Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis Tools for Android using Systematic Mutation Richard Bonett, Kaushal Kafle, Kevin Moran, Adwait Nadkarni, Denys Poshyvanyk {rfbonett, kkafle, kpmoran, nadkarni, denys}@cs.wm.edu William & Mary Abstract Mobile application security has been one of the major areas of security research in the last decade. Numerous application analysis tools have been proposed in response to malicious, curious, or vul- nerable apps. However, existing tools, and specif- ically, static analysis tools, trade soundness of the analysis for precision and performance, and are hence soundy. Unfortunately, the specific unsound choices or flaws in the design of these tools are often not known or well-documented, leading to a mis- placed confidence among researchers, developers, and users. This paper proposes the Mutation-based soundness evaluation (μSE) framework, which sys- tematically evaluates Android static analysis tools to discover, document, and fix, flaws, by leverag- ing the well-founded practice of mutation analy- sis. We implement μSE as a semi-automated frame- work, and apply it to a set of prominent Android static analysis tools that detect private data leaks in apps. As the result of an in-depth analysis of one of the major tools, we discover 13 undocumented flaws. More importantly, we discover that all 13 flaws propagate to tools that inherit the flawed tool. We successfully fix one of the flaws in coopera- tion with the tool developers. Our results motivate the urgent need for systematic discovery and docu- mentation of unsound choices in soundy tools, and demonstrate the opportunities in leveraging muta- tion testing in achieving this goal. 1 Introduction Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become the fabric of our consumer comput- ing ecosystem; by the year 2020, more than 80% of the world’s adult population is projected to own a smartphone [31]. This popularity of mobile devices is driven by the millions of diverse, feature-rich, third-party applications or “apps” they support. However, in fulfilling their functionality, apps of- ten require access to security and privacy-sensitive resources on the device (e.g., GPS location, secu- rity settings). Applications can neither be trusted to be well-written or benign, and to prevent mis- use of such access through malicious or vulnerable apps [59, 44, 98, 80, 35, 87, 32], it is imperative to understand the challenges in securing mobile apps. Security analysis of third-party apps has been one of the dominant areas of smartphone security research in the last decade, resulting in tools and frameworks with diverse security goals. For in- stance, prior work has designed tools to identify malicious behavior in apps [34, 99, 12], discover pri- vate data leaks [33, 13, 42, 15], detect vulnerable ap- plication interfaces [38, 22, 62, 54], identify flaws in the use of cryptographic primitives [35, 32, 87], and define sandbox policies for third-party apps [47, 50]. To protect users from malicious or vulnerable apps, it is imperative to assess the challenges and pitfalls of existing tools and techniques. However, it is unclear if existing security tools are robust enough to expose particularly well-hidden unwanted behaviors. Our work is motivated by the pressing need to discover the limitations of application analysis techniques for Android. Existing application anal- ysis techniques, specifically those that employ static analysis, must in practice trade soundness for pre- cision, as there is an inherent conflict between the two properties. A sound analysis requires the tech- nique to over-approximate (i.e., consider instances of unwanted behavior that may not execute in re- ality), which in turn deteriorates precision. This trade-off has practical implications on the security provided by static analysis tools. That is, in theory, static analysis is expected to be sound, yet, in prac- tice, these tools must purposefully make unsound choices to achieve a feasible analysis that has suf- ficient precision and performance to scale. For in- arXiv:1806.09761v2 [cs.CR] 27 Jun 2018

Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

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Page 1: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis Tools forAndroid using Systematic Mutation

Richard Bonett, Kaushal Kafle, Kevin Moran, Adwait Nadkarni, Denys Poshyvanyk{rfbonett, kkafle, kpmoran, nadkarni, denys}@cs.wm.edu

William & Mary

AbstractMobile application security has been one of the

major areas of security research in the last decade.Numerous application analysis tools have beenproposed in response to malicious, curious, or vul-nerable apps. However, existing tools, and specif-ically, static analysis tools, trade soundness of theanalysis for precision and performance, and arehence soundy. Unfortunately, the specific unsoundchoices or flaws in the design of these tools are oftennot known or well-documented, leading to a mis-placed confidence among researchers, developers,and users. This paper proposes the Mutation-basedsoundness evaluation (µSE) framework, which sys-tematically evaluates Android static analysis toolsto discover, document, and fix, flaws, by leverag-ing the well-founded practice of mutation analy-sis. We implement µSE as a semi-automated frame-work, and apply it to a set of prominent Androidstatic analysis tools that detect private data leaks inapps. As the result of an in-depth analysis of oneof the major tools, we discover 13 undocumentedflaws. More importantly, we discover that all 13flaws propagate to tools that inherit the flawed tool.We successfully fix one of the flaws in coopera-tion with the tool developers. Our results motivatethe urgent need for systematic discovery and docu-mentation of unsound choices in soundy tools, anddemonstrate the opportunities in leveraging muta-tion testing in achieving this goal.

1 IntroductionMobile devices such as smartphones and tabletshave become the fabric of our consumer comput-ing ecosystem; by the year 2020, more than 80% ofthe world’s adult population is projected to own asmartphone [31]. This popularity of mobile devicesis driven by the millions of diverse, feature-rich,third-party applications or “apps” they support.

However, in fulfilling their functionality, apps of-ten require access to security and privacy-sensitiveresources on the device (e.g., GPS location, secu-rity settings). Applications can neither be trustedto be well-written or benign, and to prevent mis-use of such access through malicious or vulnerableapps [59, 44, 98, 80, 35, 87, 32], it is imperative tounderstand the challenges in securing mobile apps.

Security analysis of third-party apps has beenone of the dominant areas of smartphone securityresearch in the last decade, resulting in tools andframeworks with diverse security goals. For in-stance, prior work has designed tools to identifymalicious behavior in apps [34, 99, 12], discover pri-vate data leaks [33, 13, 42, 15], detect vulnerable ap-plication interfaces [38, 22, 62, 54], identify flaws inthe use of cryptographic primitives [35, 32, 87], anddefine sandbox policies for third-party apps [47,50]. To protect users from malicious or vulnerableapps, it is imperative to assess the challenges andpitfalls of existing tools and techniques. However,it is unclear if existing security tools are robust enoughto expose particularly well-hidden unwanted behaviors.

Our work is motivated by the pressing needto discover the limitations of application analysistechniques for Android. Existing application anal-ysis techniques, specifically those that employ staticanalysis, must in practice trade soundness for pre-cision, as there is an inherent conflict between thetwo properties. A sound analysis requires the tech-nique to over-approximate (i.e., consider instancesof unwanted behavior that may not execute in re-ality), which in turn deteriorates precision. Thistrade-off has practical implications on the securityprovided by static analysis tools. That is, in theory,static analysis is expected to be sound, yet, in prac-tice, these tools must purposefully make unsoundchoices to achieve a feasible analysis that has suf-ficient precision and performance to scale. For in-








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Page 2: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

stance, techniques that analyze Java generally donot over-approximate analysis of certain program-ming language features, such as reflection, for prac-tical reasons (e.g., Soot [90], FlowDroid [13]). Whilethis particular case is well-known and documented,many such unsound design choices are neitherwell-documented, nor known to researchers out-side a small community of experts.

Security experts have described such tools assoundy, i.e., having a core set of sound designchoices, in addition to certain practical assumptionsthat sacrifice soundness for precision [61]. Whilesoundness is an elusive ideal, soundy tools cer-tainly seem to be a practical choice: but only if theunsound choices are known, necessary, and clearly docu-mented. However, the present state of soundy staticanalysis techniques is dire, as unsound choices(1) may not be documented, and unknown to non-experts, (2) may not even be known to tool de-signers (i.e., implicit assumptions), and (3) maypropagate to future research. The soundiness man-ifesto describes the misplaced confidence gener-ated by the insufficient study and documentationof soundy tools, in the specific context of languagefeatures [61]. While our work is motivated by themanifesto, we leverage soundiness at the general,conceptual level of design choices, and attempt toresolve the status quo of soundy tools by makingthem more secure as well as transparent.

This paper proposes the Mutation-based SoundnessEvaluation (µSE, read as “muse”) framework thatenables systematic security evaluation of Androidstatic analysis tools to discover unsound designassumptions, leading to their documentation, aswell as improvements in the tools themselves. µSEleverages the practice of mutation analysis from thesoftware engineering (SE) domain [74, 45, 25, 63, 27,78, 11, 97, 75, 28], and specifically, more recent ad-vancements in mutating Android apps [58]. In do-ing so, µSE adapts a well-founded practice from SEto security, by making useful changes to contextu-alize it to evaluate security tools.µSE creates security operators, which reflect the se-

curity goals of the tools being analyzed (e.g., dataleak or SSL vulnerability detection). These securityoperators are seeded, i.e., inserted into one or moreAndroid apps, as guided by a mutation scheme. Thisseeding results in the creation of multiple mutants(i.e., code that represents the target unwanted be-havior) within the app. Finally, the mutated ap-plication is analyzed using the security tool beingevaluated, and the undetected mutants are thensubjected to a deeper analysis. We propose a semi-automated methodology to analyze the uncaught

mutants, resolve them to flaws in the tool, and con-firm the flaws experimentally.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of µSE by eval-uating static analysis research tools that detect dataleaks in Android apps (e.g., FlowDroid [13], Ic-cTA [55]). We evaluate a set of seven tools acrossthree experiments, and reveal 13 flaws that wereundocumented. We also discover that when a toolinherits another (i.e., inherits the codebase), all theflaws propagate. Even in cases wherein a tool onlyconceptually inherits another (i.e., leveraging deci-sions from prior work), just less than half of the flawspropagate. We provide immediate patches that fixone flaw, and in other cases, we identify flaw classesthat may need significant research effort. Thus, µSEnot only helps researchers, tool designers, and an-alysts uncover undocumented flaws and unsoundchoices in soundy security tools, but may also pro-vide immediate benefits by discovering easily fix-able, but evasive, flaws.

This paper makes the following contributions:

• We introduce the novel paradigm of Mutation-based Soundness Evaluation, which provides asystematic methodology for discovering flawsin static analysis tools for Android, leveragingthe well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation analysis for securityevaluation, and design the abstractions of secu-rity operators and mutation schemes.

• We design and implement the µSE framework forevaluating Android static analysis tools. µSEadapts to the security goals of a tool being eval-uated, and allows the detection of unknown orundocumented flaws.

• We demonstrate the effectiveness of µSE by eval-uating several widely-used Android security toolsthat detect private data leaks in Android apps.µSE detects 13 unknown flaws, and validatestheir propagation. Our analysis leads to thedocumentation of unsound assumptions, andimmediate security fixes in some cases.

Threat Model: µSE is designed to help security re-searchers evaluate tools that detect vulnerabilities(e.g., SSl misuse), and more importantly, tools thatdetect malicious or suspicious behavior (e.g., dataleaks). Thus, the security operators and mutationschemes defined in this paper are of an adversar-ial nature. That is, behavior like “data leaks” isintentionally malicious/curious, and generally notattributed to accidental vulnerabilities. Therefore,to evaluate the soundness of existing tools that de-tect such behavior, µSE has to develop mutants that


Page 3: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

mimic such adversarial behavior as well, by defin-ing mutation schemes of an adversarial nature. Thisis the key difference between µSE and prior workon fault/vulnerability injection (e.g., LAVA [30])that assumes the mutated program to be benign.

The rest of the paper proceeds as follows: Sec-tion 2 motivates our approach, and provides a briefbackground. Section 3 describes the general ap-proach and the design goals. Section 4 and Sec-tion 5 describe the design and implementation ofµSE, respectively. Section 6 evaluates the effective-ness of µSE, and Section 7 delivers the insights dis-tilled from it. Section 8 describes related work. Sec-tion 9 describes limitations. Section 10 concludes.

2 Motivation and BackgroundThis work is motivated by the pressing need to helpresearchers and practitioners identify instances ofunsound assumptions or design decisions in theirstatic analysis tools, thereby extending the sound coreof their soundy techniques. That is, security toolsmay already have a core set of sound design deci-sions (i.e., the sound core), and may claim sound-ness based on those decisions. While the soundi-ness manifesto [61] defines the sound core in termsof specific language features, we use the term in amore abstract manner to refer to the design goalsof the tool. Systematically identifying unsound de-cisions may allow researchers to resolve flaws andhelp extend the sound core of their tools.

Moreover, research papers and tool documen-tations indeed do not articulate many of the un-sound assumptions and design choices that lie out-side their sound core, aside from some well-knowncases (e.g., choosing not to handle reflection, raceconditions), as confirmed by our results (Section 6).There is also a chance that developers of these tech-niques may be unaware of some implicit assump-tions/flaws due to a host of reasons: e.g., becausethe assumption was inherited from prior researchor a certain aspect of Android was not modeledcorrectly. Therefore, our objective is to discoverinstances of such hidden assumptions and designflaws that affect the security claims made by tools,document them explicitly, and possibly, help devel-opers and researchers mend existing artifacts.

2.1 Motivating ExampleConsider the following motivating example of aprominent static analysis tool, FlowDroid [13]:

FlowDroid [13] is a highly popular static analy-sis framework for detecting private data leaks inAndroid apps by performing a data flow analy-sis. Some of the limitations of FlowDroid are well-known and stated in the paper [13]; e.g., FlowDroid

does not support reflection, like most static analy-ses for Java. However, through a systematic eval-uation of FlowDroid, we discovered a security lim-itation that is not well-known or accounted for inthe paper, and hence affects guarantees providedby the tool’s analysis. We discovered that Flow-Droid (i.e., v1.5, latest as of 10/10/17) does not sup-port “Android fragments” [10], which are app mod-ules that are widely used in most Android apps(i.e., in more than 90% of the top 240 Android appsper category on Google Play, see Appendix A). Thisflaw renders any security analysis of general An-droid apps using FlowDroid unsound, due to thehigh likelihood of fragment use, even when the appdevelopers may be cooperative and non-malicious.Further, FlowDroid v2.0, which was recently re-leased [88], claims to address fragments, but alsofailed to detect our exploit. On investigating further,we found that FlowDroid v1.5 has been extendedby at least 13 research tools [55, 53, 96, 15, 73, 82, 60,85, 8, 79, 56, 57, 71], none of which acknowledgeor address this limitation in modeling fragments.This leads us to conclude that this significant flawnot only persists in FlowDroid, but may have alsopropagated to the tools that inherit it. We confirmthis conjecture for inheritors of FlowDroid that alsodetect data leaks, and are available in source or bi-nary form (i.e., 2 out of 13), in Section 6.

Finally, we reported the flaws to the authors ofFlowDroid, and created two patches to fix it. Ourpatches were confirmed to work on FlowDroid v2.0built from source, and were accepted into Flow-Droid’s repository [89]. Thus, we were able todiscover and fix an undocumented design flawthat significantly affected FlowDroid’s soundnessclaims, thereby expanding its sound core. How-ever, we have confirmed that FlowDroid v2.5 [88]still fails to detect leaks in fragments, and are work-ing with developers to resolve this issue.

Through this example, we demonstrate that un-sound assumptions in security-focused static analy-sis tools for Android are not only detrimental to thevalidity of their own analysis, but may also inad-vertently propagate to future research. Thus, iden-tifying these unsound assumptions is not only ben-eficial for making the user of the analysis awareof its true limits, but also for the research commu-nity in general. As of today, aside from a hand-ful of manually curated testing toolkits (e.g., Droid-Bench [13]) with hard-coded (but useful) checks, tothe best of our knowledge, there has been no prioreffort at methodologically discovering problems re-lated to soundiness in Android static analysis toolsand frameworks. This paper is motivated by the need


Page 4: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation


Static Analysis

tool t

App 1 App 2 App n ...

Security Operators

Mutation Scheme

Mutate apps



Analyze Uncaught Mutants

Improved tool t'

Sound core

Sound core

Figure 1: µSE tests a static analysis tool on a set of mu-tated Android apps and analyzes uncaught mutants todiscover and/or fix flaws.

to systematically identify and resolve the unsound as-sumptions in security-related static analysis tools.

2.2 Background on Mutation AnalysisMutation analysis has a strong foundation in thefield of SE, and is typically used as a test adequacycriterion, measuring the effectiveness of a set oftest cases [74]. Faulty programs are created by ap-plying transformation rules, called mutation opera-tors to a given program. The larger the numberof faulty programs or mutants detected by a testsuite, the higher the effectiveness of that particularsuite. Since its inception [45, 25], mutation testinghas seen striking advancements related to the de-sign and development of advanced operators. Re-search related to development of mutation opera-tors has traditionally attempted to adapt operatorsfor a particular target domain, such as the web [78],data-heavy applications [11, 97, 28], or GUI-centricapplications [75]. Recently, mutation analysis hasbeen applied to measure the effectiveness of testsuites for both functional and non-functional re-quirements of Android apps [26, 49, 58].

This paper builds upon SE concepts of mutationanalysis and adapts them to a security context. Ourmethodology does not simply use the traditionalmutation analysis, but rather redefines this method-ology to effectively improve security-focused staticanalysis tools, as we describe in Sections 4 and 8.

3 µSEWe propose µSE, a semi-automated frameworkfor systematically evaluating Android static anal-ysis tools that adapts the process of mutationanalysis commonly used to evaluate software testsuites [74]. That is, we aim to help discover con-crete instances of flawed security design decisionsmade by static analysis tools, by exposing them tomethodologically mutated applications. We envi-sion two primary benefits from µSE: short-term ben-efits related to straightforwardly fixable flaws thatmay be patched immediately, and long-term bene-fits related to the continuous documentation of as-

sumptions and flaws, even those that may be hardto resolve. This section provides an overview ofµSE (Figure 1) and its design goals.

As shown in Figure 1, we take an Android staticanalysis tool to be evaluated (e.g., FlowDroid [13]or MalloDroid [35]) as input. µSE executes the toolon mutants, i.e., apps to which security operators (i.e.,security-related mutation operators) are applied, asper a mutation scheme, which governs the placementof code transformations described by operators inthe app (i.e., thus generating mutants). The secu-rity operators represent anomalies that the staticanalysis tools are expected to detect, and hence, areclosely tied to the security goal of the tool. The un-caught mutants indicate flaws in the tool, and an-alyzing them leads to the broader discovery andawareness of the unsound assumptions of the tools,eventually facilitating security-improvements.Design Goals: Measuring the security provided bya system is a difficult problem; however, we maybe able to better predict failures if the assumptionsmade by the system are known in advance. Sim-ilarly, while soundness may be a distant ideal forsecurity tools, we assert that it should be feasibleto articulate the boundaries of a tool’s sound core.Knowing these boundaries would be immenselyuseful for analysts who use security tools, for de-velopers looking for ways to improve tools, as wellas for end users who benefit from the security anal-yses provided by such tools. To this end, we designµSE to provide an effective foundation for evaluat-ing Android security tools. Our design of µSE isguided by the following goals:G1 Contextualized security operators. Android secu-

rity tools have diverse purposes and may claimvarious security guarantees. Security opera-tors must be instantiated in a way that is sen-sitive to the context or purpose (e.g., data leakidentification) of the tool being evaluated.

G2 Android-focused mutation scheme. Android’ssecurity challenges are notably unique, andhence require a diverse array of novel securityanalyses. Thus, the mutation schemes, i.e., theplacement of the target, unwanted behavior inthe app, must consider Android’s abstractionsand application model for effectiveness.

G3 Minimize manual-effort during analysis. WhileµSE is certainly more feasible than manualanalysis, we intend to significantly reduce themanual effort spent on evaluating undetectedmutants. Thus, our goal is to dynamically fil-ter inconsequential mutants, as well as to de-velop a systematic methodology for resolvingundetected mutants to flaws.


Page 5: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

Mutate apps

Step 1: Specification Step 2: Mutation Step 3: Analysis

Security operator(s)

Mutation scheme(s)

Filter non-executing mutants

Test security tool(s) on apps

Manual Analysis

One-time cost


Security Goals



Figure 2: The components and process of the µSE.

G4 Minimize overhead. We expect µSE to be used bysecurity researchers as well as tool users anddevelopers. Hence, we must ensure that µSEis efficient so as to to promote a wide-scale de-ployment and community-based use of µSE.

4 DesignFigure 2 provides a conceptual description of theprocess followed by µSE, which consists of threemain steps. In Step 1, we specify the security oper-ators and mutation schemes that are relevant to thesecurity goals of the tool being evaluated (e.g., dataleak detection), as well as certain unique abstrac-tions of Android that separately motivate this anal-ysis. In Step 2, we mutate one or more Android appsusing the security operators and defined mutationschemes using a Mutation Engine (ME). After thisstep each app is said to contain one or more mu-tants. To maximize effectiveness, mutation schemesin µSE stipulate that mutants should be systemat-ically injected into all potential locations in codewhere operators can be instantiated. In order tolimit the effort required for manual analysis due topotentially large numbers of mutants, we first fil-ter out the non-executing mutants in the Androidapp(s) using a dynamic Execution Engine (EE) (Sec-tion 5). In Step 3, we apply the security tool underinvestigation to analyze the mutated app, leading itto detect some or all of the mutants as anomalies.We perform a methodological manual analysis ofthe undetected mutants, which may lead to docu-mentation of flaws, and software patches.

Note that tools sharing a security goal (e.g.,FlowDroid[13], Argus [39], HornDroid [20] andBlueSeal [84] all detect data leaks) can be ana-lyzed using the same security operators and muta-tion schemes, and hence the mutated apps, signif-icantly reducing the overall cost of operating µSE(Goal G4). The rest of this section describes the de-sign contributions of µSE. The precise implementa-tion details can be found in Section 5.

Export data via a network connection



A] FlowDroid (expressing data leaks) 1) Export location using any network API2) Export IMEI using any network API...

B] MalloDroid (detecting vulnerable SSL use)1) Export any data using vulnerable TrustManager2) Export any data using vulnerable SocketFactory ...

Figure 3: A generic ”network export” security operator,and its more fine-grained instantiations in the context ofFlowDroid [13] and MalloDroid [35].

4.1 Security OperatorsA security operator is a description of the un-wanted behavior that the security tool being ana-lyzed aims to detect. When designing security op-erators, we are faced with an important question:what do we want to express? Specifically, the opera-tor might be too coarse or fine-grained; finding thecorrect granularity is the key.

For instance, defining operators specific to theimplementations of individual tools may not bescalable. On the contrary, defining a generic secu-rity operator for all the tools may be too simplisticto be effective. Consider the following example:

Figure 3 describes the limitation of using ageneric security operator that describes code which“exports data to the network”. Depending on thetool being evaluated, we may need a unique, fine-grained, specification of this operator. For exam-ple, for evaluating FlowDroid [13], we may need toexpress the specific types of private data that canbe exported via any of the network APIs, i.e., thedata portion of the operator is more important thanwhat network API is used. However, for evaluat-ing a tool that detects vulnerable SSL connections(e.g., CryptoLint [32]), we may want to express theuse of vulnerable SSL APIs (i.e., of SSL classes thatcan be overridden, such as a custom TrustManagerthat trusts all certificates) without much concern forwhat data is exported. That is, the requirements arepractically orthogonal for these two use cases, ren-dering a generic operator useless, while preciselydesigning tool-specific operators may not scale.

In µSE, we take a balanced approach to solve thisproblem: instead of tying a security operator to aspecific tool, we define it in terms of the securitygoal of the concerned tool (Goal G1). Since the se-curity goal influences the properties exhibited by asecurity analysis, security operators designed witha particular goal in consideration would apply to allthe tools that claim to have that security goal, hencemaking them feasible and scalable to design. Forinstance, a security operator that reads information


Page 6: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

1 Inject:2 String dataLeak## = java.util.Calendar.getInstance

().getTimeZone().getDisplayName();3 android.util.Log.d("leak-##", dataLeak##);

Listing 1: Security operator that injects a data leak fromthe Calendar API access to the device log.

from a private source (e.g., IMEI, location) and ex-ports it to a public sink (e.g., the device log, storage)would be appropriate to use for all the tools thatclaim to detect private data leaks (e.g., Argus [39],HornDroid [20], BlueSeal [84]). For instance, oneof our implemented operators for evaluating toolsthat detect data leaks is as described in Listing 1.Moreover, security operators generalize to other se-curity goals as well; a simple operator for evaluat-ing tools that detect vulnerable SSL use (e.g., Mallo-Droid) could add a TrustManager with a vulner-able isServerTrusted method that returns true,which, when combined with our expressive mu-tation schemes (Section 4.2), would generate a di-verse set of mutants.

To derive security operators at the granularity ofthe security goal, we must examine the claims madeby existing tools; i.e., security tools must certainlydetect the unwanted behavior that they claim to de-tect, unless affected by some unsound design choicethat hinders detection. In order to precisely identifywhat a tool considers as a security flaw, and claimsto detect, we inspected the following sources:1) Research Papers: The tool’s research paper is of-ten the primary source of information about whatunwanted behavior a tool seeks to detect. We in-spect the properties and variations of the unwantedbehavior as described in the paper, as well as theexamples provided, to formulate security operatorspecifications for injecting the unwanted behaviorin an app. However, we do not create operators us-ing the limitations and assumptions already docu-mented in the paper or well-known in general (e.g.,leaks in reflection and dynamically loaded code), asµSE seeks to find unknown assumptions.2) Open source tool documentation: Due to spacelimitations or tool evolution over time, research pa-pers may not always have the most complete orup-to-date information considering what securityflaws a tool can actually address. We used tooldocumentation available in online appendices andopen source repositories to fill this knowledge gap.3) Testing toolkits: Manually-curated testing toolk-its (e.g., DroidBench [13]) may be available, andmay provide examples of baseline operators.

4.2 Mutation SchemesTo enable the security evaluation of static analy-sis tools, µSE must seed mutations within Android

apps. We define the specific methods for choosingwhere to apply security operators to inject mutationswithin Android apps as the mutation scheme.

The mutation scheme depends on a number offactors: (1) Android’s unique abstractions, (2), theintent to over-approximate reachability for cover-age, and (3) the security goal of the tool being ana-lyzed (i.e., similar to security operators). Note thatwhile mutation schemes using the first two factorsmay be generally applied to any type of static anal-ysis tool (e.g., SSL vulnerability and malware detec-tors), the third factor, as the description suggests,will only apply to a specific security goal, which inthe light of this paper, is data leak detection.

We describe each factor independently, as a mu-tation scheme, in the context of the following run-ning example described previously in Section 2:

Recall that FlowDroid [13], the target of our anal-ysis in Section 2, detects data leaks in Androidapps. Hence, FlowDroid loosely defines a dataleak as a flow from a sensitive source of infor-mation to some sink that exports it. FlowDroidlists all of the sources and sinks within a config-urable “SourcesAndSinks.txt” file in its tool doc-umentation, from which it first selects a simplesource java.util.Calendar.getTimeZone()and a simple sink android.util.Log.d(). Wethen design a data leak operator, as shown in List-ing 1. Using this security operator, we implementthe following three different mutation schemes.

4.2.1 Leveraging Android Abstractions

The Android platform and app model support nu-merous abstractions that pose challenges to staticanalysis. One commonly stated example is the ab-sence of a Main method as an entry-point into theapp, which compels static analysis tools to scan forthe various entry points, and treat them all similarlyto a traditional Main method [13, 48].

Based on our domain knowledge of Android andits security, we choose the following features as astarting point in a mutation scheme that modelsunique aspects of Android, and more importantly,tests the ability of analysis tools to detect unwantedbehavior placed within these features (Goal G2):1) Activity and Fragment lifecycle: Android appsare organized into a number of activity components,which form the user interface (UI) of the app. Theactivity lifecycle is controlled via a set of callbacks,which are executed whenever an app is launched,paused, closed, started, or stopped [3]. Fragmentsare also UI elements that possess similar callbacks,though they are often used in a manner secondaryto activities. We design our mutation scheme to


Page 7: Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis ... · in static analysis tools for Android, leveraging the well-understood practice of mutation anal-ysis. We adapt mutation

1 final Button button = findViewById(R.id.button_id);2 button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()

{public void onClick(View v) {// Code here executeson main thread after user presses button}});

Listing 2: Dynamically created onClick callback

place mutants within methods of fragments and ac-tivities where applicable, so as to test a tool’s abilityto model the activity and fragment lifecycles.2) Callbacks: Since much of Android relies on call-backs triggered by events, these callbacks pose asignificant challenge to traditional static analyses,as their code can be executed asynchronously inseveral different potential orders. We place mutantswithin these asynchronous callbacks to test thetools’ ability to soundly model the asynchronousnature of Android. For instance, consider the ex-ample in Listing 2, where the onClick() callback canexecute at any point of time.3) Intent messages: Android apps communicatewith one another and listen for system-level eventsusing Intents, Intent Filters, and Broadcast Re-ceivers [2, 1]. Specifically, Intent Filters and Broad-cast Receivers form another major set of callbacksinto the app. Moreover, Broadcast Receivers canbe dynamically registered. Our mutation schemenot only places mutants in the statically registeredcallbacks such as those triggered by Intent Fil-ters in the app’s Android Manifest, but also call-backs dynamically registered within the program,and even within other callbacks, i.e., recursively.For instance, we generate a dynamically registeredbroadcast receiver inside another dynamically reg-istered broadcast receiver, and instantiate the se-curity operator within the inner broadcast receiver(see Listing 3 in Appendix B for the code).4) XML resource files: Although Android apps areprimarily written in Java, they also include resourcefiles that establish callbacks. Such resource files alsoallow the developer to register for callbacks froman action on a UI object (e.g., the onClick event, forcallbacks on a button being touched). As describedpreviously, static analysis tools often list these call-backs on par with the Main function, i.e., as one ofthe many entry points into the app. We incorporatethese resource files into our mutation scheme, i.e.,mutate them to call our specific callback methods.

4.2.2 Evaluating Reachability

The objective behind this simple, but important,mutation scheme is to exercise the reachability anal-ysis of the tool being evaluated. We inject mutants(e.g., data leaks from our example) at the start of ev-ery method in the app. While the previous schemesadd methods to the app (e.g., new callbacks), this

scheme simply verifies if the app successfully mod-els the bare minimum.

4.2.3 Leveraging the Security Goal

Like security operators, mutation schemes may alsobe designed in a way that accounts for the securitygoal of the tool being evaluated (Goal G1). Suchschemes may be applied to any tool with a similarobjective. In keeping with our motivating exam-ple (Section 2) and our evaluation (Section 6), wedevelop an example mutation scheme that can bespecifically applied to evaluate data leak detectors.This scheme infers two ways of adding mutants:1) Taint-based operator placement: This placementmethodology tests the tools’ ability to recognize anasynchronous ordering of callbacks, by placing thesource in one callback and the sink in another. The ex-ecution of the source and sink may be triggereddue to the user, and the app developer (i.e., es-pecially a malicious adversary) may craft the mu-tation scheme specifically so that the sources andsinks lie on callbacks that generally execute in se-quence. However, this sequence may not be observ-able through just static analysis. A simple exam-ple is collecting the source data in the onStart() call-back, and leaking it in the onResume() callback. Asper the activity lifecycle, the onResume() callbackalways executes right after the onStart() callback.2) Complex-Path operator placement: Our pre-liminary analysis demonstrated that static analy-sis tools may sometimes stop after an arbitrarynumber of hops when analyzing a call graph, forperformance reasons. This finding motivated thecomplex-path operator placement. In this scheme,we make the path between source and sink as com-plex as possible (i.e., which is ordinarily one line ofcode, as seen in Listing 1). That is, the design ofthis scheme allows the injection of code along thepath from source to sink based on a set of prede-fined rules. In our evaluation, we instantiate thisscheme with a rule that recreates the String vari-able saved by the source, by passing each characterof the string into a StringBuilder, then sending theresulting string to the sink. µSE allows the analystto dynamically implement such rules, as long as theinput and output are both strings, and the rule com-plicates the path between them by sending the in-put through an arbitrary set of transformations.

In a traditional mutation analysis setting, the mu-tation placement strategy would seek to minimizethe number of non-compilable mutants. However,as our goal is to evaluate the soundness of Androidsecurity tools, we design our mutation scheme toover-approximate. Once the mutated apps are cre-


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Mutated Application

Dynamic Filter

Security Tool

ManualAnalysis Nu


r of



Figure 4: The number of mutants (e.g., data leaks) to an-alyze drastically reduces at every stage in the process.

ated, for a feasible analysis, we pass them through adynamic filter that removes the mutants that cannotbe executed, ensuring that the mutants that each se-curity tool is evaluated against are all executable.

4.3 Analysis Feasibility & MethodologyµSE reduces manual effort by filtering out mutantswhose security flaws are not verified by dynamicanalysis (Goal G3). As described in Figure 2, forany given mutated app, we use a dynamic filter (i.e.,the Execution Engine (EE), described in Section 5)to purge non-executable leaks. If a mutant (e.g., adata leak) exists in the mutated app, but is not con-firmed as executable by the filter, we discard it. Forexample, data leaks injected in dead code are fil-tered out. Thus, when the Android security toolsare applied to the mutated apps, only mutants thatwere executed by EE are considered.

Furthermore, after the security tools were ap-plied to mutant apps, only undetected mutants areconsidered during analyst analysis. The reductionin the number of mutants subject to analysis at eachstep of the µSE process is illustrated in Figure 4.

The following methodology is used by an analystfor each undetected mutant after testing a given se-curity tool to isolate and confirm flaws:1) Identifying the Source and Sink: During mu-tant generation, µSE’s ME injects a unique mu-tant identifier, as well as the source and sink us-ing util.Log.d statements. Thus, for each undetectedmutant, an analyst simply looks up the unique IDsin the source to derive the source and sink.2) Performing Leak Call-Chain Analysis: Sincethe data leaks under analysis went undetected bya given static analysis tool, this implies that thereexists one (or multiple) method call sequences (i.e.,call-chains) invoking the source and sink that couldnot be modeled by the tool. Thus, a security ana-lyst inspects the code of a mutated app, and identi-fies the observable call sequences from various en-try points. This is aided by dynamic informationfrom the EE so that an analyst can examine the or-der of execution of detected data leaks to infer thepropagation of leaks through different call chains.

3) Synthesizing Minimal Examples: For each ofthe identified call sequences invoking a given unde-tected data leak’s source and sink, an analyst thenattempts to synthesize a minimal example by re-creating the call sequence using only the requiredAndroid APIs or method calls from the mutatedapp. This info is then inserted into a pre-definedskeleton app project so that it can be again analyzedby the security tools to confirm a flaw.4) Validating the Minimal Example: Once the min-imal example has been synthesized by the analyst,it must be validated against the security tool thatfailed to detect it earlier. If the tool fails to detectthe minimal example, then the process ends withthe confirmation of a flaw in the tool. If the tool isable to detect the examples, the analyst can eitheriteratively refine the examples, or discard the mu-tant, and move on to the next example.

5 ImplementationThis section provides the implementation details ofµSE: (1) ME for mutating apps, and (2) EE for exer-cising mutants to filter out non-executing ones. Wehave made µSE available for use by the wider secu-rity research community [89], along with the datagenerated or used in our experiments (e.g., opera-tors, flaws) and code samples.1. Mutation Engine (ME): The ME allows µSE toautomatically mutate apps according to a fixed setof security operators and mutation schemes. ME isimplemented in Java and builds upon the MDROID+mutation framework for Android [58]. Firstly, MEderives a mutant injection profile (MIP) of all pos-sible injection points for a given mutation scheme,security operator, and target app source code. TheMIP is derived through one of two types of analy-sis: (i) text-based parsing and matching of xml filesin the case of app resources; or (ii) using AbstractSyntax Tree (AST) based analysis for identifying po-tential injection points in code. µSE takes a system-atic approach toward applying mutants to a targetapp, and for each mutant location stipulated by theMIP for a given app, a mutant is seeded. The injec-tion process also uses either text- or AST-based codetransformation rules to modify the code or resourcefiles. In the context of our evaluation, µSE fur-ther marks injected mutants in the source code withlog-based indicators that include a unique identi-fier for each mutant, as well as the source and sinkfor the injected leak. This information can be cus-tomized for future security operators and exportedas a ledger that tracks mutant data. µSE can be ex-tended to additional security operators and muta-tion schemes by adding methods to derive the MIP,


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and perform target code transformations.Given the time cost in running the studied

security-focused static analysis tools on a set ofapks, µSE breaks from the process used by tradi-tional mutation analysis frameworks that seed eachmutant into a separate program version, and seedsall mutants into a single version of a target app. Fi-nally, the target app is automatically compiled us-ing its build system (e.g., gradle [6], ant [4]) so thatit can be dynamically analyzed by the EE.2. Execution Engine (EE): To facilitate a feasiblemanual analysis of the mutants that are undetectedby a security analysis tool, µSE uses the EE to dy-namically analyze target apps, verifying whether ornot injected mutants can be executed in practice.This EE builds upon prior work in automated in-put generation for Android apps by adapting thesystematic exploration strategies from the CRASH-SCOPE tool [66, 65] to explore a target app’s GUI.We discuss the limitations of the EE in Section 9.For more details, please see Appendix C.

6 EvaluationThe main goal of our evaluation is to measure the ef-fectiveness of µSE at uncovering flaws in security-focused static analysis tools for Android apps, andto demonstrate the extent of such flaws. For thisstudy, we focus on tools that detect private dataleaks on a device. Specifically, we focus on a set ofseven data leak detectors for Android that use staticanalysis, primarily due to the availability of theirsource code, namely FlowDroid [13], Argus [39](previously known as AmanDroid), DroidSafe [43],IccTA [55], BlueSeal [84], HornDroid [20], and Did-Fail [53]. For all the tools except FlowDroid, weuse the latest release version when available; inFlowDroid’s case, we used its v2.0 release for ourµSE analysis, and confirmed our findings with itslater releases (i.e., v2.5 and v2.5.1). Additionally,we use a set of 7 open-source Android apps fromF-droid [5] that we mutate. These 7 apps produced2026 mutants to inspect, which led to the discoveryof 13 flaws. A larger dataset of apps is likely to gen-erate more mutants, and lead to more flaws.

In this section, we describe the highlights of ourevaluation (Section 6.1), along with the three exper-iments we conduct, and their results. In the firstexperiment (Section 6.2), we run µSE on three tools,and record the number of leaks that each tool failsto detect (i.e., the number of uncaught mutants).In the second experiment (Section 6.3), we per-form an in-depth analysis of FlowDroid by apply-ing our systematic manual analysis methodology(Section 4.3) on the output of µSE for FlowDroid.

Finally, our third experiment (Section 6.4) measuresthe propagation and prevalence of the flaws foundin FlowDroid, in tools from our dataset apart fromFlowDroid, and two newer versions of FlowDroid.

These experiments are motivated by the follow-ing research questions:

RQ1 Can µSE find security problems in static analysistools for Android, and help resolve them to flaws/unsound choices?

RQ2 Are flaws inherited when a tool is reused (or builtupon) by another tool?

RQ3 Does the semi-automated methodology of µSE allowa feasible analysis (in terms of manual effort)?

RQ4 Are all flaws unearthed by µSE difficult to resolve,or can some be isolated and patched?

RQ5 How robust is µSE’s performance?

6.1 Evaluation overview and HighlightsWe insert a total of 7,584 data leaks (i.e., mutants) ina set of 7 applications using µSE. 2,026mutants areverified as executable by the EE, and 83-1,480 arenot detected depending on the studied tool. Duringour analysis, µSE exhibits a maximum one-cost run-time of 92minutes (RQ5), apart from the time takenby the analyzed tool (e.g., FlowDroid) itself. Fur-ther, our in-depth analysis of the output of µSE forFlowDroid discovers 13 unique flaws that are notdocumented in either the paper or the source coderepository (RQ1). Moreover, it takes our analyst, agraduate student with background in Android se-curity, one hour per flaw (in the worst case), due toour systematic analysis methodology, as well as ourdynamic filter (Section 4.3), which filters out over73 % of the seeded non-executable mutants (RQ3).Further, we demonstrate that two newer versionsof FlowDroid, as well as the six other tools set apartfrom FlowDroid (including those that inherit it), arealso vulnerable to at least one flaw detected in Flow-Droid (RQ2). This is confirmed, with negligible ef-fort, using minimal examples generated during ouranalysis of FlowDroid (RQ3). Finally, we are ableto generate patches for a specific flaw discovered inFlowDroid, and our pull request has been acceptedby the tool authors (RQ4).

6.2 Executing µSEThe objective of this experiment is to demon-strate the effectiveness of µSE in filtering out non-executable injected leaks (i.e., mutants), while illus-trating that this process results in a reasonable num-ber of leaks for an analyst to manually examine.Methodology: We create 21 mutated APKs from 7target applications, with 7,584 leaks among them,


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Table 1: The number and percentage of leaks not de-tected by 3 popular data leak detection tools.

Tool Undetected Leaks Undetected Leaks (%)FlowDroid v2.0 987/2,026 48.7%

Argus 1,480/2,026 73.1%DroidSafe 83/2,026 4.1%

by combining the security operators describedin Section 4.1, with mutation schemes from Sec-tion 4.2. First, we measure the total number of leaksinjected across all apps, and then the total numberof leaks marked by the EE as non-executable. Notethat this number is independent of the tools in-volved, i.e., the filtering only happens once, and themutated APKs can then be passed to any numberof tools for analysis. The non-executable leaks arethen removed. Next, we configure FlowDroid, Ar-gus, and DroidSafe and evaluate each tool with µSEindividually, by running them on the mutated apps(with non-executable leaks excluded) and record-ing the number of leaks not detected by each tool(i.e., the surviving mutants).Results: µSE injects 7,584 leaks into the Androidapps, of which, 5,558 potentially non-executableleaks are filtered out using our EE, leaving only2,026 leaks confirmed as executable in the mutatedapps. By filtering out a large number of potentiallynon-executable leaks (i.e., over 73%), our dynamicfiltering significantly reduces manual effort (RQ3).

Table 1 shows the statistics acquired from µSE’soutput over FlowDroid, Argus, and DroidSafe. Weobserve that FlowDroid cannot detect over 48% ofthe leaks, while Argus cannot detect over 73%. Fur-ther, DroidSafe does not detect a non-negligiblepercentage of leaks (i.e., over 4%), and as these leakshave been confirmed to execute by our EE, it issafe to say that DroidSafe has flaws as well. Notethat this experimental result validates our concep-tual argument, that security operators designed fora specific goal may apply to tools with that goal.However, given its popularity, we limit our in-depth evaluation to FlowDroid.

Finally, we measure the runtime of the µSE-specific part of the analysis, i.e., up to executing thetool to be evaluated, to be a constant 92 minutesin the worst case, a majority of which (i.e., 99%) istaken up by the EE. Note that the time taken by µSEis a one-time cost, and does not have to be repeatedfor tools with a similar security goal (RQ5).

6.3 FlowDroid AnalysisThis experiment demonstrates an in-depth, manualanalysis of FlowDroid, which we choose for tworeasons: (1) impact (FlowDroid is cited by 700 pa-pers and numerous other tools depend on it), and

(2) potential for change (since FlowDroid is beingmaintained at the moment, any contributions wecan make will have immediate benefits).Methodology: We performed an in-depth analysisusing the list of surviving mutants (i.e., undetectedleaks) generated by µSE for FlowDroid v2.0 in theprevious experiment. We leveraged the methodol-ogy for systematic manual evaluation, described inSection 4.3, and discovered 13 unique flaws. Weconfirmed that none of the discovered flaws have beendocumented before; i.e., in the FlowDroid paper or intheir official documentation.Results: We discovered 13 unique flaws, fromFlowDroid alone, demonstrating that µSE can beeffectively used to find problems that can be re-solved to flaws (RQ1). Using the approach fromSection 4.3, the analyst needed less than an hour toisolate a flaw from the set of undetected mutants, inthe worst case. In the best case, flaws were found ina matter of minutes, demonstrating that the amountof manual effort required to quickly find flaws us-ing µSE is minimal (RQ3). We give descriptions ofthe flaws discovered as a result of µSE’s analysis inTable 2.

We have reported these flaws, and are workingwith the developers to resolve the issues. In fact,we developed patches to correctly implement Frag-ment support (i.e., flaw 13 in Table 2), which wereaccepted by developers.

To gain insight about the practical challengesfaced by static analysis tools, and their designflaws, we further categorize the discovered flawsinto the following flaw classes:FC1: Missing Callbacks: The security tool (e.g.,FlowDroid) does not recognize some callbackmethod(s), and will not find leaks placed withinthem. Tools that use lists of APIs or callbacksare susceptible to this problem, as prior work hasdemonstrated as the generated list of callbacks (1)may not be complete, and (2) or may not be up-dated as the Android platform evolves. We foundboth these cases in our analysis of FlowDroid. Thatis, DialogFragments was added in API 11, i.e.,beforeFlowDroid was released, and NavigationView wasadded after. These limitations are well-known inthe community of researchers at the intersection ofprogram analysis and Android security, and havebeen documented by prior work [21]. However,µSE helps evaluate the robustness of existing se-curity tools against these flaws, and helps in un-covering these undocumented flaws for the widersecurity audience. Additionally, some of these flawsmay not be resolved even after adding the callback tothe list; e.g.,PhoneStateListener and SQLiteOpen-


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Table 2: Descriptions of flaws uncovered in FlowDroid v2.0Flaw Description

FC1: Missing Callbacks1. DialogFragmentShow FlowDroid misses the DialogFragment.onCreateDialog() callback registered by DialogFragment.show().2. PhoneStateListener FlowDroid does not recognize the onDataConnectionStateChanged() callback for classes extending the

PhoneStateListener abstract class from the telephony package.3. NavigationView FlowDroid does not recognize the onNavigationItemSelected() callback of classes implementing the interface

NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener.4. SQLiteOpenHelper FlowDroid misses the onCreate() callback of classes extending android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.5. Fragments FlowDroid 2.0 does not model Android Fragments correctly. We added a patch, which was promptly ac-

cepted. However, FlowDroid 2.5 and 2.5.1 remain affected. We investigate this further in the next section.FC2: Missing Implicit Calls

6. RunOnUIThread FlowDroid misses the path to Runnable.run() for Runnables passed into Activity.runOnUIThread().7. ExecutorService FlowDroid misses the path to Runnable.run() for Runnables passed into ExecutorService.submit().

FC3: Incorrect Modeling of Anonymous Classes8. ButtonOnClickToDialogOnClick FlowDroid does not recognize the onClick() callback of DialogInterface.OnClickListener when instantiated

within a Button’s onClick=“method name” callback defined in XML. FlowDroid will recognize this callbackif the class is instantiated elsewhere, such as within an Activity’s onCreate() method.

9. BroadcastReceiver FlowDroid misses the onReceive() callback of a BroadcastReceiver implemented programmatically and reg-istered within another programmatically defined and registered BroadcastReceiver’s onReceive() callback.

FC4: Incorrect Modeling of Asynchronous Methods10. LocationListenerTaint FlowDroid misses the flow from a source in the onStatusChanged() callback to a sink in the onLocation-

Changed() callback of the LocationListener interface, despite recognizing leaks wholly contained in either.11. NSDManager FlowDroid misses the flow from sources in any callback of a NsdManager.DiscoveryListener to a sink in any

callback of a NsdManager.ResolveListener, when the latter is created within one of the former’s callbacks.12. ListViewCallbackSequential FlowDroid misses the flow from a source to a sink within different methods of a class obtained via Adapter-

View.getItemAtPosition() within the onItemClick() callback of an AdapterView.OnItemClickListener.13. ThreadTaint FlowDroid misses the flow to a sink within a Runnable.run() method started by a Thread, only when that

Thread is saved to a variable before Thread.start() is called.

Helper, both added in API 1, are not interfaces, butabstract classes. Therefore, adding them to Flow-Droid’s list of callbacks (i.e.,AndroidCallbacks.txt)does not resolve the issue.FC2: Missing Implicit Call: The security tooldoes not identify leaks within some method thatis implicitly called by another method. For in-stance, FlowDroid does not recognize the path toRunnable.run() when a Runnable is passed into theExecutorService.submit(Runnable). The responsefrom the developers indicated that this class offlaws was due to an unresolved design challengein Soot’s [90] SPARK algorithm, upon which Flow-Droid depends. This limitation is also knownwithin the program analysis community [21]. How-ever, the documentation of this gap, thanks to µSE,would certainly help developers and researchers inthe wider security community.FC3: Incorrect Modeling of Anonymous Classes:The security tool misses data leaks expressedwithin an anonymous class. For example, Flow-Droid does not recognize leaks in the onReceive()callback of a dynamically registered Broadcas-tReceiver, which is implemented within anotherdynamically registered BroadcastReceiver’s onRe-ceive() callback. It is important to note that findingsuch complex flaws is only possible due to µSE’ssemi-automated mechanism, and may be ratherprohibitive for an entirely manual analysis.FC4: Incorrect Modeling of Asynchronous Meth-

ods: The security tool does not recognize a dataleak whose source and sink are called within differ-ent methods that are asynchronously executed. Forinstance, FlowDroid does not recognize the flow be-tween data leaks in two callbacks (i.e., onLocation-Changed and onStatusChanged) of the Location-Listener class, which the adversary may cause toexecute sequentially (i.e., as our EE confirmed).

Apart from FC1, which may be patched with lim-ited efforts, the other three categories of flaws mayrequire a significant amount of research effort to re-solve. However, documenting them is critical toincrease awareness of real challenges faced by An-droid static analysis tools.

6.4 Flaw Propagation StudyThe objective of this experiment is to determineif the flaws discovered in FlowDroid have propa-gated to the tools that inherit it, and to determinewhether other static analysis tools that do not in-herit FlowDroid are similarly flawed.Methodology: We check if the two newer releaseversions of FlowDroid (i.e., v2.5, and v2.5.1), as wellas 6 other tools (i.e., Argus, DroidSafe, IccTA, Blue-Seal, HornDroid, and DidFail), are susceptible toany of the flaws discussed previously in FlowDroidv2.0, by using the tools to analyze the minimal ex-ample APKs generated during the in-depth analy-sis of FlowDroid.Results: As seen in the Table 3, all the versions


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Table 3: Flaws present in data leak detectors. Note that a “−” indicates tool crash with the minimal APK, a “X”indicates presence of the flaw, and a “x” indicates absence, and *FD = FlowDroid.

Flaw FD∗ v2.5.1 FD∗ v2.5 FD∗ v2.0 Blueseal IccTA HornDroid Argus DroidSafe DidFailDialogFragmentShow X X X x X X x x XPhoneStateListener X X X x X X x x XNavigationView X X X - X - X - XSQLiteOpenHelper X X X x X X X x XFragments X X X X X X X - XRunOnUIThread X X X x X X X x XExecutorService X X X x X X X x XButtonOnClickToDialogOnClick X X X x X x x X XBroadcastReceiver X X X x X x x x XLocationListenerTaint X X X x X x x x XNSDManager X X X x X x X x XListViewCallbackSequential X X X x X x x x XThreadTaint X X X x X x x x X

of FlowDroid are susceptible to the flaws discov-ered from our analysis of FlowDroid v2.0. Notethat while we fixed the Fragment flaw and ourpatch was accepted to FlowDroid’s codebase, thelatest releases of FlowDroid (i.e., v2.5 and v2.5.1)still seem to have this flaw. We are working withthe developers on a solution.

A significant observation from the Table 3 is thatthe tools that directly inherit FlowDroid (i.e., IccTA,DidFail) are similarly flawed as FlowDroid. Thisis especially true when the tools do not augmentFlowDroid in any manner, and use it as a black box(RQ2). On the contrary, Argus, which is motivatedby FlowDroid’s design, but augments it on its own,does not exhibit as many flaws.

Also, BlueSeal, HornDroid, and DroidSafe usea significantly different methodology, and are alsonot susceptible to these flaws. Interestingly, Blue-Seal and DroidSafe are similar to FlowDroid in thatthey use Soot to construct a control flow graph, andrely on it to identify paths between sources andsinks. However, BlueSeal and DroidSafe both aug-ment the graph in novel ways, and thus don’t ex-hibit the flaws found in FlowDroid.

Finally, our analysis does not imply that Flow-Droid is weaker than the tools which have fewerflaws in Table 3. However, it does indicate thatthe flaws discovered may be typical of the designchoices made in FlowDroid, and inherited by thetools such as IccTA and DidFail. A similar deep ex-ploration into the results of µSE for the other toolsmay be explored in the future (e.g., of the 83 un-caught leaks in DroidSafe from Section 6.2).

7 DiscussionµSE has demonstrated efficiency and effectivenessat revealing real undocumented flaws in prominentAndroid security analysis tools. While experts inAndroid static analysis may be familiar with someof the flaws we discovered (e.g., some flaws in FC1and FC2), we aim to document these flaws for the

entire scientific community. Further, µSE indeedfound some design gaps that were surprising toexpert developers; e.g., FlowDroid’s design doesnot consider callbacks in anonymous inner classes(flaws 8-9, Table 3), and in our interaction with thedevelopers of FlowDroid, they acknowledged han-dling such classes as a non-trivial problem. Duringour evaluation of µSE we were able to glean the fol-lowing pertinent insights:Insight 1: Simple and security goal-specific muta-tion schemes are effective. While certain muta-tion schemes may be Android-specific, our re-sults demonstrate limited dependence on theseconfigurations. Out of the 13 flaws discoveredby µSE, the Android-influenced mutation scheme(Section 4.2.1) revealed one (i.e., BroadCastReceiverin Table 3), while the rest were evenly distributedamong the other two mutation schemes; i.e., theschemes that evaluate reachability (Section 4.2.2) orleverage the security goal (Section 4.2.3).Insight 2: Security-focused static analysis tools ex-hibit undocumented flaws that require further evalua-tion and analysis. Our results clearly demonstratethat previously unknown security flaws or undocu-mented design assumptions, which can be detectedby µSE, pervade existing Android security staticanalysis tools. Our findings not only motivate thedire need for systematic discovery, fixing and doc-umentation of unsound choices in these tools, butalso clearly illustrate the power of mutation basedanalysis adapted in security context.Insight 3: Current tools inherit flaws from legacy tools.A key insight from our work is that while inherit-ing code of the foundational tools (e.g., FlowDroid)is a common practice, some of the researchers maynot necessarily be aware of the unsound choicesthey are inheriting as well. As our study resultsdemonstrate, when a tool inherits another tool di-rectly (e.g., IccTA inherits FlowDroid), all the flawspropagate. More importantly, even in those caseswhere the tool does not directly inherit the code-


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base, unsound choices may still propagate at theconceptual level and result in real flaws.Insight 4: As tools, libraries, and the Android plat-form evolve, security problems become harder to trackdown. Due the nature of software evolution, allthe analysis tools, underlying libraries, and the An-droid platform itself evolve asynchronously. A fewchanges in the Android API may introduce undoc-umented flaws in analysis tools. µSE handles thisfundamental obstacle of continuous change by en-suring that each version of an analysis tool is sys-tematically tested, as we realize while tracking theFragment flaw in multiple versions of FlowDroid.Insight 5: Benchmarks need to evolve with time.While manually-curated benchmarks (e.g., Droid-Bench [13]) are highly useful as a ”first line of de-fense” in checking if a tool is able to detect well-known flaws, the downside of relying too heavilyon benchmarks is that they only provide a known,finite number of tests, leading to a false sense of se-curity. Due to constant changes (insight #3) bench-marks are likely to become less relevant unless theyare constantly augmented, which requires tremen-dous effort and coordination. µSE significantly re-duces this burden on benchmark creators via itssuite of extensible and expressive security oper-ators and mutation schemes, which can continu-ously evaluate new versions of tools. The key in-sight we derive from our experience building µSE isthat while benchmarks may check for documented flaws,µSE’s true strength is in discovering new flaws.

8 Related WorkµSE builds upon the theoretical underpinnings ofmutation analysis from SE, and to our knowledge,is the first work to adapt mutation analysis to evalu-ate the soundness claimed by security tools. More-over, µSE adapts mutation analysis to security, andmakes fundamental and novel modifications (de-scribed previously in Section 4). In this section, wesurvey related work in three other related areas:Formally Verifying Soundness: While an idealapproach, formal verification is one of the mostdifficult problems in computer security. For in-stance, prior work on formally verifying apps of-ten requires the monitor to be rewritten in a newlanguage or use verification-specific programmingconstructs (e.g., verifying reference monitors [41,91], information flows in apps [67, 68, 95]), whichposes practical concerns for tools based on nu-merous legacy codebases (e.g., FlowDroid [13],CHEX [62]). Further, verification techniques gen-erally require correctness to be specified, i.e., thepolicies or invariants that the program is checked

against. Concretely defining what is “correct” ishard even for high-level program behavior (e.g.,making a “correct” SSL connection), and may be in-feasible for complex static analysis tools (e.g., de-tecting “all incorrect SSL connections”). µSE doesnot aim to substitute formal verification of staticanalysis tools; instead, it aims to uncover existinglimitations of such tools.Mutation Analysis for Android: Deng et al.[26] introduced mutation analysis for Androidand derived operators by analyzing the syntax ofAndroid-specific Java constructs. Subsequently, amutation analysis framework for Android (µDroid)has been introduced to evaluate a test suite’s abil-ity to uncover energy bugs [49]. µSE incorporatesconcepts from the general mutation analysis pro-posed by prior work (especially on Android [49,26, 58]), but adapts them in the context of secu-rity. We design mSE to focus on undetected mu-tants, providing a semi-automated methodologyto resolve such mutants to design/implementationflaws (Section 4.3). The derivation of security op-erators (Section 4.1) represents a notable departurefrom traditional mutation testing that seeds sim-ple syntactic code changes. Our mutation schemes(Section 4.2) evaluate coverage of OS-specific ab-stractions, reachability of the analysis, or the abil-ity to detect semantically-complex mutants, provid-ing the expressibility necessary for security testing,while building upon traditional approaches. Fur-ther, µSE builds upon the software infrastructuredeveloped for MDROID+ [58] that allows a scalableanalysis of mutants seeded according to securityoperators. In particular, µSE adapts the process ofderiving a potential fault profile for mutant injec-tion and relies on the EE to validate the mutantsseeded according to our derived security operators.Android Application Security Tools: The popular-ity and open-source nature of Android has spurredan immense amount of research related to exam-ining and improving the security of the underly-ing OS, SDK, and apps. Recently, Acar et al. havesystematized Android security research [9], and wediscuss work that introduces static analysis-basedcountermeasures for Android security issues ac-cording to Acar et al.’s categorization.

Perhaps the most prevalent area of research inAndroid security has concerned the permissionssystem that mediates access to privileged hardwareand software resources. Several approaches havemotivated changes to Android’s permission model,or have proposed enhancements to it, with goalsranging from detecting or fixing unauthorized in-formation disclosure or leaks in third party appli-


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cations [33, 13, 42, 70, 69, 94, 52] to detecting over-privilege in applications [37, 14, 92]. Similarly, priorwork has also focused on benign but vulnerableAndroid applications, and proposed techniques todetect or fix vulnerabilities such as cryptographicAPI misuse API [35, 32, 87, 36] or unprotected ap-plication interfaces [38, 22, 54]. Moreover, thesetechniques have often been deployed as modifica-tions to Android’s permission enforcement [34, 33,72, 40, 29, 38, 18, 76, 23, 100, 86, 19, 46, 77, 83, 81],SDK tools [37, 14, 92], or inline reference moni-tors [93, 51, 24, 17, 16]. While this paper demon-strates the evaluation of only a small subset of thesetools with µSE, our experiments demonstrate thatµSE has the potential to impact nearly all of them.For instance, µSE could be applied to further vetSSL analysis tools by purposely introducing com-plex SSL errors in real applications, or tools thatanalyze overprivilege or permission misuse, by de-veloping security operators that attempt to misusepermissions to circumvent such monitors. Futurework may use µSE to perform an in-depth analysisof these problems.

9 Limitations

1) Soundness of µSE: As acknowledged in Sec-tion 8, mSE does not aim to supplant formal ver-ification (which would be sound), and does notclaim soundness guarantees. Rather, mSE providesa systematic approach to semi-automatically un-cover flaws in existing security tools, which is a sig-nificant advancement over manually-curated tests.

2) Manual Effort: Presently, the workflow of µSErequires an analyst to manually analyze the resultof µSE (i.e., uncaught mutants). However, as de-scribed in Section 6.2, µSE possesses enhancementsthat mitigate the manual effort by dynamicallyeliminating non-executable mutants, that wouldotherwise impose a burden on the analyst exam-ining undetected mutants. In our experience, thisanalysis was completed in a reasonable time usingthe methodology outlined in Section 4.3.

3) Limitations of Execution Engine: Like any dy-namic analysis tool, the EE will not explore all pos-sible program states, thus, there may be a set ofmutants marked as non-executable by the EE, thatmay actually be executable under certain scenarios.However, the CRASHSCOPE tool, which µSE’s’s EE isbased upon, has been shown to perform compara-bly to other tools in terms of coverage [66]. Futureversions of µSE’s EE could rely on emerging inputgeneration tools for Android apps [64].

10 ConclusionWe proposed the µSE framework for performingsystematic security evaluation of Android staticanalysis tools to discover (undocumented) un-sound assumptions, adopting the practice of mu-tation testing from SE to security. µSE not only de-tected major flaws in a popular, open-source An-droid security tool, but also demonstrated howthese flaws propagated to other tools that inheritedthe security tool in question. With µSE, we demon-strated how mutation analysis can be feasibly usedfor gleaning unsound assumptions in existing tools,benefiting developers, researchers, and end users,by making such tools more secure and transparent.

11 AcknowledgementsWe thank Rozda Askari for his help with setting upexperiments. We thank the FlowDroid developers,as well as the developers of the other tools we eval-uate in this paper, for making their tools available tothe community, providing us with the necessary in-formation for our analysis, and being open to sug-gestions and improvements. The authors have beensupported in part by the NSF-1815336, NSF-714581and NSF-714161 grants. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions expressed herein are the authors’and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.

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A Fragment Use StudyWe performed a small-scale app study using theSoot [7] static analysis library to deduce how com-monly fragments were used in real apps. That is,we analyzed 240 top apps from every category onGoogle Play (i.e., a total of 8,664 apps collected as ofJune 2017 after removing duplicates), and observedthat at least 4,273 apps (49.3%) used fragments intheir main application code, while an additional3,587 (41.4%) used fragments in packaged libraries.Note that while we did not execute the apps to de-termine if the fragment code was really executed,the fact that 7,860 out of 8,664 top apps, or 91% ofpopular apps contain fragment code indicates thepossibility that fragments are widely used, and thataccidental or malicious data leaks in a large numberof apps could evade FlowDroid due to this flaw.

1 BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){

2 @Override3 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent

intent) {4 BroadcastReceiver receiver = new

BroadcastReceiver(){5 @Override6 public void onReceive(Context context,

Intent intent) {7 String dataLeak = Calendar.


8 Log.d("leak-1", dataLeak);9 }

10 };11 IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();12 filter.addAction("android.intent.action.SEND");13 registerReceiver(receiver, filter);14 }};15 IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();16 filter.addAction("android.intent.action.SEND");17 registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

Listing 3: Dynamically created Broadcast Receiver,created inside another, with data leak.

B Code SnippetsIn Listing 3, we dynamically register a broadcast re-ceiver inside another dynamically registered broad-cast receiver, and add the mutant (i.e., a data leak inthis case) inside the onReceive() callback of the in-ner broadcast receiver.

C CrashScope (Execution Engine)The EE functions by statically analyzing the codeof a target app to identify activities implement-ing potential contextual features (e.g., rotation, sen-sor usage) via API call-chain propagation. It thenexecutes an app according to one of several ex-ploration strategies while constructing a dynamicevent-flow model of an app in an online fashion.These strategies are organized along three dimen-sions: (i) GUI-exploration, (ii) text-entry, and (iii)contextual features. The Execution Engine uses aDepth-First Search (DFS) heuristic to systematicallyexplore the GUI, either starting from the top ofthe screen down, or from the bottom of the screenup. It is also able to dynamically infer the allow-able text characters from the Android software key-board and enter expected text or no text. Finally,the EE can exercise contextual features (e.g., rota-tion, simulating GPS coordinates). Since the goal ofthe EE is to explore as many screens of a target appas possible, the EE forgoes certain combinations ofexploration strategies from CRASHSCOPE (e.g., en-tering unexpected text or disabling contextual fea-tures) prone to eliciting crashes from apps. The ap-proach utilizes adb and Android’s uiautomatorframework to interact with and extract GUI-relatedinformation from a target device or emulator.