Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1) Spiritual gifts: for believers to be ___________________and fill a meaningful place of service. There are three ingredients needed before serving in a church: x A God-given ____________________ (something in your heart that fires you up) x The spiritual__________________ (this is what you will do when you serve) x Personal ____________ (how I may serve: administration, teaching, worship, etc.) The purpose of serving: to ________________ God and to ____________________ others. Spiritual gifts are given by God for a spiritual purpose: to make a unique contribution to advance His Kingdom; to reach lost people; to be a blessing to others. Gifts are _____________________ by the Holy Spirit; discovered as we walk with Him. Spiritual gifts are distributed to _______________ believer. Certain gifts are not better than others; they are given for the common good of the body. There are three kinds of spiritual gifts: 1.Office gifts: to serve the __________________ in a certain role (apostle, pastor, teacher, etc.) 2.Service gifts: non-miraculous gifts for churchs well-being (hospitality, craftsmanship, etc.) 3.Special gifts: _______________ signs of Gods power ( healing, prophecy, discernment, etc.) Our desire: that everyone would know what their spiritual gift is and allow God to flow in their gift to worship Him and serve others. WORD BANK: church distributed encourage every fruitful gift glorify miraculous passion style

Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

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Page 1: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)

Spiritual gifts: for believers to be ___________________and fill a meaningful place of service.

There are three ingredients needed before serving in a church:

x A God-given ____________________ (something in your heart that fires you up)

x The spiritual__________________ (this is what you will do when you serve)

x Personal ____________ (how I may serve: administration, teaching, worship, etc.)

The purpose of serving: to ________________ God and to ____________________ others.

� Spiritual gifts are given by God for a spiritual purpose: to make a unique contribution to

advance His Kingdom; to reach lost people; to be a blessing to others.

� Gifts are _____________________ by the Holy Spirit; discovered as we walk with Him.

� Spiritual gifts are distributed to _______________ believer.

� Certain gifts are not better than others; they are given for the common good of the body.

There are three kinds of spiritual gifts:

1.Office gifts: to serve the __________________ in a certain role (apostle, pastor, teacher, etc.)

2.Service gifts: non-miraculous gifts for church’s well-being (hospitality, craftsmanship, etc.)

3.Special gifts: _______________ signs of God’s power ( healing, prophecy, discernment, etc.)

Our desire: that everyone would know what their spiritual gift is and allow God to flow in their

gift to worship Him and serve others.

WORD BANK: church distributed encourage every fruitful

gift glorify miraculous passion style

Page 2: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Discovery Course: Spiritual Gifts – # 2

� What are spiritual gifts?

They are God‑given abilities for building up the body and furthering God’s ministry.

� What is every believer’s responsibility?

1) Discover, Develop, and Deploy their God-given gifts.

2)To seek a place of ___________________ within the church.

� Why? The ___________ (Matthew 9:37- -The harvest is plentiful but workers are few.)

The ________________ of serving (1 Timothy 1:12- - I thank Christ, who

gives me strength, that He considered me trustworthy, appointing me to His service.) � Different Parts, One Body: Gifts used properly testify to our ___________ as well as

our diversity. (1 Corinthians 12:4‑7 - -There are different kinds of gifts, but the same

Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are

different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.)

� Every Person is a difference-maker! (1 Corinthians 15:58 - - Give yourselves fully to

the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.)

� Remember: It is our responsibility to: ________________________________, _______________________________ , and _________________________ our gifts!

Word Bank: deploy develop discover need

privilege service unity

Page 3: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Discovery Course: Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Part 1

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

x The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a free gift of God that occurs _____________ salvation.

x The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not salvation ( grace purchased by Christ on the cross)

x The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a__________________________ experience of grace.

x Distinction: At salvation, the Holy Spirit comes into your life.

At the receiving of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit overflows your life

x The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a ___________________ experience. “Be filled

with the Spirit” = “Be ____________________being filled with the Spirit” Eph 5:18b

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in Scriptures

¾ Acts 1:4 - - Jesus’ command: “… wait for the gift my Father promised: you will be

baptized with the Holy Spirit… and receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

¾ Acts 2:1-4 - - Pentecost described ; Acts 2:38 - - The promise for everyone to receive.

¾ More scriptural occurrences: Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6

Word Bank: after continually onetime secondary

Page 4: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 2) - Why Get It? Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit - John 14:25 - - "The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid". Why Should I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? 1) Spiritual refreshment: your ____________________ will be catapulted 2) Overcome ________________________ Romans 8:26, 27 - - The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. 3) To pray the perfect _____________________ of God 4) Builds you up in God: edifies and ____________________________ you 5) Reminds us that God __________________ inside of you 6) Wages war against the enemies' attack (Ephesians chapter 6) Word Bank: faith lives strengthens weakness will

Page 5: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Baptism in the Holy Spirit #3 - How do I receive?

Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Part 3) - How Do I Receive? How do I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? _________________ & Receive! A Biblical example: Acts 8:14-17 - - When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John there. When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they _________________________ the Holy Spirit. The goal of the baptism of the Holy Spirit:

x We desire that God would come and work inside of our lives x We are more concerned with God bringing transformation on the inside x Tongues is just a sign that something is happening inwardly

Steps to Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 1) Prayer and _________________________ for God 2) __________________________ your life again to God 3) Take a Step of Faith 4) Receive God's Gift 5) Speak Out Know that God gives _______________________ the baptism of the Holy Spirit! Word Bank: ask freely hunger received surrender

Page 6: Discovery Course - Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear _____ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit

Discovery Course - Baptism in the Holy Spirit Part 4: Gifts in Church Paul gives clear ____________________ to the church on how the gifts of the Spirit should operate in a church setting in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 14. Everything should be done in a decent and _______________ way. (1Cor.14:40) The Worship Center’s Process Towards Decency and Order:

1. Ask yourself: is this Word from God for you or for the entire church? 2. If it is for the church, approach a pastor or an _______________ for

input and accountability. 3. Trust the leadership to proceed in the appropriate manner.

It is our desire at the Worship Center that the gifts of the Spirit would be in operation . We want God to _________________________ through faithful, committed believers! Word Bank: direction elder orderly speak