is lower in men who have pros-tate cancer than in men who don’t.

It’s normal for men to have some of these proteins. The danger comes in when the lev-els are high.

A score of 0-4 is considered normal. Typically, if you have higher levels, your doctor will want to schedule a biopsy to see if she can detect cancerous cells. But higher levels can also mean you have an infection or that your prostate has simply enlarged with age.

Unfortunately, according to critics, a biopsy can actually spread existing cancer cells.

If you do have indicators of prostate disease, a PSA test can:

Be used with other clinical exam results to decide if CT scans or bone scans are needed to see if the cancer has metastasized.

Indicate how well chemo or radiation is working.

Help determine if pre-existing cancer is growing. Some men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer chose watchful waiting. Because prostate cancer often grows at a slow rate there’s a good chance that older men will die before it be-comes life threatening. Rather than risk the side effects of drugs or surgery... they wait it out and see if the cancer grows. The PSA test can help determine if the cancer is confined to the prostate gland.

However, plenty of doctors don’t buy into PSA screening at all.

Dr. Peter B. Bach works at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. He doesn’t believe that the PSA test is an effective guard against cancer.

He explains how the process works. The first step is for a man to get the test. If it shows that his prostate is enlarged... he’s fast-tracked to the next step. Which means his doc-tor will urge him to have a biopsy. If that biopsy reveals prostate cancer... he then goes through one of the standard treatments for the cancer.

This sounds sensible enough. But Dr. Bach explains that it’s not as good as it sounds.

“There is a one in 50 chance that, in 2019 or later, he will be spared death from a cancer that would otherwise have killed him. And there is a 49 in 50 chance that he will have been treated unnecessarily for a cancer that was never a threat to his life.”

In other words, for every 50 men who risk impotence and incontinence through drugs or surgery… only one would have been at risk of dying from prostate cancer in the first place. And even then, death from the disease could have taken a decade to occur…

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12 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Though the PSA has been a standard in medical offices for decades, there’s no assur-ance it’s going to prove that someone has cancer.

What the PSA Does NOT Do

Dr. Larry Clapp says in his book Prostate Health in 90 Days, “An elevated PSA only sug-gests cancer may be present.”

If cancer is present, the PSA WON’T tell you:

• whether you actually have cancer…

• or how long you will live with it.

And yet, the next course is biopsy… and if that shows positive for cancer, radical treat-ments are urged.

The second type of prostate cancer screening test is the DRE (digital rectal exam). Your doctor inserts a gloved finger in your rectum to check your prostate.

She is looking for asymmetry or hard nodular areas, which are cause for concern. If she finds either, she will likely recommend a biopsy. Once again, potentially leading to radi-cal and side-effect laden treatments.

How Effective Is Prostate Screening?

Many medical experts don’t believe prostate cancer screening is worth the potential harm it can cause.

There’s a real chance you’ll be diagnosed with cancer… when you don’t actually have it. That’s because PSA tests give false positives. A urinary infection or benign prostate enlargement can deliver a false positive.

Even when a PSA test identifies cancer… it can’t distinguish between the cancers that kill and the ones that don’t.

Plus, if you have prostate cancer, chances are good that you could live out your life even with no knowledge that you are carrying the disease. You could even die of some-thing else… long before the slow-growing prostate cancer kills you.

Conventional wisdom dictates that annual screenings start around age 50. Earlier for higher risk men like African Americans and those who had close family members de-velop the disease at a young age.


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13 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

One of the big concerns with screening is that the tests aren’t accurate. Yet those inac-curate tests can cause men and their doctors to jump to treatments with serious side effects.

In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) has opted to cease using PSA tests. The decision was reached in December 2010 following an extensive review of studies and research. The National Screening Committee conducted the thorough review.

Those experts concluded that “the harm outweighs the benefits.” Going forward, the NHS – the primary form of healthcare in the UK – will not be offering PSA tests.

True-Life Story of Consequences

Meet Greg Bowen. He was energetic and active at 75 years old. He enjoyed a full, pro-ductive life. He was practicing law in Denver when he began down the long harrowing PSA path.

He took the test simply as a matter of routine. And he tested positive for prostate cancer.

Immediately his world changed. Emotional stress… fear… the indecision of what to do next.

Still a powerful man, ready to take charge, he felt he had to take action.

His doctor put him on Lupron, a testosterone-blocking drug. (Mainstream medicine says testosterone may be a big factor in prostate cancer. More about this later…) He also submitted to radiation therapy. His doctor assured him that he had to do this. Af-ter all, his doctor told him, the side effects were small but the dangers of prostate can-cer were great.

He trusted his doctor and did what he’d spent a lifetime doing… he took action. And he paid for that trust.

“I didn’t realize that Lupron was chemical castration,” says Brown. “I was extremely de-pressed. I was having hot and cold flashes. I cried at everything.”

Then the therapy that was going to save his life began to have side effects.

The radiation therapy damaged his rectum. He lost control over his bladder and bow-els. Suddenly, the sharp-suited lawyer – a man who’d spent a lifetime in control – was embarrassed to go out in public.

And what did his doctor do? Suggest another round of testosterone-blocking drugs.

ThatÍ s amazing -

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14 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

Mr. Bowen is a different man. For the final years of his life… his life will be greatly dimin-ished. And he has no idea if his treatments made any difference to his chances of survival.

Because he developed prostate cancer at the age of 75, many studies suggest he’d have lived out his life the man he’d always been… entirely unaware that he even had prostate cancer. Chances are good that he’d have died with prostate cancer. But not from it.

Watchful Waiting

Many men diagnosed with prostate cancer opt for such invasive treatments. Even though statistics support “watchful waiting.” That means using regular screenings to see if the cancer grows or spreads.

Even though the PSA test has been in use in the U.S. since the late 1980s, its impact on the prostate cancer death rate is unclear.

In recent years prostate cancer death rates have dropped from 31 per 100,000 men to 24.6. But experts don’t believe the PSA testing has much to do with it. Why not? Medicare records reveal a simple truth…

Statistical Record of Failure

Just look at the records of Medicare patients in Seattle vs. Connecticut. These records show that Seattle men received regular PSA tests between 1988 and 1990.

These men routinely followed up their screenings with surgery and radiation if they were diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Researchers followed these patients for seven years.

At the same time they also studied Connecticut men. They tended to pass on PSA screenings, and so never opted for surgery or drugs. In fact… for every 125 men who opted for screenings in Seattle… only 25 did so in Connecticut.

The study ended in1997. The result? Researchers found absolutely zero difference in death-from-prostate-cancer rates between the two groups.

Experts Weigh in on Screenings

Dr. Nortin M. Hadler, MD is a Harvard graduate. He’s a professor of medicine at the Uni-versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the best-selling author of Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Over-Treated America.

Incredible --

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15 Defeating Prostate Cancer: 15 New Therapies to Keep Your Prostate in Perfect Health

He condemns PSA screenings and suggests that the whole diagnostic process is a mon-ey-making scam. One that brings undue stress and life-changing consequences to men.

“Prostate screening seems to make sense,” says Dr. Hadler. “If only it worked.”

He’s not alone in the medical establishment for questioning the efficacy of these screenings…

Studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and other pres-tigious journals reveal that men are being over diagnosed. The research shows that drugs and surgery have life-changing side effects… without offering significant gains in survival chances.

Even the revered Dr. Thomas A. Stamey – world renowned urologist and prostate can-cer expert – recently stated that the PSA only benefits two percent of men.

The National Institutes of Health supports this new thinking. They’re conducting the “gold standard” in prostate screening studies… a large randomized clinical trial to look at screening effectiveness.

The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial has also waded in. They reviewed prostate screenings to see if they reduce prostate cancer death rates.

Early results show that four years of annual testing have not reduced prostate deaths.

In fact, they found that PSA screenings turned up 23 percent more cancers than other screening types. But these cancers posed no significant health issues to the men who had them.

Yet, they were still exposed to radiation and radical surgery… that didn’t save their lives from prostate cancer death.

The study is ongoing, but these results show that thousands of men are suffering un-necessarily from these aggressive treatments.

Prostate Surgery: Saving Lives or Ruining Them?

Two Swedish studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine sparked turmoil in the media. The studies followed 695 men with large prostate tumors for an average of 6.2 years.

Half were randomly assigned to undergo surgery to remove their prostate. The other half were assigned “watchful waiting” or close observation.

Monitoring the two groups, the first study calculated their mortality rates. The second study looked at their quality of life.

Very sad to hear...

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What they found shocked the medical establishment.

There was almost no difference in life expectancy.

Sixteen of the 347 men who had surgery died of prostate cancer, compared to 18 of the 348 in the watchful waiting group.

The researchers concluded that “current evidence indicates that radical prostatectomy, as compared to watchful waiting, has little or no effect on overall survival...”

Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., questions annual screenings too. As a leader in wellness, he opened The Whitaker Wellness Institute in 1979 to explore complementary medicine. He’s no stranger to conventional treatments: he was educated at Dartmouth College and Emory University and completed a surgery residency before deciding to explore other treatments.

Based on his research, he says there’s almost no difference between survival rates. Whether you opt for risky treatments or “watchful waiting” it doesn’t alter your chances of survival. He says that it just boils down to common sense: if the results are the same, the only consideration is quality of life. And if that’s the case… surgery and drugs lose every time.

In the Swiss studies, 80 percent of the men who had surgery suffered from erectile dys-function. Only 45 percent had that problem in the “watchful waiting” group.

In addition, almost half of the surgical patients were incontinent, versus only 21 per-cent of the “watchful waiting” group. (See “Swiss Study Stacks Waiting against Sur-gery” bar chart below.)

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Swiss Study Stacks Waiting against Surgery

“Rarely are these treatments more effective than ‘watchful waiting,’” says Dr. Whitaker. He says the smart option is simple.

“Observe the course of disease without taking any aggressive action,” says Dr. Whitaker.

He says thousands of men every year are stunned into unnecessary radical treatments that come with debilitating side effects. These include urinary and fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and even nausea and hair loss.

Worse, studies show they don’t help cure the disease.

Diet May Affect Prostate

Information released by Cancer research UK shows that diet may be a key culprit in pros-tate cancer.

Before the rise of the low-fat, high-carb diet, prostate cancer mortality was stable during the 1970s. But just as diet began to change – favoring low-fat products and high grains over natural fats and protein – prostate cancer death rates begin to rise wildly.

The chart below shows the increase in the early 1980s. And mortality peaked in the early 1990s. In 1992, the death rate reached 30 per 100,000. With the rise of low-carb diets there has been a significant fall in mortality rates. By 2008 the death rate was 24 per 100,000. This was the first sustained decrease in annual death rates in 30 years.

Age-standardised (European) mortality rates, prostate cancer, UK, 1971-2008

Year of death


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A review of more than 12,000 published studies conducted by the Prostate Cancer Panel of the American Urological Association found that none of these conventional therapies listed is better than another. And that includes watchful waiting.

They don’t cure prostate cancer.

In other words, feeling rotten, losing control of your sexual and excretory functions, and dealing with the general stress of these treatments is not proven to extend the lives of men with prostate cancer.

“Despite the aggressive therapies that modern medicine has conjured up over the last 75 years, the lifespan of patients with prostate cancer hasn’t changed since 1930,” says Dr. Whitaker. “In fact, I believe that these aggressive therapies make patients worse.”

Dr. Whitaker says the best thing you can do is boost your immune system through diet and nutritional supplements. He should know: he’s spent over 30 years studying nutri-tion and other forms of complementary medicine.

The Underlying Cause of Prostate Disease

These doctors point to the same cause of prostate disease. Once you know this you can effectively protect yourself with some minor lifestyle and dietary changes to pre-vent you from ever having to face this dreaded diagnosis.

Unlike common beliefs, prostate cancer does not have to be an inevitable part of ag-ing. These doctors and survivors show you how you can protect yourself.

Mainstream doctors point to your enlarged prostate and say it’s a result of a hormonal imbalance. That’s correct, but their approach to balancing your hormones might be doing you more harm than good. (More on this in a bit.)

Hormones are a key component in making your body “work.” They influence your cells, organs, and bodily functions. They affect growth spurts, metabolism, sexual functions, digestion, and even moods.

You might think of testosterone as the male hormone and estrogen as the female hor-mone. But, the reality is, we all have some of both.

Studies show that testosterone is necessary for a healthy prostate. But some types of tes-tosterone can cause cancer. Likewise with estrogen. And this is where the medical estab-lishment has turned a blind eye until only recently. We’ll look at these in greater detail later.

First you should understand the basics of these hormones’ functions. Basically, testos-terone builds muscle and estrogen stores fat.


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Young men have plenty of testosterone so it’s easy to build muscle and stay lean. But as they age, these hormones shift. The body starts producing more estrogen… It gets harder to take off extra weight and build muscle… Resulting in those “love handles” that are increasingly hard to get rid of.

These imbalances accelerate with age.

Let’s look at how these shifts relate to prostate cancer. You may be aware this cancer is rare in men younger than age 40. Your risk rises quickly after age 50. Nearly two out of three prostate cancers develop in men over age 65.

According to a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Report, from 2003-2007, the average age of men diagnosed with this disease is 67.

According to the NCI, one in six men will be handed the frightening diagnosis of pros-tate cancer at some point in their lives.

But you can protect yourself.

The Role of Your Hormones

Conventional wisdom says that too much testosterone leads to prostate cancer. Hence the testosterone-blocking drugs used in hormone therapy. But if that’s the case, why don’t young men with “raging hormones” get the disease?

What if it’s not a matter of too much testosterone but too much of the wrong kind?

Meet Dr. George Debled. Dr. Debled has spent 20 years operating a men’s health clinic. In that time, he’s helped 2,000 men battle prostate disease without losing a single one to prostate cancer.

He’s a developed a type of hormone therapy that uses a natural approach to balance your hormones. His European clinic specializes in sexual dysfunction and prostate problems.

When a patient comes in, he runs an array of blood tests. These tests allow him to cre-ate a “hormonal profile” of the patient.

And his findings are interesting. According to Dr. Debled, young men with libido trou-bles have the same hormonal profile as older patients.

His records show reduced testosterone levels. And increased estrogen.

He says testosterone is vital to a healthy prostate. It nourishes men’s reproductive and urinary systems.


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His method is simple: Treat his patients with supplements. Testosterone supplements, that is.

His files show that his treatment has reduced prostate problems in over 2,000 patients. It’s also improved erectile dysfunction.

Michael Schachter, M.D. agrees with Dr. Debled’s treatments: “Men receiving Dr. De-bled’s treatment reported quick improvement in urinary and sexual functioning … as well as [many] general improvements.”

Dr. Schachter has run a successful New York alternative health practice for three de-cades. He’s also a past president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and a graduate of the Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons.

He’s convinced Dr. Debled’s treatments work. But doctors like these face tough oppo-sition because their theories run counter to conventional medicine, which holds that prostate disease is brought on by too much testosterone.

But Drs. Debled and Schachter and others disagree. They say there are plenty of studies that show testosterone is only one piece of the puzzle. And it’s a big part of the solution.

Their own clinical evidence backs up their beliefs.

The theory that too much testosterone is the culprit in prostate cancer goes back 70 years.

In 1941, Dr. Maurice Huggins claimed castration delayed death in men with prostate cancer. Studies supported his claim.

By removing the testes, he removed the testosterone supply. He made the connection that testosterone causes cancer and gained the support of the medical community. But no one seemed to recognize that removing the testes also reduced the levels of estrogen.

In part due to the past two decades of hormone therapy like Dr. Debled’s, some doctors think it’s the estrogen that’s a big culprit behind prostate disease. (More on that in a minute)

Your Hormones at Work

Testosterone is a male anabolic hormone that burns fat and builds protein tissue.

When bodybuilders take steroids, they’re taking in more testosterone than their bodies are producing so they can “bulk up.”

Yet, interestingly enough, there’s no evidence that supports their having higher rates of prostate cancer.

Very encouraging!

Good point!

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Estrogen is typically thought of as the female sex hormone. It plays a big role in fat storage. In reality, both sexes have estrogen. The difference is in the levels.

Young men have high levels of what’s called “free testosterone.” And their estrogen lev-els are low.

But that changes as you get older. Your hormone balances flip flop.

Fat deposits start to accumulate around your middle and your body starts producing higher levels of estrogen. You may experience more mood swings and episodes calling your life into question – classic “mid-life crisis” symptoms.

Numerous university studies show free testosterone is essential for a healthy prostate. And young men have plenty. But this reversal in the hormone balance as you get older creates problems.

But your body also makes another type of testosterone. It’s called dihydrotetosterone (DHT). Plenty of research shows this type of testosterone leads to cancerous tumors.

When you’re younger and producing plenty of free testosterone, your body uses that. But as you get older, your free testosterone production slows down and your body starts relying more on the DHT. That’s not good.

Then, your estrogen levels start rising.

You start putting on weight. And you may find yourself more emotional than usual. These are classic symptoms of rising estrogen.

Estrogen is really a blanket term given to 3 different classes of hormones.

There’s estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) and estriol (E3). Studies show E2 is the most dan-gerous and can cause cancer. It also blocks free testosterone and speed DHT produc-tion. It’s a double whammy.

Now deceased, Dr. John R. Lee was an M.D. who practiced the hormonal therapy that Drs. Schachter and Debled use.

A graduate of Harvard, he ran a 30-year family practice in Northern California and ap-plied hormone therapy on a daily basis. Dr. Lee assisted thousands of people in suc-cessfully fighting cancer using this therapy.

He agreed a hormonal imbalance can put you at risk for prostate cancer. He coined the term “estrogen dominance.” And he was convinced that free testosterone was the key to preventing prostate disease.

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As we’ve seen, he’s not alone in this thinking. Many high profile studies show excessive estrogen in men is the leading cause of prostate cancer.

Dr. Lee’s research says six to eight mg per day of the hormone progesterone (in a topi-cal cream) will raise your progesterone to healthy levels.

It’s important your cream has the right balance of hormones to be safe; many don’t have the right testosterone content. He recommends just one to two mg a day of tes-tosterone to stay healthy.

But you can’t just go and buy a cream. You need a doctor’s prescription.

Dr. Lee offers another caution, “It is essential that the pharmacist use real testosterone.”

There are synthetic versions like methyltestosterone but he recommends avoiding these.

“I have seen remarkable benefits and no side effects in men who use hormones this way,” says Dr. Lee. “The low doses used attest to the excellent absorption of these hor-mones when applied transdermally.”

Other studies support these findings.

The University of Vienna did 23 clinical trials over 15 years. They found estrogen was the true culprit in BPH.

Their conclusions?

“Estrogen suppression is [the best] strategy in the medical treatment of BPH.”

The problem is that E2 stimulates DHT production and binds it to the prostate. Plus, it blocks free testosterone.

Estrogen Is Everywhere

And estrogen isn’t just in your body; it also surrounds you in your environment.

You’re exposed to estrogen every day in a myriad of ways – it’s in milk, soaps, and other products.

So, not only are your own hormones producing higher levels of estrogen as you get older, but you’re also getting it through your food and household products.

Harvard conducted a study confirming the theory that too much of the wrong type of estrogen is the big problem in prostate cancer.

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These researchers studied 323 men with BPH or prostate cancer. They compared them to 320 healthy men. Each of the healthy men had high levels of free testosterone. They also had low estrogen levels.

The men with prostate disease were the exact opposite. They had low free testoster-one and high estrogen. The conclusion? The ratio of testosterone to estrogen was al-ways reversed in the men with prostate disease.

And there’s another hormone you should know: progesterone. It balances out the es-trogen levels in your body.

Progesterone stops men from producing excess estrogen. It burns body fat to keep men from gaining weight, which reduces estrogen production.

Plus, studies show it stops the conversion of free testosterone to DHT.

Expanding on This Theory

Dr. Schachter is one of the first doctors to distinguish the theory of “male menopause.” And he agrees with Dr. Lee.

He’s read the studies. And he links “male menopause” (also known as andropause) di-rectly to prostate disease.

Here’s why. He believes the hormonal shift between testosterone and estrogen is the root cause of both prostate disease and andropause.

Further, he believes andropause may be the leading factor in prostate disease.

Here are five of the symptoms:

1. Reduced sexual desire

2. Occasional impotence or trouble maintaining erections

3. Difficulties with ejaculation

4. Reduced fertility

5. Urinary problems – having to go more often, weak urinary stream, difficulty get-ting started, incontinence, and stopping and starting while urinating

Dr. Schachter says, “All of these changes are due to a gradual failure of testosterone.”

He agrees with Dr. Debled and other experts that testosterone replacement therapy combined with diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise can help.

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Your doctor can recommend testosterone injections. These are readily available at pharmacies.

Dr. Schachter says the two most common forms are testosterone propionate and. You’ll need an injection of the propionate 2-3 times a week. It doesn’t last long. You’ll need cypionate only once every three weeks.

But be sure your doctor closely monitors you. Sometimes injections can increase the harmful DHT and E2.

Checking Your Hormonal Balance

You can learn if you’re at risk for prostate disease without having a traditional prostate screening done.

You can ask your doctor to do blood work on you. Or you can test yourself.

A Saliva Hormone Test kit can check the levels of “free” testosterone in your blood.

Dr. Lee says the ratio of saliva testosterone to estradiol is about 200 or 300 to 1 in healthy young men.

You can order your saliva hormone test kit at salivatest.com.

All of these doctors agree you need to balance your hormones to protect yourself from prostate disease. But, you need to remember one thing. A trained doctor should rec-ommend testosterone therapy and check your levels on a regular basis.

Otherwise, you could increase your DHT and estrogen levels.

Another way you can increase your testosterone is by weight training.

You can also do some simple weight training to increase your testosterone levels. Building muscle will boost your levels. And you don’t need to spend hours at the gym. Just a simple 10 minute session three to five times a week will build your muscle and increase your testosterone.

What You Eat May Prevent Prostate Disease

There’s more good news. What you eat can protect you.

“Being overweight has been tied to much higher rates of prostate cancer all by itself,” says Dr. Aaron E. Katz, M.D.


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Dr. Katz leads prostate research at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He developed the RT-PCR exam, which recognizes prostate cancer cells in the blood.

“When you look at all the problems with the American diet, the average American male is digging a real hole for himself,” Katz says.

It’s no secret a diet laden with processed grains like white pasta, rice, and bread isn’t good for your health. These starchy foods convert to fat which puts more stress on your body and raises your risk level for prostate cancer.

It’s also not a secret that trans fats and refined sugars can harm you. (More on those in a minute.)

So, is there a so-called “prostate healthy” diet that can protect you from getting this dreaded disease? Let’s take a look.

Over the years, certain diets have been popular.

Going the Macrobiotic Route

The macrobiotic diet has been championed as a way to recover from cancer or prevent it. Several books and personal accounts detail how they beat cancer by adopting this radical way of eating.

At its most basic, the macrobiotic diet is based on eating primarily locally-grown, or-ganic grains and vegetables. It’s vegetarian. At a more complex level, the macrobiotic diet includes Buddhist elements and other lifestyle factors.

But there are some concerns with this way of eating.

For one, grains can be hard to digest. For another, a lack of consistent and solid pro-tein can leave many of us feeling fatigued and reduce our immunity – exactly what we don’t want to happen.

Plus, grains and carbs spike your blood sugar. This leads to insulin production. And ex-cess insulin stores body fat.

A diet high in grains means you’re constantly producing insulin… and building fat. This increases estrogen and lowers testosterone.

In other words, it’s a sure way of unbalancing your hormones. Exactly the opposite of what you should be aiming to do.

Furthermore, no conclusive studies indicate this method reduces your cancer risk.

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You already know eating affects your mood. Think of how tired and cranky you can be when you haven’t eaten in a while.

Fast food, processed grains, and refined sugars can put your body on a roller coaster ride of highs and lows. But when you choose to eat healthy foods that give you sus-tained energy and boost immunity – you’re doing the best you can to prevent cancer.

Here are two such ways of eating:

The traditional Japanese diet

• green tea

• vegetables

• fish

The Mediterranean diet

• fresh fruits and vegetables

• garlic

• tomatoes

• red wine

• olive oil

• fish

You may see some overlap in these traditional ways of eating. Both are heavy on veg-etables and protein and low on grain.

As you may know, Natural Health Dossier recommends organic, grass-fed meat and wild-caught fish to reduce your exposure to heavy metals such as mercury. Avoid grain-fed meat. It’s filled with antibiotics and hormones and gives you poor immunity.

Also avoid processed meat like bacon. It’s filled with chemical preservatives and artifi-cial flavorings.

Sticking with lean, grass-fed meat gives you the protein you need without the extra hormones. For the same reason, choose free-range eggs and poultry, too.

As an added benefit, low-carb, low-glycemic foods promote weight loss and sustained energy throughout your busy day.

Eating healthy foods is one of the best ways you can protect yourself.

Very good...

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Let’s take a look.

Your Best Prostate Protection Plan May Be in Your Refrigerator

Some key foods show exceptional promise in cancer prevention.

Eat Your Broccoli

Research shows vegetables are beneficial. Especially cruciferous ones like broccoli and cauliflower. Go organic to reduce your exposure to pesticides.

A study in the British medical journal Lancet shows that “plant sterols help shrink an enlarged prostate at least as much as Proscar does” and they block some of the effects of estrogen.

ToMAYto, ToMAHto

No matter how you pronounce it, numerous studies show juicy red tomatoes are good for your prostate health.

They’re filled with lycopene which may reduce your prostate risk. A report in The Jour-nal of the National Cancer Institute found men who ate 10 servings a week of tomatoes decreased their prostate cancer risk by 33% when compared to men who ate fewer than two servings.

Cooked tomatoes with olive oil can be even more beneficial because evidence indi-cates that olive oil helps your body absorb the lycopene.

Lycopene is also said to lower “bad” cholesterol, boost immunity, and protect enzymes and DNA. It’s a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals.

One study found that patients treated with lycopene had smaller prostates than the untreated control group. Other tests found that lycopene could slow the spread and growth of cancer.

Apricots, guava, watermelon, papaya, and pink grapefruit are also sources of lycopene. 


Sweet potatoes, carrots, and cantaloupe are good sources of beta-carotene that strengthen the immune system

Very good news...

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Go Fish

Fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids which naturally reduce inflammation and boost your immunity. Go for wild-caught fish lower on the food chain like herring, mackerel, and sardines for maximum benefits.

Have a “Cuppa” Tea… But Make Sure It’s Green

Green tea’s health benefits are widely touted. It’s rich in antioxidants that can fight cancer.

Green tea is drunk throughout the day in Asia. In fact, it may be one of the reasons Asian men have such low rates of prostate cancer. Until they move to Western coun-tries and start “eating local,” that is Within one generation of moving to the United States, their chances of getting prostate cancer is on par with Americans who’ve been here for generations.

Pomegranate Power

Pomegranate juice is high in antioxidants. One study showed an eight-ounce glass a day slowed tumor growth.

Foods to Avoid

Avoid trans fats as they can increase cancer risk. These are found in fried foods, most packaged baked goods, and margarine.

These are the “hydrogenated” and “partially hydrogenated” ingredients on the labels of cake mixes and a box of donuts.

Basically, liquid fats are “hydrogenated” into solid fats so the product has a longer shelf life. They taste good because they have a “buttery” flavor and texture. But the problem is, your body doesn’t know what to do with them.

According to Brian Olshansky, M.D., a cardiologist and University of Iowa Health Care professor of internal medicine, they’re like making a plastic. And we all know we shouldn’t eat plastic.

Studies show that refined sugars can increase your risk of cancer too because sugar lacks nutrients and spikes your glucose levels. This puts your body on a glucose see-saw and makes it work harder to stabilize your health.

Good tip!

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Not Just Preventative… But Curative, Too?

Eating the right types of foods and staying moderately active will significantly lower your risk of prostate disease.

And if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you can make radical adjustments to your diet and lifestyle to heal yourself like Dr. Clapp.

Dr. Thomas Rau is a champion of diet and nutrition for health. He is the celebrated medical director of the renowned Paracelsus Klinik in Lustmühle, Switzerland. It’s one of the best known holistic clinics in the world.

Early in his career, Dr. Rau saw his patients weren’t getting better with traditional treat-ments. So he began a lifelong study of alternative health.

Today, he treats patients with a mix of detoxification, nutrition, digestion, and boosting immunity. He calls his approach Biological Medicine. This method treats the cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. In his words, “I treat human beings, not diseases.”

John’s True-Life Story of Success – without Surgery

One patient Dr. Rau treated for prostate cancer was John, age 54. He came to the clinic after his doctor had recommended a prostatectomy. He thought he was going to die from prostate disease.

In desperation he turned to Dr. Rau.

And Rau treated him with diet changes. He didn’t use drugs or surgery. And soon John was going to bathroom less often. Urination became less painful. In fact, all of his prostate prob-lems were improving. So he stuck with Dr. Rau’s program and declined the prostatectomy.

Three years after undergoing Dr. Rau’s program, he’s perfectly healthy. In fact, his long term prognosis is “excellent.”

Natural Remedies Block or Slow Down the Production of “Bad” Testosterone… and May Prevent You from Developing Prostate Cancer

As we’ve seen, your diet can significantly affect your health. But so can adequate exer-cise and even yoga and meditation.

A study of 93 prostate cancer patients reported in the Journal of Urology found these patients scored better on the PSA test after a year of diet, exercise, and daily yoga and meditation.

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The study showed they were less likely to need additional treatments or other treat-ments. Plus, their blood showed signs of slowed prostate cancer cell growth.

“An active lifestyle combined with a healthy diet definitely decreases the risk of many types of cancer,” says Durado Brooks, an expert researcher with the American Cancer Society. “In the case of prostate cancer, it may slow disease progression.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Supplements

In addition to making diet and exercise changes, you should consider adding supple-ments to your daily health regimen. Certain supplements have been shown to help protect the prostate.

Saw palmetto – Long celebrated as helpful for your prostate, studies show saw pal-metto can reduce pain, inflammation, and enlarged prostate. It may also hinder the production of DHT, the “bad” testosterone.

Dr. Katz cautions to be sure to use the entire herb, not an extraction which may not give you all the benefits.

Taking 320 mg a day can reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate. A clinical trial found this daily dose reduced symptoms of enlarged prostate in 90 percent of patients in just four to six weeks.

Selenium – This mineral is a potent antioxidant. It’s found in foods high in vitamin E. Some doctors recommend eating more fish to get more of this mineral as well as garlic, sunflower seeds, and brown rice. But you can also add a nutritional supplement to your daily routine. Consider 200 mcg a day. A study at the University of Arizona showed this amount reduced the risk of prostate cancer.

Vitamin C – This perennial immune booster is especially important in fighting cancer. Some doctors recommend doses as high as 10,000 mg a day. It’s even possible to get IV treatments of high doses of vitamin C. Check with your doctor.

Fish oil – Healthy omegas 3 fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatories and fish are full of them. Cancer creates high levels of inflammation in your body. Some doctors will recommend 4,000 to 8,000 mg a day.

Vitamin E – This vitamin is invaluable for a healthy prostate. In fact, a recent Australian study found mice that were injected with prostate cancer cells and given vitamin E-for-tified water were 70% less likely to develop prostate cancer tumors. The mice drinking regular water did develop cancerous tumors.

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A human study is now in the works. Doctors recommend 400 IU a day and the sup-plement should be 100 percent natural vitamin E. However, Dr. Katz recommends 240 IU daily.

Polyphenon-E – This supplement is made of concentrated green tea. It’s the equiva-lent of drinking 12 cups of green tea.

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) – This supplement is a blend of me-dicinal mushrooms that increases cells that naturally kill cancer cells. A dose of 1,500–3,000 mg is recommended by Dr. Whitaker.

Zinc – A healthy prostate has a large amount of zinc. Higher than any other organ in the body in fact. A study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry found that zinc can obstruct the production of DHT or “bad” testosterone.

Pygeum – This herbal remedy reduces inflammation of the prostate. Dose recommen-dations range from 50-200 mg/day.

Stinging Nettle (Urtica) – This plant has anti-inflammatory properties. Like many herbal remedies, it has withstood the test of time. It’s been used at least since the 10th century. One study found a daily dose of 230 mg for 12 weeks helped with the urinary issues associated with BPH.

CoQ10 – This enzyme is another immunity booster recommended by the National Can-cer Institute. Some studies found cancer patients had low levels of CoQ10 in their blood.

Beta-sitosterol – This plant protein – which most of us could use more of – has recent-ly been recognized as providing relief from some prostate irritations such can as the urgent need to urinate.

Black seed oil – This oil is found to suppress growth of aggressive prostate cancer. You can find this oil in black cumin used in some Indian and Middle Eastern cooking.

Avemar – A wheat germ extract, avemar reduces cancer cell growth and improves im-mune function.

Zyflamend – This supplement blend combines 10 different herbs to reduce inflamma-tion. Results from an early study found lower PSA levels in some men. Here’s what’s in it: Holy basil, turmeric, ginger, green tea, rosemary, hu zhang, Chinese goldthread, barberry, oregano, and scullcap. Some of these you may recognize for their anti-cancer benefits.

Dr. Whitaker also recommends modified citrus pectin (MCP) to slow the spread of can-cer cells.


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You should always check with your doctor before starting any new supplements as some can interfere with prescription drugs – or with one another.

You may notice immune boosting is a key component in many of these supplements. That’s because your immune system is being attacked daily through everyday environ-mental hazards like pollution and stress.

But studies show that many of these supplements can restore and protect your prostate.



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prostate cancer patients: a case-control study ,” Nutr Cancer 1999;33(2):159-65(xxv) Reder A, “Natural Approaches to a Healthier Prostate,” jarrow.com (xxvi) Pantuck AJ, Leppert JT, Zomordian N. et al. Phase II study of pomegranate juice for men with

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(xxviii) http://www.naturalnews.com/024827_cancer_sugar_women.html(xxix) http://www.arthritistrust.org/Articles/Interview%20With%20Thomas%20Rau%20M.D.pdf (xxx) http://www.drrausway.com/(xxxi) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/10/AR2005081001882.html(xxxii) Forelli T, “The Doctor is In: Prostate Health Essentials,” Kane Magazine, March/April 2008(xxxiii) www.rd.com/living-healthy/31...cancer/article16072.html(xxxiv) Dr. Katz’s Guide to Prostate Health –Aaron E. Katz, MD –2006(xxxv) http://www.healthiertalk.com/destroy-prostate-cancer-vitamin-e-2853(xxxvi) http://www.naturalstandard.com/news/news200307021.asp(xxxvii) http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69345.cfm#ProfessionalPurportedUses(xxxviii) 5 All-natural Solutions to Banishing Prostate Problems for Good, healthiertalk.com(xxxix) http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/coenzymeQ10/Patient/page2(xl) http://www.beta-sitosterol-info.com/(xli) http://www.emaxhealth.com/1020/6/36767/black-seed-oil-compound-kills-prostate-cancer-

cells-lab-study.html(xlii) http://www.whitakerwellness.com/health-concerns/truth-about-prostate-surgery/(xliii) http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/p/prostate_cancer/treatments.htm