Discovering the Urantia Book, part 4

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Discovering the Urantia Book, part 4

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 1

Discovering the Urantia Book

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 10:27 AM

is the bride of CHRIST the whole 144,000? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10750949 No the bride is all those who are made their final choice of eternal life, thus fusing with their Father Fragments. Has nothing to do with Christ by the way, except that Christ was Michael of Nebadon, but they need not know that name. After the first life, if you choose eternal life then, you are given a LONG period of testing until you become god conscious enough to know what Eternal life actually means to make a final purposeful choice. The 144000 are not as christianity understands it. After the last axis shift and pole reversal, the 144,000 came from various places of higher being to re seed man's form on earth. Some of those have even returned to their former places. There will be 1 billion souls making their ascension and continuing on earth after the big clean up coming again. Others not ready for this will simply be moving to appropriate other worlds. \this is not a thread for these questions so much, I have others I prefer you to use. You must be a serious UB reader to use this thread and questions should relate to the UB. Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 10:38 AM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 2

Yeah, I thought so too.. No urantia book will come close to the hugeness of existence in this solar system, much less our Milkyway nor the infinate nature of the Universe. Silly human concept to think we could grasp any of it... Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11719613 it is the only book on the planet that comes close to approaching any concept of the creation. having taken the journey to Paradise I have some grasp. Its not just the "universe", its a huge collection of them. we gotta start someplace on this world! Most won't even open the thing, and some won't open it because their ministers told them the devil wrote it. I think its an excellent starting point, and one reason it was given, was not so much for the people of earth NOW, but those of the future. Plus there are a LOT of very high folks incarnate here and it was hoped to wake them up to who they were, but most don't see themselves in it yet, anyway. There are a lot of young Michael Sons here for instance. Quoting: Nobody in Particular Start here....Hmmm....one of bazzillions of Earth like planets with one language...a book...written by? Not saying there is not a lot of truth....but it is only a miniscule slice and therefore an incomplete view. Some tid bits, but way to easy to grasp....that is the speedbump, sting operation at work here. Awareness of this is key....then you can decerne the bits of truth....boils down to a clean clear integrity about oneself....and that hurts....else we would not be on this kindergarden planet. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11719613 not bazzillions, 5.6 trillion plus the heaven worlds. "one language" , I am not understanding what you mean by that. It clearly states who are the authors of the book. It was given thru a "sleeping Prophet" similar in manner to Edgar Cayces stuff. In fact our Avonal Son here now, Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son, gave a lot of the information thru Cayce in that manner. It provides a much greater view than ever before on this god foresaken world. Meaning the folks here don't have hardly any god consciousness. You cannot have a complete view in 2000 pages, the complete view comes to you from your own eternal life lived over time. I discern you have not fully read it, so go read it some more. there is nothing of untruth in it, except that it ignores the reincarnation on this planet that is both the result of it being a prison ward, and the fact that our thugs murder everyone they can from the higher realms, so it is purposely denied. I have been murdered and resurrected several times now and so have other members of my team and a lot of other folks. This is surely just barely a kindergarten planet, and lagging far behind normal planets. Thus the CORRECTING TIME here and on the other planets that participated in the Lucifer Rebellion. maryjane of earth User ID: 1028241


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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 3

03/11/2012 10:47 AM

Thank OP. It was one of my best reading. Bibletard should read it. It will open their mind. Nobody in Particular (OP) Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 10:52 AM

Re: Discovering the Urantia Book is the bride of CHRIST the whole 144,000? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10750949 Is there a bride of Christ on every single inhabited planet in this solar system, galaxy, Universe...not to mention gazillion dimensions? Hate to tell you but numbers (144,000) or 666 on this 3D planet are frivolous human machinations of imagination and folklore and make absolutely no difference 5 miles up into our very own atmosphere. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11719613

there are no gazillions of dimensions. There are 13 densities with dimensions within that are repetitive throughout the creation. There is always a bride of Christ at the end of each millennium or so as determined necessary on any planet which has produced thinking people. There are only 2 inhabited planets in this solar system, that are evolutionary of sort, ours, and the newly terraformed Venus which is not the Venus you see out there in the western sky now. that is a craft from heaven, pretending to be Venus. Venus is in OUR orbit and so is always on the other side of the sun and confused as "nibiru" when it occasionally is barely seen. The UB does not go into densities and dimension, and truly, it not that relevant right now anyway. First Density is anything material stuff out there not implanted with intelligent life. Moons, suns, empty planets etc. Dimensions in this case are the frequency of matter. all of this solar system are being lifted to 5th dimension vibration 2nd Density are those evolutionary planets with thinking life. On these worlds dimensions refer to the consciousness of life, which will correspond also to the frequency of the vibrating matter. Man just entered 4d here, but the planetary body entered 4d vibration mid century. This planet will always be 2D, 2nd Density. D=Density d=dimensional experience. When we enter light and life, we will be 2.5 2D 5d. At that time the planet will also be straight up and down, no tilt. We will be monopolar, not a duality world then. The magnetics will change. Well will still spin on our axis, but there will not be magnetic north and

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 4

south. Due to Jupiter being a sun, and saturn will be made a sun, we will not have complete darkness at night, as we journey around the sun, the light at night will vary depending on where Jupiter and Saturn are in their orbits of course, and as the firmament is put back up, the light emitting from the matter of this sphere, we have begun to glow, will also be reflected or trapped by the firmament, so it will be less dark from that too. I explained the 144,000 in my previous post. 666 refers to the carbon structure of man is all, and that is changing as the more crystalline DNA forms. This forms as man "overcomes the beast" in him, the purely animal dna. ----------------------------------------------- God is divinely kind to sinners. When rebels return to righteousness, they are mercifully received, “for our God will abundantly pardon.” “I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.” (39.4) 2:5.5 After all, the greatest evidence of the goodness of God and the supreme reason for loving him is the indwelling gift of the Father — the Adjuster who so patiently awaits the hour when you both shall be eternally made one. Though you cannot find God by searching, if you will submit to the leading of the indwelling spirit, you will be unerringly guided, step by step, life by life, through universe upon universe, and age by age, until you finally stand in the presence of the Paradise personality of the Universal Father. Quotes from Paper 2, The Nature of God, from the Urantia Book. [link to www.abundanthope.net] AH IS the GLOBAL 2nd Coming Organization in partnership with the one you call "Jesus" Any of my personal writings on GLP may be used freely in good intent. NIP ---------------------------------------------- Nobody in Particular (OP) Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 11:09 AM

Thank OP. It was one of my best reading. Bibletard should read it. It will open their mind. Quoting: maryjane of earth 1028241 We can hope so, but some programmed in bibletard folks, would never read it enough to open their mind. Some of their ministers have informed them the devil wrote the thing. I had a tax client

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 5

once who fled my house when she saw my copy here and never returned again. She made it very clear that she had been told that Satan wrote it, and the look in her eyes..... I had done her taxes for 3 years at that time. That was interesting. The book was put on this planet at the time it was, because of the incarnating star seeds, to awaken them. Which it has done but not as well as hoped. The mind control here is just "excellent" in that regard. Rarely are star seeds total bible tards or quran tards though. Although they may choose to work in those domains to uplift within them. It made it into print 1 year after Michael of Nebadon made his return. There are many of this planet from very advanced evolutionary planets and many from the architectural worlds, very high worlds, including from the Central Universe. Everyone selected to my team is in fact from Havona and Paradise. There are many younger Michael Sons gaining experience here, some incarnate, others just visiting and sitting on planning teams. I am from Paradise, I am a Mighty Messenger and in "training" myself towards my career goal of being of that group of Ascenders preparing to be the Creator Sons of the newly forming outer space creations. We have Michaels on my team also. in the 800,000+ numbers. Also in line for those new jobs to come. By 800,000+ I don't mean there are that many here, I mean that is their actual numbers. Michael of Nebadon for example is #611,121. There are 700,000 universes, now all the later ones are "started" but many not yet fully organized, in the very young stages of forming and not yet ready to even begin building the headquarters worlds. So any Michael Son with a number larger than 700,000 is destined also for the new universes in outer space. Back in 2005, 25,000 I think it was star seeds from craft from other evolutionary planets who can walk our atmosphere came down here for a number of months exploring various issues. Some came to attend churches and see personally what they are really like. I ran into one of those HERE in Denver, at a Walmart store of all things. She was pushing 7 feet tall, slender (maybe a size 7) , hair cut short, reddish color, it was summer, she was wearing sandals, T-shirt and shorts, probably bought at walmart. Other than her height, she looked like anybody from earth. Her name was something similar to Katerina, in spelling, a little hard to say in English. She was looking over some cheap chinese figurines etc and wondering WHY people on earth would even buy something so cheap and ugly, let alone make it. Since I am a bit over 5 feet tall, she was way up there and stood out. She was attending churches here, had some trouble buying a car she could fit into and she surely stood out in churches and they would not listen to her. She left several months later in disgust at this primitive shit here. Nobody in Particular (OP) Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 01:18 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 6

book is not about Jesus of biblical revelation. I would run from this book and the cults that spring up around it. im sure this will get deleted quickly so read up and flee. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12327160 right on, except I will leave the copy of your post. the book is very much about the Jesus of biblical revelation, 1/3 of the book is directly devoted to his teachings which are NOT in your silly and incomplete bible. You are banned now. Anonymous Coward User ID: 12278325

United States 03/11/2012 01:20 PM Problem is Nobody in Particular, you don't believe in the UB either as you think Jesus died in India. You have many beliefs contrary to what the UB teaches.

Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 01:30 PM

Problem is Nobody in Particular, you don't believe in the UB either as you think Jesus died in India. You have many beliefs contrary to what the UB teaches. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12278325

Problem is the UB does not tell the whole story. Michael of Nebadon LEFT, the BODY did not die and Esu continued to India. At the time of the material being given, this was NOT TO BE KNOWN because they murder people, dig up sites and destroy information. This was revealed in the 1960' when A priest was taken to the old grave to get the materials scribed by Judas, who also was not the betrayer, that Esu's son Joseph took to the old grave after Esu did pass in India. You cannot give pearls to THUGS and sadly the priest and all his known family were murdered, but some of the material found was translated into German from the Aramaic by Billy Meier. And then into English by another from the German. It is also covered in PJ #2 I don't "believe" in the UB, I KNOW WHAT IS IT and far more about it than even its readers believe. it is a masterpiece of information for this sad little world. Even if they did have to withhold some pearls. Michael of Nebadon himself is the main author of the Phoenix Journals with Esu and others taking lesser roles. And If I have a "belief" I will state such, because a belief is not knowing. Its is something suspected to be true. The incarnation of Michael was shared with Esu Immanuel

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 7

and I have taught that here until I could gag almost. You can read PJ #2 here, And they Called His Name Sananda, which is done mostly by Esu and Judas. [link to www.freewebs.com] click on PJ #2 to download it and also I highly recommend you read #3. Here is the linky to The Talmud of Immanuel, the english translation of the German translation of the Aramaic of the scrolls Joseph Esu's son returned to the olden grave. [link to fourwinds10.com] Now and I wish I had put a BIG X on the page, the UB does one time mention there was another as part of the incarnation. But they state they don't know what happened to him. I am in partnership with Christ Michael, and Esu. We have formed the 2nd Coming Organization and my team puts out what they want put out. So be it. And the story of the shared incarnation is accurate. Actually a creator son cannot be incarnate in a matter body, there was a linkage. All spirit beings can set up a brain connection and view the world thru the eyes of the human brain, and experience the thoughts and emotions. Michael accompained Esu ore accurately in this manner but that said Esu is a spirit being from Paradise also, having earned it over his long ascension, so he was never "in" the body either. The body was shared . I am not "in" my body either. I cannot be as Spirit being either, if I moved into this body, it would immediately be incinerated and rather useless then. Anonymous Coward User ID: 12278325

United States 03/11/2012 02:25 PM "the UB does one time mention there was another as part of the incarnation. But they state they don't know what happened to him... ...And the story of the shared incarnation is accurate. Actually a creator son cannot be incarnate in a matter body, there was a linkage..." As it was related, the Melchizideks are not privy to the secrets of Sonarington. Accordingly, "we" don't know how the incarnation was achieved, but to deny that reality precludes Christ Michael as having achieved true 7-stage Creator Son status. I do have a lot of respect for your knowledge of the UB, but resorting to Billy Meier's time travels is not credible to substantiate the Journals. Nobody in Particular (OP) Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 02:31 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 8

"the UB does one time mention there was another as part of the incarnation. But they state they don't know what happened to him... ...And the story of the shared incarnation is accurate. Actually a creator son cannot be incarnate in a matter body, there was a linkage..." As it was related, the Melchizideks are not privy to the secrets of Sonarington. Accordingly, "we" don't know how the incarnation was achieved, but to deny that reality precludes Christ Michael as having achieved true 7-stage Creator Son status. I do have a lot of respect for your knowledge of the UB, but resorting to Billy Meier's time travels is not credible to substantiate the Journals. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12278325

since when do Billy Meiers journeys have anything to do with the Journals? And since when DID I RESORT to any such thing? Stop putting in WORDS I DID NOT SAY or Write. There is NO RELation anyway of Billy to the PJ's. And I have no idea if he did "time traveling". He was in open contact with Pleiadians and did travel on Physical craft to other planets. Now lets get back to the purpose of this thread. Placing UB favorites on it. And what does what Melchizedeks having privy to Sonarington or not, have to do with THIS discussion? There are 2 things that I do not like, one is somebody placing lies about me or family or my team. The other is purposely changing my words or what I say. Do NOT DO IT, either will result in banning from my threads. Anonymous Coward User ID: 12278325

United States 03/11/2012 03:14 PM "the UB does one time mention there was another as part of the incarnation. But they state they don't know what happened to him... ...And the story of the shared incarnation is accurate. Actually a creator son cannot be incarnate in a matter body, there was a linkage..." As it was related, the Melchizideks are not privy to the secrets of Sonarington. Accordingly, "we" don't know how the incarnation was achieved, but to deny that reality precludes

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 9

Christ Michael as having achieved true 7-stage Creator Son status. I do have a lot of respect for your knowledge of the UB, but resorting to Billy Meier's time travels is not credible to substantiate the Journals. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12278325 since when do Billy Meiers journeys have anything to do with the Journals? And since when DID I RESORT to any such thing? Stop putting in WORDS I DID NOT SAY or Write. There is NO RELation anyway of Billy to the PJ's. And I have no idea if he did "time traveling". He was in open contact with Pleiadians and did travel on Physical craft to other planets. Now lets get back to the purpose of this thread. Placing UB favorites on it. And what does what Melchizedeks having privy to Sonarington or not, have to do with THIS discussion? There are 2 things that I do not like, one is somebody placing lies about me or family or my team. The other is purposely changing my words or what I say. Do NOT DO IT, either will result in banning from my threads. Quoting: Nobody in Particular The source of the Gospel of Jmmanuel is Billy Meier. If you say there is no relation, I stand corrected. However, you deny the Incarnation as Christ Michael as Jesus of Nazareth and substitute a false surrogate. Similarly, you deny the Resurrection as the body didn't die, but rather the Spirit left and the body lived. In so doing, you are denying the "immediate dissolution" of the Corpse of Christ. No need to ban me from your thread, I take leave. Celia D.

User ID: 11455637 United States

03/11/2012 03:26 PM "All teach that God is within you, and that your relationship with God is PERSONAL. It does not require the intercession of others."

Yet, here you are, as usual. Perhaps we all have the ability to take care of ourselves. I doubt we need anyone's dogma, rules, regulations, explanations, etc. Since we only live 80 years or so, I'm sure someone will fill us in at a later point, if need be. Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/11/2012 05:44 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 10

"the UB does one time mention there was another as part of the incarnation. But they state they don't know what happened to him... ...And the story of the shared incarnation is accurate. Actually a creator son cannot be incarnate in a matter body, there was a linkage..." As it was related, the Melchizideks are not privy to the secrets of Sonarington. Accordingly, "we" don't know how the incarnation was achieved, but to deny that reality precludes Christ Michael as having achieved true 7-stage Creator Son status. I do have a lot of respect for your knowledge of the UB, but resorting to Billy Meier's time travels is not credible to substantiate the Journals. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12278325

since when do Billy Meiers journeys have anything to do with the Journals? And since when DID I RESORT to any such thing? Stop putting in WORDS I DID NOT SAY or Write. There is NO RELation anyway of Billy to the PJ's. And I have no idea if he did "time traveling". He was in open contact with Pleiadians and did travel on Physical craft to other planets. Now lets get back to the purpose of this thread. Placing UB favorites on it. And what does what Melchizedeks having privy to Sonarington or not, have to do with THIS discussion? There are 2 things that I do not like, one is somebody placing lies about me or family or my team. The other is purposely changing my words or what I say. Do NOT DO IT, either will result in banning from my threads. Quoting: Nobody in Particular

The source of the Gospel of Jmmanuel is Billy Meier. If you say there is no relation, I stand corrected. However, you deny the Incarnation as Christ Michael as Jesus of Nazareth and substitute a false surrogate. Similarly, you deny the Resurrection as the body didn't die, but rather the Spirit left and the body lived. In so doing, you are denying the "immediate dissolution" of the Corpse of Christ. No need to ban me from your thread, I take leave. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12278325

I do not deny the incarnation of Christ MIchael. I said a spirit being with PHOTON mind, let me add

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 11

that, cannot reside inside of human flesh. And even the human spirit doesn't reside in it either for that matter on earth, even the morontial form does not YET. Except in a few who have merged. I cannot reside in my flesh as I am a photon spirit being. There is a MIND TO MIND CONNECTION. the Talmud is from actual papers left behind and they are on craft, in safekeeping, what is left of them and I have seen them, tattered and in the aramaic. Go to the links I provided and READ of you having any interest. The priest Isa Rashid and Billy, that found them were taken to the old grave as I have said where they were found. You can take the truth or not. It is your decision. I care not, but when untruth is posted here I am going to either delete it, or correct it. And in the OT it was said, IMMANUEL was coming, regards the other issues as the messiah and that was Esu Immanuel. Two minds shared the body. You may even had spirit beings surround you and use your body to look out off. No biggy deal. There was no dissolution of the Body. That was TOLD on purpose in the UB so the thugs of this world would NOT be looking for descendants or the body. It allowed both of them to get the hell out of that hell hole and continue the teaching elsewhere, which was planned anyway in the beginning and it became necessary to let the crucifixion happen, so Michael could leave, and prepare the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, as those records in the UB are correct, and it allowed Esu to teach in central asia and India. I KNOW THESE ONES, beloved, and that is HOW IT IS. Nobody in Particular (OP)

Where are your I AM's sleepy ones? User ID: 12018334

United States 03/15/2012 04:04 PM

[link to www.urantia.org] 5. The Love of God

(38.6) 2:5.1 “God is love”; therefore his only personal attitude towards the affairs of the universe is always a reaction of divine affection. The Father loves us sufficiently to bestow his life upon us. “He makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” (39.1) 2:5.2 It is wrong to think of God as being coaxed into loving his children because of the sacrifices of his Sons or the intercession of his subordinate creatures, “for the Father himself loves you.” It is in response to this paternal affection that God sends the marvelous Adjusters to indwell the minds of men. God’s love is universal; “whosoever will may come.” He would “have all men be saved by coming into the knowledge of the truth.” He is “not willing that any should perish.” (39.2) 2:5.3 The Creators are the very first to attempt to save man from the disastrous results of his foolish transgression of the divine laws. God’s love is by nature a fatherly affection; therefore

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 12

does he sometimes “chasten us for our own profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness.” Even during your fiery trials remember that “in all our afflictions he is afflicted with us.” (39.3) 2:5.4 God is divinely kind to sinners. When rebels return to righteousness, they are mercifully received, “for our God will abundantly pardon.” “I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.” (39.4) 2:5.5 After all, the greatest evidence of the goodness of God and the supreme reason for loving him is the indwelling gift of the Father — the Adjuster who so patiently awaits the hour when you both shall be eternally made one. Though you cannot find God by searching, if you will submit to the leading of the indwelling spirit, you will be unerringly guided, step by step, life by life, through universe upon universe, and age by age, until you finally stand in the presence of the Paradise personality of the Universal Father.

(39.5) 2:5.6 How unreasonable that you should not worship God because the limitations of human nature and the handicaps of your material creation make it impossible for you to see him. Between you and God there is a tremendous distance (physical space) to be traversed. There likewise exists a great gulf of spiritual differential which must be bridged; but notwithstanding all that physically and spiritually separates you from the Paradise personal presence of God, stop and ponder the solemn fact that God lives within you; he has in his own way already bridged the gulf. He has sent of himself, his spirit, to live in you and to toil with you as you pursue your eternal universe career. (39.6) 2:5.7 I find it easy and pleasant to worship one who is so great and at the same time so affectionately devoted to the uplifting ministry of his lowly creatures. I naturally love one who is so powerful in creation and in the control thereof, and yet who is so perfect in goodness and so faithful in the loving-kindness which constantly overshadows us. I think I would love God just as much if he were not so great and powerful, as long as he is so good and merciful. We all love the Father more because of his nature than in recognition of his amazing attributes.

(39.7) 2:5.8 When I observe the Creator Sons and their subordinate administrators struggling so valiantly with the manifold difficulties of time inherent in the evolution of the universes of space, I discover that I bear these lesser rulers of the universes a great and profound affection. After all, I think we all, including the mortals of the realms, love the Universal Father and all other beings, divine or human, because we discern that these personalities truly love us. The experience of loving is very much a direct response to the experience of being loved. Knowing that God loves me, I should continue to love him supremely, even though he were divested of all his attributes of supremacy, ultimacy, and absoluteness. (40.1) 2:5.9 The Father’s love follows us now and throughout the endless circle of the eternal ages. As you ponder the loving nature of God, there is only one reasonable and natural personality reaction thereto: You will increasingly love your Maker; you will yield to God an affection analogous to that given by a child to an earthly parent; for, as a father, a real father, a true father, loves his children, so the Universal Father loves and forever seeks the welfare of his created sons and daughters. (40.2) 2:5.10 But the love of God is an intelligent and farseeing parental affection. The divine love functions in unified association with divine wisdom and all other infinite characteristics of the perfect nature of the Universal Father. God is love, but love is not God. The greatest manifestation of the divine love for mortal beings is observed in the bestowal of the Thought Adjusters, but your greatest revelation of the Father’s love is seen in the bestowal life of his Son Michael as he lived on earth the ideal spiritual life. It is the indwelling Adjuster who individualizes the love of God to

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 13

each human soul. (40.3) 2:5.11 At times I am almost pained to be compelled to portray the divine affection of the heavenly Father for his universe children by the employment of the human word symbol love. This term, even though it does connote man’s highest concept of the mortal relations of respect and devotion, is so frequently designative of so much of human relationship that is wholly ignoble and utterly unfit to be known by any word which is also used to indicate the matchless affection of the living God for his universe creatures! How unfortunate that I cannot make use of some supernal and exclusive term which would convey to the mind of man the true nature and exquisitely beautiful significance of the divine affection of the Paradise Father. (40.4) 2:5.12 When man loses sight of the love of a personal God, the kingdom of God becomes merely the kingdom of good. Notwithstanding the infinite unity of the divine nature, love is the dominant characteristic of all God’s personal dealings with his creatures. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/10/2012 08:05 PM

There was a recent assertion in a thread here that the Apostle John married Mary M. he did not. I made a number of posts in that thread. Thread: Apostle John married Martha, the sister of Mary Magdalene I suggest spending time on it to study peoples belief systems running about. This UB paper below covers all the 12 male Apostles. There was also a team of 12 women apostles lead by Mary Magdalene Here is a few nice selections about John for Paper 139 of the UB. [link to www.urantia.org] To green thumb collectors, the UB is 2000+ pages long, this is well less than 50%. 4. John Zebedee

(1553.6) 139:4.1 When he became an apostle, John was twenty-four years old and was the youngest of the twelve. He was unmarried and lived with his parents at Bethsaida; he was a fisherman and worked with his brother James in partnership with Andrew and Peter. Both before and after becoming an apostle, John functioned as the personal agent of Jesus in dealing with the Master’s family, and he continued to bear this responsibility as long as Mary the mother of Jesus lived. (1554.2) 139:4.4 John Zebedee had many lovely traits of character, but one which was not so lovely was his inordinate but usually well-concealed conceit. His long association with Jesus made many and great changes in his character. This conceit was greatly lessened, but after growing old and becoming more or less childish, this self-esteem reappeared to a certain extent, so that, when engaged in directing Nathan in the writing of the Gospel which now bears his name, the aged

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 14

apostle did not hesitate repeatedly to refer to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” In view of the fact that John came nearer to being the chum of Jesus than any other earth mortal, that he was his chosen personal representative in so many matters, it is not strange that he should have come to regard himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” since he most certainly knew he was the disciple whom Jesus so frequently trusted. (1554.5) 139:4.7 John was a man of few words except when his temper was aroused. He thought much but said little. As he grew older, his temper became more subdued, better controlled, but he never overcame his disinclination to talk; he never fully mastered this reticence. But he was gifted with a remarkable and creative imagination. (1555.2) 139:4.9 John’s life was tremendously influenced by the sight of Jesus’ going about without a home as he knew how faithfully he had made provision for the care of his mother and family. John also deeply sympathized with Jesus because of his family’s failure to understand him, being aware that they were gradually withdrawing from him. This entire situation, together with Jesus’ ever deferring his slightest wish to the will of the Father in heaven and his daily life of implicit trust, made such a profound impression on John that it produced marked and permanent changes in his character, changes which manifested themselves throughout his entire subsequent life. (1555.4) 139:4.11 This son of Zebedee was very closely associated with Peter in the early activities of the Christian movement, becoming one of the chief supporters of the Jerusalem church. He was the right-hand support of Peter on the day of Pentecost. (1555.6) 139:4.13 John was in prison several times and was banished to the Isle of Patmos for a period of four years until another emperor came to power in Rome. Had not John been tactful and sagacious, he would undoubtedly have been killed as was his more outspoken brother James. As the years passed, John, together with James the Lord’s brother, learned to practice wise conciliation when they appeared before the civil magistrates. They found that a “soft answer turns away wrath.” They also learned to represent the church as a “spiritual brotherhood devoted to the social service of mankind” rather than as “the kingdom of heaven.” They taught loving service rather than ruling power — kingdom and king. (1555.7) 139:4.14 When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John’s writing. It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form. ------------------------------------------- The ONLY thing that matters in a nutshell is that you develop IDEALS set ahead of you and strive to develop your soul/mind and Heart. Always then will soul progress be made. Just believing on Jesus does not cut the mustard. A List of PROFOUND MESSAGES thru AH Telepaths. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. Christ Michael Thru Hazel Melchizedek [link to abundanthope.net] Message to Humanity PaPa Source thru KiboDabi [link to abundanthope.net] This is the Time of the Resurrection AA Michael thru Hazel Melchizedek [link to

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 15

www.pathtofreedomistruth.com] For Ye Lighted Ones in Knowing from Source (I) thru KiboDabi [link to abundanthope.net] The New Religion, Father Source thru Hazel Melchizedek [link to abundanthope.net] No Other Planet Has Walked Personally with Christ Michael as YOU shall DO [link to www.abundanthope.net] AH IS the GLOBAL 2nd Coming Organization in partnership with the one you call "Jesus" Any of my personal writings on GLP may be used freely in good intent. NIP ---------------------------------------------------------- Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/10/2012 10:02 PM

[link to www.urantia.org] 4. The Inner Life

(1219.7) 111:4.1 Recognition is the intellectual process of fitting the sensory impressions received from the external world into the memory patterns of the individual. Understanding connotes that these recognized sensory impressions and their associated memory patterns have become integrated or organized into a dynamic network of principles. (1220.1) 111:4.2 Meanings are derived from a combination of recognition and understanding. Meanings are nonexistent in a wholly sensory or material world. Meanings and values are only perceived in the inner or supermaterial spheres of human experience. (1220.2) 111:4.3 The advances of true civilization are all born in this inner world of mankind. It is only the inner life that is truly creative. Civilization can hardly progress when the majority of the youth of any generation devote their interests and energies to the materialistic pursuits of the sensory or outer world.

(1220.3) 111:4.4 The inner and the outer worlds have a different set of values. Any civilization is in jeopardy when three quarters of its youth enter materialistic professions and devote themselves to the pursuit of the sensory activities of the outer world. Civilization is in danger when youth neglect to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and cosmology. (Candace: look at this world, we are in danger, for the children are always the future) (1220.4) 111:4.5 Only in the higher levels of the superconscious mind as it impinges upon the

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 16

spirit realm of human experience can you find those higher concepts in association with effective master patterns which will contribute to the building of a better and more enduring civilization. Personality is inherently creative, but it thus functions only in the inner life of the individual. (1220.5) 111:4.6 Snow crystals are always hexagonal in form, but no two are ever alike. Children conform to types, but no two are exactly alike, even in the case of twins. Personality follows types but is always unique. (1220.6) 111:4.7 Happiness and joy take origin in the inner life. You cannot experience real joy all by yourself. A solitary life is fatal to happiness. Even families and nations will enjoy life more if they share it with others. (1220.7) 111:4.8 You cannot completely control the external world — environment. It is the creativity of the inner world that is most subject to your direction because there your personality is so largely liberated from the fetters of the laws of antecedent causation. There is associated with personality a limited sovereignty of will. (1220.8) 111:4.9 Since this inner life of man is truly creative, there rests upon each person the responsibility of choosing as to whether this creativity shall be spontaneous and wholly haphazard or controlled, directed, and constructive. How can a creative imagination produce worthy children when the stage whereon it functions is already preoccupied by prejudice, hate, fears, resentments, revenge, and bigotries? (1220.9) 111:4.10 Ideas may take origin in the stimuli of the outer world, but ideals are born only in the creative realms of the inner world. Today the nations of the world are directed by men who have a superabundance of ideas, but they are poverty-stricken in ideals. That is the explanation of poverty, divorce, war, and racial hatreds. (1220.10) 111:4.11 This is the problem: If freewill man is endowed with the powers of creativity in the inner man, then must we recognize that freewill creativity embraces the potential of freewill destructivity. And when creativity is turned to destructivity, you are face to face with the devastation of evil and sin — oppression, war, and destruction. Evil is a partiality of creativity which tends toward disintegration and eventual destruction. All conflict is evil in that it inhibits the creative function of the inner life — it is a species of civil war in the personality. (1221.1) 111:4.12 Inner creativity contributes to ennoblement of character through personality integration and selfhood unification. It is forever true: The past is unchangeable; only the future can be changed by the ministry of the present creativity of the inner self. Jamesbo

User ID: 10844033 United States

04/13/2012 11:40 PM

Who reads the Urantia Book?

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 17

A week or so ago I happened to look at the Urantia.org web site and saw there was a post on their Facebook comments that Carlos Santana, the well known guitarist tweeted that the current books he was reading were The Urantia Book and Course in Miracles. Imagine that. I also found that the late Jerry Garcia of The Greatful Dead was into reading the UB as well. No wonder for those that have listened to Greatful Dead music in the past for if you've ever heard the song Terapin Station you would see the influence. Any musician or artist reading The Urantia Book would definitely be in awe to read Paper 44 - The Celestial Artisans. Here is a quote from the end of the section on The Celestial Musicians: 44.1:8 But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, " melody has power a whole world to transform. " Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/13/2012 11:51 PM

Who reads the Urantia Book? A week or so ago I happened to look at the Urantia.org web site and saw there was a post on their Facebook comments that Carlos Santana, the well known guitarist tweeted that the current books he was reading were The Urantia Book and Course in Miracles. Imagine that.

I also found that the late Jerry Garcia of The Greatful Dead was into reading the UB as well. No wonder for those that have listened to Greatful Dead music in the past for if you've ever heard the song Terapin Station you would see the influence. Any musician or artist reading The Urantia Book would definitely be in awe to read Paper 44 - The Celestial Artisans. Here is a quote from the end of the section on The Celestial Musicians: 44.1:8 But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, " melody has power a whole world to transform. " Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona. Quoting: Jamesbo

we had one who did for a time anyway greatly change the world also, Pete Seeger and his think

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 18

globally but ACT LOCALLY. And this world will not change globally until people truly act locally. he got a whole river cleaned up once too. And lots more, there is so much God in that man. His understanding of communism, was not the bolshevik meaning, but man living in harmony and balance. I guess he didn't know the bolsheviks/communism meaning of the word when he joined the communism party during the xxxxxxxxx days, (Joe McCarthy or something?) word slipping me tonight, a person who was involved. It will come the minute I shut down the computer. Good night. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/16/2012 10:06 AM

[link to www.urantia.org] to green thumb collectors this well less than 50% of this 2000 page book. 8. Redemption and Covenants (982.5) 89:8.1 Sacrificial redemption and temple prostitution were in reality modifications of human sacrifice. Next came the mock sacrifice of daughters. This ceremony consisted in bloodletting, with dedication to lifelong virginity, and was a moral reaction to the older temple harlotry. In more recent times virgins dedicated themselves to the service of tending the sacred temple fires. * (982.6) 89:8.2 Men eventually conceived the idea that the offering of some part of the body could take the place of the older and complete human sacrifice. Physical mutilation was also considered to be an acceptable substitute. Hair, nails, blood, and even fingers and toes were sacrificed. The later and well-nigh universal ancient rite of circumcision was an outgrowth of the cult of partial sacrifice; it was purely sacrificial, no thought of hygiene being attached thereto. Men were circumcised; women had their ears pierced. (983.1) 89:8.3 Subsequently it became the custom to bind fingers together instead of cutting them off. Shaving the head and cutting the hair were likewise forms of religious devotion. The making of eunuchs was at first a modification of the idea of human sacrifice. Nose and lip piercing is still practiced in Africa, and tattooing is an artistic evolution of the earlier crude scarring of the body. (983.2) 89:8.4 The custom of sacrifice eventually became associated, as a result of advancing teachings, with the idea of the covenant. At last, the gods were conceived of as entering into real agreements with man; and this was a major step in the stabilization of religion. Law, a covenant, takes the place of luck, fear, and superstition. (983.3) 89:8.5 Man could never even dream of entering into a contract with Deity until his concept of God had advanced to the level whereon the universe controllers were envisioned as dependable. And man’s early idea of God was so anthropomorphic that he was unable to conceive

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 19

of a dependable Deity until he himself became relatively dependable, moral, and ethical. (983.4) 89:8.6 But the idea of making a covenant with the gods did finally arrive. Evolutionary man eventually acquired such moral dignity that he dared to bargain with his gods. And so the business of offering sacrifices gradually developed into the game of man’s philosophic bargaining with God. And all this represented a new device for insuring against bad luck or, rather, an enhanced technique for the more definite purchase of prosperity. Do not entertain the mistaken idea that these early sacrifices were a free gift to the gods, a spontaneous offering of gratitude or thanksgiving; they were not expressions of true worship. (983.5) 89:8.7 Primitive forms of prayer were nothing more nor less than bargaining with the spirits, an argument with the gods. It was a kind of bartering in which pleading and persuasion were substituted for something more tangible and costly. The developing commerce of the races had inculcated the spirit of trade and had developed the shrewdness of barter; and now these traits began to appear in man’s worship methods. And as some men were better traders than others, so some were regarded as better prayers than others. The prayer of a just man was held in high esteem. A just man was one who had paid all accounts to the spirits, had fully discharged every ritual obligation to the gods. (See dear Christians, your sacrifice stuff hasn't

changed so much, nor has your dependance on better prayers changed much either. GROW UP-Candace) (983.6) 89:8.8 Early prayer was hardly worship; it was a bargaining petition for health, wealth, and life. And in many respects prayers have not much changed with the passing of the ages. They are still read out of books, recited formally, and written out for emplacement on wheels and for hanging on trees, where the blowing of the winds will save man the trouble of expending his own breath. (and it still is a bargaining petition with many, is it not?-C) (983.7) 89:9.1 The human sacrifice, throughout the course of the evolution of Urantian rituals, has advanced from the bloody business of man-eating to higher and more symbolic levels. (symbolic doesn't make it any more godly by the way folks-Candace

The early rituals of sacrifice bred the later ceremonies of sacrament. In more recent times the priest alone would partake of a bit of the cannibalistic sacrifice or a drop of human blood, and then all would partake of the animal substitute. These early ideas of ransom, redemption, and covenants have evolved into the later-day sacramental services. And all this ceremonial evolution has exerted a mighty socializing influence. (984.1) 89:9.2 In connection with the Mother of God cult, in Mexico and elsewhere, a sacrament of cakes and wine was eventually utilized in lieu of the flesh and blood of the older human sacrifices. The Hebrews long practiced this ritual as a part of their Passover ceremonies, and it was from this ceremonial that the later Christian version of the sacrament took its origin. (984.2) 89:9.3 The ancient social brotherhoods were based on the rite of blood drinking; the early Jewish fraternity was a sacrificial blood affair. Paul started out to build a new Christian cult on “the blood of the everlasting covenant.” And while he may have unnecessarily encumbered Christianity with teachings about blood and sacrifice, he did once and for all make an end of the doctrines of redemption through human or animal sacrifices. His theologic compromises indicate that even revelation must submit to the graduated control of evolution. According to Paul, Christ became the last and all-sufficient human sacrifice; the divine Judge is now fully and forever satisfied. (actually this blood drinking et all still goes on in the satanic cults of the Khazar Zionists- The UB should have called them SATANIC, for they are, but I guess they needed to keep it "clean" to get published. the history of this planet is just gross. Christians, do you see yourselves here, just continuing a less nasty cult of blood?-C)

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 20

(984.3) 89:9.4 And so, after long ages the cult of the sacrifice has evolved into the cult of the sacrament. Thus are the sacraments of modern religions the legitimate successors of those shocking early ceremonies of human sacrifice and the still earlier cannibalistic rituals. Many still depend upon blood for salvation, but it has at least become figurative, symbolic, and mystic.

Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 04/16/2012 10:09 AM Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/16/2012 10:11 AM

Who reads the Urantia Book? A week or so ago I happened to look at the Urantia.org web site and saw there was a post on their Facebook comments that Carlos Santana, the well known guitarist tweeted that the current books he was reading were The Urantia Book and Course in Miracles. Imagine that. I also found that the late Jerry Garcia of The Greatful Dead was into reading the UB as well. No wonder for those that have listened to Greatful Dead music in the past for if you've ever heard the song Terapin Station you would see the influence. Any musician or artist reading The Urantia Book would definitely be in awe to read Paper 44 - The Celestial Artisans. Here is a quote from the end of the section on The Celestial Musicians: 44.1:8 But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, " melody has power a whole world to transform. " Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona. Quoting: Jamesbo did you know the current President of the UB organization is the guy who created the Celestial Seasonings teas? Jamesbo User ID: 10844033

United States 04/16/2012 12:20 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 21

No Candace, I did not know that;I like the name of his choice. And little did all the Star Trek fans know, myself included, how dear Gene Rodenberry must have been guided so well in his scripting of a most famous series of sci-fi adventure. Truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction to consider the concepts of potential reality of dematerialization, warp speed,vulcan mind-melds, tractor beams, parallel universes, the "Q", the Borg, etc. It seems at times there is nothing bigger than the little epiphanies we receive when making the little connections in the attempt to enlarging our concept extending our cosmic mind of imagination out into the far reaches of space - the final frontier. Sounds corny i know, but truth comes in small bits of corn as well as in big meaty-beefy chunks, lol. Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 13827959

United States 04/16/2012 12:38 PM

[link to www.urantia.org] 10. Forgiveness of Sin (984.4) 89:10.1 Ancient man only attained consciousness of favor with God through sacrifice. Modern man must develop new techniques of achieving the self-consciousness of salvation. The consciousness of sin persists in the mortal mind, but the thought patterns of salvation therefrom have become outworn and antiquated. The reality of the spiritual need persists, but intellectual progress has destroyed the olden ways of securing peace and consolation for mind and soul. (984.5) 89:10.2 Sin must be redefined as deliberate disloyalty to Deity. There are degrees of disloyalty: the partial loyalty of indecision; the divided loyalty of confliction; the dying loyalty of indifference; and the death of loyalty exhibited in devotion to godless ideals. (984.6) 89:10.3 The sense or feeling of guilt is the consciousness of the violation of the mores; it is not necessarily sin. There is no real sin in the absence of conscious disloyalty to Deity. (984.7) 89:10.4 The possibility of the recognition of the sense of guilt is a badge of transcendent distinction for mankind. It does not mark man as mean but rather sets him apart as a creature of

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potential greatness and ever-ascending glory. Such a sense of unworthiness is the initial stimulus that should lead quickly and surely to those faith conquests which translate the mortal mind to the superb levels of moral nobility, cosmic insight, and spiritual living; thus are all the meanings of human existence changed from the temporal to the eternal, and all values are elevated from the human to the divine. (984.8) 89:10.5 The confession of sin is a manful repudiation of disloyalty, but it in no wise mitigates the time-space consequences of such disloyalty. But confession — sincere recognition of the nature of sin — is essential to religious growth and spiritual progress. (985.1) 89:10.6 The forgiveness of sin by Deity is the renewal of loyalty relations following a period of the human consciousness of the lapse of such relations as the consequence of conscious rebellion. The forgiveness does not have to be sought, only received as the consciousness of re-establishment of loyalty relations between the creature and the Creator. And all the loyal sons of God are happy, service-loving, and ever-progressive in the Paradise ascent. (985.2) 89:10.7 [Presented by a Brilliant Evening Star of Nebadon.] Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 14584929

United States 04/19/2012 03:13 PM

I was teaching some on the Melchizedeks today so will while the UB site is open, take advantage. I do not know if any of us has posted that here before or not. I have included selections from this paper. You should go to the link and read it all if interested. [link to www.urantia.org] 1. The Father Melchizedek

(384.8) 35:1.1 After bringing into existence the beings of personal aid, such as the Bright and Morning Star and other administrative personalities, in accordance with the divine purpose and creative plans of a given universe, there occurs a new form of creative union between the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit, the local universe Daughter of the Infinite Spirit. The personality offspring resulting from this creative partnership is the original Melchizedek — the Father Melchizedek — that unique being who subsequently collaborates with the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit to bring into existence the entire group of that name.

(385.1) 35:1.2 In the universe of Nebadon the Father Melchizedek acts as the first executive associate of the Bright and Morning Star. Gabriel is occupied more with universe policies,

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Melchizedek with practical procedures. Gabriel presides over the regularly constituted tribunals and councils of Nebadon, Melchizedek over the special, extraordinary, and emergency commissions and advisory bodies. Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek are never away from Salvington at the same time, for in Gabriel’s absence the Father Melchizedek functions as the chief executive of Nebadon. (385.3) 35:1.4 The Melchizedeks do not function extensively outside the local universe except when they are called as witnesses in matters pending before the tribunals of the superuniverse, and when designated special ambassadors, as they sometimes are, representing one universe to another in the same superuniverse. The original or first-born Melchizedek of each universe is always at liberty to journey to the neighboring universes or to Paradise on missions having to do with the interests and duties of his order. 2. The Melchizedek Sons

(385.4) 35:2.1 The Melchizedeks are the first order of divine Sons to approach sufficiently near the lower creature life to be able to function directly in the ministry of mortal uplift, to serve the evolutionary races without the necessity of incarnation. These Sons are naturally at the mid-point of the great personality descent, by origin being just about midway between the highest Divinity and the lowest creature life of will endowment. They thus become the natural intermediaries between the higher and divine levels of living existence and the lower, even the material, forms of life on the evolutionary worlds. The seraphic orders, the angels, delight to work with the Melchizedeks; in fact, all forms of intelligent life find in these Sons understanding friends, sympathetic teachers, and wise counselors. 4. Special Work of the Melchizedeks

(388.10) 35:4.1 A highly specialized branch of Melchizedek activities has to do with the supervision of the progressive morontia career of the ascending mortals. Much of this training is conducted by the patient and wise seraphic ministers, assisted by mortals who have ascended to relatively higher levels of universe attainment, but all of this educational work is under the general supervision of the Melchizedeks in association with the Trinity Teacher Sons. (389.1) 35:4.2 While the Melchizedek orders are chiefly devoted to the vast educational system and experiential training regime of the local universe, they also function in unique assignments and in unusual circumstances. In an evolving universe eventually embracing approximately ten million inhabited worlds, many things out of the ordinary are destined to happen, and it is in such emergencies that the Melchizedeks act. On Edentia, your constellation headquarters, they are known as emergency Sons. They are always ready to serve in all exigencies — physical, intellectual, or spiritual — whether on a planet, in a system, in a constellation, or in the universe. Whenever and wherever special help is needed, there you will find one or more of the Melchizedek Sons. (Candace: one of these sons functioned on this planet in an emergency and is recorded the bible stories around Abraham whom he came to assist. His name is Machiventa). Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 01:44 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 24

whoever pinned this, THANKYOU! People mostly me but some others have put great effort into this thread. I have more to put into it, but I get sidetracked by other posting I do here. Please bookmark the thread and skim thru it, and UB readers, bookmark it, because you are always welcome to post your favorite material from it here, just don't forget the linky. this great book is loaded with teaching on cosmology, "heaven", Jesus life, and lots of thoughtful teaching about planetary issues, plus a limited history of our world. They did not put the anunnaki and galactic wars into the UB, that wasn't the purpose. It's already 2000 pages long. There will be another UB

#2 which will cover those wars and lots more. Since the thread is pinned, I will take relevant questions today. The Messenger User ID: 2065194

United States 05/05/2012 02:52 PM "Solitary Messenger".....ME. Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 03:13 PM

"Solitary Messenger".....ME. Quoting: The Messenger 2065194 I don't think this class of beings incarnates on worlds like this. they have another role.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 25

Anonymous Coward User ID: 8876232

United States 05/05/2012 03:51 PM Well im still skeptic of the book, but I think I'll purchase it and read it so I can make up my own mind. How does this book show or tell us who we are? What if I find im nothing more than.. Nothing? Because you seem to have an important mission one in which I have been seeking myself. I want to know if there was a purpose for me or if I chose what purpose im here for. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 03:54 PM

Well im still skeptic of the book, but I think I'll purchase it and read it so I can make up my own mind. How does this book show or tell us who we are? What if I find im nothing more than.. Nothing? Because you seem to have an important mission one in which I have been seeking myself. I want to know if there was a purpose for me or if I chose what purpose im here for. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232 read the book and you will find you are everything. Its the only real resource on eternal life on this planet. You will find if you are an ascendant out of the animal evoluton, your destiny is to sit at the right hand of the Father in due time, if you chose eternal life. Has lots of other good stuff too on how evolution proceeds on planets like this, lots of social commentary and the like. There is nothing on this world to read if you have an interest in eternity and the cosmos than this book. I myself have taken that journey, so I know of what i speak. I am a Mighty Messenger incarnate serving "jesus", and the Ancients of Days on this world. It tells you as a Son of the Father, you have no limits on what you can become. I do recommend buying a copy so you can mark it all up and I think its easier to remember where in the book to find stuff you want to review again. You do not have to read it front to back, I am the type that always jumps all over the place when I read. Anonymous Coward User ID: 8876232

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 26

United States 05/05/2012 03:56 PM Well im still skeptic of the book, but I think I'll purchase it and read it so I can make up my own mind. How does this book show or tell us who we are? What if I find im nothing more than.. Nothing? Because you seem to have an important mission one in which I have been seeking myself. I want to know if there was a purpose for me or if I chose what purpose im here for. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232 read the book and you will find you are everything. Its the only real resource on eternal life on this planet. Quoting: Nobody in Particular

if I weren't to read the boom how would I ever know? There are ppl who won't read it will they be lost forever? Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 04:07 PM

Well im still skeptic of the book, but I think I'll purchase it and read it so I can make up my own mind. How does this book show or tell us who we are? What if I find im nothing more than.. Nothing? Because you seem to have an important mission one in which I have been seeking myself. I want to know if there was a purpose for me or if I chose what purpose im here for. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232 read the book and you will find you are everything. Its the only real resource on eternal life on this planet. Quoting: Nobody in Particular

if I weren't to read the boom how would I ever know? There are ppl who won't read it will they be lost forever? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 27

No all ascenders who choose eternal life are guided by the Father within, guardian angels and others. You are progressively built into a God yourself. There are many "mansions" and special worlds where those who don't get the message on their native planets will get it elsewhere. Nobody that chooses eternal life is ever left behind. Worlds like earth are not perfect. This is known, so there are remedies. But this world will challenge people to think, soul evolution is a long process and organic mind must be challenged to grow. On this world no matter your "beliefs" about God or not, if you live your life in earnest you will make great progress. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 04:50 PM

I have had to delete certain posts here. This thread is HOLY, its about HOLY material given to this sad planet and there is nothing evil in the UB. It is the only cosmology book on this planet, and is written by many from the heaven you ones do not understand. Just because somebody told you its evil, doesn't mean its evil. The material about the cosmos on this planet is terrible and it time for people seeking eternal life to have some idea of what is in store for them. Evil aliens LIVE ON PLANETS like this one, they are not allowed to travel the cosmos until they are spiritually mature. Anonymous Coward User ID: 13022745

United States 05/05/2012 05:32 PM Thanks for posting your thread. I checked the Urantia Book out from my local library with due to its tremendous size was unsure if I could finish it through the allotted time. Good to know I can read it online if necessary. I've found it to be fascinating so far. Jamesbo

User ID: 14772231 United States

05/05/2012 06:20 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 28

Hi Candace! back from Paris, a truly great experience. Regarding the Cosmic Mind, I came across some quotes that were most interesting: “Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.” (195:9.2) This looks like the Cosmic Mind thinking in action, the bringing together, co-ordinating, of the Scientific, Moral, and Spiritual Insights into a "most amazing and enthralling epoch" -- fits quite well into the story of precession and as a confirmation-hint of whats "soon" to happen. And this one: "Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival." (111:1.9)

It will help if you can elaborate on the inter-relationships of Personality, Spirit/Father Fragment, and Mind-Soul. How do ones Personal Guides fit into this? How the Guides and Father Fragment work together? How do fragments of a larger Monad soul traversing multiple dimensions relate to the personal Father Fragment - or is it the same? Thanks! Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/05/2012 08:11 PM

although I am grateful for pins, perhaps this is not a good thread to pin, it has stirred a lot of negative energy today, in more ways that one. I think it best for people who read the UB to simply continue to post favorite sections from it. I am thankful for the questions asked and hope those

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 29

who feel like maybe they should consider it, will find great value and comfort in it. It has helped

many of us incarnate into this darkness to remember our origins. Anonymous Coward User ID: 10528039

United States 05/06/2012 01:51 AM Well im still skeptic of the book, but I think I'll purchase it and read it so I can make up my own mind. How does this book show or tell us who we are? What if I find im nothing more than.. Nothing? Because you seem to have an important mission one in which I have been seeking myself. I want to know if there was a purpose for me or if I chose what purpose im here for. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232 read the book and you will find you are everything. Its the only real resource on eternal life on this planet. Quoting: Nobody in Particular

if I weren't to read the boom how would I ever know? There are ppl who won't read it will they be lost forever? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232 No all ascenders who choose eternal life are guided by the Father within, guardian angels and others. You are progressively built into a God yourself. There are many "mansions" and special worlds where those who don't get the message on their native planets will get it elsewhere. Nobody that chooses eternal life is ever left behind. Worlds like earth are not perfect. This is known, so there are remedies. But this world will challenge people to think, soul evolution is a long process and organic mind must be challenged to grow. On this world no matter your "beliefs" about God or not, if you live your life in earnest you will make great progress. Quoting: Nobody in Particular I have to applaud you. That was probably the most reasonable and accurate thing I have read from you.

Ill be purchasing the book as a skeptic, but hope to find some truth in its 2000 pages. Peace Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/06/2012 02:04 AM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 30


read the book and you will find you are everything. Its the only real resource on eternal life on this planet. Quoting: Nobody in Particular if I weren't to read the boom how would I ever know? There are ppl who won't read it will they be lost forever? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8876232

No all ascenders who choose eternal life are guided by the Father within, guardian angels and others. You are progressively built into a God yourself. There are many "mansions" and special worlds where those who don't get the message on their native planets will get it elsewhere. Nobody that chooses eternal life is ever left behind. Worlds like earth are not perfect. This is known, so there are remedies. But this world will challenge people to think, soul evolution is a long process and organic mind must be challenged to grow. On this world no matter your "beliefs" about God or not, if you live your life in earnest you will make great progress. Quoting: Nobody in Particular

I have to applaud you. That was probably the most reasonable and accurate thing I have read from you.

Ill be purchasing the book as a skeptic, but hope to find some truth in its 2000 pages. Peace Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10528039

Thankyou, and it was the nature of your question that promoted the answer I gave. Always be the skeptic! that is how you grow into knowing. To question is OF GOD. You will probably find parts that do not yet resonate, skip them over, and read the parts that do, which is why I asked people to post some favorite parts here. You will have osme great understanding of the cosmos and the government of it. If you have ever felt "alone" on earth in anyway, you will see possibiities of great dreams. I resisted buying the thing years ago, back around 1995 or 96, because of the Jesus material. It had come out of the shelf right in view. A hidden hand encouraged it. But I was so tired of being sent to hell my whole life, I put it back. I was tired of christianity as it exist. But I would go back to the book store and there it would come out again, and I would read a bit, and put it back. Then one day after sitting a whole day in the bookstore reading their copy, I decided I must have it, but had no money right then, so I found some money and went back.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 31

I spent weeks in ecstasy, because you see, it brought back tons of memories to me. Its not perfect, but close. some things left out to protect star seed incarnates like me, by saying there is no reincarnation. In a way thats true, most places, and sometimes here. But this is a prison world for galactic thugs, and the rules have been different. The planet was reclaimed 2000 years ago from the dark brotherhood but its taking a long time to help those ones who have suffered so much here. Some do not want to change.... firmament Carpe Diem User ID: 14463438

Germany 05/06/2012 03:53 AM

Renaissance Woman User ID: 10737781

United States 05/06/2012 06:11 PM

Thanks, Candace. Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/06/2012 09:03 PM

A statement here that may help some people understand the purpose of the UB. IT IS A REFERENCE book, an encyclopedia. It is not a book to create a cult or any such idea. It is NOT

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 32

the basis of a future religion. It covers basic concepts of the Trinity, the creational structure. It covers many of the types of celestial beings. It describes how the creation is governed. It describes the process by which man who chooses to do the will of the FAther, is made perfect. You will gain an understanding of eternal life and your journey within it. It is not a how to book full of prayers or anything like that. Once you accept it as a reference, and not a bible, you will do better with it. KUTRO User ID: 14454331

United States 05/07/2012 07:02 PM Hello Candace, I know the UB doesn't specify the names of Galaxies within this Universe, but do you know if the Galaxy called "LOKUTRON" resides in this Universe? If possible can you consult with CM ATON for the answer? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Love KUTRO. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/07/2012 07:31 PM

Hello Candace, I know the UB doesn't specify the names of Galaxies within this Universe, but do you know if the Galaxy called "LOKUTRON" resides in this Universe? If possible can you consult with CM ATON for the answer? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Love KUTRO. Quoting: KUTRO I can ask, I assume this has special meaning to you, since KUTRO is within that name? Any chance LOKUTRON is your "real name?" Nobody in Particular (OP) I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/07/2012 09:00 PM

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 33

Hello Candace, I know the UB doesn't specify the names of Galaxies within this Universe, but do you know if the Galaxy called "LOKUTRON" resides in this Universe? If possible can you consult with CM ATON for the answer? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Love KUTRO. Quoting: KUTRO I can ask, I assume this has special meaning to you, since KUTRO is within that name? Any chance LOKUTRON is your "real name?" Quoting: Nobody in Particular

Ok I talked to him, NO on the galaxy. Your clue is in the TRON part of LOKUTRON. TRON is often an "ending" of the names like certain high angels. The angels of Nebadon, do not have TRON in their names. The only example I know of, as an example is METATRON. So this is your angelic name. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/07/2012 09:02 PM

Hello Candace, I know the UB doesn't specify the names of Galaxies within this Universe, but do you know if the Galaxy called "LOKUTRON" resides in this Universe? If possible can you consult with CM ATON for the answer? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Love KUTRO. Quoting: KUTRO

I can ask, I assume this has special meaning to you, since KUTRO is within that name? Any chance LOKUTRON is your "real name?" Quoting: Nobody in Particular

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 34

Ok I talked to him, NO on the galaxy. Your clue is in the TRON part of LOKUTRON. TRON is often an "ending" of the names of certain high angels. The angels of Nebadon, do not have TRON in their names. The only example I know of, as an example is METATRON. So this is your angelic name and you are beyond Nebadon. KUTRO

User ID: 14454331 United States

05/08/2012 10:23 PM Thank you very much Candace. I am known as Kutro by my guides. (Spiritual family) Maybe I misunderstand them when they tell me "Kutro, leader of Galaxy Lokutron". Maybe they are saying my name instead of the name of galaxy? Thank you very much Candace. It does mean alot to me. If you have any more info, please let me know. I am your friend and broyher in LOVE and LIGHT. LOVE always KUTRO KUTRO User ID: 14454331

United States 05/08/2012 10:24 PM I Am your friend and brother in LOVE and LIGHT. KUTRO

User ID: 14454331 United States

05/08/2012 10:30 PM I tried to message you back privately, but I don't have my account upgraded, so I wrote back here. Next time I will send you an e-mail to be private. Nobody in Particular (OP)

I AM THAT I AM User ID: 15558166

United States 05/08/2012 10:36 PM

Thank you very much Candace. I am known as Kutro by my guides. (Spiritual family) Maybe I misunderstand them when they tell me "Kutro, leader of Galaxy Lokutron". Maybe they are saying my name instead of the name of galaxy? Thank you very much Candace. It does mean alot to me. If you have any more info, please let me know. I am your friend and broyher in LOVE and LIGHT. LOVE always KUTRO Quoting: KUTRO

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 35

well listen to them. But he just told me there is no lokutron in nebadon and tron would indicate a high celestial and there are all those places in the superuniverse too. But he did not specifically recognize the name. Assume it might be part of the superuniverse worlds perhaps, we are not given any names for those. There are lots of folks from me very fancy places here incarnate. WE haven't revealed much about the team. Perhaps its better not to know too much KUTRO User ID: 14454331

United States 05/09/2012 07:34 PM I understand. I have thought that I am allowed to know so much for my own safety. That is the only thing that makes sense to me.I guess in do time it will all come to me and I will know. For some reason I have felt that maybe I'm not from this universe, and like you said before that maybe iam here to observe and learn what goes on here for my benefit when we move on. Thank you very much Candace. LOVE KUTRO. Jamesbo

User ID: 14772231 United States

05/11/2012 06:07 PM

A few days ago I came across this thread: Thread: NO BIBLE thumpers. Who belives in a higher power and explain! I watched and pondered the responses and felt compelled to write the following which is much filled with insight I have learned from the UB. Quoting from thread: NO BIBLE thumpers. Who believes in a higher power and explain! There are MANY higher powers and forces at work within us and about us in the grand universe, aka the creation. Some at the material level, some at the cosmic level, and even at the eventual spiritual level. You innately sense these several levels, the impinging of that inner voice, the sense of a higher consciousness always at work in your mind, sense that makes you turn your head as someone is looking at you, the wondering of your true spiritual purpose thus, the seeking of your question. These higher powers guide us in the desire to ascend, to become more than we are, to grow beyond our physical electro-chemical form to develop our insights and understanding of increasingly higher forms of mind consciousness, into part physical/part spirit, and perhaps on into eventual pure spirit form of our potentially immortal self, and further on, to be like God, to return

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home, to be one with our source. These higher powers are all about us and we feel the "gravity of the situation"; they "pull us" in various directions and it is up to you to go with the flow, to co-ordinate and associate these higher senses or not - your free will always has the supreme override option to ignore these higher power forces, these "nudges" that so many ignore. Think of it as your mind being your ship, your higher power spirit being your pilot, and your personality, your free-will, being the captain. But -- the very question you seek limits your thinking right off the bat, for those who collect "beliefs" stop short of the last mile to reach just a bit further to discover the knowing of principles that exist, of these higher powers; greater truths do exist, the universe IS governed by other higher powers, you ARE a soul experiencing a body with higher power soul potential, and there ARE many celestial beings (including you at the soul level) that are always personally with you, helping to guide you home. I was completely freaked out the day I learned about "my crew", that they really existed, that celestial beings are more real than we know. Look deep within for you can realize your higher power within you, find the reality and feel the confirmation of it, experience it physically and know what it is for I speak the truth. Know however, that your free will is always supreme as captain of your ship that has a spirit, your spirit, as pilot; your personality-ego has to give it a chance and move aside to be reality-experienced to move past opinion-belief into the experienced-knowing level of reality. To explain briefly, think first in terms of your "Cosmic Mind" as example, where your understanding of initial experience at the soul-mind energy level is first realized at the physical intellect, the sensory, factual level. You make associations, you reason mathematical and scientific logic, connect dots and then begin to realize that there exists a part of your Cosmic Mind that is philosophical in nature, that compares, contrasts, and reasons logic from right and wrong, goodness from evil, truth from bullshit, values, morality, and duty, and the sense that somehow you are guided in higher power spirit consciousness along the way, your personal higher power part of your personality, that you make value-choices and seek (or not) to be greater than you are; you begin to feel a spiritual impulse that exists within, to be more than you are, perhaps even like God. At that point, another higher power begins to have cooperative influence on you, to help steer you in your journey as you begin to further your existence, aware of spiritual presence in your Cosmic Mind. As you increasingly make the intellectual-philosophical-spiritual connections and associations, your Cosmic Mind then graduates your personality upwards to a higher state of conscious awareness. At this point, your higher mind/power begins to expand your intellectual and philosophical learnings start to incorporate spiritual realms of realization -- your Cosmic Mind expands. Congratulations are in order at this point, for you eventually reach the level of insuring your continuation of your immortal soul, when your soul merges with your personal higher power spirit-self that was always there with you in potential spirit form, gently guiding you by the coordinating of the higher powers of intellectual gravity, spiritual gravity, and personality gravity (the Trinity)-- you ascend finally into pure spiritual existence with increasingly higher knowing in your long career of eternal life. The question becomes not one of deciding to believe in higher powers but how you can embrace and grow by knowing, how to cooperate by faith and become unified with them. We all feel higher powers of force if we would just allow for recognition of their existence and use our five senses to make the connection with the additional 2+ psychic senses everyone has. Everyone has intuition. Everyone has insight -- guidance to help us make choices. Everyone chooses by no other responsibility than your own, how you make use of your free-will where your focus your intent. Thought is incredibly powerful. Thought can mentally scan to survey,

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empathically feel another's emotional state, and discern the various attributes of "feelings" at the gut level. These are also higher sensory powers that YOU have, the Higher Power Centers of the mental, heart and kinesthetic (Gut) areas of your being. These correlate to the seven Chakras or energy centers of body-mind-spirit realization that help you move past opinion-belief into knowing-wisdom. You can use your innate higher Chakra center powers to gather, center and align your own source energy. You CAN raise then, your vibrational state, by grounding your energy into the Earth WHILE opening your 7th Crown Chakra,to reach a higher state of mind. DO IT! It is here where you can begin to perceive communication with your higher self, your personal higher power, and achieve successful meditation. This is where you ask for answers, seek your wisdom, and commune with your guides and even the creator of all. You experience every day little insights of proof. Just make the connection by first realizing, noticing they are there and pay attention to when they happen and the feelings, mind images, and mind-hearings you get. For instance bullshit actually has a “sound” you can recognize just as does recognition of truth. You get sudden "thoughts" that pop into mind that seem to randomly come about. This is your higher mind-power and your guidance helping you along. Pay attention to it. At the physical level we feel the pull of "gravity" of the planet each day, and over time, the gravity of the outer planets each time they touch the four corners in aspect to our personal planets e.g., Sun, Moon. Yet, at each "crossroad" of exsperience, we have the ultimate higher power within us, to use free-will to conquer the situation. We can see through obvious near-term history that the precession of each astrological age correlates symbolically to higher power forces of evolutionary change e.g., Pisces/fish, Aries/ram, Taurus/bull in previous civilizations that can be seen in world-wide planetary mass consciousness (symbols, religious themes, political, social and military styles). This "gravity" is also felt in larger cycles of becoming, the mass consciousness that harkens for change and improvement. The "biggy" ages of Leo and Aquarius, when we become more enlightened by cosmic energies that impinge on our Cosmic Mind to be more than we are, to receive of knowings that you can reach out and access, and to even affect your electro-chemical makeup to become, through the path of Truth, a more photon-light being. Yet, these ages of the 26,000 year Alcyone cycle are but a minor cycle in a grander scheme; the greater cycle is in the so-called crossroads, the four corners we encounter as we orbit the milky way central sun. The ages of precession of roughly 26,000 years reflects another example of higher powers in effect, when civilizations are transformed (or destroyed) and reborn. These Great Year and Galactic Year universal age cycles are not disassociated! they coincide with the larger, governed universe where our Sun, in its journey around Milky Way center, also passes in-and-out of an energy cross-beam that emanates from Galactic Core Center, roughly every 52 (corrected) million years. Like a wheel within a wheel passing though the great cross-beam, when we pass through this higher energy, great evolution occurs. When that higher power happens, nothing can stop it. Evolution happens. We have yet to understand plasma physics, the photonic and gamma frequencies that hidden history reflects. I have correlated to do the homework matching geophysical and evolutionary leaps in time to know that it IS real, and we are at that greatest of points in time, now, where these many higher power cycles come together, and in fact have already begun to converge. More and more you will notice the things I am telling you. It is written that life was initiated 550 million years ago and became established about 500 million years ago. Doing the math, every 51.5 million years, Earth History proves that when we passed through this great cross-like band of energy, incredible evolution happened. After one full orbit around the Milky Way or roughly 206 (corrected) million years, we were another APEX point and moved from the Marine life era to Land life era. Since then, every 51.5 million years were all pivotal leaps forward, sparing the details, until NOW. We are now at that APEX point again, twice

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 38

now around the Milky Way since marine life began, on the fringes of a new cycle of gigantic change in the Earth, in Cosmic Mind awareness and in Spiritual consciousness awareness. You would be best advised to venture to use your God-given Cosmic Mind to learn these things for your own higher power will help you confirm this for you and help you if you can learn to cooperate. As we go about this journey realize that we long forgot what we once knew, became more ignorant, all of it like a giant sine wave in space-time, only to return to another Golden Age of higher consciousness, here on the cusp, the quickening, the worldwide changes, all coming to another APEX turning point. It's a wondrous thing to be sure. The Hindus tried to remember this as did the Hopi, Mayan, Egyptian, Sumerian etc. but Earth changes such as pole shifts, reversals, floods, quakes, celestial interference causing orbital and planetary re-position changes as well as the several iterations of having to re-do calendars to account for revisions of time-keeping and dates, have lost this ancient knowledge to time. Time you see is not as linear as in our records and dates will vary according to whether correction to necessary adjustments have been made. Earth sciences have yet to understand the true causes of gravity, electricity, magnetism and orbital paths in each of these situations, however, Cosmic Mind sensing leads us to the fact of FAITH that there is, somewhere in the universe, a place of total center, a place that everything orbits, the center of these forces of control, the home of creation, of God, behind these larger "seasons of change" that we experience. So do even the higher powers that govern our universe restore and revise things to order, and they are in cooperation with the higher power spiritual realms of potential each of us has within us, and for the whole planet, to grow our mind-soul through spiritual insight leading us to a greater personality-consciousness and an age of Light and Life. Regarding other higher power forces in the universe, there are other gravities than the physical matter-universe, higher powers always in existence, pulling us in some direction other than physical. We know when we are thinking on the same wavelength as another, saying what the other is thinking, some get "ideas" simultaneously, tracking and attracted to like-minded kindred spirits. We get little daydreams, quick mental insight communications – this is likened to Mind Gravity, impulses we take for granted but in truth are connected. Synchronicity as often said in jest, is real. Ever get a sudden "thought" or "leading" that "comes to mind" and you don't know where it came from? Think again for your personal, higher spirit "Gravity" power is always at work nudging but never dominating your free-will, perhaps pulling you in the direction you need to go, that of your Spiritual Gravity. If only I had a nickel for how many times I ignored my own gut feeling leadings, where my ego got in the way. We are here on Earth to learn truth that we might realize and work in balance with the higher powers all around us to raise first our consciousness towards the spiritual realms, where real life is at. It is not easy to move your ego aside and let your personal higher power take the pilot-lead, help guide your decisions, your actions, your Cosmic Thinking. But even the most take-control, driver-oriented, do-it-my-way personality types, once realized, can actually enjoy, yes enjoy, the benefit of having such a cool and wise co-pilot be part of the mix, to learn when to be guided and when free-will should drive. Pretty soon you just might begin to realize that your personality grows out of the choices and actions your soul-mind makes, and your more-authentic-you consciousness gets a little more enlarged than it was before. Yes, higher powers are everywhere but to know this, the reality of it starts within and on that day you discover just the beginning of it. Could it be then, that if Truth were Light, and as you rediscovered and remembered more and

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 39

more truth from ignorance, that your atomic structure would begin to change from electro-chemical to photonic-light form? I wonder that myself and the odds are truth IS and belief is umm, just an opinion. The choice is yours to make of course. For me, I have left the so-called American Dream at the curb. I wanna be like Mike! firmament

Carpe Diem User ID: 14463438

Germany 08/05/2012 02:50 AM

A few days ago I came across this thread: Thread: NO BIBLE thumpers. Who belives in a higher power and explain! I watched and pondered the responses and felt compelled to write the following which is much filled with insight I have learned from the UB. Quoting from thread: NO BIBLE thumpers. Who believes in a higher power and explain! There are MANY higher powers and forces at work within us and about us in the grand universe, aka the creation. Some at the material level, some at the cosmic level, and even at the eventual spiritual level. You innately sense these several levels, the impinging of that inner voice, the sense of a higher consciousness always at work in your mind, sense that makes you turn your head as someone is looking at you, the wondering of your true spiritual purpose thus, the seeking of your question. These higher powers guide us in the desire to ascend, to become more than we are, to grow beyond our physical electro-chemical form to develop our insights and understanding of increasingly higher forms of mind consciousness, into part physical/part spirit, and perhaps on into eventual pure spirit form of our potentially immortal self, and further on, to be like God, to return home, to be one with our source. These higher powers are all about us and we feel the "gravity of the situation"; they "pull us" in various directions and it is up to you to go with the flow, to co-ordinate and associate these higher senses or not - your free will always has the supreme override option to ignore these higher power forces, these "nudges" that so many ignore. Think of it as your mind being your ship, your higher power spirit being your pilot, and your personality, your free-will, being the captain. But -- the very question you seek limits your thinking right off the bat, for those who collect "beliefs" stop short of the last mile to reach just a bit further to discover the knowing of principles that exist, of these higher powers; greater truths do exist, the universe IS governed by other higher powers, you ARE a soul experiencing a body with higher power soul potential, and there ARE many celestial beings (including you at the soul level) that are always personally with you, helping to guide you home. I was completely freaked out the day I learned about "my crew", that they really existed, that celestial beings are more real than we know.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 40

Look deep within for you can realize your higher power within you, find the reality and feel the confirmation of it, experience it physically and know what it is for I speak the truth. Know however, that your free will is always supreme as captain of your ship that has a spirit, your spirit, as pilot; your personality-ego has to give it a chance and move aside to be reality-experienced to move past opinion-belief into the experienced-knowing level of reality. To explain briefly, think first in terms of your "Cosmic Mind" as example, where your understanding of initial experience at the soul-mind energy level is first realized at the physical intellect, the sensory, factual level. You make associations, you reason mathematical and scientific logic, connect dots and then begin to realize that there exists a part of your Cosmic Mind that is philosophical in nature, that compares, contrasts, and reasons logic from right and wrong, goodness from evil, truth from bullshit, values, morality, and duty, and the sense that somehow you are guided in higher power spirit consciousness along the way, your personal higher power part of your personality, that you make value-choices and seek (or not) to be greater than you are; you begin to feel a spiritual impulse that exists within, to be more than you are, perhaps even like God. At that point, another higher power begins to have cooperative influence on you, to help steer you in your journey as you begin to further your existence, aware of spiritual presence in your Cosmic Mind. As you increasingly make the intellectual-philosophical-spiritual connections and associations, your Cosmic Mind then graduates your personality upwards to a higher state of conscious awareness. At this point, your higher mind/power begins to expand your intellectual and philosophical learnings start to incorporate spiritual realms of realization -- your Cosmic Mind expands. Congratulations are in order at this point, for you eventually reach the level of insuring your continuation of your immortal soul, when your soul merges with your personal higher power spirit-self that was always there with you in potential spirit form, gently guiding you by the coordinating of the higher powers of intellectual gravity, spiritual gravity, and personality gravity (the Trinity)-- you ascend finally into pure spiritual existence with increasingly higher knowing in your long career of eternal life. The question becomes not one of deciding to believe in higher powers but how you can embrace and grow by knowing, how to cooperate by faith and become unified with them. We all feel higher powers of force if we would just allow for recognition of their existence and use our five senses to make the connection with the additional 2+ psychic senses everyone has. Everyone has intuition. Everyone has insight -- guidance to help us make choices. Everyone chooses by no other responsibility than your own, how you make use of your free-will where your focus your intent. Thought is incredibly powerful. Thought can mentally scan to survey, empathically feel another's emotional state, and discern the various attributes of "feelings" at the gut level. These are also higher sensory powers that YOU have, the Higher Power Centers of the mental, heart and kinesthetic (Gut) areas of your being. These correlate to the seven Chakras or energy centers of body-mind-spirit realization that help you move past opinion-belief into knowing-wisdom. You can use your innate higher Chakra center powers to gather, center and align your own source energy. You CAN raise then, your vibrational state, by grounding your energy into the Earth WHILE opening your 7th Crown Chakra,to reach a higher state of mind. DO IT! It is here where you can begin to perceive communication with your higher self, your personal higher power, and achieve successful meditation. This is where you ask for answers, seek your wisdom, and commune with your guides and even the creator of all. You experience every day little insights of proof. Just make the connection by first realizing, noticing they are there and pay attention to when they happen and the feelings, mind images, and mind-hearings you get. For instance bullshit actually has a “sound” you can recognize just as does recognition of truth. You get sudden "thoughts" that pop into mind that seem to randomly come

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 41

about. This is your higher mind-power and your guidance helping you along. Pay attention to it. At the physical level we feel the pull of "gravity" of the planet each day, and over time, the gravity of the outer planets each time they touch the four corners in aspect to our personal planets e.g., Sun, Moon. Yet, at each "crossroad" of exsperience, we have the ultimate higher power within us, to use free-will to conquer the situation. We can see through obvious near-term history that the precession of each astrological age correlates symbolically to higher power forces of evolutionary change e.g., Pisces/fish, Aries/ram, Taurus/bull in previous civilizations that can be seen in world-wide planetary mass consciousness (symbols, religious themes, political, social and military styles). This "gravity" is also felt in larger cycles of becoming, the mass consciousness that harkens for change and improvement. The "biggy" ages of Leo and Aquarius, when we become more enlightened by cosmic energies that impinge on our Cosmic Mind to be more than we are, to receive of knowings that you can reach out and access, and to even affect your electro-chemical makeup to become, through the path of Truth, a more photon-light being. Yet, these ages of the 26,000 year Alcyone cycle are but a minor cycle in a grander scheme; the greater cycle is in the so-called crossroads, the four corners we encounter as we orbit the milky way central sun. The ages of precession of roughly 26,000 years reflects another example of higher powers in effect, when civilizations are transformed (or destroyed) and reborn. These Great Year and Galactic Year universal age cycles are not disassociated! they coincide with the larger, governed universe where our Sun, in its journey around Milky Way center, also passes in-and-out of an energy cross-beam that emanates from Galactic Core Center, roughly every 52 (corrected) million years. Like a wheel within a wheel passing though the great cross-beam, when we pass through this higher energy, great evolution occurs. When that higher power happens, nothing can stop it. Evolution happens. We have yet to understand plasma physics, the photonic and gamma frequencies that hidden history reflects. I have correlated to do the homework matching geophysical and evolutionary leaps in time to know that it IS real, and we are at that greatest of points in time, now, where these many higher power cycles come together, and in fact have already begun to converge. More and more you will notice the things I am telling you. It is written that life was initiated 550 million years ago and became established about 500 million years ago. Doing the math, every 51.5 million years, Earth History proves that when we passed through this great cross-like band of energy, incredible evolution happened. After one full orbit around the Milky Way or roughly 206 (corrected) million years, we were another APEX point and moved from the Marine life era to Land life era. Since then, every 51.5 million years were all pivotal leaps forward, sparing the details, until NOW. We are now at that APEX point again, twice now around the Milky Way since marine life began, on the fringes of a new cycle of gigantic change in the Earth, in Cosmic Mind awareness and in Spiritual consciousness awareness. You would be best advised to venture to use your God-given Cosmic Mind to learn these things for your own higher power will help you confirm this for you and help you if you can learn to cooperate. As we go about this journey realize that we long forgot what we once knew, became more ignorant, all of it like a giant sine wave in space-time, only to return to another Golden Age of higher consciousness, here on the cusp, the quickening, the worldwide changes, all coming to another APEX turning point. It's a wondrous thing to be sure. The Hindus tried to remember this as did the Hopi, Mayan, Egyptian, Sumerian etc. but Earth changes such as pole shifts, reversals, floods, quakes, celestial interference causing orbital and planetary re-position changes as well as the several iterations of having to re-do calendars to account for revisions of time-keeping and dates, have lost this ancient knowledge to time. Time you see is not as linear as in our records and dates will vary according to whether correction to necessary adjustments have been made.

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 42

Earth sciences have yet to understand the true causes of gravity, electricity, magnetism and orbital paths in each of these situations, however, Cosmic Mind sensing leads us to the fact of FAITH that there is, somewhere in the universe, a place of total center, a place that everything orbits, the center of these forces of control, the home of creation, of God, behind these larger "seasons of change" that we experience. So do even the higher powers that govern our universe restore and revise things to order, and they are in cooperation with the higher power spiritual realms of potential each of us has within us, and for the whole planet, to grow our mind-soul through spiritual insight leading us to a greater personality-consciousness and an age of Light and Life. Regarding other higher power forces in the universe, there are other gravities than the physical matter-universe, higher powers always in existence, pulling us in some direction other than physical. We know when we are thinking on the same wavelength as another, saying what the other is thinking, some get "ideas" simultaneously, tracking and attracted to like-minded kindred spirits. We get little daydreams, quick mental insight communications – this is likened to Mind Gravity, impulses we take for granted but in truth are connected. Synchronicity as often said in jest, is real. Ever get a sudden "thought" or "leading" that "comes to mind" and you don't know where it came from? Think again for your personal, higher spirit "Gravity" power is always at work nudging but never dominating your free-will, perhaps pulling you in the direction you need to go, that of your Spiritual Gravity. If only I had a nickel for how many times I ignored my own gut feeling leadings, where my ego got in the way. We are here on Earth to learn truth that we might realize and work in balance with the higher powers all around us to raise first our consciousness towards the spiritual realms, where real life is at. It is not easy to move your ego aside and let your personal higher power take the pilot-lead, help guide your decisions, your actions, your Cosmic Thinking. But even the most take-control, driver-oriented, do-it-my-way personality types, once realized, can actually enjoy, yes enjoy, the benefit of having such a cool and wise co-pilot be part of the mix, to learn when to be guided and when free-will should drive. Pretty soon you just might begin to realize that your personality grows out of the choices and actions your soul-mind makes, and your more-authentic-you consciousness gets a little more enlarged than it was before. Yes, higher powers are everywhere but to know this, the reality of it starts within and on that day you discover just the beginning of it. Could it be then, that if Truth were Light, and as you rediscovered and remembered more and more truth from ignorance, that your atomic structure would begin to change from electro-chemical to photonic-light form? I wonder that myself and the odds are truth IS and belief is umm, just an opinion. The choice is yours to make of course. For me, I have left the so-called American Dream at the curb. I wanna be like Mike! Quoting: Jamesbo This makes so much sense! Anonymous Coward User ID: 19897593

Canada 08/11/2012 02:39 PM New good videos by Nigel Nunn

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 43

[link to www.youtube.com] Orange

User ID: 19897593 Canada

08/11/2012 03:42 PM

Orange User ID: 19897593

Canada 08/12/2012 10:10 AM

“And even you, Thomas, fail to comprehend what I have been saying. Have I not all this time taught you that your connection with the kingdom is spiritual and individual, wholly a matter of personal experience in the spirit by the faith-realization that you are a son of God? What more shall I say? The downfall of nations, the crash of empires, the destruction of the unbelieving jewish people, the end of an age, even the end of the world, what have these things to do with one who believes this gospel, and who has hid his life in the surety of the eternal kingdom? You who are God-knowing and gospel-believing have already received the assurances of eternal life. Since your lives have been lived in the spirit and for the Father, nothing can be of serious concern to you. Kingdom builders, the accredited citizens of the heavenly worlds, are not to be disturbed by temporal upheavals or perturbed by terrestrial cataclysms. What does it matter to you who believe this gospel of the kingdom if nations overturn, the age ends, or all things visible crash, since you know that your life is the gift of the Son, and that it is eternally secure in the Father? Having lived the temporal life by faith and having yielded the fruits of the spirit as the righteousness of loving service for your fellows, you can confidently look forward to the next step in the eternal career with the same survival faith that has carried you through your first and earthly adventure in sonship with God. [link to www.urantia.org]

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 44


Carpe Diem User ID: 14463438

Germany 08/16/2012 05:24 AM

Jamesbo User ID: 22268318

United States 08/19/2012 10:23 PM Thanks Firmy. Are you on the AH forum? if so sned me a PM> Thanks! Orange

User ID: 19897593 Canada

08/20/2012 05:58 PM

(1293.1) The perfected grand universe of those future days will be vastly different from what it is at present. Gone will be the thrilling adventures of the organization of the galaxies of space, the planting of life on the uncertain worlds of time, and the evolving of harmony out of chaos, beauty out of potentials, truth out of meanings, and goodness out of values. The time universes will have achieved the fulfillment of finite destiny! And perhaps for a space there will be rest, relaxation from the agelong struggle for evolutionary perfection. But not for long! Certainly, surely, and inexorably the enigma of the emerging Deity of God the Ultimate will challenge these perfected citizens of the settled universes just as their struggling evolutionary forebears were once challenged by the quest for God the Supreme. The curtain of cosmic destiny will draw back to reveal the transcendent grandeur of the alluring

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-- AH- Candace GLP #4 -- page. 45

absonite quest for the attainment of the Universal Father on those new and higher levels revealed in the ultimate of creature experience.


User ID: 19897593 Canada

08/23/2012 03:35 PM

New video: The Grand Universe: [link to www.youtube.com] Anonymous Coward User ID: 5442995

France 08/23/2012 03:46 PM OMG, not NIP and that nonsense again Orange

User ID: 19897593 Canada

09/12/2012 11:28 PM

[link to www.youtube.com]